Results for 'Rita Monticelli'

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  1.  22
    The Utopian Imaginary, Gender Equality, and Women’s Writings.Rita Monticelli - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The essay analyses the utopian imaginary in women’s writings with specific reference to the 1970s. Since the late 19 th century, utopia as a genre becomes a space to deconstruct and re-elaborate women’s identity and subjectivity. The appropriation of the utopian paradigm enriches the classical critique of the existing social systems with the deconstruction of gender roles and female stereotypes as a means to fight gender discrimination as well as other forms of oppression which lie at the foundation of the (...)
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    Understanding Mortality and the Life of the Ancestors in Rural Madagascar.Rita Astuti & Paul L. Harris - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (4):713-740.
    Across two studies, a wide age range of participants was interviewed about the nature of death. All participants were living in rural Madagascar in a community where ancestral beliefs and practices are widespread. In Study 1, children (8–17 years) and adults (19–71 years) were asked whether bodily and mental processes continue after death. The death in question was presented in the context of a narrative that focused either on the corpse or on the ancestral practices associated with the afterlife. Participants (...)
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  3.  37
    Towards a Phenomenological Axiology: Discovering What Matters.Roberta De Monticelli - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book attempts to open up a path towards a phenomenological theory of values. By drawing on everyday experience, and dissociating the notion of value from that of tradition, it shows how emotional sensibility can be integrated to practical reason. This project was prompted by the persuasion that the fragility of democracy, and the current public irrelevance of the ideal principles which support it, largely depend on the inability of modern philosophy to overcome the well-entrenched skepticism about the power of (...)
  4.  20
    On the necessity of prefigurative politics.Lara Monticelli - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):99-118.
    The purpose of this article is to elaborate on the concept of prefiguration by outlining the necessity of its contribution to a progressive public philosophy for the 2020s. In the introduction, I explain how the object of critique for many social theorists has shifted over the course of the last decade from neoliberal globalization to capitalism understood as an encompassing form of life. In light of this, I enumerate the features that should define a progressive public philosophy: radical, emancipatory, and (...)
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    Ethics and quality care in nursing homes: Relatives’ experiences.Rita Jakobsen, Gerd Sylvi Sellevold, Veslemøy Egede-Nissen & Venke Sørlie - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):767-777.
    Background: A total of 71,000 people in Norway suffer from some form of dementia in 2013, of whom approximately 30,000 are in nursing homes. Several studies focus on the experiences of those who have close relatives and who are staying in a nursing home. Results show that a greater focus on cooperation between nursing staff and relatives is a central prerequisite for an increased level of care. Benefits of developing systematic collaboration practices include relief for nursing staff, less stress, and (...)
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  6.  26
    Borders and translation: Revisiting Juri Lotman’s semiosphere.Daniele Monticelli - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):389-406.
    In the framework of the theory of the semiosphere elaborated by Juri Lotman in the 1980s, the notion of translation acquires a new, broadened meaning and is used to describe a general mechanism of cultural dynamics. This is a direct consequence of the understanding of the semiosphere as a “continuum of semiotic systems” of which heterogeneity and polyglotism are constitutive features. If the “smallest functioning semiotic mechanism” is not an isolated system, but always a (at least) binary system, translation will (...)
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    Dignity of older people in a nursing home: Narratives of care providers.Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):289-300.
    The purpose of this study was to illuminate the ethically difficult situations experienced by care providers working in a nursing home. Individual interviews using a narrative approach were conducted. A phenomenological-hermeneutic method developed for researching life experience was applied in the analysis. The findings showed that care providers experience ethical challenges in their everyday work. The informants in this study found the balance between the ideal, autonomy and dignity to be a daily problem. They defined the culture they work in (...)
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  8.  47
    Cognitive explanations and cognitive ethology.Rita E. Anderson - 1986 - In William Bechtel (ed.), Integrating Scientific Disciplines. University of Chicago Press. pp. 323--336.
  9. Constitution and Unity.Roberta De Monticelli - 2013 - The Monist 96 (1):3-36.
    Lynne Baker’s Constitution Theory seems to be the farthest-reaching and yet the most subtly elaborated antireductive metaphysics available today. Its original theoretical contribution is a nonmereological theory of material constitution, which yet has a place for classical and Lewisian mereology (this formalized version of Materialism). Constitution Theory hence apparently (i) complies with modern natural science, and yet (ii) rescues the concrete everyday world, and ourselvesin it, from ontological vanity or nothingness, and (iii) does it by avoiding dualism. Why, then, does (...)
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    The AGE Effect on Protective Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Sociodemographic, Perceptions and Psychological Accounts.Rita Pasion, Tiago O. Paiva, Carina Fernandes & Fernando Barbosa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. Tenere desti i sensi e il cuore. Dialogo sulla fenomenologia come metodo di lavoro.Roberta De Monticelli & Daniele Bruzzone - 2011 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 15 (31).
    Da un colloquio tra una fenomenologa di chiara fama e un pedagogista emergono iconnotati dell’atteggiamento fenomenologico, inteso come disposizione intellettuale e morale capace di fondare una “conoscenza personale” nel lavoro di cura. Questa attitudine della mente e del cuore può dar forma al “modo di essere” peculiare di chi, per professione e per vocazione, si prende quotidianamente cura delle persone e della loro esistenza.From this conversation between a well-known phenomenologist and a pedagogist thephenomenological attitude arises as both intellectual and existential (...)
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  12.  15
    El continente sumergido. Notas sobre los fundamentos fenomenológicos de una teoría de la persona.Roberta De Monticelli - 2002 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 4 (1).
    Se lleva a cabo un intento de fundación fenomenológica de una psicología de la persona tomando como base relevantes escritos de Husserl, Scheler, Stein y Von Hildebrand, entre otros. Se discute la contribución original hecha por estos fenomenólogos y se introduce así al lector en una rica fenomenología de la vida emocional, su estructura, el papel que juega en la constitución del ethos de la persona. La fenomenología en esta versión «realista» menos conocida ofrece un poder de análisis no soñado (...)
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  13. La causalità dell’agente. Per una fenomenologia della libertà.Roberta De Monticelli - 1998 - Discipline Filosofiche 8 (2).
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  14. L'intenzionalita e la pietra filosofale (ovvero, quello che ha veramente detto husserl).Roberta de Monticelli - 2000 - Rivista di Estetica 40 (14):3-15.
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  15.  10
    La ménagère de la Rive Gauche. Théorie politique et idéologie d’après Jeanne Hersch.Roberta De Monticelli - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
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  16.  7
    La questione morale.Roberta De Monticelli - 2010 - Milano: R. Cortina.
  17.  80
    On orientation.Roberta De Monticelli - 1986 - Topoi 5 (2):177-185.
  18. Ontologia. Un dialogo fra il filosofo linguistico, il naturalista e il fenomenologo.Roberta De Monticelli - 1997 - In Sergio Cremaschi (ed.), Filosofia Analitica e Filosofia Continentale. 50018 Scandicci, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy: La Nuova Italia. pp. 127-153.
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  19. The Emergence of Persons: Nature and Society.Roberta De Monticelli - 2008 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 23.
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  20. Frederick J. Streng Book Award.Rita Gross - forthcoming - Buddhist-Christian Studies.
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  21.  17
    Critique of ideology or/and analysis of culture?Daniele Monticelli - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (3):432-451.
    The article compares Roland Barthes’s and Juri Lotman’s notions of ‘second-order semiological systems’ [systemes semiologique seconds] and ‘secondary modelling systems’ [вторичные моделирующие системы]. It investigates the shared presuppositions of the two theories and their important divergences from each other, explaining them in terms of the opposite strategic roles that the notions of ‘ideology’ and ‘culture’ play in the work of Barthes and Lotman, respectively. The immersion of secondary modelling systems in culture as a “system of systems” characterized by internal heterogeneity, (...)
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  22.  24
    Globaalsuselt partsiaalsusele.Daniele Monticelli - 2005 - Sign Systems Studies 33 (2):342-342.
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  23.  6
    Individuality, Concreteness, and the Gift of Bonds.Roberta De Monticelli - 2020 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2020 (1):6-25.
    Post-Quinean Nominalism is widely regarded as a metaphysics of concreteness, suggesting (in line with scientific naturalism) that ordinary language and common sense might be in the grip of “ordinary hallucinations” (Varzi 2010), or untutored belief in abstract entities. Drawing on both medieval and contemporary sources, this paper argues that, far from encouraging our minds to stick to concreteness and individuals, an untutored usage of Ockham’s Razor prompts the elision of concreteness and the everyday world from contemporary metaphysics. A theory of (...)
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  24.  44
    Ethical challenges.Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):636-645.
    Introduction: To meet and take care of people with dementia implicate professional and moral challenges for caregivers. Using force happens daily. However, staff also encounter challenges with the management in the units. Managing the caretaking function is also significant in how caretakers experience working in dementia care. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the caregiver’s experiences with ethical challenges in dementia care settings and the significance of professional leadership in this context. Method: The design is qualitative, and (...)
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  25.  58
    The causal cognition of wrong doing: incest, intentionality, and morality.Rita Astuti & Maurice Bloch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  26. Corporate responsibility and corporate personhood.Rita C. Manning - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (1):77 - 84.
    In this paper, I consider the claim that a corporation cannot be held to be morally responsible unless it is a person. First, I argue that this claim is ambigious. Person flags three different but related notions: metaphysical person, moral agent, moral person. I argue that, though one can make the claim that corporates are metaphysical persons, this claim is only marginally relevant to the question of corporate moral responsibility. The central question which must be answered in discussions of corporate (...)
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  27.  22
    (1 other version)Narrative Reciprocity.Rita Charon - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s1):21-24.
    I have become curious about reciprocity within clinical practice. A vast topic that mobilizes considerations of money, knowledge, kinship, power, culture, and uses of the body, reciprocity is a strong means by which to achieve the egality required of just health care. Within health care, reciprocity might enable not only so‐called shared decision‐making and patient autonomy. It might open the door to mutual acknowledgement of the value of each participant's beliefs and habits. It might appear as a humble realization that (...)
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  28.  22
    Ockham’s Razor, or the Murder of Concreteness. A Vindication of the Unitarian Tradition.Roberta De Monticelli - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 24:38-54.
    The notion of de re truth (Conte, 2016) is put to work in this paper (§ 1). It introduces us to a confrontation between a metaphysics of desertic landscapes, as presented in a stunning poem by Achille Varzi and Claudio Calosi, The Tribulations of Philosophye (§ 2), and an ontology of the lifeworld, as a long-term project based on the key concept of bonds (De Monticelli, 2018). The rich and structured objects of the everyday world are infinite sources of (...)
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    Life project, peer counselling and self-help groups as tools to expand capabilities, agency and human rights.Rita Barbuto, Mario Biggeri & Giampiero Griffo - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (3):192-205.
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  30. Time and ethics.Rita Charon - 2002 - In Rita Charon & Martha Montello (eds.), Stories matter: the role of narrative in medical ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 59--68.
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  31.  4
    Il dono dei vincoli: per leggere Husserl.Roberta De Monticelli - 2018 - Milano: Garzanti.
  32. Della nobiltà dello spirito.Roberta De Monticelli - 2000 - Rivista di Estetica 40 (3).
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  33. Epistemic Trust. Outline for a Phenomenology of Shared Intentionality.Roberta De Monticelli - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (15).
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  34.  12
    Il problema dell'individuazione: Leibniz, Kant e la logica modale.Roberta De Monticelli - 1983 - Milano: UNICOPLI. Edited by Michele Di Francesco.
  35.  7
    Il richiamo della persuasione: lettere a Carlo Michelstaedter.Roberta De Monticelli - 1988 - Genova: Marietti 1820. Edited by Carlo Michelstaedter.
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  36. L'ascèse philosophique.Roberta de Monticelli - 1991 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 123:35.
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  37.  17
    (1 other version)Lo spauracchio dei valori. Riflessioni su alcuni fraintendimenti.Roberta De Monticelli - 2011 - Società Degli Individui 42:15-32.
    Il pensiero pratico dominante nel Novecento europeo fornisce risposte negative alla questione se sia possibile una fondazione razionale del pensiero pratico, configurando una posizione di scetticismo assiologico e morale ancora oggi maggioritaria. Ma il secolo xx, se da un lato ha rappresentato la bancarotta della ragione pratica, dall'altro ne ha prodotto una vera e propria incarnazione, nelle istituzioni e organizzazioni internazionali, nelle costituzioni rigide degli Stati europei del dopoguerra, nella Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti dell'essere umano del 1948 ecc. Come puň (...)
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  38. Personal Identity and the Depth of the Person, Husserl and the Phenomenological Circles of Munich and Gottingen.Roberta de Monticelli - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:61-73.
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    From globality to partiality.Daniele Monticelli - 2005 - Sign Systems Studies 33 (2):317-341.
    This paper examines the discourse of war from a semiotic point of view and suggests some ideas for the development of practices of resistance to it. The discourse of war can be considered symptomatic in respect to underlying discourses of totality such as globalisation. By aiming at explanatory simplification, this kind of discourse takes the paradoxical form of an exhaustive paradigm which always engenders a residuum to be eliminated. Semiotics can develop practices of resistance to the discourse of war by (...)
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  40.  6
    Intentionality, Agency and Personhood.Roberta De Monticelli - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):136-155.
    Modern tradition takes a person to be a rational (and moral) agent, namely an agent capable of acting on the basis of reasons – often desire-independent reasons, and particularly moral reasons. So, agency and freedom are involved in the definition of personhood. But what about the embodiment of persons? What about their rootedness in the particular circumstances of a human life – time, space, community of origin, material, and axiological culture? What about the individual identity of persons, their irreducible individuality? (...)
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  41.  69
    On orientation.Roberta Monticelli - 1986 - Topoi 5 (2):177-185.
  42.  18
    Väljakutse identiteedile.Daniele Monticelli - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (3/4):339-339.
    The concept of "cultural identity" has gradually replaced such discredited concepts as "race", "ethnicity", even "nationality" in the conservative political discourse of recent decades which conceives, represents and performs culture as a closed system with clear-cut boundaries which must be defended from contamination.The article employs the theories of Derrida and Lotman as useful tools for deconstructing this understanding of cultural identity, which has recently become an ideological justification for socio-political conflicts. In fact, their theories spring from a thorough critique of (...)
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  43. The Neurocircuitry of Impaired Insight in Drug Addiction.Rita Z. Goldstein, D. A., Antoine Bechara, Hugh Garavan, Anna Rose Childress, Martin P. Paulus & Nora D. Volkow - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (9):372.
  44.  12
    Cognitive practices: human language and human knowledge.Rita Nolan - 1994 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
    How does human language contribute to the cognitive edge humans have over other species? This question eludes most current theories of language and knowledge. Incorporating research results in psychology and cutting a path through a broad range of philosophical debates, Nolan develops a strikingly original account of language acquisition which holds important implications for standard theories of language and the philosophical foundations of cognitive science.
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    How and When Do Leaders Influence Employees’ Well-Being? Moderated Mediation Models for Job Demands and Resources.Rita Berger, Jan Philipp Czakert, Jan-Paul Leuteritz & David Leiva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  46.  66
    Liberal and communitarian defenses of workplace privacy.Rita C. Manning - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (8):817-823.
    In this paper, I survey liberal and communitarian defenses of privacy, paying particular attention to defenses of privacy in the workplace. I argue that liberalism cannot explain all our of intuitions about the wrongness of workplace invasions of privacy. Communitarianism, on the other hand, is able to account for these intuitions.
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    Ethical Responsibility - An Arendtian Turn.Rita A. Gardiner - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (1):31-50.
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    Discussione su "L'esistenza ferita" di Sergio Moravia.Roberta de Monticelli, Fausto Petrella & Carlo Sini - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (1):193-204.
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  49.  12
    Existence as a Source of Normativity: An Alternative to Searle’s View.Roberta De Monticelli - 2021 - In Paolo Di Lucia & Edoardo Fittipaldi (eds.), Revisiting Searle on Deriving “Ought” From “Is”. Springer Verlag. pp. 121-138.
    John Searle reflections on how to derive “Ought” from an “Is’” present a general theory of the sources of normativity within human civilizations. This chapter explores an alternative grounding of normativity on “laws of essence”, a grounding that proceeds by addressing the crucial problem of how to locate essences in a world of facts. To that end, classical phenomenology is shown to be an ontology of concreteness, but this, far from removing it from the dimension of ideals and norms—even practical, (...)
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  50.  12
    El todo en sus partes, es decir la enseñanza de un Maestro.Roberta De Monticelli & Arcangelo Tomasella - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 96:99-117.
    La obra de Giovanni Piana se ha interesado también de literatura. La razón se debe al hecho que entre los actos de experiencia la percepción estética posee una naturaleza específica que la filosofía fenomenológica quiere aclarar. Por otra parte, se sabe la pasión de este autor para la música, a la cual ha dedicado un libro de filosofía y numerosos otros textos. El objetivo de este ensayo es analizar el estudio de Piana sobre la obra del poeta italiano Giovanni Pascoli (...)
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