Results for 'Stephan Goerigk'

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  1. Bayesian Cognitive Science, Unification, and Explanation.Stephan Hartmann & Matteo Colombo - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (2).
    It is often claimed that the greatest value of the Bayesian framework in cognitive science consists in its unifying power. Several Bayesian cognitive scientists assume that unification is obviously linked to explanatory power. But this link is not obvious, as unification in science is a heterogeneous notion, which may have little to do with explanation. While a crucial feature of most adequate explanations in cognitive science is that they reveal aspects of the causal mechanism that produces the phenomenon to be (...)
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    Bayes Nets and Rationality.Stephan Hartmann - 2021 - In Markus Knauff & Wolfgang Spohn, The Handbook of Rationality. London: MIT Press.
    Bayes nets are a powerful tool for researchers in statistics and artificial intelligence. This chapter demonstrates that they are also of much use for philosophers and psychologists interested in (Bayesian) rationality. To do so, we outline the general methodology of Bayes nets modeling in rationality research and illustrate it with several examples from the philosophy and psychology of reasoning and argumentation. Along the way, we discuss the normative foundations of Bayes nets modeling and address some of the methodological problems it (...)
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    The limits of replicability.Stephan Guttinger - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-17.
    Discussions about a replicability crisis in science have been driven by the normative claim that all of science should be replicable and the empirical claim that most of it isn’t. Recently, such crisis talk has been challenged by a new localism, which argues a) that serious problems with replicability are not a general occurrence in science and b) that replicability itself should not be treated as a universal standard. The goal of this article is to introduce this emerging strand of (...)
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  4. Benefits of Collaborative Philosophical Inquiry in Schools.Stephan Millett & Alan Tapper - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):546-567.
    In the past decade well-designed research studies have shown that the practice of collaborative philosophical inquiry in schools can have marked cognitive and social benefits. Student academic performance improves, and so too does the social dimension of schooling. These findings are timely, as many countries in Asia and the Pacific are now contemplating introducing Philosophy into their curricula. This paper gives a brief history of collaborative philosophical inquiry before surveying the evidence as to its effectiveness. The evidence is canvassed under (...)
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  5. A new argument for animalism.Stephan Blatti - 2012 - Analysis 72 (4):685-690.
    The view known as animalism asserts that we are human animals—that each of us is an instance of the Homo sapiens species. The standard argument for this view is known as the thinking animal argument . But this argument has recently come under attack. So, here, a new argument for animalism is introduced. The animal ancestors argument illustrates how the case for animalism can be seen to piggyback on the credibility of evolutionary theory. Two objections are then considered and answered.
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    Emergenz: von der Unvorhersagbarkeit zur Selbstorganisation.Achim Stephan - 1999 - Dresden: Dresden University Press.
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    A New Account of Replication in the Experimental Life Sciences.Stephan Guttinger - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (3):453-471.
    The life sciences are said to be in the midst of a replication crisis because a majority of published results are irreproducible, and scientists rarely replicate existing data. Here I argue that point 2 of this assessment is flawed because there is a hitherto unidentified form of replication in the experimental life sciences, which I call ‘microreplications’. Using a case study from biochemistry, I illustrate how MRs depend on a key element of experimentation, namely, experimental controls. I end by reflecting (...)
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    Trust in Science: CRISPR–Cas9 and the Ban on Human Germline Editing.Stephan Guttinger - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1077-1096.
    In 2015 scientists called for a partial ban on genome editing in human germline cells. This call was a response to the rapid development of the CRISPR–Cas9 system, a molecular tool that allows researchers to modify genomic DNA in living organisms with high precision and ease of use. Importantly, the ban was meant to be a trust-building exercise that promises a ‘prudent’ way forward. The goal of this paper is to analyse whether the ban can deliver on this promise. To (...)
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    Philosophie der Mathematik.Stephan Körner - 1968 - [München]: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung.
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  10. Animalism, dicephalus, and borderline cases.Stephan Blatti - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (5):595-608.
    The rare condition known as dicephalus occurs when (prior to implantation) a zygote fails to divide completely, resulting in twins who are conjoined below the neck. Human dicephalic twins look like a two-headed person, with each brain supporting a distinct mental life. Jeff McMahan has recently argued that, because they instance two of us but only one animal, dicephalic twins provide a counterexample to the animalist's claim that each of us is identical with a human animal. To the contrary, I (...)
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    Editing the Reactive Genome: Towards a Postgenomic Ethics of Germline Editing.Stephan Guttinger - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (1):58-72.
    The reported birth of genetically modified twins in late 2018 has given new fuel to debates about the ethics of germline genome editing (GGE). There is a broad consensus among stakeholders that clinical uses of GGE should be temporarily banned as the technology is not yet deemed safe for use in humans. However, the idea of a complete ban is dismissed by many based on the expectation that more research will eventually allow scientists to make the technology safe without having (...)
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    Enactive Emotion and Impaired Agency in Depression.A. Stephan - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    We propose an action-oriented understanding of emotion. Emotions are modifications of a basic form of goal-oriented striving characteristic of human life. They are appetitive orientations: pursuits of the good, avoidances of the bad. Thus, emotions are not truly distinct from, let alone opposed to, actions -- as erroneously suggested by the classical understanding of emotions as 'passions'. In the present paper, we will outline and defend this broadly enactive approach and motivate its main claims. Our proposal gains plausibility from a (...)
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  13. Mou zongsan, Hegel, and Kant: The Quest for confucian modernity.Stephan Schmidt - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):260-302.
    Many historians of philosophy, with all their intended praise, let the philosophers speak mere nonsense. They do not guess the purpose of the philosophers.… They cannot see beyond what the philosophers actually said, to what they really meant to say.Mou Zongsan (1909–1995) is one of the key figures of contemporary New Confucianism (當代新儒家) who to this day remains largely unknown and grossly understudied in the West.1 This neglect by the Western academy contrasts sharply with the ever-growing output of literature by (...)
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    Emotions, Existential Feelings, and Their Regulation.Achim Stephan - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):157-162.
    This article focuses on existential feelings. To begin with, it depicts how they differ from other affective phenomena and what type of intentionality they manifest. Furthermore, a detailed analysis shows that existential feelings can be subdivided, first, into elementary and nonelementary varieties, and second, into three foci of primary relatedness: oneself, the social environment, and the world as such. Eventually, five strategies of emotion regulation are examined with respect to their applicability to existential feelings. In the case of harmful existential (...)
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  15. Death's Distinctive Harm.Stephan Blatti - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (4):317-30.
    Despite widespread support for the claim that death can harm the one who dies, debate continues over how to rescue this harm thesis (HT) from Epicurus’s challenge. Disagreements focus on two of the three issues that any defense of HT must resolve: the subject of death’s harm and the timing of its injury. About the nature of death’s harm, however, a consensus has emerged around the view that death harms a subject (when it does) by depriving her of the goods (...)
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  16. Grundlinien der Psychologie.Stephan Witasek - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 66:99-100.
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  17. Voting, deliberation and truth.Stephan Hartmann & Soroush Rafiee Rad - 2016 - Synthese 195 (3):1-21.
    There are various ways to reach a group decision on a factual yes–no question. One way is to vote and decide what the majority votes for. This procedure receives some epistemological support from the Condorcet Jury Theorem. Alternatively, the group members may prefer to deliberate and will eventually reach a decision that everybody endorses—a consensus. While the latter procedure has the advantage that it makes everybody happy, it has the disadvantage that it is difficult to implement, especially for larger groups. (...)
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  18. Punishment and Proportionality: The Estoppel Approach.Stephan Kinsella - 1996 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 12 (1):51-73.
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  19. Leonard Nelson und der philosophische Kritizismus.Stephan Körner - 1979 - In [no title]. Meiner. pp. 1-18.
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    Finalursachen in der Frühen Neuzeit: Eine Untersuchung der Transformation Teleologischer Erklärungen.Stephan Schmid - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    By reconstructing the teleological conceptions of Thomas Aquinas, Suarez, Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, the author argues against the common view that mechanical philosophers in the Early Modern Period rejected natural teleology because of its association with an Aristotelian picture of the world. First, many thinkers in the Early Modern Period did not reject teleological explanations for natural phenomena. Second, many scholastic thinkers already believed that pure natural teleology was problematic because they held that authentic teleological explanations are only possible when (...)
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  21.  59
    The Wisdom of Individuals: Exploring People's Knowledge About Everyday Events Using Iterated Learning.Stephan Lewandowsky, Thomas L. Griffiths & Michael L. Kalish - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (6):969-998.
    Determining the knowledge that guides human judgments is fundamental to understanding how people reason, make decisions, and form predictions. We use an experimental procedure called ‘‘iterated learning,’’ in which the responses that people give on one trial are used to generate the data they see on the next, to pinpoint the knowledge that informs people's predictions about everyday events (e.g., predicting the total box office gross of a movie from its current take). In particular, we use this method to discriminate (...)
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    Attractiveness Ratings for Musicians and Non-musicians: An Evolutionary-Psychology Perspective.Stephan Bongard, Ilka Schulz, Karin U. Studenroth & Emily Frankenberg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Was versteht Kant unter einer „Ausnahme“? : Zur Unterscheidung vollkommener und unvollkommener Pflichten in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.Stephan Zimmermann - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (4):710-727.
    In the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant explains a perfect duty as one that “admits no exception in favor of inclination”. An imperfect duty must then, in turn, be one which does admit such exceptions. However, according to Kant, all duties are valid without exception, and so there has been broad agreement among Kantians and Kant interpreters from the beginning that perfect duties cannot be characterized by exceptionless validity. I would thus like to argue in favor of a (...)
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  24. 'Thick' Concepts Revised.Stephan L. Burton - 1992 - Analysis 52 (1):28 - 32.
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    Total logic.Stephan Leuenberger - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):529-547.
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    François Jullien’s Landscape, Site Selection, and Pattern Recognition.Stephan Feuchtwang - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (4-5):115-129.
    François Jullien’s idea of landscape in Chinese philosophy and art is taken from the refinement of highly literate writers and artists, unrelated to the techniques of location that find good sites and make places in landscape. This article is based on a study of fengshui (Chinese geomancy). It argues that fengshui is a practice of identifying not things or beings but moments and circumstances of a client. It works with an epistemology of pattern recognition, which is based on observation and (...)
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  27. Armchair arguments against emergence.Achim Stephan - 1997 - Erkenntnis 46 (3):305-14.
  28. A frame-based approach for theoretical concepts.Stephan Kornmesser - 2016 - Synthese 193 (1):145-166.
    According to a seminal paper by Barsalou , frames are attribute-value-matrices for representing exemplars or concepts. Frames have been used as a tool for reconstructing scientific concepts as well as conceptual change within scientific revolutions . In the frame-based representations of scientific concepts developed so far the semantic content of concepts is determined by a set of attribute-specific values. This way of representing semantic content works best for prototype concepts and defined concepts of a conceptual taxonomy satisfying the no-overlap principle. (...)
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  29. Tense, Timely Action and Self-Ascription.Stephan Torre - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (1):112-132.
    I consider whether the self-ascription theory can succeed in providing a tenseless (B-theoretic) account of tensed belief and timely action. I evaluate an argument given by William Lane Craig for the conclusion that the self-ascription account of tensed belief entails a tensed theory (A-theory) of time. I claim that how one formulates the selfascription account of tensed belief depends upon whether one takes the subject of selfascription to be a momentary person-stage or an enduring person. I provide two different formulations (...)
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    Palliative care versus euthanasia. The German position: The German general medical council's principles for medical care of the terminally ill.Stephan W. Sahm - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (2):195 – 219.
    In September 1998 the Bundesrztekammer, i.e., the German Medical Association, published new principles concerning terminal medical care. Even before publication, a draft of these principles was very controversial, and prompted intense public debate in the mass media. Despite some of the critics' suspicions that the principles prepared the way for liberalization of active euthanasia, euthanasia is unequivocally rejected in the principles. Physician-assisted suicide is considered to violate professional medical rules. In leaving aside some of the notions customarily used in the (...)
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  31. Are animals capable of concepts?Achim Stephan - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (1):583-596.
    Often, the behavior of animals can be better explained and predicted, it seems, if we ascribe the capacity to have beliefs, intentions, and concepts to them. Whether we really can do so, however, is a debated issue. Particularly, Donald Davidson maintains that there is no basis in fact for ascribing propositional attitudes or concepts to animals. I will consider his and rival views, such as Colin Allen's three-part approach, for determining whether animals possess concepts. To avoid pure theoretical debate, however, (...)
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    Why are most organelle genomes transmitted maternally?Stephan Greiner, Johanna Sobanski & Ralph Bock - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (1):80-94.
    Why the DNA‐containing organelles, chloroplasts, and mitochondria, are inherited maternally is a long standing and unsolved question. However, recent years have seen a paradigm shift, in that the absoluteness of uniparental inheritance is increasingly questioned. Here, we review the field and propose a unifying model for organelle inheritance. We argue that the predominance of the maternal mode is a result of higher mutational load in the paternal gamete. Uniparental inheritance evolved from relaxed organelle inheritance patterns because it avoids the spread (...)
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    Frames and concepts in the philosophy of science.Stephan Kornmesser - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (2):225-251.
    In the philosophy of science, the frame model is used in order to represent and analyze scientific concepts and conceptual change. However, the potential of the frame model is far from being fully exploited: Up to now, the frame model is only applied to a rather small set of different kinds of concepts and important advantages of the frame model for reconstructing and analyzing concepts have been neglected. In this article, we will essentially extend the frame model in the following (...)
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    Subjective Experience, Heterophenomenology, or Neuroimaging? A Perspective on the Meaning and Application of Mental Disorder Terms, in Particular Major Depressive Disorder.Stephan Schleim - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  35. Material Constitution.Stephan Blatti - 2012 - In Robert Barnard & Neil Manson, Continuum Companion to Metaphysics. Continuum Publishing. pp. 149-69.
    This paper reviews four leading strategies for addressing the problem of material constitution, along with some of the prominent objections faced by each approach. Sections include (1) "The Orthodox View: Coincident Objects," (2) "Dominant Kinds," (3) "Nihilism," (4) "Revising the Logic of Identity," and (5) "Future Research." Also included is an annotated bibliography.
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  36. Confirmation, Coherence and the Strength of Arguments.Stephan Hartmann & Borut Trpin - 2023 - Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45:1473-1479.
    Alongside science and law, argumentation is also of central importance in everyday life. But what characterizes a good argument? This question has occupied philosophers and psychologists for centuries. The theory of Bayesian argumentation is particularly suitable for clarifying it, because it allows us to take into account in a natural way the role of uncertainty, which is central to much argumentation. Moreover, it offers the possibility of measuring the strength of an argument in probabilistic terms. One way to do this, (...)
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    Spinoza on the Unity of Will and Intellect.Stephan Schmid - 2014 - In Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius, Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. pp. 245-270.
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    Protecting future generations: intergenerational buck-passing, theoretical ineptitude and a brief for a global core precautionary principle.Stephan M. Gardiner - 2006 - In Tremmel J., The Handbook of Intergenerational Justice. Edward Elgar. pp. 148--169.
  39.  22
    The Buddhist Experience: Sources and Interpretations.Stephan Beyer - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (2):242-243.
  40.  67
    Creating parts that allow for rational design: Synthetic biology and the problem of context-sensitivity.Stephan Güttinger - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (2):199-207.
    The parts-based engineering approach in synthetic biology aims to create pre-characterised biological parts that can be used for the rational design of novel functional systems. Given the context-sensitivity of biological entities, a key question synthetic biologists have to address is what properties these parts should have so that they give a predictable output even when they are used in different contexts. In the first part of this paper I will analyse some of the answers that synthetic biologists have given to (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Emergence -- a systematic look at its historical facets.Achim Stephan - 1992 - In Ansgar Beckermann, Hans Flohr & Jaegwon Kim, Emergence or Reduction?: Prospects for Nonreductive Physicalism. New York: De Gruyter.
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    The Dubious Practice of Sensationalizing Anatomical Dissection (and Death) in the Humanities Literature.Carl N. Stephan & Wesley Fisk - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):221-228.
    Past anatomical dissection practice has received recent attention in the humanities and social science literature, especially in a number of popular format books. In these works, past ethically dubious dissection practices are again revisited, including stealing the dead for dissection. There are extremely simple, yet very important, lessons to be had in these analyses, including: do not exploit the dead and treat the dead with dignity, respect, and reverence. In this paper, we highlight that these principles apply not just to (...)
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    Transhumanismus: Über Die Grenzen Technischer Selbstverbesserung.Stephan Herzberg & Heinrich Watzka (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Der Transhumanismus versteht sich als kulturelle Bewegung und als interdisziplinärer Forschungsansatz mit dem Ziel der umfassenden Verbesserung des Menschen, d.h. seiner kognitiven, emotionalen und moralischen Fähigkeiten, mit technischen Mitteln. Der Transhumanismus stellt lebensweltlich grundlegende Grenzziehungen in Frage, z.B. der Grenze zwischen Natur und Technik, Mensch und Tier, Mensch und Maschine, Personen und Sachen, Wachsen und Eingreifen, Therapie und enhancement. Primäres Ziel dieses Bandes ist eine Kritik des Transhumanismus. Die Beiträge diskutieren seine impliziten Metaphysik, Anthropologie und Ethik: Ist das vom Transhumanismus (...)
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    A precise model for contextual roles: The programming language ObjectTeams/Java.Stephan Herrmann - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (2):181-207.
    A number of proposals exist concerning how to support the concept of roles at the level of programming languages. While some of these proposals indeed exhibit very promising properties, the concept of roles has not found its way into mainstream programming languages. We argue that this is due to the richness of the concept of roles and the fact that each existing proposal focuses on some aspects of roles while neglecting others. We present the programming language ObjectTeams/Java and using the (...)
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  45. (2 other versions)Mechanisms, Coherence, and Theory Choice in the Cognitive Neurosciences.Stephan Hartmann - 2001 - In Peter McLaughlin, Peter Machamer & Rick Grush, Theory and Method in the Neurosciences. Pittsburgh University Press. pp. 70-80.
    Let me first state that I like Antti Revonsuo’s discussion of the various methodological and interpretational problems in neuroscience. It shows how careful and methodologically reflected scientists have to proceed in this fascinating field of research. I have nothing to add here. Furthermore, I am very sympathetic towards Revonsuo’s general proposal to call for a Philosophy of Neuroscience that stresses foundational issues, but also focuses on methodological and explanatory strategies.2 In a footnote of his paper, Revonsuo complains – as many (...)
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    Poststrukturalistische Sozialwissenschaften.Stephan Moebius & Andreas Reckwitz (eds.) - 2008 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    A New Garber-Style Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Stephan Hartmann and Branden Fitelson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):712-717.
  48.  34
    Logic and Conceptual Change.Stephan Körner - 1973 - In Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard, Conceptual change. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 123--136.
  49. An Emergentist's Perspective on the Problem of Free Will.Achim Stephan - 2010 - In Graham Macdonald & Cynthia Macdonald, Emergence in mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 222.
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    Deleuze and phenomenology.Stephan Günzel - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (2):31-45.
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