Results for 'Shahzad Uddin'

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  1.  61
    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures, Traditionalism and Politics: A Story from a Traditional Setting.Shahzad Uddin, Javed Siddiqui & Muhammad Azizul Islam - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):409-428.
    This paper demonstrates the political perspective of corporate social responsibility disclosures and, drawing on Weber’s notion of traditionalism, seeks to explain what motivates companies to make such disclosures in a traditional setting. Annual reports of 23 banking companies in Bangladesh are analysed over the period 2009–2012. This is supplemented by a review of documentary evidence on the political and social activities of corporations and reports published in national and international newspapers. We found that, in the banking companies over the period (...)
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    Management Accounting Research and Structuration Theory: A Critical Realist Critique.Junaid Ashraf & Shahzad Uddin - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (5):485-507.
    The article extends the critique of structuration theory from a critical realist perspective, in particular by demonstrating how its theoretical shortcomings are manifest in management accounting research. Examining of one of the most cited structuration-based accounting studies and other more recent structuration-based accounting studies, the article highlights what accounting researchers who have embraced a structuration lens may have ignored. It also demonstrates why accounting researchers could not get a better theoretical purchase out of structuration. We find that a critical realist (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Understanding the framework of business in Islam in an era of globalization: A review.Syed Jamal Uddin - 2003 - Business Ethics: A European Review 12 (1):23–32.
    Despite the fact that Islam is one of the major religions, the frameworks of this faith are yet to be fully understood. As a consequence, it is being confused with activities contrary to its teachings. Islam has an elaborate treatment for almost every aspect of life including the affairs of business. Business is an acceptable and dignified occupation, which has to be conducted within the given frameworks. Islam encourages the creation, acquisition and consumption of wealth, and the fulfilling of certain (...)
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    Brain connectivity and the self: the case of cerebral disconnection.Lucina Q. Uddin - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (1):94.
    Over the past several years, the study of self-related cognition has garnered increasing interest amongst psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists. Concomitantly, lesion and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated the importance of intact cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connections for supporting high-level cognitive functions. Commissurotomy or “split-brain” patients provide unique insights into the role of the cerebral commissures in maintaining an individual’s sense of self, as well as into the unique self-representation capabilities of each cerebral hemisphere. Here we review empirical work examining the integrity of (...)
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    An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior.Khuram Shahzad, Ying Hong, Alan Muller, Marco DeSisto & Farheen Rizvi - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (3):591-608.
    Deviant workplace behaviors (DWB) cause enormous costs to organizations, sparking considerable interest among researchers and practitioners to identify factors that may prevent such behavior. Drawing on the theory of moral development, we examine the role of ethics-oriented human resource management (HRM) systems in mitigating DWB, as well as mechanisms that may mediate and moderate this relationship. Based on 232 employee-supervisor matched responses generated through a multi-source and multi-wave survey of 84 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan, our multilevel analysis (...)
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    The effects of moral reasoning and self-monitoring on CFO intentions to report fraudulently on financial statements.Nancy Uddin & Peter R. Gillett - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (1):15 - 32.
    This study adapts the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980) to the behavior of fraudulent reporting on financial statements so as to examine the effects of moral reasoning and self-monitoring on intention to report fraudulently, using structural equation modeling. The paper seeks to investigate two of the red flags for financial statement fraud identified in Loebbecke et al.'s (1989) paper: client management displays a significant lack of moral fiber and client personnel exhibit strong personality anomalies. As expected, high (...)
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  7.  60
    Reconceptualizing functional brain connectivity in autism from a developmental perspective.Lucina Q. Uddin, Kaustubh Supekar & Vinod Menon - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  8.  40
    An integrative conceptualization of organizational compassion and organizational justice: a sensemaking perspective.Khuram Shahzad & Alan R. Muller - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):144-158.
    Organizational scholars tend to view justice and compassion as incompatible. While both have important functions in organizational life, compassion's affective elements appear difficult to synthesize with the reasoning and impartiality that underlie the concept of justice. We draw on theoretical arguments from the sensemaking perspective to argue that we can integrate organizational compassion and organizational justice conceptually because both are inherently dynamic processes that rely on emotional and cognitive components, and both are shaped by the social context of the organization. (...)
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  9.  47
    Legal and ethical aspects of deploying artificial intelligence in climate-smart agriculture.Mahatab Uddin, Ataharul Chowdhury & Muhammad Ashad Kabir - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):221-234.
    This study aims to identify artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that are applied in climate-smart agricultural practices and address ethical concerns of deploying those technologies from legal perspectives. As climate-smart agricultural AI, the study considers those AI-based technologies that are used for precision agriculture, monitoring peat lands, deforestation tracking, and improved forest management. The study utilized a systematic literature review approach to identify and analyze AI technologies employed in climate-smart agriculture and associated ethical and legal concerns. The study findings indicate several (...)
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  10.  55
    A set of measures to quantify the dynamicity of longitudinal social networks.Shahadat Uddin, Arif Khan & Mahendra Piraveenan - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):309-320.
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  11. Split-brain reveals separate but equal self-recognition in the two cerebral hemispheres.Lucina Q. Uddin, Jan Rayman & Eran Zaidel - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):633-640.
    To assess the ability of the disconnected cerebral hemispheres to recognize images of the self, a split-brain patient was tested using morphed self-face images presented to one visual hemifield at a time while making “self/other” judgments. The performance of the right and left hemispheres of this patient as assessed by a signal detection method was not significantly different, though a measure of bias did reveal hemispheric differences. The right and left hemispheres of this patient independently and equally possessed the ability (...)
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  12.  17
    Survey of Moral Distress and Self-Awareness among Health Care Professionals.Sharoon Shahzad, Rehana Sajid, Joel Fakhar, Ayesha Saleem Khan, Nizar Ali & Ahtisham Younas - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-12.
    Health care professionals experience moral distress due to challenging ethical decision-making during patient care. Self-awareness can be associated with moral distress. This study determined the levels of and relationship between moral distress and self-awareness of health care professionals. A convenience sample of physicians and nurses was recruited. Data were collected using the Moral Distress and Self-Awareness Scales. In total, 168 physicians and 201 nurses participated with a mean age of 30.54 ± 7.87 and clinical experience of 6.40 ± 6.22 years. (...)
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    How and When Ethics-oriented Human Resource Management Systems Promote Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderated Mediation of Work-Family Balance and Moral Attentiveness.Khuram Shahzad, Jun Gu, Rebecca Mitchell, Ying Hong, Marco De Sisto & Yumeng Luo - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-36.
    Employees’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is an important determinant of organizational effectiveness; hence, scholars and practitioners are particularly interested in the factors, mechanisms, and conditions that promote such behaviors. Guided by the ability–motivation–opportunity framework, we draw on the social cognitive theory of moral thought and action to conceptualize a model that delineates the role of ethics-oriented human resource management (HRM) systems in promoting OCBs through the mediating role of employees’ moral attentiveness. We also refer to the job demands–resources theory to (...)
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    How visual experience shapes body representation.Iqra Shahzad, Valeria Occelli, Eléonore Giraudet, Elena Azañón, Matthew R. Longo, André Mouraux & Olivier Collignon - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105980.
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    Investigating the Dynamics of Stakeholder Salience: What Happens When the Institutional Change Process Unfolds?Shahzad Khurram & Sandra Charreire Petit - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):485-515.
    Using data collected through semi-structured open-ended interviews and archival material, we examined the transience of stakeholders’ salience in the organisational field going through institutional change process. We found strong support for the dominant institutional logic-stakeholder salience relationship. More importantly, the results of our study reveal that changes in stakeholders’ salience are directly related to changes in stakeholders’ attributes. Moreover, we uncover mutual associations among various types of salience attributes and show that the degree of mutual association of various types of (...)
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    Correction to: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics-Oriented HRM Systems, Moral Attentiveness, and Deviant Workplace Behavior.Khuram Shahzad, Ying Hong, Alan Muller, Marco DeSisto & Farheen Rizvi - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (3):609-609.
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    Exploring the Role of Religion in the Dynamics of Bullying and Forgiveness Among High School Students in Pakistan.Shahbaz Ali Shahzad, Assist Prof Dr Gi̇zem Öneri̇ Uzun, Assoc Prof Dr Abdul Sattar Ghaffari, Assoc Prof Dr Malik Mureed Hussain & Dr Abaid Ur Rehman - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):396-413.
    Bullying behaviour among adolescents is a prevalent concern all over the world as it holds significant implications for their mental health and social life. Similarly, bullying has emerged as a grave concern in high schools in Pakistan. However, very limited literature has covered the dynamics of religious education and bullying behaviour among high school students in Pakistan. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the impact of religious beliefs and practices on the prevalence of abuse and bullying among high school students (...)
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  18.  54
    Complex relationships between structural and functional brain connectivity.Lucina Q. Uddin - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):600-602.
  19.  23
    Colonial India in a Crusades Mirror: Fantasy and Reality in a Nineteenth-Century Urdu Novel.Shahzad Bashir - 2023 - Sophia 62 (3):419-432.
    This article extends Georg Lukács’s theorization pertaining to historical fiction by considering a novel written in response to colonial conditions. It treats Abdulhalim Sharar’s Urdu Malik al-‘Aziz and Virginia (1888) as a case where a fictional version of the encounter between Muslims and Christians during the crusades in the twelfth century is used to counter the colonial Indian present in the nineteenth century. I suggest that novels such as Sharar’s exemplify a vein of global thought since the nineteenth century that (...)
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  20.  35
    Integrating Principles of Care, Compassion and Justice in Organizations: Exploring Dynamic Nature of Organizational Justice.Khuram Shahzad, Hassan Sohaib Murad, Naveda Kitchlew & Shahid A. Zia - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (2):167-181.
    This article aims to respond to the long-lived perceived incompatibility between care and compassion and justice in organizational literature. It is argued that principles of care and compassion and principles of justice are compatible with each other and can be integrated in organizations in such a way that both will supplement each other. Previous researches tend to view concepts of care and compassion and justice either as competing or inheriting some fundamental trade-offs. This article argues that the highlighted incompatibility between (...)
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  21.  15
    Linking Authentic Leadership to Transactive Memory System, Team Innovativeness, and Selling Performance: A Multilevel Investigation.Muhammad Asim Shahzad & Tahir Iqbal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:884198.
    In today’s complex selling environment, it is challenging for sales leaders to enhance the effectiveness of their sales teams. The aim of this study is to observe the impact of authentic leadership on salespersons’ internal and external behaviors under B2B selling context [i.e., transactive memory system, innovative work behavior, and customer-directed OCB] and their consequences in team selling performance. Respondents of our survey included salespersons and managers working in the sales departments of pharmaceutical companies. By using structural equation modeling, the (...)
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  22.  14
    Managing Customer Citizenship Behavior in Aviation Sector Through Relational Benefits: Mediating Role of Relationship Quality.Shahzad Hassan & Norazah Mohd Suki - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this research is to investigate the mediating role of relationship quality in the relationship between relational benefits and customer citizenship behavior. Data were gathered through a systematic sampling from 334 passengers. A Survey technique was used to collect the data from respondents from multiple airports. Data were analyzed through partial least square structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 3.3. The results of the study reveal that altruistic benefits, confidence, and self-expression benefits have a positive relationship with relationship quality (...)
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  23.  12
    Biomedical ethics: philosophical and Islamic perspectives.Shahzad Qaiser - 2009 - Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute.
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    Metaphysics and tradition.Shahzad Qaiser - 2009 - Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan.
  25. Of intellect and reason: writings in metaphysics, philosophy, and religion.Shahzad Qaiser - 1990 - Lahore, Pakistan: Institute of Islamic Culture.
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  26. Quest for the eternal.Shahzad Qaiser - 1985 - Faisalabad: Pakistan Publication.
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    In Good Times but Not in Bad: The Role of Managerial Discretion in Moderating the Stakeholder Management and Financial Performance Relationship.Ali M. Shahzad, Matthew A. Rutherford & Mark P. Sharfman - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (4):497-528.
    We examine the role of managers in controlling the positive impact of stakeholder management (SM) on firm financial performance (FP) in the long term. We develop and test competing hypotheses on whether managers act as “good citizens” or engage in “self‐dealing” when allowed greater discretion. We test our assertions using dynamic panel data analysis of a sample of 806 U.S. public firms operating in 34 industries over 5 years (2005–2009). Our results indicate a nuanced influence of managerial discretion contexts on (...)
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    Playing God and the ethics of divine names: An islamic paradigm for biomedical ethics.Qaiser Shahzad - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (8):413–418.
    ABSTRACT The notion of ‘playing God’ frequently comes to fore in discussions of bioethics, especially in religious contexts. The phrase has always been analyzed and discussed from Christian and secular standpoints. Two interpretations exist in the literature. The first one takes ‘God’ seriously and playing ‘playfully’. It argues that this concept does state a principle but invokes a perspective on the world. The second takes both terms playfully. In the Islamic Intellectual tradition, the Sufi concept of ‘adopting divine character traits’ (...)
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  29.  28
    The Impact of COVID-19 on Distress Tolerance in Pakistani Men and Women.Salman Shahzad, Wendy Kliewer, Nasreen Bano, Nasreen Begum & Zulfiqar Ali - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The novel coronavirus is an infectious disease that spread across the world, bringing with it serious mental health problems for men and women. Women in Pakistan are infected with COVID-19 at a much lower rate than men, yet report worse mental health. To explain this paradox, we surveyed 190 participants shortly following the country lockdown, focusing on perceptions of the COVID-19 impact and positive adjustment. Measures used in this study included the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale and Distress Tolerance Scale. Factor (...)
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  30. Entrepreneurial Passion to Entrepreneurial Behavior: Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Proactive Personality.Cai Li, Majid Murad, Fakhar Shahzad, Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan, Sheikh Farhan Ashraf & Courage Simon Kofi Dogbe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:516989.
    This study investigated the role of entrepreneurial passion in recognition of opportunity, developing entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention, in the shaping of entrepreneurial actions in the presence of proactive personality. This study applied partial least squares structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses on a sample of 346 university students from Jiangsu province, China. The output of the study showed that entrepreneurial passion positively and significantly influenced entrepreneurial alertness, entrepreneurial self-efficacy to entrepreneurial intention, and entrepreneurial behavior. The findings also showed (...)
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  31.  32
    Adolescent depression linked to socioeconomic status? Molecular approaches for revealing premorbid risk factors.Monica Uddin, Stefan Jansen & Eva H. Telzer - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (3).
    The means by which social environmental exposures influence risk of mental disorders is a persistent and still open question. A key candidate mechanism for the biologic mediation of environmental effects involves epigenetic factors, which regulate gene function without altering underlying DNA sequence. Recent work has shown that environmental exposures such as childhood abuse, family history of mental disorder, and low socioeconomic status (SES) associate with differential DNA methylation (5mC) – a relatively stable, but modifiable, epigenetic factor. However, the longitudinal relation (...)
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  32.  24
    Benchmark Pashto Handwritten Character Dataset and Pashto Object Character Recognition (OCR) Using Deep Neural Network with Rule Activation Function.Imran Uddin, Dzati A. Ramli, Abdullah Khan, Javed Iqbal Bangash, Nosheen Fayyaz, Asfandyar Khan & Mahwish Kundi - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In the area of machine learning, different techniques are used to train machines and perform different tasks like computer vision, data analysis, natural language processing, and speech recognition. Computer vision is one of the main branches where machine learning and deep learning techniques are being applied. Optical character recognition is the ability of a machine to recognize the character of a language. Pashto is one of the most ancient and historical languages of the world, spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. OCR (...)
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  33. Cornishness Identified-British historiography and Cornwall, a question of history.M. Uddin - 2004 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 82 (4):1021-1039.
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    COVID-19 Pandemic: Ethical and Medical issues arising for people with disability in Bangladesh.Taslim Uddin, Hassan Tasdeed Mohammad & Naima Siddiquee - 2021 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 12 (1):49-53.
    The disability viewpoint is the fundamental for understanding social justice in a given population. Disability rights need to be obeyed in the inclusive preparedness and response to all the disasters or during the crisis period including COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic jeopardized the health and rehabilitation services globally. The impact is much more in low resource developing countries like Bangladesh. In general, people with disability (PWD) suffer from multiple medical and rehabilitation complications and they need frequent rehabilitation consultations or hospital admissions (...)
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    Human Rights Abuses in Bangladeshi Policing: the Protection Capacity of National Human Rights Commission.Md Kamal Uddin - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (2):209-226.
    This paper is about human rights and policing in Bangladesh, with special focus on the role of National Human Rights Commission. The protection and promotion of human rights in Bangladesh has become difficult as the law enforcement agencies, particularly the police and the Rapid Action Battalion, are involved in human rights violations. An overall culture of impunity for human rights violations exists in Bangladesh. The National Human Rights Commission appears to have failed to break the culture of impunity in Bangladeshi (...)
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  36. Kagmari Festival, 1957: Political Aesthetics and Subaltern Internationalism in Pakistan.Layli Uddin - 2021 - In Sanjukta Sunderason & Lotte Hoek, Forms of the left in postcolonial South Asia: aesthetics, networks and connected histories. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  37. Responsibility to future generations and the argument from ignorance.Jasim Uddin - 2005 - Philosophy and Progress 37:105.
  38.  26
    ‘Security dilemma’ of pakistan in the context of afghanistan: A regional trilateral solution.Syed Shuja Uddin - 2016 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55 (2):89-100.
    Three inevitable realities instigate this study. Primarily, the goal of security in the region will most likely be accomplished just if as a minimum some level of cooperation is achieved between the major countries of the region. Second, Afghanistan cannot advance economically or enhance its security and administration independently without some cooperation from India and Pakistan. Third, although many strategists view the idea of Pak-India cooperation with distrust, there are many common grounds where both can gain considerable security, governance, and (...)
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    Static versus dynamic topology of complex communications network during organizational crisis.Shahadat Uddin, Liaquat Hossain, Shahriar Tanvir Murshed & John W. Crawford - 2011 - Complexity 16 (5):27-36.
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  40. Shah waliullah and contemporary society and politics in india.Muhammad Mosleh Uddin - 2005 - Philosophy and Progress 37:163.
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    Understanding environmental sounds in sentence context.Sophia Uddin, Shannon L. M. Heald, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Serena Klos & Howard C. Nusbaum - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):134-143.
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    Synchronization of circular restricted three body problem with lorenz hyper chaotic system using a robust adaptive sliding mode controller.Ayub Khan & Mohammad Shahzad - 2013 - Complexity 18 (6):58-64.
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  43.  33
    Maintenance of Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Role of Frames in Sustained Collaboration.Elizabeth J. Klitsie, Shahzad Ansari & Henk W. Volberda - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):401-423.
    We examine the framing mechanisms used to maintain a cross-sector partnership that was created to address a complex long-term social issue. We study the first 8 years of existence of an XSP that aims to create a market for recycled phosphorus, a nutrient that is critical to crop growth but whose natural reserves have dwindled significantly. Drawing on 27 interviews and over 3000 internal documents, we study the evolution of different frames used by diverse actors in an XSP. We demonstrate (...)
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  44.  34
    Self-Processing and the Default Mode Network: Interactions with the Mirror Neuron System.Istvan Molnar-Szakacs & Lucina Q. Uddin - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  45.  58
    Corporate Social Performance and Financial Performance: Sample-Selection Issues.Mark P. Sharfman & Ali M. Shahzad - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (6):889-918.
    The vast majority of extant empirical research examining the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance selects samples of only those firms which are observed engaging in CSP. In this study, the authors assert that firms’ efforts to pursue CSP and subsequently their appearance in social-choice investment advisory firms’ ranking databases are non-random. Studying the CSP–FP link using selected samples of only those firms whose social performance is ranked by SIA firms introduces a sample-selection bias which limits generalization of (...)
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    Ethical Decision-Making Differences Between Philippines and United States Students.Linda Flaming, Gilda Agacer & Nancy Uddin - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (1):65-79.
    In today's global marketplace, the Philippines provide a unique example of an Asian culture with established economic ties to the West. In this study, Philippine and United States undergraduate business students responded to 13 vignettes describing questionable ethical actions in business situations. Results reveal significant differences between groups for 9 of the 13 vignettes. For 4 vignettes, Philippine participants were more disapproving of the actions, and for another 5, United States participants were more disapproving. The study suggests that cultural differences (...)
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    Decision Making With an Alternative Mindset in an Online Shopping Environment: Identifying User Intentions Toward Facebook-Commerce.Jian Wang, Fakhar Shahzad, Imran Khan & Abdul Waheed Siyal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Considering the current global trend in the digital economy, Facebook commerce is an indispensable component of today’s digital commerce. The purpose of this research is to test the proposed model to validate current theories that evaluate the relationships between online trust and customer f-commerce usage intentions. It has also been proposed to improve usage intention by integrating the relationship between perceived value and trust in electronic commerce. The data was gathered using a structured questionnaire and analyzed with structural equation modeling. (...)
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    Ethical and culturally competent care of transgender patients: A scoping review.Amara Sundus, Sharoon Shahzad & Ahtisham Younas - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):1041-1060.
    Background: Transgender individuals experience discrimination, stigmatization, and unethical and insensitive attitudes in healthcare settings. Therefore, healthcare professionals must be knowledgeable about the ways to deliver ethical and culturally competent care. Ethical considerations: No formal ethical approval was required. Aim: To synthesize the literature and identify gaps about approaches to the provision of ethical and culturally competent care to transgender populations. Design: A Scoping Review Literature Search: Literature was searched within CINAHL, Science Direct, PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE, and Scopus databases using (...)
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    An Approach for Demand Forecasting in Steel Industries Using Ensemble Learning.S. M. Taslim Uddin Raju, Amlan Sarker, Apurba Das, Md Milon Islam, Mabrook S. Al-Rakhami, Atif M. Al-Amri, Tasniah Mohiuddin & Fahad R. Albogamy - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-19.
    This paper aims to introduce a robust framework for forecasting demand, including data preprocessing, data transformation and standardization, feature selection, cross-validation, and regression ensemble framework. Bagging ), boosting and extreme gradient boosting regression ), and stacking are employed as ensemble models. Different machine learning approaches, including support vector regression, extreme learning machine, and multilayer perceptron neural network, are adopted as reference models. In order to maximize the determination coefficient value and reduce the root mean square error, hyperparameters are set using (...)
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  50. PROTACs: The Future of Leukemia Therapeutics.Zubair Anwar, Muhammad Shahzad Ali, Antonio Galvano, Alessandro Perez, Maria La Mantia, Ihtisham Bukhari & Bartlomiej Swiatczak - 2022 - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10:851087.
    The fight to find effective, long-lasting treatments for cancer has led many researchers to consider protein degrading entities. Recent developments in PROteolysis TArgeting Chimeras (PROTACs) have signified their potential as possible cancer therapies. PROTACs are small molecule, protein degraders that function by hijacking the built-in Ubiquitin-Proteasome pathway. This review mainly focuses on the general design and functioning of PROTACs as well as current advancements in the development of PROTACs as anticancer therapies. Particular emphasis is given to PROTACs designed against various (...)
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