Results for 'Rosa Krauze'

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  1.  4
    Obras completas.Antonio Caso & Rosa Krauze de Kolteniuk - 1971 - México,: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Dirección General de Publicaciones. Edited by Rosa Krauze de Kolteniuk.
    1. Polémicas.--2. Problemas filosóficos.--3. La existencia como economía, como desinterés y como caridad.--4. Ensayos. Doctrinas. Discursos.--5. Estética.--6. Historia y antología del pensamiento filosófico. Evocación de Aristóteles. Filosofía.--7. El acto ideatorio y la filosofía de Husserl. Positivismo, neopositivismo y fenomenología.-- 11. Sociología.
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  2. Introducción a Antonio Caso.Krauze de Kolteniuk & Rosa[From Old Catalog] - 1959 - México,:
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  3. La filosofía de Antonio Caso.Krauze de Kolteniuk & Rosa[From Old Catalog] - 1961 - México,: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Reading Polish peripheral Marxism politically.Wiktor Marzec - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):6-19.
    This article appraises the political writings of three Polish Marxists from the early 20th century, Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz, Stanisław Brzozowski and Rosa Luxemburg. In the specific peripheral conditions and because of the entanglement of different struggles in the Polish Kingdom under Tsarist rule around the 1905 Revolution, it was no longer possible for Marxists and political theorists to refer to any firm political ground: whether the organic unity of the nation, class antagonisms, or laws of history. The construction of revolutionary (...)
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    Main Currents of Marxism. [REVIEW]B. R. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (3):635-637.
    Kolakowski describes his massive and comprehensive study of Marxism as a "handbook." Following a classic pattern, he divides his study into three volumes, "The Founders," "The Golden Age," and "The Breakdown." Kolakowski does not claim to present a non-controversial account of the history of Marxism, however, his aim is "to include the principal facts that are likely to be of use to anyone seeking an introduction to the subject". The main organizing principle is chronological, although Kolakowski frequently departs from strict (...)
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  6. Arystotelesa charakterystyka substancji w kategoriach ruchu i natury.Krystyna Krauze-błachowicz - 1992 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 3 (3):5-14.
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    Leibniz: wczesne pojęcie substancji.Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz - 1992 - Białystok: Zakład Teorii Poznania, Filia Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
  8. Pojęcie konstrukcji u Jana z Głogowa.Krystyna Krauze-błachowicz - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 43 (3):217-222.
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  9. Teoria polityki: podstawy metodologiczne politologii empirycznej.Barbara Krauz-Mozer & W. ±Adys±Aw Szostak - 1993 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Edited by Władysław Szostak.
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    Travesía liberal: del fin de la historia a la historia sin fin.Enrique Krauze - 2003 - Barcelona: Tusquets Editores.
    Al hilo de los testimonios y las entrevistas, las biografías y el análisis de la obra de figuras cardinales como Isaiah Berlin, Jorge Luis Borges, Leszek Kolakowski, Hugh Thomas, Paul Kennedy o John Elliott, Travesía liberal ofrece las claves para comprender los vaivenes de la historia, desde la España imperial hasta el 11-S, y arrojar nueva luz en el inquietante comienzo del siglo xx. Sólo un historiador como Enrique Krauze podía vertebrar episodios tan alejados en el tiempo y en (...)
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  11. Archai. Problem rozumienia pierwszych zasad w systemie Euklidesa.Krystyna Krauze-błachowicz - 1986 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 1 (1):7-18.
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  12. Gramatyk i rzeczywistość. Significatum per se w filozofii języka Boecjusza z Dacji.Krystyna Krauze-błachowicz - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 35 (3):41-51.
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  13. U źródeł modystycznego pojęcia współoznaczania.Krystyna Krauze-błachowicz - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 39 (3):115-122.
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    Foreword.Enrique Krauze - 2014 - In IsaiahHG Berlin, Freedom and its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty. Princeton University Press.
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    Paradigmy i problemy filosofii nauki.A. A. Krauze - 2008 - Sankt-Peterburg: Peterburgskiĭ gos. politekhnicheskiĭ universitet. Edited by O. D. Shipunova.
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  16. Pięciolecie Instytutu Socjologcznego.K. Krauze - 1897 - Przegląd Filozoficzny 4 (1).
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  17. Z dziejów średniowiecznych pojęć zgodności i zupełności ad sensum i ad intellectum.Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz - 2004 - Studia Semiotyczne 25:245-257.
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  18. Evolutionary Developmental Biology.Laura Nuño De La Nuño De La Rosa & G. Müller (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  19. The Benefit to Philosophy of the Study of its History.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):161-184.
    This paper advances the view that the history of philosophy is both a kind of history and a kind of philosophy. Through a discussion of some examples from epistemology, metaphysics, and the historiography of philosophy, it explores the benefit to philosophy of a deep and broad engagement with its history. It comes to the conclusion that doing history of philosophy is a way to think outside the box of the current philosophical orthodoxies. Somewhat paradoxically, far from imprisoning its students in (...)
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  20. (I can’t get no) antisatisfaction.Pablo Cobreros, Elio La Rosa & Luca Tranchini - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8251-8265.
    Substructural approaches to paradoxes have attracted much attention from the philosophical community in the last decade. In this paper we focus on two substructural logics, named ST and TS, along with two structural cousins, LP and K3. It is well known that LP and K3 are duals in the sense that an inference is valid in one logic just in case the contrapositive is valid in the other logic. As a consequence of this duality, theories based on either logic are (...)
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    Adolescents in Quarantine During COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Perceived Health Risk, Beliefs, Psychological Experiences and Expectations for the Future.Elena Commodari & Valentina Lucia La Rosa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:559951.
    Since March 2020, many countries throughout the world have been in lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Italy, the quarantine began on March 9, 2020, and containment measures were partially reduced only on May 4, 2020. The quarantine experience has a significant psychological impact at all ages but can have it above all on adolescents who cannot go to school, play sports, and meet friends. In this scenario, this study aimed to provide a general overview of the perceived (...)
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  22. The Hypercategorematic Infinite.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2015 - The Leibniz Review 25:5-30.
    This paper aims to show that a proper understanding of what Leibniz meant by “hypercategorematic infinite” sheds light on some fundamental aspects of his conceptions of God and of the relationship between God and created simple substances or monads. After revisiting Leibniz’s distinction between (i) syncategorematic infinite, (ii) categorematic infinite, and (iii) actual infinite, I examine his claim that the hypercategorematic infinite is “God himself” in conjunction with other key statements about God. I then discuss the issue of whether the (...)
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  23. From the Method of Division to the Theory of Transformations: Thompson After Aristotle, and Aristotle After Thompson.Laura Nuño de la Rosa & James G. Lennox - 2023 - Biological Theory 1.
    Aristotle’s influence on D’Arcy Thompson was praised by Thompson himself and has been recognized by others in various respects, including the aesthetic and normative dimensions of biology, and the multicausal explanation of living forms. This article focuses on the relatedness of organic forms, one of the core problems addressed by both Aristotle’s History of Animals (HA), and the renowned chapter of Thompson’s On Growth and Form (G&F), “On the Theory of Transformations, or the Comparison of Related Forms.” We contend that, (...)
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    Questioning the Role of Anti-Blackness in Quijano’s Theory of Coloniality of Power.Rosa O’Connor Acevedo - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):205-233.
    The author argues that Quijano’s conceptualization of race within the theory of coloniality of power is limited and theoretically insufficient given its lack of elaboration regarding the role of anti-Blackness in Spanish colonization. This article contrasts the idea of coloniality of power with Cedric Robinson’s elaboration of racial capitalism to demonstrates how Robinson has a more complex and historically rich analysis of race that centers the expansion of racial capitalism with the invention of the Negro subject. The article closes with (...)
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    Towards a post-democratic era? Moral education against new forms of authoritarianism.Cruz Pérez, Maria Rosa Buxarrais & Vicent Gozálvez - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):474-488.
    ABSTRACT Educating in a convulsed political context demands a detailed analysis of the new circumstances of our times, especially the current democracy crisis. According to the latest reports issued by international evaluation organisations, one of the greatest challenges for democratic citizenship is the emergence and rise of authoritarianism within the framework of the so-called post-democracy, and also in the manifestations known as illiberal democracy. Moral and civic education has to respond to this challenge. With this in mind, we propose revitalising (...)
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    Mapping Charles Taylor.Ulf Bohmann, Gesche Keding & Hartmut Rosa - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7):725-733.
    The extensive, profound and influential oeuvre of Charles Taylor has inspired generations of thinkers. But how can we explore such a body of work? As we try to show in this Special Issue: by understanding him literally and making use of his notion of moral maps – or, differently put, by ‘mapping’ Charles Taylor. As he is far too modest a person to reveal to us his own moral atlas, we have decided to seize the occasion of his 85th birthday (...)
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    Clinical Case Studies in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Treatment.Jochem Willemsen, Elena Della Rosa & Sue Kegerreis - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  28. Knowledge and Belief from Plato to Locke.Michael Ayers & Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2019 - In Knowing and Seeing: Groundwork for a New Empiricism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 3–33.
    This essential historical introduction to the main themes of the book starts with a close, sympathetic, and significantly novel analysis of a famous argument in Plato’s Republic in which Plato draws a distinction of kind between knowledge and belief, and between their objects. It is then demonstrated that the distinction, broadly so understood, remained a dominant force, in one form or another, in all non-sceptical branches of the European philosophical tradition, including empiricism, until the eighteenth century. It is argued that (...)
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    Pattern and process in evo-devo: Descriptions and explanations.Laura Nuño de la Rosa & Arantza Etxeberria - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha, EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer.
    In the evolutionary biology of the Modern Synthesis the study of patterns refers to how to identify and systematise order in lineages, looking for hierarchies or for branching/splitting events in the tree of life, whereas the resulting order is supposed to be due to underlying processes or mechanisms. But patterns and processes play distinct roles in evo-devo: four different views on the role of patterns and processes in descriptions and explanations of development and evolution: A) transformational; B) generative; C) processual; (...)
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  30.  36
    Subject, Object, and Knowledge as First-Person.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (4):516-529.
    This article tries to show that focusing on why and how subject and object are distinct is of key importance for understanding the nature of knowledge itself. It argues that: 1) cognition starts with an aliud which is present to a felt self in a way fundamentally different from one’s own modes of being; 2) individual human knowledge in its paradigmatic form is essentially first-personal, that is, its object-directedness requires a built-in, implicit awareness of a ‘self’ that provides the unifying (...)
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  31. El mito de Hércules y Alfonso X el Sabio en dos escritores barrocos: Saavedra Fajardo y Juan de Mariana.B. Rosa de Gea - 2007 - Res Publica. Murcia 17.
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    Psychological Well-Being and Youth Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Spain and Colombia.Claudia Charry, Rosa Goig & Isabel Martínez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:564232.
    The construct of autonomy appears in the literature associated with individual psychological wellbeing. In Ryff's model, autonomy is presented as one of the dimensions of wellbeing, along with self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. The present study compared the levels of autonomy and psychological wellbeing between Spanish and Colombian young people. Ryff's Scale of Psychological Wellbeing and the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy (EDATVA according to its initials in Spanish) scales were used on a (...)
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    The meaning of time in the theory of relativity and “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox”.Waldyr A. Rodrigues & Marcio A. F. Rosa - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (6):705-724.
    The purpose of the present paper is to reply to a misleading paper by M. Sachs entitled “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox” (TP) (Found. Phys. 15, 977 (1985)). There, by selecting some passages from Einstein's papers, he tried to convince the reader that Einstein changed his mind regarding the asymmetric aging of the twins on different motions. Also Sachs insinuates that he presented several years ago “convincing mathematical arguments” proving that the theory of relativity does not predict asymmetrical (...)
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  34. Metaphysical evil revisited.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - In Larry M. Jorgensen & Samuel Newlands, New Essays on Leibniz’s Theodicy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  35.  43
    (1 other version)Thematic Files-the reception of euclid's elements during the middle ages and the renaissance-the euclidian theory of proportions in Pietro mengoli's geometriae speciosae elementa of 1659.Maria Rosa Massa Esteve - 2003 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 56 (2):457-474.
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    Unveiling AI in the courtroom: exploring ChatGPT’s impact on judicial decision-making through a pilot Colombian case study.Riccardo Perona & Yezid Carrillo de la Rosa - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    This article examines the impact of ChatGPT on judicial reasoning, focusing on a recent Colombian case where the judge utilized ChatGPT in the decision-making process. The case, decided in January 2023, provides a unique “pilot case study” on the subject, as the judge, in the decision, openly referenced the questions he posed to ChatGPT and the responses of the system. The article explores the case’s implications, the initial reactions to it, and its meaning and implications within the evolving Colombian legal (...)
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    Tensions between feminist principles and the demand for prostitution in the neoliberal age: a critical analysis of sex buyer’s discourse.Rosa M. Senent Julián - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):109-128.
    In the age of neoliberalism, feminists strongly disagree on the ideal legal status of prostitution while the pro-prostitution lobby endeavours to keep their male-dominated business running smoothly. Feminist debates should be concerned with the sex buyers' belief system about women, which is likely to have practical consequences in the way they behave with women (prostituted and non-prostituted) in terms of sexuality and, therefore, for feminist purposes of equality, on a broader scale. A Critical Discourse Analysis of buyer-authored online reviews of (...)
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    Family Leisure, Self-Management, and Satisfaction in Spanish Youth.Rosa Ana Alonso Ruiz, María Ángeles Valdemoros San Emeterio, Magdalena Sáenz de Jubera Ocón & Eva Sanz Arazuri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The role of symbolic language in the transformation of mathematics.Massa Esteve & Maria Rosa - 2012 - Philosophica 87 (4).
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    Modern Philosophers and Lectures on Bergson.Alma Rosa Thorne - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (6):670.
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    La memoria histórica y democrática en los currículos LOMLOE de Educación Primaria de las comunidades autónomas españolas.Carmen Rosa García-Ruiz & Roberto García-Morís - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:1-18.
    Una novedad relevante en la LOMLOE es la introducción de la memoria democrática como una nueva dimensión de la Educación para la Ciudadanía, con el objeto de promover la participación ciudadana en la vida pública. Sin embargo, el trabajo de Navarro-Medina, De Alba-Fernández y Pérez-Rodríguez (2023), señalando la ausencia en el actual currículo de conceptos clave como dictadura, franquismo, régimen totalitario, persecución, exilio o sublevación, nos sitúa en la tesitura de valorar las interpretaciones que han realizado de la actual ley (...)
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  42. Theory and Praxis in Leibniz’s Theological Thought.Maria Rosa Antognazza - forthcoming - In Irena Backus, Wenchao Li & Hartmut Rudolph, G. W. Leibniz im Lichte der Theologien [Leibniz in the Light of Theology]. Steiner.
    This paper re-assesses the place of theology in Leibniz’s thought focusing on the relationship between theory and praxis. It takes as its point of departure a general conclusion established in previous work, namely that Leibniz’s key formulations of his overarching plan for the reform and advancement of all the sciences, are devoted to a set of objectives which is both shaped by broadly theological concerns and ultimately practical. Against this backdrop, the discussion will then turn to an exploration of how (...)
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    Paisajes desplazados, relatos múltiples y el mito como posibilidad. Dos propuestas de Naomi Rincón Gallardo.Natalia De la Rosa - 2024 - Valenciana 34:303-328.
    Naomi Rincón Gallardo (Carolina de Norte, 1979) realizó la Trilogía de la cuevas, un ciclo de video musical y performances compuesta por El viaje del formol (2017), Sangre pesada (2018) y Resiliencia tlacuache (2019). A partir de investigaciones llevadas a cabo entre Zacatecas y Oaxaca, Rincón Gallardo propone una forma de narración ficcional dedicada a mostrar subjetividades no normativas e historias enmarcadas en disputas socio-ambientales. Ante el despojo, la violencia y los neoexractivismos que enmarcan a la minería, esta artista interdisciplinar (...)
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    Reconsidering Morphology Through an Experimental Case Study.Alessandro Minelli, Rocco Micciolo, Mara Rosa, Paolo Chistè, Luisa Canal & Liliana Albertazzi - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (3):131-141.
    This study analyzes shells of marine gastropods of a zoological museum and the Latin epithets expressing perceptual and connotative attributes that they have received in the standard, Linnaean nomenclature. Making use of the Osgood semantic differential, we presented the subjects with digital 3-D reproductions of the shell specimens to be subjectively evaluated according to 17 pairs of attributes. The results show that, overall, the subjective evaluations given by the subjects are consistent, which suggests that an intersubjective characterization of the shells (...)
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    El concepto de ironía en la estética de Friedrich Schlegel: contexto y recepción.Rosa Benéitez Andrés - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 67:39.
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  46. Arguments for the Existence of God: The Continental European Debate.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2006 - In The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy, Volume 2. Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter argues that the outbreak of the Protestant Reformation undermined the Christian consensus that unaided human reason could prove God’s existence. As a consequence the issue of the provability of God in principle gained new prominence and had to be addressed in the first instance before entering the discussion of specific proofs of His existence. On the basis of the answers given to the preliminary question of the provability of God’s existence, the chapter discusses eighteenth-century reformulations of a priori (...)
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    Trinità e incarnazione: il rapporto tra filosofia e teologia rivelata nel pensiero di Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 1999 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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    Coaches’ Corrective Feedback, Psychological Needs, and Subjective Vitality in Mexican Soccer Players.José Tristán, Rosa María Ríos-Escobedo, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Jorge Zamarripa, Miguel A. Narváez & Octavio Alvarez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the sport context, an essential aspect of an athlete’s development and performance happens during the interaction with the coach while receiving information on the aspects of performance that need to be modified. Grounded in the Self-Determination Theory and particularly on the basic psychological needs theory, a structural equation model was tested with the following sequence: perception of the amount of corrective feedback generated by the coach, perceived legitimacy of corrective feedback, satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and vitality in soccer (...)
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    Habit, Gesture and the History of Ideas.Giovanni Maddalena & Simone Bernardi Della Rosa - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):40.
    This paper explores the intertwinement of ontology and history that happened after the idealist turn of Kantian transcendentalism, particularly in classic German idealism and later in American pragmatism. The paper focuses on the less remarked-upon consequence of this intertwinement, namely the possibility of a new reading of history based on changes in concepts and habitual mentality. The paper proposes a new take on historiography that vindicates Hegel’s insight but changes his approach to a pragmatist one, more apt to face historical (...)
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    Arthur Danto e Gianni Vattimo: Fim da Arte, Mass Media e Estetização.Cláudia Dalla Rosa Soares - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (9):36-46.
    Este artigo objetiva apresentar as interpretações de Arthur Danto e Gianni Vattimo sobre a questão “fim da arte”, introduzida por Hegel em seus Cursos de Estética. Segundo Danto há, no presente, uma transformação radical nas condições de produção das artes. As definições da arte não podem mais se fundamentar na inspeção direta das obras, exigindo uma mudança na forma de se refletir sobre a arte. O “vazio” das definições de arte no momento em que “tudo é permitido” traz a questão (...)
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