Results for 'Sabine Hofmeister'

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  1.  14
    Nachhaltigkeit und Feminismus: neue Perspektiven, alte Blockaden.Ines Weller, Esther Hoffmann & Sabine Hofmeister (eds.) - 1999 - Bielefeld: Kleine.
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    Investigations in European Philosophy: A Translation of Heimo Hofmeister's Philosophisch Denken.Heimo Hofmeister - 2004 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    Dr. Heimo Hofmeister is the Chair of Philosophy in the Protestant Theology Faculty at the University of Heidgelberg, and has twice served as the Dean of that faculty. One of the most significant figures in contemporary German philosophy and ethics, he has recently published landmark works in medical ethics and the nature of warfare. A Russian translation of this book has already been published in 2000 and a second edition in German came out at the same time, and is (...)
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    Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben: zur Aktualität der Ethik Albert Schweitzers.Georg Hofmeister & Gottfried Schüz (eds.) - 2010 - Hofgeismar: Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar.
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    A “little bit illegal”? Withholding and withdrawing of mechanical ventilation in the eyes of German intensive care physicians.Sabine Beck, Andreas Loo & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):7-16.
    Research questions and backgroundThis study explores a highly controversial issue of medical care in Germany: the decision to withhold or withdraw mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients. It analyzes difficulties in making these decisions and the physicians’ uncertainty in understanding the German terminology of Sterbehilfe, which is used in the context of treatment limitation. Used in everyday language, the word Sterbehilfe carries connotations such as helping the patient in the dying process or helping the patient to enter the dying process. (...)
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  5. Conscience and Moral Responsibility in Morality within the Life-and Social World.Heimo Hofmeister - 1987 - Analecta Husserliana 22:239-244.
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    „Etsi Deus Non Daretur“. Zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Theologie.Heimo Hofmeister - 1979 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 21 (2):272-285.
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  7. Eritis sicut Deus: l'interprétation hégelienne du récit de la chute.H. Hofmeister - 1993 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 73 (1):67-80.
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  8. Seeing What to Do: Affective Perception and Rational Motivation.Sabine A. Döring - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):363-394.
    Theories of practical reason must meet a psychological requirement: they must explain how normative practical reasons can be motivationally efficacious. It would be pointless to claim that we are subject to normative demands of reason, if we were in fact unable to meet those demands. Concerning this requirement to account for the possibility of rational motivation, internalist approaches are distinguished from externalist ones. I defend internalism, whilst rejecting both ways in which the belief‐desire model can be instantiated. Both the Humean (...)
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    Die Missionen des Franziskanischen Ordens um 1308 und Duns Scotus’ Franziskanismus.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer, 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 937-972.
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    Ökonomie bei Platon / Sabine Föllinger.Sabine Föllinger - 2016 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Platons Uberlegungen zur Okonomie verdienen mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Dies zeigt die systematische Untersuchung seiner zentralen Texte. Sie erhellt die allgemeinen Grundlagen von Platons Okonomie sowie die Ansatze seiner Regulierungsvorschlage und zeigt die Verbindung zu modernen wirtschaftstheoretischen Reflexionen uber den homo oeconomicus und die Bedeutung kultureller Faktoren fur das wirtschaftliche Handeln des Individuums. ".
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  11. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID)—Is the Amputation of Healthy Limbs Ethically Justified?Sabine Müller - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):36-43.
    The term body integrity identity disorder (BIID) describes the extremely rare phenomenon of persons who desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis. Some of these persons mutilate themselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation or for the transection of their spinal cord. Psychologists and physicians explain this phenomenon in quite different ways; but a successful psychotherapeutic or pharmaceutical therapy is not known. Lobbies of persons suffering from BIID explain the desire for amputation in (...)
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  12. Explaining action by emotion.Sabine Döring - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (211):214-230.
    I discuss two ways in which emotions explain actions: in the first, the explanation is expressive; in the second, the action is not only explained but also rationalized by the emotion's intentional content. The belief-desire model cannot satisfactorily account for either of these cases. My main purpose is to show that the emotions constitute an irreducible category in the explanation of action, to be understood by analogy with perception. Emotions are affective perceptions. Their affect gives them motivational force, and they (...)
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    Metaphors and the dynamics of knowledge.Sabine Maasen - 2000 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Peter Weingart.
    This book opens up a new route to the study of knowledge dynamics and the sociology of knowledge. The focus is on the role of metaphors as powerful catalysts and the book dissects their role in the construction of theories of knowledge and will therefore be of vital interest to social and cognitive scientists alike.
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    Auf dem Weg zum Willen? Eine problemgeschichtliche Hinführung zur Genese des philosophischen Willensbegriffs in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike.Roberto Hofmeister Pich & Jörn Müller - 2010 - In Müller Jörn, Wille Und Handlung in der Philosophie der Kaiserzeit Und Spätantike. De Gruyter. pp. 1-22.
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    Zur Kritik des Bildungsbegriffs aus subjektwissenschaftlicher Perspektive: diskursanalytische Untersuchungen.Arnd Hofmeister - 1998 - Hamburg: Argument.
  16.  25
    Democratization of expertise?: exploring novel forms of scientific advice in political decision-making.Sabine Maasen & Peter Weingart (eds.) - 2005 - London: Springer.
    ‘Scientific advice to politics’, the ‘nature of expertise’, and the ‘relation between experts, policy makers, and the public’ are variations of a topic that currently attracts the attention of social scientists, philosophers of science as well as practitioners in the public sphere and the media. This renewed interest in a persistent theme is initiated by the call for a democratization of expertise that has become the order of the day in the legitimation of research funding. The new significance of ‘participation’ (...)
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    Teadvustuse ökoloogia poole.Sabine Brauckmann - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:420-420.
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    Cultural proximity in TV entertainment: An eight-country study on the relationship of nationality and the evaluation of U.S. prime-time fiction.Sabine Trepte - 2008 - Communications 33 (1):1-25.
    In previous research, cultural proximity has been operationalized by ‘hard facts’ such as geographical distance, the exchange of goods or persons and the similarity of political systems. This article will try to complement current work in the field by suggesting a new operationalization derived from Hofstede's cultural dimensions. A survey was conducted in eight countries with a student sample to find out if international audiences which resemble each other in terms of Hofstede's cultural dimensions have similar attitudes towards U.S. prime-time (...)
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  19. Sustainability in crisis : a perspective of subjective body as "healing" force.Sabin Wendhack - 2018 - In Oliver Parodi & Kaidi Tamm, Personal Sustainability: Exploring the Far Side of Sustainable Development. New York: Routledge.
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    An Ethical Evaluation of Stereotactic Neurosurgery for Anorexia Nervosa.Sabine Müller, Rita Riedmüller, Henrik Walter & Markus Christen - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (4):50-65.
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  21. Multiplicidad y conocimiento.Sabine Knabenschuh - 2003 - Ideas Y Valores 52 (121):3-39.
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    (2 other versions)Angela GROPPI, I Conservatori della virtù. Donne recluse nella Roma dei papi, Laterza, 1994, 310 p.Sabine Valici - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:19-19.
    L’historienne, l’une des fondatrices de la revue d’histoire des femmes Memoria, a publié des essais sur la Révolution française, l’histoire sociale de l’État pontifical et l’histoire du travail. Sa dernière recherche nous conduit à nouveau dans l’Etat pontifical pour observer une institution qui va jouer un grand rôle dans le destin de centaines de femmes, les « Conservatoires de la vertu », nés au XVIe siècle pour accueillir les petites filles orphelines ou abandonnées afin de protéger leur...
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    Hating the cute kitten or loving the aggressive pit-bull: EC effects depend on CS–US relations.Sabine Förderer & Christian Unkelbach - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):534-540.
  24.  59
    Distinctiveness and encoding effects in online sentence comprehension.Philip Hofmeister & Shravan Vasishth - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:98835.
    In explicit memory recall and recognition tasks, elaboration and contextual isolation both facilitate memory performance. Here, we investigate these effects in the context of sentence processing: targets for retrieval during online sentence processing of English object relative clause constructions differ in the amount of elaboration associated with the target noun phrase, or the homogeneity of superficial features (text color). Experiment 1 shows that greater elaboration for targets during the encoding phase reduces reading times at retrieval sites, but elaboration of non-targets (...)
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    Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der Neueren Zeit.Geo H. Sabine - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (6):673-674.
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    The Vision of “Industrie 4.0” in the Making—a Case of Future Told, Tamed, and Traded.Sabine Pfeiffer - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (1):107-121.
    Since industrial trade fair Hannover Messe 2011, the term “Industrie 4.0” has ignited a vision of a new Industrial Revolution and has been inspiring a lively, ongoing debate among the German public about the future of work, and hence society, ever since. The discourse around this vision of the future eventually spread to other countries, with public awareness reaching a temporary peak in 2016 when the World Economic Forum’s meeting in Davos was held with the motto “Mastering the Fourth Industrial (...)
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    Mechanisms of visual attention in the human cortex.Sabine Kastner & Leslie G. Ungerleider - 2000 - Annual Review of Neuroscience 23:315-341.
  28.  18
    Alfonso Briceño O.F.M. (1587-1668) Sobre a Distinção Modal.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2021 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 14 (28):1-36.
    Neste estudo, dá-se continuidade à exposição do scotismo do mestre franciscano chileno Alfonso Briceño (1587-1668), pondo a ênfase em um de seus cinco Apêndices Metafísicos, que constam em suas Controversiae (Madri, 1639-1642). No terceiro Apêndice Metafísico, após expor o conceito metafísico de “distinção”, após apresentar a sua doutrina da “distinção de razão” e após uma digressão sobre a “distinção precisiva”, Briceño dá início à sua apresentação da “distinção real”, da qual a “distinção formal” será um tipo especial e particularmente controverso. (...)
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    The Ethics of Technological Risk.Sabine Roeser & Lotte Asveld (eds.) - 2009 - London, U.K.: Earthscan Publications.
    'A comprehensive and important collection that includes essays by some of the leading figures in the field....Essential reading for anyone interested in risk assessment.' Professor Kristin Shrader-Frechette, University of Notre Dame 'The editors are to be congratulated for bringing together a distinguished international group of theorists to reflect on the issues. This volume will be sure to raise the level of debate while at the same time showing the importance of philosophical reflection in approaches to the problems of the age.' (...)
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  30. Empirical research in medical ethics: How conceptual accounts on normative-empirical collaboration may improve research practice.Sabine Salloch, Jan Schildmann & Jochen Vollmann - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):5.
    BackgroundThe methodology of medical ethics during the last few decades has shifted from a predominant use of normative-philosophical analyses to an increasing involvement of empirical methods. The articles which have been published in the course of this so-called 'empirical turn' can be divided into conceptual accounts of empirical-normative collaboration and studies which use socio-empirical methods to investigate ethically relevant issues in concrete social contexts.DiscussionA considered reference to normative research questions can be expected from good quality empirical research in medical ethics. (...)
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  31. The Logic of Emotional Experience: Noninferentiality and the Problem of Conflict Without Contradiction.Sabine A. Döring - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):240-247.
    Almost all contemporary philosophers on the subject agree that emotions play an indispensable role in the justification (as opposed to the mere causation) of other mental states and actions. However, how this role is to be understood is still an open question. At the core of the debate is the phenomenon of conflict without contradiction: why is it that an emotion need not be revised in the light of better judgment and knowledge? Conflict without contradiction has been explained either by (...)
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    Aristoteles Als Wissenschaftlicher Autor: Eine Analyse Seines ›Epistemischen Schreibens‹ in der Biologischen Schrift »de Generatione Animalium«.Sabine Föllinger & Thomas Busch - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Wie arbeitet Aristoteles als wissenschaftlicher Autor? Wie nutzt er das Schreiben für seine Argumentation und ihre Darstellung? Dieser Frage geht die vorliegende Monografie für die Schrift De generatione animalium systematisch nach. In ihr entwickelt Aristoteles eine komplexe Theorie, mit der er Fortpflanzungs- und Vererbungsphänomene in der gesamten Tierwelt einschließlich des Menschen erklären möchte. Aristoteles‘ Argumentation ist dicht und wechselt zwischen Beweisführung, Diskursivität und Darstellung. Eine im Rahmen einer Makroplanung insgesamt prozessuale Vorgehensweise schließt die rhetorische Gestaltung einzelner Passagen nicht aus. Insgesamt (...)
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    Braucht Wissen Glauben?: erste Heidelberger Religionsphilosophische Disputation.Heimo Hofmeister - 1994
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    (1 other version)The Ethical Problem of the Lie in Kant.Heimo E. M. Hofmeister - 1972 - Kant Studien 63 (1-4):353-368.
  35.  15
    Höllenangst, Kriegerangst, Liebesangst Narrative Räume für Angst im,Eneasroman‘ Heinrichs von Veldeke.Sabine Obermaier - 2007 - Das Mittelalter 12 (1).
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    Effects of Dance Movement Therapy and Dance on Health-Related Psychological Outcomes. A Meta-Analysis Update.Sabine C. Koch, Roxana F. F. Riege, Katharina Tisborn, Jacelyn Biondo, Lily Martin & Andreas Beelmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  37. What's Wrong With Recalcitrant Emotions? From Irrationality to Challenge of Agential Identity.Sabine A. Döring - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (3):381-402.
    I argue that, in experiencing a recalcitrant emotion, one does not violate a rational requirement of any sort. Rational requirements, as the expression has come to be used, are requirements of coherence. Accordingly, my argument is that there is nothing incoherent in any way about experiencing a recalcitrant emotion. One becomes incoherent only if one allows the emotion to influence one's reasoning and/or action, in which case one violates the ‘consistency principle’ and/or the ‘enkratic principle’. From the standpoint of rationality, (...)
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    Pure Science with a Practical Aim: The Meanings of Fundamental Research in Britain, circa 1916–1950.Sabine Clark - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):285-311.
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    Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinsonian Patients—Ethical Evaluation of Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Sequelae.Sabine Müller & Markus Christen - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (1):3-13.
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    Why Is Murat’s Achievement So Low? Causal Attributions and Implicit Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minority Students Predict Preservice Teachers’ Judgments About Achievement.Sabine Glock, Anna Shevchuk & Hannah Kleen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In many educational systems, ethnic minority students score lower in their academic achievement, and consequently, teachers develop low expectations regarding this student group. Relatedly, teachers’ implicit attitudes, explicit expectations, and causal attributions also differ between ethnic minority and ethnic majority students—all in a disadvantageous way for ethnic minority students. However, what is not known so far, is how attitudes and causal attributions contribute together to teachers’ judgments. In the current study, we explored how implicit attitudes and causal attributions contribute to (...)
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    Buttons.Sabine I. Golz - 1992 - Substance 21 (2):77.
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    Zum Verstehen des Gewesenen.Heimo Hofmeister - 1998
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    9. Inducing Interdisciplinarity: Irresistible Infliction? The Example of a Research Group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research , Bielefeld, Germany.Sabine Maasen - 2000 - In Peter Weingart & Nico Stehr, Practising Interdisciplinarity. University of Toronto Press. pp. 173-193.
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  44. Self, past and present.Sabine Maasen, Barbara Sutter & Stefanie Duttweiler - 2007 - In Sabine Maasen & Barbara Sutter, On willing selves: neoliberal politics vis-à-vis the neuroscientific challenge. New York: Plagrave Macmiilan.
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    Picture Credits.Sabine Marienberg - 2017 - In Symbolic Articulation: Image, Word, and Body Between Action and Schema. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 205-206.
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  46. Xeritown, Dubai-Mixed-use development applies sustainable principles.Sabine Müller & Andreas Quednau - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 70:88.
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    Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy: Essays for P. M. S. Hacker.Sabine Plaud - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (2):223-226.
  48.  10
    Au bon plaisir des "docteurs graves": à propos de Judith Butler.Sabine Prokhoris - 2016 - Paris: PUF.
    Référence de la pensée critique contemporaine et de la lutte contre les discriminations sexuelles et « culturelles », Judith Butler passe pour une grande philosophe. En prise sur notre actualité, ce livre, dont le titre fait allusion à l'autorité usurpée des Jésuites moqués par Pascal dans Les Provinciales, questionne cette évidence, par une critique sévère et argumentée de la « pensée Butler ».
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    Aesthetic Reason and Imaginative Freedom: Friedrich Schiller and Philosophy ed. by María del Rosario Acosta López and Jeffrey L. Powell.Sabine Roehr - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (1):178-179.
    In the past, Schiller has often been underestimated as a philosopher in his own right. Fortunately, this has been changing, beginning with the bicentennial commemoration of his death in 2005, which has since then produced a fair number of volumes, mostly in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Unfortunately, Frederick Beiser's 2005 Schiller the Philosopher: A Re-Examination, one of the still rare book-length treatments by a single author, has failed to lead to a similar "new wave" in the English-speaking world. Thus, (...)
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  50. Emotional Responses to Luck, Risk, and Uncertainty.Sabine Roeser - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge. pp. 356-364.
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