Results for 'Sebastiano Thei'

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  1.  2
    No cardinal correct inner model elementarily embeds into the universe.Gabriel Goldberg & Sebastiano Thei - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. An elementary embedding [math] between two inner models of [math] is cardinal preserving if [math] and [math] correctly compute the class of cardinals. We look at the case [math] and show that there is no nontrivial cardinal preserving elementary embedding from [math] into [math], answering a question of Caicedo.
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    No cardinal correct inner model elementarily embeds into the universe.Gabriel Goldberg & Sebastiano Thei - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    An elementary embedding [Formula: see text] between two inner models of [Formula: see text] is cardinal preserving if [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] correctly compute the class of cardinals. We look at the case [Formula: see text] and show that there is no nontrivial cardinal preserving elementary embedding from [Formula: see text] into [Formula: see text], answering a question of Caicedo.
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    Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Festschrift für Robert Theis/Foi et raison dans la philosophie moderne. Recueil en hommage à Robert Theis (Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie 85).Robert Theis, Dietmar Hermann Heidemann & Raoul Weicker (eds.) - 2013 - Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag.
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    Don’t Walk So Close to Me: Physical Distancing and Adult Physical Activity in Canada.Katie M. Di Sebastiano, Tala Chulak-Bozzer, Leigh M. Vanderloo & Guy Faulkner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Diaphonic pluralism: from truth pluralism to disagreement pluralism.Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-28.
    In this paper, I offer a pluralistic framework for disagreement and I develop a strategy to account for the varieties of disagreement on the basis of the varieties of the truth across different domains of discourse. Truth-pluralism is thus sufficient for delivering pluralism about disagreement—that is, diaphonic pluralism.
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    On materialism.Sebastiano Timpanaro - 1975 - Atlantic Highlands [N.J.]: Humanities Press.
    This polemical work presents to the English-speaking world one of the most original philosophical thinkers to have emerged within post-war Europe. Sebastiano Timpanaro is an Italian classical philologist by training, an author of scholarly studies on the nineteenth-century poet Leopardi, and a Marxist by conviction. With great force and wit, On Materialism sets itself against what it sees as the virtually universal tendency within western Marxism since the war, to dissociate historical materialism from biological or physical materialism. Whereas the (...)
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  7.  21
    Rawls: An Introduction.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    _Rawls: An Introduction_ is a uniquely comprehensive introduction to the work of the American philosopher John Rawls, who transformed contemporary political philosophy. In the 1950s and 1960s, political philosophy seemed to have reached a dead end characterized by a loose predominance of utilitarian theses. Rawls’s conception of liberalism placed civil liberties and social justice at its core, and his extraordinary influence has only been confirmed by the extent of the criticism he has provoked. The book is divided into three parts (...)
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    Handbuch Christian Wolff.Robert Theis & Alexander Aichele (eds.) - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Mit diesem Buch wird erstmals ein umfassendes und systematisches Referenzwerk zu Christian Wolff vorgelegt, das alle wichtigen Aspekte zu Leben und Werk des Philosophen behandelt. Das Handbuch ist von international renommierten Experten verfasst und behandelt neben der Biographie und der philosophiegeschichtlichen Rolle Wolffs sowohl sein philosophisches als auch sein naturwissenschaftlich-mathematisches Werk.
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    Soggetto e possibilità: la svolta kantiana e i suoi presupposti storici.Sebastiano Ghisu - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    L'idea di giustizia: la filosofia politica americana contemporanea.Sebastiano Maffettone - 1993
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    The Legacy of the Enlightenment and the Exemplarity of the EU Model.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2009 - The Monist 92 (2):230-257.
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    Un mondo migliore: giustizia globale tra Leviatano e Cosmopoli.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2013 - Roma: LUISS University Press.
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    How many ἀρεταί in Plato's Protagoras?Sebastiano Molinelli - 2018 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 12 (2):192-204.
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    Truth Relativism and Evans’ Challenge.Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2018 - In Annalisa Coliva, Paolo Leonardi & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History. Londra, Regno Unito: Palgrave. pp. 385-400.
    In this chapter I develop a version of Evans’ challenge for MacFarlane’s assessment-sensitive relativism. The argument is meant to show that, contrary to MacFarlane’s intentions, the correctness of an assertion is a relative matter if the area of discourse has an assessment-sensitive semantics. Thus MacFarlane’s truth-relativism is an inherently unstable doctrine for it is unclear how we should behave in order to achieve the goal of an assertion.
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    Barbara LEONI, La Parafrasi Ambrosiana dello Strategicon di Maurizio: l'arte della guerra a Bisanzio. Bibliotheca erudita, 22.Sebastiano Panteghini - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (1):249-254.
    Questo utile ed interessante volume – frutto di una tesi in Filologia bizantina elaborata presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano sotto la guida di C. M. Mazzucchi – offre l'editio princeps della Parafrasi Ambrosiana allo Strategicon di Maurizio, un manuale di tattica militare fra i più significativi della letteratura greca, composto verisimilmente nell'ultima decade del VI secolo ovvero agli inizi del VI; la parafrasi, a sua volta, è testimoniata dal codice Ambrosianus B 119 sup. = gr. 139 (A), una importantissima raccolta (...)
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  16. Dalla personificazione della Sapienza alla Sapienza in persona.Sebastiano Pinto - 2021 - In Gabriele Palasciano (ed.), Alla ricerca del logos: un percorso storico-esegetico e teologico. Todi (PG): Tau editrice.
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    Le sens de la métaphysique dans la Critique de la Raison Pure.Robert Theis - 1985 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 83 (2):175-196.
  18. Sens de l'histoire et histoire du sens.Robert Theis - 1979 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 26:202-210.
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    Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness: An Economic and Political Perspective.Sebastiano Bavetta, Pietro Navarra & Dario Maimone - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Pietro Navarra & Dario Maimone.
    This book is about the relationship between different concepts of freedom and happiness. The book's authors distinguish three concepts for which an empirical measure exists: opportunity to choose, capability to choose, and autonomy to choose. They also provide a comprehensive account of the relationship between freedom and well-being by comparing channels through which freedoms affect quality of life. The book also explores whether the different conceptions of freedom complement or replace each other in the determination of the level of well-being. (...)
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    La religion est-elle « purement une affaire de raison »?: Réflexions sur quelques aspects du traitement de la religion chez Kant.Robert Theis - 2020 - Kant Studien 111 (1):29-66.
    This study reflects upon the fundamental justification of the radicality of Kant’s affirmation according to which religion is “a matter of reason alone”. To this end, this paper bores in two directions: In a first direction, the premises as well as the context of the Critique of Practical Reason’s thesis, according to which the moral law leads to religion, are reconstructed. The question that needs to be clarified in this context concerns the semantic content of the concept of religion that (...)
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  21. Assertion, Belief and Disagreement: A Problem for Truth-Relativism.Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2008 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Max Kölbel (eds.), Relative truth. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 207.
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    The Economics of Freedom: Theory, Measurement, and Policy Implications.Sebastiano Bavetta & Pietro Navarra - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is freedom? Can we measure it? Does it affect policy? This book develops an original measure of freedom called 'Autonomy Freedom', consistent with J. S. Mill's view of autonomy, and applies it to issues in policy and political design. The work pursues three aims. First, it extends classical liberalism beyond exclusive reliance on negative freedom so as to take autonomous behavior explicitly into account. Second, it grounds on firm conceptual foundations a new standard in the measurement of freedom that (...)
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    Rethinking Logical and Political Normativity.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):81-91.
    The focus of the article is the notion of normativity in logic and politics and their possible intersections. The twentieth-century divide between the analytical and the continental idea of logic is explored, by noting that they both – with significant differences – can be seen as proposing a ‘bottom-up normativity’, which may have immediate political effects. Logical normativity postulates universality, and a connection between reality and reason able to orient actions universalistically. For a bottom-up conception (as specifically advanced by Deleuze’s (...)
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    Nel paese dei ciechi: geografia filosofica dell'Occidente contemporaneo: nazioni, denaro, luoghi e non-luoghi, immagini, social network, virus, ambiente, terrorismo, proteste, sfere e reti.Sebastiano Bertini - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Marsilio Ficino: fonti, testi, fortuna: atti del convegno internazionale (Firenze, 1-3 ottobre 1999).Sebastiano Gentile & Stéphane Toussaint (eds.) - 2006 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Marsilio Ficino, fonti, testi, fortuna, convegno svoltosi à Firenze nell'ottobre del 1999, viene a chiudere la serie degli incontri internazionali coordinati dal Comitato Internazionale Marsilio Ficino e ora pubblicati a Londra e a Parigi. Il volume offre le versioni aggiornate delle conferenze pubbliche tenute all'Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento in quella occasione sull'opera ed il pensiero di Ficino, dal Quattrocento al Seicento. Il suo taglio prevalentemente filologico costituisce un imprescindibile complemento alle pubblicazioni del 1984-86, sempre in onore del Ficino, (...)
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  26.  13
    Critica e analisi: saggio sulla filosofia di Jürgen Habermas.Sebastiano Maffettone - 1980 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Ermeneutica e scelta collettiva.Sebastiano Maffettone - 1992 - Guida Editori.
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    Global justification and local legitimation.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (2):239-257.
    This paper distinguishes between the concepts of justification and legitimation with a view to offering a normative standard for global justice compatible with cultural pluralism. According to this distinction, justification is presented as an idealized, substantive and top-down enterprise rooted in the moral and metaphysical substrate of a specific culture. On the other hand, legitimation has a procedural and factual connotation and derives its strength from the success of some culturally independent but historically situated practice (bottom-up approach). Building on this (...)
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  29.  19
    Global Justice: Critical Perspectives.Sebastiano Maffettone & Aakash Singh Rathore - 2012 - Routledge India.
    The global justice debate has been raging for forty years. Not merely the terms and conditions, but, more deeply, the epistemic, existential and ethical grounds of the international relations of persons, states and institutions are being determined, debated and negotiated. Yet the debate remains essentially a parochial one, confined largely to Western intellectuals and institutional spaces. An Introduction to the field is therefore still urgently required, because it remains necessary to include more ‘global’ voices into this debate of worldwide reach (...)
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  30. Il caso.Sebastiano Maffetone - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (1):7.
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    Il nostro tempo con il pensiero: una filosofia del presente.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
  32.  22
    Filosofia con i bambini. Introduzione.Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 68:85-87.
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    Ciò che realmente una cosa è.Vecchio Sebastiano - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):139-145.
    The full significance of phenomenological experience was one of Pasolini's favourite subjects, declined in terms of 'Reality as Language'. Another semiotic theme of Pasolini as a cinema theorist, was the idea of individual existence as a sequence shot, to which the editing operation constituted by death gives order and sense. The article, based onFabbri, Peirce and Ricœur, suggests an interpretation of that idea, in the direction of the narrative constitution of personal identity – as an effect of final subjectivity.
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    Categorie marxiste e storiografia del mondo antico: critica e storia in un dibattito italiano degli anni Settanta.Sebastiano Taccola - 2022 - Castel S. Pietro, RM: Manifestolibri.
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    Draʿ Abu El-Naga I: Eindrücke Grabkegel als Elemente thebanischer Grabarchitektur. By Elisabeth Kruck.Christoffer Theis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    Draʿ Abu El-Naga I: Eindrücke Grabkegel als Elemente thebanischer Grabarchitektur. By Elisabeth Kruck. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen, vol. 124. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012. Pp. 167, 10 plates. €98.
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    Die deutsche Aufklärung im Spiegel der neueren französischen Aufklärungsforschung.Robert Theis - 1998
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    Kant : Théologie et religion.Robert Theis (ed.) - 2013 - Vrin.
    Est analysée dans ce volume la question de la place et de la signification de la réflexion théologique dans l’œuvre de Kant; le point de départ étant que le traitement de la problématique théologique chez Kant ne se limite pas à la seule critique des preuves traditionnelles de l’existence de Dieu, mais qu’il existe effectivement une pensée théologique même à l’intérieur du discours « critique ». Un premier volet thématique des contributions porte sur cette question théologique en partant des premières (...)
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  38. Kant’s Way to Metaphysics of Ideas. Prolegomena for Reading of the Introduction and the First Book of Transcendental Dialectics.Robert Theis - 2010 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 55.
    In the Introduction and in the first book of the Transcendental Dialectics in the Critique of Pure Reason Kant introduces and further elaborates his program of so called Metaphysics of Ideas. In this paper the aforementioned program will be presented twofold: 1. From the perspective of the historical evolution some paradigmatic focal points of the Kantian project of the “reform of the metaphysics” will be elucidated; 2. From the systematical perspective a question will be posed regarding the possible meaning of (...)
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  39. Struktur und Dialektik. Eine strukturale Analyse von Thomas de Aquino "De Veritate" 1, 4.Robert Theis - 1982 - Filosofia Oggi 5 (2):227.
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    Verkörperung als Botschaft: Transformative Religion und Theologie im Urchristentum.Gerd Theißen - 2016 - In Annette Weissenrieder & Gregor Etzelmüller (eds.), Verkörperung Als Paradigma Theologischer Anthropologie. De Gruyter. pp. 159-182.
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    Un prisma agostiniano di filosofia del linguaggio.Sebastiano Vecchio - 2017 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  42. Tre argomenti contro il relativismo sulla verità.Sebastiano Moruzzi - 2007 - Discipline Filosofiche 17 (2).
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  43.  84
    Constraints and the Measurement of Freedom of Choice.Sebastiano Bavetta & Marco Del Seta - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (3):213-238.
    This paper introduces considerations about constraints in the construction of measures of an agent's freedom. It starts with motivating the exercise from both the philosophical and the informational point of view. Then it presents two rankings of opportunity sets based on information about the extent of options and the constraints that a decision maker faces. The first ranking measures freedom as variety of choice; the second as non-restrictedness in choice.
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    How to avoid the liaison dangereuse between post-colonialism and postmodernism.Sebastiano Maffettone - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):493-504.
    Post-colonial theories present narratives of discontent based on resentment toward colonial exploitation and cultural hegemony. The substance matter of post-colonial narratives (their first-order argument) is sound. Post-colonial theories often rely on a post-modern philosophical argumentative structure (their second-order argument). The second-order argument is not able to support the first-order argument. In particular, the nihilist consequences of post-modernism make impossible the construction of a (post-colonial) discourse through which the discontent is transformed in a basis for a reasonable political action. The lack (...)
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  45.  52
    Liberalism and its critique: Is the therapy worse than the disease?Sebastiano Maffettone - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (3):1-37.
    Starting with the assumption that liberalism is under attack both from political and from philosophical alternatives, this paper is limited to a discussion of one family of critical arguments toward liberalism, namely the arguments that stress the importance of process as contrasted with substance. According to these arguments philosophical and political liberalism is based on substantive principles of justice, whereas a proper democratic theory should be founded on more procedural theories of justice. Such criticism ranges from democratic deliberative approaches to (...)
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    Interpretation of the hydrodynamical formalism of quantum mechanics.Sebastiano Sonego - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (10):1135-1181.
    The hydrodynamical formalism for the quantum theory of a nonrelativistic particle is considered, together with a reformulation of it which makes use of the methods of kinetic theory and is based on the existence of the Wigner phase-space distribution. It is argued that this reformulation provides strong evidence in favor of the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics, and it is suggested that this latter could be better understood as an almost classical statistical theory. Moreover, it is shown how, within this (...)
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  47.  5
    The Reappearance of Hermes in Fifteenth-Century Florence.Sebastiano Gentile - 2024 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 87:203-212.
    In 1463 Ficino translated the Corpus Hermeticum into Latin at the request of Cosimo de’ Medici, employing a Greek manuscript recently brought to Florence from Macedonia. Yet even earlier, in his youthful writings, Ficino had cited Hermes, drawing on the available late ancient and medieval Latin sources and treating him both as a forerunner of Plato and as a witness to the Trinitarian nature of God. Since the first half of the fifteenth century, other humanists had shown a particular interest (...)
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  48.  23
    Thomas Reid on Consciousness and the Constitution of the Mental.Sebastiano Gino - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (4):585-596.
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    Il caso come problema ontologico negli scritti e nella musica di Iannis Xenakis.Sebastiano Gubian - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 30.
    The aim of this article is to outline some traits of Iannis Xenakis’ aesthetics, with reference to his conception of chance, which stands in contrast to both determinism in serial music and the theorists of alea. His elaboration of a stochastic music is here understood not as a mere evolution of compositional techniques, but as evidence of a philosophical necessity, considering chance an ontological problem and resulting in a rejection of the hyper-specialization of the different branches of knowledge. Through a (...)
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  50. Pillole per dormire.Sebastiano Maffettone - 1990 - Roma: Nuova Edizioni del gallo.
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