Results for 'Rose Kearney'

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  1. Knowledge entails dispositional belief.David Rose & Jonathan Schaffer - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (S1):19-50.
    Knowledge is widely thought to entail belief. But Radford has claimed to offer a counterexample: the case of the unconfident examinee. And Myers-Schulz and Schwitzgebel have claimed empirical vindication of Radford. We argue, in defense of orthodoxy, that the unconfident examinee does indeed have belief, in the epistemically relevant sense of dispositional belief. We buttress this with empirical results showing that when the dispositional conception of belief is specifically elicited, people’s intuitions then conform with the view that knowledge entails (dispositional) (...)
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  2. Folk intuitions of Actual Causation: A Two-Pronged Debunking Explanation.David Rose - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (5):1323-1361.
    How do we determine whether some candidate causal factor is an actual cause of some particular outcome? Many philosophers have wanted a view of actual causation which fits with folk intuitions of actual causation and those who wish to depart from folk intuitions of actual causation are often charged with the task of providing a plausible account of just how and where the folk have gone wrong. In this paper, I provide a range of empirical evidence aimed at showing just (...)
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    Fragments of Many-valued Statement Calculi.Alan Rose & John Barkley Rosser - 1958 - [S.N.].
  4. Cause and burn.David Rose, Eric Sievers & Shaun Nichols - 2021 - Cognition 207 (104517):104517.
    Many philosophers maintain that causation is to be explicated in terms of a kind of dependence between cause and effect. These “dependence” theories are opposed by “production” accounts which hold that there is some more fundamental causal “oomph”. A wide range of experimental research on everyday causal judgments seems to indicate that ordinary people operate primarily with a dependence-based notion of causation. For example, people tend to say that absences and double preventers are causes. We argue that the impression that (...)
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  5. The neurobehavioral nature of fishes and the question of awareness and pain.J. D. Rose - 2002 - Reviews in Fisheries Science 10:1-38.
  6. Belief is prior to knowledge.David Rose - 2015 - Episteme 12 (3):385-399.
    Orthodoxy has it that knowledge is a composite of belief and non-mental factors. However, Timothy Williamson suggests that orthodoxy implies that the concept of belief is acquired before the concept of knowledge, whereas developmental data suggest the reverse. More recently, Jennifer Nagel reviews the psychological evidence, building a psychological case that the concept of knowledge emerges prior to belief. I assess the psychological state of the art and find support for the opposite conclusion. Overall the empirical evidence supports the orthodox (...)
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    The broken middle: out of our ancient society.Gillian Rose - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
    The Broken Middle offers a startlingly original rethinking of the modern philosophical tradition and fundamentally rejects the anti-philosophy and anti-theory of post-modernity. Extending across the disciplines from philosophy to theology, Judaica, law, social and political theory, literary criticism, feminism and architecture, this book stakes itself on a renewed potential for sustained critique. Against the grain of much contemporary thought, this work of criticism offers the reader a way beyond the spurious alternatives of "totalization" or acknowledgement of the "other". The Broken (...)
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  8. Deep trouble for the deep self.David Rose, Jonathan Livengood, Justin Sytsma & Edouard Machery - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (5):629 - 646.
    Chandra Sripada's (2010) Deep Self Concordance Account aims to explain various asymmetries in people's judgments of intentional action. On this account, people distinguish between an agent's active and deep self; attitude attributions to the agent's deep self are then presumed to play a causal role in people's intentionality ascriptions. Two judgments are supposed to play a role in these attributions?a judgment that specifies the attitude at issue and one that indicates that the attitude is robust (Sripada & Konrath, 2011). In (...)
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    Aristotleʼs Syllogistic.Lynn E. Rose - 1968 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
  10. Cognitive Science for the Revisionary Metaphysician.David Rose - 2019 - In Alvin I. Goldman & Brian P. McLaughlin, Metaphysics and Cognitive Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Many philosophers insist that the revisionary metaphysician—i.e., the metaphysician who offers a metaphysical theory which conflicts with folk intuitions—bears a special burden to explain why certain folk intuitions are mistaken. I show how evidence from cognitive science can help revisionist discharge this explanatory burden. Focusing on composition and persistence, I argue that empirical evidence indicates that the folk operate with a promiscuous teleomentalist view of composition and persistence. The folk view, I argue, deserves to be debunked. In this way, I (...)
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  11. Behavioral Circumscription and the Folk Psychology of Belief: A Study in Ethno-Mentalizing.David Rose, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour & Maurice Grinberg - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):193-203.
    Is behavioral integration (i.e., which occurs when a subjects assertion that p matches her non-verbal behavior) a necessary feature of belief in folk psychology? Our data from nearly 6,000 people across twenty-six samples, spanning twenty-two countries suggests that it is not. Given the surprising cross-cultural robustness of our findings, we suggest that the types of evidence for the ascription of a belief are, at least in some circumstances, lexicographically ordered: assertions are first taken into account, and when an agent sincerely (...)
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    Destutt de Tracy: philosophie du langage et science de l'homme.Rose Goetz - 1993 - Genève: Librairie Droz.
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  13. Corporate Directors and Social Responsibility: Ethics versus Shareholder Value.Jacob M. Rose - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (3):319-331.
    This paper reports on the results of an experiment conducted with experienced corporate directors. The study findings indicate that directors employ prospective rationality cognition, and they sometimes make decisions that emphasize legal defensibility at the expense of personal ethics and social responsibility. Directors recognize the ethical and social implications of their decisions, but they believe that current corporate law requires them to pursue legal courses of action that maximize shareholder value. The results suggest that additional ethics education will have little (...)
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  14. Behavioral Circumscription and the Folk Psychology of Belief: A Study in Ethno-Mentalizing.Rose David, Machery Edouard, Stich Stephen, Alai Mario, Angelucci Adriano, Berniūnas Renatas, E. Buchtel Emma, Chatterjee Amita, Cheon Hyundeuk, Cho In‐Rae, Cohnitz Daniel, Cova Florian, Dranseika Vilius, Lagos Ángeles Eraña, Ghadakpour Laleh, Grinberg Maurice, Hannikainen Ivar, Hashimoto Takaaki, Horowitz Amir, Hristova Evgeniya, Jraissati Yasmina, Kadreva Veselina, Karasawa Kaori, Kim Hackjin, Kim Yeonjeong, Lee Minwoo, Mauro Carlos, Mizumoto Masaharu, Moruzzi Sebastiano, Y. Olivola Christopher, Ornelas Jorge, Osimani Barbara, Romero Carlos, Rosas Alejandro, Sangoi Massimo, Sereni Andrea, Songhorian Sarah, Sousa Paulo, Struchiner Noel, Tripodi Vera, Usui Naoki, del Mercado Alejandro Vázquez, Volpe Giorgio, A. Vosgerichian Hrag, Zhang Xueyi & Zhu Jing - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):193-203.
    Is behavioral integration a necessary feature of belief in folk psychology? Our data from over 5,000 people across 26 samples, spanning 22 countries suggests that it is not. Given the surprising cross-cultural robustness of our findings, we argue that the types of evidence for the ascription of a belief are, at least in some circumstances, lexicographically ordered: assertions are first taken into account, and when an agent sincerely asserts that p, nonlinguistic behavioral evidence is disregarded. In light of this, we (...)
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    Cumulative semantic interference for associative relations in language production.Sebastian Benjamin Rose & Rasha Abdel Rahman - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):20-31.
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    Freedom of Association and the Temporal Coordination Problem.Julie L. Rose - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):261-276.
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    Expanding the role of the future zoo: Wellbeing should become the fifth aim for modern zoos.Paul E. Rose & Lisa M. Riley - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Zoos and aquariums have an enormous global reach and hence an ability to craft meaningful conservation action for threatened species, implement educational strategies to encourage human engagement, development and behavior change, and conduct scientific research to enhance the husbandry, roles and impacts of the living collection. The recreational role of the zoo is also vast- people enjoy visiting the zoo and this is often a shared experience amongst family and friends. Evaluating how the zoo influences this “captive audience” and extending (...)
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    Cognitive and neural plasticity in older adults’ prospective memory following training with the Virtual Week computer game.Nathan S. Rose, Peter G. Rendell, Alexandra Hering, Matthias Kliegel, Gavin M. Bidelman & Fergus I. M. Craik - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    (1 other version)Femininity and its Discontents.Jacqueline Rose - 1983 - Feminist Review 14 (1):5-21.
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    Before European Hegemony: The World System, A. D. 1250-1350.Linda Rose & Janet L. Abu-Lughod - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):135.
  21.  12
    The Making of Memory: From Molecules to Mind.Steven Rose - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (1):181-182.
  22.  66
    Consciousness: philosophical, psychological and neural theories.David Rose - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical approaches -- The history of the mind-body problem -- The philosophy of neuroscience -- Recent advances in functionalism I : homuncular functionalism -- Recent advances in functionalism II : teleological functionalism -- Representation and the physical basis of mental content -- Conscious and unconscious representations -- Brain dynamics, attention and movement -- Memory and perception -- The where and when of visual experience -- Multiple types of consciousness.
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  23. A theology of failure: Žižek against Christian innocence.Marika Rose - 2019 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    Failing -- Ontology and desire in Dionysius the Areopagite -- Apophatic theology and its vicissitudes -- The death drive: from Freud to Žižek -- The gift and violence -- Divine violence as trauma -- Mystical theology and the four discourses -- Theology as failure.
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    Countering a counter-intuitive probability.Lynn E. Rose - 1972 - Philosophy of Science 39 (4):523-524.
    Professor Copi provides us with the following example:Remove all cards except aces and kings from a deck, so that only eight cards remain, of which four are aces and four are kings. From this abbreviated deck, deal two cards to a friend. If he looks at his cards and announces that his hand contains an ace, what is the probability that both his cards are aces? If he announces instead that one of his cards is the ace of spades, what (...)
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    Engineering the Human Soul: Analyzing Psychological Expertise.Nikolas Rose - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):351-369.
    The ArgumentIn the liberal democratic capitalist societies of “the West,” psychological know-how has made itself indispensable, not only in the regulation of domains from the factory to the family but also in the ethical systems according to which citizens live their lives. We cannot fully understand the role that psychology has come to play in terms of the application of science, the diffusion of ideas, or the entrepreneurial activities of a profession. Rather, we need to see psychology as making possible (...)
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    Dequantifying diversity: affirmative action and admissions at the University of Michigan.Fiona Rose-Greenland, Ellen Berrey & Daniel Hirschman - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (3):265-301.
    To explore the limits of quantification as a form of rationalization, we examine a rare case of dequantification: race-based affirmative action in undergraduate admissions at the University of Michigan. Michigan adopted a policy of holistically reviewing undergraduate applications in 2003, after the US Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional its points-based admissions policy. Using archival and ethnographic data, we trace the adoption, evolution, and undoing of Michigan’s quantified system of admissions decision-making between 1964 and 2004. In a context in which opponents of (...)
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  27. Experimental Metaphysics.David Rose (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume brings together a range of views aimed at addressing the question of how cognitive science might be relevant to metaphysics.
  28.  16
    Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant.Deborah Bird Rose - unknown
    A portrait of Australian flying fox life in the Anthropocene illuminates startlingly familiar stories. These animals are participants in most of the major catastrophic events, as well as contestations about rescue, of contemporary life on Earth: warfare, man-made mass death, famine, urbanisation, emerging diseases, climate change, biosecurity, conservation, and local/international NGO aid. They are endangered, and are involved in all four of the major factors causing extinctions: habitat loss, overexploitation, introduced species, and extinction cascades. My account of flying foxes in (...)
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    A Note on the Euthyphro, 10-11.Lynn E. Rose - 1965 - Phronesis 10 (2):149-150.
  30. Beyond masculinist realities: A feminist epistemology for the sciences.Hilary Rose - 1986 - In Ruth Bleier, Feminist approaches to science. New York: Pergamon Press. pp. 57--76.
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    Cause for Optimism: Engaging in a Vital Conversation About Online Learning.Ellen Rose - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):373-376.
    This commentary responds to the suggestion that we can humanize online university education through the design decisions we make about it. It offers several reasons why the suggestion may be unrealistic, given that choice in online course design is increasingly narrowed by the prevalence of relatively powerless part-time instructors, student preference for convenient online offerings, and the use of learning management systems. However, if our design decisions are constrained, it becomes all the more important that we engage in critical conversations (...)
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    Normality and Pathology in a Biological Age.Nicolas Rose - 2001 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3 (1):19-33.
    The article is the text of a lecture given at the Faculty of the Humanities, March 2001. It argues that one implication of recent advances in the sciences of life may be that the binary opposition of the normal and the pathological is put into question. Canguilheim’s distinction between vital and social norms is challenged and superseded by a Foucauldian genealogical approach to programs for the government of individuals, and the norms of life that emerged in the nineteenth and twentieth (...)
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    Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God with James Wood, Catherine Keller, Charles Taylor, Julia Kristeva, Gianni Vattimo, Simon Critchley, Jean-Luc Marion, John Caputo, David Tracey, Jens Zimmermann, and Merold Westphal.Richard Kearney & Jens Zimmermann (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary conversations about religion and culture are framed by two reductive definitions of secularity. In one, multiple faiths and nonfaiths coexist free from a dominant belief in God. In the other, we deny the sacred altogether and exclude religion from rational thought and behavior. But is there a third way for those who wish to rediscover the sacred in a skeptical society? What kind of faith, if any, can be proclaimed after the ravages of the Holocaust and the many religion-based (...)
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    Filosofía Cosmogónica de la Evolución Emergente de C. S. Peirce: Derivando Algo de la Nada.Philip Rose - 2016 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 12:123-142.
    Peirce’s cosmogonic philosophy of Nature represents a radical rethinking of the idea of emergence, replacing the traditional metaphysics of mechanism that was dominant within the science of the day with the idea of a chance world as the base or grounding condition of the general order of Nature. The result is a novel and potentially revolutionary account of emergent evolution that sees both the conditions of mechanism and generalized conformity to law as emergent conditions that come into being through evolutionary (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Marx's lost aesthetic.Margaret A. Rose - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (1):130-130.
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  36. Teleology and generics.David Rose, Siying Zhang, Qi Han & Tobias Gerstenberg - forthcoming - Proceedings of the 45Th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
    Generic statements, such as "Bees are striped" are thought to be a central vehicle by which essentialist beliefs are transmitted. But work on generics and essentialism almost never focuses on the type of properties mentioned in generic statements. We test the hypothesis that teleological properties, what something is for, affect categorization judgments more strongly than behavioral, biological, or social properties. In Experiment 1, participants categorized properties as being either behavioral, biological, social, or teleological. In Experiment 2, we used the top (...)
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    Teaching kindness: The promise of humane education.Rose Arbour, Tania Signal & Nicola Taylor - 2009 - Society and Animals 17 (2):136-148.
    Although the popularity of Humane Education Programs as a method of teaching compassion and caring for all living beings is increasing, there is a need for rigorous, methodologically sound research evaluating the efficacy of HEP. Recent calls for the inclusion of HEP within broader humanistic, environmental, and social justice frameworks underline the importance of HEP beyond a simple “treatment of animals” model. Lack of methodological rigor in the majority of published HEP studies and dispersal across disparate fields , however, means (...)
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    Accès à la parentalité et isolement familial La nouvelle solitude des parents.Rose-Angélique Belot, Delphine Vennat, Annick Moissenet, Annick Bluon-Vannier, Vanessa Herse, Francine de Montigny, Carl Lacharité & Denis Mellier - 2013 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 199 (1):7-18.
    Alors que l’anthropologie montre que la naissance est d’abord un événement communautaire, actuellement des parents se retrouvent de plus en plus profondément seuls et démunis devant leur bébé. Ce phénomène est l’objet d’une recherche en cours qui essaie d’évaluer après la naissance les effets de l’isolement familial des parents sur la vie psychique du bébé lors de sa première année. Dans le cas clinique qui illustre ici cette « nouvelle solitude » des parents, les forums d’internet tentent de relayer la (...)
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  39. Teleological essentialism across development.Rose David, Sara Jaramillo, Shaun Nichols & Zachary Horne - forthcoming - Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
    Do young children have a teleological conception of the essence of natural kinds? We tested this by examining how the preservation or alteration of an animal’s purpose affected children’s persistence judgments (N = 40, ages 4 - 12, Mean Age = 7.04, 61% female). We found that even when surface-level features of an animal (e.g., a bee) were preserved, if the entity’s purpose changed (e.g., the bee now spins webs), children were more likely to categorize the entity as a member (...)
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    Bodin and the great God of nature: the moral and religious universe of a Judaiser.Paul Lawrence Rose - 1980 - Genève: Droz.
  41.  16
    On Whitehead.Philip Rose - 2002 - Cengage Learning.
    This brief text assists students in understanding Whitehead's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the Wadsworth Notes Series, (which will eventually consist of approximately 100 titles, each focusing on a single "thinker" from ancient times to the present), ON WHITEHEAD is written by a philosopher deeply versed in the philosophy of this key thinker. Like other books in the series, this concise book offers (...)
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  42. All-affected, non-identity and the political representation of future generations : linking intergenerational justice with democracy.Michael Rose - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba, Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Commentary on Singh: Not Robots: children's perspectives on authenticity, moral agency and stimulant drug treatments.Steven Rose - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):371-371.
    Singh's study of 150 UK and US children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and prescribed psychotropic medication concludes on the basis of interviews with the children that ‘stimulants improve their capacity for moral agency … an ability to meet normative expectations’.1 Reinterpreted in lay language, she finds that, when taking Ritalin, the children conform to the wishes and expectations of their parents and teachers. They get better grades at school and show less ‘oppositional-defiance’. This is not surprising as it (...)
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  44. Danto on perception.Sam Rose & Bence Nanay - 2022 - In Jonathan Gilmore & Lydia Goehr, Blackwell Companion to Arthur Danto. Blackwell. pp. 92-101.
    Jerry Fodor wrote the following assessment of Danto’s importance in 1993: “Danto has done something I’ve been very much wanting to do: namely, reconsider some hard problems in aesthetics in the light of the past 20 years or so of philosophical work on intentionality and representation” (Fodor 1993, p. 41). Fodor is absolutely right: some of Danto’s work could be thought of as the application of some influential ideas about perception that Fodor also shared. The problem is that these ideas (...)
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    Truth and consequences in James “The Will To Believe”.Rose Ann Christian - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 58 (1):1-26.
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    Anchises and Aphrodite.H. J. Rose - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (1):11-16.
    This ancient tale has naturally been recognized by modern scholars for what it is—a story of the Great Mother and her paramour; but several features appear to me to have been given less examination than they deserve, in view of their own peculiarity and the obvious antiquity of the myth. That it is pre-Greek is fairly clear from the names of the principal actors. Anchises yields no tolerable meaning in Greek, and we do not know to what speech it belongs—possibly (...)
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    Computer Logic.Alan Rose - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):381-382.
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    Do authorship policies impact students' judgments of perceived wrongdoing?Mary R. Rose & Karla Fischer - 1998 - Ethics and Behavior 8 (1):59 – 79.
    Although authorship policies exist, researchers understand little about their impact on perceptions of authorship scenarios. Graduate students (N = 277) at a large university read 1 of 3 vignettes about a graduate student-faculty collaboration. One half of the surveys included the American Psychological Association's statement on authorship. Participants rated (a) the ethics of the professor as first author and (b) the likelihood of a dissatisfied student reporting the authorship result, as well as the effectiveness and negative consequences of reporting. Work (...)
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  49. Birth Fathers: Unequal Power and Myth in the Terry Achance Case.Rose Mary Volbrecht - 2014 - Pediatric Nursing 40 (Mar/Apr):99-102.
    In the Terry Achane case, a birth father who was in the military was not notified when his child's birth mother put up their child for adoption. Birth fathers are often stereotyped as uninvolved and irresponsible, especially when they are not married to the birth mother. Terry Achane was married. The adoption agency made little effort to contact him, raising ethical issues about the roles played by the race, economic status, and perhaps religious beliefs of the adopting parents.
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    Mortals Lay Down Trusting to be True.Rose Cherubin - 2017 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):251-271.
    The goddess’s speech in Parmenides’s fragments is framed by the opinions of mortals in at least two ways. First, the journey of the proem starts in the world described by mortals’ opinions, and the second part of the goddess’s speech explores those opinions. Second, throughout her speech, the goddess invokes features of the world according to mortals’ opinions—negation, coming-to-be, destruction—even when she is arguing for a road of inquiry that excludes those features. Further, we study the fragments by means of (...)
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