Results for 'R. Souček'

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  1.  27
    The Ottoman Slave Trade and Its Suppression, 1840-1890.Svat Soucek & Ehud R. Toledano - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):530.
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    Review of James R. Hamilton, The Art of Theater[REVIEW]Brian Soucek - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (6).
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    Resisting the Itch to Redefine Aesthetics: A Response to Sherri Irvin.Brian Soucek - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):223-226.
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    Art and Authority: Moral Rights and Meaning in Contemporary Art.Brian Soucek - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (4):494-497.
    _Art and Authority: Moral Rights and Meaning in Contemporary Art_GOVERK. E.Oup. 2018. pp. 208. £40.00.
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    (1 other version)A Nest of Corsairs. The Fighting Karamanlis of the Barbary Coast.Svat Soucek & Seton Dearden - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):532.
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    Censorship and Subsidy.Brian Soucek - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore, A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 292–300.
    In an important series of essays published in his early years as an art critic, Arthur Danto seemingly claimed: 1) that art should be subsidized but not censored; 2) that refusing to subsidize art constitutes censorship; 3) that public art is subsidized, not least by its placement in public spaces; and 4) that public art can be removed from those spaces when the public doesn't like it. Yet these claims seem inconsistent. This chapter tries to solve this puzzle, addressing along (...)
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    Das Osmanisch-Türkische im XVII. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen an den Transkriptionstexten von Jakab Nagy de HarsányDas Osmanisch-Turkische im XVII. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen an den Transkriptionstexten von Jakab Nagy de Harsany.Svat Soucek & Georg Hazai - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):610.
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    12. Giovanni auf Naxos.Brian Soucek - 2006 - In Lydia Goehr & Daniel Alan Herwitz, The Don Giovanni Moment: Essays on the Legacy of an Opera. Columbia University Press. pp. 193-210.
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    Izmir and the Levantine World, 1550-1650.Svat Soucek & Daniel Goffman - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):804.
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    Ottoman Diplomacy in Hungary. Letters from the Pashas of Buda 1590-1593.Svat Soucek & Gustav Bayerle - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):39.
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    Preliminary Index of Shah-Nameh Illustrations.Priscilla P. Soucek, Jill Norgren & Edward Davis - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):130.
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    Unable to Resist the Temptation to Tell the Truth or to Lie for the Organization? Identification Makes the Difference.Carolin Baur, Roman Soucek, Ulrich Kühnen & Roy F. Baumeister - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):643-662.
    Previous research indicates that the depletion of self-regulatory resources can promote unethical behavior that benefits the self. Extending this literature, we focus on norm-transgressing behavior that is intended to primarily benefit others. In particular, we predicted a differing effect of self-regulatory resource depletion on dishonesty that benefits one’s group, depending on the degree of identification with the group. Following a dual process approach, we argue that if identification with the group is strong, then people may have an automatic inclination to (...)
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  13.  7
    Review: The Philosophy of Arthur C. Danto. [REVIEW]B. Soucek - unknown
  14.  59
    Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art—The Analytic Tradition. [REVIEW]Brian Soucek - 2005 - Teaching Philosophy 28 (3):287-290.
  15.  30
    Bureaucrat and Intellectual in the Ottoman Empire: The Historian Mustafa Âli (1541-1600)Bureaucrat and Intellectual in the Ottoman Empire: The Historian Mustafa Ali. [REVIEW]Svat Soucek & Cornell H. Fleischer - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):670.
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    Innenarchitektur Syrischer Stadthäuser des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Sammlung Henri Pharaon in BeirutInnenarchitektur Syrischer Stadthauser des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Sammlung Henri Pharaon in Beirut. [REVIEW]Priscilla Soucek, Dorothea Duda, Fritz Steppat, Benedikt Reinert, Peter Bachmann & Sonia Khuri - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):156.
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  17.  25
    Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995: Zusammengestellt unter Einschluss der einschlägigen RezensionenSystematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995: Zusammengestellt unter Einschluss der einschlagigen Rezensionen. [REVIEW]Oğuz Soysal, Vladimír Souček, Jana Siegelová, Oguz Soysal, Vladimir Soucek & Jana Siegelova - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):296.
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    The paradoxes of confirmation - a survey.R. Swinburne - 1971 - American Philosophical Quarterly 8 (4):318 - 330.
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  19. Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos.R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.) - 1976 - Reidel.
    The death of Imre Lakatos on February 2, 1974 was a personal and philosophical loss to the worldwide circle of his friends, colleagues and students. This volume reflects the range of his interests in mathematics, logic, politics and especially in the history and methodology of the sciences. Indeed, Lakatos was a man in search of rationality in all of its forms. He thought he had found it in the historical development of scientific knowledge, yet he also saw rationality endangered everywhere. (...)
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  20.  21
    The Ancient Concept of Progress: And Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief.E. R. Dodds - 1973 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This provocative collection of essays written by the influential Greek scholar E. R. Dodds between 1929 and 1971. represents the wide range of his literary and philosophical interests. Insightful and learned, the essays combine profound scholarship with the lucid humanity of a teacher awareof the special value of Greek studies in the modern world.
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  21.  17
    İsl'm Düşüncesinde Âyet İle Tehaddî Yaklaşımı Ve Bunun Tahlîli.Zakir Demi̇r - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):529-555.
    İ‘câzü’l-Kur’ân literatürüne bakıldığında ilim adamlarının i‘câzın ne anlama geldiği, tehaddînin mâhiyeti ve bu olgunun ne şekilde tahakkuk ettiği konusunda birtakım çözüm yolları bulmaya çalıştıkları; bu konuyu nazm, fesâhat ve belâgatla ilişkilendirerek çok sayıda teori ortaya koydukları görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda Kur’ân metninin ne kadarının mu‘ciz olduğu, muârızlarına müteveccih tehaddînin asgari miktarı meselesinde serdedilen görüşlerden biri, Kur’ân’ın iç düzenin en küçük birimi olan âyetle tehaddîdir. İslâm düşünce tarihinin klasik ve modern dönemlerinde savunucusu bulunan bu yaklaşıma göre Kur’ân’ın en küçük birimi olan âyet (...)
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  22.  84
    Plato's Divided Line and Dialectic.R. Hackforth - 1942 - Classical Quarterly 36 (1-2):1-.
    The old question whether or no the doctrine of ‘intermediate mathematical objects’ ascribed to Plato by Aristotle is to be found in the Divided Line of Republic vi, has been recently raised again in a careful and lucid discussion by Mr. W. F. R. Hardie. I may clear the ground by saying at once that I agree with that part of Mr. Hardie's chapter which deals with those criticisms of the traditional view that have been put forward by Prof. Ferguson (...)
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  23.  10
    Christology in Political and Liberation Theology.R. R. Reno - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):291-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHRISTOLOGY IN POLITICAL AND LIBERATION THEOLOGY R. R. RENO Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems ; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself. (...)
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  24. Dört Kaynak Hipotezi Karşıtı Olarak John Van Seters ve Tevrat Eleştirisi.Muhammed Ali Bağır - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:233-258.
    Asırlarca Tevrat’ın Musa tarafından yazılan vahiy mahsulü bir eser olduğuna inanıldı. Geleneksel Yahudiliğin günümüzde de devam ettirdiği bu inanç Batı dünyasında yapılan eleştirel çalışmalarla sorgulanmaya başlandı. Bu araştırmalarda, Tevrat’ın değişik zamanlarda yaşayan farklı isimler tarafından kaleme alınan bir eser olduğu ortaya konuldu. Bu eleştirel araştırmaların zirve noktasını Julius Wellhausen tarafından son şekli verilen ve Tevrat’ın dört farklı kaynaktan oluştuğunu ileri süren Dört Kaynak Hipotezi oluşturur. Çoğunlukla kabul gören bu görüşe, 1970’lerden itibaren yapılan bazı çalışmalarla ciddi anlamda itiraz edildi. Bu makalenin (...)
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  25.  9
    In Defense of Fearism: The Case of Noam Chomsky.R. M. Fisher - unknown
    The primary focus on fear, its nature and role, for a new philosophy for the 21st century, has been dubbed "philosophy of fearism" by Desh Subba and complemented by R. Michael Fisher in recent years. While still in its infancy as a social and pragmatic philosophy to counter the increasing danger of an Extreme Fear Age.... This paper looks at the evidence for this challenge and speculated what to expect in the near future. Dr. Noam Chomsky's work on fear and (...)
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  26.  79
    The Significance of Neoplatonism.R. Baine Harris (ed.) - 1976 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A Brief Description of Neoplatonism R. Baine Harris Old Dominion University There are essentially three ways in which Neoplatonism may be considered to be ...
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    More on Polanyi and Tillich on Participative Knowing.R. Melvin Keiser, Durwood Foster, Richard Gelwick & Donald Musser - 2010 - Tradition and Discovery 37 (3):19-27.
    This discussion, featuring short comments by R. Melvin Keiser, Durwood Foster, Richard Gelwick and Donald Musser, grew out of articles in TAD 35:3 (2008-2009) on connections and disconnections between the thought of Polanyi and Tillich (featuring essays by Foster and Gelwick with a response from Musser). Keiser raises questions about perspectives articulated in the earlier articles and Foster, Gelwick and Musser respond here.
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  28.  11
    (1 other version)FOCUS: New ethics in a future dutch health market.R. B. Kool & E. J. J. M. Kimman - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (4):219–224.
    Changes being introduced to deregulate the Dutch health care system after decades of extensive state control are to be welcomed, and will in future require consumers to be ‘well‐informed, cost‐conscious and assertive patients, who are aware of their responsibility for their own health.’ R.B. Kool MD, PhD and E.J.J.M. Kimman PhD are attached to the Department of Business Ethics in the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics at The Free University, P.O. Box 7161, 10107 MC Amsterdam.
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  29. Works of Thomas Hill Green.R. L. Nettleship - 1887 - Mind 12 (45):93-100.
    Thomas Hill Green was one of the most influential English thinkers of his time, and he made significant contributions to the development of political liberalism. Much of his career was spent at Balliol College, Oxford: having begun as a student of Jowett, he later acted effectively as his second-in-command at the college. Interested for his whole career in social questions, Green supported the temperance movement, the extension of the franchise, and the admission of women to university education. He became Whyte's (...)
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    Works of Thomas Hill Green 3 Volume Set.R. L. Nettleship (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Hill Green was one of the most influential English thinkers of his time, and he made significant contributions to the development of political liberalism. Much of his career was spent at Balliol College, Oxford: having begun as a student of Benjamin Jowett, he later acted effectively as his second-in-command at the college. Interested for his whole career in social questions, Green worked on the commission which led to the Endowed Schools Act of 1869, and supported the temperance movement, the (...)
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    Two Fragments of an Old English Manuscript in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.R. I. Page, Mildred Budny & Nicholas Hadgraft - 1995 - Speculum 70 (3):502-529.
    In 1962 appeared one of the classic articles in Anglo-Saxon manuscript studies, the publication of two eleventh-century fragments of leaves of Old English found in the binding of a seventeenth-century printed book in the library of the University of Kansas, Lawrence. The fragment that more nearly concerns the present article now carries the shelf mark Pryce MS C2:1 in the Kenneth Spencer Research Library . It is a large part of a single leaf from The Legend of the Holy Cross (...)
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  32.  8
    History, the Human, and the World Between.R. Radhakrishnan - 2008 - Duke University Press.
    _History, the Human, and the World Between_ is a philosophical investigation of the human subject and its simultaneous implication in multiple and often contradictory ways of knowing. The eminent postcolonial theorist R. Radhakrishnan argues that human subjectivity is always constituted “between”: between subjective and objective, temporality and historicity, being and knowing, the ethical and the political, nature and culture, the one and the many, identity and difference, experience and system. In this major study, he suggests that a reconstituted phenomenology has (...)
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  33.  23
    Ett problem för Hares supervenienstes.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2004 - SATS 5 (2):47-58.
    The supervenience thesis about value customarily expresses two intuitions: (i) that there is some kind of dependence between the value and the natural properties of the value bearer; (ii) that if you assert that x is valuable and if you agree that y is relevantly similar to x, with regard to natural properties, you must be prepared to assert that y too is valuable. R M Hare’s account of supervenience is problematic since it only expresses (ii) but not (i). A (...)
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  34. La problématique du surnaturel dans L'Action et dans la Lettre de 1896.R. Virgoulay - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):491-573.
    Comment l'intention apologétique de Blondel dans L’Action est-elle compatible avec le caractère philosophique de l’œuvre ? Comment éviter le soupçon de préjugé, de pétition de principes ? R. Virgoulay montre comment le projet mis en œuvre dans L’Action et défini dans la Lettre de 1896, ouvrait la philosophie à l'examen du problème religieux par la détermination a priori de la notion de surnaturel. Après avoir exposé « la méthode de L’Action » pour faire passer d'une conviction subjective, d'un témoignage vécu, (...)
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  35. I—R. Jay Wallace: Duties of Love.R. Jay Wallace - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):175-198.
    A defence of the idea that there are sui generis duties of love: duties, that is, that we owe to people in virtue of standing in loving relationships with them. I contrast this non‐reductionist position with the widespread reductionist view that our duties to those we love all derive from more generic moral principles. The paper mounts a cumulative argument in favour of the non‐reductionist position, adducing a variety of considerations that together speak strongly in favour of adopting it. The (...)
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  36.  43
    Ontological Relativity and Other Essays. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):747-748.
    The title essay was originally presented as two lectures inaugurating the John Dewey lectures at Columbia. It is an important essay for understanding Quine's work for it brings together many themes at the center of his thinking since Word and Object. Quine quotes with approval Dewey's statement "meaning is primarily a property of behavior" and then goes on to consider a thesis which, according to Quine, is a consequence of such a behavioral theory of meaning, i.e., the thesis of the (...)
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  37. I—R. M. Sainsbury and Michael Tye: An Originalist Theory of Concepts.R. M. Sainsbury & Michael Tye - 2011 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 85 (1):101-124.
    We argue that thoughts are structures of concepts, and that concepts should be individuated by their origins, rather than in terms of their semantic or epistemic properties. Many features of cognition turn on the vehicles of content, thoughts, rather than on the nature of the contents they express. Originalism makes concepts available to explain, with no threat of circularity, puzzling cases concerning thought. In this paper, we mention Hesperus/Phosphorus puzzles, the Evans-Perry example of the ship seen through different windows, and (...)
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  38. Intellectual virtues: An essay in regulative epistemology * by R. C. Roberts and W. J. wood.R. Roberts & W. Wood - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):181-182.
    Since the publication of Edmund Gettier's challenge to the traditional epistemological doctrine of knowledge as justified true belief, Roberts and Wood claim that epistemologists lapsed into despondency and are currently open to novel approaches. One such approach is virtue epistemology, which can be divided into virtues as proper functions or epistemic character traits. The authors propose a notion of regulative epistemology, as opposed to a strict analytic epistemology, based on intellectual virtues that function not as rules or even as skills (...)
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  39.  39
    Hume. [REVIEW]R. J. B. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):555-556.
    Hume scholarship has flourished during the past thirty-five years. In part this has been stimulated by a number of excellent full-scale studies of his philosophy and in part by the affinity of spirit between contemporary analytic philosophy and Hume's investigations. The author has collected a selection of some of the best short studies of Hume ranging over the problems of causation, induction, ethics and natural theology. A number of the articles treat similar problems from different perspectives. The total effect is (...)
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  40.  15
    Science and Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):818-818.
    Beginning with a sketch of Aristotelian science and the challenge of the new sciences, Smith leads the reader into a consideration of problems concerning the relation of philosophy and science. Smith provides a panoramic view of traditional and contemporary points of views. Smith also attempts to develop and defend an Aristotelian theory of the philosophy of nature.—R. J. B.
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  41.  46
    Eros and Civilization. [REVIEW]B. R. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):706-707.
    A provocative interpretation of Freud's views on civilization, incisively presented. The author offers an extended argument for the possibility, on Freudian grounds, of a civilization which is non-repressive, and he tries to adduce Freudian evidence against Freud's own view to the contrary. Two concepts central to his analysis are surplus-repression, "the restrictions necessitated by social domination," and the performance principle, "the prevailing historical form of the reality principle." Marcuse differentiates his interpretation from that of the traditional neo-Freudians, whom he attacks.--R. (...)
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  42.  35
    Karl R. Popper's Critique of Historicism.Rıza Bakiş & Eyüp Alsancak - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):89-116.
    Karl R. Popper is an important philosopher of science of 20th Century and is known in this field through his theory of falsification. But the critical theory of rationality is indeed his basic theory and it can be seen in his whole idea. Critique of historicism also contains his views on the social and political philosophy in a systematic context in relation to them. Popper embodied his views about the historicism through human-centered thoughts of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Marx (...)
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  43.  99
    Philosophic Problems; An Introductory Book of Readings. [REVIEW]F. T. R. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):170-171.
    A text for an undergraduate problems course placing special emphasis on a wide selection of texts for students to evaluate: in a treatment of teleological ethics the authors include Nietzsche, R. B. Perry and G. E. Moore; the section on political philosophy presents a range of authors from Mill to Mussolini. Perhaps its chief virtue is that it relies almost exclusively on modern writers and yet manages not to be parochial.--R.F.T.
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  44. Decision Making: An Experimental Approach. [REVIEW]R. A. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):355-355.
    A revised and expanded version of studies by McKinsey, Winet and the authors, in axiomatic theories of value, together with a report of experiments designed to test the formal theories. This volume makes an important contribution to the theoretical and experimental investigation of values and decision-making, both of which subjects are still in their infancy. Experimental studies by Mosteller and Nogee and theoretical discussions of von Neumann and Morgenstern are criticized and improved. Ch. IV contains original suggestions for a theory (...)
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    Imprudence in St. Thomas Aquinas. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):182-182.
    A fairly routine work of Thomist scholarship which argues that, though both Aquinas and Aristotle regard prudence as a virtue, Aristotle cannot and Aquinas must analyze the vice of imprudence. The difference is found to depend on Aquinas' stress on the liberty of the will.--A. R.
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    Il Realismo Integrale di M. Blondel. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):360-360.
    An analysis of the realism of M. Blondel, with an attempt to distinguish its traditional elements from its novel features. Blondel's emphasis on the inseparability of philosophy and action is argued to be the foundation of his return to Christian realism.--A. R.
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    L'Armonia dei Contrari. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):173-173.
    An application of Einsteinian physics to biology and psychology, in the hope of developing a "unified ethical theory."--A. R.
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    Le Marxisme. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):156-157.
    A short study of the historical circumstances to which Marxism responded, and of the systematic character of its dialectic. The strength of Marxism the author finds to lie in its comprehensiveness, its weakness in the contradiction which arises from its espousal of humanitarian goals and its rejection of individual freedom.--A. R.
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    La pensée anglo-saxonne depuis 1900. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):176-176.
    A laudable attempt to inform the student of general trends in British and American thought. There are chapters on idealism, realism, pragmatism, logical positivism and evolutionism. Though intended to promote better philosophic communication between the Continent and the "Anglo-saxons," this book will naturally be of more interest to Continentals.--A. R.
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  50.  19
    La storicismo tedesco contemporaneo. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):544-544.
    A study of post-Hegelian German historicism. There are chapters on Dilthey, Windelband, Rickert, Simmel, Weber, Spengler, Troeltsch, and Meinecke. The development of historicism as a form of Romanticism which treats history as a realization of an absolute principle, to its use as a justification for the relativity of values is traced, and its return to "the affirmation of the absolute" in the work of Troeltsch and Meinecke analyzed.--A. R.
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