Results for 'Rolf Ebbighausen'

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  1.  17
    Die Weltwirtschaftskrise 1857 und Marxʼ Krisenhefte.Kenji Mori & Rolf Hecker - 2018 - In Matthias Spekker, Anna-Sophie Schönfelder & Matthias Bohlender (eds.), »Kritik Im Handgemenge«: Die Marx'sche Gesellschaftskritik Als Politischer Einsatz. Transcript Verlag. pp. 139-158.
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  2. Modeling Partially Reliable Information Sources: A General Approach Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory.Stephan Hartmann & Rolf Haenni - 2006 - Information Fusion 7:361-379.
    Combining testimonial reports from independent and partially reliable information sources is an important epistemological problem of uncertain reasoning. Within the framework of Dempster–Shafer theory, we propose a general model of partially reliable sources, which includes several previously known results as special cases. The paper reproduces these results on the basis of a comprehensive model taxonomy. This gives a number of new insights and thereby contributes to a better understanding of this important application of reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information.
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    (3 other versions)Front matter 2.Ralph Schumacher, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Volker Gerhardt - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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  4. The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy.Rudolph Carnap & Rolf A. George - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (4):340-342.
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    Perception of Auditory Motion Affects Language Processing.Michael P. Kaschak, Rolf A. Zwaan, Mark Aveyard & Richard H. Yaxley - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):733-744.
    Previous reports have demonstrated that the comprehension of sentences describing motion in a particular direction (toward, away, up, or down) is affected by concurrently viewing a stimulus that depicts motion in the same or opposite direction. We report 3 experiments that extend our understanding of the relation between perception and language processing in 2 ways. First, whereas most previous studies of the relation between perception and language processing have focused on visual perception, our data show that sentence processing can be (...)
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  6. Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music.Theodor W. Adorno & Rolf Tiedemann - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (199):254-256.
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    L'abîme de l'épreuve: phénoménologie matérielle en son archi-intelligibilité.Rolf Kühn - 2012 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    En radicalisant le projet d'une phénoménologie de l'affectivité, en interrogeant l'abîme intérieur de l'éprouver, et en y resaissisant la source de toute création possible, cet ouvrage fait de la question du pâtir le point de départ d'une nouvelle théorie de l'agir.
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    Text and Concept in Leviticus 1:1-9: A Case in Exegetical Method.Jacob Milgrom & Rolf P. Knierim - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):320.
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    The anonymous Vorbereitungen eines Unglücklichen zum freywilligen Tode: A Kantian Defense of Suicide?Ralph Schumacher, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Volker Gerhardt - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 355-363.
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  10. Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses.Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Theoretical Laws and Normative Rules: Kant and Bolzano's Views on Logic'"1" Anita Von Duhn, Genf Does logic instruct us how to think correctly? ...
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  11.  26
    Philosophie, Politik Und Religion: Klassische Modelle von der Antike Bis Zur Gegenwart.Dirk Brantl, Rolf Geiger & Stephan Herzberg (eds.) - 2013 - [Berlin]: De Gruyter.
    Unter dem Eindruck einer "Renaissance des Religiösen" einerseits und der zunehmenden Politisierung von Religionen andererseits rückt die Verhältnisbestimmung von Politik und Religion im staatlichen wie im internationalen Kontext verstärkt in den Fokus des politischen und gesellschaftlichen Interesses. In den letzten Jahren trägt auch die politische Philosophie dieser Situation vermehrt Rechnung, was sich in einer steigenden Zahl von Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema niederschlägt. Dabei kann sie auf eine reiche Tradition philosophischer Modelle zum Neben-, Mit- oder Gegeneinander von Politik und Religion zurückblicken. (...)
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  12.  19
    Mental Effort When Playing, Listening, and Imagining Music in One Pianist’s Eyes and Brain.Tor Endestad, Rolf Inge Godøy, Markus Handal Sneve, Thomas Hagen, Agata Bochynska & Bruno Laeng - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  13. Brief Notices.Sarah Larratt Keefer & Rolf H. Bremmer - 2008 - Speculum 83 (4):1065.
  14.  17
    Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete.Rolf Schönberger (ed.) - 2011 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    v. 1. A-D -- v. 2. E-L -- v. 3. M-Z -- v. 4. Verzeichnisse.
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    Special Issue of Minds and Machines on Causality, Uncertainty and Ignorance.Stephan Hartmann & Rolf Haenni (eds.) - 2006 - Springer.
    In everyday life, as well as in science, we have to deal with and act on the basis of partial (i.e. incomplete, uncertain, or even inconsistent) information. This observation is the source of a broad research activity from which a number of competing approaches have arisen. There is some disagreement concerning the way in which partial or full ignorance is and should be handled. The most successful approaches include both quantitative aspects (by means of probability theory) and qualitative aspect (by (...)
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  16.  42
    Life-world experience: existential-phenomenological research approaches in psychology.Rolf Von Eckartsberg (ed.) - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
  17.  9
    Orientierung Durch Philosophieren: Festschrift Zum 50jährigen Bestehen des Fachverbands Philosophie E.V.Klaus Draken, Gabriele Münnix & Bernd Rolf (eds.) - 2007 - Lit.
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    Naturvetenskapens ursprung.Rolf Ejvegård - 1968 - [Solna,: Seelig].
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    Differentiation between populations and its measurement.Hans-Rolf Gregorius - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (1):23-36.
    When applied to a family of sets, the term differentiation designates a measure of the totality of those members which appear in only one of the sets. This basic set theoretic concept involves the formation of intersections, unions, and complements of sets. However, populations as special kinds of sets may share types, but they do not share the carriers of these types; intersections of different populations are thus always empty. The resulting conceptual dilemma is resolved by considering the joint representation (...)
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    Measuring association between two traits.Hans-Rolf Gregorius - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (2):89-98.
    A measure of association is introduced that is based on a conceptual rather than a model approach in order to ensure its broad applicability. The basis of the concept involves two variables or traits and of members of a population. The association of the -state with the -state is measured by the degree to which members of given -state share their -state. This formulation yields an index of association, which is applicable to all categories of traits, including discontinuous and continuous (...)
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  21.  11
    On the phonon-scattered intensity in weak-beam images.Arne Melander & Rolf Sandström - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (5):1089-1093.
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    Combining Probability and Logic.Fabio Cozman, Rolf Haenni, Jan-Willem Romeijn, Federica Russo, Gregory Wheeler & Jon Williamson - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (2):131-135.
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  23.  9
    Die Entwicklung des Kampfes der Arbeiterklasse in den kapitalistischen Ländern.Hans Beyer & Rolf Reissig - 1971 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 19 (2).
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  24.  8
    Michel Henry Et l'Affect de L'Art: Recherches Sur l'Esthétique de la Phénoménologie Matérielle.Adnen Jdey & Rolf Kühn (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    The studies in this book set out to examine the labile resonances of phenomenology and art in Michel Henry, by examining the different figures of movement given to the concept of the aesthetic by the philosopher. They are preceded by one of Michel Henry’s own texts. Les études qui composent ce livre proposent d’interroger les résonances labiles de la phénoménologie et de l’art chez Michel Henry, en examinant les différentes figures du déplacement imprimé par le philosophe au concept d’esthétique. Le (...)
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  25.  28
    Más acá de la legalidad. La CONADI, la ley indígena y el pueblo mapuche (1989-2004).Jorge Iván Vergara, Rolf Foerster & Hans Gundermann - 2004 - Polis 8.
    Tras señalar que la actual política indígena divide a la sociedad chilena en posiciones antagónicas, el artículo plantea una mirada de superación quienes la ven como una amenaza al orden institucional y a la unidad de la nación chilena, y quienes la consideran meras modificaciones cosméticas al modelo etnocida del Estado chileno. Se señala que los compromisos del Pacto de Nueva Imperial tienen niveles parciales de cumplimiento que dejan a Chile por debajo en estas materias en el concierto latinoamericano, lo (...)
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  26. Person perception revisited.Rolf von Eckartsberg - 1978 - In Ronald S. Valle & Mark King (eds.), Existential-phenomenological alternatives for psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  27. Social and electronic immortality.Rolf Von Eckartsberg & Elsa von Eckartsberg - 2011 - Janus Head 12 (1).
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    Language Encodes Geographical Information.Max M. Louwerse & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):51-73.
    Population counts and longitude and latitude coordinates were estimated for the 50 largest cities in the United States by computational linguistic techniques and by human participants. The mathematical technique Latent Semantic Analysis applied to newspaper texts produced similarity ratings between the 50 cities that allowed for a multidimensional scaling (MDS) of these cities. MDS coordinates correlated with the actual longitude and latitude of these cities, showing that cities that are located together share similar semantic contexts. This finding was replicated using (...)
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    Sound-action awareness in music.Rolf Inge Godøy - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 231.
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    Foucault in den Kulturwissenschaften: eine Bestandsaufnahme.Clemens Kammler & Rolf Parr (eds.) - 2007 - Söchtenau: Synchron.
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    On the locus of temporal preparation: Enhancement of premotor processes.Bettina Rolke & Rolf Ulrich - 2010 - In Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull (eds.), Attention and Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 227--241.
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    The Bhāgavata-purāṇa Miniature Paintings from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Manuscript Dated 1648The Bhagavata-purana Miniature Paintings from the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Manuscript Dated 1648.L. R. & Rolf W. Giebel - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):199.
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    Zur Gesundheit der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in der Ernährungswirtschaft.Gerhard Westermayer, Rolf D. Müller & Werner Mall - 2010 - In Gerhard Westermayer, Rolf D. Müller & Werner Mall (eds.), Zur Gesundheit der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in der Ernährungswirtschaft. pp. 165-176.
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  34.  5
    Veritas filia temporis?: Philosophiehistorie zwischen Wahrheit und Geschichte.Rainer Specht & Rolf W. Puster (eds.) - 1995 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
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    Perceiving Sound Objects in the Musique Concrète.Rolf Inge Godøy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the late 1940s and early 1950s, there emerged a radically new kind of music based on recorded environmental sounds instead of sounds of traditional Western musical instruments. Centered in Paris around the composer, music theorist, engineer, and writer Pierre Schaeffer, this became known as musique concrète because of its use of concrete recorded sound fragments, manifesting a departure from the abstract concepts and representations of Western music notation. Furthermore, the term sound object was used to denote our perceptual images (...)
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  36. Vol. 1. Symptom.Martyn Evans, Rolf Ahlzén, Iona Heath & Jane MacNaughton - 2008 - In Martyn Evans, Rolf Ahlzén, Pekka Louhiala & J. Jill Gordon (eds.), Medical Humanities Companion. Radcliffe Publishing.
  37.  6
    Rousseau, die Revolution und der junge Hegel.Hans Friedrich Fulda & Rolf-Peter Horstmann - 1991
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  38. Beiträge zur Methodologie der medizinischen Erkenntnis und Praxis.Rolf Löther (ed.) - 1977 - Jena: Fischer, VEB.
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  39. Islam und issenschaft.Umar Rolf von Ehrenfels - 1963 - Kairos (misc) 5:114-124.
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    Leibniz neu denken.Erich Barke, Rolf Wernstedt & Herbert Breger (eds.) - 2009 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
    Which theories of Leibniz are still valid after post-modern critique? Using various methods, this work considers a new interpretation and views Leibniz's work from a different perspective. As such, the authors reconstruct Leibniz's viewpoints on tolerance and truth in light of his position and the influence of church politics. Furthermore, his strategy of differentiation between animal and human will be analyzed on its usefulness to current debate. Leibniz's theory of perception will also be contrasted to comparable theories of today. The (...)
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  41.  59
    Population policy and public goods.Frank Miller & Rolf Sartorius - 1979 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 8 (2):148-174.
  42.  44
    The feeling of fluent perception: A single experience from multiple asynchronous sources☆.Pascal Wurtz, Rolf Reber & Thomas D. Zimmermann - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):171-184.
    Zeki and co-workers recently proposed that perception can best be described as locally distributed, asynchronous processes that each create a kind of microconsciousness, which condense into an experienced percept. The present article is aimed at extending this theory to metacognitive feelings. We present evidence that perceptual fluency—the subjective feeling of ease during perceptual processing—is based on speed of processing at different stages of the perceptual process. Specifically, detection of briefly presented stimuli was influenced by figure-ground contrast, but not by symmetry (...)
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  43.  13
    Linker Kitsch: Bekenntnisse - Ikonen - Gesamtkunstwerke.Bettina Gruber & Rolf Parr (eds.) - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Gibt es einen spezifisch "linken" Kitsch in Abgrenzung zu politisch "rechtem"? Dieser vernachlässigten, für das Verständnis "linken Denkens" seit der Französischen Revolution aber wichtigen Frage gehen die Beiträge dieses Bandes nach.0Gezeigt wird, dass "linkes" Denken aus ganz anderen Gründen kitschanfällig ist als sein "rechtes" Pendant, auch wenn die Pathosformeln sich mitunter frappierend ähneln. Denn während rechte Ideologien den Veränderungsdruck der Moderne kompensieren, streben linke eher danach, ihn nach dem Motto "Mehr desselben" zu überbieten. Dieses Phänomen »linker Kitsch± nimmt der Band (...)
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  44.  25
    Special Issue of Minds and Machines on Causality, Uncertainty and Ignorance.Stephan Hartmann & Rolf Haenni - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (3):237-238.
    In everyday life, as well as in science, we have to deal with and act on the basis of partial (i.e. incomplete, uncertain, or even inconsistent) information. This observation is the source of a broad research activity from which a number of competing approaches have arisen. There is some disagreement concerning the way in which partial or full ignorance is and should be handled. The most successful approaches include both quantitative aspects (by means of probability theory) and qualitative aspect (by (...)
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    Der Erst-Lebendige: Christologie leiblicher Ursprungswahrheit.Rolf Kühn - 2021 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    The inevitable equation.Rolf Lundén - 1973 - Uppsala,: Uppsala.
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    Understanding Curved Spacetime.Magdalena Kersting & Rolf Steier - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (7-8):593-623.
    According to general relativity, we live in a four-dimensional curved universe. Since the human mind cannot visualize those four dimensions, a popular analogy compares the universe to a two-dimensional rubber sheet distorted by massive objects. This analogy is often used when teaching GR to upper secondary and undergraduate physics students. However, physicists and physics educators criticize the analogy for being inaccurate and for introducing conceptual conflicts. Addressing these criticisms, we analyze the rubber sheet analogy through systematic metaphor analysis of textbooks (...)
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  48.  78
    Eine Synthetische Charakterisierung der Cayley‐Kleinschen Geometrien.Horst Struve & Rolf Struve - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (35-36):569-573.
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  49. Epochen der Naturmystik Hermet. Tradition Im Wissenschaftl. Fortschritt = Grand Moments de la Mystique de la Nature = Mystical Approaches to Nature.Antoine Faivre & Rolf Christian Zimmermann - 1979
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    Antoine Achard , ein Prediger und Philosoph in Berlin.Rolf Geißler - 1996 - In Helmut Holzhey & Martin Fontius (eds.), Schweizer Im Berlin des 18. Jahrhunderts: Internationale Fachtagung, 25. Bis 28. Mai 1994 in Berlin. De Gruyter. pp. 125-136.
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