Results for 'Richard MGummere'

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  1.  16
    Seneca: The Philosopher and His Modern Message.Richard MGummere - 1963 - Cooper Square Publishers.
    This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series.
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  2. Pets, Power, and Legitimacy.Richard Healey & Pepper Angie - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    This article argues that the relations of social and political power that obtain between humans and pets are illegitimate. We begin by showing that pets, a largely neglected population in political philosophy, are subject to socially and politically organised power, which stands in need of justification. We then argue that pets have three moral complaints against the relations of power to which they are subject. First, our power over pets disrespects their moral independence: the fact that they are not simply (...)
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    Comments on appearance and explanation.Richard Fumerton - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-6.
    So as I understand it, the fundamental goal of Kevin McCain and Luca Moretti’s Appearance and Explanation is to offer a unified account of epistemic justification, one that incorporates insights of both phenomenal conservatism and explanationism. One might suppose that one gets the best of both views by employing the phenomenal conservative’s views about the role of appearance in order to get the initial data that needs explaining, while one appeals to explanationism to expand one’s justified beliefs beyond the data (...)
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    Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism.Richard Rorty - 2006 - In John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis, A Companion to Pragmatism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 7-20.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Sin and Truth Classical Pragmatism and the Need to Reconcile Science with Religion Pragmatism as Liberation from the Primal Father Conclusion.
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    Autonomy versus exclusion in xenotransplantation trials.Richard B. Gibson - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (3):165-166.
    Kögel et al propose a multicriteria alternative to the standard early clinical selection method for xenotransplantation trials. As they note, existing recommendations for inclusion criteria indicate that only the most seriously ill—those lacking any viable alternative—should be considered for xenotransplantation. Rather than basing selection on, to put it indelicately, a Hail Mary in the face of certain death, Kögel et al recommend a selection system based on four ethical criteria: medical need, capacity to benefit, patient choice and compliance (the latter (...)
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    On Transparency and self-knowledge.Richard Moran - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3382-3392.
    In this book, with his characteristic wit, clarity and concision, Alex Byrne both criticizes and synthesizes much of the recent philosophical work on self-knowledge and presents a distinctively amb...
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  7. Chapter 5: Delusion and Natural Kinds.Richard Samuels - 2024 - In Ema Sullivan-Bissett, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Delusion. Routledge. pp. 87-101.
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    On the use of definitions in sociology.Richard Swedberg - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):431-445.
    Definitions may seem marginal to the sociological enterprise but can be very useful; however, they can also lead to serious errors. Examples of both are given in this article. Different types of definitions are presented, and their relevance for sociology is highlighted. A stipulative definition, for example, is very useful in sociology, as opposed to lexical and ostensive definitions. The definition of a concept that is used in a sociological analysis has to be sociological in nature, and the concept cannot (...)
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    Nietzsche's Philosophical Psychology by Mattia Riccardi Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021 ISBN:9780198803287.Richard Elliott - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1368-1373.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  10. Reply to Clifford Orwin.Richard Kraut - 1988 - In Charles L. Griswold, Platonic Writings/Platonic Readings. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 177--182.
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  11. Emergence and Creativity: Five Degrees of Freedom.Richard McDonough - 2002 - In Terry Dartnall, Creativity, Cognition and Knowledge. Ablex Publishing Corporation. pp. 283-302, 314-320.
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    This Is the Way: A Podcast on Chinese Philosophy.Richard Kim & Justin Tiwald - forthcoming - Podcast Platforms.
    This Is The Way is a podcast on Chinese philosophy, exploring philosophical themes by reflecting on significant Chinese texts and through interviews with scholars of Chinese thought. We aim to offer discussions that are informative and accessible to a broad audience. -/- Episodes: (1) Detachment, (2) Shame, (3) Oneness, (4) Persuasion, (5) Cultivation and the Autobiography of Confucius, (6) Partiality and Justice, (7) The Butcher, (8) The Golden Rule, (9) Moral Sprouts, (10) Mencius on Moral Development, (11) Nonaction, (12) Play, (...)
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    Along the Grain: yi 義 (“Justice”) in the Xunzi.Richard A. H. King - 2016 - Oriens Extremus 55:73-103.
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  14. Heraclitus' Theology: A Case Study of Divine Omnipresence in Early Greek Thought.Richard Neels - 2025 - In Anna Marmodoro, Damiano Migliorini & Ben Page, [no title]. Oxford University Press.
    The early Greek philosophers pioneered important philosophical and theological concepts that are still with us today. The concept of omnipresence is a case in point. Thales is reported to have said that ‘all things are full of gods’. Anaximander states that a boundless substance ‘contains all things and steers all things’; Xenophanes that God is immobile but shakes all things with his mind; Anaxagoras that ‘everything is in everything’. With respect to specifically divine omnipresence, it isn’t until Heraclitus that we (...)
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    The Aesthetic Factor in Art and Religion.Richard H. Bell - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (2):181 - 192.
    Wittgenstein, in his characteristic way of indirectly bringing us to see an important feature in human life, said: ‘… art shows us the miracles of nature… We say: “Just look at it opening out!” This essay discusses how works of art ‘blossom’ and thus elicit an imaginative human response. Its various parts focus on the connected theme that some sensible component is essential to the production and comprehension of art. Each part, however, investigates a different aspect of the theme and (...)
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    Proof and disproof in formal logic: an introduction for programmers.Richard Bornat - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Proof and Disproof in Formal Logic is a lively and entertaining introduction to formal logic providing an excellent insight into how a simple logic works. Formal logic allows you to check a logical claim without considering what the claim means. This highly abstracted idea is an essential and practical part of computer science. The idea of a formal system-a collection of rules and axioms, which define a universe of logical proofs-is what gives us programming languages and modern-day programming. This book (...)
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  17. Heidegger And The «greek Experience» Of Nature-φυσισ-being.Richard Capobianco - 2012 - Existentia 22 (3-4):177-186.
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    Scientific integrity and the market for lemons.Richard C. Cottrell - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (1):17-28.
    Scientific integrity cannot be adequately ensured by appeals to the ethical principles of individual researchers. Research fraud has become a public scandal, exacerbated by our inability accurately to judge its extent. Current reliance on peer review of articles ready for publication as the sole means to control the quality and integrity of the majority of research has been shown to be inadequate, partly because faults in the research process may be concealed and partly because anonymous peer review is itself imperfect. (...)
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  19. Call for Papers.Richard Double - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 75 (1/2):173.
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    Révolution industrielle logique et signification de l'opératoire.Marie-José Durand-Richard - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):319-346.
    Dans la première moitié du xixe siècle en Angleterre, autour de Charles babbage (1791–1871), John F. W. Herschel (1792–1871), George Peacock (1791–1858), Duncan F. Gregory (1813–1844), Augustus de Morgan (1806–1871), George Boole (1815–1864), et d'autres auteurs moins connus, un réseau d'algébristes renouvelle singulièrement la conception de l'algèbre, à tel point que leur travail est le plus souvent interprété comme émergence des travaux sur l'algèbre abstraite. Comme ces algébristes sont également des réformateurs impliqués dans la réorganisation de la science, il s'agira (...)
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    Hosting Earth: Facing the Climate Emergency.Richard Kearney, Peter Klapes & Urwa Hameed - 2024 - London and New York: Routledge.
    Hosting Earth is a timely and much-needed volume in the emerging literature of environmental philosophy, drawing upon art, science, and politics to explore alternatives to the traditional domination of nature by humans. -/- Featuring a dialogue with Mary Robinson (former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Ireland), which addresses the current climate emergency, this book engages the question of ecological hospitality: what does it mean to be guests of the earth as well as hosts? It includes (...)
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  22.  18
    Socrates and Democracy.Richard Kraut - 1999 - In Gail Fine, Plato, Volume 2: Ethics, Politics, Religious and the Soul. Oxford University Press. pp. 185--203.
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    1100th Anniversary of the Death of Prince or King Svätopluk.Richard Marsina - 1994 - Human Affairs 4 (2):161-169.
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    Heidegger's Ereignis and Wittgenstein on the Genesis of Language.Richard McDonough - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):416-431.
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  25. Poimandres.Richard Reitzenstein - 1966 - Stuttgart,: Teubner.
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    L'émotion européenne: Dante, Sade, Aquin.Robert Richard - 2004 - Montréal, QC: Editions Varia.
    Cet essai a pour motif central le mythe de l'Annonciation, fondateur de l'Europe contractualiste moderne. Il étudie l'importance de l'invasion des " barbares", de la rencontre avec l'Autre et du contrat que l'on passe avec lui, entente étrange d'où naît le sujet politique libre. Il a l'originalité de parler de l'Europe - le dernier continent inexploré -à partir d'un point de vue américain et de parler du politique à partir de textes littéraires: les écrits de Dante, Sade et Aquin. C'est (...)
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  27. Jefferson, Lenin, Socrates.Richard Rothschild - 1936 - New York,: Random house.
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    (1 other version)Welding Semantics For Weak Strict Modal Logics into the General Framework of Modal Logic Semantics.Richard Routley - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 23 (36):497-510.
  29. Cinema after Deleuze.Richard Rushton - 2012 - New York: Continuum.
    What questions does Deleuze's philosophy of cinema answer? -- The movement-image (I): Griffith, Eisenstein, Gance, Lang -- The movement-image (II): Ford and Kazan -- The movement-image (III): Hawks and Hitchcock -- The time-image (I): Italian neorealism and after -- The time-image (II): Ophüls and Fellini -- The time-image (III): Welles and Resnais -- Thought and cinema -- Cinema after Deleuze (I): the persistence of the movement-image -- Cinema after Deleuze (II): recent elements of the time-image.
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  30. Clark and Dudrick’s New Nietzsche.Richard Schacht - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):339-352.
    Some analytic philosophers like to make “twin earth” thought-experiments, in which a second earth is imagined that is like this one in every respect but one. Maudemarie Clark and David Dudrick (henceforth C&D), in their long-awaited recent book on Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil (BGE1)—punningly entitled The Soul of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil2—(henceforth ‘Soul’), in effect present us with such an experiment. On each earth there was a Nietzsche, who wrote exactly the same things as the other one did. (...)
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    Aesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2006 - In John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis, A Companion to Pragmatism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 352–360.
    This chapter contains sections titled: I II III.
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  32. Der Stachel der Ethik.Richard Skala - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:18-18.
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    Adjudication and legal reasoning.Richard Warner - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 259--270.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Demands of Political Legitimacy The Received View Persons Courts and Persons References Further Reading.
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    There is No Hop(p)e neboli Blaise Pascal a ambivalence kosmické hrůzy.Richard Zika & Ondřej Váša - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (Mimořádné číslo 3):86-104.
    The essay focuses on the survival of Pascal’s metaphors concerning the cosmic wasteland. It analyzes step-by-step the ways in which authors such as Immanuel Kant, George Milbrey Gould, Herbert George Wells, Thomas Henry Huxley, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Vladimír Hoppe, Jacques Monod, and Eugene Thacker appropriated Pascal’s images of despair from the “eternal silence of infinite spaces”, which they have then used to develop their own arguments in favor of defending (or disparaging) the relevance of a human presence in the universe. (...)
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    Formal Philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague.Richard Montague - 1974 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
  36. (1 other version)IRichard Wollheim.Richard Wollheim - 2003 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 77 (1):131-147.
    [Richard Wollheim] Any experiential view of pictorial meaning will assign to each painting an appropriate experience through which its mean can be recovered. When the meaning is representational, what is the nature of the appropriate experience? If there is agreement that the experience is to be described as seeing-in, disagreement breaks out about how seeing-in is to be understood. This paper challenges two recent interpretations: one in terms of perceived resemblance, the other in terms of imagining seeing. Neither view (...)
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  37. I—Richard Moran: Testimony, Illocution and the Second Person.Richard Moran - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):115-135.
    The notion of ‘bipolar’ or ‘second‐personal’ normativity is often illustrated by such situations as that of one person addressing a complaint to another, or asserting some right, or claiming some authority. This paper argues that the presence of speech acts of various kinds in the development of the idea of the ‘second‐personal’ is not accidental. Through development of a notion of ‘illocutionary authority’ I seek to show a role for the ‘second‐personal’ in ordinary testimony, despite Darwall's argument that the notion (...)
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  38. Take care of freedom and truth will take care of itself: interviews with Richard Rorty.Richard Rorty - 2006 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Eduardo Mendieta.
    This volume collects a number of important and revealing interviews with Richard Rorty, spanning more than two decades of his public intellectual commentary, engagement, and criticism. In colloquial language, Rorty discusses the relevance and nonrelevance of philosophy to American political and public life. The collection also provides a candid set of insights into Rorty's political beliefs and his commitment to the labor and union traditions in this country. Finally, the interviews reveal Rorty to be a deeply engaged social thinker (...)
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    Richard Rorty: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Literature.Richard Rumana (ed.) - 2002 - Rodopi.
    Demonstrating Richard Rorty's breadth of scholarship and his influence on diverse issues across the social sciences and humanities, this comprehensive bibliography contains 1,165 citations. A unique reference work on neo-pragmatism, this bibliography is essential for anyone researching Rorty's work and its impact on philosophy, literature, the arts, religion, the social sciences, politics, and education.
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    Dear Carnap, Dear Van: The Quine-Carnap Correspondence and Related Work: Edited and with an Introduction by Richard Creath.Richard Creath (ed.) - 1990 - University of California Press.
    Rudolf Carnap and W. V. Quine, two of the twentieth century's most important philosophers, corresponded at length—and over a long period of time—on matters personal, professional, and philosophical. Their friendship encompassed issues and disagreements that go to the heart of contemporary philosophic discussions. Carnap was a founder and leader of the logical positivist school. The younger Quine began as his staunch admirer but diverged from him increasingly over questions in the analysis of meaning and the justification of belief. That they (...)
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  41. Ian R. Macneil, The New Social Contract. [REVIEW]Richard Bronaugh - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2:179-182.
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    Anna Alexandrova, A Philosophy for the Science of Well-Being , pp. xlv + 196. [REVIEW]Richard Kim - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (4):498-500.
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  43. Bust a Geek From “Reason Express”(24 July 2001), written by Jeff Taylor drawing on the resources of “Reason” magazine. Reprinted with permission. Software maker Adobe is moving to explain exactly why it let loose the FBI and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) on a Russian pro. [REVIEW]Richard Koman - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (1):6-33.
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    Review of Gerasimos Santas (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Plato's Republic[REVIEW]Richard Kraut - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (7).
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    Review of Malcolm Schofield, Plato: Political Philosophy[REVIEW]Richard Kraut - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (5).
  46.  23
    Dom Georgius Schwengel, Propago sacri ordinis Cartusiensis per Germaniam, 1: De provincia Alemaniae superioris et domibus Poloniae. British Library London Add. Ms. 17086. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1981. Paper. Pp. 480. [REVIEW]Richard B. Marks - 1983 - Speculum 58 (4):1134.
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    Quintanilla, Pablo. La comprensión del otro. Explicación interpretación y racionalidad. Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019. 374 pp. [REVIEW]Richard Orozco - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (180):324-330.
    RESUMEN En el libro X de la Metafísica se trazan las líneas generales de una henología. La reconstrucción de la argumentación debe hacerse desde dos pilares fundamentales: (a) la guía de problemas o aporías que proporciona el libro iii y (b) el proyecto ontológico anunciado en el libro iv, donde se señala la relación entre ontología y henología. El rasgo fundamental de dicha henología sería su subordinación a la ontología. El artículo argumenta que para Aristóteles el rol de la henología (...)
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    Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: A Conversation with Richard Rorty.Richard Rorty, Derek Nystrom & Kent Puckett - 1998 - Prickly Paradigm Press.
    Nystrom and Puckett's pamphlet gives us the most comprehensive picture available of Richard Rorty's political views. This is Rorty being avuncular, cranky, and straightforward: his arguments on patriotism, the political left, and philosophy—as usual, unusual—are worth pondering. This pamphlet will appeal to all those interested in Rorty's distinct brand of pragmatism and leftist politics in the United States.
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    Richard Meier, Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art.Richard Meier - 1997
    This clearly designed and illustrated book is dedicated to a complete overview of Richard Meier's Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, completed in 1995. Located in the area of the Casa de la Caritat, a former monastic enclave, this extraordinary building maintains a unique dialogue between the city's old urban fabric and the contemporary art housed within the museum. Barcelona's first institution devoted entirely to twentieth-century art, this museum synthesizes the striking contemporaneity of its bold architecture and the rich medieval (...)
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    Richard Wagner's Prose Works.Richard Wagner & William Ashton Ellis - 2018 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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