Results for 'Sonam Chawla'

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  1.  24
    Enhancing Women’s Well-Being: The Role of Psychological Capital and Perceived Gender Equity, With Social Support as a Moderator and Commitment as a Mediator.Sonam Chawla & Radha R. Sharma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Other Lives: Mind and World in Indian Buddhism.Sonam Kachru - 2021 - Columbia University Press.
    Human experience is not confined to waking life. Do experiences in dreams matter? Humans are not the only living beings who have experiences. Does nonhuman experience matter? The Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu, writing during the late fourth and early fifth centuries C.E., argues in his work The Twenty Verses that these alternative contexts ought to inform our understanding of mind and world. Vasubandhu invites readers to explore experiences in dreams and to inhabit the experiences of nonhuman beings—animals, hungry ghosts, and beings (...)
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    E-Commerce and Consumer Protection in India: The Emerging Trend.Neelam Chawla & Basanta Kumar - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):581-604.
    Given the rapid growth and emerging trend of e-commerce have changed consumer preferences to buy online, this study analyzes the current Indian legal framework that protects online consumers’ interests. A thorough analysis of the two newly enacted laws, i.e., the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and Consumer Protection Rules, 2020 and literature review support analysis of 290 online consumers answering the research questions and achieving research objectives. The significant findings are that a secure and reliable system is essential for e-business firms (...)
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  4. Madhyamaka Philosophy of No-Mind: Taktsang Lotsāwa’s On Prāsaṅgika, Pramāṇa, Buddhahood and a Defense of No-Mind Thesis.Sonam Thakchoe & Julien Tempone Wiltshire - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (3):453-487.
    It is well known in contemporary Madhyamaka studies that the seventh century Indian philosopher Candrakīrti rejects the foundationalist Abhidharma epistemology. The question that is still open to debate is: Does Candrakīrti offer any alternative Madhyamaka epistemology? One possible way of addressing this question is to find out what Candrakīrti says about the nature of buddha’s epistemic processes. We know that Candrakīrti has made some puzzling remarks on that score. On the one hand, he claims buddha is the pramāṇabhūta-puruṣa (person of (...)
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    The Two Truths Debate: Tsongkhapa and Gorampa on the Middle Way.Sonam Thakchoe - 2007 - Wisdom Publications.
    All lineages of Tibetan Buddhism today claim allegiance to the philosophy of the Middle Way, the exposition of emptiness propounded by the second-century Indian master Nagarjuna. But not everyone interprets it the same way. A major faultline runs through Tibetan Buddhism around the interpretation of what are called the two truths-the deceptive truth of conventional appearances and the ultimate truth of emptiness. An understanding of this faultline illuminates the beliefs that separate the Gelug descendents of Tsongkhapa from contemporary Dzogchen and (...)
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  6.  41
    Individual Spirituality at Work and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction, Propensity to Leave and Job Commitment.Vaibhav Chawla & Sridhar Guda - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (2):157-167.
    Spirituality is a hot topic of research in recent times in management arena. Though the organizational researchers have intensely started exploring this area, the studies related to selling organizations are few, and fewer are the studies related to selling organizations with individual (sales professional) as the unit of theory. The present study explores the relationship between ‘individual spirituality at work’ and sales professionals’ ‘job satisfaction’, ‘propensity to leave’ and ‘job commitment’. This work focuses on sales professionals across various industries. A (...)
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    Workplace Spirituality as a Precursor to Relationship-Oriented Selling Characteristics.Vaibhav Chawla & Sridhar Guda - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):63-73.
    Very few studies have looked upon the construct of workplace spirituality in sales organization context. This paper integrates workplace spirituality with sales literature. The paper points out that self-interest transcendence is a common aspect in the workplace spirituality concept which emerged a decade ago and in most of the relationship-oriented selling characteristics—customer orientation, adaptability, service orientation, and ethical selling behavior. Based on the common aspect of self-interest transcendence, we propose that workplace spirituality could be a causal precursor to relationship-oriented selling (...)
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  8.  62
    Ratnakīrti and the Extent of Inner Space: an Essay on Yogācāra and the Threat of Genuine Solipsism.Sonam Kachru - 2019 - Sophia 58 (1):61-83.
    Though perhaps a dubious honor, Dharmakīrti is the first philosopher in any tradition to explicitly recognize the epistemological threat of solipsism, devoting an entire essay to the problem—The Justification of Other Minds. This essay revisits Ratnakīrti’s Doing Away with Other Beings as a diagnosis of Dharmakīrti’s attempt to reconstruct the very idea of other beings, with particular attention to Ratnakīrti’s sensitivity to the conceptual preconditions for a genuine threat of solipsism. Along with the diagnosis of the conditions for the emergence (...)
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    Linguistic and Philosophical Roots of Our Environmental Crisis.Saroj Chawla - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (3):253-262.
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  10.  61
    The theory of two truths in india.Sonam Thakchoe - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  11. The Mind in Pain: The View from Buddhist Systematic and Narrative Thought.Sonam Kachru - 2021 - In Maria Heim, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad & Roy Tzohar, The Bloomsbury research handbook of emotions in classical Indian philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  12.  26
    Acknowledging Affect in Ethnography.Devika Chawla & Myrdene Anderson - 2015 - Semiotics:133-141.
  13.  28
    Grain boundary cavitation and sliding in copper/tungsten composites due to thermal stresses.K. K. Chawla - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (2):401-413.
  14. Gendered representations of seed, earth, and grain-a woman centered perspective on the conflation of woman and earth.Janet Chawla - 1993 - Journal of Dharma 18 (3):237-257.
  15.  17
    In the First Country of Places: Nature, Poetry, and Childhood Memory.Louise Chawla - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    These authors describe their relationships with nature and childhood in the context of major Western traditions of philosophy and religion.
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  16. Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Primary Schooling.Rita Chawla-Duggan & Christopher J. Pole - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (3):318-319.
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  17.  8
    3 The life-bearing body in dais' birth imagery.Janet Chawla - 2013 - In Geoffrey Samuel & Jay Johnston, Religion and the subtle body in Asia and the West: between mind and body. New York: Routledge. pp. 8--48.
  18. Candrakīrti on Deflated Episodic Memory: Response to Endel Tulving's Challenge.Sonam Thakchoe - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (4):432-438.
    ABSTRACTIn my response to Ganeri's [2018] paper, I take Buddhagosha's deflationary account of episodic memory one step further through the analysis of the Madhyamaka philosopher Candrakīrti who, like Buddhagosha, explicitly defends episodic memory as a recollection of the objects experienced in the past, rather than subjective experience. However, unlike Buddhagosha, Candrakīrti deflates episodic memory by showing the incoherence of the Sautrāntika-Yogācāra's thesis that episodic memory requires the admission of reflexive awareness. Also unlike Buddhagosha, Candrakīrti shows the incoherence of the Mimāṁsāka-Naiyāyika's (...)
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  19. Prāsaṅgika’s Semantic Nominalism: Reality is Linguistic Concept.Sonam Thakchoe - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (4):427-452.
    Buddhist semantic realists assert that reality is always non-linguistic, beyond the domain of conceptual thought. Anything that is conceptual and linguistic, they maintain, cannot be reality and therefore cannot function as reality.The Pra¯san˙gika however rejects the realist theory and argues that all realities are purely linguistic—just names and concepts—and that only linguistic reality can have any causal function. This paper seeks to understand the Pra¯san˙gika’s radical semantic nominalism and its philosophical justifications by comparing and contrasting it with the realistic semantic (...)
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  20. Candrakīrti’s theory of perception: A case for non-foundationalist epistemology in Madhyamaka.Sonam Thakchoe - 2012 - Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 11 (1):93-125.
    Some argue that Candrakīrti is committed to rejecting all theories of perception in virtue of the rejection of the foundationalisms of the Nyāya and the Pramāṇika. Others argue that Candrakīrti endorses the Nyāya theory of perception. In this paper, I will propose an alternative non-foundationalist theory of perception for Candrakīriti. I will show that Candrakrti’s works provide us sufficient evidence to defend a typical Prāsagika’s account of perception that, I argue, complements his core non-foundationalist ontology.
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    Selfless Minds: A Contemporary Perspective on Vasubandhu’s Metaphysics, by Monima Chadha.Sonam Kachru - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Buddhist Philosophy of Mind: Nāgārjuna's Critique of Mind-Body Dualism from His Rebirth Arguments.Sonam Thakchoe - 2019 - Philosophy East and West:807-827.
    Richard Hayes and Dan Arnold have made the claim that Dharmakīrti is a mind-body dualist by virtue of his doctrine of rebirth. Dharmakīrti, "elaborating the Buddhist tradition's most complete defenses of rebirth, advanced some of this tradition's most explicitly formulated arguments for mind-body dualism". Arnold identifies Dharmakīrti as an exemplary Buddhist philosopher who defends Buddhist reductionism and mind-body dualism. In Dharmakīrti's view, argues Arnold, the dynamic and relational character of subjectivity is not in conflict with the view that among the (...)
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  23.  40
    Human Being, Bodily Being: Phenomenology from Classical India by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad.Sonam Kachru - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (3):1-7.
    The subject of this extraordinary, demanding, and often moving book is being human. What it means to be such a being is here explored by means of scrupulous attention to ways in which "bodily being"--the author's term for how subjectivity may be expressed through contextually specific modes of embodiment--are drawn on, expressed, and transformed in what one might call different epistemic and experiential contexts found in premodern Indian thought in Sanskrit and Pāli.One of the most attractive things in this book (...)
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  24.  20
    Impression of Celestial Being (Deva) on Human Beings in Jainism.Sonam Jain & Samani Amal Pragya - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (2):207-224.
    Jainism is essentially a spiritual philosophy having a strong focus on the ultimate purification of the soul (ātmā). A human being usually when fails to understand things, when sorrows attack, etc., then he attributes to memorize the deva (celestial being) to seek help. Man can be guided both correctly and incorrectly by the deva and can establish a new system in a society that can be both in a positive form and a negative form. Thus, this involvement of deva in (...)
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  25.  24
    As if a Stage: Towards an Ecological Concept of Thought in Indian Buddhist Philosophy.Sonam Kachru - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):1-29.
    The interest of this essay is meta-philosophical: I seek to reconstruct neglected concepts of thought available to us given the diverse use South Asian Buddhist philosophers have made of the term-of-art vikalpa. In contemporary Anglophone engagements with Buddhist philosophy, it has come to mean either the categorization and reidentification of particulars in terms of the construction of equivalence classes and/or the representation of extra-mental causes of content. While this does track much that is important in the history of Buddhist philosophy, (...)
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  26.  37
    After the Unsilence of the Birds: Remembering Aśvaghoṣa’s Sundarī.Sonam Kachru - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (2):289-312.
    Once encountered in Beautiful Nanda, Aśvaghoṣa’s Sundarī is unforgettable. It is easy, then, to forget that we are given to see and hear her only in two of the eighteen chapters of Aśvaghoṣa’s long, lyrical narrative of Nanda. When she is given to speak, her words and voice resonate powerfully, but the narrative reduces her at last to silence. Among the last images of her, there is the moment when she is likened to a screaming bird, bereaved of her mate, (...)
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  27.  25
    Seeing in the Dark: of Epistemic Culture and Abhidharma in the Long Fifth Century C.E.Sonam Kachru - 2021 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (2):291-317.
    Abhidharma, the genre of knowledge concerned with putting into systematic shape what the Buddha taught, can seem a forbidding subject. In this essay, taking Skandhila’s Introduction to Abhidharma and Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya as touchstones, I will try to shed a little philosophical light on Abhidharma as a variety of epistemic culture in the long fifth century C.E. in South Asia. To think of Abhidharma as an epistemic culture is not only to think of what goes into the making of knowledge and (...)
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  28. Who's Afraid of Non-Conceptuality? Rehabilitating Dignaga's Distinction Between Perception and Thought.Sonam Kachru - 2018 - In Jay L. Garfield, Wilfrid Sellars and Buddhist Philosophy: Freedom From Foundations. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 172-199.
    This chapter looks at Dignaga's insistence on the non--conceptuality of perceptual experience in the light of Sellars' critique of the myth of the given as well as his other philosophical committments.
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    Yogic Deed of Bodhisattvas: Gyel-tsap on Aryadeva's Four HundredWisdom of Buddha: The Samdhinirmocana SutraMahayanasutralamkara.Ruth Sonam, John Powers, Asanga & Mrs Surekha Vijay Limaye - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (2):289.
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  30.  18
    On Necessary Connection in Mental Causation––Nāgārjuna’s Master Argument Against the Sautrāntika-Vasubandhu: A Mādhyamika Response to Mark Siderits.Sonam Thakchoe - 2023 - In Christian Coseru, Reasons and Empty Persons: Mind, Metaphysics, and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Siderits. Springer. pp. 211-227.
    The two traditional Indian Buddhist philosophers – the Mādhyamika Nāgārjuna (c.150–250) and the Sautrāntika-Vasubandhu (c. 350–430) – agree that mental causation involves a causal relationship between successive consciousness moments in which the previous moments are causes and the latter moments effects. In this chapter, I investigate the nature of this relation at stake. Is it a type of relationship that requires (1) necessary connection between successive consciousness moments in which there is an internal causal connection between the previous and the (...)
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    Prāsaṅgika Epistemology: A Reply to Stag tsang’s Charge Against Tsongkhapa’s Uses of Pramāṇa in Candrakīrti’s Philosophy.Sonam Thakchoe - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (5):535-561.
    Stag tsang, amongst others, has argued that any use of mundane pramāṇa—authoritative cognition—is incompatible with the Prāsaṅgika system. His criticism of Tsongkhapa’s interpretation of Candrakīrti’s Madhyamaka which insists on the uses of pramāṇa (tha snyad pa’i tshad ma)—authoritative cognition—within the Prāsaṅgika philosophical context is that it is contradictory and untenable. This paper is my defence of Tsongkhapa’s approach to pramāṇa in the Prāsaṅgika philosophy. By showing that Tsongkhapa consistently adopts a non-foundationalist approach in his interpretation of the Prāsaṅgika’s epistemology, and (...)
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  32.  14
    Aesthetically Designing Video-Call Technology With Care Home Residents: A Focus Group Study.Sonam Zamir, Felicity Allman, Catherine Hagan Hennessy, Adrian Haffner Taylor & Ray Brian Jones - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundVideo-calls have proven to be useful for older care home residents in improving socialization and reducing loneliness. Nonetheless, to facilitate the acceptability and usability of a new technological intervention, especially among people with dementia, there is a need for user-led design improvements. The current study conducted focus groups with an embedded activity with older people to allow for a person-centered design of a video-call intervention.MethodsTwenty-eight residents across four care homes in the South West of England participated in focus groups to (...)
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  33.  42
    Body Fragmentation: Native American Community Members’ Views on Specimen Disposition in Biomedical/Genetics Research.Puneet Chawla Sahota - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (3):19-30.
    Background: Genetics research is controversial in Native American communities, and the disposition and ownership of biological specimens are central issues. Within Native communities, there is considerable variety in tribal members’ views. This article reports the results from an ethnographic study conducted with a Native American community in the southwestern United States. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship (past and present) between the tribe and biomedical/genetics research. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 53 members of a Native (...)
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  34. Exploring the Semiosic Tensions Between Autobiography, Biography, Ethnography, and Autoethnography.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2007 - Semiotics:1-9.
    The Saami assert that "to move on is better than to stay put" (jot'tit lea buorit go orrot). The senior (in more ways than one) author, Myrdene Anderson, found as a Saami ethnographer that her life history resonated well with this Saami philosophy. In addition, Anderson had adopted from her own heritage the adage that "one can't hit a moving target". The Saami would also be comfortable with that formula. Together, one might minimally collapse and paraphrase both adages as: "a (...)
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  35.  25
    A Coordinated Research Agenda for Nature-Based Learning.Cathy Jordan & Louise Chawla - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Evidence is mounting that nature-based learning (NBL) enhances children’s educational and developmental outcomes, making this an opportune time to identify promising questions to carry research and practice in this field forward. We present the outcomes of a process to set a research agenda for NBL, undertaken by the Science of Nature-Based Learning Collaborative Research Network, with funding from the National Science Foundation. A literature review and several approaches to gathering input from researchers, practitioners and funders resulted in recommendations for research (...)
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  36.  34
    Antagonistic Habits of Researching and Reporting.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2012 - Semiotics:105-110.
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    Autobiography Meets Biography.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2004 - Semiotics:3-17.
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    Collaborative Excavations of the Semiotic Self in Biography, Autobiography, Autoethnography, Ethnography.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2006 - Semiotics:123-133.
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    Destabilizing Collaborative Comfort Zones.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2013 - Semiotics:81-92.
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    Habits of Homes Abroad.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2012 - Semiotics:69-75.
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  41.  52
    Recycling Nonlinear Evolutionary Living Into Linear Developmental Lives.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2008 - Semiotics:156-162.
  42.  35
    (Re-)Inventing, (Re-) Cycling, (Re-)Inforcing Memories in (Auto)Biography.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2009 - Semiotics:590-597.
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    Reverberating Voices.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2011 - Semiotics:232-239.
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    Recovering Voice in Ethnography.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2014 - Semiotics:521-529.
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    Stories at the Memory-Imagination Interface.Myrdene Anderson & Devika Chawla - 2010 - Semiotics:233-241.
    We two semioticians, separated by a generation or two, by geography of a continent or two, and by discipline, launch a fresh metalogue to probe the semiosic behavior of storying.
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  46. Causal reasoning about complex physiological-mechanisms by novices.Vl Patel, Gj Groen & As Chawla - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):491-491.
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    If You Can’t Join ‘Em, Report ‘Em: A Model of Ostracism and Whistleblowing in Teams.Trevor M. Spoelma, Nitya Chawla & Aleksander P. J. Ellis - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2):345-363.
    Unethical behavior coordinated and concealed by teams continues to represent a troubling and all-too-frequent occurrence in organizations. Unfortunately, those who are most knowledgeable about this behavior and thereby best suited to report it to authorities—the complicit members themselves—are susceptible to unique pressures that often discourage them from blowing the whistle. Team members rely on their teammates for relational and other beneficial resources, making it more difficult to potentially break those ties by snitching. However, we argue that the pressure to stay (...)
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  48.  27
    Things You Wouldn’t Think to Look For in One Place. [REVIEW]Sonam Kachru - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4):669.
    This brief essay explores an example introduced by Vasubandhu in the third chapter of his Treasury of Metaphysics. The example involves the report that one can, apparently, find in molten metal an environment conducive to the generation of a species of small-scaled critters, which example, however otherwise bizarre to us, Vasubandhu appears to believe well known and capable of supporting striking generalizations about life and matter. I offer three sorts of comments on this example and three varieties of reasons for (...)
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  49.  65
    Minds in Motion and Introspective Minds.Bryce Huebner & Sonam Kachru - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (9):129-142.
    Buddhist philosophers provide several toolkits for exploring the relationship between meditation and introspection. Drawing on some of their tools, we explore three models of mind, which offer different ways of thinking about the possibility of introspection: an entirely mindful observer, who introspectively experiences 'pure consciousness'; a thin mind, which avoids appealing to a witness or observer of mental episodes by positing a form of reflexive selfawareness; and a thicker mind, which is active, historically situated, and dependent upon an ecological and (...)
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  50.  35
    Overlooked contributions of Ayurveda literature to the history of physiology of digestion and metabolism.Aparna Singh, Sonam Agrawal, Kishor Patwardhan & Sangeeta Gehlot - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (2):1-19.
    Ayurveda is a traditional system of healthcare that is native to India and has a rich documented literature of its own. Most of the historians agree that the documentation of core Ayurveda literature took place approximately in between 400 BCE and 200 CE, while acknowledging that the roots of its theoretical framework can be traced back to a much earlier period. For multiple reasons many significant contributions of Ayurveda literature to various streams of biological and medical sciences have remained under-recognized (...)
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