Results for 'Slobodan Golubović'

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  1.  22
    Molly Farneth, Hegel’s Social Ethics: Religion, Conflict, and Rituals of Reconciliation, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2017.Slobodan Golubović - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):178-179.
    Molly Farneth, Hegel’s Social Ethics: Religion, Conflict, and Rituals of Reconciliation, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2017 Slobodan Golubović.
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    From Data to Quanta: Niels Bohr’s Vision of Physics.Slobodan Perovic - 2021 - University of Chicago Press.
    Niels Bohr was a central figure in quantum physics, well known for his work on atomic structure and his contributions to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this book, philosopher of science Slobodan Perović explores the way Bohr practiced and understood physics, and analyzes its implications for our understanding of modern science. Perović develops a novel approach to Bohr’s understanding of physics and his method of inquiry, presenting an exploratory symbiosis of historical and philosophical analysis that uncovers the (...)
  3.  47
    Optimal research team composition: data envelopment analysis of Fermilab experiments.Slobodan Perovic, Sandro Radovanović, Vlasta Sikimić & Andrea Berber - 2016 - Scientometrics 108 (1):83--111.
    We employ data envelopment analysis on a series of experiments performed in Fermilab, one of the major high-energy physics laboratories in the world, in order to test their efficiency (as measured by publication and citation rates) in terms of variations of team size, number of teams per experiment, and completion time. We present the results and analyze them, focusing in particular on inherent connections between quantitative team composition and diversity, and discuss them in relation to other factors contributing to scientific (...)
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    Results of democratic transition through the eyes of citizens of Serbia in 2005.Zagorka Golubovic - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):13-44.
    In 2005 The Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory has undertaken a reputed interview, based on identical methodology but on a reduced sample in six towns in Serbia. The objective was to examine how citizens see the circumstances in society today, five years after the October turn, and what conditions their attitudes towards: the policy of new democratic powers, of democratic parties and those of the ex-regime, as well as towards the problems they are confronted with, and whether the initial (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Uvod u pravo.Slobodan M. Blagojević - 1995 - Beograd: Službeni list SRJ.
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    Antej ili ahasfer: kritika postmodernag relativizma.Slobodan Divjak - 2008 - Beograd: Sluzbeni glasnik.
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    Communitarianism, Multiculturalism and Liberalism.Slobodan Divjak - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):147-163.
    In the first part of this text, the author exposes the main features of the liberal or civic state, because both communitarians and multiculturalists tend to criticize that type of state. Their critique of the liberal state and the liberal self as an unencumbered self is “culturalist” by its character. However, it is an expression of conceptual confusion, i.e. of their incomprehension of an essential difference between two conceptual levels: one that belongs to the purely normative rights-justifying perspective and the (...)
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  8.  12
    Problem identiteta: kulturno, etničko, nacionalno i individualno.Slobodan Divjak - 2006 - Beograd: Javno Preduzeće Službeni Glasnik.
  9.  10
    Teror uma ili teror nad umom: Karl Šmit-ikona postmodernizm.Slobodan Divjak - 2012 - Beograd: Službeni glasnik.
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  10.  32
    Freedom and the principles of morality.Zagorka Golubovic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):97-106.
    Freedom as an authentic and willed process, characteristic of man as a human rational being, enables the individual to act in accordance with the principles of morality, since the individual can choose between good and evil, and in this way to get out of the sphere of the given to which the rest of the living world is limited. We should recall the forgotten Marx and his famous text on the essential difference between the animal world and humanity as a (...)
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  11.  44
    Man and Culture/Mensch und Kultur.Zagorka Golubović, Heda Festini, Ivan Cifrić, Stephen Grant, Elvio Baccarini, Joško Žanić, Myroslav Feodosijevič Hryschko, Janko M. Lozar, Petar Mihatov & Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):1.
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    S Marxom protiv Staljina: jugoslavenska filozofska kritika staljinizma 1950-1960.Veselin Golubović - 1985 - Zagreb: Globus.
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    The implications of the conflict in ex-Yugoslavia for the European security.Zagorka T. Golubović - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):319-333.
  14.  8
    Iz istorije političkih doktrina.Slobodan Jovanović - 1935 - Beograd,: G. Kon.
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  15.  29
    Astereological examination of immaturity of megaloblast cell nuclei of bone marrow in pernicious anemia.Lana Mačukanović-Golubović, Gorana Rančić, Mladen Milenović & G. Kostić - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 12 (2):81-84.
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  16.  22
    Ecological Paradigm within the Context of the International Policy-Development Study.Slobodan Nešković & Žaklina Jovanović - 2016 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):71-78.
    The protection and improvement of the environment represents the most essential field of engagement among all the issues of international policy. An ecological paradigm in the traditional and postmodern context refers to a strategic approach to solving the outstanding controversies of human society in different stages of its existence. Globalization of the environment is the oldest example of this process, which in the contemporary world has gained a special significance. Negative trends in addressing ecological problems at all levels of organization (...)
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  17.  45
    Optimal research team composition: data envelopment analysis of Fermilab experiments.Slobodan Perovic - 2011 - 108 (1):83–111.
    Focusing on the discovery of weak currents, the current debate on the theory-ladenness of observation in modern physics might be too narrow, as it concerns only the last stage of a complex experimental process and statistical methods required to analyze data. The scope of the debate should be extended to include broader experimental conditions that concern the design of the apparatus and different levels of the detection process. These neglected conditions often decisively delimit experiments long before the last stage has (...)
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  18.  11
    Reformation and Morality.Slobodan Sadžakov & Michael Antolović - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (4):747-759.
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    Kraj istorije i države.Slobodan Tomović - 1999 - Podgorica: Oktoih.
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  20.  30
    Niels Bohr’s Complementarity and Quantum Tunneling.Slobodan Perovic - 2017 - In Jan Faye & Henry Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-First Century Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury.
    Niels Bohr’s complementarity principle is a tenuous synthesis of seemingly discrepant theoretical approaches based on a comprehensive analysis of relevant experimental results. Yet the role of complementarity, and the experimentalist-minded approach behind it, were not confined to a provisional best-available synthesis of well-established experimental results alone. They were also pivotal in discovering and explaining the phenomenon of quantum tunneling in its various forms. The core principles of Bohr’s method and the ensuing complementarity account of quantum phenomena remain highly relevant guidelines (...)
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  21.  9
    Pouke i dileme minulog veka: filozofsko-antropološka razmišljanja o glavnim idejama našeg vremena.Zagorka Golubović - 2006 - Beograd: Filip Višnjić".
  22. Une conceptualisation anthropologique de l'identité.Zagorka Golubović - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1):25-43.
    La nécessité d’une approche anthropologique du concept d’identité provient de la nature de l’identité, qu’elle soit personnelle ou collective, qui n’est pas un phénomène « donné naturellement », mais une forme, culturellement définie et construite, de la vie humaine dans un milieu culturel en tant que « seconde nature » ; celle-ci conditionne et conceptualise humainement les différents « modes de vie » des individus et des peuples. Étant donné que la culture représente le contexte essentiel de la vie sociale (...)
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    Pravo i stvarnost.Slobodan M. Blagojević - 1995 - Beograd: Novinsko-izdavačka ustanova Službeni list SRJ.
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    Alcidamas of Elaea in Plato's Phaedrus.Slobodan Dušanić - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (02):347-357.
    In Bk. 3 of the Institutio oratoria, Quintilian gives a list of the Greek artium scriptores of the classical epoch (1.8ff.). It contains a controversial entry: ‘…et, quem Palameden Plato appellat, Alcidamas Elaites’ (1.10). The historicity of the rhetorician and sophist from Elaea named Alcidamas, Gorgias' pupil, is of course beyond doubt; scholars disagree only as to the ‘quem Palameden Plato appellat’.
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    Platoʹs dialogues and Athenian politics: a historianʹs view.Slobodan Dušanić - 2011 - Belgrade: Zavod za udžbenike.
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    Ličnost, društvo i kultura.Zagorka Golubović - 2007 - Beograd: Javno preduzeće "Službeni glasnik".
    Problemi savremene teorije ličnosti -- Porodica kao ljudska zajednica -- Samorealizacija čoveka jednakošću i slobodom -- Kultura kao most između utopije i stvarnosti.
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  27. Mogućnost novoga: vidokrug jugoslavenske filozofije.Veselin Golubović - 1990 - Zagreb: Zavod za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
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    Socio-economic crisis as a determinant of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and problems of personal and group identity.Zagorka T. Golubović - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):157-178.
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    Umetnost posle filozofije.Slobodan Jauković - 2011 - Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet.
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    Yugoslavia: Equity and Imported Ethical Dilemmas.Slobodan Lang, Steffie Woolhandler, Zeljko Bantic & David U. Himmelstein - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (6):26-27.
  31.  25
    In front of invisible mystery of mind.Slobodan Lazarević - 2005 - Theoria 48 (3-4):13-18.
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    Pesimistička antropologija Zigmunda Frojda.Slobodan G. Markovich - 2014 - Beograd: Dosije studio.
  33.  51
    The soap bubble: Phenomenal state or perceptual system dynamics?Slobodan Marković - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):420-421.
    The Gestalt Bubble model describes a subjective phenomenal experience (what is seen) without taking into account the extraphenomenal constraints of perceptual experience (why it is seen as it is). If it intends to be an explanatory model, then it has to include either stimulus or neural constraints, or both.
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    "Otpor" - a postmodern Faust: new social movement, the tradition of enlightened reformism and the electoral revolution in Serbia.Slobodan Naumovic - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (31):147-194.
    Otpor is discussed in the text as a complex and contradictory new type of social movement, whose members attempted to contribute to the tradition of enlightened reform of social and political life in Serbia, simultaneously in a highly pragmatic and in a creative, possibly even irresponsible manner. After the introduction, analyzed are popular and media narratives on the characteristics of the movement, dilemmas concerning the founding of the movement and meaning of its key symbols, and the Faustian question of goals (...)
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  35. """ Otpor!" kao postmoderni Faust: društveni pokret novog tipa, tradicija prosvećenog reformizma i" izborna revolucija" u Srbiji.Slobodan Naumović - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (31).
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    Was Faust a member of ′Otpor′? On subjectivistic objectivism and objectivistic subjectivism in the interpretation of (post)modern social and political movements.Slobodan Naumovic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (3):117-145.
    Rad predstavlja pokusaj da se jedna konkretna naucna polemika o temi koja je opterecena znatnim ideoloskim nabojem "zanrovski" preusmeri ka formi naucnog dijaloga, i time ucini plodnijom u naucnom smislu. Glavna pitanja koja se razmatraju ticu se pokusaja teorijskog odredjenja petooktobarske revolucije i uloge koju je pokret "Otpor" imao u njoj. U radu se brani teza da teorijski modeli "talasa demokratizacije" i "izborne revolucije" nude najutemeljenije okvire za razmatranje pitanja koja se u tekstu otvaraju. Kljucni problemi o kojima se u (...)
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    Pravo na roditeljstvo.Slobodan Panov - 1998 - Beograd: Savet projekta Konstituisanje Srbije kao pravne države.
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  38.  28
    Emergence, nonlinearity, and living systems: A metaphysical lecture from biology?Slobodan K. Perović - 2005 - Theoria 48 (1-2):21-34.
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    Pravno filozofske rasprave.Slobodan Perović - 1995
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  40.  49
    Seeking Depth in Science.Slobodan Perovic - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (4):561-572.
    Michael Strevens develops kairetic account of causal explanations as a brand of explanatory reductionism. He argues that explanations in higher-level sciences are complete (stand-alone) only because they can be potentially deepened—that is, added kernels of causal processes all the way down to the level of micro-physical relations. Thus, they are, in essence, the result of abstraction from deeper causal explanatory levels. I argue that Strevens’s discussion of the notion of depth in science is limited to a very narrow domain, the (...)
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  41.  3
    The Cosmic Microwave Background: Historical and Philosophical Lessons.Slobodan Perovic & Milan M. Cirkovic - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    "This volume tells the untold story of how observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation were interpreted in the decades following its serendipitous discovery, before the Hot Big Bang model became the accepted orthodoxy. The authors guide the reader through this history, including the many false trails and blind alleys that occurred along the way. Readers will discover how the Big Bang theory was shaped by alternative theories that exposed its weaknesses – including some that persist even today. By looking (...)
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  42.  36
    Why Rosenberg and Kaplan's attempt to reconcile physicalism and antireductionism concerning biology is unsatisfactory.Slobodan Perović - 2008 - Theoria: Beograd 51 (1):7-18.
  43.  98
    Why were two theories (matrix mechanics and wave mechanics) deemed logically distinct, and yet equivalent, in quantum mechanics?Slobodan Perovic - 2008 - In Christopher Lehrer (ed.), First Annual Conference in the Foundations and History of Quantum Physics. Max Planck Institute for History of Science.
    A recent rethinking of the early history of Quantum Mechanics deemed the late 1920s agreement on the equivalence of Matrix Mechanics and Wave Mechanics, prompted by Schrödinger’s 1926 proof, a myth. Schrödinger supposedly failed to achieve the goal of proving isomorphism of the mathematical structures of the two theories, while only later developments in the early 1930s, especially the work of mathematician John von Neumman (1932) provided sound proof of equivalence. The alleged agreement about the Copenhagen Interpretation, predicated to a (...)
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  44.  24
    Labyrinths of Ethics. From Kangrga to Bioethics.Slobodan Sadžakov - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (3):589-600.
    Rad se bavi određenim aspektima etičkih istraživanja koja su nastajala u posljednjih pedeset godina u Hrvatskoj, posebno analizom kritičkog preispitivanja temelja etike kao filozofske discipline, njezina značaja i dometa, postignutog u filozofsko-etičkom djelu Milana Kangrge. Pored toga, u radu se razmatra »etički udio« u bioetici, odnosno promišljanje značaja i uloge etike u okviru zasnivanja bioetike u Hrvatskoj.This paper is about certain aspects of ethical researches which have emerged during the last 50 years in Croatia, especially about analysis of critical reexamination (...)
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    Marxovo nasljeđe i jugoistočna Europa.Slobodan Sadžakov - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (2):211-217.
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  46.  26
    Marcuse's Understanding of Culture.Slobodan Sadžakov - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):117-124.
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  47.  5
    Filozofsko bogoslovski spisi.Slobodan Tomović - 2001 - Podgorica: CID.
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    Imanuel Kant filozof evanđeoskog duha.Slobodan Tomović - 1997 - Podgorica: Pobjeda.
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  49. Istina o istini.Slobodan Tomović - 2000 - Podgorica: Oktoih.
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    Moja filozofija.Slobodan Tomović - 2006 - Podgorica: Oktoih.
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