Results for 'Rebecca Mercier'

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  1.  83
    Reframing Conscientious Care: Providing Abortion Care When Law and Conscience Collide.Mara Buchbinder, Dragana Lassiter, Rebecca Mercier, Amy Bryant & Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):22-30.
    “It's almost like putting salt in a wound, for this person who's already made a very difficult decision,” suggested Meghan Patterson, a licensed obstetrician-gynecologist whom we interviewed in our qualitative study of the experiences of North Carolina abortion providers practicing under the state's Woman's Right to Know Act. The act requires that women receive counseling with state-mandated information at least twenty-four hours prior to obtaining an abortion. After the law was passed, Patterson worked with clinic administrators, in consultation with a (...)
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    “Prefacing the Script” as an ethical response to state-mandated abortion counseling.Mara Buchbinder, Dragana Lassiter, Rebecca Mercier, Amy Bryant & Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (1):48-55.
    Background: Laws governing abortion provision are proliferating throughout the United States, yet little is known about how these laws affect providers. We investigated the experiences of abortion...
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  3. The metaphysics of social kinds.Rebecca Mason - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):841-850.
    It is a truism that humans are social animals. Thus, it is no surprise that we understand the world, each other, and ourselves in terms of social kinds such as money and marriage, war and women, capitalists and cartels, races, recessions, and refugees. Social kinds condition our expectations, inform our preferences, and guide our behavior. Despite the prevalence and importance of social kinds, philosophy has historically devoted relatively little attention to them. With few exceptions, philosophers have given pride of place (...)
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  4. Social kinds are essentially mind-dependent.Rebecca Mason - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):3975-3994.
    I defend a novel view of how social kinds (e.g., money, women, permanent residents) depend on our mental states. In particular, I argue that social kinds depend on our mental states in the following sense: it is essential to them that they exist (partially) because certain mental states exist. This analysis is meant to capture the very general way in which all social kinds depend on our mental states. However, my view is that particular social kinds also depend on our (...)
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  5. Reparative Justice for Climate Refugees.Rebecca Buxton - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (2):193-219.
    This paper sketches an account of reparative justice for climate refugees, focusing on total land loss due to sea-level rise. I begin by outlining the harm of this loss in terms of self-determination and cultural heritage. I then consider, first, who is owed these reparations? Second, who should pay such reparations? Third, in what form should the reparations be paid? I end with thoughts on the project of reparative justice more generally, arguing that such obligations do not depend upon a (...)
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  6. Against simulation: The argument from error.Rebecca Saxe - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):174-79.
  7.  72
    Responsibility in healthcare across time and agents.Rebecca C. H. Brown & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (10):636-644.
    It is unclear whether someone’s responsibility for developing a disease or maintaining his or her health should affect what healthcare he or she receives. While this dispute continues, we suggest that, if responsibility is to play a role in healthcare, the concept must be rethought in order to reflect the sense in which many health-related behaviours occur repeatedly over time and are the product of more than one agent. Most philosophical accounts of responsibility are synchronic and individualistic; we indicate here (...)
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  8. Social Ontology.Rebecca Mason & Katherine Ritchie - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller, The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Traditionally, social entities (i.e., social properties, facts, kinds, groups, institutions, and structures) have not fallen within the purview of mainstream metaphysics. In this chapter, we consider whether the exclusion of social entities from mainstream metaphysics is philosophically warranted or if it instead rests on historical accident or bias. We examine three ways one might attempt to justify excluding social metaphysics from the domain of metaphysical inquiry and argue that each fails. Thus, we conclude that social entities are not justifiably excluded (...)
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  9. Hermeneutical Injustice.Rebecca Mason - 2021 - In Justin Khoo & Rachel Sterken, Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language. Routledge.
  10.  52
    The duty to naturalise refugees.Rebecca Buxton - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (7):1119-1139.
    In the current framework of international protection, refugees almost invariably live in states where they hold no formal political status: they cannot vote, they cannot run for office, and they mu...
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  11. Affect-biased attention as emotion regulation.Rebecca M. Todd, William A. Cunningham, Adam K. Anderson & Evan Thompson - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (7):365-372.
  12.  78
    Mourning sickness: Hegel and the French Revolution.Rebecca Comay - 2011 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book explores Hegel's response to the French Revolutionary Terror in relation to contemporary theories of trauma.
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    Justice in waiting: The harms and wrongs of temporary refugee protection.Rebecca Buxton - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (1):51-72.
    Temporariness has become the norm in contemporary refugee protection. Many refugees face extended periods of time waiting for permanent status, either in camps or living among citizens in their state of asylum. Whilst this practice of keeping refugees waiting is of benefit to states, I argue that not only is it harmful to refugees but it also constitutes an injustice. First, I outline the prevalence of temporary assistance in the refugee protection regime. Second, I outline the orthodox view on temporary (...)
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  14.  55
    Ode to positive constructive daydreaming.Rebecca L. McMillan, Scott Barry Kaufman & Jerome L. Singer - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  15.  59
    Resisting Moralisation in Health Promotion.Rebecca C. H. Brown - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):997-1011.
    Health promotion efforts are commonly directed towards encouraging people to discard ‘unhealthy’ and adopt ‘healthy’ behaviours in order to tackle chronic disease. Typical targets for behaviour change interventions include diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption, sometimes described as ‘lifestyle behaviours.’ In this paper, I discuss how efforts to raise awareness of the impact of lifestyles on health, in seeking to communicate the need for people to change their behaviour, can contribute to a climate of ‘healthism’ and promote the moralisation (...)
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  16.  31
    ‘Maternal request’ caesarean sections and medical necessity.Rebecca C. H. Brown & Andrea Mulligan - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (3):312-320.
    Currently, many women who are expecting to give birth have no option but to attempt vaginal delivery, since access to elective planned caesarean sections (PCS) in the absence of what is deemed to constitute ‘clinical need’ is variable. In this paper, we argue that PCS should be routinely offered to women who are expecting to give birth, and that the risks and benefits of PCS as compared with planned vaginal delivery should be discussed with them. Currently, discussions of elective PCS (...)
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  17.  52
    Broad Medical Uncertainty and the ethical obligation for openness.Rebecca C. H. Brown, Mícheál de Barra & Brian D. Earp - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-29.
    This paper argues that there exists a collective epistemic state of ‘Broad Medical Uncertainty’ regarding the effectiveness of many medical interventions. We outline the features of BMU, and describe some of the main contributing factors. These include flaws in medical research methodologies, bias in publication practices, financial and other conflicts of interest, and features of how evidence is translated into practice. These result in a significant degree of uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of many medical treatments and unduly optimistic beliefs about (...)
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  18.  63
    Bioconservatism, Bioliberalism, and the Wisdom of Reflecting on Repugnance.Rebecca Roach & Steve Clarke - 2009 - Monash Bioethics Review 28 (1):1-21.
    We consider the current debate between bioconservatives and their chief opponents — whom we dub bioliberals — about the moral acceptability of human enhancement and the policy implications of moral debates about enhancement. We argue that this debate has reached an impasse, largely because bioconservatives hold that we should honour intuitions about the special value of being human, even if we cannot identify reasons to ground those intuitions. We argue that although intuitions are often a reliable guide to belief and (...)
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  19.  63
    The role of control functions in mentalizing: Dual-task studies of Theory of Mind and executive function.Rebecca Bull, Louise H. Phillips & Claire A. Conway - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):663-672.
  20.  32
    Women or Philosophers?Rebecca Buxton & Lisa Whiting - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 92:6-9.
    This history of philosophy is a history of men. Or at least, that’s how it has been told over the past several hundred years. But, over the last few decades, we’ve begun to see more and more recognition of women philosophers and the huge impact that they have had on the course of our discipline. There have always been philosophers who happened to be women. Hypatia of Alexandria was known by her contemporaries simply as The Philosopher, and hundreds of young (...)
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  21. Reframing the Debate Around State Responses to Infertility: Considering the Harms of Subfertility and Involuntary Childlessness.Rebecca C. H. Brown, Wendy A. Rogers, Vikki A. Entwistle & Siladitya Bhattacharya - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):290-300.
    Many countries are experiencing increasing levels of demand for access to assisted reproductive technologies. Policies regarding who can access ART and with what support from a collective purse are highly contested, raising questions about what state responses are justified. Whilst much of this debate has focused on the status of infertility as a disease, we argue that this is something of a distraction, since disease framing does not provide the far-reaching, robust justification for state support that proponents of ART seem (...)
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  22. When Intuition is Not Enough. Why the Principle of Procreative Beneficence Must Work Much Harder to Justify Its Eugenic Vision.Rebecca Bennett - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (9):447-455.
    The Principle of Procreative Beneficence claims that we have a moral obligation, where choice is possible, to choose to create the best child we can. The existence of this moral obligation has been proposed by John Harris and Julian Savulescu and has proved controversial on many levels, not least that it is eugenics, asking us to produce the best children we can, not for the sake of that child's welfare, but in order to make a better society. These are strong (...)
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  23.  56
    Tapping Into Rate Flexibility: Musical Training Facilitates Synchronization Around Spontaneous Production Rates.Rebecca Scheurich, Anna Zamm & Caroline Palmer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24. Responsibility, prudence and health promotion.Rebecca Charlotte Helena Brown, Hannah Maslen & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Journal of Public Health 41 (3):561-565.
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  25. Myth, memory and misrecognition in Sellars' ``empiricism and the philosophy of mind''.Rebecca Kukla - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 101 (2-3):161-211.
  26. Consciousness and modal empiricism.Rebecca Roman Hanrahan - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (2):281-306.
    David Chalmers supports his contention that there is a possible world populated by our zombie twins by arguing for the assumption that conceivability entails possibility. But, I argue, the modal epistemology he sets forth, ‘modal rationalism,’ ignores the problem of incompleteness and relies on an idealized notion of conceivability. As a consequence, this epistemology can’t justify our quotidian judgments of possibility, let alone those judgments that concern the mind/body connection. Working from the analogy that the imagination is to the possible (...)
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  27.  87
    (1 other version)Re‐Thinking Relations in Human Rights Education: The Politics of Narratives.Rebecca Adami - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (2):293-307.
    Human Rights Education (HRE) has traditionally been articulated in terms of cultivating better citizens or world citizens. The main preoccupation in this strand of HRE has been that of bridging a gap between universal notions of a human rights subject and the actual locality and particular narratives in which students are enmeshed. This preoccupation has focused on ‘learning about the other’ in order to improve relations between plural ‘others’ and ‘us’ and reflects educational aims of national identity politics in citizenship (...)
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  28.  70
    Review essay / making up our minds: Can law survive cognitive science?Rebecca Dresser - 1991 - Criminal Justice Ethics 10 (1):27-40.
    Lynne Rudder Baker, Saving Belief: A Critique of Physicalism Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, xii + 177 pp. Daniel C. Dennett, The Intentional Stance Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987, xi + 388 pp. Paul M. Churchland, Matter and Consciousness Cambridge: MIT Press, revised edition, 1988, xii + 184 pp.
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  29.  49
    Can routine screening for alcohol consumption in pregnancy be ethically and legally justified?Rebecca Bennett & Catherine Bowden - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):512-516.
    In the UK, it has been proposed that alongside the current advice to abstain from alcohol completely in pregnancy, there should be increased screening of pregnant women for alcohol consumption in order to prevent instances of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network published guidelines in 2019 recommending that standardised screening questionnaires and associated use of biomarkers should be considered to identify alcohol exposure in pregnancy. This was followed in 2020 by the National Institute for Health and Care (...)
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  30. Living-into, living-with: A Schutzian account of the player/character relationship.Rebecca A. Hardesty - 2016 - Glimpse 17:27-34.
    Games Studies reveals the performative nature of playing a character in a virtual-game-world (Nitsche 2008, p.205; Pearce 2006, p.1; Taylor 2002, p.48). Tbe Player/Character relationship is typically understood in terms of the player’s in-game “presence” (Boellstorff 2008, p.89; Schroeder 2002, p.6). This gives the appearance that living-into a game-world is an all-or- nothing affair: either the player is “present” in the game-world, or they are not. I argue that, in fact, a constitutive phenomenology reveals the Player/Character relationship to be a (...)
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  31. Human and animal subjects of research: The moral significance of respect versus welfare.Rebecca L. Walker - 2006 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (4):305-331.
    Human beings with diminished decision-making capacities are usually thought to require greater protections from the potential harms of research than fully autonomous persons. Animal subjects of research receive lesser protections than any human beings regardless of decision-making capacity. Paradoxically, however, it is precisely animals’ lack of some characteristic human capacities that is commonly invoked to justify using them for human purposes. In other words, for humans lesser capacities correspond to greater protections but for animals the opposite is true. Without explicit (...)
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  32.  72
    Experimentation, Curiosity, and Forgetting.Rebecca Bamford - 2019 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 50 (1):11-32.
    Bernard Reginster has argued that in "Nietzsche's terminology, 'experimentation [Versuch]' is a paradigmatic exercise of curiosity."1 According to Reginster, the kind of curiosity in question, as far as Nietzsche's concept of the free spirit is concerned, is not the state of knowing or of being certain of the truth of some proposition, but is rather a matter of the activity or process of truth seeking and of inquiry.2 My own view is very similar: I have argued that experimentalism is a (...)
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  33.  27
    (5 other versions)Ethics briefing.Rebecca Mussell, Sophie Brannan, Caroline Ann Harrison, Veronica English & Julian C. Sheather - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):575-576.
    Legal battles continue in the UK over the Government’s plans to transport asylum seekers arriving on British shores to Rwanda in East Africa. Originally announced as a system for ‘processing’ asylum seekers, the Government has subsequently made it clear that there would not be an option for asylum seekers to return to the UK. The arrangement forms part of a deal between the UK and Rwanda, with the UK promising to invest £120 m in economic growth and development in Rwanda, (...)
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  34.  43
    The Unmaking and Making of Self: Embodied Suffering and Mind–Body Healing in Brazilian Candomblé.Rebecca Seligman - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (3):297-320.
  35.  32
    Must Virtue Be Heroic? Virtue Ethics and the Possibility of Supererogation.Rebecca Stangl - 2023 - In David Heyd, Handbook of Supererogation. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 105-118.
    When Urmson first challenged moral philosophers to account for the phenomenon of supererogation, contemporary virtue ethics was just in its infancy. So, virtue ethicists were understandably delayed in taking up that challenge, and thus the relationship between the two remained opaque. What little discussion of virtue and supererogation there was focused on the ancients rather than their contemporary intellectual heirs and tended to be skeptical about the compatibility of supererogation and virtue ethics. Lately, this has begun to change. A number (...)
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  36.  34
    Ethics briefings.Rebecca Mussell, Natalie Michaux & Molly Gray - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):721-722.
    The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) is delighted to pick up the mantel of the Ethics briefings. For readers less familiar with the NCOB’s work, we are a leading independent policy and research centre, and the foremost bioethics body in the UK. We identify, analyse and advise on ethical issues in biomedicine and health so that decisions in these areas benefit people and society.1 Established in 1991, the NCOB has tackled a wide range of bioethics and medical ethics issues over (...)
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  37.  48
    Good Deeds and Misdeeds: A Mediated Model of the Effect of Corporate Social Performance on Organizational Attractiveness.Rebecca A. Luce, Alison E. Barber & Amy J. Hillman - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (4):397-415.
    Previous research has suggested that corporate social performance is positively related to firms’ attractiveness as employers. The authors propose and test an alternative model whereby job applicants’ familiarity with employers mediates the relationship between corporate social performance and organizational attractiveness. Applicants’familiarity with firms may serve as a signal of firms’suitability as employers, with more familiar firms considered more attractive. Furthermore, a firm’s overall level of corporate social activity (whether “good deeds” or “ misdeeds”) may contribute directly to firm familiarity and (...)
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  38.  31
    Divide and conquer: a defense of functional localizers.Rebecca Saxe, Matthew Brett & Nancy Kanwisher - 2010 - In Stephen José Hanson & Martin Bunzl, Foundational Issues in Human Brain Mapping. Bradford. pp. 25--42.
    This chapter presents the advantages of the use of functional regions of interest along with its specific concerns, and provides a reference to Karl J. Friston related to the subject. Functionally defined ROI help to test hypotheses about the cognitive functions of particular regions of the brain. fROI are useful for specifying brain locations and investigating separable components of the mind. The chapter provides an overview of the common and uncommon misconceptions about fROI related to assumptions of homogeneity, factorial designs (...)
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  39.  66
    The Actual and the Possible.Rebecca Hanrahan - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Research 42:223-242.
    We can safely infer that a proposition is possible if p is the case. But, I argue, this inference from the actual to the possible is merely explicative in nature, though we employ it at times as if it were ampliative. To make this inference ampliative, we need to include an inference to the best explanation. Specifically, we can draw a substantive conclusion as to whether p is possible from the fact that p is the case, if via our best (...)
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  40.  18
    The stigma of perceived irrelevance: An affordance-management theory of interpersonal invisibility.Rebecca Neel & Bethany Lassetter - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (5):634-659.
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  41. Perceiving the Event of Emotion.Rebecca Rowson - 2025 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 12.
    I argue that the direct perception of emotion (DP) is best conceived in terms of event perception, rather than fact perception or object perception. On neither of these two traditional models can the perception of emotion be as direct as its counterpart in ordinary perception; the proponent of DP must either drop the ‘direct’ claim or embrace a part-whole model of emotion perception and its problems. But our best account of how we perceive events directly can be applied to emotion (...)
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  42. Resistance and Repetition: Freud and Hegel.Rebecca Comay - 2015 - Research in Phenomenology 45 (2):237-266.
    _ Source: _Volume 45, Issue 2, pp 237 - 266 This essay explores the vicissitudes of resistance as the central concept of both Freud and Hegel. Read through the prism of psychoanalysis, Hegel appears less as a philosopher of inexorable progress than as a thinker of repetition, delay, and stuckness. It is only on this seemingly unpromising basis that the radical potential of both thinkers can be retrieved.
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  43.  43
    Theorizing risk attitudes and rationality using agent based modeling.Rebecca Sutton Koeser & Lara Buchak - unknown
    This poster presents results from applying agent-based modeling to an exploration of risk attitudes and rational decision making in the context of group interaction. We are also interested in the place of agent-based modeling and computational philosophy within the computational humanities. Computational philosophy has not typically been included in Digital Humanities; computational work has been done using philosophy texts as a source for analysis (Kinney 2022; Malaterre et al. 2021; Fletcher et al. 2021; Zahorec et al. 2022), but there are (...)
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  44.  46
    Of Huge Mice and Tiny Elephants: Exploring the Relationship Between Inhibitory Processes and Preschool Math Skills.Rebecca Merkley, Jodie Thompson & Gaia Scerif - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Temporizing after Spinal Cord Injury.Rebecca L. Volpe, Joshua S. Crites & Kristi L. Kirschner - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (2):8-10.
    Mr. C is a twenty‐two‐year‐old who was flown to a level‐1 trauma center after diving headfirst into shallow water. Prior to this accident, he was in excellent health. At the scene, he had been conscious but was paralyzed and had no sensation below his neck. The emergency medical services team immobilized Mr. C's neck with a cervical collar and intubated him for airway protection before transport. As Mr. C's medical care proceeds, he expresses a desire for extubation, although it was (...)
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  46.  35
    Cognitive biases in processing infant emotion by women with depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in pregnancy or after birth: A systematic review.Rebecca Webb & Susan Ayers - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (7):1278-1294.
  47. Imagination and possibility.Rebecca Hanrahan - 2007 - Philosophical Forum 38 (2):125–146.
  48.  10
    Ongoing Evaluation of Clinical Ethics Consultations as a Form of Continuous Quality Improvement.Rebecca L. Volpe - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (4):314-317.
    Ongoing evaluation of a clinical ethics consultation service (ECS) allows for continuous quality improvement, a process-based, data-driven approach for improving the quality of a service. Evaluations by stakeholders involved in a consultation can provide realtime feedback about what is working well and what might need to be improved. Although numerous authors have previously presented data from research studies on the effectiveness of clinical ethics consultation, few ECSs routinely send evaluations as an ongoing component of their everyday clinical activities. The primary (...)
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    Eros in the commons: Educating for Eco-ethical consciousness in a poetics of place.Rebecca Martusewicz - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (3):331 – 348.
    In this essay I refer to eros as the force that plays on our bodies and connects us to the larger community of life, an embodied form of love that charges the will towards well-being. Analyzing the ways that eros can be engaged and expressed in the "commons" as a life sustaining force, I look to current, on-the-ground work being done in Detroit, MI where a grassroots network of artists, community-builders, educators and neighborhood folk are revitalizing their city. Linking this (...)
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  50.  21
    Getting Developmental Science Back Into Schools: Can What We Know About Self-Regulation Help Change How We Think About “No Excuses”?Rebecca Bailey, Emily A. Meland, Gretchen Brion-Meisels & Stephanie M. Jones - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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