Results for 'Social residue'

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  1.  13
    Residual-Based Algorithm for Growth Mixture Modeling: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study.Katerina M. Marcoulides & Laura Trinchera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Growth mixture models are regularly applied in the behavioral and social sciences to identify unknown heterogeneous subpopulations that follow distinct developmental trajectories. Marcoulides and Trinchera recently proposed a mixture modeling approach that examines the presence of multiple latent classes by algorithmically grouping or clustering individuals who follow the same estimated growth trajectory based on an evaluation of individual case residuals. The purpose of this article was to conduct a simulation study that examines the performance of this new approach for (...)
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  2. Residues and derivations in three articles on pareto.F. Creedy - 1936 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 1 (2):175.
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    The Cartesian Residue in Intersubjectivity and Child Development.Michael D. Barber - 2012 - Schutzian Research 4:91-110.
    This paper argues that Husserl’s account of adult recognition of another allows for immediate, noninferential, analogical access to the other, though onedoes not experience the other’s experience as s/he does. The passive-associative processes at work in adult recognition of another make possible infant syncretic sociability and play a role in constituting the infant’s self prior to reflection. The reflective perspective of the psychologist and philosopher discovers that such infant experiences, though at first seeming indistinguishable from their parents’ experience, belong to (...)
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    Social science and ideology! The case of behaviouralism in american political science.Iohn G. Gunnell - 2013 - In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press. pp. 73.
    The origins of the social sciences were in ideologies associated with moral philosophy and social reform movements. The turn to science was initially to secure the cognitive authority to speak truth to power about matters of social policy. This heritage was particularly salient in the controversy about behaviouralism in American political science. The debate between what was becoming mainstream political science and a growing number of individuals in the subfield of political theory was actually less about whether (...)
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    Honor, Self and Social Reproduction.Vern Baxter & A. V. Margavio - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (2):121-142.
    Honor is a difficult field of inquiry that deserves systematic attention from social scientists. Honor is an internalized concern for recognition and approval that links reputation with conduct and helps sustain existing patterns of social selection and evaluation. The paper argues that scholars are remiss that consider the field of honor obsolete or a residual category left over from the transition to modern forms of social organization. A modern conception of honor is identified in the relationship of (...)
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    Corporate Social and Financial Performance Re-Examined: Industry Effects in a Linear Mixed Model Analysis. [REVIEW]Philip L. Baird, Pinar Celikkol Geylani & Jeffrey A. Roberts - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):367-388.
    In this research, we shed new light on the empirical link between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP) via the application of empirical models and methods new to the CSP–CFP literature. Applying advanced financial models to a uniquely constructed panel dataset, we demonstrate that a significant overall CSP–CFP relationship exists and that this relationship is, in part, conditioned on firms’ industry-specific context. To accommodate the estimation of time-invariant industry and industry-interaction effects, we estimate linear mixed models (...)
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    A Property Rights Analysis of Newly Private Firms: Opportunities for Owners to Appropriate Rents and Partition Residual Risks.Marguerite Schneider & Alix Valenti - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (3):445-471.
    ABSTRACT:A key factor in the decision to convert a publicly owned company to private status is the expectation that value will be created, providing the firm with rent. These rents have implications regarding the property rights of the firm’s capital-contributing constituencies. We identify and analyze the types of rent associated with the newly private firm. Compared to public firms, going private allows owners the potential to partition part of the residual risk to bond holders and employees, rendering them to be (...)
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    The ethical residue of language in Levinas and early Wittgenstein.Søren Overgaard - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (2):223-249.
    Using the later Levinas as a point of departure, this article tries to provide an account of the ethics of Wittgenstein's Tractatus . Although there has not been written much on this topic, there seems to be an increasing awareness among philosophers that there are interesting points of convergence between Levinas and the early Wittgenstein. In contrast to most (if not all) other accounts of the relation, however, this article argues that the truly significant convergence emerges only when one abandons (...)
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    The structure of residual obligations.James J. Brummer - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (3):164-180.
  10. Backsliding and Bad Faith: Aspiration, Disavowal, and (Residual) Practical Identities.Justin F. White - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (1).
    Disavowals such as "That's not who I am" are one way to distance ourselves from unsavory actions in order to try to mitigate our responsibility for them. Although such disclaimers can be what Harry Frankfurt calls "shabbily insincere devices for obtaining unmerited indulgence," they can also be a way to renew our commitments to new values as part of the processes of aspiration and moral improvement. What, then, separates backsliding aspirants from those in denial who seek unmerited indulgence? Drawing on (...)
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    The Social, the Outer and the Reflexive: Some More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its Recovery.Rosanna Wannberg - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Social, the Outer and the ReflexiveSome More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its RecoveryThe author reports no conflicts of interest.First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, and the Karl Jaspers Award Committee for their recognition of my paper "Institution or individuality? Some reflections on the lessons to be learned from personal (...)
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  12. Corporate governance reform: A social constructionist approach to recurring problems under agency theory's influence.Plessis Cd - 2007 - African Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):10.
    A shift in the cultural conception of the firm as productionsystem to that as investment-system entrenches the institutional logic of agency theory in governance reform. Reform initiatives emphasize the separation between management and the board, forensic reporting requirements, and the primacy of shareholders' entitlement to control and residual gains. Problems associated with this agency logic render reform unable to deliver a broad-based ethical operating environment. The introduction of a version of stakeholder theory, augmented by Knightian uncertainty, places the development of (...)
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  13.  62
    From the Demise of Social Democracy to the ‘End of Capitalism’.Jerome Roos - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (2):248-288.
    Over the past decade, Wolfgang Streeck has emerged as one of the most prominent voices in the debate on the crisis of democratic capitalism. This article provides a critical appraisal of Streeck’s recent writings in light of his wider intellectual trajectory, tracing the evolutions and continuities in his work over time; highlighting its important contributions to our understanding of the present crisis; and presenting a fourfold critique of his latest book on the end of capitalism. The main argument is that (...)
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  14.  20
    Perception of the Sports Social Environment After the Development and Implementation of an Identification Tool for Contagious Risk Situations in Sports During the COVID-19 Pandemic.José Ramón Lete-Lasa, Rafael Martin-Acero, Javier Rico-Diaz, Joaquín Gomez-Varela & Dan Rio-Rodriguez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study details the methodological process for creating a tool for the identification of COVID-19 potential contagion situations in sports and physical education before, during, and after practice and competition. It is a tool that implies an educational and methodological process with all the agents of the sports system. This tool identifies the large number of interactions occurring through sports action and everything that surrounds it in training, competition, and organization. The aim is to prepare contingency protocols based on an (...)
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  15. How the technologies behind self‐driving cars, social networks, ChatGPT, and DALL‐E2 are changing structural biology.Matthias Bochtler - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400155.
    The performance of deep Neural Networks (NNs) in the text (ChatGPT) and image (DALL‐E2) domains has attracted worldwide attention. Convolutional NNs (CNNs), Large Language Models (LLMs), Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)/Noise Conditional Score Networks (NCSNs), and Graph NNs (GNNs) have impacted computer vision, language editing and translation, automated conversation, image generation, and social network management. Proteins can be viewed as texts written with the alphabet of amino acids, as images, or as graphs of interacting residues. Each of these perspectives (...)
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  16. Political culture : explanatory variable or residual category?Holger Meyer - 2010 - In Howard J. Wiarda (ed.), Grand theories and ideologies in the social sciences. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    The use of non-interactive scenarios in social neuroscience.Leonardo Moore & Marco Iacoboni - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):432-433.
    Although we fundamentally agree with Schilbach et al., we argue here that there is still some residual utility for non-interactive scenarios in social neuroscience. They may be useful to quantify individual differences in prosocial inclination that are not influenced by concerns about reputation or social pressure.
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    (1 other version)Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding: Examining the Central Role of Mindreading in Pluralist Accounts.Julia Wolf, Sabrina Coninx & Albert Newen - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):1-29.
    In recent years, theories of social understanding have moved away from arguing that just one epistemic strategy, such as theory-based inference or simulation constitutes our ability of social understanding. Empirical observations speak against any monistic view and have given rise to pluralistic accounts arguing that humans rely on a large variety of epistemic strategies in social understanding. We agree with this promising pluralist approach, but highlight two open questions: what is the residual role of mindreading, i.e. the (...)
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  19.  33
    Complex Realism, Applied Social Science and Postdisciplinarity: A Critical Assessment of the Work of David Byrne. [REVIEW]Dominic Holland - 2014 - Journal of Critical Realism 13 (5):534-554.
    In this review essay I offer a critical assessment of the work of David Byrne, an applied social scientist who is one of the leading advocates of the use of complexity theory in the social sciences and who has drawn on the principles of critical realism in developing an ontological position of ‘complex realism’. The key arguments of his latest book, Applying Social Science: The Role of Social Research in Politics, Policy and Practice constitute the frame (...)
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  20.  14
    Validity of social–emotional screening tool for newborns and infants: The effects of gender, ethnicity and age.Faye Antoniou & Ghadah S. Al-Khadim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the present study was to test the measurement invariance of the baby pediatric symptom checklist across gender and age as a means to provide for valid comparisons in point estimates across groups. A secondary goal involved confirming the earlier identified factor structure and re-examining the presence of differentially item functioning in the BPSC across grouping variables. Participants were 601 children aged below 1 year and 1 year to 12 months. Data were collected as part of the National (...)
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  21. Movimentos sociais e educação popular no contexto das sociedades complexas: desafios políticos e epistemológicos // Social movements and popular education in the context of complex societies: political and epistemological chalenges.Telmo Marcon - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (2):53-76.
    O presente artigo, de natureza bibliográfica, objetiva discutir alguns desafios políticos e epistemológicos postos aos movimentos sociais e à educação popular no contexto das sociedades complexas. Parte-se do reconhecimento que estamos vivendo, nas últimas décadas, transformações profundas que impactam em todas as dimensões da vida tanto individual quanto social. Esses processos ocorrem em espaços locais, mas impactam globalmente, assim como existem tendências globalizantes que impactam nos espaços locais, na subjetividade e nas relações intersubjetivas. O incremento de tecnologias acelera esses (...)
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  22.  13
    Power and purity: the unholy marriage that spawned America's social justice warriors.Mark T. Mitchell - 2020 - Washington, DC: Regnery Gateway.
    A Marriage Made in Hell Where did they come from, these furiously self-righteous “social justice warriors”? The growing radicalism and intolerance on the American left is the result of the strange union of Nietzsche’s “will to power” and a secularized Puritan moralism. In this penetrating study, Mark T. Mitchell explains how this marriage made in hell gave birth to a powerful and destructive political and social movement. Having declared that “God is dead,” Friedrich Nietzsche identified the “will to (...)
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    Mill's On Liberty and Social Pressure.T. M. Wilkinson - 2020 - Utilitas 32 (2):219-235.
    Mill's On Liberty is centrally concerned with avoiding social tyranny. But Mill's Principle of Liberty defines interfering, in the context of social pressure, as intentionally punishing and it seems to allow speech and actions that critics have thought would conflict with liberty in self-regarding matters. To critics, Mill draws distinctions among social influences where no genuine difference is to be found and he permits more social pressure than can be accepted by someone who values liberty highly. (...)
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  24.  16
    Significado lingüístico. Verdad y validez normativa: La fuerza social vinculante del habla a la luz de una pragmática trascendental del lenguaje.Karl Otto Apel & Julio De Zan - 1994 - Tópicos 2:7-57.
    I. Introducción: el horizonte verificacionista de la explicación del significado de las oraciones constatativas en la filosofía analítica del lenguaje.II. La aporética de la explicación verificacionista del significado en la filosofía analítica del lenguaje.II. 1. Explicación del significado ilocucionario de las oraciones o actos de habla no constatativos en los términos de "condiciones de realización". -Sobre la aporética del paradigma verificacionista en P. Strawson.II. 2. Explicación del significado ilocucionario de las oraciones o de los actos de habla no constatativos en (...)
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  25. Asian Eels and Global Warming: A Posthumanist Perspective on Society and the Environment.Andrew Pickering - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):29-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Asian Eels and Global Warming:A Posthumanist Perspective on Society and the EnvironmentAndrew Pickering (bio)My idea in this essay is to talk about how some recent developments in my field—science and technology studies—might pass over into environmental studies. In particular, I want to talk about a certain posthumanist perspective, as I call it, on the relation between people and things, because I think that it transfers nicely from thinking about (...)
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  26.  9
    ciudad latinoamericana moderna: finales del siglo XIX-1920.Raúl Zhingre - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    Este trabajo estudia la historia de la ciudad moderna de finales del siglo XIX-1920, en el que destaca la ciudad culta e higiénica. De este modo, la ciudad se vinculó a las políticas de planificación, higiene, ornato, celebraciones religiosas, conmemoraciones y juntas de embellecimiento. Esto sirvió de promoción de la ciudad moderna al servicio del urbanismo de las élites, a los intereses por construir memorias nacionales y modernizar las repúblicas. Se inauguraron calles, parques y edificios; situación que permitía un escenario (...)
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    On Education: Conversations with Riccardo Mazzeo.Zygmunt Bauman & Riccardo Mazzeo - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Riccardo Mazzeo.
    What is the role of education in a world where we no longer have a clear vision of the future and where the idea of a single, universal model of humanity seems like the residue of a bygone age? What role should educators play in a world where young people find themselves faced with deep uncertainty about their future, where the prospects of securing a stable, long-term career seem increasingly remote and where intensified population movements have created more diverse (...)
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    De L’Intermédiaire Dans la Philosophie de L’Espace : Précarité, Création, Liberté.Ciprian Mihali - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):149-159.
    The Intermediary in the Philosophy of Space: Precariousness, Creation, Freedom. The reflection proposed by this text is the result of a dialogue spread over several years between philosophers and geographers. The best common ground between each other – in the right middle of the road – is undoubtedly the concept of the intermediary, which describes, negatively or affirmatively, the future of our physical, social, conceptual spaces and which speaks to us about discontinuity, hybridization, flow, contiguity, but also vulnerability, counterpowers (...)
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    Moral learning in the open society: The theory and practice of natural liberty.Gerald Gaus & Shaun Nichols - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):79-101.
    Abstract:When people reason on the basis of moral rules, do they suppose that in the absence of a prohibitory rule they are free to act, or do they suppose that morality always requires a justification establishing a permission to act? In this essay we present a series of learning experiments that indicate when learners tend to close their system on the basis of natural liberty and when on the principle of residual prohibition. Those who are taught prohibitory rules tend to (...)
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  30.  97
    From Interrelational Ontology to Instrumental Ethics.Lenore Langsdorf - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (2):112-128.
    Current human/social science research supports Don Ihde’s postphenomenology. In particular, archeology and anthropology support Ihde’s instrumental realism, and history identifies the culture that nourished Platonic and Aristotelian separation of mentality and materiality. Deweyean pragmatism, beginning with his analysis of the reflex arc, supports both instrumental realism and an interrelational ontology that rejects the residual Cartesian dualism in Husserlian phenomenology. Ihde’s acknowledgment of the affinity between postphenomenology and Deweyean pragmatism enables expanding his prevalent epistemological and structural orientation to encompass a (...)
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    Class-based differences in moral judgment: A bayesian approach.Andreas Tutić - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1441-1472.
    This study employs Bayesian inference to explore class-based differences in moral judgment. Based on the dual-process perspective in interdisciplinary action theory, we estimate in a first step a process model which differentiates parametrically between emotionally driven deontological, deliberatively driven utilitarian, and residual judgmental inclinations. In a second step, our estimates of these parameters are correlated via beta regressions with indicators of social class and thinking dispositions. We find a considerable association between social class, specifically income, and deontological inclinations, (...)
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  32.  20
    Multi-professional perspectives to reduce moral distress: A qualitative investigation.Sophia Fantus, Rebecca Cole, Timothy J. Usset & Lataya E. Hawkins - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1513-1523.
    Background Encounters of moral distress have long-term consequences on healthcare workers’ physical and mental health, leading to job dissatisfaction, reduced patient care, and high levels of burnout, exhaustion, and intentions to quit. Yet, research on approaches to ameliorate moral distress across the health workforce is limited. Research Objective The aim of our study was to qualitatively explore multi-professional perspectives of healthcare social workers, chaplains, and patient liaisons on ways to reduce moral distress and heighten well-being at a southern U.S. (...)
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    Constitutional law and religion.Perry Dane - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 119–131.
    This essay on law and religion appears in the second edition of the Blackwell Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, edited by Dennis Patterson. It is a revision of a similar entry in the book’s first edition. The essay opens by broadly discussing the complex relationships between law and religion writ large as movements in human history – social, cultural, intellectual, and institutional phenomena with distinct but often overlapping logics and concerns. It then hones in on the (...)
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    Education Makes Us What We Are.David Bakhurst - 2011 - In The Formation of Reason. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 149–165.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A Residual Individualism Vygotsky's Legacy Reconciling Vygotsky and McDowell Personalism Final Thoughts on Education.
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    Mixed method evaluation of factors influencing the adoption of organic participatory guarantee system certification among Vietnamese vegetable farmers.Lina M. Tennhardt, Robert Home, Nguyen Thi Bich Yen, Pham Van Hoi, Pierre Ferrand & Christian Grovermann - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    In markets where vegetables are commonly cultivated with heavy use of synthetic pesticides, it is particularly important for consumers to be able to identify genuine organic produce. Organic Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) certification offers smallholder farmers an affordable way to build trust among consumers and secure premium prices for their organic produce. In Vietnam, the demand for vegetables with no, or low, pesticide residues is growing. The attractiveness of PGS certification should increase accordingly, but the number of organic PGS certified (...)
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    Shared Being, Old Promises, and the Just Necessity of Affirmative Action.Peter McHugh - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (2):129-156.
    Although the residues of official segregation are widespread, affirmative action continues to meet resistance in both official and everyday life, even in such recent Supreme Court decisions as Grutter v Bollinger (539 U.S. 306). This is due in part to a governing ontology that draws the line between individual and collective. But there are other possibilities for conceiving the social, and I offer one here in a theory of affirmative action that is developed through close examination of sharing and (...)
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    Cohousing, Environmental Justice, and Urban Sustainability.Shane Epting - 2018 - Environmental Ethics 40 (2):135-151.
    Several researchers hold that the cohousing movement supports sustainability, but it remains economically restrictive. This condition challenges cohousing’s status as sustainable, considering that its financially exclusive nature fails to meaningfully address sustainability’s social dimension. Yet, it is doubtful that the cohousing movement set out to create this outcome. When we examine the historical conditions that pertain to multifamily housing, we discover a long-standing pattern of discrimination. For today’s cohousing communities, we see that they are dealing with the residual effects (...)
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    Healthcare professionals' perspectives on environmental sustainability.Jillian L. Dunphy - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):414-425.
    Background: Human health is dependent upon environmental sustainability. Many have argued that environmental sustainability advocacy and environmentally responsible healthcare practice are imperative healthcare actions. Research questions: What are the key obstacles to healthcare professionals supporting environmental sustainability? How may these obstacles be overcome? Research design: Data-driven thematic qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews identified common and pertinent themes, and differences between specific healthcare disciplines. Participants: A total of 64 healthcare professionals and academics from all states and territories of Australia, and multiple (...)
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  39. The Forms and Limits of Methodological Individualism.Rajeev Bhargava - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;It is frequently asserted that the debate between individualists and non-individualists is futile and that a suitably modified methodological individualism is trivially true. This thesis seeks to challenge this assertion, and to revive the debate by first identifying a plausible version of methodological individualism and then by outlining a non-individualist alternative. ;Identifying a plausible version of methodological individualism is not easy because the doctrine is rarely stated with clarity (...)
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    Remaking Participation in Science and Democracy.Matthew Kearnes & Jason Chilvers - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (3):347-380.
    Over the past few decades, significant advances have been made in public engagement with, and the democratization of, science and technology. Despite notable successes, such developments have often struggled to enhance public trust, avert crises of expertise and democracy, and build more socially responsive and responsible science and innovation. A central reason for this is that mainstream approaches to public engagement harbor what we call “residual realist” assumptions about participation and publics. Recent coproductionist accounts in science and technology studies offer (...)
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    Degrees of disenchantment: A review essay.Mark Brenneman & Frank Margonis - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (2):225-247.
    In this review essay, Mark Brenneman and Frank Margonis address three recent book-length contributions to the ongoing discussion around cosmopolitanism and educational thought: Mark Olssen's Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Social Democracy: Thin Communitarian Perspectives on Political Philosophy and Education, Sharon Todd's Toward an Imperfect Education: Facing Humanity, Rethinking Cosmopolitanism, and Ilan Gur-Ze’ev's Beyond the Modern-Postmodern Struggle in Education: Toward Counter-Education and Enduring Improvisation. Brenneman and Margonis argue that these contributions exhibit a marked disenchantment with Enlightenment conceptions of human possibilities as these (...)
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    Loss of seasonal ranges reshapes transhumant adaptive capacity: Thirty-five years at the US Sheep Experiment Station.Hailey Wilmer, J. Bret Taylor, Daniel Macon, Matthew C. Reeves, Carrie S. Wilson, Jacalyn Mara Beck & Nicole K. Strong - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    Transhumance is a form of extensive livestock production that involves seasonal movements among ecological zones or landscape types. Rangeland-based transhumance constitutes an important social and economic relationship to nature in many regions of the world, including across the Western US. However, social and ecological drivers of change are reshaping transhumant practices, and managers must adapt to increased demands for public rangeland use. Specifically, concerns for wildlife conservation have led to reduced access to seasonal public lands grazing for western (...)
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    Culture, Historicity and Power Reflections on Some Themes in the Work of Alain Touraine.Johann Arnason - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (3):137-152.
    Touraine's critique of the sociological tradition has gradually come to focus on the very notion of society and the basic assumptions associated with it: the interpretation of social life as organized around central principles that are embodied in institutions and internalized by individuals, the tendency to subsume social structure and social change under the same determinants, and the rejection or minimization of the distinction between state and society. In the light of this critique, his earlier attempts to (...)
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    Does Consent Bias Research?Mark A. Rothstein & Abigail B. Shoben - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (4):27 - 37.
    Researchers increasingly rely on large data sets of health information, often linked with biological specimens. In recent years, the argument has been made that obtaining informed consent for conducting records-based research is unduly burdensome and results in ?consent bias.? As a type of selection bias, consent bias is said to exist when the group giving researchers access to their data differs from the group denying access. Therefore, to promote socially beneficial research, it is argued that consent should be unnecessary. After (...)
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    Anmerkungen zur Friedensdiskussion.Günter Brakelmann - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 33 (1):249-262.
    Part of the basis of the theory and practice of peace policy is the acknowledgment of the ambivalence ofhuman nature and history, the reality ofthe capacity for both war and peace. This insight Ieads to the setting of comparative aims for peace policy, to a reform-based implementation of more peace in the face of an unpeaceful world. A world peace order cannot disregard the existence of sovereign states and their interests. Combining international cooperation and communication with a residual policy of (...)
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    Tristram Shandy, David Hume, and Epistemological Fiction.Christina Lupton - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):98-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 98-115 [Access article in PDF] Tristram Shandy, David Hume and Epistemological Fiction Christina Lupton I LAURENCE STERNE's Tristram Shandy, the nine-volume novel which dominated London's literary marketplace during the years of its publication between 1759 and 1767, has served over the course of its reception as a case in point for reading literature and philosophy side by side. Yet even in this lengthy and (...)
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    Science.Steve Fuller - 1997 - Minneapolis: Routledge.
    In this challenging and provocative book, Steve Fuller contends that our continuing faith in science in the face of its actual history is best understood as the secular residue of a religiously inspired belief in divine providence. Our faith in science is the promise of a life as it shall be, as science will make it one day. Just as men once put their faith in God's activity in the world, so we now travel to a land promised by (...)
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  48. History of political thought and the history of political concepts: Koselleck's proposal and Italian research.C. Chignola - 2002 - History of Political Thought 23 (3):517-541.
    The article analyses different forms of the theoretical paradigm of German Begriffsgeschichte. It focuses on the coherently formalized proposal made by Reinhard Koselleck, showing its relevance for the main Italian schools of interpretation. Koselleck is able to move beyond the historicist framework of Begriffsgeschichte on the basis of a theory of the Sattelzeit or Schwellenzeit--located between the eve of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century--capable of orienting the reconstruction of the history of political concepts. This presupposition, which (...)
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    On Behalf of the Mystical Fool: Jung on the Religious Situation.John P. Dourley - 2009 - Routledge.
    Jung's explanation of the religious tendency of the psyche addresses many sides of the contemporary debate on religion and the role that it has in individual and social life. This book discusses the emergence of a new mythic consciousness and details ways in which this consciousness supersedes traditional concepts of religion to provide a spirituality of more universal inclusion. _On Behalf of the Mystical Fool_ examines Jung's critique of traditional western religion, demonstrating the negative consequences of religious and political (...)
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    Theocritus and the Archaeology of Greek Poetry (review).Frederick T. Griffiths - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):468-471.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theocritus and the Archaeology of Greek PoetryFrederick T. GriffithsRichard Hunter. Theocritus and the Archaeology of Greek Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xii 1 207 pp. Cloth, $54.95.To locate Theocritus on the evolving map of third-century culture, Richard Hunter forgoes mapmaking itself in favor of the scattered “sites” found in seven nonbucolic mimes, hymns, and erotic poems. He introduces these lively and learned essays with the observation that (...)
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