Results for 'Requirements of liberation'

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  1.  28
    Karman-Theory in the Mahābhārata Prolegomena to an Inquiry into the Culture and the Condition of Philosophical Reflection About Human Life and the Requirements of Liberation.Peter Schreiner - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):651-667.
    After delimiting the topic by reflecting on the heuristic function of the concept of “theory” in “Delimiting the Topic” section, the paper considers the literary aspects of karman-theory in the Mahābhārata in “Literary Characteristics” section. “Axioms, Theorems, Domains” section then lists the elements or axioms that fall under the umbrella term “karman-theory.” Next, dealing with contexts and collocations, “Contexts, Collocations” section combines the consideration of literary and theoretical aspects of the matter. “Historical Perspective” section then argues for the inclusion of (...)
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  2. The Requirements of Justice and Liberal Socialism.Justin P. Holt - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (1):171-194.
    Recent scholarship has considered the requirements of justice and economic regimes in the work of John Rawls. This work has not delved into the requirements of justice and liberal socialism as deeply as the work that has been done on property-owning democracy. A thorough treatment of liberal socialism and the requirements of justice is needed. This paper seeks to begin to fill this gap. In particular, it needs to be shown if liberal socialism fully answers the (...) of justice better than property-owning democracy. It will be argued that liberal socialism does significantly better in realizing the two principles. This paper has the following structure, first, an overview of Rawls' position on economic regimes, capitalism, and the requirements of justice will be presented. In particular, how the two principles work in tandem to meet the demands of distributive justice will be considered. Second, a review of property-owning democracy will be conducted. Finally, liberal socialism will be examined and discussed as an economic regime that answers the requirements of justice more fully. (shrink)
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    Rituals of Liberation.Michael Monahan - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 (2):258-275.
    This article argues that sites of coercion and oppression are generated through repeated acts or “ritual practices” that serve to shape psychic space. The author draws on Simone de Beauvoir’s account of oppression to articulate three different categories of “sites of coercion”—geographic, embodied, and spiritual—and argues that amelioration of such sites of coercion requires the cultivation of “rituals of liberation,” which serve to restructure psychic space in ways that foster genuine reciprocity.
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    The Logic of Liberal Rights: A Study in the Formal Analysis of Legal Discourse.Eric Heinze - 2003 - Routledge.
    The Logic of Liberal Rights uses basic logic to develop a model of argument presupposed in all disputes about civil rights and liberties. No prior training in logic is required, as each step is explained. This analysis does not merely apply general logic to legal arguments but is also specifically tailored to the issues of civil rights and liberties. It shows that all arguments about civil rights and liberties presuppose one fixed structure and that there can be no original argument (...)
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  5.  21
    Render unto Caesar the Things which are God's: The Requirement of Political Profound Secularization in Liberal Democracy.Aurélia Bardon - 2015 - Constellations 22 (2):279-289.
  6. The Problems of Liberal Neutrality in Upbringing.Timothy Michael Fowler - 2010 - Res Publica 16 (4):367-381.
    This paper considers the effect of political liberal principles on the children in society. Specifically, the paper argues that political liberalism faces a problem where parents or other adults want to pass on bizarre or dangerous beliefs to their offspring. This problem arises because in the political liberal framework the only limit on what doctrines a child may acquire is that the child becomes a reasonable citizen. Since this criterion is designed to be lax, this implies children may justly be (...)
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  7.  82
    Implications of Liberal Neutrality for Environmental Policy.Cary Coglianese - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (1):41-59.
    The principle of liberal neutrality requires governments to avoid acting to promote particular conceptions of the good life. Yet by determining who uses natural resources and how, environmental policy makers can affect the availability of resources needed by individuals to carry on meaningful lives and in doing so can effectively privilege some versions of the good life at the expense of others. A commitment to liberal neutrality by implication promotes environmental policy that accommodates competing activities in order to provide a (...)
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  8.  13
    Philosophy of Liberal Education for Democracy in the Twenty-first Century.Willard F. Enteman - 1998 - Dialogue and Universalism 8 (10):41-50.
    Current debates about liberal education have distracted us from responding intelligently to the growth and dominance of professional preparation programs. In 1828, the Yale faculty, confronted with similar circumstances, developed what may be the last widely influential philosophy of liberal education. It gives us a starting point, as does Plato's Republic. Democracy and the knowledge-based economy require us to articulate a new philosophy of liberal education. Using Kantian terminology, I argue that, whereas the basic purpose of professional preparation is to (...)
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  9.  51
    (1 other version)A Pragmatist Critique of Liberal Epistemology: Towards a Practice-Based Account of Public Reason.Roberto Frega - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (3):293 - 316.
    This paper tackles with the issue of the place of comprehensive beliefs within the public space. It tries to strike a middle path between the liberal ban on comprehensive beliefs and the anti-liberal claim that comprehensive beliefs should be given full pride of place in public deliberations. The article relies on arguments that are inspired by the pragmatist tradition. It starts locating the main cause of failures at articulating comprehensive beliefs and public reason in a central feature of liberal epistemology, (...)
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  10. Eurocentrism and the Philosophy of Liberation.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues 4 (2):8-17.
    Proponents of the philosophy of liberation generally counsel that various forms of liberation in at least the Americas requires that we should fight Eurocentrism and resist the ontology and conceptual framework of Europe. However, most of the work done in this tradition relies heavily on the terminology and theoretical apparatus of various strands of European philosophy. The apparent disconnect between the aims and methods (or if you like, the theory and practice) has given rise to a criticism I (...)
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  11. Rawls and feminism: What should feminists make of liberal neutrality?Elizabeth Brake - 2004 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 1 (3):293-309.
    the issue of liberal neutrality, a topic suggested by the work of Catharine MacKinnon. I discuss two kinds of neutrality: neutrality at the level of justifying liberalism itself, and state neutrality in political decision-making. Both kinds are contentious within liberal theory. Rawls’s argument for justice as fairness has been criticized for non-neutrality at the justificatory level, a problem noted by Rawls himself in Political Liberalism . I will defend a qualified account of neutrality at the justificatory level, taking an epistemic (...)
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  12.  5
    The Crisis of Liberal Democracy: A Straussian Perspective ed. by Kenneth L Deutsch and Walter Soffer.D. T. Asselin - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):526-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK R]]JVIEWS room for different theories and new developments. He does not try to tie up every loose end. Furthermore, he avoids the rut of the specialist by willingly and capably addressing questions of biblical exegesis, philosophy, psychology, science, and popular culture with even-handed competence. Space does not permit me to discuss his fascinating analysis of the psychology of near-death experiences or specific rejoinders to important objections (e.g., the (...)
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  13.  12
    The Vitality of Contradiction: Hegel, Politics, and the Dialectic of Liberal-Capitalism.Bruce Gilbert - 2013 - Montréal & Kingston: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    In The Vitality of Contradiction, Bruce Gilbert provides an exposition of Hegel's political philosophy to establish not only that societies fail because of their contradictions, but also how the unsurpassable oppositions of social life cultivate freedom. He moves beyond Hegel's works to consider the limits of liberal-capitalism and the contemporary social movements around the world that stretch us beyond the global economic system. Drawing on key Hegel texts such as Phenomenology of Spirit and the Philosophy of Right, Gilbert shows how (...)
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  14. (1 other version)The theory of liberal dependency care: a reply to my critics.Asha Bhandary - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (6):843-857.
    This author’s reply addresses critiques by Daniel Engster, Kelly Gawel, and Andrea Westlund about my 2020 book, Freedom to Care: Liberalism, Dependency Care, and Culture. I begin with a statement of my commitment to liberalism. In section two, I defend the value of a distinction between conceptions of persons in the real world and in contract theory to track inequalities in care when indexed to legitimate needs. I argue, as well, that my variety of contract theory supplies the normative content (...)
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  15.  18
    The Liberal Ethics of Charles Taylor in the Political Context of Liberal Societies.Julián Elizondo Reyes & José Francisco Zárate Ortíz - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 31:91-113.
    RESUMEN En este artículo se presenta una reflexión crítica de la propuesta ética liberal de Charles Taylor y su viabilidad en el contexto político de las sociedades liberales actuales. Una conformación social y política liberal se entiende como aquella donde se promueven y se defiende mayores libertades en esquemas de derechos individuales junto con la exigencia del respeto a esas garantías individuales. Sin embargo, el contexto político liberal, siendo el más idóneo en las sociedades actuales, presenta varios problemas éticos que (...)
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  16.  31
    A critique of liberal multiculturalism, towards a critical multiculturalism.José Manuel Fernández Ruiz - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:243-260.
    Resumen: En este ensayo desarrollo una crítica al modelo de justicia multicultural de Will Kymlicka, con el propósito de establecer las bases para el desarrollo de un multiculturalismo crítico. El argumento se ordena de la siguiente forma. En la primera sección analizo la teoría de los derechos especiales de Kymlicka e identifico el valor liberal central al que estos responden, la autonomía individual. En la segunda sección examino el fundamento igualitarista de la suerte de su teoría de los derechos especiales. (...)
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  17. Does Global Spread of Liberal Democracies Promote Consensus on Justice?Martijn Boot - 2012 - Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture 23:85-102.
    Persons and nations agree on the importance of justice but disagree on its requirements. In The End of History and the Last Man Francis Fukuyama argues that human history moves towards liberal democracy as the final ideal for all societies. It is conceivable that liberal democratic societies will converge to similar conceptions of justice and that global spread of liberal democracies will promote consensus. This paper tries to show that consensus on justice is, nevertheless, unlikely, due to reasonable disagreement. (...)
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  18.  59
    Zen and the Art of Postmodern Philosophy: Two Paths of Liberation from the Representational Mode of Thinking (review).Robert R. Magliola - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):295-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Zen and the Art of Postmodern Philosophy: Two Paths of Liberation from the Representational Mode of ThinkingRobert MagliolaZen and the Art of Postmodern Philosophy: Two Paths of Liberation from the Representational Mode of Thinking. By Carl Olson. New York: State University of New York Press, 2000. 309 pp.Carl Olson's Zen and the Art of Postmodern Philosophy compares two paths of liberation from the representational mode (...)
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  19.  40
    The Moral Foundation of Law and the Ethos of Liberal Democracies.Didier Mineur - 2012 - Ratio Juris 25 (2):133-148.
    This paper deals with the connection between law and morality. Such a connection is relevant for political theory, since demonstrating that law necessarily implies a claim to justice would require fundamental rights to be considered the horizon of any legal system, instead of being considered as dependent on the axiological context of liberal democracies. The paper approaches the controversy starting from an overview of the work of the German philosopher Robert Alexy, in particular his attempt to establish an analytical link (...)
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  20.  45
    Moral Individualism and the Justification of Liberal Democracy.Sirkku Kristiina Hellsten - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (4):320-345.
    This article discusses the connection between individualism, pluralism and the moral foundation of liberal democracy. It analyses whether the requirement of value pluralism promoted by liberal democracies leads inevitably to communitarian ethics, or whether the liberal and democratic values of autonomy, tolerance and equality are actually based on an objectivistic and teleological account of justice. The author argues that value‐neutral procedural and methodological individualism cannot support the liberal demands for pluralism and tolerance in a democratic regime. Instead, the justification of (...)
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  21. Reasonable Impartiality and Priority for Compatriots. A Criticism of Liberal Nationalism’s Main flaws.Veit Bader - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 8 (1-2):83-103.
    Distinguishing between reasonable partiality and reasonable impartiality makes a difference in resolving the serious clashes between 'priority for compatriots' versus cosmopolitan global duties. Defenders of a priority for compatriots have to acknowledge two strong moral constraints: states have to fulfil all their special, domestic and trans-domestic duties, and associative duties are limited by distributive constraints resulting from the moral duty to fight poverty and gross global inequalities. In the recent global context, I see four main problems for liberal-nationalist defenders of (...)
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  22. The “populist” foundation of liberal democracy: Jan-Werner Müller, Chantal Mouffe, and post-foundationalism.Lasse Thomassen - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (7):992-1013.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 7, Page 992-1013, September 2022. This article examines the connection between populism and post-foundationalism in the context of contemporary debates about populism as a strategy for the Left. I argue that there is something “populist” about every constitutional order, including liberal democratic ones. I argue so drawing on Chantal Mouffe’s theories of hegemony, agonistic democracy, and left populism. Populism is the quintessential form of post-foundational politics because, rightly understood, populism constructs the object it (...)
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  23. Diversity and the Limits of Liberal Toleration.Thomas M. Besch - 2010 - In Duncan Ivison (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Multiculturalism. London: Ashgate.
    To fully respond to the demands of multiculturalism, a view of toleration would need to duly respect diversity both at the level of the application of principles of toleration and at the level of the justificatory foundations that a view of toleration may appeal to. The paper examines Rainer Forst’s post-Rawlsian, ‘reason-based’ attempt to provide a view of toleration that succeeds at these two levels and so allows us to tolerate tolerantly. His account turns on the view that a constructivist (...)
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  24.  21
    Spiritual Exercise as Techne: Philosophy as a Way of Liberating Education.Shu-Fen Lin, Wei-Ding Tsai & Denis Igorevich Chistyakov - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):640-655.
    The study of education systems as social phenomena has led scholars to question the role of education in modern society. The question of how to improve education naturally leads to concerns about what is wrong with the present education system. If education is meant to elevate the next generation, how can it meet the goal of ensuring a meaningful existence for those being educated? Scholars have demonstrated that education has been reduced to a process of the construction of objects, where (...)
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  25. Moral Objectivity and Property: The Justice of Liberal Socialism.Justin P. Holt - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):413-419.
    Abstract: This paper restates the thesis of 'The Requirements of Justice and Liberal Socialism" where it was argued that liberal socialism best meets Rawlsian requirements of justice. The recent responses to this paper by Jan Narveson, Jeppe von Platz, and Alan Thomas merit examination and comment. This paper shows that if Rawlsian justice is to be met, then non-personal property must be subject to public control. If just outcomes merit the public control of non-personal property and this control (...)
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  26. Which Secular Grounds? The Atheism of Liberation Philosophy.Rafael Vizcaíno - 2021 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 2 (20):2-5.
    *Winner of the American Philosophical Association's 2020 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought* This essay offers a novel account of the secularity of Latin American liberation philosophy. It challenges the accepted notion that liberation philosophy applies the methods and approaches of Latin American liberation theology to the philosophical arena, thus putting liberation theology on secular grounds. While this formulation is true insofar as liberation philosophy is not bound by the hermeneutics of any particular religious tradition, (...)
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  27. Must Schools Teach Religions Neutrally? The Loyola Case and the Challenges of Liberal Neutrality in Education.Andrée-Anne Cormier - 2019 - Religion and Education 45 (3):308-330.
    This article explores the question of whether it is morally permissible for the liberal state to require schools to teach religions “neutrally” to children. I examine this question through the normative analysis of Canadian Supreme Court case Loyola High School v. Quebec. I argue that it is in principle morally impermissible for the liberal state to oblige all schools to adopt a neutral approach to teaching children about religious diversity. I propose a normative framework for evaluating the legitimacy of such (...)
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  28.  20
    Liberal Democratic Law, the Ethics of Civility, and Agonistic Politics between Hegemony and Compromise.Manon Westphal - 2023 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 52 (1):109-119.
    Liberal Democratic Law, the Ethics of Civility, and Agonistic Politics between Hegemony and Compromise This article brings Van der Walt’s argument on the importance of an ‘ethics of civility’ in liberal democracies into dialogue with agonistic democratic theory. While agonists agree with Van der Walt that democracy requires citizens’ readiness to live with views that they do not consider ‘reasonable enough,’ they focus on the political processing of conflicts among political actors with opposing views of what is reasonable. The article (...)
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  29.  77
    (1 other version)Freedom of speech in liberal and non-liberal traditions.Volker Kaul - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):460-472.
    The article presents different theories and comparative analyses of freedom of speech in both liberal and non-liberal traditions. Whereas freedom of speech is not an absolute right, the question is if this right should depend wholly on the truth of the respective opinion or statement. Theories that justify free speech on the grounds of autonomy, tend to make truth a moral requirement of speech. Theories based on civility and public reason do restrict freedom of speech even further, often making a (...)
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  30.  40
    (1 other version)Should Liberal-Egalitarians Support a Basic Income? An Examination of the Effectiveness and Stability of Ideal Welfare Regimes.Jürgen Sirsch - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics (aop):1-25.
    The article deals with the question whether an unconditional basic income (UBI) is part of an ideal liberal-egalitarian welfare regime. Analyzing UBI from an ideal-theoretical perspective requires a comparison of the justice performance of ideal welfare regimes instead of comparing isolated institutional designs. This holistic perspective allows for a more systematic consideration of issues like institutional complementarity. I compare three potential ideal welfare regimes from a liberal-egalitarian perspective of justice: An ideal social democratic regime, a mixed regime containing a moderate (...)
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  31.  14
    A Liberal Theory of Property.Hanoch Dagan - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Property enhances autonomy for most people, but not for all. Because it both empowers and disables, property requires constant vigilance. A Liberal Theory of Property addresses key questions: how can property be justified? What core values should property law advance, and how do those values interrelate? How is a liberal state obligated to act when shaping property law? In a liberal polity, the primary commitment to individual autonomy dominates the justification of property, founding it on three pillars: carefully delineated private (...)
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  32. The liberal tragedy of the commons : the deficiency of democracy in changing climate.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2015 - In Dieter Birnbacher & May Thorseth (eds.), The Politics of Sustainability: Philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
    In this paper, I argue that the normative framework of liberal democracy is one of the sources of the failure of international climate politics. The liberal framework makes it very likely that at least some democracies will not consent to an international agreement to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In this situation, the institution of judicial review might be viewed as crucial to overcome the risk of a tragedy of the commons. However, judicial review cannot serve this purpose in the case (...)
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  33.  35
    The Shadow of Unfairness: A Plebeian Theory of Liberal Democracy.Jeffrey Edward Green - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this sequel to his prize-winning book, The Eyes of the People, Jeffrey Edward Green draws on philosophy, history, social science, and literature to ask what democracy can mean in a world where it is understood that socioeconomic status to some degree will always determine opportunities for civic engagement and career advancement. Under this shadow of unfairness, Green argues that the most advantaged class are rightly subjected to compulsory public burdens, but he also attends to the uncomfortable aspects of ordinary, (...)
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  34. 자유민주주의적 가치의 철학적 해석을 통한 정신전력의 증강에 관한 연구 (Enhancement of Mental Force through the philosophical Interpretation of Liberal-democratic Values).Juyong Kim - 2022 - 정신전력연구 (Journal of Spiritual and Mental Force Enhancement) 68:205-254.
    Recently, mental strength education requires to change in a way that establishes a military value system suitable for a liberal democracy while facing the need to strengthen mental strength in response to unpredictable security situations. The key to fulfilling these twofold objectives lies in the fact that there is a positive correlation between the enhancement of a soldier’s democratic awareness and intangible force. Therefore, it is of great importance to emphasize the concept of ‘citizen in uniform’ as one of the (...)
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  35. The epistemic and informational requirements of utilitarianism.Hugh Breakey - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (1):72-99.
    A recurring objection confronting utilitarianism is that its dictates require information that lies beyond the bounds of human epistemic wherewithal. Utilitarians require reliable knowledge of the social consequences of various policies, and of people’s preferences and utilities. Agreeing partway with the sceptics, I concur that the general rules-of-thumb offered by social science do not provide sufficient justification for the utilitarian legislator to rationally recommend a particular political regime, such as liberalism. Actual data about human preference-structures and utilities is required to (...)
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  36.  24
    Mediums and Messages: An Argument Against Biotechnical Enhancements of Soldiers in the Armies of Liberal Democracies.J. S. Wilson - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (2):189-197.
    Assuming that one believes that individuals and states can morally defend values, beliefs, and institutions with force , one logically wants just combatants to possess the physical, mental, and spiritual capacities that will enable them to win the war. On the other hand, being a just combatant in a just war does not morally entitle that combatant to do anything to win that war. The moral requirement for just combatants to fight justly is codified in international law of war and (...)
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  37.  22
    Is Judith Butler’s Rejection of Liberal Individualism Compatible with a Relational Understanding of Autonomy?Mariah Partida - 2023 - The Acorn 23 (1):75-91.
    This essay develops a renewed conception of autonomy through an explication of Judith Butler’s critique of liberal individualism in The Force of Nonviolence. I argue that while rejecting liberal individualism requires abandoning the fantasies of mastery and self-sufficiency, such a rejection need not imply a renunciation of autonomy. Instead, an ethics of nonviolence that is committed to equality demands a relational understanding of autonomy that affirms our radical interdependency. I contend, moreover, that for an account of the self to acknowledge (...)
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  38.  27
    In Defense of Restraint: Democratic Respect, Public Justification, and Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics.Vic McCracken - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):133-149.
    WHAT DOES RESPECT REQUIRE OF RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED CITIZENS AS they support coercive public policies? In his recent work, Christopher Eberle argues against the doctrine of restraint, a norm that requires citizens to refrain from supporting laws for which public reasons are unavailable. Against Eberle, I defend the doctrine of restraint as a necessary corollary to liberal democratic respect. For this defense, I draw from one imaginary case, Robert Audi's example of "sacred dandelions" and laws banning lawn maintenance, and one real-world (...)
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    Harmful rights-doing? The perceived problem of liberal paradigms and public health.J. Coggon - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11):798-801.
    The focus of this paper is public health law and ethics, and the analytic framework advanced in the report Public health: ethical issues by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The author criticises the perceived problems found with liberal models associated with Millian political philosophy and questions the Report’s attempt to add to such theoretical frameworks. The author suggests a stronger theoretical account that the Council could have adopted—that advanced in the works of Joseph Raz—which would have been more appropriate. Instead (...)
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  40.  10
    Empire of the gods: the liberation of Eros.James Davies - 1996 - New York: Peter Lang.
    "Empire of the Gods" makes a major and original contribution to the literature on love. The history of Eros is its attempted liberation into wholeness and individuality. Its modern expression as a flesh-monism requires expansion to include reason and spirit (including Agape), the classical, to include affect and flesh. The illicit character of the Romantic Love of the Twelfth Century (seen as two versions: Utopian and Historical) provides a radical key not only to synthesis but also to surmounting oppressive (...)
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  41.  43
    Liberal aristocracy & the limits of democracy.Christopher Wareham - unknown
    I define and defend a non-democratic authority with the power to annul the decisions of democratic branches of government when such decisions infringe upon citizens’ basic rights and liberties. I refer to this non-democratic authority as Liberal Aristocracy. The argument for Liberal Aristocracy has two parts: the first part demonstrates that Liberal Aristocracy will arrive at decisions that further the moral end of sustaining citizens’ rights; the second part holds that Liberal Aristocracy is a moral means to this end. First, (...)
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  42.  16
    Republics of Commitments: Pluralism from the Individual to the Liberal State.David Emmanuel Gray - 2010 - Dissertation,
    Procedural approaches to political legitimacy have become increasingly popular amongst liberals. According to such an approach, the legitimacy of a state decision is primarily derived from the processes followed in order to make that decision and not from the quality of the decision itself. The processes that liberals have in mind are typically those found within a system of democratic institutions. These electoral and legislative procedures are supposed to allow the state’s constitutive members to reach legitimately binding agreements on how (...)
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  43. Liberal republicanism and the role of civil society.Alan Thomas - manuscript
    The political liberalism of Rawls and Larmore is presented as uniquely able to solve the problems of modern political theory. In the face of a plurality of reasonable comprehensive conceptions of the good, a legitimate liberal state can legislate solely on the basis of a modular conception of justice affirmed from within each reasonable conception. However, it is argued that this view, while restrictive, has to permit the promotion of its own pre-conditions. This demanding duty of civic restraint requires citizens (...)
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    Liberal Freedom, the Separation of Powers, and the Administrative State.Eric MacGilvray - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):130-151.
    Contemporary critiques of the administrative state are closely bound up with the distinctively American doctrine that republican freedom requires that the legislative, executive, and judicial powers be exercised by separate and distinct branches of government. The burden of this essay is to argue that legislative delegation and judicial deference to the administrative state are necessary, or at least highly desirable, features of a democratic separation of powers regime. I begin by examining the historical and conceptual roots of the separation of (...)
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  45.  64
    Review of William A. Galston: Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State[REVIEW]William A. GALSTON - 1993 - Ethics 103 (2):393-397.
    This book is a major contribution to the current theory of liberalism by an eminent political theorist. It challenges the views of such theorists as Rawls, Dworkin, and Ackerman who believe that the essence of liberalism is that it should remain neutral concerning different ways of life and individual conceptions of what is good or valuable. Professor Galston argues that the modern liberal state is committed to a distinctive conception of the human good, and to that end has developed characteristic (...)
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    Liberal Religious Neutrality and the Demarcation of Science: The Problem with Methodological Naturalism.Cristóbal Bellolio - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (3):239-261.
    There have been persistent philosophical efforts to demarcate the province of science. Fewer attempts have been made to explore whether these demarcation strategies are consistent with the liberal promise of religious neutrality. Within this framework, most liberal political theorists seem to agree that hypotheses suggesting supernatural agency should remain outside the purview of science by principle. In their view, this rule of methodological naturalism is neutral in the relevant sense, since it is silent towards ultimate questions. This paper examines whether (...)
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  47.  7
    Liberation Theology and the Interpretation of Political Violence.Frederick Sontag - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):271-292.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LIBERATION THEOLOGY AND THE INTERPRE.TATION OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE FREDERICK SONTAG Pomona OoUego Olaremont, Oalifornia " It is impossible to remain loyal to Marxism, to the Revolution, without treating insurrection as an art." Lenin, paraphrasing Karl Marx WHENEVER Liberation Theology ·and its contributions to theologicail discussion al'e ·concerned, no aspect has been more controversirul than its association with violence. There is no question that Marxism/Leninism depends on the (...)
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    What Should We Expect of a Liberal Explanatory Theory?Adam Rc Humphreys - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):25-47.
    One of the most problematic aspects of the ‘Harvard School’ of liberal international theory is its failure to fulfil its own methodological ideals. Although Harvard School liberals subscribe to a nomothetic model of explanation, in practice they employ their theories as heuristic resources. Given this practice, we should expect them neither to develop candidate causal generalizations nor to be value-neutral: their explanatory insights are underpinned by value-laden choices about which questions to address and what concepts to employ. A key question (...)
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    Liberal Equality and the Justification of Multicultural, Civic Education.J. S. Andrews - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 7 (1):111-126.
    The central feature of modern liberal political morality is the principle of equal respect for persons. According to Ronald Dworkin, governments have an obligation to treat each person as an equal, with equal concern and respect. In distributive contexts, this principle stipulates that each individual is entitled to an “equal” share of social resources, where equal is a function of what is required by the abstract principle of equal concern and respect. For Dworkin, this requirement means that liberal justice is (...)
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  50. The background requirements of markets.Olli Loukola - 1997 - In Sirkku Hellsten, Marjaana Kopperi & Olli Loukola (eds.), Taking the Liberal Challenge Seriously: Essays on Contemporary Liberalism at the Turn of the 21st Century. Ashgate. pp. 161.
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