Results for 'Renaud Legouis'

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  1.  16
    The strange case of Drp1 in autophagy: Jekyll and Hyde?Yanfang Chen, Emmanuel Culetto & Renaud Legouis - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (4):2100271.
    There is a debate regarding the function of Drp1, a GTPase involved in mitochondrial fission, during the elimination of mitochondria by autophagy. A number of experiments indicate that Drp1 is needed to eliminate mitochondria during mitophagy, either by reducing the mitochondrial size or by providing a noncanonical mitophagy function. Yet, other convincing experimental results support the conclusion that Drp1 is not necessary. Here, we review the possible functions for Drp1 in mitophagy and autophagy, depending on tissues, organisms and stresses, and (...)
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    La phénoménologie et le concept de vie: Un entretien avec Renaud Barbaras.Renaud Barbaras, Tarek Dika & William Hackett - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (2):153-179.
    Interview with Renaud Barbaras, conducted on May 18, 2011.
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    Entrevista com Renaud Barbara O pertencimento: novos rumos.Renaud Barbaras, Paulo César Rodrigues, Fabrício Rodrigues Pizelli & Gabriel Gurae Guedes Paes - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):17-34.
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    The Being of the Phenomenon: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology.Renaud Barbaras - 2004 - Indiana University Press.
    The Being of the Phenomenon opens European post-structuralism to further study and is certain to inspire new thinking about the origins of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology.
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    Introduction to a phenomenology of life.Renaud Barbaras - 2021 - Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press. Edited by Leonard Lawlor.
    In Introduction to a Phenomenology of Life, renowned French philosopher Renaud Barbaras aims to construct the basis for a phenomenology of life. Called an introduction because it has to deal with philosophical limits and presuppositions, it is much more, as Barbaras investigates life in its phenomenological senses, approached through the duality of its intransitive and transitive senses. Originally published in French (Introduction à une phénoménologie de la vie) Introduction to a Phenomenology of Life first defines the problem of life (...)
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    Le tournant de l'expérience: recherches sur la philosophie de Merleau-Ponty.Renaud Barbaras - 1998 - Paris: Vrin.
    L'oeuvre de Merleau-Ponty est tout entiere commandee par le souci de mettre rigoureusement en oeuvre le mot d'ordre husserlien de retour aux choses memes, ce qui exige, conformement au geste amorce par Husserl dans la Krisis, de reconnaitre l'oeuvre de l'idealisation -c'est-a-dire de l'objectivation- la meme ou elle se fait oublier, afin de la neutraliser. A l'instar de Bergson, pour qui la tache de la philosophie etait d'aller chercher l'experience au-dessus du tournant ou, s'inflechissant dans le sens de l'utilite, elle (...)
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  7.  28
    Le désir et la distance: introduction à une phénoménologie de la perception.Renaud Barbaras - 1999 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Cette introduction explique la perception, reconnue par Husserl sous le titre de "donation par esquisses". Il s'agit d'opérer une réduction radicale qui va de la critique du néant au monde comme a priori de tout apparaître. A ce monde correspond un sujet dont le sens d'être fait problème puisqu'il est à la fois un moment du monde et en rapport avec la totalité comme telle.
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    The Poverty of Radical Ecological Economics: A Critique of Clive Spash from the Viewpoint of the Austrian School.Renaud Fillieule - 2023 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 29 (1):21-43.
    This paper delves into the work of Clive L. Spash, a British radical ecological economist well-known in his field who currently holds a professorship at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. We start with an examination of the principles of his “social ecological economics.” We then critically evaluate his attack on economic growth and his perspective on the standard economic models of climate change. Lastly, we explore his approach to science as a theoretical pursuit and his policy recommendations. The (...)
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  9. Life, movement, and desire.Renaud Barbaras - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (1):3-17.
    In French, the verb "to live" designates both being alive and the experience of something. This ambiguity has a philosophical meaning. The task of a phenomenology of life is to describe an originary sense of living from which the very distinction between life in the intransitive sense and life in the transitive, or intentional, sense proceeds. Hans Jonas is one of those rare authors who has tried to give an account of the specificity of life instead of reducing life to (...)
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  10.  19
    Lecciones para una fenomenología de la correlación y una metafísica del sentimiento. El Seminario de Buenos Aires.Renaud Barbaras - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:25-108.
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    Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational, and International Criminal Law.Francois Tanguay-Renaud & James Stribopoulos (eds.) - 2012 - Hart Publishing.
    In the last two decades, the philosophy of criminal law has undergone a vibrant revival in Canada. The adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has given the Supreme Court of Canada unprecedented latitude to engage with principles of legal, moral, and political philosophy when elaborating its criminal law jurisprudence. Canadian scholars have followed suit by paying increased attention to the philosophical foundations of domestic criminal law. Because of Canada's leadership in international criminal law, both at the level of (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Making Sense of 'Public' Emergencies.François Tanguay-Renaud - 2009 - Philosophy of Management (formerly Reason in Practice) 8 (2):31-53.
    In this article, I seek to make sense of the oft-invoked idea of 'public emergency' and of some of its (supposedly) radical moral implications. I challenge controversial claims by Tom Sorell, Michael Walzer, and Giorgio Agamben, and argue for a more discriminating understanding of the category and its moral force.
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    (2 other versions)Merleau-Ponty and Nature.Renaud Barbaras - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:61-62.
  14. The movement of the living as the originary foundation of perceptual intentionality.Renaud Barbaras - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 525--538.
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    Developing and Implementing new TB Technologies: Key Informants’ Perspectives on the Ethical Challenges.Renaud F. Boulanger, Ana Komparic, Angus Dawson, Ross E. G. Upshur & Diego S. Silva - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):65-73.
    ObjectiveTo identify the ethical challenges associated with the development and implementation of new tuberculosis drugs and diagnostics.MethodsTwenty-three semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted between December 2015 and September 2016 with programme administrators, healthcare workers, advocates, policymakers, and funders based in the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis.ResultsDivergent interests and responsibilities, coupled with power imbalances, are a primary source of ethical challenges; the uncertain risk profiles of new drugs present an additional one. Although this challenge can be partially mitigated (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Desire and distance: introduction to a phenomenology of perception.Renaud Barbaras - 2006 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Desire and Distance constitutes an important new departure in contemporary phenomenological thought, a rethinking and critique of basic philosophical positions concerning the concept of perception presented by Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, though it departs in significant and original ways from their work. Barbaras’s overall goal is to develop a philosophy of what “life” is—one that would do justice to the question of embodiment and its role in perception and the formation of the human subject. Barbaras posits that desire and distance inform (...)
  17. Affectivity and movement: The sense of sensing in Erwin Straus.Renaud Barbaras - 2004 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (2):215-228.
    This paper explores the notion of sensing (Empfinden) as developed by Erwin Straus. It argues that the notion of sensing is at the center of Strauss's thought about animal and human experience. Straus's originality consists in approaching sensory experience from an existential point of view. Sensing is not a mode of knowing. Sensing is distinguished from perceiving but is still a mode of relation to exteriority, and is situated on the side of what is usually called affectivity. At the same (...)
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  18. The Ambiguity of the Flesh.Renaud Barbaras - 2002 - Chiasmi International 4:19-26.
  19. La résistance du sensible. Merleau-Ponty critique de la transparence, avec une préface de Renaud Barbaras.Emmanuel Alloa & Renaud Barbaras - 2014 - Kimé.
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  20.  14
    The Platonic Alcibiades I: The Dialogue and its Ancient Reception.François Renaud & Harold Tarrant - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Harold Tarrant.
    Although it was influential for several hundred years after it first appeared, doubts about the authenticity of the Platonic Alcibiades I have unnecessarily impeded its interpretation ever since. It positions itself firmly within the Platonic and Socratic traditions, and should therefore be approached in the same way as most other Platonic dialogues. It paints a vivid portrait of a Socrates in his late thirties tackling the unrealistic ambitions of the youthful Alcibiades, urging him to come to know himself and to (...)
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  21. Life and perceptual intentionality.Renaud Barbaras - 2003 - Research in Phenomenology 33 (1):157-166.
    Husserl is the first philosopher who has managed to account for the specificity of perception, characterized as givenness by sketches (Abschattungen); but neither Husserl nor Merleau-Ponty have given a satisfying definition of the subject of perception. This article tries to show that the subject of perception must be conceived as living being and that, therefore, the phenomenology of perception must lead to a phenomenology of life. Here, life is approached from an existential point of view, that is to say, as (...)
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  22.  76
    Puzzling about State Excuses as an Instance of Group Excuses.François Tanguay-Renaud - 2013 - In R. A. Duff, Lindsay Farmer, S. E. Marshall, Massimo Renzo & Victor Tadros (eds.), The Constitution of the Criminal Law. Oxford University Press.
    Can the state, as opposed to its individual human members in their personal capacity, intelligibly seek to avoid blame for unjustified wrongdoing by invoking excuses (as opposed to justifications)? Insofar as it can, should such claims ever be given moral and legal recognition? While a number of theorists have denied it in passing, the question remains radically underexplored. -/- In this article (in its penultimate draft version), I seek to identify the main metaphysical and moral objections to state excuses, and (...)
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  23.  9
    Eric Voegelin et l'Orient: millénarisme et religions politiques de l'Antiquité à Daech.Renaud Fabbri - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'échec des printemps arabes et l'instauration d'un nouveau Califat de la terreur en Syrie et en Irak nous contraignent à repenser la place du religieux dans le monde contemporain. Rivés sur les questions sécuritaires, nous manquons encore néanmoins d'outils philosophiques pour comprendre la montée d'un nouveau totalitarisme millénariste et apocalyptique. Le présent ouvrage s'appuie sur les travaux d'Eric Voegelin (1901-1985), un philosophe américain d'origine allemande encore trop peu connu en France et dont toute l'oeuvre vise à mettre en lumière les (...)
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  24.  9
    Appréhender l'espace sonore: l'écoute entre perception et imagination.Renaud Meric - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La notion d'espace sonore est devenue de plus en plus prégnante dans le domaine musical, plus particulièrement dans la musique électroacoustique. Mais comment la définir? Cette simple interrogation, dont la réponse semble évidente soulève cependant, lorsqu'elle est approfondie, une multitude d'ambiguïtés, sources de nouvelles réflexions. Comment l'écoute appréhende-t-elle l'espace? Comment s'immerge-t- elle en lui? Qu'appréhende-t-on lorsqu'on écoute? Et finalement, qu'est-ce qu'un son? Quelles en sont les limites spatiales et temporelles? Lorsque l'écoute se confronte à l'espace sonore, où se situe la (...)
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    “Local–Global”: the first twenty years.Renaud Chorlay - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (1):1-66.
    This paper investigates how and when pairs of terms such as “local–global” and “im Kleinen–im Grossen” began to be used by mathematicians as explicit reflexive categories. A first phase of automatic search led to the delineation of the relevant corpus, and to the identification of the period from 1898 to 1918 as that of emergence. The emergence appears to have been, from the very start, both transdisciplinary (function theory, calculus of variations, differential geometry) and international, although the AMS-Göttingen connection played (...)
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  26.  31
    A well with water lifting device from Kition-Bamboula: faunal remains.Audrey Renaud, Katerina Papayiannis, Kévin Bouchité, Tatiana Theodoropoulou & Armelle Gardeisen - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    La fouille du puits 883, menée par la mission française de Kition à Bamboula (2017-2018), a livré de nombreux restes fauniques au sein d’un comblement daté du ive siècle apr. J.‑C. Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude collaborative réalisée par des archéozoologues qui ont mis en évidence une grande diversité animale (bétail, carnivores, coquillages, oiseaux, rongeurs, reptiles, poissons). Ce matériel faunique offre l’opportunité d’aborder le paysage animalier d’un secteur de la ville antique dans sa multiplicité, avec des animaux liés (...)
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    A troubled inheritance: Overcoming the temporality problem in cases of historical injustice.Renaud-Philippe Garner & Marion Godman - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Merleau-Ponty et la psychologie de la forme.Renaud Barbaras - 2001 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2 (2):151-163.
  29. Nationalism.Renaud-Philippe Garner - 2022 - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
    Nationalism is a set of beliefs about the nation: its origins, nature, and value. For nationalists, we are particular social animals. On the one hand, our lives are structured by a profound sense of togetherness and similarity: We share languages and memories. On the other hand, our lives are characterized by deep divisions and differences: We draw borders and contest historical narratives. For nationalism, humanity is neither a single species-wide community nor an aggregation of individuals but divided into distinct and (...)
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  30. Les trois sens de la chair.Renaud Barbaras - 2008 - Chiasmi International 10:19-32.
  31. Why cosmopolitan war is an ethics of fantasy?Renaud-Philippe Garner - 2020 - European Review of International Studies 7 (2/3):271-292.
    This article argues that Fabre’s cosmopolitan war is implausible because it ignores the psychological realities of war. Building on J.L. Mackie’s notion of an ‘ethics of fantasy’ – a morality reduced to lip-service and incapable of action-guiding – I argue that a view based on a flawed view of either human agency or the environment in which it is exercised is doomed to practical irrelevance. In rejecting patriotism and advancing a highly individualistic view of war, Fabre relies upon a highly (...)
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    Die Resokratisierung Platons: die platonische Hermeneutik Hans-Georg Gadamers.François Renaud - 1999 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
  33.  76
    The Subject’s Life and the Life of Manifestation: Towards a Privative Biology.Renaud Barbaras - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (2):161-176.
    The universal a priori of the correlation between transcendental being and its subjective modes of givenness constitutes the minimal framework for any phenomenological approach. The proper object of phenomenology is then to characterize both the exact nature of the correlation and the sense of being of the terms in relation, that is to say, of subject and world. It involves demonstrating that a rigorous analysis of the correlation unfolds necessarily on three levels and that phenomenology is thus destined to move (...)
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  34.  44
    Got rhythm… for better and for worse. Cross-modal effects of auditory rhythm on visual word recognition.Renaud Brochard, Maxime Tassin & Daniel Zagar - 2013 - Cognition 127 (2):214-219.
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    Le mythe de la bougonie : Aristée, Orphée, Virgile.Renaud Pasquier - 2013 - Labyrinthe 40:135-139.
    Peu à peu, tandis que Virgile achève la description ethnographique de la ruche, un glissement s’opère dans son propos : il célèbre d’abord la chasteté des abeilles, et le renouvellement de l’espèce par une miraculeuse génération spontanée ; il explique ensuite leur admirable organisation sociale par un lien privilégié avec la divinité, puisque les abeilles posséderaient une « parcelle d’intelligence divine » ; après ce bref aperçu d’une mystique panthéiste, i...
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  36. Criminalizing the State.François Tanguay-Renaud - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (2):255-284.
    In this article, I ask whether the state, as opposed to its individual members, can intelligibly and legitimately be criminalized, with a focus on the possibility of its domestic criminalization. I proceed by identifying what I take to be the core objections to such criminalization, and then investigate ways in which they can be challenged. First, I address the claim that the state is not a kind of entity that can intelligibly perpetrate domestic criminal wrongs. I argue against it by (...)
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    Sauver d'une réification de la conscience la t'che de la phénoménologie.Renaud Barbaras - 2012 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 100 (1):49.
  38.  34
    The World of Life.Renaud Barbaras - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):8-16.
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    Le sujet et le monde.Renaud Barbaras - 2024 - Cités 98 (2):143-148.
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    Mystery Inquisitors: Performance, Authority, and Sacrilege at Eleusis.Renaud Gagné - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (2):211-247.
    The master narrative of a profound crisis in traditional faith leading to a hardening of authority and religious persecution in late fifth-century Athens has a long scholarly history, one that maintains a persistent presence in current research. This paper proposes to reexamine some aspects of religious authority in late fifth-century Athens through one case-study: the trial of Andocides in 400 BCE. Instead of proposing a new reconstruction of the events that led to this trial, it will compare and contrast the (...)
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  41. Neural functional organization of hallucinations in schizophrenia: Multisensory dissolution of pathological emergence in consciousness.Renaud Jardri, Delphine Pins, Maxime Bubrovszky, Bernard Lucas, Vianney Lethuc, Christine Delmaire, Vincent Vantyghem, Pascal Despretz & Pierre Thomas - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):449-457.
    Although complex hallucinations are extremely vivid, painful symptoms in schizophrenia, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of multisensory integration in such a phenomenon. We investigated the neural basis of these altered states of consciousness in a patient with schizophrenia, by combining state of the art neuroscientific exploratory methods like functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, cortical thickness analysis, electrical source reconstruction and trans-cranial magnetic stimulation. The results shed light on the functional architecture of the hallucinatory processes, in which unimodal information (...)
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  42. Le problème du chiasme.Renaud Barbaras - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4):15-20.
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  43. L’unité originaire de la perception et du langage chez Jan Patočka.Renaud Barbaras - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7:241-257.
    This article explores some indications in the texts of Patočka that point towards a concept of language which no longer takes it to be a derived layer of an original perceptive basis: he disassociates intuition from origin, and establishes a co-origin of language and perception. It is this co-origin whose meaning and limits this article seeks to determine.
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    A test of loyalty.Renaud Foucart & Jonathan H. W. Tan - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-29.
    We propose and test a model of loyalty in games. Players can mutually maintain loyalty by working towards a common goal that is pareto-superior to any Nash equilibrium without it. Loyalty imposes a psychological cost on defecting in an ongoing cooperation, which is thus sustained. We distinguish loyalty from reciprocity and explain how it complements guilt aversion with two dynamic games from a field experiment conducted in a Pakistani factory. The evidence supports the validity of loyalty, which has a stronger (...)
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  45. Merleau-Ponty aux limites de la phenomenologie.Renaud Barbaras - 1999 - Chiasmi International 1:199-210.
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    La rhétorique socratico-platonicienne.François Renaud - 2001 - Philosophie Antique 1 (1):65-86.
    Some recent studies have shown that the critique of rhetoric in the Gorgias itself has a rhetorical dimension. The following analysis deals only with the first part of the dialogue, in which Socrates questions Gorgias, from two complementary perspec­tives. First, since it is ad hominem in character, Socrates’ argumentation mimics and transforms the techniques of contemporary rhetoric, but its goals are protreptic and ethical rather than eristic. Secondly, insofar as he is the controlling author of the dialogue,, Plato displays strategies (...)
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    Après la « Petite Éthique » de Paul Ricœur (1990), le sens de sa révision (2001).Michel Renaud - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (1):1-25.
    En deux textes importants Paul Ricœur présente sa pensée éthique : en premier lieu, dans les études 7, 8 et 9 de Soi-même comme un autre (1990) et, onze ans après (2001), dans l’article « De la morale à l’éthique et aux éthiques » dans Le juste 2. Comme on le sait, la discussion dans Soi-même comme un autrepasse de l'éthique à la morale et à la sagesse pratique. Le présent article met l'accent sur les implications de la refonte de (...)
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    Pratique du portrait chez Violette Leduc.Kiev Renaud - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 35 (1-2):85-104.
    Résumé Cet article propose de dégager les techniques d’embaumement littéraire à l’œuvre dans la pratique du portrait chez Violette Leduc, c’est-à-dire les stratégies d’écriture servant à garder vivant le souvenir des personnes aimées. La métaphore de l’embaumement vient de Simone de Beauvoir, dans sa préface de La Bâtarde. L’analyse montre que la mémoire chez Leduc est décrite comme aussi tangible que la vision. L’inexorable mouvement du temps est caricaturalement grossi comme sous l’effet d’une loupe, ce qui permet de le saisir (...)
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  49. A Tale of Two Moralities.Renaud-Philippe Garner - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy 113 (9):446-462.
    In this paper, I seek to close a gap in Michael Walzer’s argument for the moral equality of soldiers. Specifically, I seek to show that Walzer’s argument for the moral equality of soldiers depends upon an implicit analysis of the function of excuses. I provide this analysis of excuses: a triadic relationship between moral norms, a background of normality and excuses. I then use this analysis to show that Jeff McMahan’s argument for the moral inequality of soldiers rest upon an (...)
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    Metapsychy's border: Henri Piéron's (1881–1964) role as the gatekeeper of French psychology.Renaud Evrard, Stéphane Gumpper & Bevis Beauvais - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):105-132.
    Metapsychy, or metapsychics, is the French science known in English-speaking countries as parapsychology or psychical research. As Régine Plas has shown, the ‘psychic’ phenomena were among the first subjects of psychological inquiry. Like many of his colleagues, Henri Piéron began his career researching apparent telepathic phenomena, and in collaboration with Nicolae Vaschide explained them in terms of an ‘intellectual parallelism’. From 1913 onward, Piéron developed the ‘Métapsychie’ section of L’année psychologique, where he used his critical skills to sometimes foster and (...)
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