Results for 'Shoaf Victoria'

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  1.  93
    Ethical Leadership for the Professions: Fostering a Moral Community.Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):39-46.
    This paper examines the professions as examples of “moral community” and explores how professional leaders possessed of moral intelligence can make a contribution to enhance the ethical fabric of their communities. The paper offers a model of ethical leadership in the professional business sector that will improve our understanding of how ethical behavior in the professions confers legitimacy and sustainability necessary to achieving the professions’ goals, and how a leadership approach to ethics can serve as an effective tool for the (...)
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    Reconciling Rules and Principles: An Ethics-Based Approach to Corporate Governance.Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):177-185.
    . In this paper, we consider the nature of recent corporate abuses both in the U.S. and in Europe, and how globalization has had an impact on amplifying their consequences. We discuss the rules-based and principles-based remedies that have been proposed in each region, respectively. With a focus on the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA), we examine the principles forwarded by this act, and how it addresses those principles with specific rules and governance mechanisms. Invoking Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT), we (...)
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  3.  75
    Ethics on the web: Applying moral decision-making to the new media. [REVIEW]Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 36 (1-2):93-103.
    This paper examines the advent of the Web as a critical media tool in the promotion and sale of goods to consumers and the ethical questions it raises that are issues of public policy. We examine four traditional ethical rationales that guide organizational decision-making – utilitarianism, distributive justice, moral rights of man and relativism, further characterized as "ends-based", "equity-based", "rules-based" and "comparison-based" rationales – and we apply them to four moral dilemmas attributed to the proliferation of companies as they (...)
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    Editorial: Special Issue on the Impact of Business Ethics on Public Life.Patrick Flanagan, Marilynn Fleckenstein, Linda Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):725-727.
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    Introduction.Flanagan Patrick, Fleckenstein Marilynn, Shoaf Victoria & Werhane Patricia - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):253-254.
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    A New Pedagogy Employs an Old Friend: Beauty and the Quality of Ideas.Robb W. Shoaf - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (2):36-42.
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  7. Medieval Studies after Derrida after Heidegger.R. A. Shoaf - 1988 - In Julian N. Wasserman & Lois Roney, Sign, sentence, discourse: language in medieval thought and literature. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press. pp. 9--30.
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  8.  81
    Pascal’s Wager Updated.Richard Shoaf - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (4):331-335.
    This paper outlines a formal application of the decision tree analysis technique to Pascal's Wager. The author utilizes Pascal's Wager to engage students in various methods for interpreting and utilizing decision tree analyses. The method targets students’ comprehension of the reward system as it is interpreted in Pascal's philosophy. In addition, students are able to engage with philosophical questions concerning the existence of God in view of the questions’ application.
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  9.  23
    Science, Sect, and Certainty in Voltaire's Dictionnaire Philosophique.Richard Shoaf - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (1):121.
  10.  90
    An Institutional Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Kenya.Judy N. Muthuri & Victoria Gilbert - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):467 - 483.
    There is little doubt that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now a global concept and a prominent feature of international business, with its practice localised and differing across countries. Despite the growing body of research focussing on CSR in developing countries, there is dearth research on CSR institutionalisation in African countries. Drawing on institutional theory (IT), this article examines the focus and form of CSR practice of companies in Kenya. It is evident from our findings that the nature and orientation (...)
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  11.  22
    Challenging the Good Life: An Institutional Theoretic Investigation of Consumers’ Transformational Process Toward Sustainable Living.Derek Ezell, Victoria Bush, Matthew B. Shaner, Scott Vitell & Jiangang Huang - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):783-804.
    In pursuit of sustainable living, ethics researchers as well as consumers themselves have challenged the status quo of consumption as an institution. Fueled by global economic, environmental, and societal concerns, responsible consumption has become an integral part of the sustainability and consumption ethics literature. One movement toward sustainability consists of confining living space into a smaller ecological footprint. Although motivations for such a lifestyle have been examined, little research has investigated the process of how members of the tiny house movement (...)
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  12.  67
    Republican liberty and border controls.M. Victoria Costa - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (4):400-415.
  13. Rawls, Citizenship, and Education.M. Victoria Costa - 2010 - Routledge.
    This book develops and applies a unified interpretation of John Rawls’ theory of justice as fairness in order to clarify the account of citizenship that Rawls relies upon, and the kind of educational policies that the state can legitimately pursue to promote social justice. Costa examines the role of the family as the "first school of justice" and its basic contribution to the moral and political development of children. It also argues that schools are necessary to supplement the education that (...)
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  14.  23
    Teodolinda Barolini, Dante's Poets: Textiudity and Truth in the “Comedy.” Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. Pp. xiv, 312. $30. [REVIEW]R. A. Shoaf - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1016-1016.
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  15. Ch. 1.Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison - 2012 - In Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison, Probability in the Philosophy of Religion. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  16.  14
    Some uses of third-person reference forms in speaker self-reference.Celia Kitzinger & Victoria Land - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (4):493-525.
    Speakers of English have available a set of terms dedicated to doing individual self-reference: `I' and its grammatical variants, `me', `my', `mine', etc. Speaker selection of other than these dedicated terms may invite special attention for what has prompted their use. This article draws on field recordings of talk-in-interaction in which speakers use `third-person' reference forms when speaking about themselves. We show that third-person forms are recurrently used for representing the views of someone else. We also show how — by (...)
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  17.  10
    Masculinities in Transformation and Reconfiguration of Intimacies Between Men of the AMBA.Santiago Canevaro & María Victoria Castilla - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:248-271.
    O artigo aborda a relação entre masculinidade e intimidade e tem como objetivo mostrar como os modos como os modos de pensar e vivenciar as intimidades dos homens na AMBA afetam o modo como eles constroem uma subjetividade que se evidencia na transformação. Partindo de uma investigação socioantropológica baseada em entrevistas semiestruturadas com homens de setores médios e populares da AMBA e trabalhando com histórias de vida, focamos em particular nas formas de pensar e vivenciar intimidades para e por homens (...)
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  18.  46
    The Nanoneme Syndrome: Blurring of fact and fiction in the construction of a new science.Jim Gimzewski & Victoria Vesna - 2003 - Technoetic Arts 1 (1):7-24.
    In both the philosophical and visual sense, ‘seeing is believing’ does not apply to nanotechnology, for there is nothing even remotely visible to create proof of existence. On the atomic and molecular scale, data is recorded by sensing and probing in a very abstract manner, which requires complex and approximate interpretations. More than in any other science, visualization and creation of a narrative becomes necessary to describe what is sensed, not seen. Nevertheless, many of the images generated in science and (...)
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  19.  71
    Sentences of Type Theory: The Only Sentences Preserved Under Isomorphisms.M. Victoria Marshall & Rolando Chuaqui - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):932-948.
  20.  88
    Citizenship and the state.M. Victoria Costa - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (6):987-997.
    This study surveys debates on citizenship, the state, and the bases of political stability. The survey begins by presenting the primary sense of 'citizenship' as a legal status and the question of the sorts of political communities people can belong to as citizens. (Multi)nation-states are suggested as the main site of citizenship in the contemporary world, without ignoring the existence of alternative possibilities. Turning to discussions of citizen identity, the study shows that some of the discussion is motivated by a (...)
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  21.  53
    The Bright Future of Neuroethics.Veljko Dubljević, Victoria H. Saigle & Eric Racine - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (2):103-105.
    Many new scholars have emerged and started to explore novel directions of research in neuroethics. Last year, we hosted the Montreal Neuroethics Conference for Young Researchers to highlight the development of these new scholars and to honour the evolving complexity of the field. As part of this conference, we invited young researchers involved in neuroethics all around the world to submit their work for consideration in an essay contest. Here, we proudly introduce the three best essays we received for this (...)
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  22.  40
    Rank in set theory without foundation.M. Victoria Marshall & M. Gloria Schwarze - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (6):387-393.
    We prove that it is not possible to define an appropriate notion of rank in set theories without the axiom of foundation.
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  23.  22
    Occasions and non-occasions: Identity, femininity and high-heeled shoes.Alexandra Sherlock, Victoria Robinson, Jenny Hockey & Rachel Dilley - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2):143-158.
    This article addresses theoretical problems around the notion of ‘choice’, using empirical data from a three-year, ESRC-funded study of identity, transition and footwear among both women and men. With a focus on female participants who wore, or had worn high-heeled shoes, it draws on Budgeon’s argument for viewing the body as event, as becoming, and Finch’s use of the concept of display, to explore the temporalities of high-heeled shoe wear, particularly as an aspect of ‘dressing up’. Data from both focus (...)
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  24.  4
    The Space Before the World: Spacing, Archi-texture, and Other Questions of Sexual Difference.Maria-Victoria Londoño-Becerra - 2024 - Oxford Literary Review 46 (2):182-202.
    This paper investigates the intersection of architecture, philosophy, and sexual difference in Plato’s notion of khōra as it appears in the Timaeus. By engaging first with Jacques Derrida's deconstruction of Plato’s khōra, the paper shows how the interplay between architecture and philosophy not only reflects but also perpetuates patriarchal structures. Khōra, sometimes solely described as a passive receptacle, stages a complex relationship with femininity that challenges traditional notions of space and identity. Drawing on the works of feminist theorists such as (...)
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  25.  71
    Education for Civic Virtue or Patriotism?M. Victoria Costa - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (3):383-392.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  26.  17
    Fiero Y Manso: La figura Del perro en la república de platón.Laura Victoria Almandós Mora & Catalina López Gómez - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 33:76-104.
    RESUMEN Más allá de ser un mero recurso ornamental, la alusión a los perros que hace Platón en diferentes pasajes de la República parece realizarse con miras a defender importantes tesis políticas. Este artículo tiene como propósito develar algunas de estas tesis y busca defender la elección que hace Platón del perro, de entre otros animales, para caracterizar la figura del guardián y del filósofo. El texto aborda la analogía presentada en República según la cual la disposición natural para vigilar (...)
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  27.  6
    La construcción estética de Europa.Rafael Argullol, Victoria Cirlot & Tamara Djermanović (eds.) - 2014 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  28.  13
    “The Jogger and the Wolfpack”: An Analysis of the TRANSITIVITY Patterns in the Global Media Coverage of the 1989 Central Park Five Case.Leanne Victoria Bartley - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):573-594.
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    Presentación.Silvia Borelli, Sara Victoria Alvarado & Pablo Vommaro - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (57):7-9.
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    Timothy J. Cooley (ed.), Cultural Sustainabilities: Music, Media, Language, Advocacy.Victoria M. Breting-Garcia - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (4):505-507.
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  31. La impronta filosófica de Javier Muguerza.M. Victoria Camps Cervera - 2008 - Laguna 22:111-116.
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  32. Globalización y razón, ¿una sístesis imposible?M. Victoria Camps Cervera - 1999 - Laguna 1:121-128.
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  33.  74
    Human rights and the global original position argument in the law of peoples.M. Victoria Costa - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (1):49–61.
  34.  39
    Justice as Fairness, Civic Identity, and Patriotic Education.M. Victoria Costa - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (2):95-114.
    The ideal model of a just society defended by John Rawls entails the existence of certain institutions—those that form the basic structure of society—that guarantee citizens' basic rights and liberties, equality of opportunity, and access to material resources. Such a model also presupposes a certain account of reasonable citizenship. In particular, reasonable citizens will have a set of moral capacities and dispositions and will voluntarily support just institutions. According to Rawls, the need for such citizens is related to the following (...)
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  35.  50
    Justice as Fairness and Educational Policy.M. Victoria Costa - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (2):353-361.
  36.  29
    Comparing Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence Against Women.Victoria A. Ferrer-Perez, Esperanza Bosch-Fiol, Virginia Ferreiro-Basurto, Carmen Delgado-Alvarez & Andrés Sánchez-Prada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Introduction.Anke Finger & Victoria Rosner - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):499.
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  38.  22
    Language as evidence in workplace harassment.Victoria Guillén-Nieto - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Drawing on the hypothesis that workplace harassment may be considered a genre of negative communication serving malicious purposes, the purposes of this paper are threefold. In the first place, we consider the difficulties involved in proving workplace harassment before administration or in court. In the second place, we analyse the challenges workplace harassment poses to linguistic analysis, with special reference to genre theory, and suggest ways of making the theory compatible with the new linguistic input the language of harassment provides. (...)
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  39.  36
    Online Chat - a Hatchery of Lies?Victoria Holderied-Milis - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (1):95-118.
  40.  60
    The Movement Kinematics and Learning Strategies Associated with Adopting Different Foci of Attention during Both Acquisition and Anxious Performance.Gavin P. Lawrence, Victoria M. Gottwald, Michael A. Khan & Robin S. S. Kramer - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  41.  57
    El horizonte totalitario: Inmanentismo Y nuestra tradición de la filosofía política en Hannah Arendt.María Victoria Londoño B. - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:109-118.
    Este trabajo busca indagar sobre una posible interpretación del totalitarismo en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt. Si bien es cierto que para Arendt el totalitarismo es un régimen político específico y delimitado en un contexto histórico particular, también es posible encontrar en su pensamiento una idea más amplia del totalitarismo en la estela de la crítica a la tradición de la filosofía política que la autora desarrolla. Según Arendt, esta tradición no habría hecho otra cosa que idear modos de gobierno (...)
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    Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion.Patsy Perry, Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Fahian Anisul Huq & Mbaye Fall Diallo - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):711-721.
    This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across diverse domains, from supply chain and operations management, to psychology and sociology, to marketing and consumption. Furthermore, there has been only a peripheral focus on ethics and limited application (...)
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  43.  30
    Hunting Otherwise.Victoria Reyes-García, Isabel Díaz-Reviriego, Romain Duda, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares & Sandrine Gallois - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (3):203-221.
    Although subsistence hunting is cross-culturally an activity led and practiced mostly by men, a rich body of literature shows that in many small-scale societies women also engage in hunting in varied and often inconspicuous ways. Using data collected among two contemporary forager-horticulturalist societies facing rapid change, we compare the technological and social characteristics of hunting trips led by women and men and analyze the specific socioeconomic characteristics that facilitate or constrain women’s engagement in hunting. Results from interviews on daily activities (...)
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  44.  39
    Participation in Citizen Science: Insights from the CONECT-e Case Study.Victoria Reyes-García, Antonio Perdomo-Molina, Marta Rivera-Ferre, María Carrascosa-García, Laura Calvet-Mir, Laura Aceituno-Mata, Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana & Petra Benyei - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4):755-788.
    Citizen science is growing quickly, given its potential to enhance knowledge coproduction by diverse participants, generating large and global data sets. However, uneven participation in CS is still an important concern. This work aims to understand participation dynamics in CS and how they are shaped by participation barriers and drivers. We do so by examining participation in CONECT-e, a CS project that uses a wiki-like platform to document traditional ecological knowledge. More precisely, we analyze quantitative data on participants’ profile and (...)
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  45.  13
    O problema do caráter epistêmico de normas e valores no debate Putnam-Habermas: uma resposta da teoria da normatividade de Clarence Irving Lewis.Victoria Paz Sánchez García - 2018 - Cognitio 19 (1):148-159.
    A questão do relacionamento entre a normatividade e valoração e sua incorporação no discurso racional é um dos problemas mais relevantes na filosofia contemporânea e é claramente desdobrada em todas as suas complexidades no debate paradigmático mantido entre Hilary Putnam e Jürgen Habermas durante a primeira década do século XXI. A partir dessas posições que reivindicam a tradição do pragmatismo americano, os filósofos discutem a objetividade dos juízos de valor e normativos defendendo, com diferenças significativas, uma posição cognitivista. A presente (...)
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    Los juegos funerales en honor de Patroclo (Ilíada, XXIII.257 ss.).Carmen Victoria Verde Castro - 2011 - Synthesis (la Plata) 18:13-43.
    Los juegos funerales en honor de Patroclo presentan como componente estructural el catálogo de los contrincantes en tres versiones diferentes. El presente trabajo analiza el modo en que este componente estructural revela los aspectos accidentales o inexplicables de la existencia humana desde la perspectiva de la ética homérica The Funeral Games in honor of Patroclus shows the catalogue of contenders as a structural component in three different versions. The present work analyzes the way in which this structural component reveals accidentals (...)
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  47.  44
    Daniel Varndell (2014) Hollywood Remakes, Deleuze and the Grandfather Paradox.María Victoria Gomez Vila - 2017 - Film-Philosophy 21 (1):138-141.
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    An investigation of the impact of preparer penalty provisions on tax preparer aggressiveness.Richard A. White & Victoria J. Glackin - unknown
    Public and government outrage over recent tax fraud and tax shelter cases led to significant changes in the preparer penalty laws under the Small Business Work Opportunity Act of 2007. This study experimentally examines the effectiveness of the revised preparer penalty provisions at reducing tax preparer aggressiveness. Specifically, we examine the impact of two significant components of the changes to the preparer penalty provisions - the increase in penalty amount and the increase in the likelihood of sustaining the tax position (...)
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  49.  27
    A Semiotic Interpretation of Death in the Film Macario (1960).Griselda Zárate & Victoria Reynoso - forthcoming - Semiotics:31-42.
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  50.  22
    Sebastian Luft: Philosophie lehren - ein Buch zur philosophischen Hoschuldidaktik. [REVIEW]Moritz Cordes & Victoria Oertel - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75:171-175.
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