Results for 'Salif Coly'

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  1.  7
    La dissertation philosophique.Salif Coly - 2018 - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal.
    La dissertation philosophique est un manuel qui traduit la nécessité de la maîtrise de la méthodologie et répond aux attentes des apprenants par rapport à cet exercice qu'est la dissertation. Il se présente aux yeux de l'auteur, le Dr Salif Coly, comme un moyen de partager avec les élèves, les étudiants, les enseignants et les intellectuels férus de philosophie un certain nombre de réflexions sur la dissertation philosophique. Au-delà des conseils pour éviter certains pièges, l'auteur passe en revue (...)
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    Comment philosopher en classe de terminale?: réflexions sur le commentaire de textes.Salif Coly - 2017 - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal.
    Comment philosopher en classe de terminale? Réflexions sur le commentaire de textes est un manuel qui traduit la nécessité de la maîtrise de la méthodologie dans l'entreprise philosophique. Il se présente aux yeux de l'auteur, le Dr Salif Coly, comme un moyen de partager avec les élèves, les étudiants, les enseignants et les intellectuels férus de philosophie un certain nombre de réflexions sur la méthodologie du commentaire de texte philosophique. C'est donc un manuel de méthodologie entièrement consacré au (...)
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    Spinoza and the Early English Deists.Rosalie L. Colie - 1959 - Journal of the History of Ideas 20 (1/4):23.
  4.  11
    Gentile and Modernity.D. Coli - 2014 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 20 (1-2):137-166.
    This essay situates Gentile in the debate over the meaning and value of 'modernity' as interpreted by post-War commentators such as Hannah Arendt, Jürgen Habermas and Leo Strauss. Coli shows how Gentile drew upon his predecessors as he developed his actual idealist conception of the relation between thinking, the thinker and the world. Gentile's response to themulti-faceted problem of modernity combines reactionary and progressive elements: the central threads of western culture, he believes, can and should be retained, though updated, refined (...)
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    Light and Enlightenment: A Study of the Cambridge Platonists and the Dutch Arminians.R. L. Colie - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (1):131-132.
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    Natural Categorization: Electrophysiological Responses to Viewing Natural Versus Built Environments.Salif Mahamane, Nick Wan, Alexis Porter, Allison S. Hancock, Justin Campbell, Thomas E. Lyon & Kerry E. Jordan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Alberti e suas igrejas: os caminhos da harmonia.Jorge S. Coli - 1983 - Discurso 14:159-180.
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    A volta do pele vermelha, de Fiedler.Jorge Coli - 1974 - Discurso 5 (5):161-164.
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    Casanova, o exercício solitário do prazer.Jorge Coli - 1978 - Discurso 8:112-116.
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    Time and eternity: Paradox and structure in paradise lost.Rosalie L. Colie - 1960 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 23 (1/2):127-138.
  11. Triste e sorridente metafisica.Jorge Coli - 2010 - In Adauto Novaes (ed.), Mutações: a invenção das crenças. São Paulo, SP: Edições SESC SP.
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  12. Genre-systems and the functions of literature.Rosalie Colie - 2000 - In David Duff (ed.), Modern Genre Theory. Longman Publishing Group. pp. 148--166.
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    A “Caixa Preta” Como Metáfora Para o Funcionamento Das Sociedades Pós-Históricas Segundo Vilém Flusser.Anna Luiza Andrade Coli - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):366-375.
    O presente artigo aborda alguns textos fundamentais de Vilém Flusser adotando como eixo central a comparação entre o funcionamento das sociedades póshistóricas e o mecanismo da “caixa-preta”, o que permite articular questões específicas dos códigos de comunicação e seus produtos com questões que tratam das consequências das tecno-imagens para o funcionamento das sociedades caracterizadas por Flusser como sociedades de massa ou pós-históricas.
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    A fenomenologia negativa de Eugen Fink à luz um projeto de contrametafísica.Anna Luiza Coli - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    Conhecido como último assistente e mais importante colaborador de Husserl, Eugen Fink foi uma figura decisiva no desenvolvimento final da fenomenologia husserlianas. Mas muito ainda se discute se sua obra posterior à morte de Husserl poderia ou não ser considerada um projeto propriamente fenomenológico. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que o pensamento que Fink desenvolve após a Segunda Guerra pode ser entendida como uma fenomenologia que todavia se volta ao um conceito radicalmente distinto de ‘fenômeno’. Essa radicalidade, por sua (...)
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  15. Croce and enriques.Daniela Coli - 1983 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (3):383-386.
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    Finks Hegel-Deutung als Leitfaden der Entwicklung seines philosophischen Projekts.Anna Luiza Coli - 2022 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022 (2):152-168.
    While avoiding taking part in the discussion of whether Fink’s philosophy should or not be considered from two different moments, the intention of the present contribution is to follow the track given by an evident readjustment in the interpretation of Hegel proposed by Fink in two different moments of his intellectual production. The thematic frame concerning his interpretation of Hegel privileges the concepts of absolute and identity, in order to show how they were articulated in two different ways throughout the (...)
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    Giovanni Gentile.Daniela Coli - 2004 - Bologna: Mulino.
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    Il filosofo, i libri, gli editori: croce, laterza e la cultura europea.Daniela Coli - 2002 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica. Edited by Daniela Coli.
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    I "Three Discourses" di Thomas Hobbes.Daniela Coli - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (2):305-316.
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  20. The letters from Croce, Benedetto to Gentile, Giovanni.Daniela Coli - 1984 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 4 (2):268-273.
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    Logos in the Temple: George Herbert and the shape of content.R. L. Colie - 1963 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 26 (3/4):327-342.
  22. Disputas territoriales y disputas cartográficas: el surgimiento de nuevos sujetos "cartografantes".Henri Acselrad & Luis Régis Coli - 2010 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 35:63-86.
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    Quentin Skinner interprete di Hobbes.Daniela Coli - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (2):269-280.
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    Review. [REVIEW]Rosalie L. Colie - 1971 - History and Theory 10 (3):370-373.
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    All We Need Is Trust: How the COVID-19 Outbreak Reconfigured Trust in Italian Public Institutions.Rino Falcone, Elisa Colì, Silvia Felletti, Alessandro Sapienza, Cristiano Castelfranchi & Fabio Paglieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:561747.
    The central focus of this research is the fast and crucial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its exceptionally serious consequences in terms of healthcare, state intervention and impositions, radical changes in people’s life, on a crucial psychological, relational, and political construct: trust. In this survey, addressed to 4260 Italian citizens, we tried to analyze and measure such impact, focusing on various aspects of trust. This attention to multiple dimensions of trust constitutes the key conceptual advantage of this research, since (...)
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    Apresentação - Dossiê Nietzsche na Fenomenologia.José Fernandes Weber, Anna Luiza Coli & Giovanni Jan Giubilato - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):e6.
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    Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850.Victoria Ann Kahn, Neil Saccamano & Daniela Coli (eds.) - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Focusing on the new theories of human motivation that emerged during the transition from feudalism to the modern period, this is the first book of new essays on the relationship between politics and the passions from Machiavelli to Bentham. Contributors address the crisis of moral and philosophical discourse in the early modern period; the necessity of inventing a new way of describing the relation between reflection and action, and private and public selves; the disciplinary regulation of the body; and the (...)
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    E.coli hemolysin interactions with prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes.Colin Hughes, Peter Stanley & Vassilis Koronakis - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (8):519-525.
    The hemolysin toxin (HlyA) is secreted across both the cytoplasmic and outer membranes of pathogenic Escherichia coli and forms membrane pores in cells of the host immune system, causing cell dysfunction and death. The processes underlying the interaction of HlyA with the bacterial and mammalian cell membranes are remarkable. Secretion of HlyA occurs without a periplasmic intermediate and is directed by an uncleaved C‐terminal targetting signal and the HlyB and HlyD translocator proteins, the former being a member of a transporter (...)
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    recA mutants of E. coli K12: A personal turning point.Alvin J. Clark - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (9):767-772.
    A first year graduate student, Ann Dee Margulies, changed my research career in 1962 by challenging me to direct her in the isolation of recombination‐deficient mutants of Escherichia coli K‐12. She succeeded in isolating two mutants, which conjugated with donor strains and received the donor DNA, but could not recombine that DNA with their own chromosomes. Ann Dee showed that both mutants were much more sensitive to UV radiation than was the wild type. Furthermore, she showed that one of these (...)
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    Escherichia coli as a Model System With Which to Study Cell Differentiation.Denis Thieffry - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (2):163 - 193.
    This article concerns the elaboration of epigenetic models for differentiation. I discuss how results and conclusions arising from studies of prokaryotes were extrapolated to explain differentiation during metazoan development. In this respect, I focus on the presentation of a multi-stable biochemical model by Delbrück in 1949, and on a series of works dealing with enzyme adaptation in Escherichia coli that culminated in Jacob and Monod's operon model. These influential contributions are discussed in the context of debates on nuclear versus cytoplasmic (...)
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    The role of E. coli single‐stranded DNA binding protein in DNA metabolism.John W. Chase - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (5):218-222.
    Single‐stranded DNA binding proteins have been known for some time to be crucial in many DNA metabolic reactions in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Despite a wealth of studies on these proteins we still do not understand their biochemical mechanism of action. Recent studies of the Escherichia coli single stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) are beginning to provide some insight into how this and similar proteins might function.
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    IsEscherichia coli getting old?Conrad L. Woldringh - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (8):770-774.
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  33. Larval Subjects, Autonomous Systems, and E. Coli Chemotaxis.John Protevi - unknown
    Upon first reading, the beginning of Chapter 2 of Difference and Repetition, with its talk of ―contemplative souls‖ and ―larval subjects,‖ seems something of a bizarre biological panpsychism. Actually it does defend a sort of biological panpsychism, but by defining the kind of psyche Deleuze is talking about, I‘ll show here how we can remove the bizarreness from that concept. First, I will sketch Deleuze‘s treatment of ―larval subjects,‖ then show how Deleuze‘s discourse can be articulated with Evan Thompson‘s biologically (...)
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    The sweet connection: Solving the riddle of multiple sugar‐binding fimbrial adhesins in Escherichia coli.Jean‐Marc Ghigo & Christophe Beloin - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (4):300-311.
    Proteinaceous stalks produced by Gram‐negative bacteria are often used to adhere to environmental surfaces. Among them, chaperone‐usher (CU) fimbriae adhesins, related to prototypical type 1 fimbriae, interact in highly specific ways with different ligands at different stages of bacterial infection or surface colonisation. Recent analyses revealed a large number of potential and often “cryptic” CU fimbriae homologues in the genome of commensal and pathogenic Escherichia coli and closely related bacteria. We propose that CU fimbriae form a yet unexplored arsenal of (...)
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    Rapid growth mutants of escherichia coli.James Canvin, Susan Grant, Primrose Freestone, Istvan Toth, Mirella Trinei, Kishor Modha, Dominique Cellier & Vic Norris - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (2):161-166.
    If rapid growth (rap) mutants of Escherichia coli could be obtained, these might prove a valuable contribution to fields as diverse as growth rate control, biotechnology and the regulation of the bacterial cell cycle. To obtain rap mutants, a dnaQ mutator strain was grown for four and a half days continuously in batch culture. At the end of the selection period, there was no significant change in growth rate. This result means that selecting rap mutants may require an alternative strategy (...)
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    Regulation of the methionine regulon in Escherichia coli.Robert Shoeman, Betty Redfield, Timothy Coleman, Nathan Brot, Herbert Weissbach, Ronald C. Greene, Albert A. Smith, Isabelle Saint-Girons, Mario M. Zakin & Georges N. Cohen - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (5):210-213.
    The genes involved in methionine biosynthesis are scattered throughout the Escherichia coli chromosome and are controlled in a similar but not coordinated manner. The product of the metJ gene and S‐adenosylmethionine are involved in the repression of this ‘regulon’.
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    Mechanism of action of the Escherichia coli UvrABC nuclease: Clues to the damage recognition problem.Ben Van Houten & Amanda Snowden - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (1):51-59.
    During the process of E. coli nucleotide excision repair, DNA damage recognition and processing are achieved by the action of the uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC gene products. The availability of highly purified proteins has lead to a detailed molecular description of E. coli nucleotide excision repair that serves as a model for similar processes in eukaryotes. An interesting aspect of this repair system is the protein complex's ability to work on a vast array of DNA lesions that differ widely in (...)
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    Stress‐induced mutation via DNA breaks in Escherichia coli: A molecular mechanism with implications for evolution and medicine.Susan M. Rosenberg, Chandan Shee, Ryan L. Frisch & P. J. Hastings - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (10):885-892.
    Evolutionary theory assumed that mutations occur constantly, gradually, and randomly over time. This formulation from the “modern synthesis” of the 1930s was embraced decades before molecular understanding of genes or mutations. Since then, our labs and others have elucidated mutation mechanisms activated by stress responses. Stress‐induced mutation mechanisms produce mutations, potentially accelerating evolution, specifically when cells are maladapted to their environment, that is, when they are stressed. The mechanisms of stress‐induced mutation that are being revealed experimentally in laboratory settings provide (...)
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    Evolution of global regulatory networks during a long‐term experiment with Escherichia coli.Nadège Philippe, Estelle Crozat, Richard E. Lenski & Dominique Schneider - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (9):846-860.
    Evolution has shaped all living organisms on Earth, although many details of this process are shrouded in time. However, it is possible to see, with one's own eyes, evolution as it happens by performing experiments in defined laboratory conditions with microbes that have suitably fast generations. The longest‐running microbial evolution experiment was started in 1988, at which time twelve populations were founded by the same strain ofEscherichia coli. Since then, the populations have been serially propagated and have evolved for tens (...)
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    Hypothesis. RuvA, RuvB and RuvC proteins: Cleaning‐up after recombinational repairs in E. coli.Andrei Kuzminov - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (5):355-358.
    After the completion of RecA protein‐mediated recombinational repair of daughter‐strand gaps in E. coli, participating chromosomes are held together by Holliday junctions. Until recently, it was not known how the cell disengages the connected chromosomes. Accumulating genetic data suggested that the product of the ruv locus participates in recombinational repair and acts after the formation of Holliday junctions. Molecular characterization of the locus revealed that there are three genes – ruvA, ruvB and ruvC; mutations in any one of the genes (...)
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    Instability of inhibited replication forks in E. coli.Andrei Kuzminov - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (8):733-741.
    Inhibiting the progress of replication forks in E. coli makes them susceptible to breakage. Broken replication forks are evidently reassembled by the RecBCD recombinational repair pathway. These findings explain a particular pattern of DNA degradation during inhibition of chromosomal replication, the role of recombination in the viability of mutants with displaced replication origin, and hyper‐recombination observed in the Terminus of the E. coli chromosome in rnh mutants. Breakage and repair of inhibited replication forks could be the reason for the recombination‐dependence (...)
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    Accessory protein function in the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme from E. coli.Mike O'Donnell - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (2):105-111.
    DNA polymerases which duplicate cellular chromosomes are multiprotein complexes. The individual functions of the many proteins required to duplicate a chromosome are not fully understood. The multiprotein complex which duplicates the Escherichia coli chromosome, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (holoenzyme), contains a DNA polymerase subunit and nine accessory proteins. This report summarizes our current understanding of the individual functions of the accessory proteins within the holoenzyme, lending insight into why a chromosomal replicase needs such a complex structure.
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    Control of threonine pathway in E. coli. application to biotechnologies.B. Raïs, C. Chassagnole & J. -P. Mazat - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4):285-297.
    Threonine is an essential amino acid for mammals and birds and an adequate supply is necessary for growth and maintenance. Its production has become the aim of metabolic bioengineering and genetic manipulations. We propose in this paper a rational approach for increasing threonine production in anE. coli strain based on metabolic control theory. We have derived a way to measure the control coefficients of threonine pathwayin vivo. The method consists in modelling the results of presteady-state experiments. Thein vivo concentrations and (...)
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    Discontinuous or semi‐discontinuous DNA replication in Escherichia coli?Tzu-Chien V. Wang - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (6):633-636.
    The postulate that a stalled/collapsed replication fork will be generated when the replication complex encounters a UV‐induced lesion in the template for leading‐strand DNA synthesis is based on the model of semi‐discontinuous DNA replication. A review of existing data indicates that the semi‐discontinuous DNA replication model is supported by data from in vitro studies, while the discontinuous DNA replication model is supported by in vivo studies in Escherichia coli. Until the question of whether DNA replicates discontinuously in one or both (...)
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  45. Integrating evolutionary aspects into dual-use discussion: the cases of influenza virus and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli.Ozan Altan Altinok - 2021 - Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 9 (1):383 - 392.
    Research in infection biology aims to understand the complex nature of host–pathogen interactions. While this knowledge facilitates strategies for preventing and treating diseases, it can also be intentionally misused to cause harm. Such dual-use risk is potentially high for highly pathogenic microbes such as Risk Group-3 (RG3) bacteria and RG4 viruses, which could be used in bioterrorism attacks. However, other pathogens such as influenza virus (IV) and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), usually classified as RG2 pathogens, also demonstrate high dual-use risk. (...)
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    Does replication‐induced transcription regulate synthesis of the myriad low copy number proteins of Escherichia coli?Purnananda Guptasarma - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (11):987-997.
    Over 80% of the genes in the E. coli chromosome express fewer than a hundred copies each of their protein products per cell. It is argued here that transcription of these genes is neither constitutive nor regulated by protein factors, but rather, induced by the act of replication. The utility of such replication‐induced (RI) transcription to the temporal regulation of synthesis of determinate quantities of low copy number (LCN) proteins is described. It is suggested that RI transcription may be necessitated, (...)
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    Host cell–plasmid interactions in the expression of DNA donor activity by F + strains of Escherichia coli K‐12.Philip M. Silverman - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (6):254-259.
    DNA transfer directly from cell to cell (conjugation) is common among prokaryotes, particularly Gram‐negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. The phenomenon invariably requires a set of plasmid genes in the DNA donor cell. In addition, E. coli itself makes limited and specific contributions to the donor activity of strains carrying the conjugative plasmid F. These contributions have yet to be defined biochemically, but it is already clear that the cell envelope is an importan nexus between plasmid‐ and chromosome‐encoded proteins required for (...)
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  48. Manufacturing bacteriological contamination outbreaks in industrialized meat production systems: The case of E. coli O157:H7. [REVIEW]Arunas Juska, Lourdes Gouveia, Jackie Gabriel & Kathleen P. Stanley - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (1):3-19.
    This article outlines aconceptual framework for examining recentoutbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 infectionassociated with the consumption of beef in theUnited States. We argue that beef produced inthis country is generally safer frombacteriological contamination than in the past.Paradoxically, increasing intensification andconcentration in the meat subsector since theearly 1980s has (a) altered agro-food ecology,including characteristics of foodborne bacteriaand human physiology; (b) created conditionsfavorable for the rapid amplification of lowconcentrations of pathogens; and (c) reducedthe beef industry's flexibility to introducechanges necessary to preclude and/or (...)
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    Controle de la chaine de biosynthese de la threonine cheze. Coli.Badr Raïs & Jean-Pierre Mazat - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (1-2):143-153.
    This paper deals with the application of the metabolic control theory, especially the measurement of control coefficients, to the threonine pathway inE. coli. The control coefficient of a step on a metabolic flux quantitatively assesses the flux response to the step variations. This concept is particularly relevant both in pathological situations (decrease in the activity of an enzymatic step in the metabolism) and in biotechnologies, where, on the contrary steps are amplified.Measurement of the control coefficients of the steps of a (...)
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  50. SHAPIN, B. and COLY, L. : "The Philosophy of Parapsychology". [REVIEW]M. Kroy - 1978 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 56:184.
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