Results for 'Sophie Demonceaux'

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  1.  11
    Les parents face aux pratiques numériques adolescentes.Sophie Demonceaux & Feirouz Boudokhane-Lima - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):159-174.
    Fondée sur une enquête qualitative par entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 28 parents d’adolescents, cette contribution empirique s’intéresse à la parentalité à l’ère du numérique. Elle cherche notamment à se saisir des représentations des parents vis-à-vis des pratiques numériques de leurs adolescents et de la manière dont elles influencent l’écologie relationnelle au sein du foyer. Les résultats mettent en valeur la connaissance (réelle ou fantasmée) qu’ont les parents des pratiques de leurs ados. L’enquête montre que les parents se sentent démunis mais (...)
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    A Critique of Olfactory Objects.Ann-Sophie Barwich - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Does the sense of smell involve the perception of odor objects? General discussion of perceptual objecthood centers on three criteria: stimulus representation; perceptual constancy; and figure-ground segregation. These criteria, derived from theories of vision, have been applied to olfaction in recent philosophical debates about psychology. An inherent problem with such framing of olfactory objecthood is that philosophers explicitly ignore the constitutive factors of the sensory systems that underpin the implementation of these criteria. The biological basis of odor coding is fundamentally (...)
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    From Molecules to Perception: Philosophical Investigations of Smell.Ann-Sophie Barwich & Barry C. Smith - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (11):e12883.
    Theories of perception have traditionally dismissed the sense of smell as a notoriously variable and highly subjective sense, mainly because it does not easily fit into accounts of perception based on visual experience. So far, philosophical questions about the objects of olfactory perception have started by considering the nature of olfactory experience. However, there is no philosophically neutral or agreed conception of olfactory experience: it all depends on what one thinks odors are. We examine the existing philosophical methodology for addressing (...)
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  4. Critical phenomenology and psychiatry.Dan Zahavi & Sophie Loidolt - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (1):55-75.
    Whereas classical Critical Theory has tended to view phenomenology as inherently uncritical, the recent upsurge of what has become known as critical phenomenology has attempted to show that phenomenological concepts and methods can be used in critical analyses of social and political issues. A recent landmark publication, 50 Concepts for Critical Phenomenology, contains no reference to psychiatry and psychopathology, however. This is an unfortunate omission, since the tradition of phenomenological psychiatry—as we will demonstrate in the present article by surveying and (...)
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    Bending Molecules or Bending the Rules? The Application of Theoretical Models in Fragrance Chemistry.Ann-Sophie Barwich - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (4):443-465.
    What does it take for a scientific model to represent? Scientific models have received a great deal of attention in recent philosophical literature. Following Morgan and Morrison’s account of “Models as Mediators”, analysis of how models represent has changed from questioning what properties of models can be said to correlate with the world to asking how models are used to relate to an intended target-system. This turn to a practice-oriented approach of understanding models was a response to a general philosophical (...)
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    Vindicating Lineage Eliminativism.Javier Suárez & Sophie Veigl - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-15.
    This article defends a selective eliminativist position with respect to the concept of “biological lineage” as used in certain areas of contemporary evolutionary biology. We argue that its primary epistemic roles in these contexts—explaining social evolution and cumulative selection—clash with empirical evidence, and that enforcing the concept of “lineage” even obstructs fruitful research avenues in several biological research fields, including phylogenetic research. Drawing on this, we suggest that, in many instances, it would be best to get rid of the concept (...)
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    Rage against the what? The machine metaphor in biology.Ann-Sophie Barwich & Matthew James Rodriguez - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (4):1-24.
    Machine metaphors abound in life sciences: animals as automata, mitochondria as engines, brains as computers. Philosophers have criticized machine metaphors for implying that life functions mechanically, misleading research. This approach misses a crucial point in applying machine metaphors to biological phenomena: their reciprocity. Analogical modeling of machines and biological entities is not a one-way street where our understanding of biology must obey a mechanical conception of machines. While our understanding of biological phenomena undoubtedly has been shaped by machine metaphors, the (...)
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    Ethics briefing.Dominic Norcliffe-Brown, Sophie Brannan, Veronica English, Olivia Lines, Rebecca Mussell & Julian C. Sheather - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):707-708.
    An Amnesty International briefing, published in July 2020, highlights the grave risks health workers are facing globally, particularly in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.1 The report uses data from 63 countries across the world from January to June 2020 and is rich with examples. While recognising that information about the pandemic is constantly evolving, and each country is in a separate phase of the outbreak, Amnesty International draws attention to several troubling trends. By virtue of the role undertaken by (...)
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    Papst und Krenz: Zur Philosophie und Arithmetik Freges.Andrea Reichenberger & Anna-Sophie Heinemann - 2020 - In Matthias Wille (ed.), Fregesche Variationen: Essays zu Ehren von Christian Thiel. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag, ein Imprint der Brill-Gruppe. pp. 31–57.
    Freges Werk gilt heute als Klassiker der Philosophie und Philosophiegeschichte. Dessen Einfluss auf unterschiedlichste Bereiche der Philosophie, von der Logik und Mathematik bis hin zur Ontologie, Epistemologie und Sprachphilosophie, ist unbestritten. Vor diesem Hintergrund scheint die Annahme naheliegend, dass Freges Wirkungsgeschichte umfassend erforscht ist. Tatsächlich gilt dies nicht für die komplexe Rezeptionsgeschichte Freges, auch wenn es dazu durchaus eine Reihe von neuen, lehrreichen und detaillierten Studien gibt. 1 Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit zwei bisher kaum bekannten und unbeachtet gebliebenen (...)
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  10. Consciousness and Self-Regulation, Vol. 3.Richard J. Davidson, Sophie Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Plenum.
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    Les directives anticipées en France.Véronique Fournier & Sophie Trarieux - 2005 - Médecine et Droit 2005 (74-75):146-148.
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  12. On the very idea of a thought experiment.Jean-Yves Goffi & Sophie Roux - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.), Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
    Goffi and Roux are interested in what makes some thought experiments work, while others do not work. They do not attempt to draw an a priori line between two types of thought experiments, but rather ask the following question: inasmuch as thought experiments are arguments, and notwithstanding the fact that some of them might involve the contemplation of an imaginary scenario, how is it that some of them work, while others do not? Taking inspiration from a counterfactual thought experiment presented (...)
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    (1 other version)Intersectionality and discriminatory practices within mental health care.Mirjam Faissner, Anne-Sophie Gaillard, Georg Juckel, Amma Yeboah & Jakov Gather - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-3.
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    Das Medium als Mediator.Ann-Sophie Lehmann - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 57 (1):70-89.
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    Réponses à mes critiques.Sophie Marcotte Chénard - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (1):151-174.
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    Teaching in an “III‐Structured” Situation: The Case of Socrates.Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon - 1988 - Educational Theory 38 (2):225-237.
  17. Higher education in a state of crisis: a perspective from a Students' Quality Circle. [REVIEW]Rebekah Nahai & Sophie Österberg - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (3):387-398.
    This article introduces a Students’ Quality Circle in higher education, in the context of current debates. With increasing numbers of students entering the university and constrained financial resources in the sector, new approaches are needed, with new partnership between lecturers and students. The first Students’ Quality Circle at Kingston is located in a wider international context.
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    Explaining change in psychology: The road not taken. [REVIEW]Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon - 1988 - Human Studies 11 (4):389 - 418.
  19.  13
    Sisters of the brotherhood: Alienation and inclusion in learning philosophy By ErikaRuonakoski, Cham: Springer, 2023. Pp. xi + 97. [REVIEW]Anne-Sophie Sørup Wandall - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (2-3):361-363.
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    Sophie Lalanne (dir.), Femmes grecques de l’Orient romain.Sophie Gällnö - 2020 - Clio 51.
    Cet ouvrage collectif porte sur la place qu’occupent les femmes dans différentes parties de l’Empire romain d’Orient hellénophone. Il résulte de trois rencontres scientifiques organisées dans le cadre du programme GRECS d’ANIHMA entre 2012 et 2014. Comme l’explique Sophie Lalanne dans son introduction, le volume ne reflète que partiellement le contenu de ces rencontres ; l’éditrice formule d’ailleurs des réflexions intéressantes sur la place de l’histoire des femmes et du genre dans le domain...
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  21. De la peinture comme corps à corps avec la matière: entretien avec Sophie Cauvin par Véronique Bergen.Sophie Cauvin - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:123-128.
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  22. Rethinking hereditary relations: the reconstitutor as the evolutionary unit of heredity.Sophie J. Veigl, Javier Suárez & Adrian Stencel - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-42.
    This paper introduces the reconstitutor as a comprehensive unit of heredity within the context of evolutionary research. A reconstitutor is the structure resulting from a set of relationships between different elements or processes that are actively involved in the recreation of a specific phenotypic variant in each generation regardless of the biomolecular basis of the elements or whether they stand in a continuous line of ancestry. Firstly, we justify the necessity of introducing the reconstitutor by showing the limitations of other (...)
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  23.  31
    (1 other version)Acts, Omissions and Keeping Patients Alive in a Persistent Vegetative State: Sophie Botros.Sophie Botros - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 38:99-119.
    There are many conflicting attitudes to technological progress: some people are fearful that robots will soon take over, even perhaps making ethical decisions for us, whilst others enthusiastically embrace a future largely run for us by them. Still others insist that we cannot predict the long term outcome of present technological developments. In this paper I shall be concerned with the impact of the new technology on medicine, and with one particularly agonizing ethical dilemma to which it has already given (...)
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  24. The Truth Problem for Permissivism.Sophie Horowitz - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (5):237-262.
    Epistemologists often assume that rationality bears an important connection to the truth. In this paper I examine the implications of this commitment for permissivism: if rationality is a guide to the truth, can it also allow some leeway in how we should respond to our evidence? I first discuss a particular strategy for connecting permissive rationality and the truth, developed in a recent paper by Miriam Schoenfield. I argue that this limited truth-connection is unsatisfying, and the version of permissivism that (...)
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    Space, Supervenence and Entailment.Sophie C. Gibb - 2006 - Philosophical Papers 35 (2):171-184.
    Le Poidevin has recently presented an argument that gives rise to a serious problem for relationist theories of space. It appeals to the simple geometrical fact that if A, B and C are three points lying in a straight line, then AB and BC together entail AC. He suggests that an ontological relationship of supervenience must be appealed to to explain this entailment. Given this thesis of supervenience, relationism is implausible. I argue that the problem that Le Poidevin raises for (...)
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  26.  58
    Conscientious objection in medical students: a questionnaire survey.Sophie L. M. Strickland - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (1):22-25.
    Objective To explore attitudes towards conscientious objections among medical students in the UK. Methods Medical students at St George's University of London, Cardiff University, King's College London and Leeds University were emailed a link to an anonymous online questionnaire, hosted by an online survey company. The questionnaire contained nine questions. A total of 733 medical students responded. Results Nearly half of the students in this survey stated that they believed in the right of doctors to conscientiously object to any procedure. (...)
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    Sovereignty and Government in Jean Bodin's Six Livres de la République.Sophie Nicholls - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (1):47-66.
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  28. Epistemic Akrasia.Sophie Horowitz - 2013 - Noûs 48 (4):718-744.
    Many views rely on the idea that it can never be rational to have high confidence in something like, “P, but my evidence doesn’t support P.” Call this idea the “Non-Akrasia Constraint”. Just as an akratic agent acts in a way she believes she ought not act, an epistemically akratic agent believes something that she believes is unsupported by her evidence. The Non-Akrasia Constraint says that ideally rational agents will never be epistemically akratic. In a number of recent papers, the (...)
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  29. Antipathy and sympathy.Sophie Bryant - 1895 - Mind 4 (15):365-370.
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    Beyond the Moral Portrayal of Social Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Approach to Who They Are and What Drives Them.Sophie Bacq, Chantal Hartog & Brigitte Hoogendoorn - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):703-718.
    This paper questions the taken-for-granted moral portrayal depicted in the extant literature and popular media of the devoted social entrepreneurial hero with a priori good ethical and moral credentials. We confront this somewhat ‘idealistic’ and biased portrayal with insights from unique large-scale data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2009 survey on social entrepreneurship covering Belgium and The Netherlands. Binary and multinomial logistic regressions indicate that the intention and dominance of perceived social value creation over economic value creation is indeed what (...)
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    Phoneme‐Order Encoding During Spoken Word Recognition: A Priming Investigation.Sophie Dufour & Jonathan Grainger - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12785.
    In three experiments, we examined priming effects where primes were formed by transposing the first and last phoneme of tri‐phonemic target words (e.g., /byt/ as a prime for /tyb/). Auditory lexical decisions were found not to be sensitive to this transposed‐phoneme priming manipulation in long‐term priming (Experiment 1), with primes and targets presented in two separated blocks of stimuli and with unrelated primes used as control condition (/mul/‐/tyb/), while a long‐term repetition priming effect was observed (/tyb/‐/tyb/). However, a clear transposed‐phoneme (...)
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  32.  12
    Sagesses d'Afrique.Sophie Ekoué - 2016 - [Vanves]: Hachette. Edited by Yao Metsoko.
    En Afrique, les religions ancestrales enseignent à chercher sa cohérence intérieure, en restant relié aux autres et à l’univers. Ainsi, chez les Maasaï, la spiritualité peut se traduire par ces lignes de force : vaincre ses peurs, rester relié, ne pas créer de divisions en soi et autour de soi. L’homme doit mettre en adéquation ses mots et ses actes pour éviter la dissonance et les antagonistes, sources de déséquilibres personnel et relationnel. Actes et mots doivent être «jumeaux», aller de (...)
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    Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Epiphanies is a philosophical exploration of epiphanies, peak experiences, 'wow moments', or ecstasies as they are sometimes called. What are epiphanies, and why do so many people so frequently experience them? Are they just transient phenomena in our brains, or are they the revelations of objective value that they very often seem to be? What do they tell us about the world, and about ourselves? How, if at all, do epiphanies fit in with our moral systems and our theories of (...)
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    Achieving a Maximum Level of Vaccination for Medical Students: a Rigourous Ethical and Legal Framework Procedure.Sophie Laflamme & Guillaume Laurin-Taillefer - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (3):179-189.
    The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Sherbrooke has observed year after year, that certain students have not started and or completed their immunizations for common infectious diseases, which in effect makes them inadmissible for their clinical internships in healthcare establishments. The program administrators have posed a series of questions on the best way to proceed with these students as, a certain number remain reluctant to vaccination. They are often confronted with ethical dilemmas, are not necessarily (...)
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    Defending Exclusivity.Sophie Archer - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (2):326-341.
    ‘Exclusivity’ is the claim that when deliberating about whether to believe that p one can only be consciously motivated to reach one's conclusion by considerations one takes to pertain to the truth of p. The pragmatist tradition has long offered inspiration to those who doubt this claim. Recently, a neo-pragmatist movement, Keith Frankish (), and Conor McHugh ()) has given rise to a serious challenge to exclusivity. In this article, I defend exclusivity in the face of this challenge. First, I (...)
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  36. Cartesian Mechanics.Sophie Roux - 2004 - In Palmerino and Thijssen (ed.), The Reception of the Galilean Science of Motion in Europe. pp. 25-66.
    In the history of the scientific revolution, Descartes is often considered as the mechanical philosopher par excellence, and opposed as such to the founder of mechanical science, that is to say, Galileo: this cliché is not without foundation, but it must not make us forget that Descartes was himself a practitioner of mechanical science. In the article "Cartesian Mechanics" I detail the meaning and reach of "mechanics" in the Cartesian corpus, and do so in three steps. 1. I begin by (...)
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    Small RNA research and the scientific repertoire: a tale about biochemistry and genetics, crops and worms, development and disease.Sophie Juliane Veigl - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-25.
    The discovery of RNA interference in 1998 has made a lasting impact on biological research. Identifying the regulatory role of small RNAs changed the modes of molecular biological inquiry as well as biologists' understanding of genetic regulation. This article examines the early years of small RNA biology's success story. I query which factors had to come together so that small RNA research came into life in the blink of an eye. I primarily look at scientific repertoires as facilitators of rapid (...)
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  38.  51
    A Critical Introduction to Properties.Sophie Allen - 2016 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    What determines qualitative sameness and difference? This book explores four principal accounts of the ontological basis of properties, including universals, trope theory, resemblance nominalism, and class nominalism, considering the assumptions and ontolological commitments which are required to make each into a plausible account of properties. -/- The latter half of the book investigates the applications of property theory and the different conceptions of properties which might be adopted with these in mind: first, the possibility and desirability of individuating properties, and (...)
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  39. Accuracy and Educated Guesses.Sophie Horowitz - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 6.
    Credences, unlike full beliefs, can’t be true or false. So what makes credences more or less accurate? This chapter offers a new answer to this question: credences are accurate insofar as they license true educated guesses, and less accurate insofar as they license false educated guesses. This account is compatible with immodesty; : a rational agent will regard her own credences to be best for the purposes of making true educated guesses. The guessing account can also be used to justify (...)
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  40. Immoderately rational.Sophie Horowitz - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (1):41-56.
    Believing rationally is epistemically valuable, or so we tend to think. It’s something we strive for in our own beliefs, and we criticize others for falling short of it. We theorize about rationality, in part, because we want to be rational. But why? I argue that how we answer this question depends on how permissive our theory of rationality is. Impermissive and extremely permissive views can give good answers; moderately permissive views cannot.
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    Epistemology for interdisciplinary research – shifting philosophical paradigms of science.Sophie Baalen & Mieke Boon - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):1-28.
    In science policy, it is generally acknowledged that science-based problem-solving requires interdisciplinary research. For example, policy makers invest in funding programs such as Horizon 2020 that aim to stimulate interdisciplinary research. Yet the epistemological processes that lead to effective interdisciplinary research are poorly understood. This article aims at an epistemology for interdisciplinary research, in particular, IDR for solving ‘real-world’ problems. Focus is on the question why researchers experience cognitive and epistemic difficulties in conducting IDR. Based on a study of educational (...)
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    Probing novelty at the LHC: Heuristic appraisal of disruptive experimentation.Sophie Ritson - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
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    ‚Hervorbringende Organe‘, ‚bildende Kraft‘?: Heideggers Gegenentwurf zu Kants Theorie des Organismus.Anne Sophie Meincke - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (1):52-80.
    This article presents Heidegger’s little-known theory of the organism developed in his 1929/30 lecture The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics and interprets it as an antithesis to Kant’s theory of the organism contained in his Critique of Judgement (1790 and 1792/3). Heidegger drops Kant’s transcendental caveats in favour of a robust ontological understanding of organismic teleology. Moreover, Heidegger’s alternative approach draws attention to the fact that Kant’s notion of a ‘natural end’ (Naturzweck), by being tied to the idea of intelligent design, (...)
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  44. Chapter Seven Neuropsychological Support to the Novelty Generation Process Tanja Sophie Schweizer.Tanja Sophie Schweizer - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Structure, cibles et enjeux de la critique humienne du raisonnement causal.Sophie Bergont - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (3):11-28.
    Cet article consiste en un commentaire suivi de la section IV de l’ Enquête sur l’entendement humain. Il poursuit trois finalités : expliciter la structure de l’argumentation sceptique par laquelle Hume déconstruit la rationalité de l’inférence causale, éclairer le texte par certaines mises en perspectives historiques (en confrontant notamment Hume à Locke) et mettre en évidence le geste d’approfondissement de l’empirisme qui s’y joue : la théorie sceptique du raisonnement causal ne peut être atteinte qu’en dépassant l’expérience courante et immédiate (...)
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    Anschauliche Ausweisung als die phänomenologische Form epistemischer Rechtfertigung.Sophie Loidolt - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):142-173.
    Epistemic warrant for Husserl is closely tied to his phenomenological method and his main philosophical theme: intentionality. By investigating the lived experience of intentional givenness he elaborates what being a justificatory reason amounts to and thereby develops his specific conception of epistemic justification: intuitive fulfillment of a signitive intention which achieves evidence as the experienced, subjectively accessible presence of the “thing itself.” Terminologically, Husserl calls this Ausweisung. The intuitively fulfilled givenness of the intended, its self-givenness, is the ultimate reason for (...)
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    Sacred and (sub )human pain : witnessing bodies in early modem hagiography and contemporary spectatorship of atrocity.Sophie Oliver - 2010 - In Nancy Billias (ed.), Promoting and producing evil. New York: Rodopi. pp. 63--111.
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    Emotional intelligence as educational goal: A case for caution.Sophie Rietti - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (3-4):631-643.
    Originally conceptualised as a set of capacities for understanding and managing emotions, emotional intelligence (EI) has become associated, mainly due to the work of Daniel Goleman, with life success skills, prosocial attitudes and moral and civic virtues. But EI, which may not in itself be teachable, need not lead to these outcomes, which may not necessarily converge. Also, what counts as life success, prosocial attitudes and moral and civic virtues can only be determined, if at all, by facing the value (...)
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  49. Utilitarianism and psychological realism.Sophie Rietti - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (3):347-367.
    Utilitarianism has frequently been criticized for lacking psychological realism, but what this means and why it is thought to matter varies. This article distinguishes and examines three main relevant kinds of appeals to psychological realism: (a) A minimalist, self-avowedly metaethically neutral and empirically based ‘ought implies can’ approach, exemplified by Owen Flanagan. (b) Arguments from psychological costs and flourishing, exemplified by Michael Stocker and Bernard Williams. (c) ‘Thick’ psychological realism, exemplified by Elizabeth Anscombe, where a conception of human nature does (...)
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    From Morality to Virtue By Michael Slote Oxford University Press, 1992, pp. x+267, £30.00.Sophie Botros - 1995 - Philosophy 70 (272):290-.
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