Results for 'S. Mcphail'

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  1.  20
    Using porridge to teach business ethics: reflections on a visit to scotland's most notorious prison and some thoughts on the importance of location in teaching business ethics.Ken McPhail - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (3):355-369.
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    Morality and Agency.Robyn McPhail & David E. Ward - 1988 - Upa.
    The authors argue that an understanding of human agency based on Spinoza's views can resolve the apparent conflict between the demands of happiness and the dictates of morality without damaging the unique values associated with the moral form of life espoused by Kant.
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    Using an Indigenist Framework for Decolonizing Health Promotion Research.Karen McPhail-Bell, Alison Nelson, Ian Lacey, Bronwyn Fredericks, Chelsea Bond & Mark Brough - 2019 - In Pranee Liamputtong, Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer Singapore. pp. 1543-1562.
    This chapter provides a critical reflection on an ethnographic approach led by a non-Indigenous researcher in partnership with an Indigenous community-controlled health organization, and a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous supervisors, advisors, critical friends, and mentors. The chapter explores the way the three interrelated principles of Indigenist research informed the study, as a critical reflection of the methodology’s achievement of a decolonizing research agenda. The flow of Maiwah provides a metaphor for the chapter’s diverse authorship. Maiwah’s tributaries, inlets, and banks (...)
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    Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization,” Philosophy of Music Education, 26, no. 2 (2018): 176–98. [REVIEW]Patrick K. Freer - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization,” Philosophy of Music Education, 26, No. 2 (2018): 176–98.Patrick K. Freer“Are you all right, Sir?” asked the head trainer. I was on the treadmill at the gym, reading Graham McPhail’s “Too Much Noise in the Classroom?”1 as I worked up a sweat. Apparently I got so engaged by McPhail’s writing that (...)
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    John Wilson as moral educator.John L. Harrison - 1977 - Journal of Moral Education 7 (1):50-63.
    John Wilson's work as moral educator is summarized and evaluated. His rationalist humanistic approach is based on a componential characterization of the morally educated person. Such a person consistently manifests a unity of reflection, feeling, belief, and acting under the logically structured rubrics of PHIL, EMP, GIG and KRAT, and exemplifying the formal features of 'moral opinion'. The rationale and conceptual status of the components is discussed, as is the view that the concept of education entails that teachers be moral (...)
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    The Knowledge Democracy Connection and Music Education.Graham McPhail & Elizabeth Rata - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (2):112.
    Abstract:The paper argues for the primacy of disciplinary knowledge in music education. We claim that the epistemic structure of this form of knowledge has two separate but ultimately interdependent functions. First, when used as the main principle in the design of the curriculum, such knowledge may be made accessible to students by being connected to procedural or practice knowledge. We introduce the term 'curriculum design coherence' to refer to the ways in which this connection is made. Second, the abstract nature (...)
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    The other objective of ethics education: Re-humanising the accounting profession – a study of ethics education in law, engineering, medicine and accountancy. [REVIEW]Ken McPhail - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):279 - 298.
    Recently within the critical accounting literature Funnell (1998) has argued that accounting was implicated in the Holocaust. This charge is primarily related to the technical, mathematical nature of accounting and its ability to dehumanise individuals. Broadbent (1998, see also DeMoss and McCann, 1997) has also contended that "accounting logic" excludes emotion. She suggests that a more emancipatory form of accounting could be possible if emotion were given a voice and allowed to be heard within accounting discourse (see also Kjonstad and (...)
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    Professional Anxiety, Deliberative Democracy and Ethics Education.Ken McPhail - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:127-134.
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    An Interactive Model of Mass Communication Systems.Thomas L. McPhail - 1976 - Communications 2 (1):55-62.
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    Going public: A brief note on civilising accounting ethics education.Ken McPhail - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (3):306–309.
  11.  14
    Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Professional Ethics and Some Thoughts on Social Network Analysis.Ken McPhail - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:97-101.
  12.  18
    Sex and internal secretions.Murchie K. McPhail - 1934 - The Eugenics Review 26 (2):145.
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  13. The accounting profession, the public interest, and human rights.Ken McPhail - 2018 - In Eugene Heath, Byron Kaldis & Alexei M. Marcoux, The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics. New York: Routledge.
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    Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization.Graham McPhail - 2018 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 26 (2):176.
    Abstract:In this paper I begin to theorize what secondary school music education might look like “post-deconstruction.” In particular, I explore the argument for a reconsideration of the importance of conceptualization in the process of music education. I argue that is it through coming into contact with powerful conceptual knowledge that students’ potential to participate fully as capable musicians in their world is most likely to be realized. Conceptual knowledge provides the link between experience and the understanding of that experience. The (...)
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  15. Face Work: A Levinasian Study of Face Use in Annual Reports of FTSE 100 Companies From 1989-2003.David Campbell & Ken McPhail - forthcoming - Levinas, Business Ethics.
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    Building a tender nation: Developing a web based accounting and business ethics community. [REVIEW]Ken McPhail - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (1):65-74.
    This paper marks the launch of a new accounting and business ethics Web project called Tender Nation. The objective of the site is to provide an emotionally supportive resource and community for the discussion of accounting and business ethics issues by accounting practitioners and accounting students. The paper explains the rationale behind the development of the site and is split into five sections. Section one develops a short critique of the development of the Web and discusses the extent to which (...)
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  17. Body and Anthropology: Symbolic Effectiveness.David Le Breton & Helen McPhail - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (153):85-100.
    Every human community creates its own representation of its surrounding world and of the men who constitute that world. It sets out in an orderly fashion the raison d’être of social and cultural organisation, it ritualises the ties between men and their relationship with their environment. Man creates the world while the world creates man, through a relationship which varies with each society; ethnography shows us innumerable versions. Human cultures consist of symbols. It is always a matter of reducing the (...)
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    Patient preference for falls prevention in hospitals revealed through willingness‐to‐pay, contingent valuation survey.Terry P. Haines & Steven McPhail - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):304-310.
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    The Adventure of a Negation: Literature and the History of Ideas.Michel Faucheux & Helen McPhail - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (153):101-120.
    The time has come to rehabilitate the history of ideas in French literary studies, primarily because we should retreat from the disrepute attached to all universalising approaches to the real in the name of an ever-increasing subdivision of knowledge which proves on occasion to be shortsighted or stultifying.
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    The Global Financial Crisis and Reinventing the Business School.Parmendra Sharma, Eduardo Roca & Ken McPhail - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9 (Special Issue):3-10.
  21. Acts of Dissent: New Developments in the Study of Protest.Dieter Rucht, Ruud Koopmans, Friedhelm Niedhardt, Mark R. Beissinger, Louis J. Crishock, Grzegorz Ekiert, Olivier Fillieule, Pierre Gentile, Peter Hocke, Jan Kubik, John D. McCarthy, Clark McPhail, Johan L. Olivier, Susan Olzak, David Schweingruber, Jackie Smith & Sidney Tarrow - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Although living conditions have improved throughout history, protest, at least in the last few decades, seems to have increased to the point of becoming a normal phenomenon in modern societies. Contributors to this volume examine how and why this is the case and argue that although problems such as poverty, hunger, and violations of democratic rights may have been reduced in advanced Western societies, a variety of other problems and opportunities have emerged and multiplied the reasons and possibilities for protest.
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  22. The commercialization of patient data in Canada: ethics, privacy and policy.Sheryl Spithoff, Jessica Stockdale, Robyn Rowe, Brenda McPhail & Nav Persaud - 2022 - Canadian Medical Association Journal 194 (3).
    KEY POINTS In Canada, commercial data brokers collect deidentified patient data from pharmacies, private drug insurers, the federal government and medical clinics without patient consent. Although pharmaceutical companies are the data brokers’ primary customers, academics and nonprofit and public entities also use commercial data sets, given the absence of a coordinated public approach to collecting these data across Canada. Risks of commercialized patient data include loss of anonymity, surveillance and marketing, discrimination and violation of Indigenous data sovereignty. Coordinated infrastructure for (...)
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  23. No. 3, Sprinq 2003.Barry DeCoster, Leonard Fleck, Tom Tomlinson, J. D. Clayton Thomason, M. A. Libby Bogdan-Lovis, Jan Holmes, Judith Andre & Beth McPhail - 2003 - Medical Humanities 24 (3).
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Matt Ratto & Megan Boler (eds.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Today, DIY -- do-it-yourself -- describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and "critical making" that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists in this collection describe DIY citizens whose activities range from activist fan blogging and video production to knitting (...)
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Ronald Deibert - 2014 - MIT Press.
    How social media and DIY communities have enabled new forms of political participation that emphasize doing and making rather than passive consumption. Today, DIY—do-it-yourself—describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and “critical making” that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists (...)
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    Welcome to the Fall 2017 Edition.Lee Klippenstein and Sean Oliver - 2018 - Constellations 9 (1).
    We are happy to present the Fall 2017 issue of Constellations journal. Included within are four diverse undergraduate papers ranging vastly in topic. We made a conscious effort to encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines, provided the work could be broadly considered “historical” in scope. Interdisciplinary cooperation is something that we feel should be celebrated and promoted, and we are currently working with other student journals and organizations to bring an Arts-wide undergraduate research conference to life this spring.We (...)
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    Book Reviews : Do We Need More Genders?: Sabrina Petra Ramet (ed.) Gender Reversals and Gender Cultures. Anthropological and Historical Perspectives London and New York: Routledge, 1996, 231 pp., ISBN 0-415-11483-7 Geertje Mak Mannelijke vrouwen. Over de grenzen van sekse in de negentiende eeuw Amsterdam and Meppel: Boom, 1997, 399 pp., ISBN 90-5352-293-X. [REVIEW]Anna Aalten - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (1):119-123.
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    Martin Heidegger.Mathew Abbott - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani, Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 63-75.
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  29. Philosophy, Social Theory, and the Thought of George Herbert Mead.[author unknown] - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (2):356-366.
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  30. Friendship unions II.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  31. "Human Being, Beast and God: The Place of Human Happiness for Aristotle and Some Twentieth Century Thinkers".Deborah Achtenberg - 1988 - St. John's Review 38 (2):21-47.
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    Avicenna and his Commentators on Human and Divine Self-Intellection.Peter Adamson - 2011 - In Dag Nikolaus Hasse & Amos Bertolacci, The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Reception of Avicenna's "Metaphysics". De Gruyter. pp. 97-122.
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    Chapter Two: Logical Functions of Judgment and the Layered Solution.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 75-132.
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    Chapter Three: Pleasure Without Interest: Affirming a Negated Interest Through the Infinite Logical Function of Quality.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 133-175.
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    Frontmatter.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Henry Tappan and Agent Causality.Todd L. Adams - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (1):111 - 133.
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    Introduction.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-27.
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  38. Thomas Aquinas on the Good: The Relation between Metaphysics and Ethics.”.Jan A. Aertsen - 1998 - In Scott Charles MacDonald & Eleonore Stump, Aquinas's moral theory: essays in honor of Norman Kretzmann. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 235--53.
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  39. Background.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: An Attempt at a Critical Rationalist Appraisal. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  40. Ordinary Language Analysis.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: An Attempt at a Critical Rationalist Appraisal. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Pragmatism and Vagueness: The Venetian Lectures; Edited by Giovanni Tuzet by Claudine Tiercelin.David W. Agler - 2020 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 55 (4):458-463.
    Take a hypothetical sequence of human beings ordered by height from tallest to shortest. Make sure there is no more than a difference of a millimeter between each person and make sure the tallest person is clearly tall and the shortest person is clearly not tall. Now consider the following argument: P1 A person of height n is tall ; P2 For any height n, if n is tall, then n–1mm is tall ; C Therefore, a person of height n (...)
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  42. The Arabic and Islamic reception of the Nicomachean ethics.Anna Akasoy - 2012 - In Jon Miller, The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  43.  12
    Book Review: Beyond Gender Binaries: An Intersectional Orientation to Communication and Identities by Cindy L. Griffin. [REVIEW]Varpu Alasuutari - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):192-195.
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    Covid-19 and feminism in the Global South: Challenges, initiatives and dilemmas.Nadje Al-Ali - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (4):333-347.
    The article addresses the gendered implications of Covid-19 in the Global South by paying attention to the intersectional pre-existing inequalities that have given rise to specific risks and vulnerabilities. It explores various aspects of the pandemic-induced ‘crisis of social reproduction’ that affects women as the main caregivers as well as addressing the drastic increase of various forms of gender-based violence. Both, in addition to growing poverty and severely limited access to resources and health services, are particularly devastating in marginalized and (...)
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    Book review: Fanon, Education, Action: Child as Method. [REVIEW]Sharifa Al Battashii, Monica Vidiz, Macarena Cortinez Rojas, Ansley Medlicott & Pavel Rubio Hormazabal - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):310-316.
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  46. The Fourth World of American Philosophy: The Philosophical Significance of Native American Culture.Thomas Alexander - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (3):375 - 402.
  47. On Two Socratic Questions.Alex Priou - 2017 - The St. John's Review 58:77-91.
    The most famous Socratic question—ti esti touto?—is often pre- ceded by a far less famous, but more fundamental question—esti touto ti? Though this question is posed in many dialogues with re- spect to myriad topics, in every instance it receives but one answer: it is something, namely something that is. The dialogue devoted to why this question always meets with an affirmative answer would appear to be the Parmenides, for there Parmenides throws into question whether the eidē are, only to (...)
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  48. Transformasi manusia menurut Yoga Integral Sri Aurobindo.Matius Ali - 2016 - In Francisco Budi Hardiman & J. Sudarminta, Dengan nalar dan nurani: Tuhan, manusia, dan kebenaran: 65 tahun Prof. Dr. J. Sudarminta, S.J. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
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  49. Risālat al-ʻʻqūb al-Kindī - 1985 - In Averroës, Talkhīṣ Kitāb al-nafs. Madrīd: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Buḥūth al-ʻIlmīyah, Maʻhad Mighayl Asīn, al-Maʻhad al-Isbānī al-ʻArabī lil-Thaqāfah.
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    Advance Directives Use in Acute Care Hospitals.Rose Allen & Nestor Ventura - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (3):86-91.
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