Results for 'Stefano Luzzatto'

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  1. Is philosophy detrimental to mathematics education?Stefano Luzzatto - 1991 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):65-72.
  2.  61
    On Paraconsistent Weak Kleene Logic: Axiomatisation and Algebraic Analysis.Stefano Bonzio, José Gil-Férez, Francesco Paoli & Luisa Peruzzi - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):253-297.
    Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic is the 3-valued logic with two designated values defined through the weak Kleene tables. This paper is a first attempt to investigate PWK within the perspective and methods of abstract algebraic logic. We give a Hilbert-style system for PWK and prove a normal form theorem. We examine some algebraic structures for PWK, called involutive bisemilattices, showing that they are distributive as bisemilattices and that they form a variety, \, generated by the 3-element algebra WK; we also (...)
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  3. Utterance, interpretation and the logic of indexicals.Stefano Predelli - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (3):400–414.
    I argue that some utterances of sentences containing occurrences of indexical expressions should not be evaluated with respect to the context of utterance. I suggest that we distinguish between context of utterance and context of interpret‐ation, and I employ this distinction in the analysis of recorded messages and other interesting linguistic phenomena. I then discuss the implications of my views on contexts with respect to the logic of indexicals. Against the traditional view, I argue that sentences such as ‘I am (...)
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  4. The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Autonomy is one of the central concepts of contemporary moral thought, and Kant is often credited with being the inventor of individual moral autonomy. But how and why did Kant develop this notion? The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant's Moral Philosophy is the first essay collection exclusively devoted to this topic. It traces the emergence of autonomy from Kant's earliest writings to the changes that he made to the concept in his mature works. The essays offer a close historical and (...)
  5. Evaluating evidential pluralism in epidemiology: mechanistic evidence in exposome research.Stefano Canali - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (1):4.
    In current philosophical discussions on evidence in the medical sciences, epidemiology has been used to exemplify a specific version of evidential pluralism. According to this view, known as the Russo–Williamson Thesis, evidence of both difference-making and mechanisms is produced to make causal claims in the health sciences. In this paper, I present an analysis of data and evidence in epidemiological practice, with a special focus on research on the exposome, and I cast doubt on the extent to which evidential pluralism (...)
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  6. The Perfect Duty to Oneself Merely as a Moral Being.Stefano Bacin - 2013 - In Andreas Trampota, Oliver Sensen & Jens Timmermann, Kant’s “Tugendlehre”. A Comprehensive Commentary. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 245-268.
  7. Intentions, indexicals and communication.Stefano Predelli - 2002 - Analysis 62 (4):310-316.
  8.  78
    Thomas Kuhn’s Linguistic Turn and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism: Incommensurability, Rationality, and the Search for Truth.Stefano Gattei - 2008 - Ashgate.
    Presenting a critical history of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century, focusing on the transition from logical positivism in its first half to the ...
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  9. Big Data, epistemology and causality: Knowledge in and knowledge out in EXPOsOMICS.Stefano Canali - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Recently, it has been argued that the use of Big Data transforms the sciences, making data-driven research possible and studying causality redundant. In this paper, I focus on the claim on causal knowledge by examining the Big Data project EXPOsOMICS, whose research is funded by the European Commission and considered capable of improving our understanding of the relation between exposure and disease. While EXPOsOMICS may seem the perfect exemplification of the data-driven view, I show how causal knowledge is necessary for (...)
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    A Duality for Involutive Bisemilattices.Stefano Bonzio, Andrea Loi & Luisa Peruzzi - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):423-444.
    We establish a duality between the category of involutive bisemilattices and the category of semilattice inverse systems of Stone spaces, using Stone duality from one side and the representation of involutive bisemilattices as Płonka sum of Boolean algebras, from the other. Furthermore, we show that the dual space of an involutive bisemilattice can be viewed as a GR space with involution, a generalization of the spaces introduced by Gierz and Romanowska equipped with an involution as additional operation.
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  11.  33
    An edifying philosophy of education? Starting a conversation between Rorty and post-critical pedagogy.Stefano Oliverio - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):482-496.
    In this paper, I will establish a conversation between Rorty and the recent proposal of post-critical pedagogy. The assumption is that through this dialogue some tenets of the latter could find a Rortyan redescription that avoids the risk of ‘metaphysical’ formulations, whereas Rorty’s ideas can increase in their relevance with respect to education thanks to the post-critical perspective. In particular, the conversation will develop by focusing on the shared attitude towards the critical-negative attitude of poststructuralist thought, the significance of the (...)
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  12.  40
    Ectogestation ethics: The implications of artificially extending gestation for viability, newborn resuscitation and abortion.Lydia Di Stefano, Catherine Mills, Andrew Watkins & Dominic Wilkinson - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (4):371-384.
    Recent animal research suggests that it may soon be possible to support the human fetus in an artificial uterine environment for part of a pregnancy. A technique of extending gestation in this way (“ectogestation”) could be offered to parents of extremely premature infants (EPIs) to improve outcomes for their child. The use of artificial uteruses for ectogestation could generate ethical questions because of the technology’s potential impact on the point of “viability”—loosely defined as the stage of pregnancy beyond which the (...)
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  13. The origin of the Everettian heresy.Stefano Osnaghi, Fábio Freitas & Olival Freire - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (2):97-123.
  14.  70
    Foundational ontologies in action.Stefano Borgo, Antony Galton & Oliver Kutz - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (1):1-16.
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    A Defence of Robust Idealism in Political Philosophy.Stefano Bertea - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (2):249-266.
    In this contribution, I defend a robust model of political idealism, making the case for such an approach to both the theory and practice of politics. On this view, not only in framing a political philosophy but also in putting forward policy proposals and institutional designs, we need not think about feasibility as an overriding, make-or-break criterion for evaluating the soundness of that theory or proposal, neither of which loses its point simply because it is deemed to be unlikely to (...)
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    Technical artifacts: An integrated perspective.Stefano Borgo, Maarten Franssen, Paweł Garbacz, Yoshinobu Kitamura, Riichiro Mizoguchi & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2014 - Applied ontology 9 (3-4):217-235.
    Humans are always interested in distinguishing natural and artificial entities although there is no sharp demarcation between the two categories. Surprisingly, things do not improve when the second type of entities is restricted to the arguably more constrained realm of physical technical artifacts. This paper helps to clarify the relationship between natural entities and technical artifacts by developing a conceptual landscape within which to analyze these notions. The framework is developed by studying three definitions of technical artifact which arise from (...)
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  17.  53
    Developmental phenomenology: examples from social cognition.Stefano Vincini & Shaun Gallagher - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):183-199.
    We explore relationships between phenomenology and developmental psychology through an in-depth analysis of a particular problem in social cognition: the most fundamental access to other minds. In the first part of the paper, we examine how developmental science can benefit phenomenology. We explicate the connection between cognitive psychology and developmental phenomenology as a form of constructive phenomenological psychology. Nativism in contemporary science constitutes a strong impulse to conceive of the possibility of an innate ability to perceive others’ mental states, an (...)
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  18. La noción kantiana de verdad trascendental.Stéfano Straulino - 2016 - Revista de Estudios Kantianos 1 (2):126-145.
    Kant's Notion of "Transcendental Truth". [English] The aim of this work is to elucidate the notion of “transcendental truth” and to show its role in the Kantian system. I will argue that this notion is in line with the traditional definition of truth, i.e., that it consists in the correspondence between knowledge and object. I will also argue that criteria of transcendental truth are provided by transcendental logic, and that it is this notion of truth what makes it possible to (...)
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    Joint attention, relationalism, and individuation.Stefano Vincini - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    One of the main positions in the contemporary debate on joint attention is John Campbell’s relationalist account. This account has been welcomed as extremely promising in some strands of philosophy and cognitive science, but it has recently been subject to renewed criticism. In this paper, I take a sympathetic approach toward Campbell’s relationalism and I provide support for it by means of a naturalistic theory of the individuation of joint-attentional states. I start from examining some recent objections raised against Campbell’s (...)
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  20. Constitutivism and normativity: a qualified defence.Stefano Bertea - 2013 - Philosophical Explorations 16 (1):81-95.
    In this article, I defend a meta-normative account of constitutivism by specifically addressing what I take to be a fundamental criticism of the constitutivist stance, namely, the objection that constitutive standards have conceptual, not normative, force, and so that no practical normativity can be extracted from them as constitutive of agency. In reply to this objection, I argue that the conceptual role of the standards constitutive of agency? their applying to us by virtue of our being the kinds of creatures (...)
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  21. A pragmatic approach to scientific change: transfer, alignment, influence.Stefano Canali - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-25.
    I propose an approach that expands philosophical views of scientific change, on the basis of an analysis of contemporary biomedical research and recent developments in the philosophy of scientific change. Focusing on the establishment of the exposome in epidemiology as a case study and the role of data as a context for contrasting views on change, I discuss change at conceptual, methodological, material, and social levels of biomedical epistemology. Available models of change provide key resources to discuss this type of (...)
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    Rationalism and Perfectionism [in 18-Century Moral Philosophy].Stefano Bacin - 2017 - In Sacha Golob & Jens Timmermann, The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 379-393.
    The chapter provides a brief survey of the moral views of some of the main writers advocating rationalist conceptions in philosophical ethics in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Germany, prior to Reid and Kant: Samuel Clarke, William Wollaston, John Balguy, Richard Price, Christian Wolff (along with his adversary Christian August Crusius), Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten.
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    Understanding the organization of sharing economy in agri-food systems: evidence from alternative food networks in Valencia.Stefano Pascucci, Domenico Dentoni & Isabel Miralles - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):833-854.
    Despite the proliferation of sharing economy initiatives in agri-food systems, the recent literature has still not unravelled what sharing exactly entails from an organizational standpoint. In light of this knowledge gap, this study aims to understand which resources are shared, and how, in a heterogeneous set of sharing economy initiatives in the context of food and agriculture. Specifically, this study compares the organization of various forms of alternative food networks (AFNs), which are recognized to be frugal forms of sharing economy (...)
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  24.  28
    Musical Emotions and Timbre: from Expressiveness to Atmospheres.Nicola Di Stefano - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (5):2625-2637.
    In this paper, I address the question of how emotional qualities can be attributed to musical timbre, an acoustic feature that has proven challenging to explain using traditional accounts of musical emotions. I begin presenting the notion of musical expressiveness, as it has been conceived by cognitivists to account for the emotional quality of various musical elements like melody and rhythm. However, I also point out some limitations in these accounts, which hinder their ability to fully elucidate the emotional expressiveness (...)
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  25. Configurations of Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective on Modern.Christine di Stefano - forthcoming - Political Theory.
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    Nietzsche and McDowell on The Second Nature of The Human Being.Stefano Marino - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):231-261.
    The concept of second nature has a long and complex history, having been widely employed by several philosophers and even scientists. In recent times, the most famous thinker who has employed the concept of second nature, and has actually grounded his philosophical program precisely on this notion, is probably John McDowell. However, it is also possible to find some occurrences of the concept of second nature, “zweite Natur”, in Nietzsche’s writings, both published and unpublished. In this contribution I will develop (...)
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    The Question of a Thing-Centred View of Education: Notes on Vlieghe and Zamojski’s Towards an Ontology of Teaching.Stefano Oliverio - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (1):103-107.
  28. Against musical platonism.Stefano Predelli - 1995 - British Journal of Aesthetics 35 (4):338-350.
  29.  15
    Lights along the way: timeless lessons for today from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto's Mesillas yesharim.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 1995 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications. Edited by Abraham J. Twerski.
    The Mesillas Yesharim / Path of the Just was the masterpiece of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the great mystic, philosopher, sage, and saint. For centuries, this classic text for better living has been every man's primer for ideal life. Wherever there were Jews there was a well-thumbed Mesillas Yesharim. In this book, Rabbi Twerski applies the text and themes of Mesillas Yesharim to the everyday challenges of the 90s. He shows us how we can succeed in the quest for (...)
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    New religious movements, technology, and science: The conceptualization of the e‐meter in scientology teachings.Stefano Bigliardi - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):661-683.
    This article is aimed at contributing to the study of the relationship that new religious movements entertain with technology and science. It focuses on an object that is central in Scientology's teachings and practice: the Electropsychometer or E-meter. In interaction with the general public, such as in a 2014 TV Super Bowl advertisement, Scientology seems to claim a unique relationship with science and technology in the form of a “combination” and a “connection” evoked while displaying this very E-meter. Hence, exploring (...)
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  31. Who’s afraid of the predicate theory of names?Stefano Predelli - 2015 - Linguistics and Philosophy 38 (4):363-376.
    This essay is devoted to an analysis of the semantic significance of a fashionable view of proper names, the Predicate Theory of names, typically developed in the direction of the Metalinguistic Theory of names. According to MT, ‘syntactic evidence supports the conclusion that a name such as ‘Kennedy’ is analyzable in terms of the predicate ‘individual named ‘Kennedy’’. This analysis is in turn alleged to support a descriptivist treatment of proper names in designative position, presumably in contrast with theories of (...)
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    An unsettled debate: Key empirical and theoretical questions are still open.Stefano Vincini, Yuna Jhang, Eugene H. Buder & Shaun Gallagher - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Just and Unjust Military Intervention: European Thinkers From Vitoria to Mill.Stefano Recchia & Jennifer M. Welsh (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Classical arguments about the legitimate use of force have profoundly shaped the norms and institutions of contemporary international society. But what specific lessons can we learn from the classical European philosophers and jurists when thinking about humanitarian intervention, preventive self-defense or international trusteeship today? The contributors to this volume take seriously the admonition of contextualist scholars not to uproot classical thinkers' arguments from their social, political and intellectual environment. Nevertheless, this collection demonstrates that contemporary students, scholars and policymakers can still (...)
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    Unearthing a Buried Memory: Duhem's Third Way to Thermodynamics. Part 2†.Stefano Bordoni - 2012 - Centaurus 54 (3):232-249.
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  35. Barbour's typologies and the contemporary debate on Islam and science.Stefano Bigliardi - 2012 - Zygon 47 (3):501-519.
    Abstract Despite various criticisms, Ian Barbour's fourfold classification of the possible relationships between religion and science remains influential. I compare Barbour's taxonomy with the theories of four authors who, in the last four decades, have addressed the relationship between science and religion from a Muslim perspective. The aim of my analysis is twofold. First, I offer a comparative perspective to the debate on science and Islam. Second, following Barbour's suggestion, I test the general applicability of his categories by comparing them (...)
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    Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Science: Rationality without Foundations.Stefano Gattei - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    This book seeks to rectify misrepresentations of Popperian thought with a historical approach to Popper’s philosophy, an approach which applies his own mature view, that we gain knowledge through conjectures and refutations, to his own development, by portraying him in his intellectual growth as just such a series. Gattei seeks to reconstruct the logic of Popper’s development, in order to show how one problem and its tentative solution led to a new problem.
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    Editor's introduction.Stefano Gattei - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2 & 3):89 – 92.
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    The arguments from coherence: Analysis and evaluation.Bertea Stefano - 2005 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 25 (3):369-391.
    In this article, the theory of argumentation set out by the Dutch scholars Frans van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst is brought to bear in subjecting the general form of the argument from coherence to a critical analysis. First, a distinction is brought out between two basic kinds of argument from coherence: in one use this argumentative structure occurs as a sequence of two arguments establishing that a standpoint constitutes a particular instantiation or a inherent quality of the system it will (...)
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    La filosofia e le arti: sentire, pensare, immaginare.Stefano Velotti - 2012 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Seneca e la passione come esperienza fisica.Stefano Maso - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (2):377-401.
    If the ancient Stoics conceived passion as a judgment or the consequence of a judgment referring to external reality, it is correct to define their conception of the psyche as ‘monistic’; it is very different if we consider that passion is due to another faculty independent of reason. In this second case, a scenario opens up in which a realistic and ‘reified’ conception of passion emerges. With reference to this, in theLetter113 Seneca discusses the paradoxical thesis of the ancient Stoic (...)
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    Who's afraid of theoscientography? An interpretative hypothesis on Harun Yahya.Stefano Bigliardi - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):66-80.
    I scrutinize the ideas and works of the Turkish religious leader and author Adnan Oktar/Harun Yahya. I argue for a new definition of Yahya as the representative of what I call theoscientography, proposing to study his work according to such a model rather than in the light of his “Islamic creationism”.
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  42. Saul, salmon, and Superman.Stefano Predelli - 1999 - Analysis 59 (2):113–116.
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    Crossmodal Correspondences in Art and Science: Odours, Poetry, and Music.Nicola Di Stefano, Maddalena Murari & Charles Spence - 2021 - In Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo, Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 155-189.
    Odour-sound correspondences provide some of the most fascinating and intriguing examples of crossmodal associations, in part, because it is unclear from where exactly they originate. Although frequently used as similes, or figures of speech, in both literature and poetry, such smell-sound correspondences have recently started to attract the attention of experimental researchers too. To date, the findings clearly demonstrate that the majority of non-synaesthetic individuals associate orthonasally-presented odours with various different sound properties, e.g., pitch, instrument type, and timbre, in a (...)
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    Unrestrained Individuation.Stefano Ercolino - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (2):100-118.
    This essay focuses on a little-understood phase of Franco Moretti’s work that spans 1976 to 1986. My aim is to shed light on Moretti’s cultural background as it was formed in that period and to account for the transition from the Trotskyist, politically-militant stance of his first book, Literature and Ideologies in England in the 1930s, to the idiosyncratic, seemingly disengaged character of Signs Taken for Wonders and The Way of the World. Adorno’s concept of ‘unrestrained individuation’ plays a crucial (...)
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    Unearthing a Buried Memory: Duhem's Third Way to Thermodynamics. Part 1.Stefano Bordoni - 2012 - Centaurus 54 (2):124-147.
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    The sound of the concerto. Against the invariantist approach to musical ontology.Stefano Predelli - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):144-162.
    According to a popular approach to the ontology of music, the identity conditions for a musical work include the specification of properties of sound, which constrain the class of its correct performances. This essay argues that the resulting invariantist view of the work–performance relation is inadequate and defends a contextualist alternative.
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    Meritocracy in Singapore.Stefano Harney - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (11):1139-1148.
    This article considers the role of meritocracy in the ruling ideology of Singapore. It argues that meritocracy, far from being a system for the management of scarce resources, is in fact the imposi...
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    The Need for “Connectedness in Growth”: Experience and Education and the New Technological Culture.Stefano Oliverio - 2015 - Education and Culture 31 (2):55.
    In this paper, I will endeavour to revisit a central theme of Dewey’s Experience and Education and show its continuing relevance by contextualizing it within a momentous issue in education today. More specifically, I will attempt to proceed along the path of Dewey’s engagement with progressive education by marshalling some of his arguments in discussing what I will call—with a touch of irony—a techno-revolutionary tone recently adopted in education. It is appropriate to specify in advance what I mean by this (...)
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  49. Full mereogeometries.Stefano Borgo & Claudio Masolo - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):521-567.
    We analyze and compare geometrical theories based on mereology (mereogeometries). Most theories in this area lack in formalization, and this prevents any systematic logical analysis. To overcome this problem, we concentrate on specific interpretations for the primitives and use them to isolate comparable models for each theory. Relying on the chosen interpretations, we introduce the notion of environment structure, that is, a minimal structure that contains a (sub)structure for each theory. In particular, in the case of mereogeometries, the domain of (...)
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  50. Philosophical Games.Stefano Gualeni - 2022 - The Encyclopedia of Ludic Terms.
    Philosophical games are games designed to invite players to think philosophically within (and about) their gameworlds. They are interactive fictions allowing players to engage with philosophical themes in ways that often set them apart from non-interactive kinds of speculative fictions (such as philosophical novels or thought experiments). To better understand philosophical games, this entry proposes to distinguish two primary ways in which a philosophical game can approach its themes: dialectically or rhetorically.
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