Results for 'Ran Qu'

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  1.  67
    Development of the Social Media Engagement Scale for Adolescents.Xiaoli Ni, Xiaoyi Shao, Yangwen Geng, Ran Qu, Gengfeng Niu & Yuping Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Automatic Detection of Orientation Contrast Occurs at Early but Not Earliest Stages of Visual Cortical Processing in Humans.Yanfen Zhen, Duo Li, Ran Ding, Zili Huang, Zhe Qu & Yulong Ding - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  3. Zi ran yu zi wo: cong Lao Zhuang dao Li Zhi.Xiaoqiang Qu - 2007 - Ji'nan Shi: Jinan chu ban she.
  4.  44
    The Qu'ran as a Negative Theological Text: The Evidence of Sura II.Aryeh Botwinick - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (138):69-95.
    1. Introduction In the post 9/11 political world, many commentators have pointed to the need for locating and exploring cultural continuities between Islam and the West by way of defusing Samuel Huntington's thesis of a “clash of civilizations,” which seemed to have been given such explosive corroboration by the events of 9/11. It seems to me that one of the most promising ways of doing this is to investigate whether—and to what extent—the Qu'ran can be interpreted as a negative theological (...)
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  5. Shan shui shen mei: ren yu zi ran di jiao xiang qu.Ninggao Xie - 1991 - Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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    Interroger l'actualité avec Michel Foucault: Téhéran 1978-Paris 2015.Alain Brossat - 2018 - Paris: Eterotopia France. Edited by Alain Naze.
    Michel Foucault inaugure avec ses "reportages d'idées" sur le soulèvement iranien contre le Shah (1978-1979) une approche du présent et un mode d'écriture situés au point de rencontre de la philosophie et du journalisme. Il s'y interroge sur ce qui, dans cet événement, fait époque, en tant qu'il signale la fin de l'ère des révolutions et se trouve placé sous le signe énigmatique du soulèvement d'un peuple tout entier contre un pouvoir despotique. Au coeur de sa réflexion s'identifie une réflexion (...)
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    Islamic Philosophy and Human Business Ethics in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals.Yusril Bariki & Minhatus Saniyah - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):23-36.
    This paper aims to explain some economic aspects of sharia by using a widely grasped philosophical approach. The paper presents an Islamic position on business ethics as it is in Qu-ran and in interpretations of sharia elaborated by Islamic thinkers, first of all Indonesian ones. Following results given in selected positions of the literature of the subject the authors come to the following theses and conclusions: Humans must pay attention to few possessions that are basic needs. Humans must avoid prioritizing (...)
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    Islamic Spirituality: Foundations.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1987 - Routledge.
    Originally published 1987. The first part of the volume is concerned with "The Roots of the Islamic Tradition and Spirituality". These are seen to include the Qu’ran as the central theophany of Islam, the Prophet who received the word of God and made it known to mankind and the rites of Islam. The second part examines the divisions of the Islamic community with their distinctive pieties and emphases: Sunnism and Shi’ism and female spirituality. Part III is devoted to Sufism – (...)
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  9. Dan xuan yu chen ju: Tang Song dao jiao si xiang yu she hui yan jiu.Lesong Cheng - 2021 - Beijing: Zong jiao wen hua chu ban she.
    Yi jing dian jie du he guan nian quan shi wei ji nen jin lu de si xiang shi yan jiu, yu wei rao xin yang yu she hui shen g huo de hu dong zhan kai de she hui shi yan jiu ke yi bei shi zuo zong jiao li shi yan jiu de liang ge zhi dian. Xin yang cong dai dou shi yi ti liang mian de: shi zhong guan qie chao yue de zhi qu bi ran (...)
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    Ke xue zhe xue wen ti yan jiu.Guichun Guo (ed.) - 2016 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen wei yi ban ke xue zhe xue,Zi ran ke xue zhe xue yu shu xue zhe xue,She hui ke xue zhe xue,Ren zhi yu xin li xue zhe xue,Ke xue ji shu yu she hui wu ge bu fen,Ju ti nei rong bao kuo:gui fan xing wen ti de yu yi zhuan xiang yu yu yong jin lu,Gui ze zun xun yu yi yi de gui fan xing,Dang dai wu li xue zhe xue de yan jiu xian (...)
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  11. Wang Zhaowen ji.Zhaowen Wang - 1998 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Ping Jian.
    1. Xin yi shu chuang zuo lun, Xin yi shu lun ji -- 2. Mian xiang sheng huo, Lun yi shu de ji qiao -- 3. Yi yi dang shi -- 4. Xi wen le jian -- 5. Ge er bu ge -- 6. Lun Feng jie -- 7. Kai xin yue shi -- 8. Bu dao ding dian, Shen mei de min gan -- 9. Zai zai tan suo -- 10. Liao ran yu xin -- 11. Shen mei tan (...)
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    Paideia Helénica.António Freire - 1990 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 46 (2):227 - 250.
    A paideia grega exigia, no homem perfeito, a kalokagathía (beleza física e beleza moral) e a areté que consistia no conjunto harmónico da primeira, mais o êxito. Em Creta, a civilização mais antiga da Grécia e o primeiro e mais brilhante exemplo de civilização europeia, foi descoberta por A. Evans (1900) e decifrada por Michael Ventris (1952) a escrita do Minóico Linear B. A escrita é a alma duma civilização, como a cultura é a mola propulsora da mesma. A civilização (...)
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    Swāmī Hariharānanda Āraṇya's Yoga kārikā: with Yoga sūtras, transliteration, English translation & special notes.Hariharānanda Āraṇya - 2008 - Lonavala, Pune: Kaivalyadhama. Edited by Maheshananda, Patañjali & Hariharānanda Āraṇya.
    Classical commentary on Yogasūtra of Patañjali, work on Yoga philosophy; includes complete text of Yogasūtra.
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  14. The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection of 20 original chapters by leading researchers examines the cognitive unconscious from social, cognitive, and neuroscientific viewpoints, presenting some of the most important developments at the heart of the new picture of the unconscious.
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  15. What neuropsychology tells us about consciousness.Ran Lahav - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (1):67-85.
    I argue that, contrary to some critics, the notion of conscious experience is a good candidate for denoting a distinct and scientifically interesting phenomenon in the brain. I base this claim mainly on an analysis of neuropsychological data concerning deficits resulting from various types of brain damage as well as some additional supporting empirical evidence. These data strongly point to the hypothesis that conscious experience expresses information that is available for global, integrated, and flexible behavior.
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  16.  40
    Inherently Ambiguous: Facial Expressions of Emotions, in Context.Ran R. Hassin, Hillel Aviezer & Shlomo Bentin - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):60-65.
    With a few yet increasing number of exceptions, the cognitive sciences enthusiastically endorsed the idea that there are basic facial expressions of emotions that are created by specific configurations of facial muscles. We review evidence that suggests an inherent role for context in emotion perception. Context does not merely change emotion perception at the edges; it leads to radical categorical changes. The reviewed findings suggest that configurations of facial muscles are inherently ambiguous, and they call for a different approach towards (...)
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  17. Corporate Philanthropic Giving, Advertising Intensity, and Industry Competition Level.Ran Zhang, Jigao Zhu, Heng Yue & Chunyan Zhu - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):39-52.
    This article examines whether the likelihood and amount of firm charitable giving in response to catastrophic events are related to firm advertising intensity, and whether industry competition level moderates this relationship. Using data on Chinese firms’ philanthropic response to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, we find that firm advertising intensity is positively associated with both the probability and the amount of corporate giving. The results also indicate that this positive advertising intensity-philanthropic giving relationship is stronger in competitive industries, and firms in (...)
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  18. Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response and Ownership Type: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Response to the Sichuan Earthquake.Ran Zhang, Zabihollah Rezaee & Jigao Zhu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (1):51-63.
    This article examines whether the charitable giving amount and likelihood of firm response to catastrophic events relate to firms’ ownership type using a unique dataset of listed firms in China, where state ownership is still prevalent. Based on the data of Chinese firms’ response to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, we find that the extent of corporate contributions for state-owned firms following this disaster is less than that for private firms. State-owned firms are also less likely to respond in␣this disaster compared (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Against compositionality: The case of adjectives.Ran Lahav - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (3):261 - 279.
  20.  45
    A three-valued quantified argument calculus: Domain-free model-theory, completeness, and embedding of fol.Ran Lanzet - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):549-582.
    This paper presents an extended version of the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). Quarc is a logic comparable to the first-order predicate calculus. It employs several nonstandard syntactic and semantic devices, which bring it closer to natural language in several respects. Most notably, quantifiers in this logic are attached to one-place predicates; the resulting quantified constructions are then allowed to occupy the argument places of predicates. The version presented here is capable of straightforwardly translating natural-language sentences involving defining clauses. A three-valued, (...)
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  21.  59
    Implicit working memory.Ran R. Hassin, John A. Bargh, Andrew D. Engell & Kathleen C. McCulloch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):665-678.
    Working Memory plays a crucial role in many high-level cognitive processes . The prevalent view holds that active components of WM are predominantly intentional and conscious. This conception is oftentimes expressed explicitly, but it is best reflected in the nature of major WM tasks: All of them are blatantly explicit. We developed two new WM paradigms that allow for an examination of the role of conscious awareness in WM. Results from five studies show that WM can operate unintentionally and outside (...)
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  22. Logical Inquiries into a New Formal System with Plural Reference.Ran Lanzet & Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2004 - In Vincent F. Hendricks, First-order logic revisited. Berlin: Logos. pp. 173-223.
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  23. A Memristive Hyperjerk Chaotic System: Amplitude Control, FPGA Design, and Prediction with Artificial Neural Network.Ran Wang, Chunbiao Li, Serdar Çiçek, Karthikeyan Rajagopal & Xin Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    An amplitude controllable hyperjerk system is constructed for chaos producing by introducing a nonlinear factor of memristor. In this case, the amplitude control is realized from a single coefficient in the memristor. The hyperjerk system has a line of equilibria and also shows extreme multistability indicated by the initial value-associated bifurcation diagram. FPGA-based circuit realization is also given for physical verification. Finally, the proposed memristive hyperjerk system is successfully predicted with artificial neural networks for AI based engineering applications.
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  24. The amazing predictive power of folk psychology.Ran Lahav - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (1):99-105.
  25. Attention Modulates Neural Responses to Unpredictable Emotional Faces in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.Guangming Ran, Xu Chen, Qi Zhang, Yuanxiao Ma & Xing Zhang - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  26. Customer–Company Identification as the Enabler of Customer Voice Behavior: How Does It Happen?Yang Ran & Hao Zhou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27. What is Philosophical in Philosophical Counselling?Ran Lahav - 1996 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (3):259-278.
    After a short description of the nature of philosophical counselling, this paper suggests that what makes philosophical counselling philosophical is that it helps the counsellee in philosophical self‐investigations. These are critical non‐empirical investigations of the fundamental principles underlying the counsellee's ‘lived understanding’(i.e. conceptions which the counsellee lives by, though not necessarily articulates in words), aimed at the development of wisdom. In order to illustrate the nature of philosophical self‐investigation, two case studies are presented. The nature and measurability of success in (...)
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  28. Nonconscious control and implicit working memory.Ran R. Hassin - 2005 - In Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh, The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 196-222.
  29. Non-conscious goal pursuit and the effortful control of behavior.Ran R. Hassin, Henk Aarts, Baruch Eitam, Ruud Custers & Tali Kleiman - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
  30.  47
    The Janus Face of Grandiose Narcissism in the Service Industry: Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection.Ran Li, Fan Yang & Xiji Zhu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):909-927.
    Narcissism is considered a generally undesirable trait in the workplace, but is this the whole story? In grandiose narcissism, two dimensions (narcissistic rivalry and narcissistic admiration) are recognized corresponding to self-protecting and self-enhancing regulatory processes separately. Applying the self-regulation theory and the conservation of resources theory, we investigated the distinct outcomes and influencing mechanisms of the two dimensions in an organizational context using multilevel structural equation modeling. Whereas previous literature has found narcissism to be mainly related to negative outcomes in (...)
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  31.  92
    Philosophical counseling and taoism: Wisdom and lived philosophical understanding.Ran Lahav - 1996 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (3):259-276.
  32.  29
    Resolution over linear equations and multilinear proofs.Ran Raz & Iddo Tzameret - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (3):194-224.
    We develop and study the complexity of propositional proof systems of varying strength extending resolution by allowing it to operate with disjunctions of linear equations instead of clauses. We demonstrate polynomial-size refutations for hard tautologies like the pigeonhole principle, Tseitin graph tautologies and the clique-coloring tautologies in these proof systems. Using interpolation we establish an exponential-size lower bound on refutations in a certain, considerably strong, fragment of resolution over linear equations, as well as a general polynomial upper bound on interpolants (...)
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  33. Competition over agents with boundedly rational expectations.Ran Spiegler - unknown
    I study a market model in which profit-maximizing firms compete in multidimensional pricing strategies over a consumer, who is limited in his ability to grasp such complicated objects and therefore uses a sampling procedure to evaluate them. Firms respond to increased competition with an increased effort to obfuscate, rather than with more competitive pricing. As a result, consumer welfare is not enhanced and may even deteriorate. Specifically, when firms control both the price and the quality of each dimension, and there (...)
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    Task Conflict and Task Control: A Mini-Review.Ran Littman, Eldad Keha & Eyal Kalanthroff - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Prediction and unconscious attention operate synergistically to facilitate stimulus processing: An fMRI study.Guangming Ran, Xu Chen, Xiaojun Cao & Qi Zhang - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:41-50.
  36.  11
    Promoting the Brand Inside: The Conceptualization of Nonprofit Internal Branding and Its Relationship With Employees’ Brand Performance.Ran Zhang, Yunqiao Wu & Chao Ye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a value-led entity, the nonprofit depends on its staff for the delivery of the brand value outsides and thus promoting the brand inside is crucial to the development of the nonprofits. Using a sample of 290 full-time staff working in 270 nonprofits in China, two related studies were conducted. Study 1 aimed to develop and validate a new scale for internal branding in the nonprofit context, while Study 2 aimed to investigate the linking mechanism between internal branding and brand (...)
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  37.  10
    The Work-Family Spillover Effects of Customer Mistreatment for Service Employees: The Moderating Roles of Psychological Detachment and Leader–Member Exchange.Ran Zhang, Yunqiao Wu & Karen Ferreira-Meyers - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:445830.
    Past literature in the area of employee–customer interactions suggests that being mistreated by customers is deemed one of the most important work-related stressors for service employees. However, little is known about the effects of customer mistreatment on the family domain. In a representative sample of 221 front-line employees in the East China hairdressing industry using three separate surveys administered 1 month apart respectively, the current study explores the mediation effects of work-to-family conflict (WFC) and the moderation effects of psychological detachment (...)
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    COVID-19 and consent for research: Navigating during a global pandemic.Ran D. Goldman & Luke Gelinas - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):222-227.
    The modern ethical framework demands informed consent for research participation that includes disclosure of material information, as well as alternatives. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic (COVID-19) results in illness that often involves rapid deterioration. Despite the urgent need to find therapy, obtaining informed consent for COVID-19 research is needed. The current pandemic presents three types of challenges for investigators faced with obtaining informed consent for research participation: (1) uncertainty over key information to informed consent, (2) time (...)
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  39.  17
    Opting Out of “Global Constitutionalism”.Ran Hirschl - 2018 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 12 (1):1-36.
    Much has been written about the global convergence on constitutional supremacy. Yet, a closer look suggests that while constitutional convergence trends are undoubtedly extensive and readily visible, expressions of constitutional resistance or defiance may in fact be regaining ground worldwide. This may point to a paradox embedded in global constitutionalism: the more expansive constitutional convergence trends are, the greater the likelihood of dissent and resistance are. In this article, I chart the contours of three aversive responses to constitutional convergence: neo-secessionism, (...)
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  40.  78
    Do Credible Firms Perform Better in Emerging Markets? Evidence from China.Ran Zhang & Zabihollah Rezaee - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):221-237.
    Prior research suggests that corporate credibility is associated with firm financial performance in developed countries. This article examines whether corporate credibility is related to firm performance using Economic Observer's rating of corporate credibility in China, the largest emerging market in the world. Based on a four-stage valuation model, we find that more reputable and credible firms outperform those with low ratings by almost 20% in 3-year stock returns and have better 3-year net profit margins, return on equity, and sales growth. (...)
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  41. Essays on Philosophical Counseling.Ran Lahav & Maria daVenza Tillmanns (eds.) - 1995 - Lanham, Maryland, USA: University Press of America, Inc..
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    Comments on the potential significance of neuroeconomics for economic theory.Ran Spiegler - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (3):515-521.
    In this short note I speculate about the various ways in which the study of neurological aspects of decision making could be fruitful for economic modelling.
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  43.  10
    Scheler’s Phenomenology of Community.Ernest W. Ranly - 1967 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    My own serious study of Max Scheler began in 1958 when I pre sented a Master's thesis to St. Louis University under the direction of Professor Vernon]. Bourke on Scheler's value-theory. Three years later when I returned to complete my doctorate work at St. Louis University I returned also to the study of Max Scheler. In the meantime, several more volumes of the Gesammelte Werke had appeared, several new translations of Scheler were published and the whole area ofphenome nology began (...)
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  44.  50
    Unconscious versus conscious thought in creative science problem finding: Unconscious thought showed no advantage!Ran Ding, Qin Han, Ruifen Li, Tingni Li, Ying Cui & Peiqian Wu - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 71:109-113.
  45.  12
    Xiao Han and Lei Wang: Organic agriculture and biodiversity in China.Ran An - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1921-1922.
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    The combinatorial-connectionist debate and the pragmatics of adjectives.Ran Lahav - 1993 - Pragmatics and Cognition 1 (1):71-88.
    Within the controversy between the combinatorial and the connectionist approaches to cognition it has been argued that our semantic and syntactic capacities provide evidence for the combinatorial approach. In this paper I offer a counter-weight to this argument by pointing out that the same type of considerations, when applied to the pragmatics of adjectives, provide evidence for connectionism.
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  47.  22
    Reclaiming the Hebrew Bible: German-Jewish Reception of Biblical Criticism.Ran HaCohen & M. Engel - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    The 19th century saw the rise of Biblical Criticism in German universities, culminating in Wellhausen s radical revision of the history of biblical times and religion. For German-Jewish intellectuals, the academic discipline promised emancipation from traditional Christian readings of Scripture but at the same time suffered from what was perceived as anti-Jewish bias, this time in scholarly robes. Reclaiming the Hebrew Bible describes the German-Jewish strategies to cope with Biblical Criticism varying from an enthusiastic welcome, through modified adoption, to resolute (...)
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    From resistance to reconciliation and back again: A semiotic analysis of the Charlie Hebdo cover following the January 2015 events.Ran Keren - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):269-292.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 225 Seiten: 269-292.
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    The Impact of Top-Down Prediction on Emotional Face Processing in Social Anxiety.Guangming Ran & Xu Chen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50. Structural Priming and Inverse Preference Effects in L2 Grammaticality Judgment and Production of English Relative Clauses.Ran Wei, Sun-A. Kim & Jeong-Ah Shin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigated inverse preference effects in L2 structural priming of English relative clauses and their potential influences on subsequent learning of target structures. One hundred fourteen Chinese learners of English at a low-to-intermediate proficiency level participated in a structural priming experiment with a pretest-posttest design. The experimental group underwent a priming task in which they orally produced syntactic structures immediately after viewing English object or passive relative clauses as primes, whereas the control group only read sentences unrelated to English (...)
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