Results for 'Roman Murzyn'

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    Encyklopedia prawa w zarysie.Roman Murzyn - 1974 - Katowice: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna im. Karola Adamieckiego.
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  2. Do we only dream in colour? A comparison of reported dream colour in younger and older adults with different experiences of black and white media.Eva Murzyn - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1228-1237.
    This study aimed to find out whether differences in the reported colour of dreams can be attributed to the influence of black and white media or to methodological issues. Two age groups, with different media experience, were compared on questionnaire and diary measures of dream colour. Analysis revealed that people who had access to black and white media before colour media experienced more greyscale dreams than people with no such exposure, and there were no differences between diary and questionnaire measures (...)
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  3. Laplace's demon and the adventures of his apprentices.Roman Frigg, Seamus Bradley, Hailiang Du & Leonard A. Smith - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (1):31-59.
    The sensitive dependence on initial conditions (SDIC) associated with nonlinear models imposes limitations on the models’ predictive power. We draw attention to an additional limitation than has been underappreciated, namely, structural model error (SME). A model has SME if the model dynamics differ from the dynamics in the target system. If a nonlinear model has only the slightest SME, then its ability to generate decision-relevant predictions is compromised. Given a perfect model, we can take the effects of SDIC into account (...)
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  4. Determinism and Chance from a Humean Perspective.Roman Frigg & Carl Hoefer - 2010 - In Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Dennis Dieks & Friedrich Stadler, The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 351--72.
    On the face of it ‘deterministic chance’ is an oxymoron: either an event is chancy or deterministic, but not both. Nevertheless, the world is rife with events that seem to be exactly that: chancy and deterministic at once. Simple gambling devices like coins and dice are cases in point. On the one hand they are governed by deterministic laws – the laws of classical mechanics – and hence given the initial condition of, say, a coin toss it is determined whether (...)
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  5. The Myopia of Imperfect Climate Models: The Case of UKCP09.Roman Frigg, Leonard A. Smith & David A. Stainforth - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):886-897.
    The United Kingdom Climate Impacts Program’s UKCP09 project makes high-resolution forecasts of climate during the 21st century using state of the art global climate models. The aim of this paper is to introduce and analyze the methodology used and then urge some caution. Given the acknowledged systematic errors in all current climate models, treating model outputs as decision relevant probabilistic forecasts can be seriously misleading. This casts doubt on our ability, today, to make trustworthy, high-resolution predictions out to the end (...)
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  6. Chance and determinism.Roman Frigg - 2016 - In Alan Hájek & Christopher Hitchcock, The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Determinism and chance seem to be irreconcilable opposites: either something is chancy or it is deterministic but not both. Yet there are processes which appear to square the circle by being chancy and deterministic at once, and the appearance is backed by well-confirmed scientific theories such as statistical mechanics which also seem to provide us with chances for deterministic processes. Is this possible, and if so how? In this essay I discuss this question for probabilities as they occur in the (...)
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    Demystifying Typicality.Roman Frigg & Charlotte Werndl - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (5):917-929.
    A gas prepared in a non-equilibrium state will approach equilibrium and stay there. An influential contemporary approach to Statistical Mechanics explains this behaviour in terms of typicality. However, this explanation has been criticised as mysterious as long as no connection with the dynamics of the system is established. We take this criticism as our point of departure. Our central claim is that Hamiltonians of gases which are epsilon-ergodic are typical with respect to the Whitney topology. Because equilibrium states are typical, (...)
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  8. Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Associated with Tax Avoidance?Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):439-457.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility performance is associated with corporate tax avoidance. Employing a matched sample of 434 firm-year observations from the Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini database over the period 2003–2009, our logit regression results show that the higher the level of CSR performance of a firm, the lower the likelihood of tax avoidance. Our results indicate that more socially responsible firms are likely to display less tax avoidance. Finally, the results from our additional analysis show that the (...)
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    Models and representation: why structures are not enough.Roman Frigg - 2002 - London School of Economics and Political Science.
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    Is there a need for a clear advice? A retrospective comparative analysis of ethics consultations with and without recommendations in a maximum-care university hospital.Roman Pauli, Dominik Groß & Dagmar Schmitz - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe theory and practice of ethics consultations (ECs) in health care are still characterized by many controversies, including, for example, the practice of giving recommendations. These controversies are complicated by an astonishing lack of evidence in the whole field. It is not clear how often a recommendation is issued in ethics consultations and when and why this step is taken. Especially in a facilitation model in which giving recommendations is optional, more data would be helpful to evaluate daily practice, ensure (...)
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  11. A new approach to the approach to equilibrium.Roman Frigg & Charlotte Werndl - 2012 - In Yemima Ben-Menahem & Meir Hemmo, Probability in Physics. Springer. pp. 99-114.
    Consider a gas confined to the left half of a container. Then remove the wall separating the two parts. The gas will start spreading and soon be evenly distributed over the entire available space. The gas has approached equilibrium. Why does the gas behave in this way? The canonical answer to this question, originally proffered by Boltzmann, is that the system has to be ergodic for the approach to equilibrium to take place. This answer has been criticised on different grounds (...)
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  12. Immortality, Identity, and Desirability.Roman Altshuler - 2015 - In Michael Cholbi, Immortality and the Philosophy of Death. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 191-203.
    Williams’s famous argument against immortality rests on the idea that immortality cannot be desirable, at least for human beings, and his contention has spawned a cottage industry of responses. As I will intend to show, the arguments over his view rest on both a difference of temperament and a difference in the sense of desire being used. The former concerns a difference in whether one takes a forward-looking or a backward-looking perspective on personal identity; the latter a distinction between our (...)
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  13. Free will, narrative, and retroactive self-constitution.Roman Altshuler - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):867-883.
    John Fischer has recently argued that the value of acting freely is the value of self-expression. Drawing on David Velleman’s earlier work, Fischer holds that the value of a life is a narrative value and free will is valuable insofar as it allows us to shape the narrative structure of our lives. This account rests on Fischer’s distinction between regulative control and guidance control. While we lack the former kind of control, on Fischer’s view, the latter is all that is (...)
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    Time and modes of being.Roman Ingarden - 1964 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
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    When do we simulate non-human agents? Dissociating communicative and non-communicative actions.Roman Liepelt, Wolfgang Prinz & Marcel Brass - 2010 - Cognition 115 (3):426-434.
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    Weakly o-minimal nonvaluational structures.Roman Wencel - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (3):139-162.
    A weakly o-minimal structure image expanding an ordered group is called nonvaluational iff for every cut left angle bracketC,Dright-pointing angle bracket of definable in image, we have that inf{y−x:xset membership, variantC,yset membership, variantD}=0. The study of nonvaluational weakly o-minimal expansions of real closed fields carried out in [D. Macpherson, D. Marker, C. Steinhorn,Weakly o-minimal structures and real closed fields, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 5435–5483. MR1781273 (2001i:03079] suggests that this class is very close to the class of o-minimal expansions of (...)
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    Probability in Boltzmannian statistical mechanics.Roman Frigg - 2010 - In Gerhard Ernst & Andreas Hüttemann, Time, chance and reduction: philosophical aspects of statistical mechanics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 92-118.
    In two recent papers Barry Loewer (2001, 2004) has suggested to interpret probabilities in statistical mechanics as Humean chances in David Lewis’ (1994) sense. I first give a precise formulation of this proposal, then raise two fundamental objections, and finally conclude that these can be overcome only at the price of interpreting these probabilities epistemically.
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    Topological properties of sets definable in weakly o-minimal structures.Roman Wencel - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (3):841-867.
    The paper is aimed at studying the topological dimension for sets definable in weakly o-minimal structures in order to prepare background for further investigation of groups, group actions and fields definable in the weakly o-minimal context. We prove that the topological dimension of a set definable in a weakly o-minimal structure is invariant under definable injective maps, strengthening an analogous result from [2] for sets and functions definable in models of weakly o-minimal theories. We pay special attention to large subsets (...)
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    Commentary on Thomasius's “Philosophical Dissertation on Literary Plagiarism”.Roman Kyselov - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):104-115.
    Commentary on the first Ukrainian translation of Thomasius’ work entitled “Nucleus disputationis de plagio literario maxime theoreticus, thesibus paucis & brevibus comprehensus”, which is one of the Appendices to the famous “Philosophical dissertation on literary plagiarism”.
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    On the strong cell decomposition property for weakly o‐minimal structures.Roman Wencel - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (6):452-470.
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  21. What is statistical mechanics?Roman Frigg - unknown
    Let us begin with a characteristic example. Consider a gas that is confined to the left half of a box. Now we remove the barrier separating the two halves of the box. As a result, the gas quickly disperses, and it continues to do so until it homogeneously fills the entire box. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
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    Grafting hypersequents onto nested sequents.Roman Kuznets & Björn Lellmann - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):375-423.
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    Phronetic Ethics in Social Robotics: A New Approach to Building Ethical Robots.Roman Krzanowski & Paweł Polak - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 63 (1):165-183.
    Social robotics are autonomous robots or Artificial Moral Agents (AMA), that will interact respect and embody human ethical values. However, the conceptual and practical problems of building such systems have not yet been resolved, playing a role of significant challenge for computational modeling. It seems that the lack of success in constructing robots, ceteris paribus, is due to the conceptual and algorithmic limitations of the current design of ethical robots. This paper proposes a new approach for developing ethical capacities in (...)
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    Limits of Neural Computation in Humans and Machines.Roman Taraban - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2547-2553.
    Aicardi et al. look to neuroscience to mitigate the limitations of current robotics technology. They propose that robotics technology guided by neuroscience has the capacity to create intelligent robots that function with awareness and capacity for abstraction and reasoning. As neurorobotics extends the capability of robotics technology, it introduces new social and ethical concerns, in particular co-opting civilian applications for military use, conflicts between industry and the academy, and data security. However, here we argue that empirical evidence has shown that (...)
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    A note on satisfaction classes.Roman Kossak - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (1):1-8.
  26. Practical Necessity and the Constitution of Character.Roman Altshuler - 2013 - In Alexandra Perry & Chris Herrera, The Moral Philosophy of Bernard Williams. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 40-53.
    Deliberation issues in decision, and so might be taken as a paradigmatic volitional activity. Character, on the other hand, may appear pre-volitional: the dispositions that constitute it provide the background against which decisions are made. Bernard Williams offers an intriguing picture of how the two may be connected via the concept of practical necessities, which are at once constitutive of character and deliverances of deliberation. Necessities are thus the glue binding character and the will, allowing us to take responsibility for (...)
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    Training and Competition Load Monitoring and Analysis of Women's Amateur Basketball by Playing Position: Approach Study.María Reina Román, Javier García-Rubio, Sebastián Feu & Sergio José Ibáñez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Parmenides on the Place of Mind.Roman Dilcher - 2006 - In R. A. H. King, Common to Body and Soul: Philosophical Approaches to Explaining Living Behaviour in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Walter de Gruyter.
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    O poznaniu dzieła literackiego.Roman Ingarden - 1976 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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  30. Bootstrapping the Afterlife.Roman Altshuler - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (2).
    Samuel Scheffler defends “The Afterlife Conjecture”: the view that the continued existence of humanity after our deaths—“the afterlife”—lies in the background of our valuing; were we to lose confidence in it, many of the projects we engage in would lose their meaning. The Afterlife Conjecture, in his view, also brings out the limits of our egoism, showing that we care more about yet unborn strangers than about personal survival. But why does the afterlife itself matter to us? Examination of Scheffler’s (...)
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    L’Antiquité et la culture humaniste au XVI e siècle.Sébastien Roman - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (1):103-120.
    Il est arrivé que l’on compare Machiavel à La Boétie pour grossièrement les opposer, selon l’idée fausse que le premier serait du côté du prince, et le second du côté du peuple. Nous proposons, ici, une étude comparative de leurs pensées qui se concentre sur leur manière de lire les Anciens et de se situer vis-à-vis de la culture humaniste de leur époque, pour mieux saisir adéquatement leurs différences et leurs similitudes.
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    Syntactic structure and semantical reference IIStruktura syntaktyczna a stosunki semantyczne IIСинтаксигескаЯ структура и семантигеские отноцения II.Roman Suszko - 1960 - Studia Logica 9 (1):63-93.
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    Interacting hands: the role of attention for the joint Simon effect.Roman Liepelt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  34. III.Roman Slave Market - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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  35. Agency, Narrative, and Mortality.Roman Altshuler - 2022 - In Luca Ferrero, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Agency. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 385-393.
    Narrative views of agency and identity arise in opposition to reductionism in both domains. While reductionists understand both identity and agency in terms of their components, narrativists respond that life and action are both constituted by narratives, and since the components of a narrative gain their meaning from the whole, life and action not only incorporate their constituent parts but also shape them. I first lay out the difficulties with treating narrative as constitutive of metaphysical identity and turn to its (...)
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    Multigenerational Forces and Regenerative Capacities: Matter, Weather, Flesh, and the Sociogenic.Ezekiel J. Dixon-Román - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (6):606-632.
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    A Class of Conceptual Spaces Consisting of Boundaries of Infinite p -Ary Trees.Roman Urban & Simona Mróz - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (1):73-95.
    A new construction of a certain conceptual space is presented. Elements of this conceptual space correspond to concept elements of reality, which potentially comprise an infinite number of qualities. This construction of a conceptual space solves a problem stated by Dietz and his co-authors in 2013 in the context of Voronoi diagrams. The fractal construction of the conceptual space is that this problem simply does not pose itself. The concept of convexity is discussed in this new conceptual space. Moreover, the (...)
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    Senovės ritualų semiotinė raiška mandagumo formose.Roman Vasko - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 100.
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  39. Character, Will, and Agency.Roman Altshuler - 2016 - In Alberto Masala & Jonathan Webber, From Personality to Virtue: Essays on the Philosophy of Character. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 62-80.
    Character and the will are rarely discussed together. At most, philosophers working on the one mention the other in an eliminativist vein—if character is represented as something chosen, for example, it can be chalked up to the work of the will; if the will consists merely of a certain arrangement of mental states, it can be seen as little more than a manifestation of character. This mutual neglect appears perfectly justified. If both character and will are determinants of action, to (...)
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    Four Problems Concerning Recursively Saturated Models of Arithmetic.Roman Kossak - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (4):519-530.
    The paper presents four open problems concerning recursively saturated models of Peano Arithmetic. One problems concerns a possible converse to Tarski's undefinability of truth theorem. The other concern elementary cuts in countable recursively saturated models, extending automorphisms of countable recursively saturated models, and Jonsson models of PA. Some partial answers are given.
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    Recursively saturated $\omega_1$-like models of arithmetic.Roman Kossak - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (4):413-422.
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    Preface.Roman Frigg, Stephan Hartmann & Cyrille Imbert - 2011 - Synthese 180 (1):1-2.
    The roles models play in science have long been recognised and sparked rich and varied philosophical debates. In recent years attention has also been paid to the computational techniques used in the sciences, and the question arose what the implications were of the use of computer simulations for our understanding of scientific modelling, and science more generally. This was the subject of the conference “Models and Simulations”, which took place at the IHPST in Paris in June 2006. Selected papers of (...)
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  43. Agency and the A-Series.Roman Altshuler - 2009 - Southwest Philosophy Review 25 (1):153-161.
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    Web Service Modeling Ontology.Dumitru Roman, Uwe Keller, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Rubén Lara, Michael Stollberg, Axel Polleres, Cristina Feier, Cristoph Bussler & Dieter Fensel - 2005 - Applied ontology 1 (1):77-106.
    The potential to achieve dynamic, scalable and cost-effective marketplaces and eCommerce solutions has driven recent research efforts towards so-called Semantic Web Services that are enriching Web services with machine-processable semantics. To this end, the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) provides the conceptual underpinning and a formal language for semantically describing all relevant aspects of Web services in order to facilitate the automatization of discovering, combining and invoking electronic services over the Web. In this paper we describe the overall structure of (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity as a Tool to the Understanding of Global Behavior Under Uncertainty in Science and Society.Petre Roman - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):32-45.
    Between the zone of certainty beyond all doubt and the zone of incomprehensible uncertainty, the sources of which are nothing but chance, we need to use solid results from a vast interdisciplinarity. We wish to give here a sense of the factors in play and the state of the debate and advance in the territory of how interdisciplinarity may help to solve problems which are common in many areas of knowledge. Chaos and complexity certainly put limits on what we can (...)
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    Weak arithmetical interpretations for the Logic of Proofs.Roman Kuznets & Thomas Studer - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):424-440.
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    Introduction.Roman Altshuler & Michael J. Sigrist - 2015 - In Roman Altshuler & Michael J. Sigrist, Time and the Philosophy of Action. New York: Routledge. pp. 1-18.
    We do things in time. Philosophy of action can capture this phenomenon in at least two ways. On one hand, it might focus on the way that temporal preferences and long-term temporal horizons affect the rationality of decisions in the present (see, e.g., Parfit 1984; Rawls 1971). Such work may focus on the way we discount the distant future, for example, or prioritize the future over the past. Approaches of this kind treat time as, in a sense, something external to (...)
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    Borges: literato y filósofo de las paradojas.Javier Orlando Aguirre Román & Henry Sebastián Rangel Quiñonez - 2019 - Revista Filosofía Uis 18 (1):89-108.
    el presente texto es una revisión crítica de parte de la obra del escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges con el fin de evidenciar el talante filosófico de este autor. Para ello se presta especial atención al uso de la noción de infinito y las paradojas que de él resultan. Nuestra conclusión es que, si se va a considerar a Borges como filósofo, se debe concluir que, ante todo, es un “filósofo de las paradojas”. Sobre esta base se puede entender su (...)
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    Meaning, Identity, and Ethnonationalism.Roman Altshuler - 2020 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 10 (2):113-152.
    Ethnonationalist movements have gained ground over the past decade in the U.S., Europe, India, and elsewhere. What is the appeal of ethnonationalism and where does it go wrong? On some views, the ethnonationalist’s mistake lies in ignorance: he takes identity to be established by some essential core, and the solution lies in education in history and racial genetics, allowing him to see that his essentialism rests on error. While this response is helpful to a point, I propose that the essentialism (...)
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    Вплив адвентистських ідей на формування релігійної ідентичності засновника «Дослідників Біблії» Чарльза Тейза Рассела.Roman Orlovskyi & Valentyna Kuryliak - 2023 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):182-213.
    The research interest of this article is focused on determining the level of influence of Adventist ideas on the formation of the religious identity of the founder of the Bible Students (later Jehovah's Witnesses) and the Watch Tower Society, Charles Taze Russell. As a result of the analysis of the works of Russell and his associates, an attempt was made to explore the attitude of Russell and his supporters to Adventism as a whole. Also, in the opposite direction, the influence (...)
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