Results for 'Raffaelle Mauriello'

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  1.  32
    La wilāyat al-faqih después de la Revolución. El vali-ye faqih en la Constitución y el nezām de la República islámica de Irán.Raffaele Mauriello - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    El presente ensayo trata la doctrina teológico-jurídica de la wilāyat al-faqih, expresión que puede traducirse con ‘tutela del jurisperito islámico’ –y, en la rendición de la doctrina por parte del gran ayatola Jomeiní, hasta con ‘gobierno del jurisperito islámico’– y su desarrollo e institucionalización en la República islámica de Irán después de la Revolución de 1979. En este marco, el ensayo analiza la función del vali-ye faqih, el jurisperito islámico encargado del gobierno de la R.I. de Irán, en la Constitución (...)
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    Presentación. Geopolítica del Islam.Emilio González Ferrin & Raffaelle Mauriello - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    El número que aquí presentamos no está exento de complicación y polémica. Entendemos que su hábitat natural es una revista del prestigio y carácter polifacético de la que nos acoge, por lo que los participantes nos hemos sumido, tras enviar nuestros trabajos, en un intelectual y silencioso recogimiento a la espera del posible fragor de ideas que pueda desencadenarse mañana. Las razones de esa complicación y esa polémica están claras: las realidades complejas exigen explicaciones y reflexiones no menos complejas, por (...)
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    Le Frontiere dell'educazione: scritti in onore di Raffaele Laporta.Raffaele Laporta (ed.) - 1992 - Scandicci, Firenze: La nuova Italia.
  4.  52
    A conceptual framework for the neurobiological study of resilience.Raffael Kalisch, Marianne B. Müller & Oliver Tüscher - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e92.
    The well-replicated observation that many people maintain mental health despite exposure to severe psychological or physical adversity has ignited interest in the mechanisms that protect against stress-related mental illness. Focusing on resilience rather than pathophysiology in many ways represents a paradigm shift in clinical-psychological and psychiatric research that has great potential for the development of new prevention and treatment strategies. More recently, research into resilience also arrived in the neurobiological community, posing nontrivial questions about ecological validity and translatability. Drawing on (...)
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    Conceptual and Mathematical Structures of Mechanical Science in the Western Civilization around 18th Century.Raffaele Pisano & Danilo Capecchi - 2013 - Almagest 4 (2):86-21.
    One may discuss the role played by mechanical science in the history of scientific ideas, particularly in physics, focusing on the significance of the relationship between physics and mathematics in describing mathematical laws in the context of a scientific theory. In the second Newtonian law of motion, space and time are crucial physical magnitudes in mechanics, but they are also mathematical magnitudes as involved in derivative operations. Above all, if we fail to acknowledge their mathematical meaning, we fail to comprehend (...)
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    L’institution imaginaire du capitalisme. La philosophie de l’économie de Cornélius Castoriadis.Raffaele Alberto Ventura - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):31-44.
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    Disobedience in Western political thought: a genealogy.Raffaele Laudani - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The global age is distinguished by disobedience, from the protests in Tiananmen Square to the fall of the Berlin Wall, to the anti-G8 and anti-WTO demonstrations. In this book, Raffaele Laudani offers a systematic review of how disobedience has been conceptualized, supported, and criticized throughout history. Laudani documents the appearance of "disobedience" in the political lexicon from ancient times to the present, and explains the word's manifestations, showing how its semantic wealth transcended its liberal interpretations in the 1960s and 1970s. (...)
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  8. Contemporary Meaning of European Landscape.Raffaele Milani - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (1-2):73-83.
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    Dal" facere" al" factum". Sui rapporti tra Vico e il suo tempo, con una replica a G. Giarrizzo e F. Bologna.Raffaele Ajello - 1982 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 12:343-360.
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  10. L'arte e la societá di massa.Raffaele Diodati - 1972 - Teramo,: Idee e vita.
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    Hallucinations and REM sleep behaviour disorder in Parkinson’s disease: Dream imagery intrusions and other hypotheses.Raffaele Manni, Michele Terzaghi, Pietro-Luca Ratti, Alessandra Repetto, Roberta Zangaglia & Claudio Pacchetti - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1021-1026.
    REM sleep behaviour disorder is a REM sleep-related parasomnia which may be considered a “dissociated state of wakefulness and sleep”, given that conflicting elements of REM sleep and of wakefulness coexist during the episodes, leading to motor and behavioural manifestations reminiscent of an enacted dream. RBD has been reported in association with α-synucleinopathies: around a third of patients with Parkinson’s disease have full-blown RBD.Recent data indicate that PD patients with RBD are more prone to hallucinations than PD patients without this (...)
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  12.  34
    L’enigma della colpa: Kierkegaard e Ricoeur.Marta Mauriello - 2012 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia 18:151-163.
    This paper faces the problem of the guilt’s ambivalence, torn between responsibility and temptation, self-affirmation and strangeness to himself. Following Kierkegaard’s and Ricoeur’s thinking, we try to sound out this indissoluble polarity by means of analysis of adamitic myth, in which the sinner conscience rationally confesses to itself this terrible experience, the perception of being sinner, wicked, and of being at the same time deceived, victim of a pre-existent and irresistible evil.
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    Der Daimon und die Figur des Sokrates: Entstehung einer gegenwärtigen, akademischen Subjektivität am Leitfaden von Platon und Nietzsche.Raffaele Mirelli - 2013 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
  14. I concetti di "stato" e di "ordine": Spunti per una riflessione teoretica fra Pascal e Comte.Raffaele Beretta Piccoli - 2011 - Filosofia Oggi 34 (135):341-352.
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    Confronti fondativi in bioetica: la vita tra sacralità e qualità.Raffaele Sinno - 2002 - Bari: Levante.
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  16. Ibsen nel centenario della morte.Raffaele Vacca - 2006 - Studium 102 (4):619-622.
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  17.  48
    Galileo in Padua: architecture, fortifications, mathematics and “practical” science.Raffaele Pisano & Paolo Bussotti - 2015 - Lettera Matematica Pristem International 2 (4):209-222.
    During his stay in Padua ca. 1592–1610, Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) was a lecturer of mathematics at the University of Padua and a tutor to private students of military architecture and fortifications. He carried out these activities at the Academia degli Artisti. At the same time, and in relation to his teaching activities, he began to study the equilibrium of bodies and strength of materials, later better structured and completed in his Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences of 1638. This paper examines (...)
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  18.  33
    Peter Winch on the Concept of Persuasion.Raffaele Durante - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (2):100-122.
    The aim of the paper is to give an account of Peter Winch's conception of persuasion. According to Winch, persuasive arguments are those carried out in order to let an interlocutor with a different world picture, and thus a different epistemology, see the point of our practices and beliefs. This involves convincing him of the fact that his way of thinking is neither unique nor better than other ones. Furthermore, given that there is no guarantee that one can arrive at (...)
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    Advancing empirical resilience research.Raffael Kalisch, Marianne B. Müller & Oliver Tüscher - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e128.
    We are delighted by the broad, intense, and fruitful discussion in reaction to our target article. A major point we take from the many comments is a prevailing feeling in the research community that we need significantly and urgently to advance resilience research, both by sharpening concepts and theories and by conducting empirical studies at a much larger scale and with a much more extended and sophisticated methodological arsenal than is the case currently. This advancement can be achieved only in (...)
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  20.  88
    Thermodynamic foundations of physical chemistry: reversible processes and thermal equilibrium into the history.Raffaele Pisano, Abdelkader Anakkar, Emilio Marco Pellegrino & Maxime Nagels - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (3):297-323.
    In the history of science, the birth of classical chemistry and thermodynamics produced an anomaly within Newtonian mechanical paradigm: force and acceleration were no longer citizens of new cited sciences. Scholars tried to reintroduce them within mechanistic approaches, as the case of the kinetic gas theory. Nevertheless, Thermodynamics, in general, and its Second Law, in particular, gradually affirmed their role of dominant not-reducible cognitive paradigms for various scientific disciplines: more than twenty formulations of Second Law—a sort of indisputable intellectual wealth—are (...)
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  21.  14
    Forma e memoria: scritti in onore di Vittorio Stella.Raffaele Bruno, Silvia Vizzardelli & Vittorio Stella (eds.) - 2005 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Entretien avec Sonja Lavaert et Pierre-François Moreau.Raffaele Carbone - 2023 - Rue Descartes 103 (1):101-124.
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  23.  10
    Oggetti e metodo: spunti di dibattito tra filosofia e scienza.Raffaele Cirino & Alfredo Givigliano (eds.) - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    A Composite Index for Measuring Stock Market Inefficiency.Raffaele Mattera, Fabrizio Di Sciorio & Juan E. Trinidad-Segovia - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Market inefficiency is a latent concept, and it is difficult to be measured by means of a single indicator. In this paper, following both the adaptive market hypothesis and the fractal market hypothesis, we develop a new time-varying measure of stock market inefficiency. The proposed measure, called composite efficiency index, is estimated as the synthesis of the most common efficiency measures such as the returns’ autocorrelation, liquidity, volatility, and a new measure based on the Hurst exponent, called the Hurst efficiency (...)
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  25.  15
    The Teacher: Solid Presence and Fine Sensitivity.Raffaele Beretta Piccoli - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):111-115.
    The article begins with an analysis of the learning process, described as a transition from a condition of “not knowing ” to a condition of “knowing something more”. Referring to John Dewey’s theory, it underlines the need, on the part of the teacher, to understand the specific condition of the learner, which is closely related to the uncomfortable posture of learning, in order to make possible a truly meaningful pathway. To foster this experience, the author proposes, in conclusion, two thoughts: (...)
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  26. Le rivendicazioni di Tacito. In margine alle CVIci vindiciae.Raffaele Ruggiero - 2000 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 30:185-198.
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    La volgar tradizione: prove di critica testuale in Giambattista Vico.Raffaele Ruggiero - 2001 - Lecce: Pensa Multimedia.
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  28. Sentientism, wellbeing, and environmentalism.Raffaele Rodogno - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (1):84-99.
    In this article, I wish to explore a plausible alternative to both sentientist ethics and holistic environmental ethics. In particular, I put forward the claim that creatures other than sentient ones have interests and, in virtue of that, moral standing. This thesis is in disagreement with sentientism insofar as it claims that sentience is not a prerequisite for moral consideration. Radical as it may sound, this view does not take us as far as the holism favoured by some environmentalists. In (...)
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  29. Prudential Value or Well-Being.Raffaele Rodogno - 2015 - In David Sander & Tobias Brosch (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Value: The Affective Sciences of Values and Valuation. Oxford University Press.
  30.  15
    Citizen Science: which kind of public participation is epistemologically feasible?Raffaele Mascella & Davide Fazio - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1).
    Projects concerning the participation of citizens to the scientific research have become very popular in recent years. However, the literature seems not offer much foundational investigations into the epistemological conditions that make citizens’ contribution to science a fruitful and rigorous activity. Research institutions and citizens, understood as entities bearing generally distinct requests, practices and goals, knowledge and skills, are totally misaligned. In order to participate to collaborative research, citizens need an epistemic and methodological literacy to overcome common sense ideas, towards (...)
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  31.  23
    Hypotheses and Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Science: Homage to Alexandre Koyré 1892-1964.Raffaele Pisano, Joseph Agassi & Daria Drozdova (eds.) - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    To commemorate the 50th anniversary of his passing, this special book features studies on Alexandre Koyré, one of the most influential historians of science of the 20th century, who re-evaluated prevalent thinking on the history and philosophy of science. In particular, it explores Koyré’s intellectual matrix and heritage within interdisciplinary fields of historical, epistemological and philosophical scientific thought. Koyré is rightly noted as both a versatile historian on the birth and development of modern science and for his interest in philosophical (...)
  32.  39
    Utpaladeva’s Lost Vivṛti on the Īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikā.Raffaele Torella - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):115-126.
    The recent discovery of a fragmentary manuscript of Utpaladeva’s long commentary (Vivṛti or Ṭīkā) on his own Īśvarapratyabhijñā-kārikā (ĪPK) and Vṛtti enables us to assess the role of this work as the real centre of gravity of the Pratyabhijñā philosophy as a whole, though the later Śaiva tradition chose instead Abhinavagupta’s Vimarśinī as the standard text. This brilliant, and more compact and accessible, text was copied and copied again during the centuries and became popular in south India too, where a (...)
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  33.  12
    A Tale of Tartaglia’s Libro Sesto & La Gionta in Quesiti et Inventioni Diverse : Exploring the Historical and Cultural Foundations.Raffaele Pisano - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24:1-29.
    Forums, I extensively analysed Tartaglia’s corpus: science of weights, geometry, arithmetic, mathematics and physics–trajectories of the projectiles, fortifications, included its intelligibility science in the military architecture. The latter is exposed in Book VI of the Quesiti et invention diverse. In Quesiti there is La Gionta del sesto libro—a kind of appendix to the Book VI containing drawings of the geometric shape of the Italian fortifications. It is based on Euclidean geometry and other figures where a scale is displayed. The interest—included (...)
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    Gli scritti rosminiani: a cura di Raffaele Centi.Emilio Chiocchetti & Raffaele Centi - 1990 - Rovereto: Longo.
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    Les contradictions de la philosophie bourgeoise et de la raison moderne chez Lukács et Horkheimer.Raffaele Carbone - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1547-1566.
    Résumé: Lukács et Horkheimer analysent les tensions et les contradictions de la société européenne dans la mesure où elles se reflètent dans les théories philosophiques élaborées par les penseurs bourgeois de l’époque moderne : dans ce domaine, ces contradictions pratiques se traduisent par une opposition conceptuelle entre des couples tels que sujet/objet, phénomène/chose en soi, nécessité/liberté, etc. En abordant la question de l’influence d’Histoire et conscience de classe (1923) sur les essais horkheimeriens des années 1920 et 1930, cet article confronte (...)
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  36. Personal Identity Online.Raffaele Rodogno - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):309-328.
    Philosophers concerned with the question of personal identity have typically been asking the so-called re-identification question: what are the conditions under which a person at one point in time is properly re-identified at another point in time? This is a rather technical question. In our everyday interactions, however, we do raise a number of personal identity questions that are quite distinct from it. In order to explore the variety of ways in which the Internet may affect personal identity, I propose (...)
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  37.  69
    ‘Autism and the good life’: a new approach to the study of well-being.Raffaele Rodogno, Katrine Krause-Jensen & Richard E. Ashcroft - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):401-408.
    Medical, psychological, educational and social interventions to modify the behaviour of autistic people are only justified if they confer benefit on those people. However, it is not clear how ‘benefit’ should be understood. Most such interventions are justified by referring to the prospect that they will effect lasting improvements in the well-being and happiness of autistic people, so they can lead good lives. What does a good life for an autistic person consist in? Can we assume that his or her (...)
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  38.  46
    The Moral Psychology of Shame.Raffaele Rodogno & Alessandra Fussi (eds.) - 2023 - Moral Psychology of the Emotions.
    Few emotions have divided opinion as deeply as shame. Some scholars have argued that shame is essentially a maladaptive emotion used to oppress minorities and reinforce stigmas and traumas, an emotion that leaves the self at the mercy of powerful others. Other scholars, however, have argued that the absence of a sense of shame in a subject--their shamelessness--is tantamount to a vicious moral insensitivity. As the twelve original chapters in this collection attest, however, shame scholars are entering a new phase, (...)
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    Influence of National Institutions on the Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Food-processing Industry: Differences Between France and Morocco.Raffaele Staglianò, Magalie Marais, Issam Laguir & Jamal Baz - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):117-133.
    This paper analyzes how national institutions impact corporate social responsibility practices for small- and medium-sized enterprises in the food-processing industries of France and Morocco. In this study, CSR practices are defined around two main dimensions: corporate performance and the CSR approach. Qualitative data were collected during semi-structured interviews with SME managers in charge of CSR issues. We then performed a content analysis. Our study shows that there is a distinct difference between the CSR practices adopted by SMEs in France and (...)
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  40.  53
    On Principles In Sadi Carnot’s Theory (1824). Epistemological reflections.Raffaele Pisano - 2010 - Almagest 2/1:128–179 2 (1):128-179.
    In 1824 Sadi Carnot published Réflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu in which he founded almost the entire thermodynamics theory. Two years after his death, his friend Clapeyron introduced the famous diagram PV for analytically representing the famous Carnot’s cycle: one of the main and crucial ideas presented by Carnot in his booklet. Twenty-five years later, in order to achieve the modern version of the theory, Kelvin and Clausius had to reject the caloric hypothesis, which had influenced a few (...)
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  41. Gli autori congeniali al Petrarca nelle Epistole metriche,«.Raffaele Argenio - 1965 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 33:449-464.
  42.  8
    Morte dell'uomo e fine del soggetto: indagine sulla filosofia di Michel Foucault.Raffaele Ariano - 2014 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  43. Nuovi strumenti di contrasto al traffico illecito dei beni culturali.Raffaele Aveta - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone (ed.), Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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  44. Logica concreta.Raffaele Borsari - 1950 - Firenze,: G. C. Sansoni.
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    La coscienza e la legge.Raffaele Cantone - 2019 - Bari: GLF editori Laterza. Edited by Vincenzo Paglia & Emanuele Coen.
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    La "Critica della ragion pura" nell'Aetas Kantiana: antologia.Raffaele Ciafardone (ed.) - 1987 - L'Aquila: L.U. Japadre.
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  47. Rüdiger e Vico.Raffaele Ciafardone - 1980 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 10:167-178.
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  48. Errico De Marinis: dalla sociologia alla politica.Raffaele Colapietra - 1994 - [Salerno]: Laveglia.
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    Kant e la filosofia tedesca postkantiana.Raffaele Folino Gallo - 1982 - [Cosenza]: Pellegrini.
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  50. La repubblica del dissenso.Raffaele Gambino - 1977 - Milano: Italia letteraria.
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