Results for 'Robert Bock'

975 found
  1.  23
    Patterning, Reading, and Executive Functions.Allison M. Bock, Kelly B. Cartwright, Patrick E. McKnight, Allyson B. Patterson, Amber G. Shriver, Britney M. Leaf, Mandana K. Mohtasham, Katherine C. Vennergrund & Robert Pasnak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Rise of the Marāthā Power and Other EssaysAnd Gleanings from Marāthā ChroniclesRise of the Maratha Power and Other EssaysAnd Gleanings from Maratha Chronicles.Robert L. Bock, M. G. Rānadé, K. T. Telang & M. G. Ranade - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):583.
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    Radial Quantization in Rotating Space–Times.Robert D. Bock - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):977-988.
    We examine the time discontinuity in rotating space–times for which the topology of time is S1. A kinematic restriction is enforced that requires the discontinuity to be an integral number of the periodicity of time. Quantized radii emerge for which the associated tangential velocities are less than the speed of light. Using the de Broglie relationship, we show that quantum theory may determine the periodicity of time. A rotating Kerr–Newman black hole and a rigidly rotating disk of dust are also (...)
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    The Feast of Kingship: Accession Ceremonies in Ancient JapanThe Japanese Enthronement CeremoniesJapanese Shrine Mergers 1906-1912.Felicia G. Bock, Robert S. Ellwood, Daniel Clarence Holtom & Wilbur M. Fridell - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):234.
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    Hume and Religious Miracles.Gregory L. Bock - 2011 - Philosophia Christi 13 (1):165-168.
    Robert Larmer critiques my view that the correct interpretation of David Hume’s argument against miracles in “Of Miracles” is that no testimony of a miracle can serve as the foundation of a religion. Larmer thinks that there is no unified argument in the section but says that Hume’s essential argument is that there can never be a justification for believing that a miracle has occurred on the basis of testimony. I raise a number of problems with Larmer’s interpretation, not (...)
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    Darwin and social theory.Kenneth E. Bock - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (2):123-134.
    It has been argued repeatedly that the modern study of social and cultural evolution took its inspiration and form from Charles Darwin's Origin of Species and Descent of Man. In 1920, Robert H. Lowie observed that it was after evolutionary principles had been accepted in biology that they were applied to social phenomena, and that Lewis Henry Morgan was among the first to make the application. Sir James George Frazer, at about the same time, dated the birth of anthropology (...)
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    Robert E. Kohler. Inside Science: Stories from the Field in Human and Animal Science. 245 pp., notes, index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2019. $35 (cloth). ISBN 9780226617985. [REVIEW]Stephen Bocking - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):425-426.
  8.  29
    A Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change. Casey Conerly and Robert B. Edgerton, eds. Blackwell Companions to Anthropology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. xxiii + 523 pp. [REVIEW]Philip K. Bock - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):1-4.
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    Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour. Ciba Foundation Symposium 194. Pp. 283. Edited by G. R. Bock & J. A. Goode. (Wiley, Chichester, 1996.) £50.00. [REVIEW]D. F. Roberts - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):135-144.
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    Misunderstanding Hume’s Argument against Miracles.Robert Larmer - 2011 - Philosophia Christi 13 (1):155-163.
    In his recent paper, “Understanding David Hume’s Argument against Miracles,” Gregory Bock takes the increasingly popular position that Hume’s intent in “Of Miracles” was not to argue that testimony is in principle incapable of grounding a rational belief in miracles, but rather that it is in principle incapable of grounding a rational belief in miracles that could act as the foundation for a religion. I argue that this interpretation of the text does not withstand critical scrutiny.
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    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. Frank Yates (...)
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  12.  56
    Toward a cognitive psychology of syntax: Information processing contributions to sentence formulation.J. Kathryn Bock - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (1):1-47.
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    Framing sentences.K. Bock - 1990 - Cognition 35 (1):1-39.
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  14.  43
    From conceptual roles to structural relations: Bridging the syntactic cleft.Kathryn Bock, Helga Loebell & Randal Morey - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (1):150-171.
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  15.  70
    Persistent structural priming from language comprehension to language production☆☆☆.K. BocK, G. Dell, F. Chang & K. Onishi - 2007 - Cognition 104 (3):437-458.
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  16. Beyond Equality and Difference: Citizenship, Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity.Gisela Bock & Susan James (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    Historically, as well as more recently, women's emancipation has been seen in two ways: sometimes as the `right to be equal' and sometimes as the `right to be different'. These views have often overlapped and interacted: in a variety of guises they have played an important role in both the development of ideas about women and feminism, and the works of political thinkers by no means primarily concerned with women's liberation. The chapters of this book deal primarily with the meaning (...)
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  17.  58
    Contributions of the biometrical approach to individual differences in personality measures.R. Darrell Bock & Michele F. Zimowski - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):17-18.
  18.  54
    Conceptual accessibility and syntactic structure in sentence formulation.J. Kathryn Bock & Richard K. Warren - 1985 - Cognition 21 (1):47-67.
  19.  44
    Closed-class immanence in sentence production.Kathryn Bock - 1989 - Cognition 31 (2):163-186.
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  20.  52
    Learning, life history, and productivity.John Bock - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (2):161-197.
    This article introduces a new model of the relationship between growth and learning and tests a set of hypotheses related to the development of adult competency using time allocation, anthropometric, and experimental task performance data collected between 1992 and 1997 in a multiethnic community in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Building on seminal work in life history theory by Hawkes, Blurton Jones and associates, and Kaplan and associates, the punctuated development model presented here incorporates the effects of both growth and learning (...)
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  21.  13
    Dialektische Psychologie: Adornos Rezeption der Psychoanalyse.Wolfgang Bock - 2017 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Das Buch befasst sich mit bislang unbekannten Kontexten von Theodor W. Adornos Kritik der Psychoanalyse, darunter vor allem die versuchte „Arisierung“ durch die Neoanalyse im Göring-Institut der NS-Zeit. Wolfgang Bock nimmt dazu einen wichtigen Ausgangspunkt von Adornos Aufsatz „Die revidierte Psychoanalyse“, der 1952 in der Psyche veröffentlicht wird. Der Autor zeigt anhand einer genauen Lektüre eins bislang unveröffentlichten englischen Vortragsmanuskripts von 1946, dass Adornos sich zusammen mit den zur Emigration gezwungenen jüdischen Analytikern vor allem gegen die Zurichtung der freudschen (...)
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  22. Machiavelli and republicanism.Gisela Bock, Quentin Skinner & Maurizio Viroli (eds.) - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This highly acclaimed volume brings together some of the world's foremost historians of ideas to consider Machiavelli's political thought in the larger context of the European republican tradition, and the image of Machiavelli held by other republicans. An international team of scholars from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds (notably law, philosophy, history and the history of political thought) explore both the immediate Florentine context in which Machiavelli wrote, and the republican legacy to which he contributed.
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  23.  71
    Consumer Ethics: The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus.Tine De Bock & Patrick Van Kenhove - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):241 - 255.
    The present study investigates the influence of self-regulatory focus on consumer ethical beliefs (i.e., consumers' judgment of various unethical consumer practices). The self-regulatory focus framework is highly influential and applies to an impressively wide spectrum of topics across a diverse array of domains. However, previous research has not yet examined the link between this personality construct and the consumer ethics field. Findings indicate that promotion affects one's attitude toward questionable consumer practices with those having a stronger (versus weaker) promotion focus (...)
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  24.  17
    Consumer Ethics: The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus.Tine Bock & Patrick Kenhove - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):241-255.
    The present study investigates the influence of self-regulatory focus on consumer ethical beliefs (i.e., consumers’ judgment of various unethical consumer practices). The self-regulatory focus framework is highly influential and applies to an impressively wide spectrum of topics across a diverse array of domains. However, previous research has not yet examined the link between this personality construct and the consumer ethics field. Findings indicate that promotion affects one’s attitude toward questionable consumer practices with those having a stronger (versus weaker) promotion focus (...)
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  25.  29
    Temporalities of reproduction: practices and concepts from the eighteenth to the early twenty-first century.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen, Christina Brandt, Susanne Lettow & Florence Vienne - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (1):1-16.
  26.  42
    Encouraging Consumer Charitable Behavior: The Impact of Charitable Motivations, Gratitude, and Materialism.Dora E. Bock, Jacqueline K. Eastman & Kevin L. Eastman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1213-1228.
    The United States is one of the most charitable nations, yet comprises some of the most materialistic citizens in the world. Interestingly, little is known about how the consumer trait of materialism, as well as the opposing moral trait of gratitude, influences charitable giving. We address this gap in the literature by theorizing and empirically testing that the effects of these consumer traits on charitable behavior can be explained by diverse motivations. We discuss the theoretical implications, along with implications for (...)
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  27.  28
    The periodic tableau: Form and colours in the first 100 years.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (4):379-404.
    While symbolic colour use has always played a conspicuous role in science research and education, the use of colour in historic diagrams remains a lacuna in the history of science. Investigating the colour use in diagrams often means uncovering a whole cosmology that is not otherwise explicit in the diagram itself. The periodic table is a salient and iconic example of non-mimetic colour use in science. Andreas von Antropoff's (1924) rectangular table of recurrent rainbow colours is famous, as are Alcindo (...)
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  28. Civil Discord in Machiavelli's Istorie Fiorentine.Gisela Bock - 1990 - In Gisela Bock, Quentin Skinner & Maurizio Viroli, Machiavelli and republicanism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 181--201.
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  29.  71
    Ecosystems, ecologists, and the atom: Environmental research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.Stephen Bocking - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (1):1-47.
  30.  34
    Childhood and the evolution of the human life course.John Bock & Daniel W. Sellen - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (2):153-159.
  31.  76
    Doing the right thing?: Single mothers by choice and the struggle for legitimacy.Jane D. Bock - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (1):62-86.
    This article offers a feminist deconstruction of legitimacy regarding the intentional decision by midlife independent single women to enter solo parenthood. Data collection involved interviews with 26 single mothers by choice and two years of participant observation in two Single Mothers by Choice support groups. Their accounts indicate that SMCs feel entitled to enter solo motherhood because they possess four essential attributes: age, responsibility, emotional maturity, and fiscal capability. SMCs use economic, moral, and religious justifications to further legitimize their decisions. (...)
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  32.  52
    Werner Flach: Kant zu Geschichte, Kultur und Recht. Hrsg. von Wolfgang Bock.Werner Flach, Wolfgang Bock & Reinhold Aschenberg - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (1):24-32.
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  33. Technology, Freedom, and the Mechanization of Labor in the Philosophies of Hegel and Adorno.Joel Bock - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1263-1285.
    This paper investigates the compatibility of Hegel’s analyses of the mechanization of work in industrial society with Hegel’s notion of freedom as rational self-determination. Work as such is for Hegel a crucial moment on the way to a more complete realization of human freedom, but, as I maintain with Adorno, the technological developments of the last two centuries raise the question of whether the nature of work itself has changed since the industrial revolution. In his Jena lectures, Hegel recognized significant (...)
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  34.  90
    Multiple explanations in Darwinian evolutionary theory.Walter J. Bock - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (1):65-79.
    Variational evolutionary theory as advocated by Darwin is not a single theory, but a bundle of related but independent theories, namely: (a) variational evolution; (b) gradualism rather than large leaps; (c) processes of phyletic evolution and of speciation; (d) causes for the formation of varying individuals in populations and for the action of selective agents; and (e) all organisms evolved from a common ancestor. The first four are nomological-deductive explanations and the fifth is historical-narrative. Therefore evolutionary theory must be divided (...)
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  35.  44
    Beschriften, Wiederfinden und Reaktivieren: Die Rolle von Objektträgeretiketten im Auffindsystem am Beispiel von Alzheimers Auguste‐D.‐Präparaten.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (3):247-270.
    Labeling, Recovering and Reactivating: The Role of Labels on Microscope Slides in the Finding System on the Basis of Alzheimer's Auguste D. Preparations. This study discusses the role of labels in the process of the reactivation of preparations. Labels on slides together with corresponding lists on cards or sheets build what is here called a specific finding system. In the sciences of the archive the disciplinary memory together with such a finding system are the basis to the ability of the (...)
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  36.  42
    Dual Causality and the Autonomy of Biology.Walter J. Bock - 2017 - Acta Biotheoretica 65 (1):63-79.
    Ernst Mayr’s concept of dual causality in biology with the two forms of causes continues to provide an essential foundation for the philosophy of biology. They are equivalent to functional and evolutionary causes with both required for full biological explanations. The natural sciences can be classified into nomological, historical nomological and historical dual causality, the last including only biology. Because evolutionary causality is unique to biology and must be included for all complete biological explanations, biology is autonomous from the physical (...)
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  37. Two evolutionary theories—a discussion.Walter J. Bock - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (54):140-146.
  38.  52
    Reconstructing evolution: Gene transfer from plastids to the nucleus.Ralph Bock & Jeremy N. Timmis - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (6):556-566.
    During evolution, the genomes of eukaryotic cells have undergone major restructuring to meet the new regulatory challenges associated with compartmentalization of the genetic material in the nucleus and the organelles acquired by endosymbiosis (mitochondria and plastids). Restructuring involved the loss of dispensable or redundant genes and the massive translocation of genes from the ancestral organelles to the nucleus. Genomics and bioinformatic data suggest that the process of DNA transfer from organelles to the nucleus still continues, providing raw material for evolutionary (...)
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  39. Jehovah's Witnesses and autonomy: honouring the refusal of blood transfusions.Gregory L. Bock - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (11):652-656.
    This paper explores the scriptural and theological reasons given by Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) to refuse blood transfusions. Julian Savulescu and Richard W Momeyer argue that informed consent should be based on rational beliefs and that the refusal of blood transfusions by JWs is irrational, but after examining the reasons given by JWs, I challenge the claim that JW beliefs are irrational. I also question whether we should give up the traditional notion of informed consent.
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  40.  25
    Flagging up Buddhism: Charles Pfoundes (Omoie Tetzunostzuke) among the international congresses and expositions, 1893–1905.Brian Bocking - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (1):17-37.
    Charles James William Pfoundes (1840?1907), a young emigrant from Southeast Ireland, spent most of his adult life in Japan, received a Japanese name ?Omoie Tetzunostzuke?, first embraced and then turned against Theosophy and, from 1893, was ordained in several Japanese Buddhist traditions. Lacking independent means but educated, intellectually curious, entrepreneurial, fluent in Japanese and with a keen interest in Asian culture, Pfoundes subsisted as a cultural intermediary, explaining Japan and Asia to both Japanese and foreign audiences and actively seeking involvement (...)
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  41.  58
    “What's the Harm in Being Unethical? These Strangers are Rich Anyway!” Exploring Underlying Factors of Double Standards.Tine Bock, Iris Vermeir & Patrick Kenhove - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):225-240.
    Previous studies show evidence of double standards in terms of individuals being more tolerant of questionable consumer practices than of similar business practices. However, whether these double standards are necessarily due to the fact that one party is a business company while the other is a consumer was not addressed. The results of our two experimental studies, conducted among 277 (Study 1) and 264 (Study 2) participants from a Western European country by means of an anonymous self-administered online survey, demonstrate (...)
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  42.  36
    “What’s the Harm in Being Unethical? These Strangers are Rich Anyway!” Exploring Underlying Factors of Double Standards.Tine De Bock, Iris Vermeir & Patrick Van Kenhove - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):225-240.
    Previous studies show evidence of double standards in terms of individuals being more tolerant of questionable consumer practices than of similar business practices. However, whether these double standards are necessarily due to the fact that one party is a business company while the other is a consumer was not addressed. The results of our two experimental studies, conducted among 277 (Study 1) and 264 (Study 2) participants from a Western European country by means of an anonymous self-administered online survey, demonstrate (...)
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  43.  35
    Reconstructive recall in sentences with alternative surface structures.J. Kathryn Bock & William F. Brewer - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):837.
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  44.  12
    The Analogy between Divine Forgiveness and Legal Pardon.Gregory L. Bock - 2024 - Philosophia Christi 26 (1):157-170.
    In “Divine Forgiveness and Legal Pardon,” William Lane Craig compares divine forgiveness to legal pardon, claiming that this is a “more accurate” way of thinking about God’s forgiveness because of God’s status as Ruler and Judge. Craig’s analogy is an admirable attempt to provide a biblical account of divine forgiveness, but the analogy is at best incomplete because God is not simply Ruler and Judge but also loving Creator and Father. A father does not pardon his children; he loves and (...)
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    Concord in Massachusetts, Discord in the World: The Writings of Henry Thoreau and John Cage.Jannika Bock - 2008 - Lang.
    In the juxtaposition of these authors' aesthetics, this book reveals surprising overlaps in the thoughts of Cage and Thoreau.
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  46. Challenging Dichotomies : Perspectives on Women’s History.Gisela Bock - 2010 - Clio 32:53-88.
    L’article traduit pour Clio HFS est le premier chapitre de Writing Women’s History : International Perspectives (1991), premier ouvrage édité par La Fédération internationale pour la recherche en histoire des femmes née en 1987. Il dissèque six dichotomies qui ont permis ou permettent encore de penser les relations entre hommes et femmes et l’écriture de leur passé. Si les trois premières (nature/culture, travail/famille, public/privé), profondément inscrites dans la culture occidentale moderne et source de hiérarchies et d’exclusions, ont été à la (...)
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    Medically valid religious beliefs.G. L. Bock - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (6):437-440.
    Patient requests for “inappropriate” medical treatment based on religious beliefs should have special standing. Nevertheless, not all such requests should be honored, because some are morally disturbing. The trouble lies in deciding which ones count. This paper proposes criteria that would qualify a religious belief as medically valid to help physicians decide which requests to respect. The four conditions suggested are that the belief is shared by a community, is deeply held, would pass the test of a religious interpreter and (...)
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  48. Three descriptive models of social structure.Philip K. Bock - 1967 - Philosophy of Science 34 (2):168-174.
    In this article, three descriptive models are described and compared in an attempt to discover the minimum number of concepts and relations necessary to an abstract description of social structure. It is argued that a "situational model" which uses the concepts of social time, social space and social role together with the relations of internal structure and external distribution is both adequate to the task and superior to the two other models. The advantages and implications of the situational model are (...)
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    Human Nature Mythology.Kenneth Elliott Bock & Kenneth Bock - 1994
    Humanistisk opgør med de negative myter, der lammer menneskets handlekraft; samt om deres opståen set i historisk, filosofisk/teologisk perspektiv.
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    Der ausgewechselte Horizont: Frankreich als Vorbild Nietzsches, Nietzsche als Wunschbild der Franzosen.Wolfgang Bock - 2023 - Nietzscheforschung 30 (1):33-44.
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