Results for 'Sophie Cartwright'

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  1.  19
    A History of Mind and Body in Late Antiquity.Anna Marmodoro & Sophie Cartwright (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The mind-body relation was at the forefront of philosophy and theology in late antiquity, a time of great intellectual innovation. This volume, the first integrated history of this important topic, explores ideas about mind and body during this period, considering both pagan and Christian thought about issues such as resurrection, incarnation and asceticism. A series of chapters presents cutting-edge research from multiple perspectives, including history, philosophy, classics and theology. Several chapters survey wider themes which provide context for detailed studies of (...)
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    Where is the theory in our 'theories' of causality?Nancy Cartwright - 2007 - In Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 43-56.
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    What Econometrics Can Teach Quantum Physics: Causality and the Bell Inequality.Nancy Cartwright - 1989 - In Nature's capacities and their measurement. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter gives a concrete example of a question of current scientific interest where capacities matter: ‘Do the Bell inequalities describing Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen experiments show that causality is incompatible with quantum mechanics?’ The question cannot be answered if we rely on probabilistic theories of causality and laws of associations alone. It takes the concept of capacity and related notions of how capacities operate even to formulate the problem correctly. Econometrics models with correlated errors, it is shown, can explain the EPR results (...)
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    I can see clearly now: the effects of age and perceptual load on inattentional blindness.Anna Remington, Ula Cartwright-Finch & Nilli Lavie - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  5. Reply to Ulrich Gähde.Nancy Cartwright - 2008 - In Stephan Hartmann, Luc Bovens & Carl Hoefer (eds.), Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge. pp. 65--6.
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    The Effect of Sleep on Children's Word Retention and Generalization.Emma L. Axelsson, Sophie E. Williams & Jessica S. Horst - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Predicting “it will work for us”: (way) beyond statistics.Nancy Cartwright - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds.), Causality in the Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  8. Schopenhauer's Axiological Analysis of Character.David E. Cartwright - 1988 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 42 (1=164):18.
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    Causal laws, policy predictions and the need for genuine powers.Nancy Cartwright - 2007 - In Causal powers: what are they? why do we need them? what can be done with them and what cannot? Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics and Political Science. pp. 6-30.
    Knowledge of causal laws is expensive and hard to come by. But we work hard to get it because we believe that it will reduce contingency in planning policies and in building new technologies: knowledge of causal laws allows us to predict reliably what the outcomes will be when we manipulate the factors cited as causes in those laws. Or do they? This paper will argue that causal laws have no special role here. As economists from JS Mill to Robert (...)
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    Maintaining (environmental) capital intact.Nancy Cartwright Blackbourn, Alison Frank, Walter Johnson, Dale Jorgenson, Tony La, Harriet Ritvo Vopa, Charles Rosenberg, Amartya Sen, Aubrey Silberston & Sverker Sörlin - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (1):193-212.
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    The Place of Experts in Democracy. A Symposium.Bernard Bosanquet, Mrs Sophie Bryant & G. R. T. Ross - 1909 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 9:61 - 84.
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    Correction to: Consent requirements for research with human tissue: Swiss ethics committee members disagree.Flora Colledge, Sophie De Massougnes & Bernice Elger - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):24.
    It has come to our attention that in the original article [1] information regarding dates was omitted. The data in this study were obtained in Switzerland four years before the entering into force of the new Swiss Human Research Act in 2014, when the guidelines of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences ceased to apply. It is important for readers to know that at the time of the study there was no binding law in Switzerland, only the more open SAMS (...)
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    Female sexual advertisement reflects resource availability in twentieth-century UK society.Russell A. Hill, Sophie Donovan & Nicola F. Koyama - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (3):266-277.
  14.  16
    Frontmatter.Matthias Spekker, Anna-Sophie Schönfelder & Matthias Bohlender - 2018 - In Matthias Spekker, Anna-Sophie Schönfelder & Matthias Bohlender (eds.), »Kritik Im Handgemenge«: Die Marx'sche Gesellschaftskritik Als Politischer Einsatz. Transcript Verlag. pp. 1-4.
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    How Approximations Take Us Away From Theory and Towards the Truth.Nancy Cartwright - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 64 (3):273-280.
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    Reply to Eells, Humphreys and Morrison.Nancy Cartwright - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (1):177 - 187.
  17. Where Is the Theory in Our “Theories” of Causality?Nancy Cartwright - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (2):55-66.
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    (1 other version)Genre, normes et langages du costume.Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet & Christine Dousset-Seiden - 2012 - Clio 36:7-18.
    Longtemps dédaigné par les historiens, le costume fait aujourd’hui l’objet d’un retour en force dans les études historiques et sociologiques. Élément essentiel de la culture matérielle, il est l’un des marqueurs de toute société humaine, véritable langage destiné à signifier et pas seulement à protéger ou à orner. Le costume, mais aussi la façon de le porter, de le regarder et de l’interpréter, sont les reflets des normes sociales. Comme le souligne Daniel Roche : « l’histoire du vêtir témoig...
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    The Worst of Adventures: the knight Yvain and the silk weavers (end of the xiith century).Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet - 2013 - Clio 38:235-240.
    Le mot ouvrier apparaît pour la première fois au milieu du xiie siècle pour désigner celui qui travaille de ses mains moyennant salaire. C’est dans un roman de chevalerie, écrit par Chrétien de Troyes entre 1176 et 1181, Yvain, le chevalier au lion, qu’est offerte l’une des premières descriptions d’ouvrières salariées du Moyen Âge. La brutale confrontation entre le preux chevalier et la réalité du travail féminin y donne naissance à l’une des pages les plus fortes de la littérature médiévale. (...)
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    François Sigaut Agronome et Technologue.Sophie A. de Beaune - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (1):115-124.
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    Goethes Werke.W. T. H., Sophie & Erich Schmidt - 1887 - American Journal of Philology 8 (4):484.
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  22. Homage to the Apple Tree.Jean Ormesson & Sophie Hawkes - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (160):1-4.
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    Urteil und Fehlurteil.Sandra Lehmann & Sophie Loidolt (eds.) - 2011 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    La Commune de Oaxaca.Fabrizio Mejía Madrid & Sophie Gewinner - 2010 - Cités 42 (2):53.
    Les pensées de Brad Will, empoignant sa caméra en plein échange de tirs entre des paramilitaires du PRI1 et l’Assemblée populaire des peuples de Oaxaca , furent peut-être une succession d’images : le jeune militant au visage couvert lui criant d’arrêter de filmer ; l’homme corpulent à sept mètres de lui incitant les autres à continuer d’avancer, vers les coups de feu ;..
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    Les fonctions maternelles dans l’accueil familial, regard clinique des visites médiatisées.Sophie Martins-Lima - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 234 (4):89-103.
    L’article présente la concordance et les accordages entre le travail processuel du psychologue en visite médiatisée et les fonctions maternelles assurées par l’assistant(e) familial(e) auprès de l’enfant accueilli. Dans une approche inter et transdisciplinaire garantie par un métacadre institutionnel sécurisant, le psychologue clinicien se trouve à l’articulation de ces instances complémentaires. Les enfants amenés à rencontrer leur(s) parent(s) en visite médiatisée se sont développés dans une famille aux liens pathologiques. Le clinicien vient assurer une fonction de moi-auxiliaire pour l’enfant, favorisant (...)
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  26. A computational neural theory of multisensory spatial representations.Alexandre Pouget, Sophie Deneve & Duhamel & Jean-Rene - 2004 - In Charles Spence & Jon Driver (eds.), Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention. Oxford University Press.
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    Acting is not the same as feeling: Emotion expression in gait is different for posed and induced emotions.Bianca Schuster, Sophie Sowden, Diar Abdlkarim, Alan Wing & Jennifer Cook - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Editorial: Endocrinological and Social Moderators of Emotional Well-Being During Perimenstrual, Perinatal and Perimenopausal Transitions: What Women Want for Sexual Health and Smooth Hormonal Changes.Sophie Schweizer-Schubert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Réflexions autour de l'anonymat dans le traitement des données de santé.Sophie Vulliet-Tavernier - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (40):1-4.
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    Substitutivity.Richard Cartwright - 1966 - Journal of Philosophy 63 (21):684-685.
  31.  59
    VetiVoc: A modular ontology for the fashion, textile and clothing domain.Xavier Aimé, Sophie George & Jeremy Hornung - 2016 - Applied ontology 11 (1):1-28.
    One of the barrier of the Fashion, Textile and Clothing (FTC) domain is the multiplicity and the evolving vocabulary used by the industry players as well as stylists or common users. Some projects...
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    Commerce philosophique du grand siècle.Frédéric Brahami, Sophie-Anne Leterrier, Anne Auchatraire, Pierre Lurbe, Bruno Neveu & Simone Mazauric - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):674-688.
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    Christiane Klapisch-Zuber (dir.), Les femmes dans l’espace nord-méditerranéen.Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet - 2015 - Clio 42:302-302.
    La revue des Études roussillonnaises propose pour son tome XXV un recueil d’articles consacré aux femmes dans l’espace nord-méditerranéen. Il ne s’agit pas ici d’un ouvrage de synthèse, mais de dix-huit contributions qui abordent selon différents points de vue des aspects de la vie des femmes de l’aristocratie, des sociétés urbanisées et des élites citadines de Catalogne, du Languedoc et de Provence, avec quelques incursions vers l’Italie et la Grèce. Si quelques figures contemporaines sont p...
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    In the footsteps of Joan Kelly : Women, power and courtly love (xiith-xvith centuries).Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet, Christiane Klapisch-Zuber & Sylvie Steinberg - 2010 - Clio 32:17-52.
    Lorsque parut en 1977 l’article de Joan Kelly Gadol, « Did women have a Renaissance? », on commençait à parler de gender. Dans sa formulation, qui appelait évidemment une réponse négative, c’était bien une question « renversante » : elle soumettait à interrogation une notion rarement mise en doute, la Renaissance, et introduisait comme critère possible de sa pertinence, le Féminin. Cet article a profondément marqué les générations suivantes d’historiens, spécialistes de l’histoire des femmes et du genre, suscitant de profondes (...)
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    Esthétique de la Technique.Sophie A. De Beaune & Liliane Hilaire-Pérez - 2012 - Revue de Synthèse 133 (4):471-476.
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    Gender Perspectives On Household Issues: Reading, UK, 8-9 April 1995... A Different Way of Working.Susan Gregory, Sophie Bowlby & Linda McKie - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (1):79-81.
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    Heuristik und Wahrscheinlichkeit in der logischen Methodenlehre.Anna-Sophie Heinemann - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (3):294-298.
    History and Philosophy of Logic, Volume 32, Issue 3, Page 294-298, August 2011.
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    La précaution dans l’innovation en matière de médicaments et de vaccins.Sophie Hocquet-Berg - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):341-347.
    La présente contribution analyse le rôle du principe de précaution lorsque des médicaments ou des vaccins exposent les patients à un risque d’atteintes corporelles. S’il était pleinement consacré en droit de la responsabilité civile, le principe de précaution permettrait de faire peser sur les laboratoires pharmaceutiques, non seulement la charge des dommages que les médicaments ou les vaccins causent, mais encore celle des risques graves et irréversibles, même scientifiquement incertains, auxquels ils exposent les patients, ce qui peut sembler injuste. L’examen (...)
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  39. Exklusive Freiheit : "Ein Wort an die Jugend Europas/Ein Wort an die Jugend der Welt".Anna-Sophie Hurst - 2015 - In Georg Knapp (ed.), Freiheit. Tübingen: Attempto Verlag Tübingen.
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    Expérience, idéaux et participation sociale.Anne-Sophie Lamine - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    This article discusses Dewey’s The Public and Its Problems (1927), Ethics (1932), “Theory of valuation” (1939), Art as Experience (1934) and A Common Faith (1934), for the socio-anthropological analysis of the religious, in a context of diversity and anxiety about identities. This pragmatist approach enables to consider religious in the making, experience and self-construction. The concept of ideal, taking into account intersubjectivity and context, allows treating aspirations and ideals. Finally, the idea of public and pre-political, permits to pay attention to (...)
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  41. A Dialogue on Moral Education.F. H. Matthews & Sophie Bryant - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (3):406-407.
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  42. Persönlichkeit und personale Identität. Zur Fragwürdigkeit eines substanztheoretischen Vorurteils (Personality and Personal Identity. On a Dubious Substance Ontological Prejudice).Anne Sophie Meincke - 2014 - In Orsolya Friedrich & Michael Zichy (eds.), Persönlichkeit. Neurowissenschaftliche und neurophilosophische Fragestellungen. Münster: Mentis. pp. 163-187.
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    Apposition et métonymie adjectivales, figures d’une sous-énonciation?Sophie Milcent-Lawson - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Were there any radical women in the German Enlightenment? On feminist history of philosophy and Dorothea Erxleben’s Rigorous Investigation(1742).Anne-Sophie Sørup Nielsen - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):143-163.
    This article examines the term “Radical Enlightenment” as a historiographical category through the lens of the philosophical work of Dorothea Christiane Erxleben (1715–1762), a keen advocate for women’s education and the first female medical doctor in Germany. The aim of the article is to develop a methodological framework that makes it possible to critically assess the radicalism of Erxleben’s philosophical position as it is presented in her highly systematic work Rigorous Investigation (1742). In the first part of the article, the (...)
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  45. Rationale et rationabile dans le De ordine de saint augustin. Ou comment augustin fait d'une distinction lexicale un outil à la fois philosophique et pédagogique.Sophie Van der Meeren - 2005 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 25:359-360.
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    Introduction: What Are Creative Art Spaces and Why Do They Exist?Lillian K. Cartwright - 2017 - World Futures 73 (1):1-5.
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    Sameness and Substance. [REVIEW]Helen Morris Cartwright - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (4):597.
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    Does the Law Determine What Heritage to Remember?Marie-Sophie de Clippele - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (3):623-656.
    Cultural heritage can offer tangible and intangible traces of the past. A past that shapes cultural identity, but also a past from which one sometimes wishes to detach oneself and which nevertheless needs to be remembered, even commemorated. These themes of memory, history and oblivion are examined by the philosopher Paul Ricoeur in his work La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli. Inspired by these ideas, this paper analyses how they are closely linked to cultural heritage. Heritage serves as a support for memory, (...)
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    Statements of Method and Teaching: The Case of Socrates.Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (2):139-156.
    In this paper, I ponder the question of whether Socrates follows a method of investigation — the method of hypothesis — which he advocates in Plato's Phaedo. The evidence in the dialogue suggests that he does not follow the method, which raises additional questions: If he fails to do so, why does he articulate the method? Does his statement of method affect his actions or is it mainly forgotten? Although Socrates is a fictional character, his actions in the Phaedo suggests (...)
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    Reply to Anderson.Nancy Cartwright - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (3):495-497.
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