Results for 'S. Pagano'

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  1.  17
    Les aides de la région wallonne à l'investissement après la réforme de 1992.S. Eggermont, G. Pagano & M. Tilman - 1995 - Res Publica 37 (3-4):427-4541.
    In 1992, the Walloon Region modified its investment incentive legislation. The new legislation applies the notion of SME to any business employing up to 250 people and which turnover does not exceed 20 million ECU, and replaces the former interest subsidies and capital premiums by a grant calculated as a percentage of investment. According to the size of the business, the activity sector and the area, the maximum aid may vary from 13 to 21 %. The grant total percentage is (...)
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    Evaluating cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes patients: an analysis based on competing risks Markov Chains and additive regression models.Rosalba Rosato, G. Ciccone, S. Bo, G. F. Pagano, F. Merletti & D. Gregori - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):422-428.
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    The Origins and Development of the Triadic Structure of Faith in H. Richard Niebuhr: A Study of the Kantian and Pragmatic Background of Niebuhr's Thought.Joseph S. Pagano - 2005 - Upa.
    Previous studies of H. Richard Niebuhr's intellectual background have fallen into two groups: those that stress the German and especially Kantian sources of Niebuhr's thought, and those that emphasize the American and especially pragmatic sources of his thought.
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  4. A previously unpublished letter of Guicciardini, Francesco-destecontrari, Diana and the moreni family of vignola.S. Pagano - 1992 - Rinascimento 32:167-181.
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    Social construction, social kinds and exportation.Emilie Pagano - 2023 - Analysis 84 (1):83-93.
    Brian Epstein has argued (in The Ant Trap and ‘Anchoring versus grounding’) that social kinds ‘export’ across worlds. Although the conditions for war criminality are not ‘fixed’ in the Empire, for instance, Darth Vader is a war criminal there. And, according to Epstein, an account of social construction should imply that he is. Ultimately, he argues that ‘grounding-only’ accounts of social construction – like those proposed by Jonathan Schaffer and Aaron Griffith – imply that social kinds do not export across (...)
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  6. What Social Construction Isn’t.Emilie Pagano - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1651-1670.
    Just as contemporary metaphysics, in general, is marked by an interest in ground, contemporary social metaphysics, in particular, is marked by an interest in social construction. It’s no surprise, then, that some contemporary metaphysicians have come to understand social construction in terms of ground. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistake. In particular, I argue that any otherwise plausible account of construction as ground is objectionably revisionary. First, I discuss an argument for the view that construction is (...)
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    Recognition and Hospitality.Maurizio Pagano - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 3 (2).
    An increasing interest for the theme of recognition and of intersubjective relationships has been registered in the last decades. In this frame a new interest for Hegel’s theory of recognition has also been developed. This new interest focuses mostly only on the figure of struggle for recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Nevertheless, Hegel’s theory of recognition has a much wider structure: it is not limited to this conflictual moment, but also connects to the themes of forgiveness and of love. (...)
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    Fanconi anaemia proteins: Major roles in cell protection against oxidative damage.Giovanni Pagano & Hagop Youssoufian - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):589-595.
    Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a cancer‐prone genetic disorder that is characterised by cytogenetic instability and redox abnormalities. Although rare subtypes of FA (B, D1 and D2) have been implicated in DNA repair through links with BRCA1 and BRCA2, such a role has yet to be demonstrated for gene products of the common subtypes. Instead, these products have been strongly implicated in xenobiotic metabolism and redox homeostasis through interactions of FANCC with cytochrome P‐450 reductase and with glutathione S‐transferase, and of FANCG (...)
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    On the Origins of Sacred Architecture: Interpretations of the Egyptian Temple.Maurizio Pagano - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    According to the interpretation of Hegel, Egyptian religious buildings, and among them especially the temples, represent the beginning of the history of architecture, and so the beginning of the entire history of art.The Egyptian religious architecture has a symbolic character, because its configuration tries to represent the spiritual content without being fully adequate to it. So the Egyptian temple alludes to the divine through its entire structure, but does not have a proper internal space, dedicated to the worship of the (...)
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  10.  13
    Market Liquidity: Theory, Evidence, and Policy.Thierry Foucault, Marco Pagano & Ailsa Röell - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The way in which securities are traded is very different from the idealized picture of a frictionless and self-equilibrating market offered by the typical finance textbook. Market Liquidity offers a more accurate and authoritative take on liquidity and price discovery. The authors start from the assumption that not everyone is present at all times simultaneously on the market, and that even the limited number of participants who are have quite diverse information about the security's fundamentals. As a result, the order (...)
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  11.  12
    Facing COVID-19 Between Sensory and Psychoemotional Stress, and Instrumental Deprivation: A Qualitative Study of Unmanageable Critical Incidents With Doctors and Nurses in Two Hospitals in Northern Italy.Ines Testoni, Chiara Franco, Enrica Gallo Stampino, Erika Iacona, Robert Crupi & Claudio Pagano - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic severely strained the already unprepared Italian healthcare system. This had repercussions on healthcare workers, stemming, in particular, from a lack of clear guidelines, adequate protective equipment, and professional preparedness. Such conditions were especially prevalent in Northern Italy.Objectives: This study aimed to examine COVID-19-related professional and psychoemotional stress among nurses and doctors in two hospitals in Northern Italy, along with the worst critical incidents affecting healthcare personnel. A parallel objective was to elicit healthcare professionals' opinions about what (...)
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  12.  16
    Hegel, Logic and Speculation.Paolo Diego Bubbio, Alessandro De Cesaris, Maurizio Pagano & Hager Weslati (eds.) - 2019 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book offers new critical perspectives on the relationship between the notions of speculation, logic and reality in Hegel's thought as basis for his philosophical account of nature, history, spirit and human experience. The systematic functions of logic and pure thought are explored in their concrete forms and processual progression from subjective spirit to philosophy of right, society, the notion of habit, the idea of work, art, religion and science. Engaging the relation between the Logic and its realisations, this book (...)
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  13.  33
    Did Damasus Write the Carmen Contra Paganos? The Evidence of Et.Roger Green - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):691-704.
    In Alan Cameron's long-awaited and epoch-making studyThe Last Pagans of Rome, a typically erudite and stimulating chapter is devoted to the anonymous poem generally known today asCarmen contra paganos(CCP), written in the late fourth or (some have argued) early fifth century. This poem (of 122 lines)—of which the text is still in many places uncertain, in spite of a wealth of critical attention from the time when it was brought fully to light by Delisle in 1867 to the present day—is (...)
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    Some Compositions Elegia apud tumulos paganos composita, and Other Versions. By Ulric Gantillon. The Chancellor's Prize for Latin Verse, 1928. By Denys Lionel Page, Scholar of Christ Church. Gaisford Prize for Greek Verse, 1928. By the same. Oxford: Blackwell. Is., 2s., 2s., net. [REVIEW]A. D. Nightingale - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (02):62-63.
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    The Roman kings in orosius’ historiae adversvm paganos.Mattias Gassman - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (2):617-630.
    We are ruled by judges whom we know, we enjoy the benefits | Of peace and war, as if the warrior Quirinus, | As if peaceful Numa were governing.With these words the poet Claudian lauds the Emperor Honorius on the occasion of his fourth consulship in 398 by comparing him to Rome's deified founder, Romulus-Quirinus, and to Numa Pompilius, its second king, who was proverbial for wisdom and piety. Claudian's panegyric stands in a long literary tradition in which the legendary (...)
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    Bergson’s theory of war: A study of libido dominandi.Michael R. Kelly & Brian T. Harding - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (5):593-611.
    Bergson scholars such as Leonard Lawlor, Alexander Lefebvre, Philip Soulez, and Frederic Worms have recently argued that Bergson “places the phenomenon of war at the center of his analysis” in Two Sources of Morality and Religion. We want to contribute to this line of interpretation. We claim that Bergson’s account of the causes of, and solution to, the problem of war can be effectively understood in light of a central tenet of classical political philosophy, namely, the City of God, both (...)
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  17.  31
    Antonio Genovesi's Diceosina: Source of the Neapolitan enlightenment.Niccolò Guasti - 2006 - History of European Ideas 32 (4):385-405.
    Antonio Genovesi is known as the thinker who raised a whole generation of Southern Italian intellectuals, among them Francesco Pagano and Gaetano Filangieri. One of the most influential of his works was the notoriously difficult Diceosina, o sia della filosofia del giusto e dell’onesto , a textbook destined for use in the universities. The Diceosina was a powerful, if controversial, attempt to mediate between the history of moral philosophy on the one hand, and the specific problems encountered by eighteenth-century (...)
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  18.  14
    The erotic element in the rewriting of the conquest and discovery of America in Abel Posse’s Daimón.Christian René Rivera R. - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:153-167.
    Resumen: El presente estudio tiene como finalidad el análisis e interpretación del componente erótico en la novela Daimón. Bajo este presupuesto teórico, se promueve un enfoque contradiscursivo en el que América es transfigurada en espacio erótico, donde el tiempo pagano se superpone a la temporalidad oficial, desatando una crítica continua que desafía lo que se considera como la verdad oficial de los hechos.: The article is an analysis and interpretation of the erotic element in the novel Daimón. Based on (...)
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    Galileo Galilei in »prvi kopernikanski proces«: narava in Sveto pismo.Galileo Galilei - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (1).
    V pričujočem sklopu so prevedena izbrana pisma Galilea Galileija ter njegovih korespondentov o problematiki razmerja med naravoslovnim oz. filozofskim raziskovanjem in Svetim pismom in s to problematiko povezani dokumenti iz Vatikanskega tajnega arhiva iz obdobja t. i. Galileijevega prvega procesa. Sklop zaključuje Galileijeva Razprava o morskem plimovanju, ki vsebinsko sicer ne zadeva omenjene problematike, je pa nastala kot posledica takratnega dogajanja. Vsa pisma so prevedena po kritični izdaji Galileijevih del, Le Opere di Galileo Galilei, ur. Antonio Favaro, Barbèra, Firence 1890–1909. (...)
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  20.  69
    Conferita la Laurea Honoris Causa in Teologia al Prof. P. Cesare Cenci, OFM (review).Marco Arosio - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:532-540.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Un editore, un dotto studioso … silenzioso e costante, instancabile": con questo elogio, in occasione della presentazione del Supplementum ad Bullarium Franciscanum di P. Cesare Cenci, O.F.M., presso l'università francescana di Via Merulana , P. Sergio Pagano, B., Prefetto dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano, tracciava il profilo umano ed intellettuale dell'autore, elogiandone l'attesa pubblicazione come opera "in cui si coniugano diverse virtù "storiche" – per dir così – come l'accortezza (...)
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    Images of Ancient Rome in Late Eighteenth-Century Neapolitan Historiography.Melissa Calaresu - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):641-661.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Images of Ancient Rome in Late Eighteenth-Century Neapolitan HistoriographyMelissa CalaresuThe case of the late Neapolitan enlightenment, the variety and sophistication of which has been little recognized outside of Italian scholarship, illustrates the significance of particular regional concerns and intellectual traditions in the development of enlightened movements in Europe. 1 This becomes apparent when examining how Neapolitans looked to their own past in relation to the unique set of political (...)
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  22. The Italian Enlightenment and the Rehabilitation of Moral and Political Philosophy.Sergio Cremaschi - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7-8):743-759.
    By reconstructing the eighteenth-century movement of the Italian Enlightenment, I show that Italy’s political fragmentation notwithstanding, there was a constant circulation of ideas, whether on philosophical, ethical, political, religious, social, economic or scientific questions—among different groups in various states. This exchange was made possible by the shared language of its leading illuministi— Cesare Beccaria, Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Francesco Maria Zanotti, Antonio Genovesi, Mario Pagano, Pietro Verri, Marco Antonio Vogli, and Giammaria Ortes—and resulted in four common traits. First, the absence (...)
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  23. Luciano y Taciano: sobre el más allá y el juicio final.Francesca Mestre - 2013 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 17 (1):49-66.
    El marco y los personajes de las descripciones del más allá que encontramos en las obras de Luciano, que ponen un énfasis especial en las decisiones de Radamantis como juez de los seres humanos, muestra un tipo de moralidad que puede analizarse tanto desde la perspectiva de los modelos grecoromanos tradicionales como desde el enfoque de otros contextos religiosos nuevos del Imperio Romano. Los apologistas cristianos, por otro lado, entre otros Taciano en su Oratio ad Graecos, insisten en distinguir claramente (...)
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  24.  24
    Max Weber’s ideal versus material interest distinction revisited.Dustin S. Stoltz & Omar Lizardo - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1):3-21.
    While Weber’s distinction between ‘ideal’ and ‘material’ interests is one of the most enduring aspects of his theoretical legacy, it has been subjected to little critical commentary. In this article, we revisit the theoretical legacy of interest-based explanation in social theory, with an eye to clarifying Weber’s place in this tradition. We then reconsider extant critical commentary on the ideal/material interest distinction, noting the primarily Parsonian rendering of Weber and the unproductive allegiance to ‘generic need’ readings of Weber’s action theory. (...)
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  25.  39
    The time of one's life: views of aging and age group justice.Nancy S. Jecker - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-14.
    This paper argues that we can see our lives as a snapshot happening now or as a moving picture extending across time. These dual ways of seeing our lives inform how we conceive of the problem of age group justice. A snapshot view sees age group justice as an interpersonal problem between distinct age groups. A moving picture view sees age group justice as a first-person problem of prudential choice. This paper explores these different ways of thinking about age group (...)
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  26.  35
    The healing relationship: Edmund Pellegrino’s philosophy of the physician–patient encounter.S. Kay Toombs - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (3):217-229.
    In this paper I briefly summarize Pellegrino’s phenomenological analysis of the ethics of the physician–patient relationship. In delineating the essential elements of the healing relationship, Pellegrino demonstrates the necessity for health care professionals to understand the patient’s lived experience of illness. In considering the phenomenon of illness, I identify certain essential characteristics of illness-as-lived that provide a basis for developing a rigorous understanding of the patient’s experience. I note recent developments in the systematic delivery of health care that make it (...)
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  27.  14
    Chapter six. Philosopher as parrhe¯siaste¯s.S. Sara Monoson - 2000 - In Susan Sara Monoson (ed.), Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 154-180.
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  28. Schastʹe kak lingvokulʹturnyĭ kont︠s︡ept: monografii︠a︡.S. G. Vorkachev - 2004 - Moskva: Gnozis.
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  29. Ilmiĭ-tekhnika revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡si uning khususii︠a︡ti, mon̄ii︠a︡ti sot︠s︡ial roli.Boris Mikhaĭlovich Palat︠s︡kiĭ - 1971
  30. On the way to Nietzsche's "ticklish truths" : comedy, poetry, and chance in The Gay Science.S. J. Cowan - 2018 - In Brian Pines & Douglas Burnham (eds.), Understanding Nietzsche, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  31. Relevance of Tiruvalluvar's Philosophy.S. Penchalaiah - 2002 - In P. George Victor (ed.), Social relevance of philosophy: essays on applied philosophy. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 3--75.
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    Prof dr S J Botha: 'n Waardering van sy leween werk.S. P. Pretorius - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (3/4).
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  33. Sāṅkhya śāstra aura Caraka saṃhitā kā dārśanika anuśīlana.Dayānanda Śarmā - 1993 - Naī Dillī: Klāsikala Pabliśiṅga Kampanī.
    Comparative and philosophical study of the Sāṅkhyasūtra of Kapila and Carakasaṃhitā of Caraka.
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  34. Vaiśeṣikasūtropaskāraḥ: "Prakāśikā" Hindīvyākhyopetaḥ. Śaṅkaramiśra - 2002 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambhā Saṃskr̥ta Saṃsthāna. Edited by Śrīnārāyaṇa Miśra & Ḍhuṇḍhirāja Śāstrī.
    Supercommentary on Praśastapādabhāṣya of Praśastapādācārya, commemtary on Vaiśeṣikasūtra of Kaṇāda, compendium of Vaiśeṣika philosophy.
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    Chapter two. Citizen as parrhe¯siaste¯s.S. Sara Monoson - 2000 - In Susan Sara Monoson (ed.), Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 51-63.
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  36. (1 other version)Locke’s Philosophy of Science and Knowledge.R. S. Woolhouse - 1971 - Philosophy 47 (181):276-278.
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  37. Kvāṇṭaṃ jagattu: sr̥ṣṭi rahasyada tājā śōdhane. Śrīdhar - 2014 - Beṅgaḷūru: Aṅkita Pustaka.
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    Mājarā-yi falsafah dar Īrān-i muʻāṣir =.Ṣadīq Yazdchī & Muḥammad Ḥusayn - 2013 - Köln, Germany: Intishārāt-i Furūgh.
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  39. The Philosophical Rhetoric of Locke's Essay.S. Clark - 1994 - Locke Studies 25:93.
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  40. Man's Limitations or God's?F. C. S. Schiller - 1933 - Hibbert Journal 32:41.
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  41. al-Ṣilah bayna ʻilm al-kalām wa-al-falsafah fī al-fikr al-Islāmī: (muḥāwalah li-taqwīm ʻilm al-kalām wa-tajdīdih).ʻAbbās Sulaymān - 1998 - al-Azārīṭah [Alexandria]: Dār al-Maʻrifah al-Jāmiʻīyah.
  42. India's Revolt against Christian Civilisation.W. S. Urquhart - 1921 - Hibbert Journal 20:775.
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  43. Frant︠s︡uzskiĭ personalizm: kriticheskiĭ ocherk filosofskogo uchenii︠a︡.I. S. Vdovina - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  44. Poni︠a︡tie gumanizma: frant︠s︡uzskiĭ i russkiĭ opyt = La notion d'humanisme: expérience russe et française.S. Zenkin (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: RGGU.
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  45. A New View of Sri Sankara's Refutations of the Vaisesika, Bauddha and Sarikhya Schools and Its Implications.S. Sankaranarayanan - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam (ed.), Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 24.
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  46. Hegel’s System and the Necessity and Intelligibility of Evil, Part II.S. J. W. L. Lacroix - 1971 - Idealistic Studies 1 (2):102-119.
    Hegel’s basic position so far on the various meanings of evil as necessary and thereby intelligible directly in the development of spirit might be summed up as follows. Evil is always a necessary moment of instability which gives impetus in the movement from various meanings of particularity to various meanings of universality; from the more abstract expression of potential unity and truth to the more actualized notion and unity.
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  47. Revisiting Kant’s Deduction of Taste.Ryan S. Kemp - forthcoming - History of Philosophy Quarterly.
  48.  32
    Holding or Breaking with Ptolemy's Generalization: Considerations about the Motion of the Planetary Apsidal Lines in Medieval Islamic Astronomy.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2017 - Science in Context 30 (1):1-32.
    ArgumentIn theAlmagest, Ptolemy finds that the apogee of Mercury moves progressively at a speed equal to his value for the rate of precession, namely one degree per century, in the tropical reference system of the ecliptic coordinates. He generalizes this to the other planets, so that the motions of the apogees of all five planets are assumed to be equal, while the solar apsidal line is taken to be fixed. In medieval Islamic astronomy, one change in this general proposition took (...)
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  49. Augustine’s Interpretation of Romans.William S. Babcock - 1979 - Augustinian Studies 10:55-74.
  50. The Book on Adler. Kierkegaard’s Writings, vol. 24.Søren Kierkegaard - 1998
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