Results for 'Rohit Chopra'

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  1.  48
    Relevance Sensitive Belief Structures.Samir Chopra & Rohit Parikh - unknown
    We propose a new relevance sensitive model for representing and revising belief structures, which relies on a notion of partial language splitting and tolerates some amount of inconsistency while retaining classical logic. The model preserves an agent's ability to answer queries in a coherent way using Belnap's four-valued logic. Axioms analogous to the AGM axioms hold for this new model. The distinction between implicit and explicit beliefs is represented and psychologically plausible, computationally tractable procedures for query answering and belief..
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  2. Relevance Sensitive Non-Monotonic Inference on Belief Sequences.Samir Chopra, Konstantinos Georgatos & Rohit Parikh - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (1):131-150.
    We present a method for relevance sensitive non-monotonic inference from belief sequences which incorporates insights pertaining to prioritized inference and relevance sensitive, inconsistency tolerant belief revision. Our model uses a finite, logically open sequence of propositional formulas as a representation for beliefs and defines a notion of inference from maxiconsistent subsets of formulas guided by two orderings: a temporal sequencing and an ordering based on relevance relations between the putative conclusion and formulas in the sequence. The relevance relations are ternary (...)
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    The Gita for a global world: ethical action in an age of flux.Rohit Chopra - 2021 - Chennai: Context, an imprint of Westland Publications Private.
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    Beth definability, interpolation and language splitting.Rohit Parikh - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):211 - 221.
    Both the Beth definability theorem and Craig's lemma (interpolation theorem from now on) deal with the issue of the entanglement of one language L1 with another language L2, that is to say, information transfer—or the lack of such transfer—between the two languages. The notion of splitting we study below looks into this issue. We briefly relate our own results in this area as well as the results of other researchers like Kourousias and Makinson, and Peppas, Chopra and Foo.Section 3 (...)
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  5. The Complete Bibliography of Rohit Parikh.Rohit Parikh - 2017 - In Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Lawrence Moss & Can Başkent (eds.), Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  6. Existence and feasibility in arithmetic.Rohit Parikh - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):494-508.
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    Normative Violence in Domestic Service: A Study of Exploitation, Status, and Grievability.Rohit Varman, Per Skålén, Russell W. Belk & Himadri Roy Chaudhuri - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):645-665.
    This paper contributes to business ethics by focusing on consumption that is characterized by normative violence. By drawing on the work of Judith Butler this study of kajer lok—a female subaltern group of Indian domestic service providers—and their higher status clients shows how codes of status-based consumption shaped by markets, class, caste, and patriarchy create a social order that reduces kajer lok to “ungreivable” lives. Our study contributes to business ethics by focusing on exploitation and coercion in consumption rather than (...)
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    A knowledge based semantics of messages.Rohit Parikh & Ramaswamy Ramanujam - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (4):453-467.
    We investigate the semantics of messages, and argue that the meaning ofa message is naturally and usefully given in terms of how it affects theknowledge of the agents involved in the communication. We note thatthis semantics depends on the protocol used by the agents, and thus not only the message itself, but also the protocol appears as a parameter in the meaning. Understanding this dependence allows us to give formal explanations of a wide variety of notions including language dependence, implicature, (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Conditional Probability and Defeasible Inference.Rohit Parikh - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (1):97 - 119.
    We offer a probabilistic model of rational consequence relations (Lehmann and Magidor, 1990) by appealing to the extension of the classical Ramsey-Adams test proposed by Vann McGee in (McGee, 1994). Previous and influential models of nonmonotonic consequence relations have been produced in terms of the dynamics of expectations (Gärdenfors and Makinson, 1994; Gärdenfors, 1993).'Expectation' is a term of art in these models, which should not be confused with the notion of expected utility. The expectations of an agent are some form (...)
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    VIII—The Consequences of Human Actions.Y. N. Chopra - 1965 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 65 (1):147-166.
    Y. N. Chopra; VIII—The Consequences of Human Actions, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 65, Issue 1, 1 June 1965, Pages 147–166,
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  11. Sovereignty is no longer sacrosanct: Codifying humanitarian intervention.Jarat Chopra & Thomas G. Weiss - 1992 - Ethics and International Affairs 6:95–117.
    Chopra and Weiss address perhaps the fundamental issue in international relations today: the sacrosanct sets of sovereignty. The word "sovereignty" explains why the international community has difficulty countering human rights violations.
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  12. Sentences, Belief and Logical Omniscience, or What Does Deduction Tell Us?Rohit Parikh - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):459-476.
    We propose a model for belief which is free of presuppositions. Current models for belief suffer from two difficulties. One is the well known problem of logical omniscience which tends to follow from most models. But a more important one is the fact that most models do not even attempt to answer the question what it means for someone to believe something, and justwhatit is that is believed. We provide a flexible model which allows us to give meaning to beliefs (...)
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  13. Social Software.Rohit Parikh - 2002 - Synthese 132 (3):187-211.
    We suggest that the issue of constructing andverifying social procedures, which we suggestively call socialsoftware, be pursued as systematically as computer software is pursued by computer scientists. Certain complications do arise withsocial software which do not arise with computer software, but thesimilarities are nonetheless strong, and tools already exist which wouldenable us to start work on this important project. We give a variety ofsuggestive examples and indicate some theoretical work which alreadyexists.
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  14. Benton, RA, 527 Blackburn, P., 281 Braüner, T., 359 Brink, C., 543.S. Chopra, B. J. Copeland, E. Corazza, S. Donaho, F. Ferreira, H. Field, D. M. Gabbay, L. Goldstein, J. Heidema & M. J. Hill - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (615).
  15.  94
    Iterated Belief Change and the Recovery Axiom.Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose, Thomas Meyer & Ka-Shu Wong - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (5):501-520.
    The axiom of recovery, while capturing a central intuition regarding belief change, has been the source of much controversy. We argue briefly against putative counterexamples to the axiom—while agreeing that some of their insight deserves to be preserved—and present additional recovery-like axioms in a framework that uses epistemic states, which encode preferences, as the object of revisions. This makes iterated revision possible and renders explicit the connection between iterated belief change and the axiom of recovery. We provide a representation theorem (...)
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  16.  35
    Some logics of belief and disbelief.Samir Chopra - unknown
    The introduction of explicit notions of rejection, or disbelief, into logics for knowledge representation can be justified in a number of ways. Motivations range from the need for versions of negation weaker than classical negation, to the explicit recording of classic belief contraction operations in the area of belief change, and the additional levels of expressivity obtained from an extended version of belief change which includes disbelief contraction. In this paper we present four logics of disbelief which address some or (...)
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  17. Psychedelics and Moral Psychology: The Case of Forgiveness.Samir Chopra & Chris Letheby - 2024 - In Chris Letheby & Philip Gerrans (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Psychedelic Psychiatry. Oxford University Press.
    Several authors have recently suggested that classic psychedelics might be safe and effective agents of moral enhancement. This raises the question: can we learn anything interesting about the nature of moral experience from a close examination of transformative psychedelic experiences? The interdisciplinary enterprise of philosophical psychopathology attempts to learn about the structure and function of the “ordinary” mind by studying the radically altered mind. By analogy, in this chapter we argue that we can gain knowledge about the everyday moral life (...)
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    Ethical allocation of future COVID-19 vaccines.Rohit Gupta & Stephanie R. Morain - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (3):137-141.
    The COVID-19 pandemic will likely recede only through development and distribution of an effective vaccine. Although there are many unknowns surrounding COVID-19 vaccine development, vaccine demand will likely outstrip early supply, making prospective planning for vaccine allocation critical for ensuring the ethical distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Here, we propose three central goals for COVID-19 vaccination campaigns: to reduce morbidity and mortality, to minimise additional economic and societal burdens related to the pandemic and to narrow unjust health inequalities. We evaluate five (...)
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    Logic, co-ordination and the envelope of our beliefs.Rohit Parikh - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (6):1069-1077.
    Each of us has a story which we can think of as a set of beliefs, hopefully consistent. We make our decisions in view of our beliefs which may be probabilistic, in the general case, but simple yes or no as in this paper. Our beliefs are our envelope just as the shell of a tortoise is its envelope. Decision theory—or single agent game theory tells us when to make the best choice in a game of us against nature. But (...)
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  20. An Approach to Energy Conservation in Developing Countries.Sk Chopra - 1993 - In Syed Zahoor Qasim (ed.), Science and quality of life. New Delhi, India: Offsetters. pp. 167.
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    (1 other version)Distance semantics for relevance-sensitive belief revision.Samir Chopra - manuscript
    Dept of Business Administration Dept of Computer and Knowledge Systems Group University of Patras Information Science School of Computer Science 265 00 Patras, Greece Brooklyn College of the and Engineering [email protected] City University of New York University of New South Wales Brooklyn, NY 11210, USA Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia [email protected] [email protected]..
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  22.  14
    Library science and its facets.H. R. Chopra, Umesh Chandra Sharma, M. K. Srivastava & MohdSabir Hussain (eds.) - 1998 - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications.
    Festschrift volume in honour of Mohd. Sabir Hussain, b. 1935.
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  23. Privacy and artificial agents, or, is google reading my email?Samir Chopra & Laurence White - manuscript
    in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2007.
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    The Cogito and the Certainty of One's Own Existence.Y. N. Chopra - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (2):171-179.
  25.  88
    The freedoms of software and its ethical uses.Samir Chopra & Scott Dexter - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (4):287-297.
    The “free” in “free software” refers to a cluster of four specific freedoms identified by the Free Software Definition. The first freedom, termed “Freedom Zero,” intends to protect the right of the user to deploy software in whatever fashion, towards whatever end, he or she sees fit. But software may be used to achieve ethically questionable ends. This highlights a tension in the provision of software freedoms: while the definition explicitly forbids direct restrictions on users’ freedoms, it does not address (...)
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    The two most important days: how to find your purpose--and live a happier, healthier life.Sanjiv Chopra - 2017 - New York: Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press.
    Through inspirational wisdom, compelling storytelling, and practical advice, this book will help you discover your life's purpose.
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    Ambalavaner Sivanandan and Black Politics in Britain.Rohit K. Dasgupta - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):313-318.
    This article looks at the contribution made by Ambalavaner Sivanandan to black politics and organising in Britain. It reviews some of his most important writings and analyses their significance and influence on black activism and race studies. Specifically, the article looks at the ways in which class and race intersected in his work and his critical stance towards political elites and advocacy for radical politics.
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    Remembering Benedict Anderson and his Influence on South Asian Studies.Rohit K. Dasgupta - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):334-338.
    This article was written shortly after the death of Benedict Anderson. It contextualizes Anderson's contribution to studies of nationalism and the Global South, particularly Asia. It then revisits some of the key debates of Anderson’s scholarship and its particular significance and importance to the study of South Asia.
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    J. Krishnamurti and Sant Kabir: a study in depth.Rohit Mehta - 1990 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Edited by Shridevi Mehta.
    From Kabir to Krishnamurti is a far cry. For, they are separated one from the other by over five centuries. But quantitative measurement of this distance has a qualitative aspect which cannot be measured in any time-scale. Two great seers lived in two completely different worlds-with no comparison between the two. And yet they expressed their thoughts and experience not only in a similar language but almost in identical terms. In these two streams of thought represented by Kabir and Krishnaji, (...)
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    The miracle of descent.Rohit Mehta - 1973 - Ahmedabad,: Rambhai N. Amin]; distributors: Sri Aurobindo Books Distribution Agency, Pondicherry. Edited by Aurobindo Ghose.
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  31. Effectiveness.Rohit Parikh - 1980 - Philosophical Forum 12 (1):68.
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    From Language Games to Social Software.Rohit Parikh - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction, abstraction, analysis: proceedings of the 31th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2008. Frankfurt: de Gruyter. pp. 365-376.
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  33.  52
    Length and structure of proofs.Rohit Parikh - 1998 - Synthese 114 (1):41-48.
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    Sock Sorting: An Example of a Vague Algorithm.Rohit Parikh, Laxmi Parida & Vaughan Pratt - 2001 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (5):687-692.
    We give an example of a polynomial time algorithm for a particular algorithmic problem involving vagueness and visual indiscriminability, namely sock sorting.
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    Mill's Principle of Liberty.Y. N. Chopra - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (270):417 - 441.
    Although J. S. Mill′s essay On Liberty was intended by its author to be read as a self-contained work, 1 and even though a careful reading would justify seeing it in this way, it has far too often been denied this right even by its defenders. There is a crucial distinction to be made between eliciting some point of substance from a particular work by an author and then turning to the rest of his work to throw further light on (...)
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  36. Benevides, MRF, 343 Berk, L., 323 Boėr, SE, 43 Calabrese, PG.S. Chopra, A. G. Cohn, R. P. de Freitas, H. Field, A. Ghose, L. Goble, V. Halbach, L. Humberstone, N. Kamide & S. Kovac - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (669).
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  37.  9
    Anxiety: a philosophical guide.Samir Chopra - 2024 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Today, anxiety is usually thought of as a pathology, the most diagnosed and medicated of all psychological disorders. But anxiety isn't always or only a medical condition. Indeed, many philosophers argue that anxiety is a normal, even essential, part of being human, and that coming to terms with this fact is potentially transformative, allowing us to live more meaningful lives by giving us a richer understanding of ourselves. In Anxiety, Samir Chopra explores valuable insights about anxiety offered by ancient (...)
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    Approximate belief revision.S. Chopra, R. Parikh & R. Wassermann - 2001 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (6):755-768.
    The standard theory for belief revision provides an elegant and powerful framework for reasoning about how a rational agent should change its beliefs when confronted with new information. However, the agents considered are extremely idealized. Some recent models attempt to tackle the problem of plausible belief revision by adding structure to the belief bases and using nonstandard inference operations. One of the key ideas is that not all of an agent's beliefs are relevant for an operation of belief change.In this (...)
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  39.  11
    The Five Strategic Building Blocks of Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility.Rohit Kumar - 2019 - In Nayan Mitra & René Schmidpeter (eds.), Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence From India. Springer Verlag. pp. 25-43.
    The integration of Corporate social responsibility with BusinessStrategy has been identified as a central Corporate social responsibility concept. Corporate social responsibility, it is important to understand the Key Drivers and Building Blocks that is integral to this phenomenon and which will impact the Civil Society at large. If the Indian government and private companies are serious about meeting Sustainable Development Goals, Mandated CSR has to be used as a Strategic Vehicle not only to reduce the substantial financial shortfall but Corporate (...)
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  40.  36
    Finite information logic.Rohit Parikh & Jouko Väänänen - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (1):83-93.
    We introduce a generalization of Independence Friendly logic in which Eloise is restricted to a finite amount of information about Abelard’s moves. This logic is shown to be equivalent to a sublogic of first-order logic, to have the finite model property, and to be decidable. Moreover, it gives an exponential compression relative to logic.
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  41. Non-prioritized ranked belief change.Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose & Thomas Meyer - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (4):417-443.
    Traditional accounts of belief change have been criticized for placing undue emphasis on the new belief provided as input. A recent proposal to address such issues is a framework for non-prioritized belief change based on default theories (Ghose and Goebel, 1998). A novel feature of this approach is the introduction of disbeliefs alongside beliefs which allows for a view of belief contraction as independently useful, instead of just being seen as an intermediate step in the process of belief revision. This (...)
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  42.  54
    Decoding liberation: The promise of free and open source software.Samir Chopra & Scott Dexter - manuscript
    Routledge (New Media and Cyberculture Series), July 2007.
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  43. Artificial agents - personhood in law and philosophy.Samir Chopra - manuscript
    Thinking about how the law might decide whether to extend legal personhood to artificial agents provides a valuable testbed for philosophical theories of mind. Further, philosophical and legal theorising about personhood for artificial agents can be mutually informing. We investigate two case studies, drawing on legal discussions of the status of artificial agents. The first looks at the doctrinal difficulties presented by the contracts entered into by artificial agents. We conclude that it is not necessary or desirable to postulate artificial (...)
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  44.  20
    You are the universe: discovering your cosmic self and why it matters.Deepak Chopra - 2017 - New York: Harmony Books. Edited by Minas C. Kafatos.
    When you gaze out at the night sky with its awe-inspiring display of stars and galaxies, do you ever ask yourself if it could be possible that you are actually looking into a mirror? What if we inhabit a universe that perfectly fits our needs here on Earth -- a truly human universe? That's the bold thesis author Deepak Chopra and physicist Menas Kafatos set out to prove: quite literally, "You are the universe." The startling truth is that the (...)
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  45.  25
    Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide.Samir Chopra - 2024 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Today, anxiety is usually thought of as a pathology, the most diagnosed and medicated of all psychological disorders. But anxiety isn't always or only a medical condition. Indeed, many philosophers argue that anxiety is a normal, even essential, part of being human, and that coming to terms with this fact is potentially transformative, allowing us to live more meaningful lives by giving us a richer understanding of ourselves. In Anxiety, Samir Chopra explores valuable insights about anxiety offered by ancient (...)
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  46. Living with anxiety: a philosophical guide.Samir Chopra - 2024 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Today, anxiety is usually thought of as a pathology, the most diagnosed and medicated of all psychological disorders. But anxiety isn't always or only a medical condition. Indeed, many philosophers argue that anxiety is a normal, even essential, part of being human, and that coming to terms with this fact is potentially transformative, allowing us to live more meaningful lives by giving us a richer understanding of ourselves. In Anxiety, Samir Chopra explores valuable insights about anxiety offered by ancient (...)
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  47. Professor Urmson on 'Saints and Heroes'.Yogendra Chopra - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (144):160 - 166.
    In a paper entitled ‘Saints and Heroes’ 1 Professor J. O. Urmson has criticised ‘the trichotomy of duties, indifferent actions, and wrongdoing’ , commonly found in moral philosophy, on the ground that it fails to cover an important class of actions, of which saintly and heroic actions are ‘conspicuous” but by no means the only examples. I am inclined to think that this trichotomy is defensible, and that at least it deserves a much longer run for its money than Urmson (...)
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  48.  52
    On Kripke's Puzzle about Time and Thought.Rohit Parikh - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya (ed.), Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 121--126.
  49. A comparative ethical assessment of free software licensing schemes.Samir Chopra - manuscript
    Software is much more than sequences of instructions for a computing machine: it can be an enabler (or disabler) of political imperatives and policies. Hence, it is subject to the same assessment in a normative dimension as other political and social phenomena. The core distinction between free software and its proprietary counterpart is that free software makes available to its user the knowledge and innovation contributed by the creator(s) of the software, in the form of the created source code. From (...)
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  50. Belief Structures and Sequences: Relevance-Sensitive, Inconsistency-Tolerant Models for Belief Revision.Samir Chopra - 2000 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    This thesis proposes and presents two new models for belief representation and belief revision. The first model is the B-structures model which relies on a notion of partial language splitting and tolerates some amount of inconsistency while retaining classical logic. The model preserves an agent's ability to answer queries in a coherent way using Belnap's four-valued logic. Axioms analogous to the AGM axioms hold for this new model. The distinction between implicit and explicit beliefs is represented and psychologically plausible, computationally (...)
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