Results for 'Sarah Craft'

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  1.  40
    An ancient environmental history - L. thommen an environmental history of ancient greece and Rome. Translated by Philip hill. Pp. XII + 186, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2012 . Paper, £17.99, us$29.99 . Isbn: 978-0-521-17465-7. [REVIEW]Sarah Craft - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (2):483-485.
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    Fit to a T: Spray-On Clothing, Craft, Commodity Fetishism, and the Agency of Objects.Sarah Amato - 2011 - Utopian Studies 22 (2):285-302.
    ABSTRACT This article considers how spray-on clothing made by Fabrican Ltd. might illuminate and complicate our understandings of craft, commodity fetishism, and object agency. Fabrican is a chemical substance that is sprayed onto the body to create a garment. I am interested in the ways this fabric appears seamless, self-made, and organic; it ostensibly removes the labor and skill associated with handcrafted and machineproduced textiles and, when worn, resembles a second skin, both concealing and revealing the body underneath. In (...)
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  3. Nature, Craft and Phronesis in Aristotle.Sarah Broadie - 1987 - Philosophical Topics 15 (2):35-50.
  4.  14
    Corporate Leadership and Mass Atrocity.Sarah Federman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):407-423.
    With the last Holocaust survivors quietly passing away, one might also expect to see accountability debates slowing to a trickle. Surprisingly, however, recent years show an upswing in corporate World War II-related atonement debates. Interest in corporate participation in mass atrocity has expanded worldwide; yet what constitutes ethical corporate behavior during and after war remains understudied. This article considers these questions through a study of the French National Railways’ roles during the German occupation and its more recent struggle to make (...)
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    Politics of Parking: Rights, Identity, and Property.Sarah Marusek - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Parking and power : law in the everyday -- Construction of a political text : the built environment as a public good -- Citizenship and community : authority of the local -- Semiotics of the terrain : the aesthetics of justice -- Embodiment of jurisdiction : the biopolitics of parking space -- Consumption and the built environment : parking and social need -- Law personified : images of parking enforcement -- Emblematic folk legality : the crafting of law through parking (...)
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    Preparing effective history teachers: The assessment gap.Sarah Drake Brown - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (3):167-177.
    This case study examines a teaching candidate's completion of a major assessment project, including his approach to lesson planning and assessment design, the creation of rubrics, and the crafting of narratives to analyze his students’ work. Qualitative data analysis suggests that this beginning teacher, who excelled in planning and teaching for historical thinking, needed additional support in honing his skills with respect to discipline-based assessment. In his analysis of students’ work and his reflection on the assessments, the teaching candidate retreated (...)
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  7. on the martial arts status of mixed martial arts: 'There are no rules'.Sarah Malanowski & Nicholas Baima - 2022 - In Jason Holt & Marc Ramsay (eds.), The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts: Squaring the Octagon. Routledge. pp. 16-29.
    Many traditional martial artists assert that MMA is not a martial art, denying that the ‘martial skill’ of MMA constitutes a ‘martial art’, and citing the sportive and entertainment aspects of MMA competitions as antithetical to the spirit of martial arts, lacking the integrity, discipline, and tradition found in martial arts. Today, these criticisms are even more relevant in light of the fact that the typical MMA fighter no longer practices a single discipline but is versed in a variety of (...)
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    Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment: Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in The Guide of the Perplexed (review).Sarah Pessin - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (1):126-127.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.1 (2003) 126-127 [Access article in PDF] James Arthur Diamond. Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment: Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in The Guide of the Perplexed. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. Pp. viii + 235. Paper, $20.95. In his text about the nature of Maimonidean text, Diamond shows us firsthand how the great medieval Jewish thinker's use of biblical and (...)
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    Paper Flowers: Jane Campion, Plant Life, and The Power of the Dog (2021).Sarah Cooper - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (6):143.
    Taking as its point of departure the place of the vegetal realm within Jane Campion’s filmmaking, this article attends to both living and artificial plants, homing in on the exquisitely crafted paper flowers of The Power of the Dog to explore their entanglement with human power relations. Manmade flowers are clearly distinct from the flowers of the garden or the prairie, but in this Western, they form part of a broader floral aesthetic with their living kin. Drawing upon thought that (...)
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  10. Legislating a Solution to Animal Shelter Euthanasia: A Case Study of California's Controversial SB 1785.Sarah A. Balcom - 2000 - Society and Animals 8 (1):129-150.
    On September 22, 1998, California Governor Pete Wilson signed Senate Bill 1785 into law, dramatically affecting the entire California animal sheltering community. Dubbed the "Hayden law" by the animal protection community after the bill's sponsor, it represents the state of California's attempt to legislate a solution to both the companion animal overpopulation problem and the friction between the agencies trying to end it. The persistence of the bill's primary supporters, a Los Angeles veterinarian and a UCLA law school professor and (...)
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    The SAGE handbook of historical theory.Nancy Partner & Sarah Foot (eds.) - 2013 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    The editors introduce the core areas of current debate within historical theory, bringing the reader as up to date with continuing debates and current developments as is possible. This important handbook brings together in one volume discussions of the role of modernity, empiricism, realism, post-modernity and deconstruction in the historian’s craft. Chapters are written by leading writers from around the world and cover a wide spread of historical sub-disciplines, such as social history, intellectual history, narrative, gender, memory, psycho-analysis and (...)
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    The legacies of Ursula K. Le Guin: science, fiction, ethics.Christopher L. Robinson, Sarah Bouttier & Pierre-Louis Patoine (eds.) - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Legacies of Ursula K. Le Guin explores how Le Guins fiction and essays have built a speculative ethical practice engaging indigenous knowledge and feminism, while crafting utopias in which human and other-than-human life forms enter into new relations. Her work also delineates new ways of making sense of the "science" of science fiction. The authors of this collection provide up-to-date discussions of well-known works as well as more experimental writings. Written in an accessible style, Legacies will appeal to any (...)
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    Do CSR Messages Resonate? Examining Public Reactions to Firms’ CSR Efforts on Social Media.Gregory D. Saxton, Lina Gomez, Zed Ngoh, Yi-Pin Lin & Sarah Dietrich - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):359-377.
    We posit a key goal of firms’ corporate social responsibility efforts is to influence reputation through carefully crafted communicative practices. This trend has accelerated with the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook, which are essentially public message networks that organizations are leveraging to engage with concerned audiences. Given the large number of messages sent on these sites, only some will be effective and achieve broad public resonance. Building on signaling theory, this paper asks whether and how messages (...)
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  14.  33
    Public perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in Defence: a qualitative exploration.Lee Hadlington, Maria Karanika-Murray, Jane Slater, Jens Binder, Sarah Gardner & Sarah Knight - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    There are a wide variety of potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in Defence settings, ranging from the use of autonomous drones to logistical support. However, limited research exists exploring how the public view these, especially in view of the value of public attitudes for influencing policy-making. An accurate understanding of the public’s perceptions is essential for crafting informed policy, developing responsible governance, and building responsive assurance relating to the development and use of AI in military settings. This study is (...)
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    Unseating the Craftsman: Natural Efficient Cause in Aristotle's Craft Analogy.Aparna Ravilochan - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (1):1-14.
    In this essay, I respond to a problem raised by Sarah Broadie in her 1987 article “Nature, Craft and Phronesis in Aristotle.” Broadie analyzes Aristotle’s famous craft analogy for natural causation in order to determine whether or not it requires importing a psychological dimension to natural teleology. She argues that it is possible to make sense of the analogy without psychology, but that the tradeoff is a conception of craft so thoroughly de-psychologized that it is rendered (...)
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  16.  23
    The Capital of Race Capitals: Toward a Connective Cartography of Black Internationalisms.Sarah C. Dunstan - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (4):637-660.
  17. Generic Generalizations.Sarah-Jane Leslie & Adam Lerner - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  18. Plan B.Sarah K. Paul - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3):550-564.
    We sometimes strive to achieve difficult goals when our evidence suggests that success is unlikely – not just because it will require strength of will, but because we are targets of prejudice and discrimination or because success will require unusual ability. Optimism about one’s prospects can be useful for persevering in these cases. That said, excessive optimism can be dangerous; when our evidence is unfavourable, we should be at most agnostic about whether we will succeed. This paper explores the nature (...)
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  19. .Sarah Patterson - 2008
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  20. Credal Dilemmas.Sarah Moss - 2014 - Noûs 48 (3):665-683.
    Recently many have argued that agents must sometimes have credences that are imprecise, represented by a set of probability measures. But opponents claim that fans of imprecise credences cannot provide a decision theory that protects agents who follow it from foregoing sure money. In particular, agents with imprecise credences appear doomed to act irrationally in diachronic cases, where they are called to make decisions at earlier and later times. I respond to this claim on behalf of imprecise credence fans. Once (...)
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    Applying futility in psychiatry: a concept whose time has come.Sarah Levitt & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):60-60.
    Since its introduction in the 1980s, futility as a concept has held contested meaning and applications throughout medicine. There has been little discussion within the psychiatric literature about the use of futility in the care of individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI), despite some tacit acceptance that futility may apply in certain cases of psychiatric illness. In this paper, we explore the literature surrounding futility and argue that its connotation within medicine is to describe situations where patients (or (...)
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  22. A Review of the Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Literature: 2004–2011. [REVIEW]Jana L. Craft - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):221-259.
    This review summarizes the research on ethical decision-making from 2004 to 2011. Eighty-four articles were published during this period, resulting in 357 findings. Individual findings are categorized by their application to individual variables, organizational variables, or the concept of moral intensity as developed by Jones :366–395, 1991). Rest’s four-step model for ethical decision-making is used to summarize findings by dependent variable—awareness, intent, judgment, and behavior. A discussion of findings in each category is provided in order to uncover trends in the (...)
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  23. Philosophy of Action: A Contemporary Introduction.Sarah Paul - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book offers an accessible and inclusive overview of the major debates in the philosophy of action. It covers the distinct approaches taken by Donald Davidson, G.E.M. Anscombe, and numerous others to answering questions like "what are intentional actions?" and "how do reasons explain actions?" Further topics include intention, practical knowledge, weakness and strength of will, self-governance, and collective agency. With introductions, conclusions, and annotated suggested reading lists for each of the ten chapters, it is an ideal introduction for advanced (...)
  24.  40
    One Child: Do We Have a Right to More?Sarah Conly - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    A compelling argument for the morality of limitations on procreation in lessening the harmful environmental effects of unchecked populationWe live in a world where a burgeoning global population has started to have a major and destructive environmental impact. The results, including climate change and the struggle for limited resources, appear to be inevitable aspects of a difficult future. Mandatory population control might be a possible last resort to combat this problem, but is also a potentially immoral and undesirable violation of (...)
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  25. Comments on “Vicious Academics: Academia as a Way of Vice in the Neoliberal Institution”.Sarah Woolwine - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (2):43-45.
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    (1 other version)Non-domination and the ethics of migration.Sarah Fine - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (1):10-30.
  27.  17
    The domain-specificity of face matching impairments in 40 cases of developmental prosopagnosia.Sarah Bate, Rachel J. Bennetts, Jeremy J. Tree, Amanda Adams & Ebony Murray - 2019 - Cognition 192:104031.
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  28. Neo-Latin Anthology.Sarah Knight (ed.) - 2009
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  29. Diachronic Incontinence is a Problem in Moral Philosophy.Sarah K. Paul - 2014 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 57 (3):337-355.
    Is there a rational requirement enjoining continence over time in the intentions one has formed, such that anyone going in for a certain form of agency has standing reason to conform to such a requirement? This paper suggests that there is not. I argue that Michael Bratman’s defense of such a requirement succeeds in showing that many agents have a reason favoring default intention continence much of the time, but does not establish that all planning agents have such a reason (...)
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    Rationalising framing effects: at least one task for empirically informed philosophy.Sarah Fisher - 2020 - Crítica, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 52 (156):5-30.
    Human judgements are affected by the words in which information is presented —or ‘framed’. According to the standard gloss, ‘framing effects’ reveal counter-normative reasoning, unduly affected by positive/negative language. One challenge to this view suggests that number expressions in alternative framing conditions are interpreted as denoting lower-bounded (minimum) quantities. However, it is unclear whether the resulting explanation is a rationalising one. I argue that a number expression should only be interpreted lower-boundedly if this is what it actually means. I survey (...)
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    Drawing the line at not-fully-human: What we already know.Sarah Franklin - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):25 – 27.
  32. Intention, belief, and wishful thinking: Setiya on “practical knowledge”.Sarah K. Paul - 2009 - Ethics 119 (3):546-557.
  33.  14
    The Importance of Prior Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian Statistics: Demonstrations Using an Interactive Shiny App.Sarah Depaoli, Sonja D. Winter & Marieke Visser - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current paper highlights a new, interactive Shiny App that can be used to aid in understanding and teaching the important task of conducting a prior sensitivity analysis when implementing Bayesian estimation methods. In this paper, we discuss the importance of examining prior distributions through a sensitivity analysis. We argue that conducting a prior sensitivity analysis is equally important when so-called diffuse priors are implemented as it is with subjective priors. As a proof of concept, we conducted a small simulation (...)
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    Passage and possibility: a study of Aristotle's modal concepts.Sarah Broadie - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle connects modality and time in ways strange and perplexing to modern readers. In this book the author proposes a new solution to this exegetical problem. Although primarily expository, this work explores topics of central concern for current investigations into causality, time, and change.
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    Ambiguous Threats.Sarah Fisher & Jeffrey Howard - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (2).
    In a recent case, a Facebook user in Iran posted “death to Khamenei”, which the platform removed as a violation of its policy against threats and incitement. Facebook ultimately overturned the decision on the grounds that the speech, while contravening its rules, was newsworthy. Yet the company’s Oversight Board offered a distinct rationale for allowing the post: “death to Khamenei” wasn’t a threat or an incitement at all, but rather a rhetorical expression of criticism, disdain, or disgust. Who was right? (...)
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  36.  18
    Primary Education: Assessing and Planning Learning.A. Craft - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (4):463-464.
  37.  36
    Distinct influences of affective and cognitive factors on children’s non-verbal and verbal mathematical abilities.Sarah S. Wu, Lang Chen, Christian Battista, Ashley K. Smith Watts, Erik G. Willcutt & Vinod Menon - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):118-129.
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    The Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt in Consumers’ Ethical Decision-Making.Sarah Steenhaut & Patrick Kenhove - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (3):269-288.
    In this paper, we theorize that the anticipation of guilt plays an important role in ethically questionable consumer situations. We propose an ethical decision-making framework incorporating anticipated guilt as partial mediator between consumers’ ethical beliefs (anteceded by ethical ideology) and intentions. In the first study, we compared several models using structural equation modeling and found empirical support for our research model. A second experiment was set up to illustrate how these new insights may be applied to prevent consumers from taking (...)
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  39. The Ethics of Movement and Membership: An Introduction.Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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    Moving Through Time: The Role of Personality in Three Real‐Life Contexts.Sarah E. Duffy, Michele I. Feist & Steven McCarthy - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (8):1662-1674.
    In English, two deictic space-time metaphors are in common usage: the Moving Ego metaphor conceptualizes the ego as moving forward through time and the Moving Time metaphor conceptualizes time as moving forward toward the ego . Although earlier research investigating the psychological reality of these metaphors has typically examined spatial influences on temporal reasoning , recent lines of research have extended beyond this, providing initial evidence that personality differences and emotional experiences may also influence how people reason about events in (...)
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  41.  12
    Crisis and Tranquility.Sarah Buckley - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (1):101-101.
  42.  51
    Mental health consumers' perceptions of receiving recovery‐focused services.Sarah L. Marshall, Lindsay G. Oades & Trevor P. Crowe - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):654-659.
  43.  63
    A neo‐stoic approach to epistemic agency.Sarah Wright - 2013 - Philosophical Issues 23 (1):262-275.
    What is the best model of epistemic agency for virtue epistemology? Insofar as the intellectual and moral virtues are similar, it is desirable to develop models of agency that are similar across the two realms. Unlike Aristotle, the Stoics present a model of the virtues on which the moral and intellectual virtues are unified. The Stoics’ materialism and determinism also help to explain how we can be responsible for our beliefs even when we cannot believe otherwise. In this paper I (...)
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  44.  15
    Moral Foundations, Shared Civic Projects and Rossi’s Kant.Sarah Holtman - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):1875-1885.
    Although I quickly review Philip Rossi’s larger argument in The Ethical Commonwealth in History, my focus in this article is on the implications of Rossi’s work for our characterizations of justice and citizenship on a Kantian account. For in arguing that a wise reading of Kant’s political theory allows us better to grasp his overarching aims, Rossi provides convincing evidence for a pair of challenges to the currently popular interpretation of that theory. These address the relationship between Kant’s moral and (...)
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    The Principle of Subsidiarity in the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption: A Philosophical Analysis.Sarah-Vaughan Brakman - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (2):207-230.
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    Pragmatics and social meaning: Understanding under-informativeness in native and non-native speakers.Sarah Fairchild, Ariel Mathis & Anna Papafragou - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104171.
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    Ethical Efficacy as a Measure of Training Effectiveness: An Application of the Graphic Novel Case Method Versus Traditional Written Case Study.Sarah Fischbach - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):603-615.
    The study explores the use of Graphic Novels as an innovative form of training that may improve an individual’s ethical efficacy. A quantitative comparison of the graphic novel method and the traditional written case study is analyzed. The literature on ethics, graphic novels, and training are brought together from theories of narrative and literature perspective to formulate a study. The study uses a 2 × 2 repeated-measure MANOVA to analyze the participant’s reaction to bribery situations based on varying levels of (...)
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    Assessing the Remedy: The Case for Contracts in Clinical Trials.Sarah J. L. Edwards - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (4):3-12.
    Current orthodoxy in research ethics assumes that subjects of clinical trials reserve rights to withdraw at any time and without giving any reason. This view sees the right to withdraw as a simple extension of the right to refuse to participate all together. In this paper, however, I suggest that subjects should assume some responsibilities for the internal validity of the trial at consent and that these responsibilities should be captured by contract. This would allow the researcher to impose a (...)
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    Weakness of Will and Practical.Sarah Stroud - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 121.
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    Women Disarmed: The Militarization of Politics in Ireland 1913-23.Sarah Benton - 1995 - Feminist Review 50 (1):148-172.
    The movement for ‘military preparedness’ in America and Britain gained tremendous momentum at the turn of the century. It assimilated the cult of manliness — the key public virtue, which allowed a person to claim possession of himself and a nation to reclaim possession of itself. An army was the means of marshalling a mass of people for regeneration. The symbol of a nation's preparedness to take control of its own soul was the readiness to bear arms. Although this movement (...)
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