Results for 'Ryan Robinson'

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  1.  9
    Anthem Companions to Sociology. [REVIEW]Matthew Ryan Robinson - 2018 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (1):163-168.
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    Redeeming Relationship, Relationships that Redeem: Free Sociability and the Completion of Humanity in the Thought of Friedrich Schleiermacher.Matthew Ryan Robinson - 2018 - Tübingen: Boston.
    A renewed focus on the role of interpersonal relationships in the cultivation of religious sensibilities is emerging in the study of religion. Matthew Ryan Robinson addresses this question in his study of Friedrich Schleiermacher's notion of "free sociability." In Schleiermacher's ethics, the human person is formed in and consists of intimate, tightly interconnecting relationships with others. Schleiermacher describes this sociability as a natural tendency prompted by experiences of physical and existential limitation that lead one to look to others (...)
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    Net versus relative impacts in public policy automation: a conjoint analysis of attitudes of Black Americans.Ryan Kennedy, Amanda Austin, Michael Adams, Carroll Robinson & Peter Salib - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The use of algorithms and automated systems, especially those leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), has been exploding in the public sector, but their use has been controversial. Ethicists, public advocates, and legal scholars have debated whether biases in AI systems should bar their use or if the potential net benefits, especially toward traditionally disadvantaged groups, justify even greater expansion. While this debate has become voluminous, no scholars of which we are aware have conducted experiments with the groups affected by these policies (...)
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    Establishing a Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention Among Veterans Experiencing Homelessness.Maurand Robinson, Ryan Holliday, Lindsey L. Monteith, John R. Blosnich, Eric B. Elbogen, Lillian Gelberg, Dina Hooshyar, Shawn Liu, D. Keith McInnes, Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Jack Tsai, Riley Grassmeyer & Lisa A. Brenner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Suicide among Veterans experiencing or at risk for homelessness remains a significant public health concern. Conducting research to understand and meet the needs of this at-risk population remains challenging due to myriad factors. To address this challenge, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs convened the Health Services Research and Development Suicide Prevention in Veterans Experiencing Homelessness: Research and Practice Development meeting, bringing together subject-matter experts in the fields of homelessness and suicide prevention, both from within and outside of VA. (...)
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    Understanding Personality and Predicting Outcomes: The Utility of Cognitive-Behavioral Probes of Approach and Avoidance Motivation.Michael D. Robinson, Ryan L. Boyd & Tianwei Liu - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (3):303-307.
    Approach and avoidance motivation may represent important explanatory constructs in understanding how individuals differ. Such constructs have primarily been assessed in self-reported terms, but there are limitations to self-reports of motivation. Accordingly, the present review concentrates on the potential utility of implicit cognitive-behavioral probes of approach and avoidance motivation in modeling and understanding individual differences. The review summarizes multiple lines of research that have documented the utility of such probes to the personality-processing interface. Although multiple gaps in our knowledge exist, (...)
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    Vollendet: The Completion of Humanity, the Gospel of John, and the Intersubjective Soul of Schleiermacher’s Monologen.Matthew Ryan Robinson - 2017 - In Jörg Dierken & Arnulf Scheliha (eds.), Der Mensch Und Seine Seele: Bildung – Frömmigkeit – Ästhetik. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses der Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Münster, September 2015. De Gruyter. pp. 405-420.
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    Beyond Tolerance: Schleiermacher on Friendship, Sociability, and Lived Religion.Matthew Ryan Robinson & Kevin Vander Schel (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: Boston.
    The rise of populism and nationalism in the West have raised concerns about the fragility of liberal political values, chief among them tolerance. But what alternative social resources exist for cultivating the interpersonal relationships and mutual goodwill necessary for sustainable peace? And how might the lived practices of religious communities carry potential to reinterpret or re-circuit these interpersonal tensions and transform the relationship with the cultural "other" (Fremde) from "foe" (Feind) to "friend" (Freund)? This volume contributes a unique analysis of (...)
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    James Tuttle vs. Lakeland Community College.Ryan Robinson - 2004 - Teaching Ethics 4 (2):89-96.
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    Unendlich gebildet: Schleiermachers kritischer Religionsbegriff und seine inklusivistische Religionstheologie anhand der Erstauflage der RedenUnendlich gebildet: Schleiermachers kritischer Religionsbegriff und seine inklusivistische Religionstheologie anhand der Erstauflage der Reden. [REVIEW]Matthew Ryan Robinson - 2018 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 25 (1-2):293-297.
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation, Schleiermacher-Archiv. [REVIEW]Matthew Ryan Robinson - 2015 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):282-285.
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    Nineteenth-Century Lutheran Theologians, Refo500 Academic Studies, volume 31. [REVIEW]Matthew Ryan Robinson - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):296-299.
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  12. Horizons of grace: Marilynne Robinson and Simone Weil.Katy Ryan - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):349-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Horizons of Grace:Marilynne Robinson and Simone WeilKaty RyanThe sorrow is that every soul is put out of house.Marilynne Robinson1All of us, even the youngest, are in a situation like Socrates' when he was awaiting death in prison and learning to play the lyre.Simone Weil2Marilynne Robinson's first novel Housekeeping (1980) is a meditative and lyrical reflection on old themes: abandonment, loss, grief, renewal, hope, memory—what the narrator Ruth (...)
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    From mysticism to skepticism: Stylistic reform in seventeenth-century british philosophy and rhetoric.Ryan J. Stark - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (4):322-334.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.4 (2001) 322-334 [Access article in PDF] From Mysticism to Skepticism: Stylistic Reform inSeventeenth-century British Philosophy and Rhetoric Ryan J. Stark The idea of stylistic plainness captured the imaginations of philosophers in the seventeenth century. Francis Bacon's early attacks on "sweet falling clauses" and Thomas Sprat's invectives against "swellings of style" are especially quotable, and have been cited often by scholars from R. F. Jones (...)
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    Art and the Emotions: Debating the work of Jenefer Robinson[REVIEW]Ryan P. Doran & Shelby Moser - 2019 - Debates in Aesthetics 14:1-14.
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    Method, Techne and Auto-kinesis.Ryan Bishop - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (1).
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    Thomas Reid's theory of perception.Ryan Nichols - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Nichols offers the first comprehensive interpretation of the eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid's theory of perception - by far the most important feature of his philosophical system. Nichols's consummate knowledge of Reid's texts, lively examples, and plainspoken style make this book especially readable. It will be the definitive analysis for a long time to come.
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    Being with and Being for: Flourishing, Suffering, and Joy in a Ugandan Hospital.Ryan Gillespie - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (4):360-375.
    This article examines CURE Children’s Hospital of Uganda (CURE), a faith-based pediatric neurosurgery hospital in Sub-Saharan Africa, as a unique nexus of Western biomedical and holistic-spiritual healthcare in their philosophy, staff motivation, and delivery. Offering the concept of a healing narrative, the essential core of their practice is captured, I suggest, in the articulation and practice of a healing narrative of human flourishing, and we might productively think of the ethics of their clinical approach as premised on being with the (...)
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    Aristotle and the tradition of rhetorical argumentation.Eugene Ryan - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (3):291-296.
    The first part of this paper contends that argumentation is central and essential to Aristotle's Rhetoric, and recounts a number of arguments in support of that view, particularly the recognition that deliberative rhetoric or the rhetoric of counsel is the primary concern of Aristotle's work. The second part of the paper reviews the work that follows in this present volume to show that the other writers' views fit in perfectly with this thesis.
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    An Introduction to Philosophy.James Hugh Ryan - 1924 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
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    The Praetorship of L. Roscius Otho.F. Ryan - 1997 - Hermes 125 (2):236-240.
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  21. Big Data and reality.Ryan Shaw - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    DNA sequencers, Twitter, MRIs, Facebook, particle accelerators, Google Books, radio telescopes, Tumblr: what do these things have in common? According to the evangelists of “data science,” all of these are instruments for observing reality at unprecedentedly large scales and fine granularities. This perspective ignores the social reality of these very different technological systems, ignoring how they are made, how they work, and what they mean in favor of an exclusive focus on what they generate: Big Data. But no data, big (...)
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  22. The ontology of words: a structural approach.Ryan M. Nefdt - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (8):877-911.
    Words form a fundamental basis for our understanding of linguistic practice. However, the precise ontology of words has eluded many philosophers and linguists. A persistent difficulty for most accounts of words is the type-token distinction [Bromberger, S. 1989. “Types and Tokens in Linguistics.” In Reflections on Chomsky, edited by A. George, 58–90. Basil Blackwell; Kaplan, D. 1990. “Words.” Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume LXIV: 93–119]. In this paper, I present a novel account of words which differs from the atomistic and platonistic (...)
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    Existential Definability in Arithmetic.Julia Robinson - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):182-183.
  24.  80
    Attributional style in a case of Cotard delusion.Ryan McKay & Lisa Cipolotti - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):349-359.
    Young and colleagues . Betwixt life and death: case studies of the Cotard delusion. In P. W. Halligan & J. C. Marshall , Method in madness: Case studies in cognitive neuropsychiatry. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.) have suggested that cases of the Cotard delusion result when a particular perceptual anomaly occurs in the context of an internalising attributional style. This hypothesis has not previously been tested directly. We report here an investigation of attributional style in a 24-year-old woman with Cotard (...)
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    The Philosophies of F. R. Tennant and John Dewey.N. H. G. Robinson - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (8):275-276.
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    A Theory of the Culex.Robinson Ellis - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (04):177-183.
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    Models of misbelief: Integrating motivational and deficit theories of delusions.Ryan McKay, Robyn Langdon & Max Coltheart - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4):932-941.
    The impact of our desires and preferences upon our ordinary, everyday beliefs is well-documented [Gilovich, T. . How we know what isn’t so: The fallibility of human reason in everyday life. New York: The Free Press.]. The influence of such motivational factors on delusions, which are instances of pathological misbelief, has tended however to be neglected by certain prevailing models of delusion formation and maintenance. This paper explores a distinction between two general classes of theoretical explanation for delusions; the motivational (...)
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    The social and ethical impacts of artificial intelligence in agriculture: mapping the agricultural AI literature.Mark Ryan - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2473-2485.
    This paper will examine the social and ethical impacts of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the agricultural sector. It will identify what are some of the most prevalent challenges and impacts identified in the literature, how this correlates with those discussed in the domain of AI ethics, and are being implemented into AI ethics guidelines. This will be achieved by examining published articles and conference proceedings that focus on societal or ethical impacts of AI in the agri-food sector, through a (...)
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  29. The limits of limited-blockage Frankfurt-style cases.Michael Robinson - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (3):429-446.
    Philosophers employing Frankfurt-style cases to challenge the principle of alternative possibilities have mostly sought to construct scenarios that eliminate as many of an agent’s alternatives as possible—and all alternatives at the moment of action, within the agent’s control—without causally determining the agent’s actions. One of the chief difficulties for this traditional approach is that the closer one gets to ruling out absolutely all alternative possibilities the more it appears that agents’ actions in these cases are causally determined. “Limited-blockage” versions of (...)
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  30. The Nag Hammadi Library in English.James M. Robinson - 1977
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    Motivational Internalism and Disinterestedness.Ryan P. Doran - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics:ayae018.
    According to the most important objection to the existence of moral beauty, true judgements of moral beauty are not possible as moral judgements require being motivated to act in line with the moral judgement made, and judgements of beauty require not being motivated to act in any way. Here, I clarify the argument underlying the objection and demonstrate that it does not show that moral beauty does not exist. I present two responses: namely, that the beauty of moral beauty does (...)
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  32. The Ontological Significance of Foundherentism.Ryan Wasser - unknown
    From a pragmatic standpoint, there is great utility in proffering a theoretical "third way" to a traditionally binary problem, even if that third way is no more complicated than harnessing the strengths of two competing positions, and mitigating their weaknesses in an attempt to resolve the issue at hand. In continental philosophy, Ricour gained notoriety by utilizing such an approach in his treatment of the Gadamer and Habermas debates; Susan Haack achieved similar renown in her attempt to bridge the divide (...)
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  33. Into the Tempest: Essays on the New Global Capitalism.William I. Robinson - unknown
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    Kenotic Theologies and the Challenge of the ‘Anthropocene’: From Deep Incarnation to Interspecies Encounter.David S. Robinson & Jennifer Wotochek - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (2):209-222.
    As the detrimental effects of human agency loom large in the ‘Anthropocene’, theologians and philosophers have called for restraint by invoking the concept of kenosis. Although a ‘self-emptying’ form of life helps to counter the ways that humans are increasingly driving other species to extinction, we argue that such calls are often compromised by relying on notions of the Creator’s own attenuated or self-limited agency. They therefore trade in a competitive construal that is susceptible to the tendency of human agency (...)
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    Property persistence in the situation calculus.Ryan F. Kelly & Adrian R. Pearce - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (12-13):865-888.
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    New Directions in Corporate Governance and Finance.Lori Verstegen Ryan, Ann K. Buchholtz & Robert W. Kolb - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4):673-694.
    Corporate governance and finance are dynamic academic fields that offer myriad opportunities for business ethics analysis. Within the corporate governance triad in recent years, shareholders have increased their power over boards of directors and executives through both regulation and movements to change corporate by-laws. The impact of board characteristics on firm performance has proven elusive, leading to questions concerning board processes and individual director beliefs and behaviors. At the same time, CEOs have lost considerable power, leaving many struggling to regain (...)
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  37. The Effect of Organizational Forces on Individual Morality: Judgment, Moral Approbation, and Behavior.Lori Verstegen Ryan - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):431-445.
    Abstract:To date, our understanding of ethical decision making and behavior in organizations has been concentrated in the area of moral judgment, largely because of the hundreds of studies done involving cognitive moral development. This paper addresses the problem of our relative lack of understanding in other areas of human morality by applying a recently developed construct—moral approbation—to illuminate the link between moral judgment and moral action. This recent work is extended here by exploring the effect that organizations have on ethical (...)
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    Tragic Choices, Revisited: COVID-19 and the Hidden Ethics of Rationing.Maura A. Ryan - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (1):58-75.
    Early in the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, concern that there could be a shortage of ventilators raised the possibility of rationing care. Denying patients life-saving care captures our moral imagination, prompting the demand for a defensible framework of ethical principles for determining who will live and who will die. Behind the moral dilemma posed by the shortage of a particular medical good lies a broad moral geography encompassing important and often unarticulated societal values, as well as assumptions about (...)
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  39. (1 other version)América Latina: securitización de la política y guerra contra la ciudadanía y los movimientos populares.Robinson Salazar Pérez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 62 (2):139-162.
    La finalidad de este ensayo consiste en analizar la securitización de las políticas públicas en América Latina, en especial las de seguridad ciudadana, que esconden en su argumentación, logística, comportamiento y preparación y asuntos que tienen que ver con la guerra de baja intensidad para desestructurar y eliminar en otros casos, a lideres comunitarios y populares, además de ejercer el control de los movimientos populares con el ingrediente novedoso de incorporar al crimen organizado como soporte para efectuar asesinatos, facilitar el (...)
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    How Resistance Shapes Health and Well-Being.Ryan Essex - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):315-325.
    Resistance involves a range of actions such as disobedience, insubordination, misbehaviour, agitation, advocacy, subversion, and opposition. Action that occurs both publicly, privately, and day-to-day in the delivery of care, in discourse and knowledge. In this article I will demonstrate how resistance plays an important role in shaping health and well-being, for better and worse. To show how it can be largely productive and protective, I will argue that resistance intersects with health in at least two ways. First, it acts as (...)
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    Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. Souvenir Volume.Daniel S. Robinson - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (2):281-282.
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    Minutes of Organization Meeting.James H. Ryan - 1926 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 1:3-8.
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    Hypothesis-testing of the Humanities: The Hard and Soft Humanities As Two Emerging Cultures.Ryan Nichols - 2015 - Southwest Philosophy Review 31 (1):1-19.
    Scholars employing ossified ‘close reading’ methods generate countless articles that drop down into a gravity vortex, circling themselves for a self-referential eternity. After arguing that the study of texts in the humanities, especially literature and philosophy, makes no progress, I set this controversy in the light of a distinction between the Soft and Hard Humanities. This is not an a priori argument from an ivory tower. Rather than tell, I show. I present data from the testing of a hypothesis drawn (...)
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    L'existentialisme et la vie philosophique aux états-unis.Edward Schouten Robinson, Richard T. De George, Joseph J. Russel & Gérard Deledalle - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (2):265-274.
  45.  21
    The Relative Efficiencies of Distributed and Concentrated Study in Memorizing.E. S. Robinson - 1921 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 4 (5):327.
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    Textual notes on Plato's Sophist.David B. Robinson - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):139-160.
    In editing Plato's Sophist for the new OCT vol. I, ed. E. A. Duke, W. F. Hicken, W. S. M. Nicoll, D. B. Robinson, and J. C. G. Strachan , there was less chance of giving novel information about W = Vind. Supp. Gr. 7 for this dialogue than for others in the volume, since Apelt's edition of 1897 was used by Burnet in 1900 and was based on Apelt's own collation of W. The result was better than the (...)
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    J. S. Mill.Alan Ryan - 1974 - Mind 86 (343):450-452.
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  48. Combating Corruption.Leo V. Ryan - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):331-338.
    Combating and overcoming corruption in business and in political affairs is one of the most important issues facing business and professional ethics in the 21st century. That corruption exists is a fact. That corruption is widespread and spreading is a commonperception. Many believe that corruption is culturally induced. Some believe corruption to be so much a part of the fabric of some societies as to be unquestioned and unassailable. Or, is it simply a myth that corruption is a matter of (...)
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    Deliberative Business Ethics.Ryan Burg - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S4):665 - 683.
    Social norms are an important input for ethical decisions in any business context. However, the cross-cultural discovery of extant social norms presents a special challenge to international management because norms may be inscrutable to outsiders. This article considers the contribution of Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) to the analysis of social norms in business ethics. It questions the origins and dynamics of norms from a sociological perspective, and identifies a tension between prescriptive efforts to make norms obligatory and positivist accounts (...)
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    Trust: A recipe.Shane Ryan - 2018 - Think 17 (50):113-125.
    Trust is relevant to discussions across a range of areas in philosophy, including social epistemology, ethics, political theory, and action theory. It’s also the sort of thing that tends to matter a lot in our personal lives. We want romantic partners, friends, employers, and others to trust us. I argue that trust requires belief on the part of the trustor in the competence of the trustee to perform the relevant action, as well as the trustor's approval of what she believes (...)
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