Results for 'Rodrigo Moulian'

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  1.  54
    Kamaska, kamarikun Y müchulla: Préstamos lingüísticos Y encrucijadas de sentido en el espacio centro Y sur andino.Rodrigo Moulian & María Catrileo - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:249-263.
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    Human Resource Management and Innovative Performance in Non-profit Hospitals: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Culture.Julio C. Acosta-Prado, Oscar H. López-Montoya, Carlos Sanchís-Pedregosa & Rodrigo A. Zárate-Torres - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    How Well Do Men’s Faces and Voices Index Mate Quality and Dominance?Leslie M. Doll, Alexander K. Hill, Michelle A. Rotella, Rodrigo A. Cárdenas, Lisa L. M. Welling, John R. Wheatley & David A. Puts - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (2):200-212.
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    La primacía Del modus ponens en la cognición humana: Tarea de selección Y perfección Del condicional.Miguel López Astorga & Rodrigo Lagos Vargas - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:19-37.
    En este trabajo se presenta una explicación para el problema de las versiones abstractas de la tarea de selección de las cuatro tarjetas de Peter Wason: los discretos resultados de los participantes cuando se enfrentan a ellas. Nuestra explicación apunta a que los sujetos no comprenden la regla de la tarea como un condicional, sino como un bicondicional, provocando tal circunstancia que no elijan las tarjetas correctas. Santamaría planteó una objeción para todo enfoque que defienda que en la tarea de (...)
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    Attitudes on euthanasia among medical students and doctors in Sri Lanka: a cross sectional study.H. M. M. T. B. Herath, K. W. S. M. Wijayawardhana, U. I. Wickramarachchi & Chaturaka Rodrigo - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    Background Euthanasia is a topic of intense ethical debate and it is illegal in most countries at present, including Sri Lanka. The aim of this descriptive cross-sectional study of medical students and practicing doctors was to explore the acceptance of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, and factors influencing this opinion. Methods A customised online questionnaire which explored opinions on euthanasia was administered to first and final year medical undergraduates in University of Colombo and practicing doctors with more than 5 years (...)
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    The Macquarie Laws of War Corpus (MQLWC): Design, Construction and Use.Annabelle Lukin & Rodrigo Araujo E. Castro - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (5):2167-2186.
    This paper discusses the creation and use of the new Macquarie Laws of War Corpus. The corpus consists of the 110 documents of international war law stored in the International Committee of the Red Cross treaties database, starting with the 1856 Declaration Respecting Maritime Law and ending with the most recent amendment to the Rome Statute. The new MQLWC is hosted at the Sydney Corpus Lab, via its CQWeb interface, which allows for searching of frequencies, concordance lines, and collocations. The (...)
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    The “Use” of Sex Robots: A Bioethical Issue.Elen C. Carvalho Nascimento, Eugênio da Silva & Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (3):231-240.
    The manufacture of humanoid robots with embedded artificial intelligence and for sexual purposes has generated some debates within bioethics, in which diverse competing views have been presented. Themes such as sexuality and its deviations, the objectification of women, the relational problems of contemporary life, loneliness, and even the reproductive future of the species constitute the arguments which have emerged in relation to this subject. Based on these themes, this article presents the current state of the use of female sex robots, (...)
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    McDowell e a virtude Rodrigo.Rodrigo Jungmann - 2010 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 3 (5).
    Neste trabalho, pretendemos avaliar criticamente algumas das teses de John McDowellsobre a natureza da virtude, tal como expostas em seu artigo “Virtue and Reason” e, ao fazê-lo,expor algumas de suas limitações. Mais especificamente, tratarei o que vejo como problemas emsua apresentação da virtude como uma forma de conhecimento, e sua proposta – corporificada natese da unidade das virtudes – de que as virtudes comumente reconhecidas deveriam ser vistascomo manifestações parciais da virtude enquanto tal. Também enfocarei a assertiva de McDowellde que (...)
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    The Art Gallery Test: A Preliminary Comparison between Traditional Neuropsychological and Ecological VR-Based Tests.Pedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira, Daniyal Alghazzawi, Habib Fardoun, Pedro Rosa, Tatiana Sousa, Ines Maia, Diogo Morais, Paulo Lopes & Rodrigo Brito - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Neuropsychological validation of a brief quiz to examine comprehension of consent information in observational studies of substance users.Aldebarán Toledo-Fernández, Ricardo Sánchez-Domínguez, Luis Villalobos-Gallegos, Alejandro Pérez-López, Alan Macías-Flores & Rodrigo Marín-Navarrete - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (8):545-556.
    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the accuracy of a brief informed consent quiz to detect consent comprehension in individuals with cognitive impairment and to explore the degree to which cognitive domains and recent substance use, independently, predict comprehension. We performed a secondary analysis of two cross-sectional studies in individuals with substance use disorders. The ICQ total score was used as the index test and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment as reference standard in receiver operating characteristic curves. Two (...)
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  11.  20
    «Por un materialismo no castrado». Conversación de Rodrigo Zamorano con Silvia Schwarzböck.Rodrigo Zamorano Muñoz - 2022 - Aisthesis 72:407-421.
    Entrevista con la filósofa argentina Silvia Schwarzböck.
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    Book notes. [REVIEW]David Pollard, Paola Parmendola, Linda Brennan, Pierre Desrochers, David Ellerman, Rodrigo Firmino, François Therin, Carl Hausler, Moeketsi Letseka, Rias van Wyk, Kalpana David, Jon W. Beard, Andrej Pinter, Daniel Hillyard, John Magney & Kai Jakobs - 2003 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (2):96-145.
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    Modelos para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad regional: el caso de la región de Murcia, España.Rodrigo Jiliberto - 2003 - Polis 6.
    En el marco de la elaboración de la Estrategia de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Región de Murcia (EDS), España el autor se plantea como punto de partida una análisis-evaluación del estado de la sostenibilidad regional, lo que supuso la construcción de un modelo de análisis y un método para ese diagnóstico de partida. Este reto supuso recorrer la corta historia de la epistemología de la sostenibilidad, postulando que ella debe ser epistemología heurística, enactiva, participativa y contingente . El artículo desarrolla (...)
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    Kraft und Identität.Rodrigo Jokisch - 1981 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (2):250-262.
    Das Aufkommen der "klassischen Mechanik" wird als paradigmatisch für die Entstehung des neuzeitlichen wissenschaftlichen Denkens angesehen. Geht man nun dem Beginn dieser Entwicklung nach, so stößt man sehr bald auf den Begriff der Selbsterhaltung. Das Postulat der Selbsterhaltung erweist sich als zentrale Kategorie bei der Herausbildung einer "externen" Naturvorstellung, nach der ein sich bewegender Körper keiner zusätzlichen Kraft bedarf, um die betreffende Bewegung aufrechtzuerhalten . Sie erhält sich von selbst. Das Prinzip der Selbsterhaltung taucht in dieser Epoche auch in verschiedenen (...)
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  15. Comentario.Tomás Moulian - 1999 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13:224-228.
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    Doublings.Rodrigo Therezo - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1):239-263.
    This article attempts to read the very concept of reading as articulated and problematized by Derrida’s newly discovered Geschlecht III. I argue that Derrida enacts a reading of Heidegger in Geschlecht III in ways that help us understand the strong sense Derrida gives this word. In the article’s first part, I dwell on Derrida’s—and Heidegger’s—methodological precautions that problematize the traditional concept of reading so as to open the way for a reading of Heidegger that does not bank on the metaphysical (...)
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    Bajo el signo del Demogorgon: Inmanencia y relación en Lampas Triginta Statuarum de Giordano Bruno.Rodrigo Miguel Benvenuto - 2022 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 5 (1):81-102.
    Nuestra investigación indaga sobre las posibilidades de establecer una lectura ontológico-relacional de la obra de Giordano Bruno, a partir de “La lámpara de las treinta estatuas” (Lampas triginta statuarum). La particularidad de esta obra, escrita en Wittenberg en 1587, reside en la exposición de la producción ontológica de las modalidades que surgen a partir de la relación entre lo infinito y lo finito por medio de estatuas o representaciones figurativas. Nuestra hipótesis consiste en exponer la matriz ontológico-relacional del pensamiento bruniano (...)
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    Introducción general al derecho: Introducción a la filosofía del derecho.Rodrigo Noguera Laborde - 1994 - Santa Fe de Bogotá: Institución Universitaria Sergio Arboleda.
    v. 1. Introducción a la filosofía del derecho -- v. 2. Introducción a la ciencia del derecho.
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  19. En busca del concepto musical: tres criterios clave y una cuestión de misterio.Rodrigo Guijarro Lasheras - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):237-252.
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    [Re] pensar as derrotas no partido político:instrumentos gramscianos para uma análise.Rodrigo Maia - 2019 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 25 (2):111-130.
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    Natural Mind.Rodrigo Maltez Novaes (ed.) - 2013 - Univocal Publishing.
    In _Natural:Mind_, published for the first time in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1979, Vilém Flusser investigates the paradoxical connection between the concepts of nature and culture through a lively para-phenomenological analysis of natural and cultural phenomena. Can culture be considered natural and nature cultural? If culture is our natural habitat then do we not inhabit nature? These are only some of the questions that are raised in _Natural:Mind_ in order to examine our continual redefinition of both terms and what that (...)
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    Anonyme, avant-garde, imperceptible : Trois variations autour du devenir en politique.Rodrigo Nunes - 2018 - Rue Descartes 92 (2):76-101.
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  23. Levels of immersion, tacit knowledge and expertise.Rodrigo Ribeiro - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):367-397.
    This paper elaborates on the link between different types and degrees of experience that can be gone through within a form of life or collectivity—the so-called levels of immersion—and the development of distinct types of tacit knowledge and expertise. The framework is then probed empirically and theoretically. In the first case, its ‘predictions’ are compared with the accounts of novices who have gone through different ‘learning opportunities’ during a pre-operational training programme for running a huge nickel industrial plant in Brazil. (...)
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  24. On the nature of the conjunction fallacy.Rodrigo Moro - 2009 - Synthese 171 (1):1 - 24.
    In a seminal work, Tversky and Kahneman showed that in some contexts people tend to believe that a conjunction of events (e.g., Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement) is more likely to occur than one of the conjuncts (e.g., Linda is a bank teller). This belief violates the conjunction rule in probability theory. Tversky and Kahneman called this phenomenon the “conjunction fallacy”. Since the discovery of the phenomenon in 1983, researchers in psychology and philosophy (...)
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  25.  37
    Heidegger’s National-Humanism.Rodrigo Bueno Therezo - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (1):1-28.
    _ Source: _Volume 48, Issue 1, pp 1 - 28 This paper is an attempt to think through Derrida’s newly discovered _Geschlecht III_, the third and missing installment of Derrida’s four part series on Heidegger and _Geschlecht_. I argue that Derrida’s reading of Heidegger in _Geschlecht III_ needs to be situated within the philosophico-political context of Derrida’s 1984–85 seminar—given under the general title _Philosophical Nationality and Nationalism_—from which _Geschlecht III_ is extracted. In the first part of the paper, I reconstruct (...)
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    Horizonte: Apresentação v.8, n.16, jan./mar. 2010.Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (16):5-7.
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    An ordinal-connection axiom as a weak form of global choice under the GCH.Rodrigo A. Freire & Peter Holy - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (3):321-332.
    The minimal ordinal-connection axiom $$MOC$$ was introduced by the first author in R. Freire. (South Am. J. Log. 2:347–359, 2016). We observe that $$MOC$$ is equivalent to a number of statements on the existence of certain hierarchies on the universe, and that under global choice, $$MOC$$ is in fact equivalent to the $${{\,\mathrm{GCH}\,}}$$. Our main results then show that $$MOC$$ corresponds to a weak version of global choice in models of the $${{\,\mathrm{GCH}\,}}$$ : it can fail in models of the (...)
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  28.  11
    Reflexiones cartesianas sobre el bien moral.Rodrigo Jesús Ocampo Giraldo - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 41:221-230.
    Además del interés de René Descartes por construir un edificio sólido del conocimiento, la reflexión sobre la moral y la cuestión de cómo conducirse en la vida, ocupa un lugar igualmente importante en su filosofía. En diversas cartas y escritos orientados hacia la búsqueda de la verdad, es posible rastrear una serie de consideraciones sobre lo que constituye una vida orientada en sentido moral, por el recto uso de la razón.
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    Da Configuração Antropológica da Filosofia Ao Pensamento Do Acontecimento: Devir, Inf'ncia e Educação.Rodrigo Barbosa Lopes - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 16:89-108.
    Este artigo tem o objetivo de propor em linhas gerais uma alternativa ao discurso antropológico-humanista do pensamento filosófico, que predominava em fins do século XIX, e que ainda hoje estende seus efeitos ao pensamento da filosofia sobre a educação e sobre o tema do sujeito e da constituição da subjetividade no processo educativo.
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    Post-History.Rodrigo Maltez Novaes (ed.) - 2013 - Univocal Publishing.
    Is there any room left for freedom in a programmed world? This is the essential question that Vilém Flusser asks in _Post-History_. Written as a series of lectures to be delivered at universities in Brazil, Israel, and France, it was subsequently developed as a book and published for the first time in Brazil in 1983. This first English translation of _Post-History_ brings to an anglophone readership Flusser’s first critique of _apparatus_ as the aesthetic, ethical, and epistemological model of present times. (...)
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    Pascal e a questão dos limites do conhecimento.Rodrigo Hayasi Pinto - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 24:67.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal operar uma discussão em torno da teoria do conhecimento do filósofo francês Blaise Pascal. A partir do opúsculo intitulado “Do Espírito Geométrico e da Arte de Persuadir”, tentaremos mostrar as preocupações epistemológicas de Pascal relativas à idéia de uma fundamentação da ciência. Destacaremos uma noção que parece permear grande parte da sua obra, enquanto físico experimental e filósofo: a constatação dos limites do conhecimento. Segundo pensamos, a compreensão de tais limites é essencial para (...)
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    El debate sobre la derivación: Estado y formas jurídicas.Rodrigo Steimberg - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):117-128.
    Este trabajo analiza el vínculo entre Estado, capital y formas jurídicas. En primer lugar, se recupera una de las vertientes de la teoría marxista del Estado, aquella sintetizada en el debate sobre la derivación. En segundo término, y a la luz de dicha teoría, se avanza sobre el planteo realizado por Pashukanis acerca del vínculo entre mercancía y formas jurídicas. Por último y como corolario de los desarrollos anteriores, se justifica la perspectiva sobre el Estado capitalista en la que este (...)
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    Critical Assent, Intellectualism, and Repetition in Epictetus.Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich - 2012 - Apeiron 45 (4):314-337.
  34.  28
    Eye Movements during Auditory Attention Predict Individual Differences in Dorsal Attention Network Activity.Rodrigo M. Braga, Richard Z. Fu, Barry M. Seemungal, Richard J. S. Wise & Robert Leech - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Giving society a form: Constituent moments and the force of concepts.Rodrigo Cordero - 2019 - Constellations 26 (2):194-207.
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    Cold-Blooded Attention: Finger Temperature Predicts Attentional Performance.Rodrigo C. Vergara, Cristóbal Moënne-Loccoz & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Michel Foucault, pensador de la soberanía: notas por una genealogía de la vida ética.Rodrigo Karmy Bolton - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):15.
    El presente ensayo se propone dilucidar el modo en que el problema de la soberania tiene lugar en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault. Su tesis es que la soberanía aparece de tres formas a lo largo de su obra: en primer lugar, bajo la rúbrica de la “soberanía jurídica” propia del “modelo del Leviatán”, en segundo lugar, en la forma de una “soberania política” que se despliega en la época de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal y, en tercer lugar, la “vida soberana” (...)
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    Culture, Image and Power: Endless Visualities in Global Society.Rodrigo Bruera - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:55-75.
    El presente artículo propone pensar las imágenes y su impacto a nivel global a partir del análisis de fotografías icónicas que quedaron en el imaginario de las sociedades occidentales de los siglos XX y XXI. A partir de los aportes teóricos propuestos por Leonor Arfuch, quien pretende mirar el mundo con otros ojos, y realizando una vinculación entre violencia, poder, cultura y medios, se presenta un breve análisis discursivo —a partir de la perspectiva marxista y sociohistórica de Voloshinov y su (...)
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    Psicologización de la vida. Lectura del Curso de Foucault "Le "Pouvoir Psychiatrique".Rodrigo Castro - 2014 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 47.
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    Freedom, determinism, and causality by Elliott Sober.Rodrigo Cid - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3).
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    Del «sin-sentido» al «sentido» en la conversión de san Agustín.José Antonio Galindo Rodrigo - 1987 - Augustinus 32 (125-128):261-311.
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    Un polifacético de la cultura.José Antonio Galindo Rodrigo - 1997 - Augustinus 42 (164-165):7-11.
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    Entrevista - A longa trajetória de um intelectual brasileiro: Antonio Paim, filósofo e historiador das ideias.Rodrigo Jurucê Mattos Gonçalves - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (1):15-36.
    We present a synthesis of the trajectory of the philosopher and historian of ideas Antonio Paim, followed by the interview we did to him. In the interview, the philosopher recounts his long intellectual journey, which went through marxism and kantism. His political career went through communism in youth and liberalism in maturity. Paim knew what it is like to be a dissident, when he was a member of the Communist Party and ended up being a political prisoner, and what it (...)
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    John Buridan on the Possibility of Defining Definition.Rodrigo Guerizoli - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (3):201-209.
    The study of the medieval reception of Aristotle’s Topics has largely been oriented toward debates on dialectical argumentation. And this is surely right. Nonetheless, I wish to approach John Buridan’s commentary on the Topics from another perspective, which highlights some semantic features of the set of predicates around which the work is organized. Thus, in my paper I will first reconstruct Buridan’s account of the identification of the predicates discussed in the Topics. I will argue that, for him, they are (...)
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    Ockham E a função da abstração.Rodrigo Guerizoli - 2011 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 16 (1):10-5216.
    A abstração foi tradicionalmente considerada um elemento essencial de qualquer teoria do conhecimento que negasse que somos capazes de possuir uma apreensão intelectual imediata das coisas materiais. Desde um ponto de vista histórico, porém, esse cenário de alternativa – ou abstração ou apreensão intelectual imediata das coisas materiais – não foi assumido por diversos autores do século XIV. O objetivo do presente estudo é elucidar o como e o porquê de um desse s autores, Guilherme de Ockham (ca. 1285-1347), ter (...)
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    Puissances de la samba, clichés de la samba.Rodrigo Guéron - 2008 - Multitudes 33 (2):205.
    Samba is Rio de Janeiro’s most powerful form of artistic expression, but also one of the city’s main clichés. It is a cliché of "national identity", cliché for the people and for the Nation State. However, more fundamental than its capture in these clichés, making it powerless, samba is a line of flight or - even better than that - it is a series of lines of flight, according to the different modes by which it has been reinvented throughout the (...)
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    Dos historias de la crueldad. Epílogo al tratado segundo de La genealogía de la moral de F. Nietzsche.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (1):25-36.
    El artículo presenta un análisis del tratado segundo de La genealogía de la moral identificando la existencia de dos aproximaciones diferenciadas al problema de la crueldad. Por una parte, una perspectiva transmutadora y afirmativa del sufrimiento y, por otro lado, una modalidad reactiva de enfrentarlo que deriva en el resentimiento contra la vida. Estos dos puntos de vista son expuestos como dos relatos históricos a partir de diferentes referencias a las obras de Nietzsche y teniendo especialmente presente la lectura de (...)
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  48. Filósofos y viajeros.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2008 - Astrolabio 6:1-12.
    La filosofía se ha servido muchas veces del viaje como metáfora de una idea y en ese juego simbólico la cuestión del retorno ha sido algo insoslayable. Quizás la primera metáfora de estas características sea la alegoría platónica de la caverna. En ella, el viaje representa el movimiento ascendente de la filosofía desde el fantasmagórico mundo sensible hasta la contemplación de las ideas puras en el mundo inteligible. Pero, como a menudo se olvida, dicha travesía no culmina en este punto. (...)
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    Symploké Y metaxy: Una relectura de la imagen en platón Y aristóteles para Una analítica de la aparición digital.Rodrigo Zúñiga - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 41:9-22.
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    Developing a Sustainability Credit Score System.Rodrigo Zeidan, Claudio Boechat & Angela Fleury - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):283-296.
    Within the banking community, the argument about sustainability and profitability tends to be inversely related. Our research suggests this does not need to be strictly the case. We present a credit score system based on sustainability issues, which is used as criteria to improve financial institutions’ lending policies. The Sustainability Credit Score System is based on the analytic hierarchy process methodology. Its first implementation is on the agricultural industry in Brazil. Three different firm development paths are identified: business as usual, (...)
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