Results for 'S. Epel Elissa'

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  1.  27
    Women's Health Research: Policy and Practice.Jeannette R. Ickovics & Elissa S. Epel - 1993 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 15 (4):1.
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    Deep rest: An integrative model of how contemplative practices combat stress and enhance the body’s restorative capacity.Alexandra D. Crosswell, Stefanie E. Mayer, Lauren N. Whitehurst, Martin Picard, Sheyda Zebarjadian & Elissa S. Epel - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (1):247-270.
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  3. Improving Assessment of the Spectrum of Reward-Related Eating: The RED-13.E. Mason Ashley, Vainik Uku, Acree Michael, Tomiyama A. Janet, Dagher Alain, S. Epel Elissa & M. Hecht Frederick - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  4. Critical period effects on universal properties of language: The status of subjacency in the acquisition of a second language.Jacqueline S. Johnson & Elissa L. Newport - 1991 - Cognition 39 (3):215-258.
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    Bentham's Chrestomathia: Utilitarian Legacy to English Education.Elissa S. Itzkin - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (2):303.
  6.  46
    Ewa Ziarek’s Virtually Impossible Ethics.Elissa Marder - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):51-58.
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    Pandora's Fireworks; or, Questions Concerning Femininity, Technology, and the Limits of the Human.Elissa Marder - 2014 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 47 (4):386-399.
    In Hesiod’s legendary account of how humans came to be, two extrahuman characters, Prometheus and Pandora, play decisive roles. Both figures intercede and intervene in man’s world and indeed inaugurate the series of events that culminates in the becoming human of man.1 Although neither Prometheus nor Pandora is human, they both participate actively in human life, and through their respective actions the race of men becomes not only alienated from the realm of gods and animals but also from its own (...)
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    Freud's Fictions: Fixation, Femininity, Photography.Elissa Marder - 2017 - Paragraph 40 (3):349-367.
    This article takes off from Freud's literary use of the term ‘fixation’ to explore how female sexuality both establishes the universal foundations of Freud's metapsychology and is excluded from it via a reading of one Freud's strangest and most provocative case presentations. Like a primal word, fixation operates in contradictory fashion: it is associated both with regression and futurity, petrified immobility and contingency. Fixation is Freud's name both for the primal origin of sexuality and the very word for what shuts (...)
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    Derrida's Matrix: The Births of Deconstruction.Elissa Marder - 2018 - Oxford Literary Review 40 (1):1-19.
    Many of Derrida's formative texts from 1967 about writing, the trace, supplementarity, death, and différance feature striking liminal references to the figure of the mother and are implicitly haunted by the question of birth. In a pivotal passage of De la grammatologie, Derrida links the very futurity of deconstruction to the emergence of ‘a reading discipline to be born’. In this essay, I show that through his readings of the ‘birth of language’ in Lévi-Strauss and Rousseau, Derrida implicitly invites us (...)
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    Real Dreams.Elissa Marder - 2013 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 51 (S1):196-213.
    This paper suggests that The Interpretation of Dreams contains some of Freud's most provocative, far-reaching, and powerful psychoanalytic insights regarding futurity, intersubjective communication, and the relationship between the dream, the dreamer, and the world. By focusing on the specific status and function of the dream (as opposed to all other psychic actions), this paper explores how and why the singular language of dreams—and the very possibility of dream interpretation—provide a specifically psychoanalytic model of translation. The essay examines the specific status (...)
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    Excess, Scarcity and Desire among Drug-Using Sex Workers.MarÕa E. Epele - 2001 - Body and Society 7 (2-3):161-179.
    In the street life of the Mission District in San Francisco, two opposite ways of understanding the female ownership of the body circulate among women who are drug-using sex workers: sexual slavery and women's liberation. This article analyzes how both models obfuscate the manner in which lack and scarcity govern the economy of needs and desires when drug abuse intersects with sex work. Lack and scarcity are shown to pervade not only economic resources but also drug-related gratification, bodily well-being, sexual (...)
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    Regina Mühlhäuser, Eroberungen. Sexuelle Gewalttaten und intime Beziehungen deutsche Soldaten in der Sowjetunion, 1941-1945.Elissa Mailänder - 2014 - Clio 39:301-304.
    Que les violences sexuelles fassent partie intégrante de la guerre est un constat aujourd’hui largement accepté. Pourtant, lorsqu’il s’agit de la Wehrmacht, cela reste une question controversée et un domaine de recherche récent. Pendant trop longtemps la Guerre froide, rendant difficile voire impossible l’accès aux archives soviétiques, avait favorisé le mythe d’une Wehrmacht “propre” (saubere Wehrmacht). Parce que c’est bien le front de l’Est qui était le théâtre des violences les plus extrê...
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    Morphological Tagging and Lemmatization in the Albanian Language.Elissa Mollakuqe, Mentor Hamiti & Diellza Nagavci Mati - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (2):3-16.
    An important element of Natural Language Processing is parts of speech tagging. With fine-grained word-class annotations, the word forms in a text can be enhanced and can also be used in downstream processes, such as dependency parsing. The improved search options that tagged data offers also greatly benefit linguists and lexicographers. Natural language processing research is becoming increasingly popular and important as unsupervised learning methods are developed. There are some aspects of the Albanian language that make the creation of a (...)
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    Mindset matters: how mindset affects the ability of staff to anticipate and adapt to Artificial Intelligence (AI) future scenarios in organisational settings.Elissa Farrow - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):895-909.
    Any first step in organisational adaptation starts with individuals’ responses and willingness (or otherwise) to change an aspect of themselves given the transcontextual settings in which they are operating (Bateson in Small arcs of larger circles: framing through other patterns, Triarchy Press, Axminster, 2018). This research explores the implications for organisational adaptation strategies when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being embedded into the ecology of the organisation, and when employees have a dominant fixed or growth mindset (Dweck in Mindset: changing the (...)
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    Masters of Sex? Nazism, Bigamy, and a University Professor's Fight with Society and the State.Elissa Mailänder - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (1):109-131.
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    Inclusivism in the Fiction of C. S. Lewis.Elissa McCormack - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (4):57-73.
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    Still (Un)Born.Elissa Marder - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (2):343-360.
    This essay traces the pivotal—although largely unspoken—relation between the mother and language in Derrida’s reading of Heidegger’s reading of Trakl in Geschlecht III. Derrida’s gloss of the “idiom” in Heidegger’s text leads to a reflection on the language of gestation through the family of words linking “tragen” (carrying) to “austragen” (carrying to term). Following Derrida, the essay proposes that Heidegger’s conception of the time of the “unborn” in his essay “Language in the Poem” is the time of the promise and (...)
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  18.  65
    Trauma, Addiction, and Temporal Bulimia in Madame Bovary.Elissa Marder - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):49-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Trauma, Addiction, and Temporal Bulimia in Madame BovaryElissa Marder (bio)Lisez, et ne rêvez pas. Plongez-vous dans de longues études. Il n’y a de continuellement bon que l’habitude d’un travail entêté. Il s’en dégage un opium qui engourdit l’âme [Read and do not dream. The only thing that is continually good is the habit of stubborn work. It emits an opium that numbs the soul].—Gustave Flaubert to Louise ColetMadame Bovary (...)
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    Force and Translation; Or, The Polymorphous Body of Language.Elissa Marder - 2013 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 3 (1):1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Force and Translation; Or, The Polymorphous Body of LanguageElissa MarderOr un corps verbal ne se laisse pas traduire ou transporter dans une autre langue. Il est cela même que la traduction laisse tomber. Laisser tomber le corps, telle est même l’énergie essentielle de la traduction. Quand elle réinstitue un corps, elle est poésie.—Jacques Derrida, “Freud et la scène de l’écriture”The materiality of a word cannot be translated or carried (...)
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    The distributional structure of grammatical categories in speech to young children.Toben H. Mintz, Elissa L. Newport & Thomas G. Bever - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):393-424.
    We present a series of three analyses of young children's linguistic input to determine the distributional information it could plausibly offer to the process of grammatical category learning. Each analysis was conducted on four separate corpora from the CHILDES database (MacWhinney, 2000) of speech directed to children under 2;5. We showthat, in accord with other findings, a distributional analysis which categorizeswords based on their co‐occurrence patterns with surroundingwords successfully categorizes the majority of nouns and verbs. In Analyses 2 and 3, (...)
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  21.  27
    Imagination in Confinement: Women's Writings from French Prisons.Michele H. Richman & Elissa Gelfand - 1986 - Substance 15 (2):119.
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    The shadow of the eco: Denial and climate change.Elissa Marder - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2):139-150.
    This article argues that climate change puts excessive demands on the psyche. The omnipresent specter of climate change and global warming cannot be processed by individual psyches because there is little – if anything – that individual people can do to stop the devastation that hovers on the horizon. Unlike other disasters and calamities that have affected humans (war, genocide, nuclear destruction, pandemics, despotism) climate change presents unique challenges to the human psyche as it engages traumatic temporality on a global (...)
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  23.  41
    Another Time.Elissa Marder - 2015 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 23 (2):28-34.
    This paper celebrates the work of Pleshette DeArmitt. In this essay, I show how Pleshette DeArmitt's book, The Right to Narcissism, is haunted by Freud's essay "On Narcissism.".
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    Disarticulated Voices: Feminism and Philomela.Elissa Marder - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (2):148 - 166.
    By juxtaposing readings of selected feminist critics with a reading of Ovid's account of Philomela's rape and silencing, this essay interrogates the rhetorical, political, and epistemological implications of the feminist "we." As a political intervention that comes into being as a response to women's oppression, feminism must posit a collective "we." But this feminist "we" is best understood as an impersonal, performative pronoun whose political force is not derived from a knowable referent.
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    The elephant and the scaffold: Response to Kelly Oliver.Elissa Marder - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (s1):95-106.
    This paper responds to Kelly Oliver's “See Topsy ‘Ride the Lightning’: The Scopic Machinery of Death” by questioning the presuppositions and implications of her discussion of the spectacle of elephant executions and their relation to Derrida's writings about animals and the death penalty. This paper proposes to reframe the approach to Derrida's reflections on the death penalty and its problematic relation to the category of the human by focusing on the double function of the concept of the scaffold in his (...)
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    The challenges of gendering genocide: Reflections on a feminist politics of complexity.Elissa Helms - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (4):463-469.
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    chapter 9. Figures of Interest.Elissa Marder - 2018 - In Kelly Oliver & Stephanie M. Straub (eds.), Deconstructing the Death Penalty: Derrida's Seminars and the New Abolitionism. Fordham University Press. pp. 175-185.
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  28. Time for a unified approach to medical ethics.Shaheen E. Lakhan, Elissa Hamlat, Turi McNamee & Cyndi Laird - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:13.
    A code of ethics is used by individuals to justify their actions within an environment. Medical professionals require a keen understanding of specific ethical codes due to the potential consequences of their actions. Over the past thirty years there has been an increase in the scope and depth of ethics instruction in the medical profession; however the teaching of these codes is still highly variable. This inconsistency in implementation is problematic both for the medical practitioner and for the patient; without (...)
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    Critical periods after stroke study: translating animal stroke recovery experiments into a clinical trial.Alexander W. Dromerick, Matthew A. Edwardson, Dorothy F. Edwards, Margot L. Giannetti, Jessica Barth, Kathaleen P. Brady, Evan Chan, Ming T. Tan, Irfan Tamboli, Ruth Chia, Michael Orquiza, Robert M. Padilla, Amrita K. Cheema, Mark E. Mapstone, Massimo S. Fiandaca, Howard J. Federoff & Elissa L. Newport - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Book Review: Mothering through Precarity: Women’s Work and Digital Media by Julie A. Wilson and Emily Chivers Yochim. [REVIEW]Allison J. Pugh & Elissa Zeno - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (2):278-280.
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    Après Les aveux de la chair: généalogie du sujet chez Michel Foucault.Sandra Boehringer & Laurie Laufer (eds.) - 2020 - Paris 14e: EPEL.
    Attraper erôs dans le filet du logos, l'Occident n'a pas attendu la psychanalyse pour s'y employer. Entre [es aphrodisia grecs et le dispositif de sexualité moderne, il ne restait plus à Foucault qu'à déposer une dernière pièce au puzzle de son Histoire de la sexualité : que s'est-il passé au temps de la concupiscence chrétienne et du péché de chair? Comment le sexe en est-il venu à polariser le rapport de soi à soi? 'Il m'a semblé, écrit Foucault, que la (...)
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    MÈRE MÉTAPHORE : the maternal materiality of water in astrida neimanis’s bodies of water.Eszter Timár - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (1):128-138.
    Bridging feminist new materialism and feminist phenomenology, Astrida Neimanis’s volume, Bodies of Water, discusses water in terms of nurturing maternality based on a figural reservoir of what she terms “amniotics” and “planetary breastmilk” in order to posit this maternality as the material condition of the embodiment of life. In this article I show that this imagery is a construction consistently haunted by figures of anxiety and loss. I do this by first revisiting earlier interventions in deconstruction concerning materiality and feminist (...)
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    Aeneas as hospes in Vergil, Aeneid 1 and 4.Roy K. Gibson - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (01):184-202.
    In the opening section of Ovid's Ars Amatoria 3 the poet, in an attempt to gain favour with his female addressees, lists a number of legends where it is men who are the deceivers. In this list he includes Aeneas, et famam pietatis habet, tamen hospes et ensem I praebuit et causam mortis, Elissa, tuae . The terms in which Aeneas' guilt is cast are striking. Aeneas is criticized not for his lover's faithlessness, but for his shattering of the (...)
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    Origines Veliae in Pompeius Trogus, Prologue XVIII.Waldemar Heckel - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):309-310.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Origines Veliae In Pompeius Trogus, Prologue XVIIIWaldemar HeckelThe so-called “Prologues” (more appropriately “summaries”) of Pompeius Trogus’ Philippic History contain numerous references to people, places, and events not discussed by Justin in his abbreviation of the work. In CP 62 (1969) 162–64, V. Iliescu considered Prol. xviii (origines Phoenicum et Sidonis et Veliae Carthaginisque res gestae in excessu dictae) and argued that Veliae should be “corrected” to read Tyri. 1 (...)
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    Breaking Taboos: Arab Breast Cancer Activism in Art and Popular Culture.Abir Hamdar - 2024 - Journal of Medical Humanities 45 (4):403-420.
    This essay examines the breast cancer accounts of four Arab female celebrities who have spoken out in public about their illness experience: the Egyptian TV presenter Basma Wahba and the actress Yasmine Ghaith, the Iraqi actress Namaa al-Ward, and the Lebanese pop singer Elissa. By reading their testimonies against the backdrop of critical literature on illness narratives and memoirs, as well as on cancer narratives and activism, the essay asks: how are the accounts of these women’s cancer diagnosis and (...)
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  36. Plato's Simile of Light. Part I. The Similes of The Sun and The Line.A. S. Ferguson - 1921 - Classical Quarterly 15 (3-4):131-.
    No part ot Plato's writings has been more debated than the three similes in Books VI.-VII. of the Republic, and still there is a diversity of opinion about their meaning. I believe that most of these difficulties arise from certain assumptions about their purpose which need revision. The current view applies the Cave to the Line, as Plato seems to direct, and this application, which is itself attended by considerable difficulties, leads to an assimilation of the two figures till they (...)
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    Augustine's City of God.S. L. Greenslade - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):261-.
  38. The cognitive and the non-cognitive in Dewey's theory of valuation.S. Morris Eames - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (7):179-195.
  39.  39
    What’s yours is ours: waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy S. Jecker & Caesar A. Atuire - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):595-598.
    This paper gives an ethical argument for temporarily waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines. It examines two proposals under discussion at the World Trade Organization : the India/South Africa proposal and the WTO Director General proposal. Section I explains the background leading up to the WTO debate. Section II rebuts ethical arguments for retaining current IP protections, which appeal to benefiting society by spurring innovation and protecting rightful ownership. It sets forth positive ethical arguments for a temporary waiver that (...)
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    Ot moderna k avangardu: muzykalʹnye ėpokhi i stili: ėstetika, poėtika, ispolnitelʹskai︠a︡ interpretat︠s︡ii︠a︡: sbornik stateĭ.S. Grokhotov (ed.) - 2021 - Moskva: Nauchno-izdatelʹskiĭ t︠s︡entr "Moskovskai︠a︡ konservatorii︠a︡".
    Russkiĭ kosmizm v poiskakh absoli︠u︡ta : paralleli i peresechenii︠a︡ v muzykalʹnom, poėticheskom i izobrazitelʹnom tborchestve 1910-1920-kh godov -- Liki Moderna -- Putʹ k modernu : Georgiĭ Lʹvovich Katuar -- Stilʹ modern v tvorchestve Frederika Diliusa : kont︠s︡ert dli︠a︡ fortepiano s orkestrom do minor -- Stilʹ modern i tvorchestvo Bely Bartoka (na primere opery "Zamok gert︠s︡oga Sini︠a︡i︠a︡ Boroda") -- Frit︠s︡ Kreĭsler i stilʹ modern -- Klod Debi︠u︡ssi i Moris Ravelʹ : muzyka dli︠a︡ arfy -- Klod Debi︠u︡ssi : dvenadt︠s︡atʹ ėti︠u︡dov dli︠a︡ fortepiano (...)
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  41. "Ragione e etica" di S. E. Toulmin.C. P. P. S. - 1970 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:599.
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    Mājarā-yi falsafah dar Īrān-i muʻāṣir =.Ṣadīq Yazdchī & Muḥammad Ḥusayn - 2013 - Köln, Germany: Intishārāt-i Furūgh.
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    Lingvisticheskiĭ bespredel - 2 : Sbornik nauchnykh trudov k i︠u︡bilei︠u︡ A.I. Kuznet︠s︡ovoĭ.A. I. Kuznet︠s︡ova, A. E. Kibrik, T. B. Agranat, O. A. Kazakevich & E. V. Kashkin (eds.) - 2013 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova.
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  44. Frane Petrić, Franciscus Patricius: od škole mišljenja do slobode mišljenja.Ljerka Šifler-Premec - 1997 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju.
  45. Kroce kā kalādarśana: Bhāratīya cintana ke prakāśa meṃ eka adhyayana.Śrīśaṅkara Śukla - 1972 - Vārāṇāsī: Nāgarīpracāriṇī Sabhā.
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    Autonomy's Many Normative Presuppositions.Henry S. Richardson - 2001 - American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (3):287 - 303.
  47. The deliberative democrat’s Idea of Justice.John S. Dryzek - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (4):329-346.
    In Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice, democracy is necessary for the reconciliation of plural justice claims. Sen’s treatment of democracy is however incomplete and inadequate: democracy is under-specified, there are unrecognized difficulties in any context featuring deep moral disagreement or deep division and a conceptualization of public reason in the singular erodes his pluralism. These faults undermine Sen’s account of justice. Developments in the theory of deliberative democracy can be deployed to remedy these deficiencies. This deployment points to a (...)
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    The Objectives and Strategy of Cimon's Expedition to Cyprus.S. Thomas Parker - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (1):30.
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  49. Man in nature: guest or engineer?: a preliminary enquiry by Christians and Buddhists into the religious dimensions in humanity's relation to nature.S. J. Samartha & Lynn De Silva (eds.) - 1979 - Colombo: Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue in co-operation with the World Council of Churches.
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    A Research on Woman Identity in Samiha Ayverdi’s Novel “Unsunken Day”.Mustafa Sıddık Karagöz - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1665-1674.
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