Results for 'Renata Franczak'

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  1. O potrzebie nauczania filozofii w szkole. Raport z badań.Renata Franczak - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 73.
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    Errant letters: Jacques Rancière and the philosophy of literature.Jerzy Franczak - 2023 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Jerzy Franczak comprehensively presents Jacques Rancière's thought by emphasizing the relations between politics and literature. The detailed analysis considers the context of modern aesthetics and political philosophy, which is why the book introduces further protagonists, such as Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, or Jean-François Lyotard. Franczak first reconstructs Rancière's original philosophy of literature so as to then immediately apply it in readings of select world literature masterpieces by Gustav Flaubert, Max Jacob, Bertold Brecht, Vladimir Nabokov, and Philip (...)
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    Shifting foci of ethical concerns: a new generation enters the corporate world.Jennifer Franczak & Doreen E. Shanahan - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (7):616-636.
    Understanding the moral right and wrong in the context of business practice has long captivated the attention of researchers and business leaders (Brenkert, 2019). Fueled by ethical failures recoun...
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    Błądzące słowa: Jacques Rancière i filozofia literatury.Jerzy Franczak - 2017 - Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN Wydawnictwo.
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    “Germany in ruins”. Framing new political movements in Germany in the Polish opinion-forming press.Karol Franczak - 2019 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 15 (1):97-119.
    One of the main goals of contemporary media, along with the experts and professionals, who speak in them, has been to explain complex issues and provide the audience with clear descriptions of social reality. This is mostly achieved by the production of ideologically useful interpretative schemes that facilitate understanding of the issues present on the media agenda. An important strategy of shaping the public opinion in the way in which public affairs and the activity of social life participants is framed. (...)
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  6. The weirdness of belief in free will.Renatas Berniūnas, Audrius Beinorius, Vilius Dranseika, Vytis Silius & Paulius Rimkevičius - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 87:103054.
    It has been argued that belief in free will is socially consequential and psychologically universal. In this paper we look at the folk concept of free will and its critical assessment in the context of recent psychological research. Is there a widespread consensus about the conceptual content of free will? We compared English “free will” with its lexical equivalents in Lithuanian, Hindi, Chinese and Mongolian languages and found that unlike Lithuanian, Chinese, Hindi and Mongolian lexical expressions of “free will” do (...)
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  7. A 30-Year Historical Examination of Ethical Concerns Regarding Business Ethics: Who’s Concerned? [REVIEW]Will Drover, Jennifer Franczak & Richard F. Beltramini - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):431-438.
    Understanding the ethical attitudes and concerns of future business leaders has been the focus of increasing research attention. Largely, this is due to the influence of such perspectives, as it is these presently held ideologies that ultimately translate into the actions and behaviors of the forthcoming workforce. This research examines how such business-related ethicality perspectives have evolved by administering a nationwide survey that builds on two Journal of Business Ethics studies, Beltramini et al. (J Bus Ethics 3:195–200, 1984 ) and (...)
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  8. Time and moral judgment.Renata S. Suter & Ralph Hertwig - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):454-458.
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    On Anxiety.Renata Salecl - 2004 - Routledge.
    We frequently hear that we live in an age of anxiety, from 'therapy culture', the Atkins diet and child anti-depressants to gun culture and weapons of mass destruction. While Hollywood regularly cashes in on teenage anxiety through its Scream franchise, pharmaceutical companies churn out new drugs such as Paxil to combat newly diagnosed anxieties. On Anxiety takes a fascinating, psychological plunge behind the scenes of our panic stricken culture and into anxious minds, asking who and what is responsible. Putting anxiety (...)
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  10. Folk concepts of person and identity: A response to Nichols and Bruno.Renatas Berniūnas & Vilius Dranseika - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):96-122.
    Nichols and Bruno claim that the folk judge that psychological continuity is necessary for personal identity. In this article, we evaluate this claim. First, we argue that it is likely that in thinking about hypothetical cases of transformations, the folk do not use a unitary concept of personal identity, but instead rely on different concepts of ‘person’, ‘identity’, and ‘individual’. Identity can be ascribed even when post-transformation individuals are no longer categorized as persons. Second, we provide new empirical evidence suggesting (...)
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    Resource bounded belief revision.Renata Wassermann - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):429-446.
    The AGM paradigm for belief revision provides a very elegant and powerful framework for reasoning about idealized agents. The paradigm assumes that the modeled agent is a perfect reasoner with infinite memory. In this paper we propose a framework to reason about non-ideal agents that generalizes the AGM paradigm. We first introduce a structure to represent an agent's belief states that distinguishes different status of beliefs according to whether or not they are explicitly represented, whether they are currently active and (...)
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    Storie, menti, mondi: approccio neuroermeneutico alla letteratura.Renata Gambino & Grazia Pulvirenti (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Disclosure Responses to a Corruption Scandal: The Case of Siemens AG.Renata Blanc, Charles H. Cho, Joanne Sopt & Manuel Castelo Branco - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):545-561.
    In the current study, we examine the changes in disclosure practices on compliance and the fight against corruption at Siemens AG, a large German multinational corporation, over the period 2000–2011 during which a major corruption scandal was revealed. More specifically, we conduct a content analysis of the company’s annual reports and sustainability reports during that period to investigate the changes of Siemens’ corruption and compliance disclosure using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Through the lens of legitimacy theory, stakeholder analysis, and (...)
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  14. Are there different moral domains? Evidence from Mongolia.Renatas Berniūnas, Vilius Dranseika & Paulo Sousa - 2016 - Asian Journal of Social Psychology 19:275–282.
    In this paper we report a study conducted in Mongolia on the scope of morality, that is, the extent to which people moralize different social domains. Following Turiel’s moral-conventional task, we characterized moral transgressions (in contrast to conventional transgressions) in terms of two dimensions: authority independence and generality of scope. Different moral domains are then defined by grouping such moral transgressions in terms of their content (following Haidt’s classification of morally relevant domains). There are four main results of the study. (...)
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    A passion for ignorance: what we choose not to know and why.Renata Salecl - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Drawing on philosophy, social and psychoanalytic theory, popular culture, and her own experience, Salecl explores how the passion for ignorance plays out in many different aspects of life today, from love, illness, trauma, and the fear of failure to genetics, forensic science, big data, and the Incel movement-and she concludes that ignorance is a complex phenomenon that can, on occasion, benefit individuals and society as a whole.
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    The Gender Pay Gap: Can Behavioral Economics Provide Useful Insights?Renata M. Heilman & Petko Kusev - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Understanding Law and Emotion.Renata Grossi - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):55-60.
    Understanding the contributions and the implications of law and emotion scholarship requires an acknowledgement of the different approaches within it. A significant part of law and emotion scholarship is focused on arguing for the relevance of emotion and on identifying emotion in legal processes and actors. Other parts of it venture further to ask how law can affect the expression and content of emotions themselves. This scholarship challenges legal positivist foundations (law as rational and objective), as well as some other (...)
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    Offensive language in media discussion forums: A pragmatic analysis.Renata Povolná & Olga Dontcheva Navratilova - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):223-238.
    This study intends to contribute to the delimitation of selected offensive language categories based on an analysis of a corpus of contributions to discussion forums in Czech online national newspapers and news platforms called Czech Corpus of Offensive Language (CCOL). It endeavours to study three problematic areas (1) delimitation between the speech acts performed, (ii) lexical realisation of specific properties of the target and (iii) identification and categorisation of implicit offence (e.g. figurative semantic shifts) by exploring contextual cues for the (...)
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    On AGM for Non-Classical Logics.Renata Wassermann - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (2):271 - 294.
    The AGM theory of belief revision provides a formal framework to represent the dynamics of epistemic states. In this framework, the beliefs of the agent are usually represented as logical formulas while the change operations are constrained by rationality postulates. In the original proposal, the logic underlying the reasoning was supposed to be supraclassical, among other properties. In this paper, we present some of the existing work in adapting the AGM theory for non-classical logics and discuss their interconnections and what (...)
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    Toward a Nonbinary Model of Gender/Sex Traits.Renata Ziemińska - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):402-421.
    I argue against the exclusive female/male divide, referring to the phenomenon of epistemic injustice in the cases of people with nonbinary gender identities and people with intersex traits. Such people have traits that are counterexamples to the binary female/male model. I have separated female and male traits into nine basic layers, five of which belong to sex and four to gender. In every layer, I have found traits that are neither female nor male, and the application of the model to (...)
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    Women Know Better What Other Women Think and Feel: Gender Effects on Mindreading across the Adult Life Span.Renata Wacker, Sven Bölte & Isabel Dziobek - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Reasons to Write in Grade 6 and Their Association With Writing Quality.Renata S. Rocha, Marisa Filipe, Sofia Magalhães, Steve Graham & Teresa Limpo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Ideology After the Fall of Socialism.Renata Salecl - 1994 - Routledge.
    The rise of nationalist, racist and anti-feminist ideologies is one of the most frightening repercussions of the collapse of socialism. Using psychoanalytic theories of fantasy to investigate why such extremist ideologies have taken hold, Renata Salecl argues that the major social and political changes in post-communist Eastern Europe require a radical re-evaluation of notions of liberal theories of democracy. In doing so she offers a new approach to human rights and feminism grounded in her own active partipation in the (...)
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    Causalidade na Filosofia da Medicina e da Epidemiologia.Renata Arruda - 2021 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 25 (3):375-399.
    A análise epistemológica das práticas das ciências da saúde vem se tornando mais presente no debate filosófico nas últimas décadas, e se torna premente diante do contexto dramático da pandemia em que atualmente vivemos. Para contribuir com a essa análise, o presente artigo apresenta uma introdução às temáticas da filosofia da medicina e da filosofia da epidemiologia, especialmente o exame do papel da causalidade, conceito fundamental para a compreensão da relação entre saúde e doença. A noção de causa INUS, formulada (...)
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    Choice.Renata Salecl - 2010 - London: Profile.
    Choice explores how late capitalism_s shrill exhortations to _be oneself_ can be a tyranny which only leads to ever-greater disquiet.Drawing on diverse examples ...
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  26. Mongolian yos surtakhuun and WEIRD “morality”.Renatas Berniūnas - 2020 - Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 4:59–71.
    “Morality” is a Western term that brings to mind all sorts of associations. In contemporary Western moral psychology it is a commonplace to assume that people (presumably across all cultures and languages) will typically associate the term “moral” with actions that involve considerations of harm and/or fairness. But is it cross-culturally a valid claim? The current work provides some preliminary evidence from Mongolia to address this question. The word combination of yos surtakhuun is a Mongolian translation of the Western term (...)
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    Generalized change and the meaning of rationality postulates.Renata Wassermann - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (2):299 - 319.
    The standard theory of belief revision was developed to describe how a rational agent should change his beliefs in the presence of new information. Many interesting tools were created, but the concept of rationality was usually assumed to be related to classical logics. In this paper, we explore the fact that the logical tools used can be extended to other sorts of logics, as proved in (Hansson and Wassermann, 2002), to describe models that are closer to the rationality of a (...)
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    The Epistemic Injustice Expressed in “Normalizing” Surgery on Children with Intersex Traits.Renata Ziemińska - 2020 - Diametros 17 (66):52-65.
    I present the notion of epistemic injustice coined by Miranda Fricker and apply it to the situation of people with intersex traits, especially intersex children who are the subjects of “normalizing” surgery. Several studies from Polish hospitals show that both early “normalizing” surgery and the decision to postpone such surgery can result in harm to an intersex child. For this reason, I claim that “normalizing” surgery is only an expression of the epistemic hermeneutical injustice existing before the surgery and that (...)
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    Survey on the current practice of research ethics committees in the Czech academic environment: a mixed-methods study.Renata Veselska, Jan Sirucek & Josef Kure - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    The primary objective of this study was to conduct a comprehensive questionnaire survey on the practices of research ethics committees reviewing academic research projects in Czechia. The study aims to provide an unbiased and objective assessment of the current practices of research ethics committees, namely to obtain the missing data on their functioning in the context of academic research, to identify difficulties and shortages that threaten the responsible functioning of research ethics committees in the country and to investigate the implementation (...)
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  30. Samoświadomość i sceptycyzm.Renata Ziemińska - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 29 (2 (114)):91-102.
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    Advocacy care on HIV disclosure to children.Renata de Moura Bubadué & Ivone Evangelista Cabral - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (2):e12278.
    Children with HIV are dependent on taking continuous medication and care, and family preparation is required when disclosing HIV. This study aimed to unveil families’ experiences with HIV disclosure to children under 13 years old. Eight family members who have disclosed HIV to seropositive children were interviewed in‐depth and individually. The fieldwork took place at a public paediatric outpatient hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The results showed that the family members’ discourse highlighted two ways of knowing their own condition and (...)
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    Neurohermeneutics A Transdisciplinary Approach to Literature.Renata Gambino & Grazia Pulvirenti - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (2):185-200.
    Summary In the epistemic frame of the biocultural turn and of the neuroaesthetics, we have developed neurohermeneutics as an approach to literature that aims at contributing to the current debate about the linkage between literary, cognitive and neuroscientific studies, focusing on the relationship between mindbrain processes mirrored in the formal features of the text and the strategies activated by the author in a text in order to guide the reader in imagining, emotionally feeling and cognitively getting meanings out of the (...)
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    Pragmatic Inconsistency of Sextan Skepticism.Renata Ziemińska - 2013 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):71-86.
    Skepticism described by Sextus Empiricus faces the persistent charge that it is an inconsistent, self-refuting view. However, recently its consistency hasbeen defended in three important ways: it is a thesis with weak assertion, it is a practice without any assertion, and it is a process developing over time.The first option is not well supported by Sextus’ texts, where even a weak assertion is not allowed. The second option cannot explain the rationality of skeptical arguments. The third option reveals two levels (...)
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  34. Die Techniken des szenischen Spiels im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache.Renata Cieślak - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:273-283.
    Pod pojęciem technik interpretacji scenicznej rozumie się działania, które łącząc recepcję tekstu literackiego z pedagogiką dramy, przyczyniają się do intensywnej analizy i interpretacji tekstów. Twórcą i głównym przedstawicielem tego nurtu dydaktyki literatury jest w Niemczech profesor nauk o estetyce i komunikacji Ingo Scheller. Swoją koncepcję pracy z tekstami literackimi Scheller zbudował na gruncie estetyki recepcji - teorii, która nadawała szczególną rolę czytelnikowi w konstytuowaniu znaczenia dzieła literackiego. Ogromny wpływ na powstanie interpretacji scenicznej wywarły także rozwijające się w latach osiemdziesiątych koncepcje (...)
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  35. Delineating The Moral Domain in Moral Psychology.Renatas Berniūnas - 2014 - Problemos 86:90-101.
    The aim of this paper is to review current debate about the moral domain in the moral psychological literature. There is some vagueness in respect to the usage of the very concept of ‘morality’. This conceptual problem recently has been re-addressed by several authors. So far, there is little agreement, nobody seems to agree about how to delineate the moral domain from other ‘non-moral’ normative domains. Currently, there are several positions that disagree about the scope of morality, ranging from complete (...)
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    Listening to placebos: the contested lessons of antidepressants debates.Renata Prati - 2025 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 47 (1):1-20.
    The goal of this paper is to explore a set of epistemological and ontological issues regarding the historical and philosophical role of placebos in the contested history of antidepressants. Starting from an account of the dual nature of the placebo as both an epistemic and a therapeutic tool, and against the background of the heated debates on the efficacy of second-generation antidepressants, I propose two related arguments. First, I argue that placebos as controls played a crucial but paradoxical role in (...)
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    Local Diagnosis.Renata Wassermann - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (1):107-129.
    In the area known as model-based diagnosis, a system is described by-means of a set of formulas together with assumptions that all the components are functioning correctly. When we observe a behavior of the system which is inconsistent with the system description, we must relax some of the assumptions. In previous work, we have presented operations of belief change which only affect the relevant part of a belief base. In this paper, we propose the application of the same strategy to (...)
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    From the Sky to the Fundamental Physics.Renata Kallosh - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1279-1290.
    We discuss the relation between string theory/supergravity and the observational data in cosmology, as well as at LHC, past and future. We pay particular attention to the possibility of the future detection of primordial gravitational waves and how this might affect our understanding of fundamental physics.
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    Listening to what cannot be said: Broken narratives and the lived body.Renata Kokanović & Meredith Stone - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 17 (1):20-31.
    The core of this special issue of Arts and Humanities in Higher Education emerged from the Broken Narratives and the Lived Body conference held in 2016. The ‘Broken Narrative’ essays included in this issue open up a critical space for understanding and theorising illness narratives that defy a conventional cognitive ordering of the self as a bounded spatial and temporal entity. Here, we discuss how narratives might be ‘broken’ by discourse, trauma, ‘ill’ lived bodies and experiences that exceed linguistic representation. (...)
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    Bound to Share or Not to Care. The Force of Fate, Gods, Luck, Chance and Choice across Cultures.Renatas Berniūnas, Audrius Beinorius, Vilius Dranseika, Vytis Silius & Paulius Rimkevičius - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 23 (3-4):451-475.
    People across cultures consider everyday choices in the context of perceived various external life-determining forces: such as fate and gods (two teleological forces) and such notions as luck and chance (two non-teleological forces). There is little cross-cultural evidence (except for a belief in gods) showing how people relate these salient notions of life-determining forces to prosociality and a sense of well-being. The current paper provides preliminary cross-cultural data to address this gap. Results indicate that choice is the most important life-determining (...)
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  41. The exposure of privacy in today's culture.Renata Salecl - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (1):1-8.
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    Moral panic over migration in the broadcasting of the Czech Radio.Renáta Sedláková - 2017 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 13 (2).
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  43. Caetani: cent'anni di gloria.Renata Salarani - 2010 - Medioevo 14:38-45.
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  44. Legal English.Renata Vystrčilova - 2000 - Philosophica 73:91-96.
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    The Beauty of the Human Face in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Discourse.Renáta Kišoňová - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (1):103-116.
    The face serves as a fascinating focal point for exploring different perspectives and attitudes on human nature, including their identity, boundaries, culture, roles, the function of looks, beauty, religion, imagination, memory and more. In this paper, I will explore the analysis of facial beauty in the framework of contemporary interdisciplinary research, particularly the realms of contemporary cognitive science, neuropsychology, and evolutionary biology. Why do we prefer some faces and not others? What mechanisms underlie the evaluation of some faces as more (...)
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    Parent-infant interactions in families with women diagnosed with postnatal depression: a longitudinal study on the effects of a psychodynamic treatment.Renata Tambelli, Luca Cerniglia, Silvia Cimino & Giulia Ballarotto - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:150481.
    _Background:_ Several studies have shown a connection between mothers with postnatal depression (PND) and emotional-behavioral problems in their children. Mothers’ psychopathology may impair interactional patterns with children and these outcomes can be influenced by father’s psychopathological symptoms. The primary aim of the study was to assess over time parent-infant interaction in families where mothers have experienced PND and have received psychological treatment during the child’s first year of life considering the severity of parents’ psychopathological symptoms and children’s temperament. _Methods:_ Three (...)
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    Fertility Transition in China and its Causes.Renata Pęciak - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):409-426.
    Demographic transition faced by modern economies, including China, are among the most important long-term socio-economic challenges. In 2022, China observed its population decline for the first time since the early 1960s. The low fertility rate was of critical importance. The unprecedented one-child policy is quite commonly indicated as the main reason for the low fertility rate. However, the departure from this restrictive policy and the actions introduced under the two-child policy implemented from 2016, and then the three-child policy from mid-2021, (...)
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  48. Nežudyk, nevok, nemeluok: preliminarus lietuviams kognityviai raiškiausių moralinių nusižengimų tyrimas.Renatas Berniūnas & Vilius Dranseika - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Kokie veiksmai yra kognityviškai raiškiausi, labiausiai prototipiški moralės transgresijų pavyzdžiai? Deja, šiuo metu yra labai nedaug tyrimų, siekiančių sistemiškai nagrinėti šį klausimą. Šiuo straipsniu siekiame prisidėti prie šio klausimo sprendimo pristatydami preliminarius tyrimo duomenis apie tai, kurie veiksmai tyrimo dalyviams lietuviams buvo raiškiausi. Pirmajame tyrime pritaikius kognityvinės antropologijos metodus buvo nustatyti tyrimo dalyviams iš Lietuvos raiškiausi moralinių transgresijų atvejai. Antrajame tyrime dalyvių buvo prašoma šiuos veiksmus suskirstyti į kategorijas, paimtas iš Haidto moralės pagrindų teorijos. Paėmus kartu, šie tyrimai suteikia preliminarių (...)
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    Determinações Sociais da Saúde e Os Desafios Na Propagação e Combate Ao Covid-19.Renata Lima Oliveira, Ana Carolina Miano, Leodinilde Pinto Caetano, Mercedes Queiroz Zuliani & Daniela Queiroz Zuliani - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):56-70.
    In late 2019, an infectious disease with a high rate of human-to-human transmission was identified in Wuhan, China, which was called Covid-19. In a short time, this disease affected several regions of the world and became a pandemic, with huge impacts on people's lives and the environment. This article aims to investigate the existing relationships between health and the environment, at the moment of confronting Covid-19 in Brazil, focusing on the socioenvironmental issues of sanitation and agglomeration and its consequences/limits for (...)
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    Prawda i post-prawda. Warstwowe pojęcie prawdy.Renata Ziemińska - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (2):277-291.
    Artykuł konfrontuje stanowisko Stanisława Judyckiego na temat prawdy ze zjawiskiem post-prawdy. Stanisław Judycki broni koncepcji prawdy radykalnie obiektywnej, lokalizując nośniki prawdziwości w boskim umyśle. Słabą stroną takiego stanowiska jest między innymi brak wyjaśnienia zjawiska post-prawdy. Autorka twierdzi, że trzeba odróżnić prawdę idealną i prawdę społeczną, ponieważ post-prawda jest generowana na poziomie prawdy społecznej i żywi się brakiem rozróżnienia tych dwu warstw. Zjawisko post-prawdy wyjaśnia się na gruncie konsensualnej teorii prawdy (Bufacchi 2021) jako konstruowanie alternatywnego konsensusu, które odbywa się w atmosferze (...)
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