Results for 'Robert Mapplethorpe'

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  1. Playing with the Edge: The Photographic Achievement of Robert Mapplethorpe.Arthur C. Danto - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (1):74-77.
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  2. Mapplethorpe, Duchamp and the Ends of Photography.Gary Banham - 2002 - Angelaki 7 (1):119-128.
    This paper presents an argument for seeing Marcel Duchamp and Robert Mapplethorpe as opposite ends of a tradition of negotiation of art with its conditions of production. The piece takes seriously Kant's suggestions concerning the fine arts and contests views of art that see the Kantian tradition as formally fixed.
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    Arthur C. Danto, Playing With The Edge. The Photographic Achievement of Robert Mapplethorpe.Susan Feagin - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (1):74-76.
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  4. Cover Up the Dirty Parts!Dena Shottenkirk - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This is a book about the culture wars, particularly those in the U.S. To gain a more complete view of what they are and what is at stake, I examine the relationships between funding, censorship, and democracy by looking closely at particular examples where the government at least wanted to refuse funding (it sometimes in fact succeeded) and to then look at the issues that arise. The main examples I have chosen is Andres Serrano, whose Piss Christ helped many people’s (...)
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  5. The invisible dragon: essays on beauty.Dave Hickey - 2009 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Dragon days: introduction to the new edition -- Enter the dragon: on the vernacular of beauty 1 -- Nothing like the son: on Robert Mapplethorpe's X portfolio -- Prom night in flatland: on the gender of works of art -- After the great tsunami: on beauty and the therapeutic institution -- American beauty.
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    We Shall. Photographs by Paul D'amato.Paul D'Amato, Gregory J. Harris & Cleophus J. Lee - 2013 - Depaul Art Museum.
    Through emotionally charged portraits and richly layered interior views, the photographs of Chicago-based artist Paul D Amato provide a genuine and complex perspective on life in some of the most challenging and troubled neighborhoods in the nation. This publication is supported in part by grants from the David C. and Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation and the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation.".
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    Race, Sex and Gender in Contemporary Art: The Rise of Minority Culture.Edward Lucie-Smith - 1994 - Art Books International.
    One of the most significant developments in the art world of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s has been the rise to prominence of art made by minority cultures. Race, Sex, and Gender examines the controversial challenges these groups present to today's artists and critics. Works by African-Americans, feminists, homosexuals, and Latino-Hispanics - once considered marginal - have come to transform contemporary art. As this so-called minority art has moved into a more dominant position, museums - once official symbols of culture (...)
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    The Nude in Photography.Paul Martineau - 2014 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Born like Venus on the half shell from the centuries-long tradition of the nude in painting, the nude first appeared as a subject matter in photography with the introduction of the medium itself, between 1837 and 1840, and has continued as an ever-evolving theme through changing technical developments and cultural mores to the present day. This volume surveys the subject of nudity from the earliest surviving photographs of Greek and Roman sculpture through studies of living nude models for aesthetic or (...)
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  9. Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Analysis.David E. W. Fenner - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (1):40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.1 (2003) 40-53 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Analysis David E. W. Fenner The "raw data" that aesthetics is meant to explain is the aesthetic experience. People have experiences that they class off from other experiences and label, as a class, the aesthetic ones. Aesthetic experience is basic, and allother things aesthetic — aesthetic properties, aesthetic objects, aesthetic attitudes — are (...)
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    Abjection and the politics of feminist and queer subjectivities in contemporary art.Julián Daniel Gutiérrez-Albilla - 2008 - Angelaki 13 (1):65-84.
    This article reads some familiar examples of contemporary visual arts, such as Cindy Sherman, Mona Hatoum, Robert Gober, John Miller, Eva Hesse, Orlan and Robert Mapplethorpe, by engaging with diff...
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    [Living] In Utopia: Lyman Tower Sargent and a Plan for Wellington Until the Destruction.Donald Dunham - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (2):272-280.
    This essay explores and recalls my relationship with Lyman Tower Sargent, an adviser and reader for my 1996 Master of Architecture thesis “A Plan for Wellington Until the Destruction” undertaken at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The discussion is set against multiple backdrops: Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, a place that I considered to be an ideal armature for a utopian construct; the “continent” ; the Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana; and the work of artist Robert (...). (shrink)
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    Encounters and Reflections: Art in the Historical Present.Arthur C. Danto - 1991 - University of California Press.
    Since 1984, when he became art critic for _The Nation_, Arthur C. Danto, one of America's most inventive and influential philosophers, has also emerged as one of our most important critics of art. As an essayist, Danto's style is at once rigorous, incisive, and playful. _Encounters and Reflections_ brings together many of his recent critical writings—on artists such as Andy Warhol, David Hockney, and Robert Mapplethorpe; and on the significance of issues like the masterpiece and the museum. The (...)
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    ?Tienes Culo? How to Look at Vida Guerra.Karina L. Cespedes-Cortes & Paul C. Taylor - 2013 - In Peg Brand Weiser, Beauty Unlimited. Indiana University Press. pp. 218-242.
    Vida Guerra is a Cuban model from northern New Jersey. She made her name in hiphop videos and in "gentlemen's magazines" but quickly became in intermediate supermodel, with her own calendars, making-of-the-calendar DVDs, official website, fan websites, television show, and controversy over a "leaked" nude photo. . . . Vida's popularity has caused one writer to suggest "You may now move over J-Lo, and make way for Vida;" in short, tiene culo, to borrow the Spanish slang that adorns one of (...)
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    Essays on Life Itself.Robert Rosen - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    Compiling twenty articles on the nature of life and on the objective of the natural sciences, this remarkable book complements Robert Rosen's groundbreaking Life Itself--a work that influenced a wide range of philosophers, biologists, linguists, and social scientists. In Essays on Life Itself, Rosen takes to task the central objective of the natural sciences, calling into question the attempt to create objectivity in a subjective world and forcing us to reconsider where science can lead us in the years to (...)
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  15. A better way to think about business: how personal integrity leads to corporate success.Robert C. Solomon - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is business ethics a contradiction in terms? Absolutely not, says Robert Solomon. In fact, he maintains that sound ethics is a necessary precondition of any long-term business enterprise, and that excellence in business must exist on the foundation of values that most of us hold dear. Drawing on twenty years of experience consulting with major corporations on ethics, Solomon clarifies the difficult ethical choices all people in business are faced with from time to time. He takes an "Aristotelian" approach (...)
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  16.  94
    Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard.Robert Stern - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In many histories of modern ethics, Kant is supposed to have ushered in an anti-realist or constructivist turn by holding that unless we ourselves 'author' or lay down moral norms and values for ourselves, our autonomy as agents will be threatened. In this book, Robert Stern challenges the cogency of this 'argument from autonomy', and claims that Kant never subscribed to it. Rather, it is not value realism but the apparent obligatoriness of morality that really poses a challenge to (...)
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  17.  34
    Ethical Criticism: Reading After Levinas.Robert Eaglestone - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    What is the relationship between literary criticism and ethics? Does criticism have an ethical task? How can criticism be ethical after literary theory? Ethical Criticism seeks to answer these questions by examining the historical development of the ethics of criticism and the vigorous contemporary backlash against what is known as 'theory'. The book appraises current arguments about the ethics of criticism and, finding them wanting, turns to the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. Described as 'the greatest moral philosopher of the twentieth (...)
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  18.  31
    Biological Emergences: Evolution by Natural Experiment.Robert G. B. Reid - 2007 - MIT Press.
    Natural selection is commonly interpreted as the fundamental mechanism of evolution. Questions about how selection theory can claim to be the all-sufficient explanation of evolution often go unanswered by today's neo-Darwinists, perhaps for fear that any criticism of the evolutionary paradigm will encourage creationists and proponents of intelligent design.In Biological Emergences, Robert Reid argues that natural selection is not the cause of evolution. He writes that the causes of variations, which he refers to as natural experiments, are independent of (...)
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  19.  65
    The Persistence of Subjectivity: On the Kantian Aftermath.Robert B. Pippin - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Persistence of Subjectivity examines several approaches to, and critiques of, the core notion in the self-understanding and legitimation of the modern, 'bourgeois' form of life: the free, reflective, self-determining subject. Since it is a relatively recent historical development that human beings think of themselves as individual centers of agency, and that one's entitlement to such a self-determining life is absolutely valuable, the issue at stake also involves the question of the historical location of philosophy. What might it mean to (...)
  20.  64
    The culmination: Heidegger, German idealism, and the fate of philosophy.Robert B. Pippin - 2024 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Heidegger claimed that Western philosophy ended, failed even, in the German Idealist tradition. In The Culmination, Robert B. Pippin explores the ramifications of this charge through a masterful survey of Western philosophy, especially Heidegger's critiques of Hegel and Kant. Pippin argues that Heidegger's basic concern was to determine sources of meaning for human life, particularly those that had been obscured by Western philosophy's attention to reason. The Culmination offers a new interpretation of Heidegger, German Idealism, and the fate of (...)
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  21. Darwin's theory of natural selection and its moral purpose.Robert J. Richards - 2009 - In Michael Ruse & Robert J. Richards, The Cambridge companion to the "Origin of species". New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Henry Huxley recalled that after he had read Darwin’s Origin of Species, he had exclaimed to himself: “How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!” (Huxley,1900, 1: 183). It is a famous but puzzling remark. In his contribution to Francis Darwin’s Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Huxley rehearsed the history of his engagement with the idea of transmutation of species. He mentioned the views of Robert Grant, an advocate of Lamarck, and Robert Chambers, who anonymously (...)
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    Moral value and human diversity.Robert Audi - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This short and accessible book is designed for those learning about the search for ethical rules that can apply despite cultural differences. Robert Audi looks at several such attempts: Aristotle, Kant; Mill; and the movement known as "common-sense" ethics associated with W.D. Ross. He shows how each attempt grew out of its own time and place, yet has some universal qualities that can be used for an ethical framework. This is a short, accessible treatment of a major topic in (...)
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    Patriarcha and other writings.Robert Filmer - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by J. P. Sommerville.
    This volume contains the political writings of Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653), an acute defender of absolute monarchy and perhaps the most important patriarchal political theorist of the seventeenth century. The recent explosion of interest in women's history and the history of the family has greatly enhanced the audience for Filmer's work, and in this new edition Johann Sommerville provides accurate and accessible texts of his principal writings, accompanied by all the standard series features, including a concise introduction, chronology, guide (...)
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    Adorno on popular culture.Robert Winston Witkin - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    In the decades since his death, Adorno's thinking has lost none of its capacity to unsettle the settled, and has proved hugely influential in social and cultural thought. To most people, the entertainment provided by television, radio, film, newspapers, astrology charts and CD players seem harmless enough. For Adorno, however, the culture industry that produces them is ultimately toxic in its effect on the social process. Here, Robert Witkin unpacks Adorno's notoriously difficult critique of popular culture in an engaging (...)
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    Paradoxes of Emotion and Fiction.Robert Yanal - 1999 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    How can we experience real emotions when viewing a movie or reading a novel or watching a play when we know the characters whose actions have this effect on us do not exist? This is a conundrum that has puzzled philosophers for a long time, and in this book Robert Yanal both canvasses previously proposed solutions to it and offers one of his own. First formulated by Samuel Johnson, the paradox received its most famous answer from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (...)
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    The mind of clover: essays in Zen Buddhist ethics.Robert Aitken - 1984 - San Francisco: North Point Press.
    In Taking the Path of Zen , Robert Aitken provided a concise guide to zazen (Zen meditation) and other aspects of the practice of Zen. In The Mind of Clover he addresses the world beyond the zazen cushions, illuminating issues of appropriate personal and social action through an exploration of the philosophical complexities of Zen ethics. Aitken's approach is clear and sure as he shows how our minds can be as nurturing as clover, which enriches the soil and benefits (...)
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  27. The significance of taste: Kant, aesthetic and reflective judgment.Robert B. Pippin - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):549-569.
    The Significance of Taste: Kant, Aesthetic and Reflective Judgment ROBERT B. PIPPIN 1? THE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION of the "Analytic of the Beautiful" in the "Critique of Aesthetic Judgment" is easy enough to identify. On what basis, if any, could one claim some sort of universal a priori validity for judgments of the form, "This is beautiful"? In Kant's well-known analysis of this question, the issue is reformulated as: By what right could one claim that another person ought to feel (...)
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    Ecstatic Naturalism: Signs of the World.Robert S. Corrington (ed.) - 1994 - Indiana University Press.
    Semiotic theory, which has restricted its focus largely to human forms of significations, is transformed by Robert S. Corrington into a semiotics of nature itself. Corrington situates the divide between "nature naturing" and "nature natured" within the contest of classical American pragmaticism and postmodern psychoanalysis. At the heart of this new metaphysics is an insistence that all signs participate in larger orders of meaning that are natural and religious. Meanings embodied in nature point beyond nature to the mystery inherent (...)
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    Nature's Religion.Robert S. Corrington - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    In the wake of both the semiotic and the psychoanalytic revolutions, how is it possible to describe the object of religious worship in realist terms? Semioticians argue that each object is known only insofar as it gives birth to a series of signs and interpretants (new signs). From the psychoanalytic side, religious beliefs are seen to belong to transference energies and projections that contaminate the religious object with all-too-human complexes. In Nature's Religion, distinguished theologian and philosopher Robert S. Corrington (...)
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    Questions of Miracle.Robert A. H. Larmer (ed.) - 1996 - Carleton University Press.
    Questions of Miracle will be a valuable reference book and teaching tool for scholars and students of theology, religious studies, and philosophy. Contents The Logic of Probabilities in Hume's Argument against Miracles - Fred Wilson David Hume and the Miraculous - Robert Larmer Miracles and the Laws of Nature - Robert Larmer Against Miracles - John Collier Against "Against Miracles" - Robert Larmer Miracles and Conservation Laws - Neil MacGill Miracles and Conservation Laws: A Reply to Professor (...)
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    Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science.Robert L. Park - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    From uttering a prayer before boarding a plane, to exploring past lives through hypnosis, has superstition become pervasive in contemporary culture? Robert Park, the best-selling author of Voodoo Science, argues that it has. In Superstition, Park asks why people persist in superstitious convictions long after science has shown them to be ill-founded. He takes on supernatural beliefs from religion and the afterlife to New Age spiritualism and faith-based medical claims. He examines recent controversies and concludes that science is the (...)
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    The Philosophical Hitchcock: “Vertigo” and the Anxieties of Unknowingness.Robert B. Pippin - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    On the surface, The Philosophical Hitchcock: Vertigo and the Anxieties of Unknowingness, is a close reading of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1958 masterpiece Vertigo. This, however, is a book by Robert B. Pippin, one of our most penetrating and creative philosophers, and so it is also much more. Even as he provides detailed readings of each scene in the film, and its story of obsession and fantasy, Pippin reflects more broadly on the modern world depicted in Hitchcock’s films. Hitchcock’s characters, Pippin (...)
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    Derrida and autobiography.Robert Smith - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The work of Jacques Derrida can be seen to reinvent most theories. In this book Robert Smith offers both a reading of the philosophy of Derrida and an investigation of current theories of autobiography. Smith argues that for Derrida autobiography is not so much subjective self-revelation as relation to the other, not so much a general condition of thought as a general condition of writing - what Derrida calls the 'autobiography of the writing' - which mocks any self-centred finitude (...)
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    Pragmatic Perspectives: Constructivism Beyond Truth and Realism.Robert Schwartz - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    For a good part of the 20th century, the classic Pragmatists--Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, and John Dewey--and pragmatism in general were largely ignored by analytic philosophers. They were said to hold such untenable views as whatever best satisfies our needs is true and that the end justifies the means. Despite a recent revival of interest in these figures, spurred largely by the work of Richard Rorty, it is not uncommon to continue to hear claims that pragmatism is a subjectivist, (...)
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    The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr: Selected Essays and Addresses.Robert McAfee Brown (ed.) - 1986 - Yale University Press.
    Theologian, ethicist, and political analyst, Reinhold Niebuhr was a towering figure of twentieth-century religious thought. Now newly repackaged, this important book gathers the best of Niebuhr’s essays together in a single volume. Selected, edited, and introduced by Robert McAfee Brown—a student and friend of Niebuhr’s and himself a distinguished theologian—the works included here testify to the brilliant polemics, incisive analysis, and deep faith that characterized the whole of Niebuhr’s life. “This fine anthology makes available to a new generation the (...)
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    Biblical Type-Scenes and the Uses of Convention.Robert Alter - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (2):355-368.
    One of the chief difficulties we encounter as modern readers in perceiving the artistry of biblical narrative is precisely that we have lost most of the keys to the conventions out of which it was shaped. The professional Bible scholars have not offered much help in this regard, for their closest approximation to the study of convention is form criticism, which is set on finding recurrent regularities of pattern rather than the manifold variations upon a pattern that any system of (...)
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  37. David Hume on Personal Identity and the Indirect Passions.Robert S. Henderson - 1990 - Hume Studies 16 (1):33-44.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:David Hume on Personal Identity and the Indirect Passions Robert S. Henderson Scholarly reflection on Hume's "doctrine" ofselfand personal identity continues to focus on the sections "Of Personal Identity" and the "Appendix" toA Treatise ofHuman Nature. To answer the question of why we have so great a propension to ascribe an identity to these successiveperceptions which make up experience, Hume says that we must distinguish betwixtpersonal identity, as (...)
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    Learnability and Linguistic Theory.Robert Matthews - 1989 - Springer.
    The impetus for this volume developed from the 1982 University of Western Ontario Learnability Workshop, which was organized by the editors and sponsored by that University's Department of Philosophy and the Centre for Cognitive Science. The volume e~plores the import of learnability theory for contemporary linguistic theory, focusing on foundational learning-theoretic issues associated with the parametrized Government-Binding framework. Written by prominent re searchers in the field, all but two of the eight contributions are pre viously unpublished. The editor's introduction provides (...)
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  39. A new basis for allocating livers for transplant.Robert M. Veatch - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):75-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.1 (2000) 75-80 [Access article in PDF] Bioethics Inside the Beltway: A New Basis for Allocating Livers for Transplant Robert M. Veatch The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), the private organization with the government contract to manage the national organ transplant program, are in the midst of a protracted dispute over how livers (...)
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    The Development and Testing of Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Models: A Review.Robert E. Baldwin - 2008 - MIT Press.
    No names are more closely associated with modern trade theory than Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin. The basic Heckscher-Ohlin proposition, according to which a country exports factors in abundant supply and imports factors in scarce supply, is a key component of modern trade theory. In this book, Robert Baldwin traces the development of the HO model, describing the historical twists and turns that have led to the basic modern theoretical model in use today. Baldwin not only presents a clear (...)
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    In the Whirlwind: God and Humanity in Conflict.Robert A. Burt - 2012 - Harvard University Press.
    God deserves obedience simply because he’s God—or does he? Inspired by a passion for biblical as well as constitutional scholarship, in this bold exploration Yale Law Professor Robert A. Burt conceptualizes the political theory of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. God’s authority as expressed in these accounts is not a given. It is no less inherently problematic and in need of justification than the legitimacy of secular government. In recounting the rich narratives of key biblical figures—from Adam and Eve (...)
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    Political theory & societal ethics.Robert R. Chambers - 1992 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    This refreshingly different discussion of laws, customs, and agencies examines the underlying political, cultural, and ethical structures that bind a society and define its character. At a time of major national unheavals, Robert R. Chambers reconsiders the nature of a best society and how it can be achieved. Human behavior is organized by means of two distinct, often opposing, types of rules, each with its own modus operandi and set of ethical principles. The conflicts of rules take on a (...)
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    Nature and Nothingness: An Essay in Ordinal Phenomenology.Robert S. Corrington - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores four types of nothingness as found in nature: holes in nature, totalizing nothingness in horror, naturing nothingness, and encompassing nothingness. Robert S. Corrington argues that though nothingness takes many forms, they are all guises of the same vast Nothingness.
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    Sony Alpha Slt-A65 / A77 for Dummies.Robert Correll - 2012 - For Dummies.
    Just what you need to get up and running with Sony's new flagship dSLRs The Sony a77, with its 24.3 megapixel sensor, full HD video capability, and translucent mirror system, is poised to be Sony's flagship dSLR camera. With many of the same features but at a lower price point, the a65 is the economy version. This guide will cover all the important steps for getting the most from either model. It shows how to set up the camera to get (...)
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    Original Dwelling Place: Zen Essays (review).Robert Goss - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):212-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Dwelling Place: Zen EssaysRobert E. GossOriginal Dwelling Place: Zen Essays. By Robert Aitken. Upland, California: Counterpoint, 1996. 241 pp.Robert Aitken narrates his over forty-year journey into Zen, elucidating not only his spiritual journey but also reflecting the Americanization of Zen Buddhism. He was introduced to Zen Buddhism during World War II as an internee in a camp for enemy civilians in Kobe, Japan. Original Dwelling Place (...)
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    Global disorder: America and the threat of world conflict.Robert Harvey - 2003 - New York: Carroll & Graf.
    In 1990, when the Berlin Wall fell and the Cold War ended, economic and political analysts declared the world a safer place. But not political journalist Robert Harvey. The roar of international optimism only intensified the pangs of his geopolitical anxiety. In 1995, in The Return of the Strong, he warned Western democracies that the tides of economic globalization were sweeping the world toward a new crisis. Unfortunately, the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City on (...)
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    The Italian Silence.Robert P. Harrison - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):81-99.
    During the latter half of the thirteenth century there arose around Tuscany a strange and unprecedented poetry, erudite, abstract, and arrogantly intellectual. It sang beyond courtly conventions about the wonders of the rational universe whose complex secrets the new speculative sciences were eagerly systematizing. Appropriating the language of natural philosophy, Aristotelian psychology, and even theology, love poetry developed a new theoretical understanding of its enterprise which allowed it to redefine love as spiritualized search for knowledge. This intellectualization of erotic desire (...)
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    Visions of the Future: The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.Robert Heilbroner - 1996 - Oxford University Press.
    "This is an exceedingly long short book, stretching at least fifty thousand years into the past and who knows how many into the future." So begins Visions of the Future, the prophetic new book by eminent economist Robert Heilbroner. Heilbroner's basic premise is stunning in its elegant simplicity. He contends that throughout all of human history, despite the huge gulf in social organization, technological development, and cultural achievement that divides us from the earliest known traces of homo sapiens, there (...)
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    Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology.Robert Hurley & Abe Stein (eds.) - 1989 - Zone Books.
    "The thesis is radical," writes Marshall Sahlins of this landmark text in anthropology and political science. "We conventionally define the state as the regulation of violence; it may be the origin of it. Clastres's thesis is that economic expropriation and political coercion are inconsistent with the character of tribal society - which is to say, with the greater part of human history."Can there be a society that is not divided into oppressors and oppressed, or that refuses coercive state apparatuses? In (...)
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  50. Theory of Religion.Robert Hurley (ed.) - 1992 - Zone Books.
    Theory of Religion brings to philosophy what Bataille's earlier book, The Accursed Share, brought to anthropology and history; namely, an analysis based on notions of excess and expenditure. Bataille brilliantly defines religion as so many different attempts to respond to the universe's relentless generosity. Framed within his original theory of generalized economics and based on his masterly reading of archaic religious activity, Theory of Religion constitutes, along with The Accursed Share, the most important articulation of Bataille's work.Georges Bataille, founder of (...)
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