Results for 'Sérgio Eduardo Montes Castanho'

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  1.  17
    Amizade cúmplice.Sérgio Eduardo Montes Castanho - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (2):5.
    Conheci Rubem Alves pelo Sigrist. Não foi aqui na academia. Foi pelos cantos e recantos desta Campinas. Alves e Sigrist foram colegas de magistério universitário em Rio Claro primeiro, nesta casa depois. Foram muito próximos até que a vida os separasse.
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    A possível interlocução entre Foucault e o sistema prisional no Brasil.Abraão Lincoln Costa & Sérgio Eduardo Rockenbach - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (1).
    Com as frequentes tragédias ocorridas no âmbito das instituições prisionais no Brasil, surge a necessidade de debater a crise penitenciária e identificar as suas possíveis causas. O artigo propõe uma análise da falência da pena de prisão sob a abordagem das teorias do filósofo Michel Foucault, contidas principalmente em sua obra Vigiar e Punir: história da violência nas prisões. Utilizando-se de método similar ao do próprio autor, serão realizadas comparações de medidas punitivas anteriores à reforma penal com a conjuntura do (...)
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  3. Da Universidade modelo aos modelos de universidade.Sérgio Castanho - 2002 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 4 (1):p - 27.
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    Analysis and Characterization of the Spread of COVID-19 in Mexico through Complex Networks and Optimization Approaches.Edwin Montes-Orozco, Roman-Anselmo Mora-Gutiérrez, Sergio-Gerardo de-los-Cobos-Silva, Eric A. Rincón-García, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Andrade & Pedro Lara-Velázquez - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This work analyzes and characterizes the spread of the COVID-19 disease in Mexico, using complex networks and optimization approaches. Specifically, we present two methodologies based on the principle of the rupture for the GC and Newton's law of motion to quantify the robustness and identify the Mexican municipalities whose population causes a fast spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Specifically, the first methodology is based on several characteristics of the original version of the Vertex Separator Problem, and the second is based (...)
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    Recomendaciones bioéticas para la pandemia, una perspectiva personalista.Nestor Daniel Ramirez Borrero, Mónica Andrea Corredor Niño & Sergio Eduardo Navas Gutierrez - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2515-2515.
    The health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic revealed limitations in health systems worldwide, making it necessary to establish a bioethical framework that provides tools to drive health professionals’ decision-making amid scarce health resources. Bioethical models such as principlism, utilitarianism, and personalism seek to focus clinical decisions on respect for people’s rights and dignity, thus protecting the medical practice. Personalism provides a person-centered approach to respect for human dignity during health emergencies to avoid giving material meaning to the individual. Decision (...)
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    Design and Implementation Factors for Performance Measurement in Non-profit Organizations: A Literature Review.Fernanda T. Treinta, Louisi F. Moura, José M. Almeida Prado Cestari, Edson Pinheiro de Lima, Fernando Deschamps, Sergio Eduardo Gouvea da Costa, Eileen M. Van Aken, Juliano Munik & Luciana R. Leite - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose: Performance measurement systems (PMS) in Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) are more complex than in for-profit organizations. NPOs have an orientation towards social mission and values, and they consider not only organizational efficiency and viability, but also the social impact of the organization. This research provides a comprehensive synthesis of PMSs in NPOs. Design/methodology/approach: Using a literature review, supported by bibliometric and network analyses. A paper set of 240 articles related to this research field is examined. Topics that are the most (...)
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  7.  71
    Neogenomic events challenge current models of heritability, neuronal plasticity dynamics, and machine learning.Cláudio Eduardo Corrêa Teixeira, Nelson Monte de Carvalho-Filho & Luiz Carlos de Lima Silveira - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):379-380.
    We address current needs for neogenomics-based theoretical and computational approaches for several neuroscience research fields, from investigations of heritability properties, passing by investigations of spatiotemporal dynamics in the neuromodulatory microcircuits involved in perceptual learning and attentional shifts, to the application of genetic algorithms to create robots exhibiting ongoing emergence.
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    Um encontro Saussure-Bakhtin na episteme.Luiz Eduardo Mendes Batista & Stefania Montes Henriques - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (1):74-97.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we intend to start from certain reinterpretations that have been made about the Saussurean construct on the langue object, taking as a basis mainly the relational notion of system, the linguistic value, to then create possibilities of dialogue with the axiological perspective of langue present in Mikhail Bakhtin. Such perspective in this author takes shape in the concept of heteroglossia and discourse genres, in which this object must be understood in terms of social and historical relations. (...)
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  9.  33
    Acercamiento a modalidades de participación ciudadana y conflictos ambientales en el municipio de Sabaneta.María Teresa Castrillón Alzate, Carolina Montes Rojas & Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (13):137-159.
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  10.  58
    Cacao cultivation as a livelihood strategy: contributions to the well-being of Colombian rural households.Héctor Eduardo Hernández-Núñez, Isabel Gutiérrez-Montes, Angie Paola Bernal-Núñez, Gustavo Adolfo Gutiérrez-García, Juan Carlos Suárez, Fernando Casanoves & Cornelia Butler Flora - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):201-216.
    Cacao cultivation is one of the most important livelihoods for rural households in Colombia, where it is promoted as a substitute for the illegal cultivation of coca. To strengthen Colombian cacao farming, it is important to understand the livelihood strategies associated with cacao cultivation and the impact of these different strategies on the well-being of Colombian rural households. We analyzed the impact of cacao cultivation on the livelihood strategies and well-being of rural households in western Colombia. Research with 92 rural (...)
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  11.  8
    Contribution of local knowledge in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) to the well‑being of cocoa families in Colombia: a response from the relationship.Gustavo Adolfo Gutiérrez Garcia, Isabel Gutiérrez-Montes, Juan Carlos Suárez Salazar, Fernando Casanoves, David Ricardo Gutiérrez Suárez, Héctor Eduardo Hernández-Núñez, Cornelia Butler Flora & Nicole Sibelet - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-24.
    The concept of well-being of rural families is part of a theory under construction in which new theoretical elements are constantly being incorporated. This research aims to determine the influence of farmers’ knowledge on the well‑being of cocoa growing families in the departments of Santander, Huila, Meta and Caquetá, Colombia. Four categories of farmers were identified with different levels of knowledge in the management of cocoa cultivation obtained through a cluster analysis. The well-being of cocoa farmers, understood as the balance (...)
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    Contribution of local knowledge in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) to the well‑being of cocoa families in Colombia: a response from the relationship.Gustavo Adolfo Gutiérrez Garcia, Isabel Gutiérrez-Montes, Juan Carlos Suárez Salazar, Fernando Casanoves, David Ricardo Gutiérrez Suárez, Héctor Eduardo Hernández-Núñez, Cornelia Butler Flora & Nicole Sibelet - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):461-484.
    The concept of well-being of rural families is part of a theory under construction in which new theoretical elements are constantly being incorporated. This research aims to determine the influence of farmers’ knowledge on the well‑being of cocoa growing families in the departments of Santander, Huila, Meta and Caquetá, Colombia. Four categories of farmers were identified with different levels of knowledge in the management of cocoa cultivation obtained through a cluster analysis. The well-being of cocoa farmers, understood as the balance (...)
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  13.  24
    La percepción de estrés, bienestar y ambiente laboral en las regiones sureste y norte de Brasil.Paulo Eduardo Benzoni, Jean Carlos Rodrigues Brustolin & Sérgio Alberto Nascimento Melo Junior - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:223-235.
    La percepción del estrés, el bienestar y la calidad del ambiente laboral son interdependientes y están influenciadas por factores individuales, económicos y culturales. En este estudio, el objetivo fue analizar comparativamente la percepción del estrés, el bienestar y el clima laboral en las regiones Norte y Sureste de Brasil. Participaron 235 trabajadores, 65,5% mujeres y 34,5% hombres, sin hijos (59,1%), con estudios superiores (43%), trabajando en servicios (42,1%) en régimen CLT (60,4%). Se utilizaron tres instrumentos para evaluar la percepción de (...)
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    How winner cells cause the demise of loser cells.Fidel-Nicolás Lolo, Sergio Casas Tintó & Eduardo Moreno - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):348-353.
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    Cuestiones filosóficas. Ensayos en honor de Eduardo Rabossi.Sergio Barberis - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 56:105-109.
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    Epistemologías de la manigua: Pensamiento ribereño para la justicia epistémica.Jhonmer Hinestroza Ramírez - 2024 - Escritos 32 (68):1-19.
    En este artículo se busca comprender las epistemologías de la manigua, entendidas como, un complejo sistema de conocimientos y vida, en diálogo con el monte y el agua en el Departamento de Chocó, Colombia. Las categorías de ‘conocimiento ancestral’ y ‘tradicional’ le asignan un carácter involutivo al ribereño; lo anclan al pasado. Las epistemologías de la manigua como metodología implican un diálogo interepistémico entre el método genealógico y las mañas de Tío Conejo, Ananse, Miguel Caicedo, Jaime Arocha, Sergio Mosquera, Lydia (...)
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  17. Aristotle on teleology.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2005 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Monte Johnson examines one of the most controversial aspects of Aristiotle's natural philosophy: his teleology. Is teleology about causation or explanation? Does it exclude or obviate mechanism, determinism, or materialism? Is it focused on the good of individual organisms, or is god or man the ultimate end of all processes and entities? Is teleology restricted to living things, or does it apply to the cosmos as a whole? Does it identify objectively existent causes in the world, or is it merely (...)
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  18.  54
    Practical Implementation of Soka Education: A Dialogue With Monte Joffee.Monte Joffee, Jason Goulah & Andrew Gebert - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (2):181-192.
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  19.  75
    If 'cat' is a rigid designator, what does it designate?Monte Cook - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 37 (1):61-4.
  20.  27
    Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of some Central Components of His Thought.Leonidas Montes - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Leonidas Montes presents a new reading of Adam Smith's legacy. The classical influences, the meaning of some key concepts, and what other authors were saying at the time, are fundamental to understand what Smith really said. Starting with the famous Das Adam Smith Problem, Montes investigates the causes and the context of the Problem, and proposes the importance of the moral triad of the supposed impartial spectator, propriety and self-command for understanding Smith's broad concept of sympathy. Smith's virtues (...)
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  21.  65
    Desgabets on the creation of eternal truths.Monte Cook - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):21-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.1 (2005) 21-36 [Access article in PDF] Desgabets on the Creation of Eternal Truths Monte Cook For many philosophers Robert Desgabets's1 doctrine of the creation of eternal truths will be of interest for the light it throws on Descartes's doctrine of the creation of eternal truths, a doctrine receiving considerable scrutiny the past several years.2 Desgabets was one of the few followers of (...)
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  22. An outline of six radio talks on conversations with a philosopher..Mont R. Gabbert - 1925 - [n.p.]:
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    Precomprensión y contexto: Visión y audición en la hermenéutica bíblica de San Agustín en relación con Martín Lutero.Adolfo González Montes - 1986 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 13:61-98.
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  24. Electronegativity as a New Case for Emergence and a New Problem for Reductionism.Monte Cairns - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry.
    The potential reducibility of chemical entities to their physical bases is a matter of dispute between ontological reductionists on one hand, and emergentists on the other. However, relevant debates typically revolve around the reducibility of so-called ‘higher-level’ chemical entities, such as molecules. Perhaps surprisingly, even committed proponents of emergence for these higher-level chemical entities appear to accept that the ‘lowest-level’ chemical entities – atomic species – are reducible to their physical bases. In particular, the microstructural view of chemical elements, actively (...)
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  25. Aristotle Protrepticus (translation only) 2025 draft.Monte Ransome Johnson & D. S. Hutchinson - manuscript
    This is the latest draft of our translation of our reconstruction of Aristotle's lost work, the Protrepticus (Exhortation to Philosophy). The front matter indicates how to cite the work and the translation. We are currently in the process of preparing a critical Greek edition and commentary.
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    Desgabets as a cartesian empiricist.Monte Cook - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 501-515.
    A long tradition regards Robert Desgabets as a Cartesian empiricist. He says things that sound strikingly like Locke, and he argues against anti-empiricist reasoning in Descartes, Malebranche, and Arnauld. Moreover, throughout his writings he endorses the empiricist principle that nothing is in the intellect except what was previously in the senses. Since the Cartesians are generally supposed to be prototypical non -empiricists, Desgabets’s being a Cartesian empiricist would make him a particularly interesting specimen. In this paper, however, I challenge the (...)
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  27.  9
    Historical Background to the Interpretation of Aristotle's Teleology.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2005 - In Aristotle on teleology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    According to the standard history, Aristotelian teleology and final causes were discarded in the scientific revolution in favor of the mechanical philosophy. In fact, the term teleology was invented in the eighteenth century to designate the search for evidence of god in purposes, goals, intelligence, and design manifest in nature. The background natural theology is the adaptation of Aristotelian philosophy by Greek commentators and Neoplatonists, and by Arabic and Latin commentators. But already with the scholastics, there was a move to (...)
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  28.  28
    Self-regulation of stimulus intensity: Augmenting/reducing and the average evoked response.Monte Buchsbaum - 1976 - In Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro, Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 101--135.
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  29.  48
    Descartes' Alleged Representationalism.Monte Cook - 1987 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (2):179 - 195.
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    Linking Employee Stakeholders to Environmental Performance: The Role of Proactive Environmental Strategies and Shared Vision.Francisco Javier Lloréns-Montes, Emilio Pablo Díez-de-Castro & Elisa Alt - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):167-181.
    Drawing on the natural-resource-based view, we propose that employee stakeholder integration is linked to environmental performance through firms’ proactive environmental strategies, and that this link is contingent on shared vision. We tested our model with a cross-country and multi-industry sample. In support of our theory, results revealed that firms’ proactive environmental strategies translated employee stakeholder integration into environmental performance. This relationship was pronounced for high levels of shared vision. Our findings demonstrate that shared vision represents a key condition for advancing (...)
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  31. Spontaneity, Democritean Causality and Freedom.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2009 - Elenchos 30 (1):5-52.
    Critics have alleged that Democritus’ ethical prescriptions (“gnomai”) are incompatible with his physics, since his atomism seems committed to necessity or chance (or an awkward combination of both) as a universal cause of everything, leaving no room for personal responsibility. I argue that Democritus’ critics, both ancient and contemporary, have misunderstood a fundamental concept of his causality: a cause called “spontaneity”, which Democritus evidently considered a necessary (not chance) cause, compatible with human freedom, of both atomic motion and human actions. (...)
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  32.  68
    Robert desgabets's representation principle.Monte Cook - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (2):189-200.
    Monte Cook - Robert Desgabets's Representation Principle - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.2 189-200 Robert Desgabets's Representation Principle Monte Cook THE CARTESIAN PHILOSOPHER ROBERT DESGABETS'S only philosophical publication is his Critique de la Critique de la Recherche de la vérité , in which he criticizes Simon Foucher's criticism of Malebranche's Search After Truth. This work has never been republished and is now available only in rare book collections. Desgabets also wrote several (...)
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  33.  22
    Descartes and the Dustbin of the Mind.Monte Cook - 1996 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 13 (1):17 - 33.
  34.  7
    Teleology and Humans.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2005 - In Aristotle on teleology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Humans are capable of intentionally pursuing goals that they consciously set for themselves, and thus a different order of teleology applies to them, one which places them in the domain of ethics and politics. Every inquiry, art, and science has a goal, and they can broadly be classified into the productive-practical on the one hand, and the theoretical, on the other. Practical knowledge aims at practical goods by grasping causes for the sake of producing effects, while theoretical knowledge aims at (...)
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  35.  14
    Genetic factors in EEG, sleep, and evoked potentials.Monte S. Buchsbaum & Elliot S. Gershon - 1980 - In J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson, The Psychobiology of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 147--168.
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    Men, Machines, and Modern Times. Elting E. Morison.Monte Calvert - 1967 - Isis 58 (2):264-265.
  37.  24
    Real-World problem for checking the sensitiveness of evolutionary algorithms to the choice of the random number generator.Miguel Cárdenas-Montes, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez & Antonio Gómez-Iglesias - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 385--396.
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    Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon.Giuseppe F. del Monte & Ben H. L. van Gessel - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (4):703.
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  39. La Rosa Quantistica. Appunti di uno psicoterapeuta.Ettore De Monte - 2024 - Roma: CISU.
    continua il mio impegno in questa straordinaria avventura intellettuale e clinica ... a partire da una dirompente verità: quando poniamo la coscienza al centro dei nostri interessi e dei nostri interventi, come fosse il principio stesso d'ogni cosa, compresa la salute e la sofferenza mentale, allora il mondo ne esce stravolto nei suoi principi e nella sua logica, in un modo che possiamo definire quantistico ... per giungere, infine, a una rivoluzionaria conclusione: sta nel nostro potere di autodeterminazione la possibilità (...)
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    Illustrations for the Review.Vincent D'Monte - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (3):439-439.
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    La estructura teológico-fundamental de los Sermones pascuales de san Agustín sobre la resurrección de Cristo.Adolfo González Montes - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):241-266.
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    America's 100th Meridian: A Plains Journey.Monte Hartman, John R. Wunder & William Kittredge - 2005 - Texas Tech University Press.
    "Large-format photo study and narratives record journeys along the 100th Meridian from the Canadian to the Mexican borders. Explores life and communities along the vertical line that denotes the nation's geographic center and the shift in annual rainfallto less than twenty inches per year"--Provided by publisher.
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  43. El cristiano al servicio de la unidad y de la paz.A. González Montes - 1985 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:269-289.
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    Etica y cibernética: ensayos filosóficos.Juan Antonio Nuño Montes - 1994 - Caracas, Venezuela: Monte Avila Editores.
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    Estética y comunicación.Santiago Montes - 1981 - Madrid: Editorial Latina.
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    La influencia de Newton en Adam Smith.Leónidas Montes - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (94):137-158.
    La literatura especializada reconoce la influencia de Newton en la obra de Adam Smith. Pero la naturaleza de esta influencia no ha sido tratada con la debida atención. En este ensayo argumentaré que la metodología científica de Newton no necesariamente corresponde a lo que comúnmente llamamos newtonianismo. Después de analizar el enfoque metodológico de Newton, se estudiará cómo Smith entiende el newtonianismo. Adam Smith fue un sofisticado intérprete de Newton, pero el contexto de la Ilustración Escocesa juega un rol fundamental (...)
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  47.  6
    VIIª jornadas de Teología fundamental.Adolfo González Montes - 1995 - Salmanticensis 42 (3):313-314.
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    Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Rational Powers in Action presents a conception of instrumental rationality as governing actions that are extended in time with indeterminate ends. Tenenbaum argues that previous philosophical theories in this area, in focusing on momentary snapshots of the mind of idealized agents, miss central aspects of human rationality.
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  49.  44
    Authenticity and Subjective Wellbeing within the Context of a Religious Organization.Antonio Ariza-Montes, Gabriele Giorgi, Antonio Leal-Rodríguez & Jesús Ramírez-Sobrino - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50.  26
    Work Engagement and Flourishing at Work Among Nuns: The Moderating Role of Human Values.Antonio Ariza-Montes, Horacio Molina-Sánchez, Jesús Ramirez-Sobrino & Gabriele Giorgi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Faith-based organizations are a key player in major sectors of activity for maintaining the welfare state, including health, education, and social services. This paper uses a multivariate regression model in an attempt to identify the factors that affect the relationship between work engagement and flourishing. The paper also discusses the empirical research gap that has been identified in the literature about the moderated effect of human values on this relationship. This study is based on a sample of 142 nuns of (...)
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