Results for 'Shirley Agostinho'

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  1.  25
    The engagement of social media technologies by undergraduate informatics students for academic purpose in Malaysia.Jane See Yin Lim, Shirley Agostinho, Barry Harper & Joe Chicharo - 2014 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 12 (3):177-194.
    Purpose – This study aims to investigate the perceptions, acceptance, usage and access to social media by students and academics in higher education in informatics programs in Malaysia. A conceptual model based on Connectivism and communities of practice learning theory was developed and were used as a basis of mapping the research questions to the design frameworks and the research outcomes. A significant outcome of this study will be the development of a design framework for implementing social media as supporting (...)
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    Interview with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley by Flatness for Feminist Review and Women’s Art Library, April 2021.Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley & Shama Khanna - 2021 - Feminist Review 129 (1):109-122.
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    The Letters. Spinoza, Samuel Shirley, Steven Barbone, Lee Rice & Jacob Adler (eds.) - 1995 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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    Matter, Life, and Generation: Eighteenth-Century Embryology and the Haller-Wolff Debate.Shirley A. Roe - 1981
    A case-study of the interaction between philosophical context and observational data in the practice of Science.
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  5. Matter, Life and Generation: Eighteenth-Century Embryology and the Haller-Wolff Debate.Shirley A. Roe - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (1):94-99.
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    Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: Gebhardt Edition . Translated by S. Shirley. Introduction by B.S. Gregory.Baruch Spinoza, S. Shirley & Brad Gregory - 1989 - Brill.
    This new and complete translation of Spinoza's famous 17th-century work fills an important gap, not only for all scholars of Spinoza, but also for everyone interested in the relationship between Western philosophy and religion, and the history of biblical exegesis.
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    Review of Shirley Jackson: The Christian Philosophy of History[REVIEW]Shirley Jackson - 1945 - Ethics 55 (3):230-232.
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    Rationalism and embryology: Caspar Friedrich Wolff's theory of epigenesis.Shirley A. Roe - 1979 - Journal of the History of Biology 12 (1):1-43.
  9. Whiteliness and institutional racism: hiding behind (un)conscious bias.Shirley Anne Tate & Damien Page - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):141-155.
    ‘Unconscious bias happens by our brains making incredibly quick judgements and assessments without us realising. Biases are influenced by background, cultural environment and experiences and we may not be aware of these views and opinions, or of their full impact and implications. This article opposes this point of view by arguing that bias is not unconscious but is conscious and linked to Charles Mills’ ‘Racial Contract’ and its ‘epistemologies of ignorance’. These epistemologies emerge from what the Equality Challenge Unit calls (...)
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    Machines of Articulation: Reading Politics through Aesthetic Operations.Daniela Agostinho, Anders Engberg-Pedersen & Jussi Parikka - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (68).
    This article is articulated in three voices of scholars who have worked on questions of war, visual culture, and contemporary political aesthetics that also relates to art and film practices. Media theorist Jussi Parikka, literary scholar Anders Engberg-Pedersen, and visual culture researcher Daniela Agostinho address the relations between images, aesthetics and operations through the lens of two books published concomitantly, Parikka’s Operational Images: From the Visual to the Invisual and Engberg-Pedersen’s Martial Aesthetics: How War Became an Art Form. Both (...)
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    Chroma key dreams: Algorithmic visibility, fleshy images and scenes of recognition.Daniela Agostinho - 2018 - Philosophy of Photography 9 (2):131-155.
    The increasing pervasiveness of datafication across social life is significantly challenging the scope and meanings of visibility. How do new modes of data capture compel us to rethink the notion of visibility, no longer understood as an ocular-based perceptual field, but as a multifaceted site of power? Focusing in particular on technologies of algorithmic recognition, the article argues that in order to understand the broad stakes of visibility under algorithmic life, the intersection between algorithmic recognition and the notion of social (...)
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    Essential ethics — embedding ethics into an engineering curriculum.Shirley T. Fleischmann - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):369-381.
    Ethical decision-making is essential to professionalism in engineering. For that reason, ethics is a required topic in an ABET approved engineering curriculum and it must be a foundational strand that runs throughout the entire curriculum. In this paper the curriculum approach that is under development at the Padnos School of Engineering (PSE) at Grand Valley State University will be described. The design of this program draws heavily from the successful approach used at the service academies — in particular West Point (...)
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    The Business Ethics of Evangelicals.Shirley J. Roels - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):109-122.
    Understanding the evangelical framework for business ethics is important, since business evangelicals are well positioned to exercise considerable future influence. This article develops the context for understanding evangelical business ethics by examining their history, theology and culture. It then relates the findings to evangelical foundations for business ethics. The thesis is that business ethics, as practiced by those in the evangelical community, has developed inductively from a base of applied experience. As a result, emphases on piety, witnessing, tithing, and neighborliness, (...)
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    Spinoza: The Letters.Samuel Shirley (ed.) - 1995 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Samuel Shirley's splendid new translation, with critical annotation reflecting research of the last half-century, is the only edition of the complete text of Spinoza's correspondence available in English. An historical-philosophical Introduction, detailed annotation, a chronology, and a bibliography are also included.
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    Daimon Parallels the Holy Phren in Empedocles.Shirley M. Darcus - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (2):175-190.
  16. The Pursuit of Certainty.Shirley Robin Letwin - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (4):337-339.
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    Analysis of Brain Lesion Impact on Balance and Gait Following Stroke.Shirley Handelzalts, Itshak Melzer & Nachum Soroker - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:421112.
    Falls are a leading cause of serious injury and restricted participation among persons with stroke (PwS). Reactive balance control is essential for fall prevention, however, only a few studies have explored the effects of lesion characteristics (location and extent) on balance control in PwS. We aimed to assess the impact of lesion characteristics on reactive and anticipatory balance capacity, gait, and hemiparetic lower limb function, in PwS. Forty-six subacute PwS were exposed to forward, backward, right and left unannounced horizontal surface (...)
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    The interface of science: the case for a broader definition of research management.Marta Agostinho, Catarina Moniz Alves, Sandra Aresta, Filipa Borrego, Júlio Borlido-Santos, João Cortez, Tatiana Lima Costa, José António Lopes, Susana Moreira, José Santos, Margarida Trindade, Carolina Varela & Sheila Vidal - 2020 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 24 (1):19-27.
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    Canonical Extensions and Relational Representations of Lattices with Negation.Agostinho Almeida - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (2):171-199.
    This work is part of a wider investigation into lattice-structured algebras and associated dual representations obtained via the methodology of canonical extensions. To this end, here we study lattices, not necessarily distributive, with negation operations. We consider equational classes of lattices equipped with a negation operation ¬ which is dually self-adjoint (the pair (¬,¬) is a Galois connection) and other axioms are added so as to give classes of lattices in which the negation is De Morgan, orthonegation, antilogism, pseudocomplementation or (...)
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  20.  19
    Motherhood and the obfuscation of medical knowledge:: The case of sickle cell disease.Shirley A. Hill - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (1):29-47.
    This study examines how low-income African American mothers of children with sickle cell disease cope with the reproductive implications of having passed a genetic disease on to their children. Based on in-depth interviews with 29 African American mothers, I found that most mothers knew about SCD prior to having a child with the disease; many knew they were carriers of the sickle cell trait. In explaining why this knowledge did not lead them to alter their reproductive behaviors, mothers invoked a (...)
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  21.  38
    John Turberville Needham and the Generation of Living Organisms.Shirley Roe - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):159-184.
  22. On the History of the Idea of Law.Shirley Robin Letwin - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    On the History of the Idea of Law is the first book ever to trace the development of the philosophical theory of law from its first appearance in Plato's writings to today. Professor Letwin finds important and positive insights and tensions in the theories of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Hobbes. She finds confusions and serious errors introduced by Cicero, Aquinas, Bentham, and Marx. She harnesses the insights of H. L. A. Hart and especially Michael Oakeshott to mount a devastating attack (...)
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    Cassandra Days: Poems.Shirley Geok-Lin Lim - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (3):776-779.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:776 Feminist Studies 43, no. 3. © 2018 by Shirley Geok-lin Lim Shirley Geok-lin Lim Cassandra Days: Poems Vox populi vox Dei “The voice of the people is the voice of God.” June 20, 2016 The voice bellowing from the stage Will not be upstaged. The rage Swelling from its undercurrents Is its own fixed swirling warrant When actor and audience are one. One, the agent and (...)
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    The 2001 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Edward L. Shirley - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):183-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 183-187 [Access article in PDF] The 2001 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Edward L. Shirley St. Edward's University The annual meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies met in Denver, Colorado, on Friday and Saturday, November 16 and 17, 2001. This year's papers addressed the question of "dual belonging" from both Buddhist and Christian perspectives.On Friday afternoon, two papers were delivered, the (...)
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    The 2000 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Edward L. Shirley - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):103-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 103-106 [Access article in PDF] The 2000 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Edward L. Shirley St. Edward's University The annual meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies met in Nashville on Friday and Saturday, November 17 and 18, 2000. This year's papers addressed the theme "Beyond the Usual Alternatives in Buddhist-Christian Dialogue," with usual alternatives being the categories of exclusivism, inclusivism, and (...)
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    Evolution of Consciousness: Studies in Polarity.Shirley Sugerman (ed.) - 1976 - Barfield Press.
    Owen Barfield: a conversation with Shirley Sugerman -- To Owen Barfield -- Cecil Harwood: Owen Barfield -- Norman O. Brown: on interpretation -- Howard Nemerov: exceptions and rules -- Studies in polarity -- David Bohm: imagination, fancy, insight, and reason in the process of thought -- R.H. Barfield: darwinism -- Richard A. Hocks: "novelty" in polarity to "the most admitted truths" : tradition and the individual talent in S.T. Coleridge and T.S. Eliot -- Robert O. Preyer: the burden of (...)
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  27. Women and Space.Shirley Ardener - 1981
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    Representation, identification and trust: Towards an ethics of educational research.Shirley Pendlebury & Penny Enslin - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (3):361–370.
    Crudely put, educational research is unethical when it misrepresents or misidentifies—and so betrays—its putative beneficiaries or the goods and values they hold dear. How can researchers guard against these vulnerabilities? While acknowledging the vulnerabilities of educational research to abuses of trust and representation, and that there is no Archimedean point from which to approach research into people’s practices, we defend a universalist conception of research ethics in education. This universalist conception is developed via an examination of a central debate in (...)
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  29.  14
    Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Regarding the Role of Executive Functions in Reading and Arithmetic.Shirley Rapoport, Orly Rubinsten & Tami Katzir - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  30. The Pursuit of Certainty: David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Beatrice Webb.Shirley Robin Letwin, John B. Stewart, Carl B. Cone, Alfred Cobban & Joseph Hamburger - 1967 - Science and Society 31 (1):37-47.
  31.  49
    Biology, atheism, and politics in eighteenth-century France.Shirley A. Roe - 2010 - In Denis R. Alexander & Ronald L. Numbers, Biology and Ideology From Descartes to Dawkins. London: University of Chicago Press.
    During the eighteenth century, the specter of atheism was a major concern among many intellectuals in Europe. Many of the leading figures of the period such as François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire refuted atheism at every turn. These debates centered on living organisms, particularly questions about generation. Efforts to explain the process of generation raised biological, religious, and political questions. One popular theory put forward to address the question of generation was preformation, the belief that “germs” had been in existence since (...)
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    The Impossibility of a Speech Act Theory of Meaning.Edward S. Shirley - 1975 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 8 (2):114 - 122.
    I argue that john r searle's speech-Act theory of meaning violates his own requirement that such a theory specify a set of conditions for the performance of a certain illocutionary (speech) act which does not include the performance of any other illocutionary act. For the "propositional act" mentioned in searle's analysans is in actuality an illocutionary act. Then I show that any speech-Act theory must include a subsidiary speech act in the analysans. Since the analysans must not contain such an (...)
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    Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts.Shirley Chan (ed.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume covers the philosophical, historical, religious, and interpretative aspects of the ancient Guodian bamboo manuscripts which were disentombed in the Guodian Village in Hubei Province, China, in 1993. Considered to be the Chinese equivalent of the Dead Sea Scrolls, these manuscripts are archaeological finds whose importance cannot be underestimated. Many of the texts are without counterparts in the transmitted tradition, and they provide unique insights into the developments of Chinese philosophy in the period between the death of Confucius and (...)
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    Protecting boundaries of consent in clinical research.Shirley T. Bristol & Rodney W. Hicks - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (1):16-27.
    Successful clinical research outcomes are essential for improving patient care. Achieving this goal, however, implies an effective informed consent process for potential research participants. This article traces the development of ethical and legal requirements of informed consent and examines the effectiveness of past and current practice. The authors propose the use of innovative monitoring methodologies to improve outcomes while safeguarding consent relationships and activities. Additional rigorous research will help direct policy efforts at standardizing quality improvement processes.
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    Psychological and ethical ideas: what early Greeks say.Shirley Darcus Sullivan - 1995 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book describes what early Greek poets and philosophers say about certain ideas of the Archaic Age, namely "psychological activity," "soul," "excellence," ...
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  36. The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics.Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer & M. Gareth Gaskell (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    With contributions from the fields of psychology, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, attention, genetics, development, and neuropsychology divided into five themed sections, this new edition of The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics is unparalleled in its breadth of coverage.
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    Equilibrium in Classical Confucian “Economy”.Shirley Chan - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):100-106.
    In a modern economy, “equilibrium” means that supply and demand is equal. It is at this point that the allocation of goods and services is at its most efficient, this being because the amount of goods and the amount of goods in demand are equally balanced. The market equilibrium therefore is determined by supply and demand. This paper looks at the concept of “equilibrium” in some of the early Confucian texts and its possible implications in economic activities. In the Confucian (...)
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  38.  23
    The Development of Albrecht Von Haller's Views on Embryology.Shirley A. Roe - 1975 - Journal of the History of Biology 8 (2):167 - 190.
  39.  18
    As crianças participam de corpo inteiro.Kátia Agostinho - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (2):347-362.
    As crianças participam de corpo inteiro nos seus mundos de vida, visibilizando a natureza incorporada da ação humana. A partir de uma pesquisa etnográfica com crianças em nível de doutorado, sua empiria e bases teóricas, vimos que o corpo das crianças está na base de toda sua experiência social, mediador das relações, das práticas, dos discursos, das apropriações do Outro e do mundo. Tal ideia precisa ser considerada nas práticas pedagógicas, para que vençamos os fortes mecanismos de controle e dominação (...)
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    Deleuze E Leibniz: Um único Lance de dados ou a univocidade do ser E a equivocidade de seus sentidos.Larissa Drigo Agostinho - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:105-135.
    Em diversos momentos de sua trajetória filosófica Deleuze recorre à Leibniz. Num primeiro momento para pensar a síntese ideal da diferença em Diferença e Repetição, não sem antes ter tecido duras críticas ao infinito leibniziano. Neste artigo nos consagraremos a este momento. Buscaremos demonstrar a importância do conceito de causa imanente de Espinosa, assim como do princípio de razão suficiente e de suas funções no pensamento leibniziano. Apresentaremos a crítica deleuziana do conceito de identidade em Leibniz e a interpretação do (...)
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    Guattari: máquinas e sujeitos políticos.Larissa Drigo Agostinho - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):103-126.
    Resumo: A partir de uma apresentação do contexto político e social no interior do qual a obra de Guattari se insere, buscamos definir o debate político francês da década de 60, no campo do marxismo, sobretudo do materialismo histórico em torno da questão do sujeito da história. O objetivo deste artigo é explicitar as razões que levam Guattari a romper com o estruturalismo, representado na psicanálise por Lacan e no marxismo por Althusser. A relevância deste texto está na apresentação do (...)
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    Images and uncertain worlds.Daniela Agostinho, Ulrik Ekman, Nanna Thylstrup & Kristin Veel - 2018 - Philosophy of Photography 9 (2):99-106.
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    O estilo tardio: deleuze e beckett.Larissa Drigo Agostinho - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):617-636.
    Resumo Procuramos demonstrar, a partir de uma relação entre a noção adorniana de estilo tardio e obras tardias de Deleuze - sobretudo L’épuisé, que trata da obra igualmente tardia de Beckett para a televisão - que há no pensamento deleuziano uma importante reflexão sobre a morte. Procuramos salientar a presença desta ideia e diferenciar a morte da noção de negativo, criticada pelo autor. Uma vez traçada a natureza desta reflexão, pretendemos questionar sua relevância no estudo da obra de Beckett.In this (...)
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    O homem dos lobos: Deleuze, Guattari e a psicanálise.Larissa Drigo Agostinho - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):377-406.
    apresentamos uma comparação entre leituras distintas do caso do homem dos lobos visando explicitar e explicar as críticas deleuzo-guattarianas à psicanálise e, por consequência, os limites técnicos e teóricos desta. Serão abordadas as seguintes questões: a centralidade do complexo de Édipo na psicanálise, a castração em Freud e seus significados e limitações e, por fim, o caráter qualitativo da libido. O objetivo desta exposição é apresentar algumas das principais teses da esquizoanálise e expor a relevância de um conceito renovado de (...)
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  45. O Mestre.Santo Agostinho, António Soares Pinheiro & Maria Leonor Xavier - 1997 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 53 (1):166-166.
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    The optical unconscious of Big Data: Datafication of vision and care for unknown futures.Daniela Agostinho - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Ever since Big Data became a mot du jour across social fields, optical metaphors such as the microscope began to surface in popular discourse to describe and qualify its epistemological impact. While the persistence of optics seems to be at odds with the datafication of vision, this article suggests that the optical metaphor offers an opportunity to reflect about the material consequences of the modes of seeing and knowing that currently shape datafied worlds. Drawing on feminist new materialism, the article (...)
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  47. Introdução à filosofia.Agostinho Ferreira Gambetta - 1966 - São Paulo,: Editôra F.T.D..
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  48. Do sebastianismo à filosofia do mito.Agostinho Nogueira - 1995 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 51 (3):571-614.
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    Nas encruzilhadas do pensamento.Agostinho Veloso - 1956 - Porto,: Livraria Apostolado da Imprensa.
    1. Sob o signo de Descartes, diálogos sobre filosofia moderna.
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  50. O homem face da dor.Agostinho Veloso - 1961 - Lisboa,: Livraria Sampedro Editora.
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