Results for 'Seiroku Noma'

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  1.  6
    Ten no ana chi no ana: Noma Hiroshi seimei taiwa.Hiroshi Noma - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shakai Shisōsha. Edited by Wahei Tatematsu.
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  2. Bungaku hyōgen to wa dono yō na kōi ka.Hiroshi Noma (ed.) - 1975
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  3. Sakaeyuku michi.Seiji Noma - 1932 - Tōkyō: Dai Nihon Yūbenkai Kōdansha.
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  4. Śikhalo yādera kāche.Mohāmmada Āli Nomānī - 1970
  5. Using influence weights to evaluate the scientific importance of journals.E. Noma - 1988 - In A. F. J. Van Raan (ed.), Handbook of quantitative studies of science and technology. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.. pp. 677.
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  6. Ningen.Kiichi Sasaki & Hiroshi Noma (eds.) - 1970
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  7. Sunao as Character: Its Implications for Trust and Intercultural Communication Within Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals in Australia. [REVIEW]Joanna Crossman & Hiroko Noma - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (3):543-555.
    Drawing upon the findings of a grounded theory study, this article addresses how sunao-sa influences intercultural communication and the process of building and developing trust between Japanese expatriate managers and Australian supervisors working in subsidiaries of Japanese multinationals in Australia. The authors argue that sunao is related to other concepts in business ethics and virtue literature such as character and its constituents, empathy and concern for others. How sunao as a value, influences the process of interpreting intercultural behaviour in relation (...)
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  8. Uzifozonke : healing the heart of curriculum in a South African university.Mukhtar Raban Denise Zinn, Nehemiah Latolla Jacqui Lück, Taryn Isaacs De Vega Noma China Kubashe & Lynn Biggs Eunice Champion - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
  9.  8
    NOMA, cudy i filtr eksplanacyjny.Kazimierz Jodkowski - 2005 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 53 (2):83-102.
    The paper is devoted to the issue of warfare between science and religion. The author describes various positions at this issue, analyzing their faults and merits. He concludes that two most popular ones — of the two books (the Bible, book of Revelation, and the book of Nature), and of complete separated, non-overlapping magisteria (so-called bomb-shelter theology) — are untenable. He proposes a new conception instead of them — the conception of punctuated, or interrupted, discordism — according to which science (...)
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  10. Zasada NOMA (S. J. Gould: \"Skały wieków. Nauka i religia w pełni życia\").Dariusz Liszewski - 2003 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 9.
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    The NOMA of Yishayahu Leibowitz.Mordechai Ben-Ari - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (7):719-723.
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    Acontius and His ou’noma kouridion: Callimachus Aetia fr. 67.1–4 Pf.Francis Cairns - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52 (2):471-477.
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    Recipes and Culinary Creativity. The Noma Legacy.Patrik Engisch - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (38).
    In the past years, food has found itself a central focus of creativity in contemporary culture and a pinnacle of this trend has been the kind of culinary creativity displayed at Noma in Copenhagen. But what is culinary creativity? And what is distinctive about the kind of culinary creativity displayed at places like Noma? In this paper, I attempt to answer these two questions. Building up on pioneering work on creativity by Margaret Boden, I argue that creativity is (...)
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  14. Commentary: refocusing the ethics of informed consent: could ritual improve the ethics of the Noma study.J. V. Lavery - 2007 - In James V. Lavery (ed.), Ethical issues in international biomedical research: a casebook. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  15. Crítica jurIdica y enseñanza clínica : la experiencia desde la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis de Potosí.Guillermo Luévano Bustamante - 2018 - In Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.), Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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    Revisión curricular del plan de estudios del área básica y educativa de la licenciatura en psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.Rocío Adela Andrade Cázares - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (6):16-24.
    El presente artículo aborda el análisis curricular de la Lic. en Psicología de la UAQ. Valora elementos que se consideran por parte de los organismos evaluadores y acreditadores, y se recuperan los principales que deben ser atendidos en la evaluación curricular y el rediseño de las áreas de la licenciatura. Palabras clave: Análisis curricular, psicología, organismos evaluadores, organismos acreditadores, evaluación curricular.
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    Historias, vidas e identidades en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (1980-2019).Quintanar Miranda & Maria Cristina (eds.) - 2022 - Querétaro, México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
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    La reforma del derecho penal II: Jornadas Hispano-Alemanas sobre la Reforma del Derecho Penal, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Marzo, 1980.Santiago Mir (ed.) - 1981 - Bellaterra: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
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  19. Catálogo de los manuscritos filosóficos-teológicos de la Biblioteca Pública de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.Rafael Montejano Y. Aguiñaga (ed.) - 1995 - San Luis Potosí: Instituto de Investigaciones Humanísticas de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.
  20.  13
    En voie du réel.Alexander Schnell - 2013 - Paris: Hermann.
    La phA(c)nomA(c)nologie post-husserlienne s'est dA(c)tournA(c)e des orientations fondamentales de son pA]re fondateur pour adopter une position ou bien dA(c)constructiviste ou bien thA(c)ologisante sinon ouvertement anti-idA(c)aliste. Restant fidA]le A l'attitude phA(c)nomA(c)nologique qui consiste A mettre hors circuit tout prA(c)supposA(c) mA(c)taphysique (qu'il soit de nature antisubjectiviste ou dogmatique), le prA(c)sent ouvrage met en A(c)vidence des motifs cherchant A mettre en place une phA(c)nomA(c)nologie de la connaissance et de la comprA(c)hension qui A(c)vite A la fois l'A(c)cueil d'un scepticisme radical et (...)
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    Science, Transcendence, and Meaning.Eric Reitan - 2008 - In Is God a Delusion?: A Reply to Religion's Cultured Despisers. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 76–100.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Religion vs. Superstition Virgin Mary Sightings Schleiermacher and the Transcendence of God Brains in Vats What Science Can and Cannot Say About the Transcendent The God of the Chance Gaps A Meaningful “God” The Meaning of Life Concluding Remarks.
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    I can never be normal: A conversation about race, daily life practices, food and power.Uzma Ahmed-Andresen & Rikke Andreassen - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (1):25-42.
    This article focuses on the doing and undoing of race in daily life practices in Denmark. It takes the form of a dialogue between two women, a heterosexual Muslim woman of colour and a lesbian white woman, who discuss and analyze how their daily life, e.g. interactions with their children’s schools and daycare institutions, shape their racial and gendered experiences. Drawing upon black feminist theory, postcolonial theory, critical race and whiteness studies, the two women illustrate inclusions and exclusions in their (...)
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    Science of religion and theology: An existential approach.George Karuvelil - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):415-437.
    Abstract Stephen Jay Gould's NOMA (nonoverlapping magisteria) theory was meant to be an alternative to the traditional “conflict model” regarding the relationship between science and religion. But NOMA has been plagued with problems from the beginning. The problem most acutely felt was that of demarcating the disciplines of science and theology. This paper is an attempt to retain the insights of NOMA and the conflict model, while eliminating their shortcomings. It acknowledges with the conflict model that the (...)
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  24.  17
    La originalidad en la cultura de la copia.Carles Méndez Llopis (ed.) - 2017 - Ciudad Juárez, Chih., México: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
    The research-creation project "The originality in copying culture" was registered in the Coordination of Research and Graduate of the Instittuto de Arquitectura Diseño y Arte (IADA) at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) under the responsibility of Dr. Carles Mendez Llopis of the Academic Group Gráfica Contemporánea (Contemporary Graphics, UACJ-65 ) in May of 2010 with the completion date of May 2012. The project with the collaboration of researchers and professionals from 12 international universities as well as 10 students (...)
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    Preceitos e consequências da unificação de lógica e metafísica por Hegel.Luiz Filipe Oliveira - 2023 - Filosofia Unisinos 24 (3):1-18.
    Este trabalho apresenta uma interpretação acerca do papel sistemático do movimento lógico na fi- losofia madura de Hegel, bem como, a partir disso, oferece uma hipótese histórico-genética para a compreensão do desenvolvimento da unificação de lógica e metafísica aplicada de maneira consolidada, primeiramente, na Fenomenologia do Espírito. Mais especificamente, extraímos da diferenciação entre a Lógica (die Logik) e o lógico (das logische) um recurso para explicação da noção metacategorial que Hegel possui de seu método de negação autônoma estendido tanto à (...)
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    Aspectos de lingüística histórica española en el contexto europeo.Ígor Rodríguez-Iglesias - 2018 - Muenchen: Lincom. Edited by Francisco Marcos Marín.
    El libro supone un acercamiento a la conformación de la lingüística española, a partir de la introducción en España por parte de Manuel Vilá i Fontanals de las novísimas metodologías y estudios científicos de las lenguas y el lenguaje que Alemania dio a luz a lo largo del siglo XIX. Hasta llegar a la figura importantísima en la lingüística histórica hispana, el autor realiza el recorrido desde Vilá, pasando por Menéndez Pelayo, hasta llegar al discípulo de ambos (de quienes bebe), (...)
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  27.  10
    Norberto Bobbio: rigore intellettuale e impegno civile.Michele Saporiti (ed.) - 2016 - Torino: G. Giappichelli editore.
    Aperto dai saggi di Alfonso Ruiz Miguel e Patrizia Borsellino, questo volume raccoglie contributi di giovani studiosi, intorno a temi caratterizzanti del pensiero filosofico-giuridico e filosofico-politico di Norberto Bobbio, dalla riflessione sul rigore analitico e sulla filosofia quale militanza, all'analisi sulla forma democratica, che in molte parti anticipò ed intuì i suoi successivi sviluppi. La riattualizzazione dei temi centrali e fondanti dei diritti umani e del pacifismo, si accompagna nei saggi alla rilettura di alcuni importanti contributi bobbiani alla teoria della (...)
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    Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana.Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán (eds.) - 2021 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
    The origin of this volume arises from the working meetings between the members of the Grupo de Investigaci ón Arte of the Department of Environment of the Divisi ón de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño (CyAD) of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM, Unidad Azcapotzalco) with professors of the Academic Body of Performing Arts of the Popular Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. After a series of working meetings, the proposal arose to work (...)
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    Day and Night. Activities by and for the Children from El Refugio in Ancient Neighbourhoods of the Historic Centre of Puebla.Adriana Hernández Sánchez & Christian Enrique De La Torre Sánchez - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 41:83-106.
    The purpose of the following investigation is to understand how children from the old historic district El Refugio (or Barrio del Refugio) of the city of Puebla (Mexico) live in public spaces and what their days and nights look like. It is extremely important to understand the reasons for their appropriation of various places in the city because it allows one to explore the conditions in which they manifest autonomous attitudes. This article is therefore not only about customs and culture, (...)
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    Techno-secularism: Comments and reflections.Varadaraja V. Raman - 2005 - Zygon 40 (4):823-834.
    I comment on some of the points made in John Caiazza's thesis on techno‐secularism and offer some of my own further reflections on the subject. Tertullian's rhetorical question about Athens and Jerusalem has universal relevance, not just for Western culture, and, notwithstanding the many positive contributions of science and technology to human culture and civilization, they may not take the place of religion of one kind or another in the foreseeable future. What is needed is to transform religions in ways (...)
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  31.  18
    Parasite soup: Faith and science in the history of parasitology.Jeremy D. Blaschke - 2022 - Zygon 57 (2):344-367.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 2, Page 344-367, June 2022.
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    Teaching about Evolution: When Science, Ethics and Religion come Together.Eric Campos Vieira Castro, Mario Cézar Amorim Oliveira & Vivian Leyser - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (3):587 - 608.
    Among many contemporary challenges faced by our society is the moral and ethical education of new generations. Young students bring to school a variety of cultural (including religious) backgrounds and worldviews, not rarely of very heterogeneous and conflicting nature. In spite of the secular nature of Brazilian public education system, Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (issued in 1996) allow religious education to be offered in public schools. Therefore, religious education is nowadays (...)
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    A consilience of equal regard: Stephen Jay Gould on the relation of science and religion.Alister E. McGrath - 2021 - Zygon 56 (3):547-565.
    This article offers a fresh assessment of the views of the American paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould on the relation of science and religion. Gould is best known for his celebrated notion of “nonoverlapping magisteria,” which is often seen in somewhat negative terms as inhibiting dialogue. However, as a result of his critique of the unificationist approach to knowledge developed in Edward O. Wilson's Consilience, Gould later made increased use of the more positive notion of a “consilience of (...)
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    Theology and Genetic Engineering: New incarnation of the old conflict?Grzegorz Bugajak - 2004 - In Ulf Görman, Willem B. Drees & Hubert Meisinger (eds.), Studies in Science and Theology, vol. 9(2003–2004), Lunds Universitet, Lund. pp. 127–143.
    It is widely acknowledged among science˗and˗theology thinkers – or at least desired – that we have left behind the era of conflict between science and religion. An approach which avoids conflict by pointing out that science and religion employ two different methodologies and therefore occupy two separate magisteria, is, however, unsatisfactory for both – the advocates of a fruitful dialogue between these two realms of human activity as well as the most vigorous opponents of possible conciliation, and the latter still (...)
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    El acontecimiento al centro: cuatro estudios desde la sociología y la historia.Fabiola de Lachica Huerta, Alicia Márquez Murrieta & Graciela de Garay Arellano (eds.) - 2021 - Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora.
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    There's more to time than ticking away.Varadaraja V. Raman - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):965-975.
    Time is an element that each of us experiences in the core of our being. Yet it also is one of the great mysteries in our conceptual grasp of reality. The notion of time has therefore been reflected upon and explored by thinkers and scientists since ancient times. In this essay I relate the multiple ways in which Antje's Jackelén's scholarly and stimulating work Time and Eternity analyzes the historical, philosophical, theological, and scientific perspectives on the notion of time lived (...)
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    Historical Perspectives on Religion and Science.John Hedley Brooke - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 527–538.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Diversity Complexity Respectability Critiques Darwinism Conclusion Works cited.
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