Results for 'Sandra Bustillos Durán'

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  1.  19
    How Individual and Contextual Factors Affects Antisocial and Delinquent Behaviors: A Comparison between Young Offenders, Adolescents at Risk of Social Exclusion, and a Community Sample.Silvia Duran-Bonavila, Andreu Vigil-Colet, Sandra Cosi & Fabia Morales-Vives - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Discursos y praxis de la innovación en entidades de la C.A. del País Vasco: Un análisis aplicado.Auxkin Galarraga Ezponda, Álvaro Luna García, Sandra González Durán & Marcelino Massa Carrasquello - 2011 - Arbor 187 (752):1065-1076.
    El presente artículo está basado en una investigación realizada por el grupo de investigación “Cambio, complejidad e Innovación” perteneciente a ASCIDE (Asociación Sociedad del Conocimiento, Desarrollo e Innovación), en un intento por dilucidar los discursos y las prácticas que giran en torno al concepto de innovación dentro de las entidades de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. El objetivo principal de este estudio era conocer los entresijos que envuelven al concepto de innovación y a las formas en las que dicho (...)
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    Buscando el camino.Alejandro Bustillo - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: Emecé.
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    Commentary: An Invitation to Cross-Cultural Conversation.Dan Bustillos - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):532-534.
    The case of Mrs. J is interesting not only because of the difficult questions that the clinical ethicist must confront but also because of the intriguing way in which such cases make Western clinicians and ethicists confront their own oft-unspoken cultural ethical norms and presuppositions.
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    Political Pitfalls in Policymaking: The Texas HPV Vaccine Policy Saga.Dan Bustillos - 2016 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 6 (1):6-10.
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    Limited English Proficiency and Disparities in Clinical Research.Dan Bustillos - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (1):28-37.
    Imagine that you possess an indicator for a disease or illness that has nothing to do with your body. It is not a genetic predisposition to acquire cancer or a vice that raises the probability of contracting some dread disease, though estimates of its health risks have placed it on par with having diabetes. It has nothing to do with the environmental pollutants you are exposed to or whether you can afford health care. It is not a physical susceptibility that (...)
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    Marking Twain.Dan Bustillos & Brad Thornock - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (4):455-458.
    The first of the following two narratives is a personal reflection by the instructor of “Narrative Approaches to Bioethics,” an elective in the PhD program at the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at Saint Louis University. The author argues that perhaps the primary goal of medical ethics education should be to show how to construct plausible and defensible interpretations of human experience and sensibly resolve the problems that these happenings occasion. To that end, the author engaged the sympathetic (...)
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    Towards posthumanism in education: theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings.Jessie Bustillos Morales & Shiva Zarabadi (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This edited volume presents a post-humanist reflection on education, mapping the complex transdisciplinary pedagogy and theoretical research while also addressing questions related to marginalised voices, colonial discourses, and the relationship between theory and practice. Exhibiting a re-imagination of education through themed relationalities that can transverse education, this cutting-edge book highlights the importance of matter in educational environments, enriching pedagogies, teacher-student relationships and curricular innovation. Chapters present contributions that explore education through various international contexts and educational sectors, unravelling educational implications with (...)
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  9. Universal Basic Income.Brian McDonough & Jessie Bustillos Morales - 2020
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    Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies.Sandra G. Harding - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    Explores what the last few decades of European/American, feminist, and postcolonial science and technology studies can learn from each other. This book proposes new directions for thinking about objectivity, method, and reflexivity in light of the new understandings developed in the post-World War II world.
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    Review of R. S. Downie and Jane Macnaughton Bioethics and the Humanities: Attitudes and Perceptions. [REVIEW]Dan Bustillos - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (4):64-66.
  12.  15
    Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Bioethics: Recommendations from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors Presidential Task Force.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Alexis Walker, Shawneequa L. Callier, Faith E. Fletcher, Charlene Galarneau, Nanibaa’ Garrison, Jennifer E. James, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Ubaka Ogbogu, Nneka Sederstrom, Patrick T. Smith, Clarence H. Braddock & Christine Mitchell - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):3-14.
    Recent calls to address racism in bioethics reflect a sense of urgency to mitigate the lethal effects of a lack of action. While the field was catalyzed largely in response to pivotal events deeply rooted in racism and other structures of oppression embedded in research and health care, it has failed to center racial justice in its scholarship, pedagogy, advocacy, and practice, and neglected to integrate anti-racism as a central consideration. Academic bioethics programs play a key role in determining the (...)
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  13. Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a detailed study of the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and Benedict de Spinoza, focussing on their concept of power as potentia, concrete power, rather than power as potestas, authorised power. The focus on power as potentia generates a new conception of popular power. Radical democrats–whether drawing on Hobbes's 'sleeping sovereign' or on Spinoza's 'multitude'–understand popular power as something that transcends ordinary institutional politics, as for instance popular plebsites or mass movements. However, the book argues that these (...)
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  14.  30
    Can Theories be Refuted?: Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis.Sandra Harding - 1975 - Reidel.
    According to a view assumed by many scientists and philosophers of science and standardly found in science textbooks, it is controlled ex perience which provides the basis for distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable theories in science: acceptable theories are those which can pass empirical tests. It has often been thought that a certain sort of test is particularly significant: 'crucial experiments' provide supporting empiri cal evidence for one theory while providing conclusive evidence against another. However, in 1906 Pierre Duhem argued (...)
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    Reconstructing Schopenhauer’s Ethics: Hope, Compassion, and Animal Welfare.Sandra Shapshay - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    This book articulates and defends an interpretation of Schopenhauer's ethics as an original and credible contribution to the history of ethics. It presents Schopenhauer's ethics of compassion in direct tension with his resignationism and aims to show surprising continuities with Kant's ethics.
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  16. Introduction: Standpoint theory as a site of political, philosophic, and scientific debate.Sandra Harding - 2001 - In Sandra G. Harding, The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--15.
  17.  42
    Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Sandra Lee Bartky, Paul Benson, Sue Campbell, Claudia Card, Robin S. Dillon, Jean Harvey, Karen Jones, Charles W. Mills, James Lindemann Nelson, Margaret Urban Walker, Rebecca Whisnant & Catherine Wilson (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Moral psychology studies the features of cognition, judgement, perception and emotion that make human beings capable of moral action. Perspectives from feminist and race theory immensely enrich moral psychology. Writers who take these perspectives ask questions about mind, feeling, and action in contexts of social difference and unequal power and opportunity. These essays by a distinguished international cast of philosophers explore moral psychology as it connects to social life, scientific studies, and literature.
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  18. Grammar in Everyday Talk: Building Responsive Actions.Sandra A. Thompson, Barbara A. Fox & Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Drawing on everyday telephone and video interactions, this book surveys how English speakers use grammar to formulate responses in ordinary conversation. The authors show that speakers build their responses in a variety of ways: the responses can be longer or shorter, repetitive or not, and can be uttered with different intonational 'melodies'. Focusing on four sequence types: responses to questions, responses to informings, responses to assessments, and responses to requests, they argue that an interactional approach holds the key to explaining (...)
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  19. After the Neutrality Ideal: Science, Politics, and "Strong Objectivity".Sandra Harding - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:567-588.
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  20. What Is the Monumental?Sandra Shapshay - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2):145-160.
    The aesthetic category of the sublime has been theorized (especially in the Kantian tradition) as integrally intertwined with the moral. Paradigmatic experiences of the sublime, such as gazing up at the starry night sky, or out at a storm-whipped sea, lead in a moral or religious direction depending on the cognitive stock brought to the experience, since they typically involve a feeling of awe and reflection on the peculiar situation of the human being in nature. The monumental is a similar (...)
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  21. A Socially Relevant Philosophy of Science? Resources from Standpoint Theory's Controversiality.Sandra Harding - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (1):25-47.
    Feminist standpoint theory remains highly controversial: it is widely advocated, used to guide research and justify its results, and yet is also vigorously denounced. This essay argues that three such sites of controversy reveal the value of engaging with standpoint theory as a way of reflecting on and debating some of the most anxiety-producing issues in contemporary Western intellectual and political life. Engaging with standpoint theory enables a socially relevant philosophy of science.
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  22. (1 other version)Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms and Epistemologies.Sandra Harding - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (3):325-332.
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  23. Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.Sandra G. Harding & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.) - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This collection of essays, first published two decades ago, presents central feminist critiques and analyses of natural and social sciences and their philosophies. Unfortunately, in spite of the brilliant body of research and scholarship in these fields in subsequent decades, the insights of these essays remain as timely now as they were then: philosophy and the sciences still presume kinds of social innocence to which they are not entitled. The essays focus on Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Marx; on (...)
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  24. El filósofo, la filosofía y la política.Ángel Bustillos Peña - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 70 (1):9-17.
    Nos proponemos en nuestro trabajo resaltar los rasgos esenciales de la Filosofía, la función de la misma, el papel del filósofo como indagador del cosmos y de la sociedad, y en este contexto preguntamos y trato de responder cual es su relación con la política y el deber ser de la democracia. El filósofo es el pensador que estudia la naturaleza, la vida, el hombre y la sociedad, trascendiendo en su investigación lo que se presenta como materialidad fenoménica al simple (...)
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  25. Early word-learning entails reference, not merely associations.Sandra R. Waxman & Susan A. Gelman - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (6):258-263.
  26. Hobbes and the Question of Power.Sandra Field - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):61-85.
    Thomas Hobbes has been hailed as the philosopher of power par excellence; however, I demonstrate that Hobbes’s conceptualization of political power is not stable across his texts. Once the distinction is made between the authorized and the effective power of the sovereign, it is no longer sufficient simply to defend a doctrine of the authorized power of the sovereign; such a doctrine must be robustly complemented by an account of how the effective power commensurate to this authority might be achieved. (...)
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  27. On Psychological Oppression.Sandra Bartky - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):190-190.
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    The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice.Sandra Marshall - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):254-256.
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    Distinctive environments depend on genotypes.Sandra Scarr - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):38-39.
  30.  28
    Logic from Kant to Russell.Sandra Lapointe (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The scope and method of logic as we know it today eminently reflect the ground-breaking developments of set theory and the logical foundations of mathematics at the turn of the 20th century. Unfortunately, little effort has been made to understand the idiosyncrasies of the philosophical context that led to these tremendous innovations in the 19thcentury beyond what is found in the works of mathematicians such as Frege, Hilbert, and Russell. This constitutes a monumental gap in our understanding of the central (...)
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    Ethical Decision Making in Times of Organizational Crisis.Sandra L. Christensen & John Kohls - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (3):328-358.
    The article describes a framework that identifies event, organizational, and individual factors that threaten ethical decision making in organizations facing discrete crises or in an ongoing crisis environment. Nine propositions are stated that predict threats to ethical decision making during crisis. A comparison between predictions from our model and from Jones's (1991) model is made. Suggestions for research to test and refine the framework are proposed.
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    Consistent (but not variable) names as invitations to form object categories: new evidence from 12-month-old infants.Sandra R. Waxman & Irena Braun - 2005 - Cognition 95 (3):B59-B68.
  33.  45
    (1 other version)Belnap-Dunn Semantics for the Variants of BN4 and E4 which Contain Routley and Meyer’s Logic B.Sandra M. López - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (1):29-56.
    The logics BN4 and E4 can be considered as the 4-valued logics of the relevant conditional and (relevant) entailment, respectively. The logic BN4 was developed by Brady in 1982 and the logic E4 by Robles and Méndez in 2016. The aim of this paper is to investigate the implicative variants (of both systems) which contain Routley and Meyer’s logic B and endow them with a Belnap-Dunn type bivalent semantics.
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    Mice with finitely many Woodin cardinals from optimal determinacy hypotheses.Sandra Müller, Ralf Schindler & W. Hugh Woodin - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (Supp01):1950013.
    We prove the following result which is due to the third author. Let [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text] determinacy and [Formula: see text] determinacy both hold true and there is no [Formula: see text]-definable [Formula: see text]-sequence of pairwise distinct reals, then [Formula: see text] exists and is [Formula: see text]-iterable. The proof yields that [Formula: see text] determinacy implies that [Formula: see text] exists and is [Formula: see text]-iterable for all reals [Formula: see text]. A consequence is (...)
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    Infant music perception: Domain-general or domain-specific mechanisms?Sandra E. Trehub & Erin E. Hannon - 2006 - Cognition 100 (1):73-99.
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    Caring, control, and clinicians' influence: Ethical dilemmas in development disabilities.Sandra L. Friedman, David T. Helm & Joseph Marrone - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (4):349 – 364.
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    Contagio penetrante.Sandra Viviana Palermo - 2023 - Studia Hegeliana 9:25-44.
    Il testo analizza tre diverse declinazioni del concetto di illuminismo nella riflessione hegeliana e cerca di mostrare che l’intento di Hegel è quello di dispiegare un nuovo concetto di ragione, nei confronti del quale la ragione illuminista si presenta come istanza necessaria, ma al contempo incompleta. L’Illuminismo rappresenta un’esperienza storica di negazione dell’esistente che si diffonde come una malattia infettiva che distrugge il corpo collettivo che la ospita, ma che non può e non deve essere arrestata. Piuttosto, l’unico modo di (...)
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    Cognitive capacity limitations and Need for Cognition differentially predict reward-induced cognitive effort expenditure.Dasha A. Sandra & A. Ross Otto - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):101-106.
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  39. Judging the Other: Responding to Traditional Female Genital Surgeries.Sandra D. Lane & Robert A. Rubinstein - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (3):31-40.
    Western feminists, physicians, and ethicists condemn the traditional genital surgeries performed on women in some non‐Western cultures. But coming to moral judgment is not the end of the story; we must also decide what to do about our judgments. We must learn to work respectfully with, not independently of, local resources for cultural self‐examination and change.
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    The deliberate control of emotional experience through control of expressions.Sandra E. Duclos & James D. Laird - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (1):27-56.
  41. Bolzano a priori knowledge, and the Classical Model of Science.Sandra Lapointe - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):263-281.
    This paper is aimed at understanding one central aspect of Bolzano's views on deductive knowledge: what it means for a proposition and for a term to be known a priori. I argue that, for Bolzano, a priori knowledge is knowledge by virtue of meaning and that Bolzano has substantial views about meaning and what it is to know the latter. In particular, Bolzano believes that meaning is determined by implicit definition, i.e. the fundamental propositions in a deductive system. I go (...)
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  42. Political Power and Depoliticised Acquiescence: Spinoza and Aristocracy.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - Constellations 27 (4):670-684.
    According to a recent interpretive orthodoxy, Spinoza is a profoundly democratic theorist of state authority. I reject this orthodoxy. To be sure, for Spinoza, a political order succeeds in proportion as it harnesses the power of the people within it. However, Spinoza shows that political inclusion is only one possible strategy to this end; equally if not more useful is political exclusion, so long as it maintains what I call the depoliticised acquiescence of those excluded.
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    Hands, Feet, Eyes, and the Object a: A Lacanian Anatomy of Football.Sandra Meeuwsen & Hub Zwart - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):51-66.
    In this paper, we present a Lacanian perspective on football, while notably fathoming its normative dimension. Starting with a defining imperative, the prohibition against ‘handling’ or touching the ball with your hands, diverging football historically from rugby, we will subsequently focus our attention on the role of the foot, the eye (notably the eyes of the audience) and the ‘object a’ (in the context of gender). Against this backdrop, we will address pressing issues such as the troubled position of the (...)
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  44.  21
    Introduction.Sandra Lapointe - 2012 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 85 (1):1-10.
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  45. Hobbes y la cuestión del poder.Sandra Leonie Field - 2024 - In Diego Fernández Peychaux, Antonio David Rozenberg & Ramírez Beltrán Julián, Thomas Hobbes: libertad y poder en la metamorfosis moderna. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. pp. 188-232. Translated by Ramírez Beltrán Julián.
    Spanish translation of Field, S. L. (2014). 'Hobbes and the question of power'. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 52(1), 61-86. Thomas Hobbes has been hailed as the philosopher of power par excellence; however, I demonstrate that Hobbes’s conceptualization of political power is not stable across his texts. Once the distinction is made between the authorized and the effective power of the sovereign, it is no longer sufficient simply to defend a doctrine of the authorized power of the sovereign; such (...)
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    What and For Whom Is Bioethics?Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):6-8.
    In their examination of survey findings, Pierson et al. (2024) illuminate critical insights into the current composition and philosophical perspectives of the bioethics field. Their study addresses...
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    Latin American Decolonial Social Studies of Scientific Knowledge: Alliances and Tensions.Sandra Harding - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (6):1063-1087.
    A distinctive form of anticolonial analysis has been emerging from Latin America in recent decades. This decolonial theory argues that important new insights about modernity, its politics, and epistemology become visible if one starts off thinking about them from the experiences of those colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese in the Americas. For the decolonial theorists, European colonialism in the Americas, on the one hand, and modernity and capitalism in Europe, on the other hand, coproduced and coconstituted each other. The (...)
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  48. Marx, Spinoza, and 'True Democracy'.Sandra Leonie Field - 2024 - In Jason Maurice Yonover & Kristin Gjesdal, Spinoza in Germany: Political and Religious Thought across the Long Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press. pp. 212-237.
    It is common to assimilate Marx’s and Spinoza’s conceptions of democracy. In this chapter, I assess the relation between Marx’s early idea of “true democracy” and Spinozist democracy, both the historical influence and the theoretical affinity. Drawing on Marx’s student notebooks on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise, I show there was a historical influence. However, at the theoretical level, I argue that a sharp distinction must be drawn. Philosophically, Spinoza’s commitment to understanding politics through real concrete powers does not support with Marx’s (...)
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    Bolzano and the Analytical Tradition.Sandra Lapointe - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (2):96-111.
    In the course of the last few decades, Bolzano has emerged as an important player in accounts of the history of philosophy. This should be no surprise. Few authors stand at a more central junction in the development of modern thought. Bolzano's contributions to logic and the theory of knowledge alone straddle three of the most important philosophical traditions of the 19th and 20th centuries: the Kantian school, the early phenomenological movement and what has come to be known as analytical (...)
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    Kant, Celmins and Art after the End of Art.Sandra Shapshay - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):209-225.
    One typically thinks of the relevance of Kant’s aesthetic theory to Western art in terms of Modernism, thanks in large part to the work of eminent critic and art historian Clement Greenberg. Yet, thinking of Kant’s legacy for contemporary art as inhering exclusively in “Kantian formalism” obscures a great deal of Kant’s aesthetic theory. In his last book, Arthur Danto suggested just this point, urging us to enlarge our appreciation of Kant’s aesthetic theory and its relevance to contemporary art, because, (...)
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