Results for 'Reception Directive'

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  1.  36
    Reception Conditions Directive: Concerns of Transposition into Lithuanian Legislation and Implementation.Lyra Jakulevičienė & Laurynas Biekša - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):313-333.
    The 6th of February 2005 marks the deadline of transposition of the EU Council Directive No. 2003/9/EC (Reception Conditions‘ Directive) into national legislation. This article is the second in a series of articles on transposition of the European Union Asylum Directives in Lithuania and remaining concerns. It analyses the transposition of the Reception Conditions Directive in the country, the impact of the directive‘s provisions on the development of the Lithuanian asylum law and draws attention (...)
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  2. Building Receptivity: Leopold's Land Ethic and Critical Feminist Interpretation.Kathryn J. Norlock - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 5 (4):493-512.
    Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac emphasizes values of receptivity and perceptivity that appear to be mutually reinforcing, critical to an ecological conscience, and cultivatable through concrete and embodied experience. His priorities bear striking similarities to elements of the ethics of care elaborated by feminist philosophers, especially Nel Noddings, who notably recommended receptivity, direct and personal experience, and even shared Leopold’s attentiveness to joy and play as sources of moral motivation. These commonalities are so fundamental that ecofeminists can and should (...)
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    Reception studies – нове антикознавство? Роздуми над збіркою Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform.Олена Погонченкова - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):133-145.
    The article represents analysis of the development of British Classics during the last two decades based on the compilation Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform and the main theoretical texts of reception studies. Reception studies proposed a new methodology, which is able to overcome the limits of isolated disciplines in studies of classics. Today there are three positions on the question of terminological and methodological perspectives in this research direction: a conservative humanism of (...)
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  4.  19
    The Reception of Participatory Art. The Case of Documenta Fifteen.Gizela Horváth - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:97-112.
    Documenta fifteen in 2022 was par excellence the space for participatory art, so this edition can be seen as a touchstone for it. The research of the phenomenon of participatory art is based in this text on the one hand on the curatorial texts of ruangrupa, the collective that ensured the artistic direction of this edition of the documenta, and on the personal experience of the author as a visitor of the exhibition. Among the many issues raised by participatory art, (...)
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    The Reception of Graham Harman’s Philosophy in Polish and Ukrainian Scholarship.Vasyl Korchevnyi - 2023 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 10:242-272.
    The article aims to explore the ways in which scholars from Poland and Ukraine engage with Graham Harman’s philosophical work1. The introductory part briefly describes Harman’s ontology and demonstrates the link connecting Harman with Polish and Ukrainian intellectual environments. Harman’s object-oriented ontology (OOO) states that objects are the fundamental building blocks of reality and cannot be reduced either to what they are made of or to what they do, that is, either to their constituents or to their effects. The connection (...)
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    Multiscale Receptive Fields Graph Attention Network for Point Cloud Classification.Xi-An Li, Li-Yan Wang & Jian Lu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Understanding the implication of point cloud is still challenging in the aim of classification or segmentation for point cloud due to its irregular and sparse structure. As we have known, PointNet architecture as a ground-breaking work for point cloud process can learn shape features directly on unordered 3D point cloud and has achieved favorable performance, such as 86% mean accuracy and 89.2% overall accuracy for classification task, respectively. However, this model fails to consider the fine-grained semantic information of local structure (...)
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  7.  14
    The Reception of the Copernican Universe by Representatives of 17th-Century Jewish Philosophy and Their Search for Harmony Between the Scientific and Religious Images of the World (David Gans and Joseph Solomon Delmedigo).Adam Świeżyński - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (4):5-23.
    The reception of the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus in Jewish thought of the 17th-century period is a good exemplification of the issue concerning the formation of the relationship between natural science and theology, or more broadly: between science and religion. The fundamental question concerning this relationship, which we can ask from today’s perspective of this problem, is: How does it happen that claims of a scientific nature, which are initially considered from a religious point of view to be (...)
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  8.  44
    Directions in contemporary German aesthetics.Matthew Pritchard - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (3):pp. 117-127.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Directions in Contemporary German AestheticsMatthew PritchardÄsthetisches Denken, 6th ed., by Wolfgang Welsch. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1990 (2003), 223 pp.Aisthetik: Vorlesungen Über Ästhetik Als Allgemeine Wahrnehmungslehre, by Gernot Böhme. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2001, 199 pp.Ästhetische Korrespondenzen: Denken Im Technischen Raum, by Reinhard Knodt. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1994, 166 pp.The relationship between the Anglo-American and German aesthetic traditions is a paradoxical one. On the one hand, acquaintance with one or more figures from (...)
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  9.  38
    The reception of Eduard Buchner's discovery of cell-free fermentation.Robert E. Kohler - 1972 - Journal of the History of Biology 5 (2):327-353.
    What general conclusions can be drawn about the reception of zymase, its relation to the larger shift from a protoplasm to an enzyme theory of life, and its status as a social phenomenon?The most striking and to me unexpected pattern is the close correlation between attitude toward zymase and professional background. The disbelief of the fermentation technologists, Will, Delbrück, Wehmer, and even Stavenhagen, was as sharp and unanimous as the enthusiasm of the immunologists and enzymologists, Duclaux, Roux, Fernback, and (...)
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  10.  10
    Kantianism: Schools and Directions.Maja Evgen'evna Soboleva & Соболева Майя Евгеньевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):499-512.
    The study offers an overview of philosophical currents formed under the influence of Kant’s critical philosophy. Such directions of Kantianism as German Idealism represented by F. Jacobi, Neo-Kantianism represented by E. Cassirer and A. Riehl, ontological interpretation of Kant’s theory by M. Heidegger and analytical tradition of Neo-Kantianism represented by J. McDowell are considered in detail. These examples demonstrate different approaches to understanding Kant which have been developed throughout history. Among them, one can identify the epistemological approach that views Kant’s (...)
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  11.  19
    Radical Cartesianism: The French Reception of Descartes (review).Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):415-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 415-416 [Access article in PDF] Tad M. Schmaltz. Radical Cartesianism: The French Reception of Descartes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xiv + 288. Cloth, $65.00.More than fifty years ago Richard H. Popkin urged historians of philosophy to work on secondary figures in philosophy, in part for their own sake, but also because the true shape of philosophy and the (...)
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  12.  11
    READINGS OF ARISTOTLE'S POETICS - (B.) Brazeau (ed.) The Reception of Aristotle's Poetics in the Italian Renaissance and Beyond. New Directions in Criticism. Pp. xii + 299, ills. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. Paper, £28.99, US$39.95 (Cased, £85, US$115). ISBN: 978-1-350-25143-4 (978-1-350-07893-2 hbk). [REVIEW]Tanya Pollard - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):474-477.
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  13.  50
    The reception of Hayden white.Richard T. Vann - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (2):143–161.
    Evaluation of the influence of Hayden White on the theory of history is made difficult by his preference for the essay form, valued for its experimental character, and by the need to find comparable data. A quantitative study of citations of his work in English and foreign-language journals, 1973–1993, reveals that although historians were prominent among early readers of Metahistory, few historical journals reviewed White's two subsequent collections of essays and few historians-except in Germany-cited them. Those historians who did tended (...)
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  14. Selfless Receptivity: Attention as an Epistemic Virtue.Nicolas Bommarito & Jonardon Ganeri - 2022 - In Tamar Szabó Gendler, John Hawthorne & Julianne Chung (eds.), Oxford Studies in Epistemology 7. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-14.
    A natural way to think of epistemic virtue is by analogy with an archer. Just as a skilled archer is able to take aim and hit a target, a skilled epistemic agent will aim at truth and, if things go well, get things right. Here we highlight aspects of epistemic virtue that do not fit this model, particularly ways in which epistemic virtues can be non-voluntary and not goal-directed. In doing so, we draw on two important figures in the history (...)
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  15.  32
    Rhetoric and the Reception Theory of Rationality in the Work of Two Buddhist Philosophers.Sara L. McClintock - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (1):27-41.
    Although rhetoric is not a category of ancient Indian philosophy, this paper argues that Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla, 2 eighth-century Indian Buddhist philosophers, can nonetheless be seen to embrace a rhetorical conception of rationality. That is, while these thinkers are strong proponents of rational analysis and philosophical argumentation as tools for attaining certainty, they also uphold the contingent nature of all such processes. Drawing on the categories of the New Rhetoric, this paper argues that these Buddhist thinkers understand philosophical argumentation to (...)
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  16.  57
    Early reception of Einstein's relativity in the Arab periodical press.Adel A. Ziadat - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (1):17-35.
    This paper considers the early reception of Einstein's theory of relativity in the Arab world, with emphasis directed to its popularization. Educated Arabs generally had no contention with Einstein's political, religious or cultural background. On the contrary, they viewed him as the genius of the age and defended him against his critics.
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  17.  39
    Direct perception and symbol forming in positioning.Raya Jones - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (1):37–58.
    Harreà’s positioning theory posits discourse as the concrete context within which selves are produced, but accentuates the dissociation between the physical engagement in a conversation and ‘location’ in a conceptual interpersonal space. The thesis that positioning involves selective attention, and that selected positions express ongoing transformations in the hearer’s experiential realm is expanded here initially by reference to Gibson’s direct-perception theory. The concepts of indexical and symbolic affordances are introduced to describe the function of utterances in setting parameters for hearer’s (...)
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  18. “Doubts about receptivity”, commentary on G. Rosenberg's a place for consciousness (oxford U. P., 2004).William S. Robinson - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12 (5).
    Abstract: Receptivity is a foundational concept in the analysis of causation given in Gregg Rosenberg’s A Place for Consciousness and it enters, directly or indirectly, into the definitions of a host of other terms in the book. This commentary raises a problem (which I call “the triviality problem”) about how we are to understand receptivity. Search for a solution proceeds by examination of several contexts in which the concept of receptivity is used. Although a satisfactory solution remains elusive, it is (...)
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  19. New directions for the philosophy of poetry.Karen Simecek - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (6).
    This article will introduce readers to current debates in the philosophy of poetry. This includes discussion of the need for a philosophy of poetry as distinct from a philosophy of literature, the (in)compatibility of poetry and philosophy, poetic meaning and interpretation, and poetry in relation to affect, emotion and expressiveness, which opens up discussion of wider forms of poetry from spoken word to signlanguage poetry. The article ends with suggestions for future directions of research in the philosophy of poetry. I (...)
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  20. Spatiotemporal microstructure of cat collicular receptive fields determines their directional properties.G. I. Novikov - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 114-115.
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  21.  12
    Condillac and His Reception: On the Nature and Origin of Human Abilities.Anik Waldow & Delphine Antoine-Mahut (eds.) - 2023 - Routledge.
    This volume explores the philosophy of Étienne Bonnot de Condillac. It presents, for the first time, English-language essays on Condillac's philosophy, making the complexity and sophistication of his arguments and their influence on early modern philosophy accessible to a wider readership. Condillac's reflections on the origin and nature of human abilities, such as the ability to reason, reflect and use language, took philosophy in distinctly new directions. This volume showcases the diversity of themes and methods inspired by Condillac's work. The (...)
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  22. Doubts About Receptivity.William Robinson - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Receptivity is a foundational concept in the analysis of causation given in Gregg Rosenberg’s A Place for Consciousness and it enters, directly or indirectly, into the definitions of a host of other terms in the book. This commentary raises a problem about how we are to understand receptivity. Search for a solution proceeds by examination of several contexts in which the concept of receptivity is used. Although a satisfactory solution remains elusive, it is hoped that making the problem clear will (...)
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  23.  95
    Critical Reception of Raz’s Theory of Authority. [REVIEW]Kenneth Ehrenberg - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (11):777-785.
    This is a canvass to the critical reaction to Joseph Raz’s service conception of authority, as well as actual or possible replies by Raz. Familiarity is assumed with the theory itself, covered in a previous article. The article focuses primarily on direct criticisms of Raz’s theory, rather than replies developed in the context of a theorist’s wider project.
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  24. Diversity, complementarity and synergy: The reception of ecological theology in China.Haoran Zhang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This article explores ecological theology in mainland China from 1990 to 2024 through the lens of Stephen B. Bevans’ contextual theology. By analysing its reception, it becomes clear that a distinctly contextualised ecological theology has not yet emerged in China. Considering this gap, the article examines potential directions for Chinese ecological theology across four dimensions of contextual theology. The academic and religious communities should focus on diversified yet overlapping approaches to develop Chinese ecological theology collaboratively. From the perspective of (...)
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  25.  66
    The neuropoliticalhabitusof resonant receptive democracy.Romand Coles - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (4):273-293.
    In this paper, I argue that the recent work on mirror neurons illuminates the character of our capacities for a politics of resonant receptivity in ways that both help us to comprehend the damages of our contemporary order and suggest indispensable alternative ethical-strategic registers and possible directions for organising a powerful movement towards radical democracy. In doing so, neuroscience simultaneously contributes to our understanding of the possibility and importance of a more durable radically democratic habitus. While the trope, ‘radically democratic (...)
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  26.  28
    The History and Reception of Charles Darwin’s Hypothesis of Pangenesis.Kate Holterhoff - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):661-695.
    This paper explores Charles Darwin’s hypothesis of pangenesis through a popular and professional reception history. First published in The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (1868), pangenesis stated that inheritance can be explained by sub-cellular “gemmules” which aggregated in the sexual organs during intercourse. Pangenesis thereby accounted for the seemingly arbitrary absence and presence of traits in offspring while also clarifying some botanical and invertebrates’ limb regeneration abilities. I argue that critics largely interpreted Variation as an extension of (...)
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  27.  82
    Nikolai Lossky’s Reception and Criticism of Husserl.Frédéric Tremblay - 2016 - Husserl Studies 32 (2):149-163.
    Nikolai Lossky is key to the history of the Husserl-Rezeption in Russia. He was the first to publish a review of the Russian translation of Husserl’s first volume of the Logische Untersuchungen that appeared in 1909. He also published a presentation and criticism of Husserl’s transcendental idealism in 1939. An English translation of both of Lossky’s publications is offered in this volume for the first time. The present paper, which is intended as an introduction to these documents, situates Lossky within (...)
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  28.  17
    From rejection to historicisation: the reception of Robert Owen’s ideas in the nineteenth-century Polish context.Piotr Kuligowski - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (2):202-215.
    ABSTRACT The main aim of this article is to investigate the reception of Owen’s ideas in the nineteenth-century Polish context. I argue that Owen’s ideas did not attract as much attention as those of, amongst others, Charles Fourier, Félicité de Lamennais, or – in the second half of the century – Karl Marx. Despite being overshadowed by other Romantic socialists, Owen’s reception in Poland can be described as having been marked by three phases. Though we can determine the (...)
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  29.  37
    Melvin Richter’s Contribution to the Reception of Begriffsgeschichte and to Its “Contextualization”.Davide Perdomi - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 10 (1):76-97.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 76 - 97 This article presents an account of those works, related to conceptual history and historiographical issues, written by the American historian of political thought Melvin Richter. The attention is primarily directed toward the reception of the German historiographical style called “_Begriffsgeschichte_”, and especially on its reception among Anglophone scholars. Therefore, the main objective of the article is to throw light on Richter’s understanding of _Begriffsgeschichte_, and to sum up his (...)
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  30.  45
    Adorno's American Reception.Joshua Rayman - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (149):6-29.
    The main events of Theodor W. Adorno's American experience are so familiar that, as David Jenemann1 points out, Martin Jay's groundbreaking 1973 text, The Dialectical Imagination,2 which essentially introduced the Frankfurt School to an American audience, already describes these events as well-known. Max Horkheimer's Institut für Sozialforschung (the Institute, for short), which in its exile had been affiliated with Columbia University since 1935, arranged with the Austrian émigré sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld and the Rockefeller Foundation to bring Adorno to New York (...)
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  31.  24
    “The language of Dirac’s theory of radiation”: the inception and initial reception of a tool for the quantum field theorist.Markus Ehberger - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (6):531-571.
    In 1927, Paul Dirac first explicitly introduced the idea that electrodynamical processes can be evaluated by decomposing them into virtual (modern terminology), energy non-conserving subprocesses. This mode of reasoning structured a lot of the perturbative evaluations of quantum electrodynamics during the 1930s. Although the physical picture connected to Feynman diagrams is no longer based on energy non-conserving transitions but on off-shell particles, emission and absorption subprocesses still remain their fundamental constituents. This article will access the introduction and the initial (...) of this picture of subsequent transitions (PST) by conceiving of concepts, models, and their representations as tools for the practitioners. I will argue for a multi-factorial explanation of Dirac’s initial, verbally explicit introduction: the mathematical representation he had developed was highly suggestive and already partly conceptualized; Dirac was philosophical flexible enough to talk about transitions when no actual transitions, according to the general interpretation of quantum mechanics of the time, occurred; and, importantly, Dirac eventually used the verbal exposition in the same paper in which he introduced it. The direct impact of PST on the conception of quantum electrodynamical processes will be exemplified by its reflection in diagrammatical representations. The study of the diverging ontological commitments towards PST immediately after its introduction opens up the prehistory of a philosophical debate that stretches out into the present: the dispute about the representational and ontological status of the physical picture connected to the evaluation of the perturbative series of QED and QFT. (shrink)
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  32.  60
    Force and Objectivity: On Impact, Form, and Receptivity to Nature in Science and Art.Eli Lichtenstein - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    I argue that scientific and poetic modes of objectivity are perspectival duals: 'views' from and onto basic natural forces, respectively. I ground this analysis in a general account of objectivity, not in terms of either 'universal' or 'inter-subjective' validity, but as receptivity to basic features of reality. Contra traditionalists, bare truth, factual knowledge, and universally valid representation are not inherently valuable. But modern critics who focus primarily on the self-expressive aspect of science are also wrong to claim that our knowledge (...)
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  33.  31
    La seconde acculturation chrétienne de Cicéron : la réception des Académiques du IXe au XIIe siècle.Christophe Grellard - 2013 - Astérion 11 (11).
    Cet article examine le destin médiéval des Académiques de Cicéron à partir du cas particulier d’un des rares philosophes médiévaux à se revendiquer academicus, Jean de Salisbury (1120-1180). Après avoir présenté les étapes de la réception médiévale des Académiques, ainsi que le corpus cicéronien auquel avait accès Jean de Salisbury, on conclut qu’il n’avait sans doute pas une connaissance directe de la principale œuvre sceptique de Cicéron. Néanmoins, en s’appuyant sur les autres textes de Cicéron à sa disposition, il parvient (...)
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  34.  16
    Kierkegaard’s reception of German vernacular mysticism: Johann Tauler’s sermon on the feast of the exaltation of the Cross and Practice in Christianity.Hjördis Becker-Lindenthal - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (4-5):443-464.
    ABSTRACTThe role of the image in the third part of Practice in Christianity suggests that Kierkegaard was inspired by Meister Eckhart’s and Johann Tauler’s account of detachment. I argue that Kierkegaard was not only indirectly influenced by Tauler through the works of the Pietistic writers, but also directly inspired by Tauler’s sermons. Particularly striking are similarities to a sermon that was included in the Tauler edition owned by Kierkegaard: the second sermon on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. (...)
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    Features of the Receptions of Marxism in Chinese Philosophy.Nataliia Yarmolitska - 2022 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (7):61-66.
    In the article are highlighted features of the receptions of marxism in chinese philosophy. Currently, the study of reception is one of the productive directions of the modern history of philosophy, because it allows you to gain knowledge about the philosophical culture and philosophical tradition of China, as well as to find out when the birth of marxism in chinese philosophy took place. The main goals the article is reconstruction a way of describing the emergence of marxism in chinese (...)
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  36. Fate of the Flying Man: Medieval Reception of Avicenna's Thought Experiment.Juhana Toivanen - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 3:64-98.
    This chapter discusses the reception of Avicenna’s well-known “flying man” thought experiment in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Latin philosophy. The central claim is that the argumentative role of the thought experiment changed radically in the latter half of the thirteenth century. The earlier authors—Dominicus Gundissalinus, William of Auvergne, Peter of Spain, and John of la Rochelle—understood it as an ontological proof for the existence and/or the nature of the soul. By contrast, Matthew of Aquasparta and Vital du Four used the (...)
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  37.  42
    The Neo-Idealist Reception of Kant in the Moscow Psychological Society.Randall Allen Poole - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):319-343.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Neo-Idealist Reception of Kant in the Moscow Psychological SocietyRandall A. Poole*The Moscow Psychological Society, founded in 1885 at Moscow University, was the philosophical center of the revolt against positivism in the Russian Silver Age. By the end of its activity in 1922 it had played the major role in the growth of professional philosophy in Russia. 1 The Society owes its name to its founder, M. M. (...)
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    Means without End: Production, Reception, and Teaching in Kant's Aesthetics.Gary Peters - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (1):35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.1 (2004) 35-52 [Access article in PDF] Means Without End:Production, Reception, and Teaching in Kant's Aesthetics Gary Peters The Work of Art If aesthetics is to have a role within an art school context, it must be able to engage with the work of art as an ongoing and ontologically open productive enterprise. The reception of the artwork as a completed thing (...)
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    Authority and Leadership in the Church: Past Directions and Future Possibilities by Thomas P. Rausch, S.J.Susan Wood - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):165-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 165 arguments. He meets them head on, on their ground; whether or not he is deemed successful, he presents a challenge not only to the philosophers he adduces but also to anyone in the Thomistic tradition who has judged confrontation with contemporary critics to he fruitless. JANICE L. SCHULTZ Canisius College Buffalo, New York Authority and Leadership in the Church: Past Directions and Future Possibilities. By THOMAS (...)
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  40. Intersubjectivity and Receptive Experience.Rebecca Kukla & Mark Lance - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):22-42.
    Wilfrid Sellars's iconic exposé of the ‘myth of the given’ taught us that experience must present the world to us as normatively laden, in the sense that the contents of experience must license inferences, rule out and justify various beliefs, and rationalize actions. Somehow our beliefs must be governed by the objects as they present themselves to us. Often this requirement is cashed out using language that attributes agent-like properties to objects: we are described as ‘accountable to’ objects, while objects (...)
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  41. (1 other version)The reformation of common learning: post-Ramist method and the reception of the new philosophy, 1618-c.1670.Howard Hotson - 2020 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Ramism was the most innovative and disruptive educational reform movement to sweep through the international Protestant world in the latter sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. During the 1620s, the Thirty Years' War destroyed the network of central European academies and universities which had generated most of this innovation. Students and teachers, fleeing the conflict in all directions, transplanted that tradition into many different geographical and cultural contexts in which it bore are wide variety of interrelated fruit. Within the Dutch Republic, (...)
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  42.  46
    Reason and receptivity in critical theory.Fred Rush - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (9):1043-1051.
    Nikolas Kompridis' Critique and Disclosure is a sustained argument for the proposition that critical social theory in the tradition of the Frankfurt School is best carried forward by rejecting central aspects of Habermas' neo-Kantian version of it. The most promising future direction for critical theory according to Kompridis involves a reconsideration of the resources of hermeneutic phenomenology, especially renewed attention to the Heideggerian concept ‘disclosure’. To this end, Kompridis develops a distinctive dialectical version of this concept. I agree that Kantian (...)
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  43. Gestalt Theory and Its Reception: An Annotated Bibliography.Barry Smith - 1988 - In Foundations of Gestalt Theory. Philosophia. pp. 227-478.
    The list which follows is intended as a comprehensive bibliographical survey of the wider Gestalt tradition from Graz and Berlin to Padua, Frankfurt and New York. It presents diagrammatically the main influence and teacher-pupil relationships also groupings into schools. It includes the classical texts of the Gestalt psychological tradition, together with the more important translations and reprints thereof. Special attention is paid to works on the following topics: - the concept of Prägnanz or `good form' and related treatments of aesthetic (...)
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  44. Language, Truth, and Logic and the Anglophone reception of the Vienna Circle.Andreas Vrahimis - 2021 - In Adam Tamas Tuboly (ed.), The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. pp. 41-68.
    A. J. Ayer’s Language, Truth, and Logic had been responsible for introducing the Vienna Circle’s ideas, developed within a Germanophone framework, to an Anglophone readership. Inevitably, this migration from one context to another resulted in the alteration of some of the concepts being transmitted. Such alterations have served to facilitate a number of false impressions of Logical Empiricism from which recent scholarship still tries to recover. In this paper, I will attempt to point to the ways in which LTL has (...)
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    La seconde acculturation chrétienne de Cicéron : la réception des Académiques du IXe au XIIe siècle. [REVIEW]Christophe Grellard - 2013 - Astérion 11 (11).
    This study deals with the place of Cicero’s Academics in the Middle Ages. It focuses on the case study of John Salisbury who is one the few medieval philosopher to claim to be an Academic (Academicus). We first examine the progress of the medieval reception of Academics and individuate John’s ciceronian corpus. We conclude from this analysis that he probably did not have a direct access to the Academics. But, relying on some other ciceronian works, he was able to (...)
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    Exploring the structure of mental action in directed thought.Johannes Wagemann - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (2):145-176.
    While the general topic of agency has been collaboratively explored in philosophy and psychology, mental action seems to resist such an interdisciplinary research agenda. Since it is difficult to empirically access mental agency beyond externally measurable behavior, the topic is mainly treated philosophically. However, this has not prevented philosophers from substantiating their arguments with psychological findings, but predominantly with those which allegedly limit the scope and conscious controllability of mental action in favor of automated subpersonal processes. By contrast, the call (...)
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  47. Sobre a recepção do conceito de Verantwortlichkeit de Wilhelm Windelband na antinomia das éticas da convicção e da responsabilidade de Max Weber/The reception of Wilhelm Windelband’s concept of Verantwortlichkeit in Max Weber’s antinomy between the ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility.Luis F. Roselino - 2013 - Seara Filosófica 7:1-12.
    In the following pages, the main proposal is to indicate how Max Weber has dialogued directly with some prerogatives from Kant’s Critic of practical Reason, following the reception of Wilhelm Windelband’s concept of “responsibility” (Verantwortlichkeit) and his theory of values. In sight of these influences, in this paper will be argued how Weber adherence to the neo-Kantian value concept has made possible a review on the categorical imperatives, which has turned his reading from Kantian philosophy to the proposal of (...)
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    A Comprehensive Analysis of Hakka Music Culture Education in Jiangxi: Surveys, Performance Evaluations and Future Directions.Wenchao Liang, Jatuporn Seemuang & Pornpan Kaenampornpan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:31-45.
    This study comprehensively analyzes Hakka music culture education in Jiangxi. It more specifically surveys the performance and presents certain evaluations for the future directions. The study employed a qualitative research methodology, which involved conducting interviews, administering questionnaires and making observations. According to results from student and teacher polls at Gannan Normal University, students had various levels of familiarity and involvement with Hakka music and an acknowledged need for its inclusion in the music curriculum. At Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, (...)
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    The invention of human nature: the intention and reception of Pufendorf’s entia moralia doctrine.Ian Hunter - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (7):933-952.
    In treating human nature as a ‘moral entity’, imposed by God for reasons into which man could have no direct insight, Samuel Pufendorf reconfigured the architecture of natural law thought in a fundamental way. For this meant that rather than deducing norms from a nature in which they had been embedded by God and could be discerned by self-reflective reason, man had to derive them by observing the requirements of the exigent condition in which he happened to find himself; and (...)
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  50. Experience of Being: Origin, Paradigmatic Potential, Ways and Means of Cultural Reception.Leonid Solonko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:43-52.
    The article is devoted to the experience of being; it suggests that the experience of being is the basis of human subjectivity and is responsible for ensuring the connection between man and the universe. Intuitions born in the process of being experience are used by a person to solve existential problems. Being experience in its immediacy was revealed to man in the epoch of transition from primitive communal relations to class society. The discursive comprehension of the being experience undertaken by (...)
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