Results for 'Simone Piazza'

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  1.  19
    Mosaici d’oro nelle chiese di Venezia (ix-xiv secolo). Luci sull’ingente patrimonio perduto.Simone Piazza - 2020 - Convivium 7 (1):55-79.
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    Un unicum fra Oriente e Occidente: l’immagine della Trasfigurazione in San Gabriele ad Airola, Benevento.Simone Piazza - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):88-101.
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  3. Il teatro cartesiano: sulla funzione della "teatralità" barocca nella Prima Meditazione di Descartes.Simone Guidi - 2011 - In Luca Viglialoro & Marco Gatto (eds.), L'esperienza dell'arte. Un percorso estetico tra moderno e postmoderno. pp. 21-55.
    ​Rintracciare con esattezza, nelle Meditazioni, la presenza di specifiche fonti letterarie è un'impresa audace e per certi versi poco utile. Considerata la riluttanza di Descartes a sottomettere il proprio pensiero a ogni genealogia e preso atto dello straordinario eclettismo che anima il Barocco (categoria culturale oltretutto sfuggente per definizione), sembra vano un tentativo di fissare definitivamente i richiami e le atmosfere che attraversano l'opera. Il rischio è anzitutto quello di mantenere indistinto ciò che è nell'autore da quanto è nel suo (...)
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    Commentary: Primary Emotional Systems and Personality: An Evolutionary Perspective.Simone Pollo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Feminine Condition and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Brazil and France.Simone Santana da Silva, Cinira Magali Fortuna, Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière & Anne Pilotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionElements mark the reality of reading the female body in symbolic constructions and social symbols in the exercise of their reproductive health. The study aims to identify elements that characterize the female condition while analyzing the reproductive health of Brazilian and French women.Materials and MethodsA qualitative, multicenter, international study was conducted in Brazil and in France between 2016 and 2019. Data were produced through the use of semi-structured scripts. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were conducted with women who gave (...)
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    Aristippo e i primi cirenaici: quando il piacere entrò nella filosofia.Simone Guslandi - 2023 - [Rome]: Stamen.
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    Schattenwürfe der Transparenz. Klares und Undurchsichtiges zum Thema Selbstwissen.Simone Neuber - 2016 - Philosophische Rundschau 63 (1):60-94.
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  8. La pesanteur et lu gr'ce.Simone Weil & Gustave Thibon - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:388-389.
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  9. Lectures on Philosophy.Simone Weil & Hugh Price - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):133-135.
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    La religione come fenomeno: ricerche e studi a partire da Michel Henry.Giuseppina De Simone & Roberto Formisano (eds.) - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Cruel Optimism by Lauren Berlant (review).Simone Roberts - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (2):383-384.
  12. Lectures de Jules Verne: hier et aujourd'hui.Simone Vierne - 2005 - Iris 28:13-24.
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    L'angelo e la macchina. Sulla genesi della res cogitans cartesiana.Simone Guidi - 2018 - Milano MI, Italia: FrancoAngeli.
    A widespread historiographical portrayal represented Descartes' dualism as constituted in direct contrast with Aquinas' concept of soul-form. In the wake of the many studies that have opposed this prejudice in recent decades, this book reconstructs the fifteenth and seventeenth-century debate on psychology, focusing primarily on the Jesuit context and on the intersection between Aristotelianism, Platonism, and Augustinianism in early modern France. Beginning with a rigorous investigation of the theories of the separated soul, particular attention is then given to the indirect (...)
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  14. First and Last Notebooks.Simone Weil & Richard Rees - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (177):274-276.
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    Gateway to God.Simone Weil - 1974 - New York: Crossroad. Edited by David Raper.
    Collection of writings by Simone Weil and containing some biographical information.
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    Literatura e espírito de vingança?Simone Brantes - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):131-144.
    Through an analysis of the histrionic “man of acute consciousness”” in Notes from Underground, this text tries to highlight a sneaky question posed by Dostoevsky's novel: is it in the underground’s ground that literature is born?
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    Plotinus. Myth, Metaphor, and Philosophical Practice, written by Stephen R.L. Clark.Simone Frasson & Francesco Fronterotta - 2018 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 12 (2):186-189.
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    Histoire économique.Simone Roux, Henri Morsel, Rémi Mallet, Andrée Corvol-Dessert, Joël Cornette & Jacques Portes - 2000 - Revue de Synthèse 121 (1-2):157-174.
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  19. Œvres.Simone Weil & Florence de Lussy - 1999
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  20. Para além de Nietzsche: Peter Gast filósofo e músico. Reflexões a partir de Cultura, Ortografia e Música.Simone Zacchini - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (3):45-3.
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  21. Ecological Approach and Dynamical Approach.Simone Pinna - 2017 - In Extended Cognition and the Dynamics of Algorithmic Skills. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  22. La «reductio artium ad Sacram Scripturam».F. Simone - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
  23. Miscellanea di studi e ricerche sul Quattrocento francese. Torino, Giapichelli 1967. XXXI, 567 S. Rc.F. Simone - 1968 - Paideia 23:85.
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    Older adults get masked emotion priming for happy but not angry faces: evidence for a positivity effect in early perceptual processing of emotional signals.Simone Simonetti, Chris Davis & Jeesun Kim - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1576-1593.
    In higher-level cognitive tasks, older compared to younger adults show a bias towards positive emotion information and away from negative information (a positivity effect). It is unclear whether this effect occurs in early perceptual processing. This issue is important for determining if the positivity effect is due to automatic rather than controlled processing. We tested this with older and younger adults on a positive/negative face emotion valence classification task using masked priming. Positive (happy) and negative (angry) face targets were preceded (...)
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    (1 other version)Waiting for God.Simone Weil - 1951 - Harpercollins. Edited by Joseph Marie Perrin.
    Emerging from thought-provoking discussions and correspondence Simone Weil had with the Reverend Father Perrin, this classic collection of essays contains her most profound meditations on the relationship of human life to the realm of the transcendant.An enlightening introduction by Leslie Fiedler examines Weil's extraordinary roles as a philosophy teacher turned mystic. "One of the most neglected resources of our century ", Waiting for God will continue to influence spiritual and political thought for centuries to come.
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  26. Seventy letters.Simone Weil - 1965 - New York,: Oxford University Press. Edited by Rees, Richard & [From Old Catalog].
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    Ontologies in human–computer interaction: A systematic literature review.Simone Dornelas Costa, Monalessa Perini Barcellos & Ricardo de Almeida Falbo - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (4):421-452.
    Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary area that involves a diverse body of knowledge and a complex landscape of concepts, which can lead to semantic problems, hampering communication and knowledge transfer. Ontologies have been successfully used to solve semantics and knowledge-related problems in several domains. This paper presents a systematic literature review that investigated the use of ontologies in the HCI domain. The main goal was to find out how HCI ontologies have been used and developed. 35 ontologies were identified. (...)
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    Reflecting on place: Environmental education as decolonisation.Simone Thornton, Mary Graham & Gilbert Burgh - 2019 - Australian Journal of Environmental Education 35 (3):239-249.
    We argue that to face climate change, all education, from kindergarten to tertiary, needs to be underpinned by environmental education. Moreover, as a site of reframing, education when coupled with philosophy is a possible site of influencing societal reframing in order to re-examine our relations to nature or our natural environment. However, we contend that as philosophy has been largely absent from curricula, it is vital to redress this issue. Further, the environment cannot be viewed simply as subject matter for (...)
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    Perspektiven einer komparatistischen Philosophie?: Ein methodologisches Trilemma.Simone De Angelis & Ursula Renz - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (3):492-497.
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    "The Useless Mouths" and Other Literary Writings.Simone de Beauvoir & Sylvie Le Bon Beauvoir - 2011 - University of Illinois Press.
    Collects essays, articles, and plays by the French writer, including "A story I used to tell myself," and "What can literature do?".
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    Elements of language creativity.Simone Casini - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):45-59.
    This paper proposes a concept of creativity that stems from a semiotic and linguistic theoretical perspective, in which the formal frame of reference for variation and linguistic change considers and evaluates both the process of general interaction and the contact of languages as a global phenomenon. This method proposes an analysis of creativity that ranges from reflections of ancient philosophy to a contemporary linguistic perspective, incorporates international ideologies, and identifies, within the dimensions of use and social sharing, the principle capable (...)
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    Haʼim anu neʼevaḳim le-maʻan ha-tsedeḳ?: mivḥar ketavim ḥevratiyim u-foliṭiyim.Simone Weil - 2019 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan. Edited by Shiran Beḳ, Aviad Heifetz & Denis Charbit.
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    Late philosophical writings.Simone Weil - 2015 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Eric O. Springsted.
    This collection of Weil's later writings captures her insightful philosophical explorations of the nature of value, moral thought, and the relation of faith and reason.
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  34. L'enracinement Prélude À Une Déclaration des Devoirs Envers l'Être Humain.Simone Weil - 1950 - Gallimard.
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    A Bi-Dimensional Taxonomy of Social Responsivity in Middle Childhood: Prosociality and Reactive Aggression Predict Externalizing Behavior Over Time.Simone Dobbelaar, Anna C. K. van Duijvenvoorde, Michelle Achterberg, Mara van der Meulen & Eveline A. Crone - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Developing social skills is essential to succeed in social relations. Two important social constructs in middle childhood, prosocial behavior and reactive aggression, are often regarded as separate behaviors with opposing developmental outcomes. However, there is increasing evidence for the co-occurrence of prosociality and aggression, as both might indicate responsivity to the social environment. Here, we tested whether a bi-dimensional taxonomy of prosociality and reactive aggression could predict internalizing and externalizing problems over time. We re-analyzed data of two well-validated experimental tasks (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir: filósofa de la libertad.Danila Suárez Tomé & Simone de Beauvoir (eds.) - 2022 - [Buenos Aires?]: Galerna.
    Ensayo -- Palabras finales -- Selección de textos.
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  37. (2 other versions)Leçons de philosophie (Roanne 1933-1934).Simone Weil - 1959 - Paris,: Plon. Edited by Anne Reynaud.
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    L.M.CASTELLI, Problems and Paradigms of Unity, Aristotle's Accounts of the One("International Aristotle Studies"), Academia Verlag Sankt Augustin 2010.Simone G. Seminara - 2011 - Elenchos 32 (2):374-382.
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  39. (1 other version)Cahiers.Simone Weil - 1951 - Paris,: Plon.
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  40. Œuvres, coll. « Quarto ».Simone Weil & Florence de Lussy - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (4):554-554.
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    Modern Research on the Sources of Saint Augustine’s Doctrine of Original Sin.Russell J. De Simone - 1980 - Augustinian Studies 11:205-227.
  42. “Who shall judge?” Hobbes, Locke and Kant on the construction on public reason.Simone Chambers - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (4):349-368.
    This paper investigates early modern and enlightenment roots of contemporary ideas of public reason. I argue that concepts of public reason arose in answer to the question ‘who shall judge?’ The religious and moral pluralism unleashed by the reformation lead first to the weakening of authoritative common forms of reasoning, this in turn and more importantly lead to the question who is the final arbiter when a political community is faced with deep disagreement about political/ moral questions. The rise of (...)
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  43. Lo spirito e l'intelletto. Il Système de l'Âme di Cureau de La Chambre.Simone Guidi - 2016 - Bruniana and Campanelliana 2 (2):633-643.
    The article examines Marin Cureau de La Chambre's Système de l'âme (1664), highlighting the role played in the work by the tradition of Italian Renaissance naturalism. La Chambre profoundly criticizes the very concept of 'passion of the soul', attacking the Aristotelian doctrine of the possible intellect but, contemporarily, also the direct interaction between body and mind presupposed by Descartes in Les passions de l'âme. The solution adopted by Cureau is based on the doctrine of intermediate substances, which allows him to (...)
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  44. The need for roots: prelude to a declaration of duties towards mankind.Simone Weil - 1952 - New York: Routledge.
    "What is required if men and women are to feel at home in society and are to recover their vitality? Into wrestling with that question, Simone Weil put the very substance of her mind and temperament. The apparently solid edifices of our prepossessions fall down before her onslaught like ninepins, and she is as fertile and forthright in her positive suggestions . . . she can be relied upon to toss aside the superficial and to come to grips with (...)
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    Fichte e il divenire.Simone Furlani - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (4):649-665.
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    Toward a Political Economy of the Libro De Alexandre.Simone Pinet - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):44-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Toward a Political Economy of the Libro De AlexandreSimone Pinet (bio)The carefully composed and craftily pronounced stanzas of the thirteenth-century Libro de Alexandre, if mostly a (free) translation of Gautier de Châtillon’s Alexandreis, provide readers with glimpses of northern Iberia in descriptions and comparisons, but especially through curious formulations and eloquent rewritings.1 These incite the reader to reflect upon the emergence of the vernacular regime of literary composition by (...)
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  47.  36
    The Feminine and the Sacred.Simone Roberts - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (2):364-364.
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    Bild und Paradigma. Wissensbilder in Ökonomie, Sprachwissenschaft und Kunst.Simone Roggenbuck - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (5):745-768.
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  49. Republik oder Monarchie? Montesquieus Theorie der gewaltenteiligen Verfassung Englands.Simone Zurbuchen - 2009 - In Oliver Hidalgo & Karlfriedrich Herb (eds.), Die Natur des Staates: Montesquieu zwischen Macht und Recht. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 20--79.
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  50. (1 other version)Separated Soul and Its Nature: Francisco Suárez in the Scholastic Debate.Simone Guidi - 2019 - In Robert Maryks & Juan Antonio Senent de Frutos (eds.), Francisco Suárez (1548–1617): Jesuits and the Complexities of Modernity, Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2019.
    For Christian theology, the survival of the soul after the death of the body is a matter of fact. However, its philosophical explanation is probably the most peculiar issue of Thomas Aquinas’ radically Aristotelianaccount of body-soul. For both Augustine and Avicenna – who, together with Aristotle, can be considered the main sources of thirteenth century philosophy – the certainty of the immaterial soul’s ability to survive independently from the body was so strong that, coining their very own notions of human (...)
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