Results for 'Rodrigue Catherine'

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  1.  33
    How Contextual and Relational Aspects Shape the Perspective of Healthcare Providers on Decision Making for Patients With Disorders of Consciousness: A Qualitative Interview Study.Catherine Rodrigue, Richard Riopelle, James L. Bernat & Eric Racine - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):261-273.
    Disorders of consciousness (DOC) are a family of related neurological syndromes characterized by deficits of varying degrees of wakefulness (e.g., sleep–wake cycles and arousal) or awareness (e.g., reacting to stimuli, interacting with the environment). Although coma rarely persists for more than a few weeks, some patients remain in a subsequent vegetative state or a minimally conscious state for months or years. Caring for patients with DOC raises ethical questions, but the perspectives of healthcare providers on these questions remain poorly documented. (...)
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    Caring for patients with disorders of consciousness: Highlights from the perspectives of healthcare professionals on communication and end-of-life decision making.Catherine Rodrigue, Richard J. Riopelle, James L. Bernat & Eric Racine - 2011 - Res Cogitans 8 (1).
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  3. Perspectives and Experience of Healthcare Professionals on Diagnosis, Prognosis, and End-of-Life Decision Making in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.Catherine Rodrigue, Richard J. Riopelle, James L. Bernat & Eric Racine - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (1):25-36.
    In the care of patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC), some ethical difficulties stem from the challenges of accurate diagnosis and the uncertainty of prognosis. Current neuroimaging research on these disorders could eventually improve the accuracy of diagnoses and prognoses and therefore change the context of end-of-life decision making. However, the perspective of healthcare professionals on these disorders remains poorly understood and may constitute an obstacle to the integration of research. We conducted a qualitative study involving healthcare professionals from an (...)
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  4. ``Is Understanding Factive?".Catherine Z. Elgin - 2009 - In ``Is Understanding Factive?". Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 322--30.
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    (1 other version)Bestiary of the aristotelian Ethics.Louise Rodrigue - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:21-32.
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  6. From Big Bang to Galactic Civilizations: A Big History Anthology.Barry Rodrigue, Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev - 2015 - Primus Books.
    The Ways that Big History Works: Cosmos, Life, Society and our Future reflects on how Big History helps us understand the nature of our existence and consider the pathways to our future.
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    Internal Audit: Is the ‘Third Line of Defense’ Effective as a Form of Governance? An Exploratory Study of the Impression Management Techniques Chief Audit Executives Use in Their Annual Accountability to the Audit Committee.Mélanie Roussy & Michelle Rodrigue - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (3):853-869.
    Our exploratory study considers whether the internal audit function is an efficient “third line of defense” for risk management and control as proposed by The Institute of Internal Auditors. To that end, we interview chief audit executives and experienced internal auditors to examine whether CAEs manage the impressions of audit committee members in the annual accountability process. We also provide an illustration of impression management techniques through a documentary case that explores a unique and exclusive dataset consisting of the main (...)
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  8. Reasonable Disagreement.Catherine Elgin - 2018 - In Casey Rebecca Johnson (ed.), Voicing Dissent: The Ethics and Epistemology of Making Disagreement Public. New York: Routledge. pp. 10-21.
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    The loneliness of a long-distance critical realist student: the story of a doctoral writing group.Catherine Hastings, Angela Davenport & Karen Sheppard - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (1):65-82.
    As doctoral students from New Zealand and Australia, advised by supervision teams with a diversity of critical realist experience from limited to none, we came independently to the 2018 Critical Re...
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    To Quarantine from Quarantine: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and “I”.Catherine Malabou - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S13-S16.
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    Efficacy and Vulnerability: Judith Butler on Reiteration and Resistance.Catherine Mills - 2000 - Australian Feminist Studies 15 (32):265--279.
  12.  28
    Ethical and Logistical Issues Raised by the Advanced Donation Program “Pay It Forward” Scheme.Lainie Friedman Ross, James R. Rodrigue & Robert M. Veatch - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (5):518-536.
    The advanced donation program was proposed in 2014 to allow an individual to donate a kidney in order to provide a voucher for a kidney in the future for a particular loved one. In this article, we explore the logistical and ethical issues that such a program raises. We argue that such a program is ethical in principle but there are many logistical issues that need to be addressed to ensure that the actual program is fair to both those who (...)
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    Eliminating Categorical Exclusion Criteria in Crisis Standards of Care Frameworks.Catherine L. Auriemma, Ashli M. Molinero, Amy J. Houtrow, Govind Persad, Douglas B. White & Scott D. Halpern - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):28-36.
    During public health crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, resource scarcity and contagion risks may require health systems to shift—to some degree—from a usual clinical ethic, focused on the well-being of individual patients, to a public health ethic, focused on population health. Many triage policies exist that fall under the legal protections afforded by “crisis standards of care,” but they have key differences. We critically appraise one of the most fundamental differences among policies, namely the use of criteria to categorically exclude (...)
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    Beyond the Information Given: Teaching, Testimony, and the Advancement of Understanding.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):17-34.
    Teaching is not testimony. Although both convey information, they have different uptake requirements. Testimony aims to impart information and typically succeeds if the recipient believes that informationon account of having been told by a reliable informant. Teaching aims to equip learners to go beyond the information given—to leverage that information to broaden, deepen, and critique their current understanding of a topic. Teaching fails if the recipients believe the information only because it is what they have been told.
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  15. Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Structural Transformation.Catherine Lu - 2018 - Ethics and Global Politics 11 (1):42-57.
  16.  39
    Participant experience of invasive research in adults with intellectual disability.Catherine Jane McAllister, Claire Louise Kelly, Katherine Elizabeth Manning & Anthony John Holland - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (9):594-597.
    Clinical research is a necessity if effective and safe treatments are to be developed. However, this may well include the need for research that is best described as ‘invasive’ in that it may be associated with some discomfort or inconvenience. Limitations in the undertaking of invasive research involving people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are perhaps related to anxieties within the academic community and among ethics committees; however, the consequence of this neglect is that innovative treatments specific to people with ID (...)
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    “If all things were to turn to smoke, it’d be the nostrils would tell them apart”.Catherine Osborne - 2009 - In Enrique Hülsz Piccone (ed.), Nuevos Ensayos Sobre Heráclito: Actas Del Segundo Symposium Heracliteum.
    I start by asking what Aristotle knew (or thought) about Heraclitus: what were the key features of Heraclitus's philosophy as far as Aristotle was concerned? In this section of the paper I suggest that there are some patterns to Aristotle's references to Heraclitus: besides the classic doctrines (flux, ekpyrosis and the unity of opposites) on the one hand, and the opening of Heraclitus's book on the other, Aristotle knows and reports a few slightly less obvious sayings, one of which is (...)
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  18. On Imlay's "Berkeley and Action".Catherine Wilson - 1995 - In Robert Muehlmann (ed.), Berkeley's Metaphysics: Structural, Interpretive, and Critical Essays. Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Epistemic Coverage and Argument Closure.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):1051-1062.
    Sanford Goldberg’s account of epistemic coverage constitutes a special case of Douglas Walton’s view that epistemic closure arises from dialectical argument. Walton’s pragmatic version of epistemic closure depends on dialectical norms for closing an argument, and epistemic coverage operates at the limits of argument closure because it minimizes dialectical exchange. Such closure works together with a shared hypothetical consideration to justify dismissal of surprising claims.
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    Philosophy in dialogue with contemporary nursing realities.Catherine Green - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (4):e12408.
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    Nursing intuition: a valid form of knowledge.Catherine Green - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):98-111.
    An understanding of the nature and development of nursing intuition can help nurse educators foster it in young nurses and give clinicians more confidence in this aspect of their knowledge, allowing them to respond with greater assurance to their intuitions. In this paper, accounts from philosophy and neurophysiology are used to argue that intuition, specifically nursing intuition, is a valid form of knowledge. The paper argues that nursing intuition, a kind of practical intuition, is composed of four distinct aspects that (...)
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  22.  35
    Are We Justified in Introducing Carbon Monoxide Testing to Encourage Smoking Cessation in Pregnant Women?Catherine Bowden - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (2):128-145.
    Smoking is frequently presented as being particularly problematic when the smoker is a pregnant woman because of the potential harm to the future child. This premise is used to justify targeting pregnant women with a unique approach to smoking cessation including policies such as the routine testing of all pregnant women for carbon monoxide at every antenatal appointment. This paper examines the evidence that such policies are justified by the aim of harm prevention and argues that targeting pregnant women in (...)
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  23.  25
    National Biobanks: Clinical Labor, Risk Production, and the Creation of Biovalue.Catherine Waldby & Robert Mitchell - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (3):330-355.
    The development of genomics has dramatically expanded the scope of genetic research, and collections of genetic biosamples have proliferated in countries with active genomics research programs. In this essay, we consider a particular kind of collection, national biobanks. National biobanks are often presented by advocates as an economic ‘‘resource’’ that will be used by both basic researchers and academic biologists, as well as by pharmaceutical diagnostic and clinical genomics companies. Although national biobanks have been the subject of intense interest in (...)
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  24. Creation as reconfiguration: Art in the advancement of science.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2002 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 16 (1):13 – 25.
    Cognitive advancement is not always a matter of acquiring new information. It often consists in reconfiguration--in reorganizing a domain so that hitherto overlooked or underemphasized features, patterns, opportunities, and resources come to light. Several modes of reconfiguration prominent in the arts--metaphor, fiction, exemplification, and perspective--play important roles in science as well. They do not perform the same roles as literal, descriptive, perspectiveless scientific truths. But to understand how science advances understanding, we need to appreciate the ineliminable cognitive contributions of non-literal, (...)
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    Scheffler's symbols.Catherine Z. Elgin - 1993 - Synthese 94 (1):3 - 12.
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  26. Metaphor and what is said.Catherine Wearing - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (3):310–332.
    In this paper, I argue for an account of metaphorical content as what is said when a speaker utters a metaphor. First, I show that two other possibilities—the Gricean account of metaphor as implicature and the strictly semantic account developed by Josef Stern—face several serious problems. In their place, I propose an account that takes metaphorical content to cross-cut the semantic-pragmatic distinction. This requires re-thinking the notion of metaphorical content, as well as the relation between the metaphorical and the literal.
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    The many faces of rational choice theory.Catherine Herfeld - 2013 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 6 (2):117.
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    After Writing: On the Liturgical Cosummation of Philosophy.Catherine Pickstock - 1997 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _After Writing_ provides a significant contribution to the growing genre of works which offers a challenge to modern and postmodern accounts of Christianity.
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  29. The Meaning of Meaning-Fallibilism.Catherine Legg - 2005 - Axiomathes 15 (2):293-318.
    Much discussion of meaning by philosophers over the last 300 years has been predicated on a Cartesian first-person authority (i.e. “infallibilism”) with respect to what one’s terms mean. However this has problems making sense of the way the meanings of scientific terms develop, an increase in scientific knowledge over and above scientists’ ability to quantify over new entities. Although a recent conspicuous embrace of rigid designation has broken up traditional meaning-infallibilism to some extent, this new dimension to the meaning of (...)
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  30. Take It from Me.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (2):291-308.
    Testimony consists in imparting information without supplying evidence or argument to back one’s claims. To what extent does testimony convey epistemic warrant? C. J. A. Coady argues, on Davidsonian grounds, that (1) most testimony is true, hence (2) most testimony supplies warrant sufficient for knowledge. I appeal to Grice’s maxims to undermine Coady’s argument and to show that the matter is more complicated and context-sensitive than is standardly recognized. Informative exchanges take place within networks of shared, tacit assumptions that affect (...)
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    Balancing the local and the universal in maintaining ethical access to a genomics biobank.Catherine Heeney & Shona M. Kerr - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):80.
    Issues of balancing data accessibility with ethical considerations and governance of a genomics research biobank, Generation Scotland, are explored within the evolving policy landscape of the past ten years. During this time data sharing and open data access have become increasingly important topics in biomedical research. Decisions around data access are influenced by local arrangements for governance and practices such as linkage to health records, and the global through policies for biobanking and the sharing of data with large-scale biomedical research (...)
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    The Weary Sons of Freud.Catherine Clément - 1987 - Feminist Review 26 (1):43-58.
    This article brings together two excerpts from the forthcoming book, The Weary Sons of Freud (Verso/new Left Books, 1987) by Catherine Clément, translated from the French by Nicole Ball. It also includes an edited version of the book's Introduction by Ann Rosalind Jones. Feminist Review would like to thank her for her help in editing this piece, and also Verso/new Left Books for permission to reproduce these extracts.
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  33. Post-structuralism: a very short introduction.Catherine Belsey - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Poststructuralism changes the way we understand the relations between human beings, their culture, and the world. Following a brief account of the historical relationship between structuralism and poststructuralism, this Very Short Introduction traces the key arguments that have led poststructuralists to challenge traditional theories of language and culture. Whilst the author discusses such well-known figures as Barthes, Foucault, Derrida, and Lacan, she also draws pertinent examples from literature, art, film, and popular culture, unfolding the poststructuralist account of what it means (...)
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  34. Rethinking early Greek philosophy: Hippolytus of Rome and the Presocratics.Catherine Osborne - 1987 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Antipope Hippolitus.
    A study of Hippolytus of Rome and his treatment of Presocratic Philosophy, used as a case study to argue against the use of collections of fragments and in favour of the idea of reading "embedded texts" with attention to the interpretation and interests of the quoting author. A study of methodology in early Greek Philosophy. Includes novel interpretations of Heraclitus and Empedocles, and an argument for the unity of Empedocles's poem.
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    Historical dictionary of feminist philosophy.Catherine Villanueva Gardner - 2006 - Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
    Having only emerged in the past few decades, Feminist Philosophy is rapidly developing its own thrust in areas of particular importance to feminism-and women more generally-while also reevaluating and reshaping most other fields of philosophy, from ethics to logic and Marxism to environmentalism.
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    Decompositions of inequality measures from the perspective of the Shapley–Owen value.Rodrigue Tido Takeng, Arnold Cedrick Soh Voutsa & Kévin Fourrey - 2022 - Theory and Decision 94 (2):299-331.
    This article proposes three new decompositions of inequality measures, drawn from the framework of cooperative game theory. It allows the impact of players’ interactions, rather than players’ contributions to inequality, to be taken into consideration. These innovative approaches are especially suited for the study of income inequality when the income has a hierarchical structure: the income is composed of several primary sources, with the particularity that each of them is also composed of secondary sources. We revisit the Shapley–Owen value that (...)
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  37.  18
    Vunérabilité et responsabilité : un autre Jonas?Catherine Larrère - 2014 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 22:181-193.
    Comment répondre à la crise environnementale et aux menaces qu’elle fait peser sur la poursuite de notre mode de vie? Devons-nous mobiliser nos forces pour lutter contre la crise, changer radicalement nos comportements? Ne faudrait-il pas plutôt veiller à nous adapter à une situation transformée? Ces deux pôles sont présents dans les politiques environnementales. Pour répondre au changement climatique on envisage à la fois des politiques d’atténuation (mitigation) des émissions de gaz à ef...
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    Negativity bias in false memory: moderation by neuroticism after a delay.Catherine J. Norris, Paula T. Leaf & Kimberly M. Fenn - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):737-753.
    ABSTRACTThe negativity bias is the tendency for individuals to give greater weight, and often exhibit more rapid and extreme responses, to negative than positive information. Using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott illusory memory paradigm, the current study sought to examine how the negativity bias might affect both correct recognition for negative and positive words and false recognition for associated critical lures, as well as how trait neuroticism might moderate these effects. In two experiments, participants studied lists of words composed of semantic associates of (...)
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  39. Lorraine Code, Sheila Mullett and Christine Overall, eds., Feminist Perspectives: Philosophical Essays on Method and Morals Reviewed by.Catherine Bray - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (4):142-145.
  40. Constancy, emergence, and illusions: Obstacles to a naturalistic theory of vision.Catherine Wilson - 1993 - In Causation in Early Modern Philosophy. University Park: Penn St University Press.
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    Philosophie der Politikwissenschaft.Catherine Herfeld - 2017 - In Simon Lohse & Thomas Reydon (eds.), Grundriss Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Die Philosophien der Einzelwissenschaften. Hamburg: Meiner. pp. 615-650.
  42.  19
    Playing it by ear: potential as an improvisatory practice.Catherine Herring - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):138-150.
    This paper explores the concept of potential through a Deleuzean lens and argues that what is commonly understood as potential is often confused with possibility. It moves through four parts: an introduction exploring the language and context in which potential is ordinarily used in order to uncover underlying presuppositions; the next section explores key concepts from Difference and Repetition- namely the Dogmatic Image of Thought, Virtuality and Actuality- to illuminate ways in which a more nuanced concept of potential might be (...)
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    L'utilisation des dimensions dans l'outillage ideologique du nationalisme et ses rapports avec le mythe.Catherine Colle - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):407-414.
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  44. Rhetoric at the heart of Socratic cross-examination: the game of emotions in Gorgias.Catherine Collobert - 2013 - Phronesis-a Journal for Ancient Philosophy 58 (2):107 - 138.
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    Transformation by Integration: How Inter‐Faith Encounter Changes Christianity – By Perry Schmidt‐Leukel.Catherine Cornille - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (1):188-190.
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    An Introduction from the Guest Editor.Catherine Davies - 2005 - Feminist Review 79 (1):1-4.
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    The Semiotics of Dwelling in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.Catherine Rainwater - 1992 - American Journal of Semiotics 9 (2/3):219-240.
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    Riding Like a Girl: Feminine Virtues and Women’s Identity.Catherine A. Womack & Pata Suyemoto - unknown
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    Women's Equality and the European Community.Catherine Hoskyns - 1985 - Feminist Review 20 (1):71-88.
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    (1 other version)Brief Mindfulness Meditation Improves Attention in Novices: Evidence From ERPs and Moderation by Neuroticism.Catherine J. Norris, Daniel Creem, Reuben Hendler & Hedy Kober - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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