Results for 'Robert´s Alexy weight formula'

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  1.  12
    La utilidad de la fórmula del peso de Robert Alexy y su aplicación a la Decisión del Tribunal Constitucional alemán de 2015 sobre la integración de profesoras funcionarias musulmanas.María Elósegui Ichaso - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 54:205-236.
    Este artículo demuestra de un modo fáctico la utilidad del test de proporcionalidad y la fórmula del peso del profesor Robert Alexy en la práctica de los tribunales constitucionales y de otros altos tribunales. Para ello se aplica detenidamente este modelo a la Decisión del Tribunal Constitucional alemán de 2015 en el que se falla a favor de la compatibilidad del uso del velo por profesoras funcionarias que trabajan en la enseñanza pública con la neutralidad del Estado. Se examinan (...)
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    An Antinomy in Alexy's Theory of Balancing.Giovanni B. Ratti - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (1):48-56.
    This article argues that Robert Alexy's influential theory of balancing is affected by a contradiction that makes it unfeasible as an instrument by which to explain some aspects of law and legal reasoning it aims to clarify. In particular, I will show that one of the premises of Alexy's theory of balancing is incompatible with its conclusion. Alexy's theory is based upon a sharp distinction between rules and principles. However, as my analysis will demonstrate, its conclusion implies (...)
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    Abwägung und Argumentation.Robert Alexy - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (2):177-181.
    The main issue that I take up in this article is the relation between balancing and argumentation. My thesis takes the form of a mathematical formula, the Weight Formula. In recent work, Giovanni B. Ratti has set out a radical critique of my thesis, and Manuel Atienza has offered a systematic critique, maintaining that my Theory of Legal Argumentation and my Theory of Constitutional Rights are to a certain degree incompatible. My reply is that the Weight (...)
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  4. On the concept and the nature of law.Robert Alexy - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (3):281-299.
    The central argument of this article turns on the dual‐nature thesis. This thesis sets out the claim that law necessarily comprises both a real or factual dimension and an ideal or critical dimension. The dual‐nature thesis is incompatible with both exclusive legal positivism and inclusive legal positivism. It is also incompatible with variants of non‐positivism according to which legal validity is lost in all cases of moral defect or demerit (exclusive legal non‐positivism) or, alternatively, is affected in no way at (...)
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  5. Some Reflections on the Ideal Dimension of Law and on the Legal Philosophy of John Finnis.Robert Alexy - 2013 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 58 (2):97-110.
    This article defends a non-positivist theory of law, that is, a theory that accepts the necessary connection between legal validity and moral correctness by reference to the work of John Finnis. It begins with the dual nature of law as comprising both a real or factual dimension and an ideal dimension. Important examples show that at least some kinds of moral defect can deprive law of validity from the perspective of a participant in the legal system. The nature of the (...)
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  6. The Construction of Constitutional Rights.Robert Alexy - 2010 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 4 (1):21-32.
    This article calls for the construction of constitutional rights as principles, rather than as rules. The rule construction conceives subsumption or classification as the appropriate form for the application of constitutional rights. It attempts, in this way, to avoid the problems associated with balancing. By contrast, the principles construction argues that balancing is inevitable and unavoidable. Balancing is at the very core of the proportionality test. The debate over the construction of constitutional rights is, therefore, first and foremost a debate (...)
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  7.  39
    Robert Alexy's Radbruch Formula, and the Nature of Legal Theory.Brian Bix - 2006 - Rechtstheorie 37:139-149.
  8.  19
    (1 other version)Robert Alexy’s Ideal Dimension of Law.Andrea Porciello - 2017 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 103 (4):483-493.
    The main purpose Robert Alexy tries to achieve with The argument from Injustice and all the other works he wrote on the same topic is to prove, against legal positivism, that law is a bidimensional concept comprising both a real or institutional dimension and an ideal one. As we know, positivism believes that law is valid for formal or factual reasons that just contingently, this is the inclusive variant, may incorporate moral elements; otherwise Professor Alexy believes that law, (...)
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    Social judgement theory and medical judgement.Robert S. Wigton - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (2 & 3):175 – 190.
    Social judgement theory is particularly well suited to the study of medical judgements. Medical judgements characteristically involve decision making under uncertainty with inevitable error and an abundance of fallible cues. In medicine, as in other areas, SJT research has found wide variation among decision makers in their judgements and in the weighting of clinical information. Strategies inferred from case vignettes differ from physicians' self-described strategies and from the weights suggested by experts. These observations parallel recent findings of unexplained variation in (...)
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  10.  31
    The Logic of Uncertain Justifications.Robert S. Milnikel - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):305-315.
    In Artemovʼs Justification Logic, one can make statements interpreted as “t is evidence for the truth of formula F.” We propose a variant of this logic in which one can say “I have degree r of confidence that t is evidence for the truth of formula F.” After defining both an axiomatic approach and a semantics for this Logic of Uncertain Justifications, we will prove the usual soundness and completeness theorems.
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    I Nomi Degli Dei: A Reconsideration of Agamben’s Oath Complex.Robert S. Leib - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (1):73-92.
    This essay offers an exegesis and critique of the moment of community formation in Agamben’s Homo Sacer Project. In The Sacrament of Language, Agamben searches for the site of a non-sovereign community founded upon the oath [horkos, sacramentum]: an ancient institution of language that produces and guarantees the connection between speech and the order of things by calling the god as a witness to the speaker’s fidelity. I argue that Agamben’s account ultimately falls short of subverting sovereignty, however, because the (...)
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  12.  28
    Law, rights and discourse: the legal philosophy of Robert Alexy.George Pavlakos & Robert Alexy (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford ; Portland, Or.: Hart.
    This volume reflects the breadth of Alexy's philosophy, identifies new areas of inquiry and offers a new impetus to the discourse theory of law.
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  13.  27
    Law's ideal dimension.Robert Alexy - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Law's Ideal Dimension provides a comprehensive account in English of renowned legal theorist Robert Alexy's understanding of jurisprudence, as expanded upon from his publications A Theory of Legal Argumentation (OUP 1989), A Theory of Constitutional Rights (OUP 1985), and The Argument fromInjustice (OUP 1992).The collection is divided into three parts. Part One concerns the nature of law: it explores its real and ideal dimensions and how the ideal dimension of law is sometimes employed but does not play a systematically (...)
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  14.  86
    Kant’s Non-Positivistic Concept of Law.Robert Alexy - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):497-512.
    The main thesis of this article is that Kant’s concept of law is a non-positivistic one, notwithstanding the fact that his legal philosophy includes very strong positivistic elements. My argument takes as its point of departure the distinction of three elements, around which the debate between positivism and non-positivism turns: first, authoritative issuance, second, social efficacy, and, third, moral correctness. All positivistic theories are confined to the first two elements. As soon as a necessary connection between these first two elements (...)
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  15. On the Thesis of a Necessary Connection between Law and Morality: Bulygin's Critique.Robert Alexy - 2000 - Ratio Juris 13 (2):138-147.
    In this article the author adduces a non‐positivist argument for a necessary connection between law and morality; the argument is based on the claim to correctness, and it is directed to an attack stemming from Eugenio Bulygin. The heart of the controversy is the claim to correctness. The author first attempts to show that there are good reasons for maintaining that law necessarily raises a claim to correctness. He argues, second, for the thesis that this claim has moral implications. Finally, (...)
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  16.  64
    Effects of Defects—Action or Argument? Thoughts about Deryck Beyleveld and Roger Brownsword’s Law as a Moral Judgment.Robert Alexy - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (2):169-179.
    Two claims lay the foundation for Beyleveld and Brownsword’s legal theory. The first says that immoral laws cannot be law, the second that rights to freedom and welfare can be proven to be logically necessary given merely the phenomenon of agency. The author argues that both claims are too strong. The first is an overidealization of law, which fails to do justice to its double nature as a real as well as an ideal phenomenon. The second must fail, for a (...)
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  17. On Necessary Relations Between Law and Morality.Robert Alexy - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (2):167-183.
    The author's thesis is that there is a conceptually necessary connection between law and morality which means legal positivism must fail as a comprehensive theory. The substantiation of this thesis takes place within a conceptual framework which shows that there are at least 64 theses to be distinguished, concerning the relationship of law and morality. The basis for the author's argument in favour of a necessary connection, is formed by the thesis that individual legal norms and decisions as well as (...)
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  18. Legal Certainty and Correctness.Robert Alexy - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (4):441-451.
    What is the relation between legal certainty and correctness? This question poses one of the perpetual problems of the theory and practice of law—and for this reason: The answer turns on the main question in legal philosophy, the question of the concept and the nature of law. Thus, in an initial step, I will briefly look at the concept and the nature of law. In a second step, I will attempt to explain what the concept and the nature of law, (...)
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  19. Discourse Theory and Human Rights.Robert Alexy - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (3):209-235.
    The author's thesis is that human rights can be substantiated on the basis of discourse theory. The argument has two steps. The first step is the justification of the rules of discourse. The second step consists in the foundation of human rights.
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  20.  87
    On Two Juxtapositions: Concept and Nature, Law and Philosophy. Some Comments on Joseph Raz's "Can There Be a Theory of Law?".Robert Alexy - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (2):162-169.
  21. Basic Rights and Democracy in Jurgen Habermas's Procedural Paradigm of the Law.Robert Alexy - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (2):227-238.
  22.  15
    When Adolescents Disagree with Their Vaccine-Hesitant Parents about COVID-19 Vaccination.Jana Shaw, Y. Tony Yang & Robert S. Olick - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (2):158-168.
    As we journey into the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Americans express relief at a “return to normal,” experience pandemic fatigue, or embrace the idea of living with COVID-19 in much the same way we live with the seasonal flu. But transition to a new phase of life with SARS-CoV-2 does not diminish the importance of vaccination. The US Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration recently recommended another round of booster dose for (...)
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  23.  50
    Giovanni Battista Ratti's Critique of Principles Theory.Robert Alexy - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (2):153-159.
    Ratti has attacked principles theory in two respects. The first is that it is impossible to distinguish between rules and principles. The second is that the main thesis of principles theory, which says that balancing is the specific way of applying principles, is wrong. The result of Ratti's critique is his thesis that principles theory founders on a contradiction or, as Ratti calls it, an antinomy. All of this is based on two arguments: Ratti's disapplication argument and his law of (...)
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  24.  54
    Hans Kelsen's Concept of the 'Ought'.Robert Alexy - 2013 - Jurisprudence 4 (2):235-245.
    Focusing on Hans Kelsen's concept of the 'ought', the main problem is whether the 'ought' qua obligation or the 'ought' qua empowerment or competence serves as his fundamental normative concept. Stanley L Paulson has adduced strong textual arguments for the thesis that the fundamental role played by empowerment represented Kelsen's opinion ever since the late 1930s. But to accept the thesis of the fundamental character of empowerment as an interpretive thesis is not, eo ipso , to accept it as a (...)
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  25.  41
    The Special Case Thesis and the Dual Nature of Law.Robert Alexy - 2018 - Ratio Juris 31 (3):254-259.
    In this article, I take up two arguments in favor of the discursive model of legal argumentation: the claim to correctness argument and the dual nature thesis. The argument of correctness implies the dual nature thesis, and the dual nature thesis implies a nonpositivistic concept of law. The nonpositivistic concept of law comprises five ideas. One of them is the special case thesis. The special case thesis says that positivistic elements, that is, statutes, precedents, and prevailing doctrines, are necessary for (...)
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  26.  76
    Justification and Application of Norms.Robert Alexy - 1993 - Ratio Juris 6 (2):157-170.
    According to the author there is no doubt that one has to distinguish between the justification and the application of norms. Problems are seen only to arise if one asks what exactly the distinction is and which consequences have to be drawn from it. Recently, Klaus Günther, in particular, has searched for this distinction and connected it with far‐reaching conclusions concerning the theory of norms, arguments, and morals. His theses are the object of the author's considerations.
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    How Will We Pay for Loss and Damage?J. Timmons Roberts, Sujay Natson, Victoria Hoffmeister, Alexis Durand, Romain Weikmans, Jonathan Gewirtzman & Saleemul Huq - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (2):208-226.
    The devotion of a full article in the Paris Agreement to loss and damage was a major breakthrough for the world’s most vulnerable nations seeing to gain support for climate impacts beyond what can be adapted to. But how will loss and damage be paid for, and who will pay it? Will ethics be part of this decision? Here we ask what are the possible means of raising predictable and adequate levels of funding to address loss and damage? Utilizing a (...)
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  28.  23
    (1 other version)The Concept of Jurisprudence.Robert Alexy & Ralf Dreier - 1990 - Ratio Juris 3 (1):1-13.
    The first part of this article contains (i) considerations as to the relationship between jurisprudence and legal dogmatics, legal philosophy, and sociology of law; (ii) considerations about the status of jurisprudence both as a meta‐ and an object‐theory. These lead to the suggestion that jurisprudence should be defined as a general juristic theory of law and legal science. In the second part, the character and elements of this definition are explained systematically. The article's main thesis is that jurisprudence is not (...)
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  29.  98
    Rights, Legal Reasoning and Rational Discourse.Robert Alexy - 1992 - Ratio Juris 5 (2):143-152.
    The first part of this article contains an analysis of the concept of a right, which implies a rational structure of reasoning about rights, elaborated in the second part. In the third part both the concept of a right and reasoning about rights are connected with the theory of rational discourse. The author's thesis is that there exists an internal relation between the theory of rights and the theory of legal reasoning.
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    Acuerdos Y desacuerdos. Algunas observaciones introductorias.Robert Alexy - 2005 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 39:729-742.
    That two theories of law are different does not imply that they differ in all aspects. Far more likely is the opposite state of affairs, namely, that there are some common points along with some points of disagreement. I will start with three points in which there seems to be at least some connection between Joseph Raz’s opinions and my own. In a second step, I will consider what is, perhaps, the most fundamental difference.
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    Scott J Shapiro between Positivism and Non-Positivism.Robert Alexy - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (2):299-306.
    In his book Legality Scott J Shapiro presents a large-scale and sophisticated attempt to defend legal positivism in its most outspoken form, namely exclusive legal positivism. This, however, does not mean that morality plays no role in Shapiro’s analysis of the nature of law. On the contrary, he connects law with morality in myriad ways. This gives rise to the question of whether Shapiro’s theory of the nature of law is truly positivistic. In the article I argue that Shapiro’s theory (...)
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  32.  46
    Temporal perception in obese and normal-weight subjects: A test of the stimulus-binding hypothesis.Robert M. Stutz, Joel S. Warm & William A. Woods - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):23-24.
  33.  23
    Voluntary rest pause behavior in a block-turning task as a function of wrist-cuff weight.Robert F. Boldt & Douglas S. Ellis - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (2):84.
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    Hauptelemente einer Theorie der Doppelnatur des Rechts.Robert Alexy - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (2):151-166.
    The dual nature thesis sets out the claim that law necessarily comprises both a real or factual dimension and an ideal or critical dimension. This thesis, however, remains as thus stated abstract and formal. In order to arrive at a concrete content and a clear structure, the thesis has to be explicated within a system. The overarching idea of this system is the institutionalization of reason. The political form manifested by the system is discursive constitutionalism. This system is generated in (...)
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    Influences Upon Willingness to Participate in Schizophrenia Research: An Analysis of Narrative Data From 63 People With Schizophrenia.Janet L. Brody, Laura Weiss Roberts & Alexis Kaminsky - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (3):279-302.
    Schizophrenia affects more than 1% of the world's population, causing great personal suffering and socioeconomic burden. These costs associated with schizophrenia necessitate inquiry into the causes and treatment of the illness but generate ethical challenges related to the specific nature and deficits of the illness itself. In this article, we present a systematic analysis of narrative data from 63 people living with the illness of schizophrenia collected through semistructured interviews about their attitudes, beliefs, and experiences related to psychiatric research. In (...)
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    Social identity-based motivation modulates attention bias toward negative information: an event-related brain potential study.Benoit Montalan, Alexis Boitout, Mathieu Veujoz, Arnaud Leleu, Raymonde Germain, Bernard Personnaz, Robert Lalonde & Mohamed Rebaï - 2011 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 1:1-15.
    Research has demonstrated that people readily pay more attention to negative than to positive and/or neutral stimuli. However, evidence from recent studies indicated that such an attention bias to negative information is not obligatory but sensitive to various factors. Two experiments using intergroup evaluative tasks (Study 1: a gender-related groups evaluative task and Study 2: a minimal-related groups evaluative task) was conducted to determine whether motivation to strive for a positive social identity - a part of one's self-concept - drives (...)
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    Musical Activity During Life Is Associated With Multi-Domain Cognitive and Brain Benefits in Older Adults.Adriana Böttcher, Alexis Zarucha, Theresa Köbe, Malo Gaubert, Angela Höppner, Slawek Altenstein, Claudia Bartels, Katharina Buerger, Peter Dechent, Laura Dobisch, Michael Ewers, Klaus Fliessbach, Silka Dawn Freiesleben, Ingo Frommann, John Dylan Haynes, Daniel Janowitz, Ingo Kilimann, Luca Kleineidam, Christoph Laske, Franziska Maier, Coraline Metzger, Matthias H. J. Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Josef Priller, Boris-Stephan Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Klaus Scheffler, Anja Schneider, Annika Spottke, Stefan J. Teipel, Jens Wiltfang, Steffen Wolfsgruber, Renat Yakupov, Emrah Düzel, Frank Jessen, Sandra Röske, Michael Wagner, Gerd Kempermann & Miranka Wirth - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Regular musical activity as a complex multimodal lifestyle activity is proposed to be protective against age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. This cross-sectional study investigated the association and interplay between musical instrument playing during life, multi-domain cognitive abilities and brain morphology in older adults from the DZNE-Longitudinal Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Study study. Participants reporting having played a musical instrument across three life periods were compared to controls without a history of musical instrument playing, well-matched for reserve proxies of education, (...)
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  38.  9
    A Bayesian Improvement of the Proportionality Principle.Mirko Pecaric - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (4):419-436.
    The principle of proportionality is seen as the highest peak of structural, logical thinking that enables balancing between constitutional principles and their interferences. So far, Alexy's weight formula has been the most advanced approach in structured balancing of proportionality stricto sensu, while this paper shows it as still too subjective. Despite judicial tests—or different, manifestly inappropriate reasonableness tests—proportionality stricto sensu hides some form of the jumping-to-conclusions bias, because the inference is made through a subjective lens. The paper (...)
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  39.  22
    On Hegel's Critique of Kant's Ethics.Robert Stern - 1985 - In Thom Brooks (ed.), Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 73–99.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Hegel's Empty Formalism Objection and the Concessive Kantian Response Hegel's Intuitionism: Against a “Supreme Principle of Morality” Kant on the Supreme Principle of Morality: Socratic or Pythagorean? Kant and Hegel: A Reconciliation? Acknowledgments Notes Abbreviations References.
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    Peirce's 10, 28, and 66 sign-types: The simplest mathematics.Robert W. Burch - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (184):93-98.
    From three simple Peircean semeiotic principles, the general formula is derived for the number of definable sign-types from the number of semeiotic trichotomies to be used in defining the sign-types. If k is the number of such trichotomies, then [ ]/2 is the number of sign-types definable by appealing to them. The significance of the derivation lies in its setting constraints on particular detailed theories of sign-types.
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    Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy (review).Robert B. Louden - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):142-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Value of AutocracyRobert B. LoudenAnne Margaret Baxley. Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. xvi + 189. Cloth, $85.00.Back in the early 1980s, Anglophone philosophers began to seriously explore the nature and role of virtue in Kant's ethics. This development itself was the result of a confluence of three other phenomena: (1) the growing influence (...)
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    Sartre et le fantôme du Père.Alexis Chabot - 2013 - Sartre Studies International 19 (2):61-77.
    In , Sartre elevates the premature death of his father to the rank of a providential event which, by depriving him of a Super-Ego and relieving him of any legacy, consigned him to contingency and condemned him to be free. In this way, Sartre derives his uniqueness from this happy lack, this salutary void, i.e. a negated father, and casts himself in the role of an Aeneas liberated from the weight of his Anchises. Fatherless son, Sartre was nonetheless condemned (...)
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    Incommensurability in Aristotle's Theory of Reciprocal Justice.Robert L. Gallagher - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (4):667 - 701.
    In just proportional exchange, under Aristotle's theory of reciprocal justice, superior sharers in a community materially assist the weaker, and receive honour as a reward. Aristotle's economic thought is represented with a system of 18 formulae. Explained are: (1) What Aristotle means when he says that it is impossible for two sharers or their erga to be commensurable; (2) The extent to which the variables in Aristotle's proportions can be quantified. (3) What diagonal pairing ( ?ατ δ? ??τ?o? σ ??????) (...)
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  44.  21
    Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala Subregion Morphology Are Associated With Obesity and Dietary Self-control in Children and Adolescents.Mimi S. Kim, Shan Luo, Anisa Azad, Claire E. Campbell, Kimberly Felix, Ryan P. Cabeen, Britni R. Belcher, Robert Kim, Monica Serrano-Gonzalez & Megan M. Herting - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    A prefrontal control system that is less mature than the limbic reward system in adolescence is thought to impede self-regulatory abilities, which could contribute to poor dietary choices and obesity. We, therefore, aimed to examine whether structural morphology of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala are associated with dietary decisions and obesity in children and adolescents. Seventy-one individuals between the ages of 8–22 years participated in this study; each participant completed a computer-based food choice task and a T1- and T2-weighted (...)
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    Sensory Re-weighting for Postural Control in Parkinson’s Disease.Kelly J. Feller, Robert J. Peterka & Fay B. Horak - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:437406.
    Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by impaired postural responses to transient perturbations, increased postural sway in stance and difficulty transitioning between tasks. In addition, some studies suggest that loss of dopamine in the basal ganglia due to PD results in difficulty using proprioceptive information for motor control. Here, we quantify the ability of subjects with PD and age-matched control subjects to use and re-weight sensory information for postural control during steady-state conditions of continuous rotations of the (...)
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    Hume's Of Scepticism with regard to reason : A Study in Contrasting Themes.Robert A. Imlay - 1981 - Hume Studies 7 (2):121-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:121. HUME'S Of Scepticism with regard to reason: A STUDY IN CONTRASTING THEMES.* This paper attempts to describe the complex dialectical interplay among the contrasting rational, sceptical and naturalist elements which appear in Section I, Part IV of Book I of Hume's Treatise of Human Nature. At the same time we shall try to show that, contrary to Hume's own evaluation of that section, it is the sceptical element, (...)
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  47. A Commentary on Eugene Thacker’s "Cosmic Pessimism".Gary J. Shipley & Nicola Masciandaro - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):76-81.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 76–81 Comments on Eugene Thacker’s “Cosmic Pessimism” Nicola Masciandaro Anything you look forward to will destroy you, as it already has. —Vernon Howard In pessimism, the first axiom is a long, low, funereal sigh. The cosmicity of the sigh resides in its profound negative singularity. Moving via endless auto-releasement, it achieves the remote. “ Oltre la spera che piú larga gira / passa ’l sospiro ch’esce del mio core ” [Beyond the sphere that circles widest / penetrates (...)
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    What moral weight should patient‐led demand have in clinical decisions about assisted reproductive technologies?Craig Stanbury, Wendy Lipworth, Siun Gallagher, Robert J. Norman & Ainsley J. Newson - 2023 - Bioethics 38 (1):69-77.
    Evidence suggests that one reason doctors provide certain interventions in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is because of patient demand. This is particularly the case when it comes to unproven interventions such as ‘add‐ons’ to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles, or providing IVF cycles that are highly unlikely to succeed. Doctors tend to accede to demands for such interventions because patients are willing to do and pay ‘whatever it takes’ to have a baby. However, there is uncertainty as to what moral (...)
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    Kant and the “Old formula of the schools”.Robert B. Louden - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (1):63-74.
    In this essay I offer a new interpretation of Kant’s discussion of “the old formula of the schools” in the Critique of Practical Reason – “nihil appetimus, nisi sub ratione boni; nihil aversamur, n...
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    The Measure of Mind: Propositional Attitudes and their Attribution * By ROBERT J. MATTHEWS.Robert Matthews - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):185-187.
    The deflationary aim of this book, which occupies Part I, is to show that a widely held view has little to be said for it. The constructive aim, pursued in Part II, is to make plausible a measure-theoretic account of propositional attitudes. The discussion is throughout instructive, illuminating and sensitive to the many intricacies surrounding attitude ascriptions and how they can carry information about a subject's psychology. There is close engagement with cognitive science. The book should be read by anyone (...)
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