Results for 'Rodolfo Pastor Tineo-Huancas'

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  1.  30
    Aplicación del Flipped Classroom para el logro del aprendizaje significativo.Alvaro Wladimir Vásquez-Vásquez, José Fortunato Zuloaga-Cachay, Manuel Antonio Díaz-Paredes, Edgar Mitchel Lau-Hoyos, Alejandro Chayán-Coloma & Rodolfo Pastor Tineo-Huancas - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):83-95.
    El objetivo de la investigación es demostrar que la aplicación del Flipped Classroom mejora el nivel de logro del aprendizaje significativo en estudiantes universitarios. Para la recolección de datos en los grupos control y experimental se aplicaron dos instrumentos: el pre-test y el post-test. Concluido con la aplicación de los talleres basados en la metodología FC, en el postest se observó que en el grupo control, 26 estudiantes obtuvieron una calificación aprobatoria y 11 reprobatoria, mientras que en el grupo experimental, (...)
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    Positivismo jurídico e introducción al análisis sociológico del derecho: derecho y sociedad.Félix Huanca Ayaviri - 2009 - La Paz, Bolivia: El Original San José.
  3.  10
    Positivismo jurídico e introducción al análisis sociológico del derecho.Félix Huanca Ayaviri - 2005 - La Paz: [S.N.].
  4.  19
    Teoría del delito y su consolidación en la teoria del caso: planteamientos y fundamentos para su aplicación en el proceso penal.M. Huanca & Juan Carlos - 2023 - La Paz, Bolivia: [Master Editores].
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    Avances y retrocesos en el reconocimiento del territorio de los Ayoreos bolivianos.Yaneth Katia Apaza Huanca - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 35:89-107.
    Los Ayoreos bolivianos enfrentan una lucha por el reconocimiento de su territorio, su demanda jurídica se inicia al final de los ochenta; en 1999 a través de la Ley Nº 1715 logran que cuatro de sus comunidades sean reconocidas como Tierras Comunitarias de Origen (TCO). El año 2009, la nueva Constitución cambiará el nombre de TCO al de Territorio Indígena Originario Campesino (TIOC) esta nueva denominación trae conflictos en su reconocimiento territorial y avasallamiento. Aproximadamente hace 20 años que no logran (...)
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    Derecho penal del enemigo y derecho penal del ciudadano: planteamientos y fundamentos juridicos del derecho penal moderno.M. Huanca & Juan Carlos - 2021 - La Paz: Editorial e Imprenta Innova.
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    La preexistencia de las identidades históricas (indígenas, pueblos indígenas). Un derecho inconcluso de los Estados en América del Sur.Yaneth Katia Apaza Huanca - 2022 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 41:4-23.
    El objetivo del artículo es plantear un concepto de preexistencia y los elementos que lo componen para las identidades históricas de América del Sur, denominadas: indígenas, pueblos indígenas. Por dos razones: a) porque han sido cercenadas por divisiones internas de los Estados y las fronteras territoriales de dos o más países, b) porque la normativa constitucional e internacional no reconoce este derecho apropiadamente. El método utilizado fueron trabajos previos de la autora sobre los aymaras, quechuas, kichwas (2012-2016) y ayoreos (2020-2021). (...)
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    Against the science of law: an alternative to its study and application.Juan Jose Huanca Villalta - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (1):25-42.
    This article elaborates an interpretive and polemic on the study of law, starting from different coordinates to that of legal science in order to postulate an alternative to the understanding of law. For this work, we problematize and detach ourselves from its valuation as a science. We take as a basis the philosophical orientation that views science from the materialistic perspective of the Theory of Categorial Closure, in order to subsequently examine and conceive law as a techno-praxis in relation to (...)
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  9.  97
    REVILLA, C. (Editora). Claves de la razón poética. María Zambrano: un pensamiento en el orden del tiempo. [REVIEW]Mercedes Tineo - 1999 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 16:334.
    María Zambrano art critic presents the special space that painting was for her. Transcribing her contemplations, she reveals an appropriate way to enter in the pictures: the poetic reason, which constitutes a new aesthetic based on fidelity to original reality and on the revelation of a presence. Zambrano defines painting as a creative act that bursts out of the artist odyssey towards his entrails and to the revelation always incomplete of the original reality. We want to understand the expression of (...)
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    Mediación de la motivación personal, escuela y autoeficacia parental en el rol educativo.Olger Gutiérrez Aguilar, Margaret Mollo León, Fabiola Talavera Mendoza & Sandra Chicaña Huanca - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):311-325.
    Existen diversos factores influyentes en la autoeficacia parental, mediada por la motivación personal de los padres de familia hacia la escuela. Se utilizó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructuradas de cuadrados mínimos parciales para el análisis. El estudio se realizó con 446 participantes, principalmente mujeres con un 81.2% y hombres con un 18% en tiempos de postpandemia. El estudio concluye que la comunicación con la escuela influye positivamente en la autoeficacia parental y la motivación personal hacia la escuela en los padres (...)
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    Money, Food, and Daily Life Objects Are Similarly Shared in the Dictator Game. A Study among Poles and Tsimane’.Piotr Sorokowski, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Agnieszka Niemczyk, Michalina Marczak, Tomas Huanca, Esther C. Velasco & Agnieszka Sorokowska - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Why do mothers favor girls and fathers, boys?Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes-García, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, William R. Leonard, Tomás Huanca, Vincent Vadez & Karishma Patel - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):169-189.
    Growing evidence suggests mothers invest more in girls than boys and fathers more in boys than girls. We develop a hypothesis that predicts preference for girls by the parent facing more resource constraints and preference for boys by the parent facing less constraint. We test the hypothesis with panel data from the Tsimane’, a foraging-farming society in the Bolivian Amazon. Tsimane’ mothers face more resource constraints than fathers. As predicted, mother’s wealth protected girl’s BMI, but father’s wealth had weak effects (...)
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  13. Rodolfo Mondolfo: su pensamiento filosófico histórico y social.Rodolfo Mondolfo & Luis Farré - 1984 - Buenos Aires: Instituto de Intercambio Cultural y Científico Argentino-Israelí. Edited by Luis Farré.
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    The Pay-Offs to Sociability.Victoria Reyes-García, Ricardo A. Godoy, Vincent Vadez, Isabel Ruíz-Mallén, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas W. McDade & Susan Tanner - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (4):431-446.
    Previous research addressing the association between leisure and happiness has given rise to the hypothesis that informal social activities might contribute more to happiness than solitary activities. In the current study, we tested how the two types of leisure—social and solitary—contribute to a person’s subjective sense of well-being. For the empirical estimate, we used four consecutive quarters of data collected from 533 people over the age of 16, from 13 Tsimane’ hunter-farmer villages in the Bolivian Amazon. Results suggest that only (...)
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  15.  22
    The Extreme Right as a Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Problem: About “Liber-Fascism” and its Modalities of Jouissance.Jesús Ayala-Colqui, Arturo Romero Contreras, Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca & S. Antonio Letelier - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:143-162.
    The aim of this article is to problematize, from a sociopolitical and psychoanalytic point of view, the current rise of the new rights, especially in Latin America. Although this extremist renaissance is loosely and indicatively referred to as fascism, we believe that, after careful analysis, today’s far-rights are not simple repetitions of the fascisms of the s. XX. It is about an unprecedented governmentality and ideology that, on the one hand, is not reduced to neoliberalism and, on the other hand, (...)
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  16.  22
    Estudios históricos y sociales sobre el trauma colectivo Revisitando los efectos de la violencia política en contextos latinoamericanos.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, David Pavón-Cuéllar, Hernán Scholten, José Cabrera Sánchez, Jairo Gallo Acosta, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca, Antonio Letelier, Rose Gurski, Gonzalo Salas, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Alberto León & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:172-195.
    Este artículo explora el concepto de trauma colectivo y su aplicación en el contexto histórico y social de las sociedades latinoamericanas. La transferencia del término «trauma colectivo» desde el campo del conocimiento psicológico a la esfera social e histórica plantea preguntas sobre su legitimidad y marco conceptual. El estudio examina la fidelidad de esta transferencia conceptual y su relación con la comprensión psicoanalítica temprana de los fenómenos traumáticos. El contexto cultural europeo de finales del siglo xix y principios del siglo (...)
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    Tra teoria sociale e filosofia politica: Rodolfo Mondolfo, interprete della coscienza moderna : scritti, 1903-1931.Rodolfo Mondolfo & Rita Medici - 1991 - Clueb.
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    Testing and unpacking the effects of digital fake news: on presidential candidate evaluations and voter support.Rodolfo Leyva & Charlie Beckett - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):969-980.
    There is growing worldwide concern that the rampant spread of digital fake news via new media technologies is detrimentally impacting Democratic elections. However, the actual influence of this recent Internet phenomenon on electoral decisions has not been directly examined. Accordingly, this study tested the effects of attention to DFN on readers’ Presidential candidate preferences via an experimental web-survey administered to a cross-sectional American sample. Results showed no main effect of exposure to DFN on participants’ candidate evaluations or vote choice. However, (...)
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  19.  38
    Can Science Escape Metaphysics? On Chakravartty’s Scientific Ontology.Rodolfo Gaeta - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (2):181-201.
    Contrary to empiricist hopes, Chakravartty claims that science cannot escape metaphysics. According to him, in line with the theory-ladenness thesis, science necessarily includes metaphysical presuppositions and metaphysical inferences. He contends that strong empiricism provides an implausible description of what scientists do. Furthermore, he claims, empiricists should recognize that in fact they entertain metaphysical beliefs. I analyze Chakravartty’s arguments and point out some significant weaknesses. Drawing on recent experimental results in the field of experimental psychology, I question the use of an (...)
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  20.  23
    Towards a cognitive-sociological theory of subjectivity and habitus formation in neoliberal societies.Rodolfo Leyva - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2):250-271.
    Disconcerting findings from nascent sociological research suggest that Western youth are developing subjectivities that reflect neoliberal discursive formations of self-interest, competitiveness, and materialism. However, propositions about: (1) the cognitive-affective mechanisms that explain how youth acquire and reproduce neoliberal ideology, or (2) the dispositions and behaviours that typify a neoliberal subject, remain vague. Therefore, this article provides a novel conceptualization of these two psychosocial facets that can help advance understandings and investigations of the emerging modes and societal consequences of neoliberal subjectification, (...)
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  21. Quantum mechanics, strong emergence and ontological non-reducibility.Rodolfo Gambini, Lucía Lewowicz & Jorge Pullin - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (2):117-127.
    We show that a new interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which the notion of event is defined without reference to measurement or observers, allows to construct a quantum general ontology based on systems, states and events. Unlike the Copenhagen interpretation, it does not resort to elements of a classical ontology. The quantum ontology in turn allows us to recognize that a typical behavior of quantum systems exhibits strong emergence and ontological non-reducibility. Such phenomena are not exceptional but natural, and are (...)
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  22. (1 other version)An axiomatic formulation of the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics.Rodolfo Gambini, Luis Pedro García-Pintos & Jorge Pullin - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (4):256-263.
    We make a first attempt to axiomatically formulate the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this interpretation environmental decoherence is supplemented with loss of coherence due to the use of realistic clocks to measure time to solve the measurement problem. The resulting formulation is framed entirely in terms of quantum objects without having to invoke the existence of measurable classical quantities like the time in ordinary quantum mechanics. The formulation eliminates any privileged role to the measurement process giving an objective (...)
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  23.  41
    Republicanismo kantiano.Rodolfo Arango - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (S1):49-72.
    A partir de las interpretaciones de Peter Niesen y Reinhard Brandt, el presente estudio analiza el republicanismo kantiano en contraste con el republicanismo cívico, con el propósito de evaluar si el amoralismo metodológico de Kant resulta suficiente para motivar a un pueblo de demonios a establecer y conservar una constitución republicana. Las mejores razones parecen hablar a favor de Kant, no obstante, su propuesta requiere una mayor diferenciación de las motivaciones para aceptar tal constitución, así como de una mayor precisión (...)
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  24.  42
    The populist body in the age of social media: A comparative study of populist and non-populist representation.Rodolfo E. Colalongo & María Esperanza Casullo - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 173 (1):62-81.
    Populist representation is the process by which a body or set of bodies become the signifier of a powerful act of political transgression of the social order. We call this specific type of representative linkage ‘synecdochal representation’. In it, the leader’s body performs three key functions: it mirrors certain popular traits that are characterized as ‘low’, it displays marks of exceptionality, and it appropriates symbols of institutional power. These tasks are performed through particular ways of acting, dressing, talking, eating, and (...)
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  25.  41
    Motion, Body and Corporeal Substance in Leibniz: The Defense of Relativity of Motion and its Impact in the Development of his Metaphysics of Bodies.Rodolfo Fazio - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:238-267.
    Resumen En este trabajo evaluamos el impacto que la adopción de la relatividad del movimiento tiene en la metafísica de Leibniz. En particular argumentamos que el abandono de la comprensión absolutista del mismo anula su noción juvenil de sustancia corpórea. En primer lugar analizamos cómo entiende Leibniz las nociones de cuerpo y movimiento en el periodo juvenil y defendemos que la comprensión absolutista de este último constituye una piedra angular en su primera concepción de la sustancia corpórea. En segundo lugar (...)
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  26.  67
    Springs, Nitre, and Conatus. The Role of the Heart in Hobbes's Physiology and Animal Locomotion.Rodolfo Garau - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):231-256.
    This paper focuses on an understudied aspect of Hobbes's natural philosophy: his approach to the domain of life. I concentrate on the role assigned by Hobbes to the heart, which occupies a central role in both his account of human physiology and of the origin of animal locomotion. With this, I have three goals in mind. First, I aim to offer a cross-section of Hobbes's effort to provide a mechanistic picture of human life. Second, I aim to contextualize Hobbes's views (...)
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  27.  27
    La crítica de Leibniz a los números infinitos y su repercusión en la metafísica de los cuerpos.Rodolfo Fazio - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (2):159-175.
    En el trabajo evaluamos el impacto que la crítica de Leibniz a los números infinitos tiene en el desarrollo de su metafísica de los cuerpos. Luego de exponer el vínculo que el filósofo alemán traza entre el cuerpo, la extensión y las cantidades infinitas en su período juvenil (1663-1672), analizamos sus reflexiones del período parisino sobre las paradojas de los números infinitos (1672-1676) y argumentamos que la defensa de la inconsistencia de tales números constituye un punto de inflexión en su (...)
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  28. Relational Physics with Real Rods and Clocks and the Measurement Problem of Quantum Mechanics.Rodolfo Gambini & Jorge Pullin - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (7):1074-1092.
    The use of real clocks and measuring rods in quantum mechanics implies a natural loss of unitarity in the description of the theory. We briefly review this point and then discuss the implications it has for the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. The intrinsic loss of coherence allows to circumvent some of the usual objections to the measurement process as due to environmental decoherence.
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  29.  18
    Los conceptos y los dioses: máscaras de la realidad y crítica a la Modernidad en Ortega y Zambrano.Rodolfo Gutiérrez Simón - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):619-628.
    El objetivo marcado en este trabajo es establecer una línea de continuidad entre el pensamiento de Ortega y el de María Zambrano, situando a ambos en un contexto común de crítica a ciertos excesos de la Modernidad. Así, la propuesta se basa en un análisis de la racionalidad científico-matemática como ámbito excluyente de ciertos planos de la realidad, y en cómo ambos autores son conscientes de ello (aunque lo manifiesten desde distintos prismas y atendiendo a diferentes asuntos). De esta manera, (...)
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    La comprensión del sujeto humano en la cultura antiqua.Rodolfo Mondolfo - 1955 - Eudeba.
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  31. La autoestima en la educación.Rodolfo Acosta & José Hernández - 2004 - Límite 11 (11):82-95.
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    Leibniz on force, cause and subject of motion: From de corporum concursu (1678) to the brevis demonstratio.Rodolfo Fazio - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (1):98-130.
    In the present paper we study the relationship between the notions of force, cause and subject of motion in Leibniz’s early dynamics. First, we specify the role that the problem of the subject and cause of motion played in the development of his dynamics. Second, we analyze the distinction between force and quantity of motion and the validity and limits of his proof. Third, we study and evaluate the limits of the arguments for establishing that forces are inherent to bodies. (...)
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  33.  24
    Who was the Founder of Empiricism After All? Gassendi and the 'Logic' of Bacon.Rodolfo Garau - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (3):327-354.
    Contentions about the origin of early modern empiricism have been floating about at least since the 1980s, where its exclusive “Britishness” was initially question, and the name of Gassendi was provocatively put forward as the putative “founder” of the current to the detriment of Francis Bacon. Recent scholarship has shown that early modern empiricism did not derive from philosophical speculation exclusively but had multiple sources and “foundations.” Yet, from a historical viewpoint, the question whether Bacon’s method had any influence on (...)
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  34.  52
    Havelock Ellis, Sexology, and Sexual Selection in Post-Darwinian Evolutionary Biology.Rodolfo John Alaniz - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (1):89-112.
    This study situates Henry Havelock Ellis’s sexological research within the nineteenth-century evolutionary debates, especially the discussion over sexual selection’s applicability to humanity. For example, Ellis’s monograph on sexual behavior, _Sexual Inversion_ (1897), treated inborn homosexuality as a natural variation of evolutionary mechanisms. This book was situated within a longer study of human sexuality in relation to evolutionary selection. His later works dealt even more directly with Charles Darwin’s concept of selection, such as _Sexual Selection in Man_ (1905). Through _Sexual Selection (...)
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  35. Sobre o chamado "modelo das quatro causas" em Aristóteles.Rodolfo Lopes - 2016 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 9 (21):129-142.
    O presente texto tem por simples objectivo o comentário sistemático ao capítulo 2 do Livro V da Metafísica de Aristóteles, onde o autor apresenta uma sistematização sobre o chamado modelo das quatro causas. Teremos também no horizonte de análise o famoso capítulo 3 do Livro I do mesmo tratado, onde Aristóteles inicia a crítica à tradição precedente justamente à luz deste modelo de causalidade. O objectivo é apenas comentar e esclarecer o texto original, cujas hesitantes formulações podem levantar alguns obstáculos (...)
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    Evidence of Plato and Aristotle Relating to the Ekpyrosis in Heraclitus.Rodolfo Mondolfo & D. J. Allan - 1958 - Phronesis 3 (2):75 - 82.
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    Undecidability and the Problem of Outcomes in Quantum Measurements.Rodolfo Gambini, Luis Pedro García Pintos & Jorge Pullin - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 40 (1):93-115.
    We argue that it is fundamentally impossible to recover information about quantum superpositions when a quantum system has interacted with a sufficiently large number of degrees of freedom of the environment. This is due to the fact that gravity imposes fundamental limitations on how accurate measurements can be. This leads to the notion of undecidability: there is no way to tell, due to fundamental limitations, if a quantum system evolved unitarily or suffered wavefunction collapse. This in turn provides a solution (...)
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    La filosofía en México en el siglo XX: apuntes de un participante.Rodolfo R. Suárez - 2014 - Dianoia 59 (73):155-159.
    En este trabajo realizo un examen crítico del reciente libro de Silvana Gabriela Di Camillo sobre la crítica de Aristóteles a la teoría platónica de las Ideas. El libro de Di Camillo es un trabajo muy serio cuya lectura recomiendo ampliamente. Sin embargo, considero que cuatro de las principales tesis que la autora defiende tienen varias dificultades y mi objetivo aquí es presentar argumentos detallados en contra de ellas: la interpretación de la distinción entre argumentos más y menos rigurosos del (...)
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    L'infinito nel pensiero dell'antichità classica.Rodolfo Mondolfo - 2012 - La Nuova Italia.
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  40. Late-scholastic and Cartesian conatus.Rodolfo Garau - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (4):479-494.
    Introduction Conatus is a specific concept within Descartes’s physics. In particular, it assumes a crucial importance in the purely mechanistic description of the nature of light – an issue that Des- cartes considered one of the most crucial challenges, and major achievements, of his natural phil- osophy. According to Descartes’s cosmology, the universe – understood as a material continuum in which there is no vacuum – is composed of a number of separate yet interconnected vortices. Each of these vortices consists (...)
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  41. Mental Causation.Rodolfo Giorgi & Andrea Lavazza - 2018 - Aphex 17.
    This article aims to provide a brief overview of mental causation problem and its current proposed solutions. Indeed, mental causation turns out as one of the most difficult philosophical conundrums in contemporary philosophy of mind. In the first two sections, we offer an outline of the problem and the philosophical debate about it, and show that mental causation problem is pivotal within the contemporary philosophy of mind. In the third section, we focus on the most popular models of mental causation, (...)
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  42. Considerações Sobre o Princípio da Não-Contradição na Perspectiva Aristotélica: Linguagem, Ontologia e Lógica.Rodolfo Denk Neto - 2018 - Ágora Filosófica 18 (2):109-136.
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    La noción de cuerpo en los escritos maduros de Leibniz.Rodolfo Emilio Fazio - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):29-52.
    Resumen En el presente trabajo analizo el concepto de cuerpo en los escritos maduros de Leibniz. En el marco del debate contemporáneo acerca del estatus de la sustancia corpórea examino el entramado de las tres nociones sobre las que se construye la metafísica leibniziana de los cuerpos, a saber, la de materia prima, la de cuerpo orgánico y la de extensión. En cada caso evalúo el estatus ontológico que Leibniz les reconoce así como el papel que cumplen en su metafísica.In (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas. Baedeker de su propuesta jurídica.Rodolfo Moreno Cruz - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    Habermas ha elaborado una teoría jurídica a partir de su filosofía de acción comunicativa. Sin alejarse de los fundamentos tradicionales que sustentan al Estado democrático de derecho, ha innovado una posición de legitimación al derecho y a su ejercicio, incluso ofrece nuevas herramientas conceptuales para la función judicial, como es el caso de lo que podría llamarse la adecuación que sustituye a la conocida propuesta de la ponderación de los derechos. El presente artículo pretende servir de guía para adentrase en (...)
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    On univocal connectives.Rodolfo Ertola - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (1):5-13.
    We pay attention to the concept of univocal connective. Considering the corresponding definition in the context of the sequent calculus a problem arises in a paper by Belnap. We provide an explanation by Belnap and finally give some examples and non-examples of univocal connectives.
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    Introduction.Rodolfo Gaeta, Nélida Gentile & Susana Lucero - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (2):177-179.
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    The so-called “unwritten doctrines” of Plato: some notes on the historiographical problem from the beginning until today.Rodolfo Lopes & Gabriele Cornelli - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 18:259-281.
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    Ensayo animal.Rodolfo Bernal Escalante - 2024 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 18 (34):300-312.
    El ensayo explora la evolución de las concepciones filosóficas y religiosas sobre la relación entre el ser humano y los animales, destacando la transformación del antropocentrismo teológico hacia una visión más naturalista y respetuosa. Partiendo del creacionismo judeocristiano, donde los animales son considerados subordinados al hombre, el texto analiza prácticas religiosas antiguas, como los sacrificios en Grecia, Persia y el judaísmo. Posteriormente, aborda la crítica moderna a la superioridad humana a través de pensadores como Pascal, Giordano Bruno y Schopenhauer, quien (...)
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    On the platonic concept of to metaxy: theory of perception and cultual experience.Rodolfo José Rocha Rachid - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03324-03324.
    In this paper I intend to examine the notion of intermediate in Plato´s dialogues, especially Theaetetus and Symposium. In the first section, I investigate previously in Theaetetus the notion of to metaxy as the result of mixture between percipient and perceived, by which the realm of phenomenon can be explained by the third genre, identified as to metaxy, born from a certain kind of dynamis. In the second section, I examine the mentioned notion s Symposium, expressed by Diotima of Mantineia (...)
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    Kant y el problema del mundo externo.Rodolfo Aldea - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (2):113-132.
    Este artículo examina la doctrina del Idealismo Trascendental de Kant en relación con el Problema del Mundo Externo, abordándola desde la perspectiva de la Filosofía de la Percepción. La investigación propone que hay argumentos sólidos para evaluar la doctrina kantiana bajo estos criterios y sugiere que, al hacerlo, se desprende que el Idealismo Trascendental no puede ser clasificado como una postura idealista que niegue la existencia de objetos o propiedades extramentales. Este análisis aporta una comprensión más profunda del alcance y (...)
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