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Ron Epstein [26]Ronald M. Epstein [4]Ronald B. Epstein [1]Ronald Epstein [1]
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    The Ambiguity of Personhood.Ronald M. Epstein - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (8):42-44.
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  2. Capacity and shared decision-making in serious illness.Ronald M. Epstein & Vikki Entwistle - 2014 - In Timothy E. Quill & Franklin G. Miller (eds.), Palliative care and ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  3. Ethical dangers of genetic engineering.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    From the very first milk you suckle, your food is genetically engineered. The natural world is completely made over, invaded and distorted beyond recognition by genetically engineered trees, plants, animals, insects, bacteria, and viruses, both planned and run amok. Illnesses are very different too. Most of the old ones are gone or mutated into new forms, yet most people are suffering from genetically engineered pathogens, either used in biowarfare, or mistakenly released into the environment, or recombined in toxic form from (...)
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  4. A buddhist perspective on animal rights.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    I want to relate to you two striking examples of animals acting with more humanity than most humans. My point is not that animals are more humane than humans, but that there is dramatic evidence that animals can act in ways that do not support certain Western stereotypes about their capacities.
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  5. Animals for dinner - a karmic tale.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    "Oh, no, no," she replied. "You don't understand. My husband and I are in a terrible business. The monk here, who is my spiritual teacher, told me that we should sell it or we will face horrible karmic retribution, but we just can't seem to extricate ourselves. I just try to create a little merit to help us, but I know it is not enough.".
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  6. A modest proposal regarding genetic engineering in mendocino county.Ron Epstein - unknown
    The new millennium will be ushered in by the biotech century. The earlier we prepare the better. In the short term, we will be affected in these main areas: medical treatment; industrial, agricultural, and forest use; and food. First, let us take a brief look at some problems with the use of genetic engineering in agriculture and in our food. Then I would like to make some simple suggestions about steps we can take to assess the situation here in Mendocino (...)
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  7. A panel discussion on the interior life.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    When Dharma Master Heng Shun called to invite me to speak, he didn’t tell me that I was supposed to speak on the interior life. If he had, I would have said no, because here we have so many experts on the interior life, who are real professionals. I think that’s one of the great contributions of Buddhism to the world. It is a professional curriculum in the interior life. Although we have explorers of the interior life in the West, (...)
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  8. Ananda's search for the mind in seven locations.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    The first series of doctrinal arguments in the Surangama-sutra (T. 945) is concerned with the Buddha's refutation of seven hypothetical locations for the mind proposed by Ananda.The arguments are the first step in the development of the teaching of the entire work. A synopsis of the arguments follows.
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  9. "Another voice: Some common sense about measure h" by.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    Measure H reads: “It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to propagate, cultivate, raise, or grow genetically modified organisms in Mendocino County.” It goes on to exempt any GMOs associated with medical treatment and any GMOs that come into the county through commerce. Genetic modification in the sense in which it is defined in the ordinance refers to genetic engineering, not conventional breeding or hybridizing. GMOs cannot be produced conventionally.
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  10. Buddhism and Biotechnology.Ron Epstein - unknown
    The topic of this panel is "Biotechnology: Boon or Bane for Spiritual Development." It has very often been said that we are on the threshold of the biotech century, and I am sure that all of you are very clearly aware that genetic engineering is going to totally reshape life on this planet in many ways: economically, politically, scientifically--particularly in terms of medicine, and also environmentally. Most important for all of us is what the relationship of this incredible technology will (...)
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  11. Buddhism and measure h: Banning the growing and raising of genetically modified organisms in mendocino county.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    I would like to thank the Sangha for inviting me to speak with you tonight. Some of you may be wondering what Measure H has to do with the Buddhadharma and why we are taking time during the period for sutra lectures to discuss it. I think it's very important to remember that all dharmas are Buddhadharmas, and that the Venerable Master Hua taught us that we have a responsibility towards the country in which we are living. This is one (...)
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  12. Bridging the Gulf between Monastics and Laypeople.Ron Epstein - unknown
    The monastic and the layperson are both individuals whose individuality is empty of essential, permanent reality. To the extent that they hold to individual identity, they are deluded. To the extent that they grasp dharmas, such as, ‘I am a nun or laywoman on the Path,’ they are also deluded, but that is an attachment that can lead to non-attachment, and ultimately to enlightenment. The Buddha said.
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    Clinical practice and the biopsychosocial approach.Ronald M. Epstein, Diane S. Morse, Geoffrey C. Williams, P. LeRoux, A. L. Suchman & T. E. Quill - 2003 - In Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel (eds.), The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
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  14. Clearing up some misconceptions about buddhism.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    The historical Buddha Shakyamuni denied the divine authority of the Brahmins, the Hindu priestly class. He set up a system of taking refuge with the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) in which a member of the Buddhist monastic community becomes the representative of the Three Jewels and the teacher of individual lay Buddhists. He also set up lineages of enlightened masters, who were entrusted with the task of carrying on the authentic teachings.
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  15. Ethical and spiritual issues in genetic engineering.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    The choices I will be talking about have to do with biotechnology and genetic engineering, choices which we are currently not making consciously because we really don't know what is going on. I would like to tell you what is going on in these areas, and then talk about how we might approach this matter in ethical ways.
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  16. Ethnic buddhadharma?Ron Epstein - manuscript
    Although there are people from the north and people from the south, there is ultimately no north or south in the Buddha nature. The body of the barbarian and that of the High Master are not the same, but what distinction is there in the Buddha nature?
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  17. Genetic engineering: A major threat to vegetarians.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    Imagine a world in which as part of their basic substances tomatoes contain fish and tobacco, potatoes contain chicken, moths and other insects, and corn contains fireflies. Is this science-fiction? No, these plant-animal hybrids already exist today and may soon be on your supermarket shelves without any special labeling to warn you. Furthermore, in a few years the types of these genetically engineered "vegetables" are sure to increase and may very possibly also include human genes. If you are a vegetarian, (...)
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  18. Imitating death in the Quest for enlightenment.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    The bare bones of the story of Bodhidharma, that strange, bearded, wide-eyed fellow who brought the meditation school of Buddhism that we know as Zen to China, are well known. He sailed from India to Canton and then proceeded to the court of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty, who asked the Patriarch how much merit he had accumulated from sponsoring the building of temples, the copying of Buddhist scriptures, and the ordination of monks. When Bodhidharma replied, "None," the emperor (...)
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  19. Mindful practice and the tacit ethics of the moment.Ronald M. Epstein - 2006 - Advances in Bioethics 10:115-144.
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  20. Mahāmaudgalyāyana visits another planet a selection from the scripture which is a repository of great jewels.Ron Epstein - unknown
    The following story is about the Venerable Mahā-maudgalyāyana,[2] an enlightened disciple of the historical Buddha Śākyamuni. Mahā-maudgalyāyana travels to a distant solar system, to a planet which is inhabited by giant people, and on which there is also a Buddha with disciples practicing under his guidance. The story, which brings to mind Swift’s Gulliver in the land of the giants, is remarkable in many respects. The Buddha and Mahā- maudgalyāyana both probably lived during the fifth and sixth centuries BCE. In (...)
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  21. Pollution and the environment: Some radically new ancient views.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    It is very easy to get the feeling here in our local community that we have reached an impasse on pollution and many other environmental issues. The lines are clearly drawn, and all too often loud name-calling drowns out the little meaningful dialogue that is actually taking place. My purpose tonight is to present some ways of looking at environmental questions that are very old, yet which may represent fresh approaches to many of us. Perhaps some of the ideas can (...)
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  22. Remembrance and Gratitude.Ron Epstein - unknown
    After having been invited to the United States by some disciples from Hong Kong, the Master established a Buddhist Lecture Hall in San Francisco's Chinatown in 1962. In 1963, because some of the disciples there were not respectful of the Dharma, he left Chinatown and moved the Buddhist Lecture Hall to a first-floor flat in a run-down Victorian building on the edge of San Francisco's Fillmore District and Japantown. The other floors of the building contained individual rooms for rent with (...)
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    Responsible living: explorations in applied Buddhist ethics-animals, environment, GMOs, digital media.Ronald B. Epstein - 2018 - Ukiah, California: Buddhist Text Translation Society-Dharma Realm Buddhist University.
    The inner ecology: Buddhist ethics and practice -- A Buddhist perspective on animal rights -- Pollution and the environment: some radically new ancient views -- Animals for dinner: a Karmic tale -- Our relationship with nature: a Buddhist exploration -- Environmental issues: a Buddhist perspective -- Human spiritual potential and the environmental crisi -- The need for ethical guidelines to protect us from the very real dangers of a technological world -- Looking at hi-tech through the lens of the five (...)
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  24. The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra.Ron Epstein - unknown
    Reversing the light to shine within, Avalokiteshvara Enlightens all the sentient beings, thus he is a Bodhisattva. His mind is thus, thus, unmoving, a superior one at peace. His total understanding of the ever-shining makes him a host and master. When the six types of psychic powers become an ordinary matter, Then even less can the winds and rains of the eight directions cause alarm. Rolling it up retracts it and keeps it secretly hidden away. Letting it go expands it (...)
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  25. The inner ecology: Buddhist ethics and practice.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    Buddhists call Buddhism the Buddha Dharma: the Dharma, a collection of methods for getting enlightened, taught by a Buddha, a Fully Enlightened One. Buddhists refer to themselves as people who have taken refuge with the Three Jewels: 1) the Buddhas or Fully Enlightened Ones, 2) the Dharma or methods taught for reaching enlightenment, 3) and the Sangha or community of Buddhist monks and nuns, called Bhikshus and Bhikshunis. In formally becoming a Buddhist one becomes a disciple of a Buddhist master, (...)
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  26. The professor requests a lecture from the Monk in the grave.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    I greatly enjoy meeting with all of you today, because I see you are all especially capable and intelligent young people. In the future you certainly can help America to be even better; you can cause its glory to be even greater. Today I would like to thank Professor Lancaster very much for inviting me here to meet with all of you. I fully see this professor's methods, by which he is able to cause your knowledge to increase daily. So, (...)
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  27. The So-Called Lay "Sangha" in America.Ronald Epstein - unknown
    Many of America's new Buddhists are spreading the idea that they are a "sangha" and that their lay "sangha" movement is the correct adaptation of Buddhism to the American scene. Where does this peculiar and dangerous idea come from?
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  28. The shurangama-sutra (t. 945): A reappraisal of its authenticity.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    What I would like to do in the next few minutes is to outline very briefly some of my research on the authenticity of the Shurangama-sutra. Although the material is rather complex, I'll do my best to omit what is tedious without sacrificing important points. However, it will be necessary to omit most of the details just in order to get through the material.
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  29. The transformation of consciousness into wisdom.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    (Originally published in Vajra Bodhi Sea , Jan., Feb., Mar., 1985. Copyright by Vajra Bodhi Sea. Permission is granted for single copies made for personal use. Comments and corrections may be sent to the author's e-mail address: [email protected].).
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  30. The Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Brings the Dharma to the West.Ron Epstein - unknown
    The Venerable Master's vision was as vast as the Dharma Realm, and he taught and transformed all beings without regard to path of rebirth, country, ethnic origin, religion, and so forth. There are two countries, however, where he had special affinities in this life: China and the United States. Although the majority of his disciples are Chinese, history will probably remember him primarily for his work in bringing the teachings of the Buddha to the people of the West.
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  31. Why genetically engineered food should be labeled.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    Genes are the fundamental chemical codes that determine the physical nature of all living things, from the tiniest single-celled organism to human beings. Genes make up the DNA, the cell-level master plan which determines how the organism is going to develop in all ways that are not environmentally influenced.
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  32. Why you should be concerned about genetically engineered food.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    Genes are the fundamental chemical codes that determine the physical nature of all living things, from the tiniest single-celled organism to human beings. Genes make up DNA, the cell-level master plan which determines how the organism is going to develop in all ways that are not environmentally influenced.
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