Results for 'Rahel Naef'

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  1.  19
    Bearing witness: A moral way of engaging in the nurse–person relationship.Rahel Naef Rn Bscn Mn - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (3):146–156.
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    Bearing witness: a moral way of engaging in the nurse-person relationship.Rahel Naef - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (3):146-156.
    For nursing, the idea of bearing witness is of utmost importance. Nurses are present with persons who experience changes in their health and quality of life and who live intense and profound moments of struggling, questioning, and finding meaning. Nurses are also with persons from moment to moment as their lives unfold, and when joy, serenity, contentment, vulnerability, sadness, fear, and suffering are experienced. In this paper, it is proposed that bearing witness is a moral way of engaging in the (...)
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    In Focus: Andre Kertesz: Photographs From the J. Paul Getty Museum.Weston Naef - 1994 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Kertesz created some of the most acclaimed photographs of the twentieth century, and the J. Paul Getty Museum is fortunate to own a wide selection of his work. This volume - the first in the Museum's new In Focus series, which is devoted to photographers whose work is particularly well represented in the Getty - presents a handsome selection from the 164 Kertesz photographs in the Museum's collection. The photographs are accompanied by commentaries by Weston Naef, the Getty's Curator (...)
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  4. Rethinking Ideology Rahel Jaeggi.Rahel Jaeggi - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn, New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 63.
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    Critique of Forms of Life.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    For many liberals, the question "Do others live rightly?" feels inappropriate. Liberalism seems to demand a follow-up question: "Who am I to judge?" Peaceful coexistence, in this view, is predicated on restraint from morally evaluating our peers. But Rahel Jaeggi sees the situation differently. Criticizing is not only valid but also useful, she argues. Moral judgment is no error; the error lies in how we go about judging. One way to judge is external, based on universal standards derived from (...)
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    Carleton Watkins in Yosemite.Weston J. Naef - 2008 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    This is an illustrated volume that takes readers on a tour through Yosemite Valley from the view at Inspiration Point to the panorama high above the valley at Glacier Point, all from the perspective of one of Yosemite's first surveyors.
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    Carleton Watkins: The Complete Mammoth Photographs.Weston Naef & Christine Hult-Lewis - 2011 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Discusses the life and work of the nineteenth century landscape photographer, presenting a selection of photographs of the American West taken between 1858 and 1891.
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    In Focus: Alfred Stieglitz: Photographs From the J. Paul Getty Museum.Weston Naef - 1995 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Showcases the museum's collection of the avant-garde photographer's work.
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  9. La Jeunesse De Jean Bodin Ou Les Conversions Oubliées.Henri Naef - 1946 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 8:137-155.
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    Photography: Discovery and Invention : Symposium Celebrating the Invention of Photography : Papers.Weston Naef - 1990 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    A discussion of the pioneers of the first decades of photography, along with essays on early collectors and patents.
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    Photographers of Genius at the Getty.Weston Naef - 2004 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Illustrations include selections from Atget's signature views of Paris, Stieglitz's portrait of Georgia O'Keeffe, Weston's distinctive nudes, and Arbus's images of women.
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    Remarks on Chapter One: Three Beginnings.Weston Naef - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (1):89-94.
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  13. To and fro: Pluralism and the power of the state as described through a Foucauldian approach to international law.Brendan Naef - 2009 - Gnosis 10 (3):1-12.
  14. Alienation.Rahel Jaeggi - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    In this book Jaeggi draws on phenomenological analyses grounded in modern conceptions of agency, along with recent work in the analytical tradition, to reconceive of alienation as the absence of a meaningful relationship to oneself and ...
  15.  9
    Kritik von Lebensformen.Rahel Jaeggi - 2014 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  16. Rethinking ideology.Rahel Jaeggi - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn, New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  17. What (if Anything) Is Wrong with Capitalism? Dysfunctionality, Exploitation and Alienation: Three Approaches to the Critique of Capitalism.Rahel Jaeggi - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (S1):44-65.
    What is the problem with capitalism? Is it wrong, unjust, irrational, or bad? Is it evil or dumb—or is it just not working? While critiques of capitalism have become commonplace—particularly since the most recent global economic crisis—it is often unclear what exactly is being condemned. Likewise, the normative presuppositions and criteria of such criticisms have been left unspecified. In this paper, I distinguish between three approaches to the critique of capitalism, distinguishing a functional, a moral, and an ethical argumentative strategy (...)
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  18. “No Individual Can Resist”: Minima Moralia as Critique of Forms of Life.Rahel Jaeggi - 2005 - Constellations 12 (1):65-82.
    Books reviewed: Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850–2000. By Geoff Eley.. Foucault, Subjectivity, and Identity. By Robert Strozier.. Shifting Involvements: Private Interest and Public Action. By Albert O. Hirschman. Twentieth‐anniversary edition, with a new foreword by Robert H. Frank.
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    What is an Image?James Elkins & Maja Naef (eds.) - 2011 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Issues discussed include concepts such as "image" and "picture" in and outside the West; semiotics; whether images are products of discourse; religious meanings; and the ethics of viewing"--Provided by publisher.
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    (1 other version)Horizontal experimentalism: Rethinking democratic resistance.Rahel Süß - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (8):1123-1139.
    Major debates on democratic renewal suggest two ways of eliciting social change: either by strengthening vertical practices of representation or by expanding horizontal forms of participation. The article develops an argument for why there is a need to rethink democratic resistance beyond the vertical–horizontal divide. If contemporary forms of resistance encompass a strategic interplay between vertical and horizontal practices, then an alternative framework is required to capture this logic. Filling this gap, the article introduces the concept of ‘horizontal experimentalism’. Such (...)
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  21.  14
    Kant und die Imagination der Tiere.Rahel Villinger - 2018 - Konstanz: Konstanz University Press.
  22. Was ist eine (gute) Institution.Rahel Jaeggi - 2009 - In Axel Honneth & Rainer Forst, Sozialphilosophie und Kritik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Nach Marx: Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis.Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  24.  13
    Between Nature and Culture: Photographs of the Getty Center by Joe Deal.Joe Deal, Richard Meier, Weston Naef & Mark Johnstone - 1999 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    "He completed the assignment in two phases: The photographs made during the first phase capture the natural ruggedness of the terrain and establish its relationship to the developed neighboring enclaves. Those made during the second phase not only record the actual construction process but also reveal Deal's personal perspective on the qualities of light and the creation of form. Represented in this book as a selection from the resulting portfolio, Topos, a Greek word meaning place, site, position, and occasion - (...)
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  25. Bilan et perspectives, Textes et études philosophiques.Karl Jaspers, Hélène Naef & Jeanne Hersch - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (4):691-692.
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    Bilan et perspectives.Karl Jaspers, Hélène Naef & Jeanne Hersch - 1956 - Desclée de Brouwer.
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  27. L'Évangile et Le Mythe dans la Pensée de Rudolf Bultmann.Giovanni Miegge & Helene Naef - 1958
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    8. A Wide Concept of Economy.Rahel Jaeggi - 2017 - In Cristina Lafont & Penelope Deutscher, Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order. New York, USA: Columbia University Press. pp. 160-180.
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    Economy as social practice.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (2):122-125.
    In order to understand the economy in a wider sense we should conceive of the economy as a set of social practices. To conceive of a ‘practices-oriented’ foundation for our thinking about economy a...
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    Fortschritt und Regression.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Die Abschaffung der Sklaverei, die Einführung sozialer Sicherungssysteme, die Sanktionierung von Vergewaltigung in der Ehe gelten gemeinhin als gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt – als ein Wandel zum Besseren. Dennoch hat die Idee einer generellen Fortschrittsbewegung ihren alten Glanz verloren, ja, sie ruft sogar Skepsis hervor. In aller Munde ist hingegen die Diagnose der Regression. Sie wird diversen Zeiterscheinungen gestellt, vom rechtsautoritären Populismus bis zur Demokratiemüdigkeit. -/- Rahel Jaeggi verteidigt in ihrem Buch das Begriffspaar Fortschritt und Regression als unverzichtbares sozialphilosophisches Werkzeug für (...)
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    Rejoinder.Rahel Jaeggi - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (2):197-231.
    A rejoinder to comments by Marco Solinas, Giorgio Fazio, Alessandro Pinzani, Italo Testa, Federica Gregoratto, Leonardo Marchettoni and Matteo Bianchin in this Special Issue of Critical Horizons.
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    Reply to the Comments.Rahel Jaeggi - 2020 - Social Philosophy Today 36:223-229.
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    Macht, Problem, Kritik. Repliken auf Saar, Crary, Menke und Khurana.Rahel Jaeggi - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (2):321-350.
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    Lebensformen als Problemlösungsinstanzen.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 125 (1):64-89.
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    A View from the Periphery Commentary on Philip Kitcher’s What’s the Use of Philosophy.Rahel Jaeggi - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (3):559-570.
    Comment on Philip Kitchers “What is the Use of Philosophy”, arguing that while Kitcher is right to insist on the practical relevance of philosophy one should be careful to distinguish this view from an instrumental understanding of philosophy. Maybe philosophy is of no use but still has an impact.
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    Schwerpunkt: Verdinglichung.Rahel Jaeggi & Titus Stahl - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (5):697-700.
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    Une critique des formes de vie est-elle possible? Le négativisme éthique d'Adorno dans Minima Moralia.Rahel Jaeggi - 2005 - Actuel Marx 38 (2):135-158.
    This article reads Adornos's Minima Moralia as an ethical critique of capitalism as a form of life. Negativistic in his approach Adorno reflects, at the same time, on the difficulty of establishing a positive standard for this critique. Reading Minima Moralia through the lenses of the contemporary debate I hold that his approach undermines the alternative between liberal abstinence towards ethical questions and paternalistic theories of the good life in a fruitful way.
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    The right to disidentification: Sovereignty in digital democracies.Rahel Süß - forthcoming - Constellations.
  39.  99
    The Market's Price.Rahel Jaeggi - 2001 - Constellations 8 (3):400-412.
    Book reviewed in this article:Elizabeth Anderson, Value in Ethics and EconomicsMargaret Jane Radin, Contested Commodities.
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    Form und Mimesis.Rahel Villinger - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (2):119-140.
    The article discusses a notion of form as reflection in Benjamin and Adorno that can be traced back to early German Romanticism. A reading of Novalis’s Hymns to the Night exemplifies the notion and shows that form-as-reflection amounts to a mimetic relation between Dargestelltem and Darstellendem in a work of art. It is further argued that Husserl’s theory of the image, too, discusses this relation and allows to clarify the account of form in Benjamin and Adorno. The article thus reveals (...)
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    ‘The BP is a great British company’: The discursive transformation of an environmental disaster into a national economic problem.Rahel Cramer - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):109-127.
    In the contemporary globalized economy, multinational companies have come to hold considerable power that may previously have rested with nation states. However, state structures remain relevant. With Brexit, the year 2016 featured an exemplary case in which the ongoing importance of nation states came to the fore. Preceding the British referendum to exit the European Union, discourses of national identity were deployed to promote a vote for the anti-globalization campaign. It is against this background that this research investigates how the (...)
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    Authentizität und Alltag: Die Hannah Arendt-Rezeption zwischen Kritischer Theorie und Postmoderne.Rahel Jaeggi - 1997 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 45 (1):147-166.
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    Der Markt und sein Preis.Rahel Jaeggi - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (6):987-1004.
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    Karl Marx - Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik.Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.) - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    philosophie, Ökonomie und Politik sind die drei wichtigsten Koordinaten, welche das Werk von Karl Marx markieren. Diese Begriffe stellen aber nicht etwa thematische Rubriken oder Disziplinenunterscheidungen dar, sondern bilden theoretische Kategorien, die zueinander in einem Negations- oder Kontestationsverhältnis stehen. Den im vorliegenden Band versammelten Texten geht es um eine systematische Reflexion dieser drei Begriffe und ihres Verhältnisses zueinander vor dem Hintergrund aktueller sozialer und politischer Entwicklungen. Die Texte bieten einen Überblick über Disparität und Spannbreite von Ansätzen und Überlegungen, die sich (...)
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    Philosophie als Kritik.Rahel Jaeggi - 2015 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 63 (3).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 63 Heft: 3 Seiten: 569-576.
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    Per una critica dell'ideologia.Rahel Jaeggi - 2008 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 21 (3):595-616.
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    Qu'est-ce que la critique de l'idéologie?Rahel Jaeggi - 2008 - Actuel Marx 43 (1):96-108.
    Two paradoxes seem to characterise the method of the critique of ideology. The first has to do with the fact that ideologies are “both true and false” (Adorno). The second has to do with the fact that the critique of ideology seems to carry both a normative and a descriptive dimension. The article argues that these two paradoxes disappear when the critique of ideology is addressed by way of a Hegelian mode of immanent critique. Such an approach highlights both the (...)
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    Repliken auf Özmen, Zehnpfennig und Siep.Rahel Jaeggi - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (1):73-108.
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  49. Sakralisierung der Pädagogik : Zu vermeidendes Problem oder unvermeidbare Tatsache?Rahel Katzenstein - 2013 - In Tamara Deluigi, Sakralität, Demokratie und Erziehung: Auseinandersetzungen mit der historischen Pädagogik Fritz Osterwalders. Zürich: Lit.
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    Expertise and the Politics of Failure.Rahel Kunz - 2016 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 9 (2).
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