Results for 'Stephen Marvin'

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  1.  7
    A Journey to Fulfillment.Stephen Marvin - 2021 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 21 (1):114-117.
    The Tao of Roark: Variations on a Theme from Ayn Rand, by Peter Saint-Andre, is a guide to personal development. He begins with the theme of youthful discovery in The Fountainhead and its protagonist, Howard Roark, progressing through forty-eight “variations,” familiar to close readers of Rand's novel: principles, virtues, and evaluations, which begin with reason and the integration of emotions. This is the intellectual and emotional journey of the author, shared, to inspire the reader.
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    Tag Systems and Lag Systems.Hao Wang, John Cocke, Marvin Minsky & Stephen A. Cook - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):344-344.
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  3. John Dover Wilson, Leslie Stephen and Matthew Arnold as Critics of Wordsworth. [REVIEW]F. S. Marvin - 1939 - Hibbert Journal 38:414.
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    Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction by Todd A. Salzman and Michael G. Lawler, and: Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times by Marvin M. Ellison. [REVIEW]Darryl W. Stephens - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):229-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction by Todd A. Salzman and Michael G. Lawler, and: Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times by Marvin M. EllisonDarryl W. StephensReview of Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction TODD A. SALZMAN and MICHAEL G. LAWLER Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012. 280 pp. $26.95Review of Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times MARVIN M. ELLISON Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012. (...)
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    Living with Dead Animals?Garry Marvin - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Nathan Kowalsky (eds.), Hunting Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 107–117.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Cultural Predators The Prize is a Clear Conscience Souvenir Parts, Remembered Wholes Snapshots from the Other Side Still Lives Memories as Reanimation Notes.
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    Marvin, Stephen E. Heaven Has a Face; So Does Hell: The Art of the Noh Mask. Warren, CT: Floating World Editions, 2010, 663 pp. , 150 color + 220 b&w illus., $300.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Mara Miller - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):106-109.
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    Wang Hao. Tag systems and lag systems. Mathematische Annalen, vol. 152 , pp. 65–74.Cocke John and Minsky Marvin. Universality of tag systems with D = 2. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 11 , pp. 15–20.Cook Stephen A.. The solvability of the derivability problem for one-normal systems. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 13 , pp. 223–225. [REVIEW]Ann Yasuhara - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):344.
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  8. Darwinism and the Linguistic Image.Stephen G. Alter - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (1):202-204.
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    Investigations of the Felix Experimental Group: 2010-2013.Stephen Braude - 2014 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 28 (2).
    This paper chronicles my introduction to and subsequent investigation of the Felix Experimental Group (FEG) and its exhibitions of classical physical mediumship. It’s been nearly a century since investigators have had the opportunity to carefully study standard spiritistic phenomena, including the extruding of ectoplasm, and the FEG is the only current physical mediumistic circle permitting any serious controls. The paper details a progressively stringent, personally supervised series of séances, culminating in some well-controlled experiments with video documentation in a secure and (...)
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  10. Rethinking Moral Status.Stephen Clarke, Hazem Zohny & Julian Savulescu (eds.) - forthcoming
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    Socializing willpower: Resolve from the outside in.Stephen Setman & Daniel Kelly - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e53.
    Ainslie's account of willpower is conspicuously individualistic. Because other people, social influence, and culture appear only peripherally, it risks overlooking what may be resolve's deeply social roots. We identify a general “outside-in” explanatory strategy suggested by a range of recent research into human cognitive evolution, and suggest how it might illuminate the origins and more social aspects of resolve.
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    Jean-Luc Marion sobre conocer y amar a la luz del apego a una falsedad.Stephen Lewis & Juan Pablo Espínola - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):454-471.
    ¿Cómo entiende Jean-Luc Marion la relación entre conocer y amar, especialmente en el contexto histórico que él esboza a partir de la relación entre metafísica y la fenomenología de la donación? Este artículo sugiere que el fenómeno de aferrarse a sabiendas a una falsedad, especialmente como lo analiza San Agustín y lo desarrolla Marion, puede servir como camino para responder a dicha pregunta. La verdad ilumina de un modo que acusa a quien se aferra a una falsedad (veritas redarguens); en (...)
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    Charisma Reconsidered.Stephen Turner - 203 - Journal of Classical Sociology 3 (1):5-26.
    Charisma is a concept with a peculiar history. It arose from theological obscurity through social science, from which it passed into popular culture. As a social science concept, its significance derives in large part from the fact that it captures a particular type of leadership. But it fits poorly with other concepts in social science, and is problematic as an explanatory concept. Even Weber himself was torn in his use of the concept between the individual type-concept and a broader use (...)
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    Pain Relief, Prescription Drugs, and Prosecution: A Four-State Survey of Chief Prosecutors.Stephen J. Ziegler & Nicholas P. Lovrich - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (1):75-100.
    The experience of having to suffer debilitating pain is far too common in the United States, and many patients continue to be inadequately treated by their doctors. Although many physicians freely admit that their pain management practices may have been somewhat lacking, many more express concern that the prescribing of heightened levels of opioid analgesics may result in closer regulatory scrutiny, criminal investigation, or even criminal prosecution.Although several researchers have examined the regulatory environment and the threat of sanction or harm (...)
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    Facial Shape Analysis Identifies Valid Cues to Aspects of Physiological Health in Caucasian, Asian, and African Populations.Ian D. Stephen, Vivian Hiew, Vinet Coetzee, Bernard P. Tiddeman & David I. Perrett - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  16. Propositional content.Stephen Schiffer - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    To a first approximation, _propositional content_ is whatever _that-clauses_ contribute to what is ascribed in utterances of sentences such as Ralph believes _that Tony Curtis is alive_. Ralph said _that Tony Curtis is alive_. Ralph hopes _that Tony Curtis is alive_. Ralph desires _that Tony Curtis is alive_.
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  17. The resources of a mechanist physiology and the problem of goal-directed processes.Stephen Gaukroger - 2000 - In Stephen Gaukroger, John Andrew Schuster & John Sutton (eds.), Descartes' Natural Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 383--400.
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  18. Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads: The Culture and Evolution of Natural History Museums.Stephen T. Asma - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (1):185-187.
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    On Preferring that God Not Exist : A Dialogue.Stephen T. Davis - 2014 - Faith and Philosophy 31 (2):143-159.
    Recently a new question has emerged in the philosophy of religion: not whether God exists, but whether God’s existence is or would be preferable. The existing literature on the subject is sparse. The present essay, in dialogue form, is an attempt to marshal and evaluate arguments on both sides.
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  20. Psi and the nature of abilities.Stephen E. Braude - unknown
    Lately I've been giving a great deal of thought to the nature of human (and other organic) abilities. In part, this is connected to my recent research into multiple personality and the need to explain, not only the partitioning of abilities and skills among alternate personalities, but also the enhanced levels of functioning that some of them exhibit (and for that matter, the exceptional performances of "nonmultiples" in hypnotic and other sorts of dissociative states). My interest in this topic is (...)
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  21. Inventing objectivity : new philosophical foundations.Stephen J. A. Ward - 2010 - In Christopher Meyers (ed.), Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Response to a Review of The Crisis of Religious Liberty.Stephen M. Krason - 2017 - Catholic Social Science Review 22:413-416.
    SCSS President Stephen M. Krason wrote this letter in response to a review about a book he edited and contributed to in the SCSS’s Catholic Social Thought Book Series, The Crisis of Religious Liberty: Reflections from Law, History, and Catholic Social Thought. The review, which appeared in The Journal of Church and State, was mostly favorable to the book but made erroneous assertions and a false and unmerited conclusion about the sources Krason used in his Afterword in the book. (...)
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    The Phenomenology in William James' Philosophical Psychology.Stephen Skousgaard - 1976 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7 (2):86-95.
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    Freedom and the Family: The Family Crisis and the Future of Western Civilization.Stephen Baskerville - 2009 - Humanitas: Interdisciplinary journal (National Humanities Institute) 22 (1):168.
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    A Fitting Receptacle: Paul Claudel on Poetry and Sensations of God.Stephen E. Lewis - 2014 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 17 (4):65-86.
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    Can the sciences do without final causes?Stephen Boulter - 2019 - In William Gibson, Dan O'Brien & Marius Turda (eds.), Teleology and Modernity. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Few ideas in the history of philosophy have come in for the sustained criticism meted out to Aristotle’s notion of final causation. According to Aristotle and the scholastics, final causes are not just one kind of cause among many, but the very ‘cause of causes’. To appreciate the connection between final causes and efficient causes, it is useful to gather a few reminders of the Aristotelian approach to causation in general. The Aristotelian notion of causation in general has two essential (...)
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    American Criminal Justice in Disarray.Stephen M. Krason - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:315-318.
    This was one of SCSS president Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appeared in and The Wanderer. At a time when there is increased discussion about the need for criminal justice reform, he points to several areas that must be addressed: overcriminalization, vagueness of laws, the decline of mens rea, too much readiness on the part of American police to arrest, excessive incarceration, and prosecutorial abuse.
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    Collingwood Corner.Stephen Leach - 2012 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 18 (1):81-99.
    'Roman England': R.G. Collingwood's Correspondence with Harold Bruff, compiled and introduced by Stephen Leach.
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    Life and Death on the Prairie.Stephen Longmire - 2011 - George F. Thompson Publishing.
    Iowa's Rochester Cemetery is one of the most unusual and biodiverse prairies left in America, boasting more than 400 species of plants--337 of them native to the region--on its thirteen-and-a-half acres. Among them are fifteen massive white oaks that stood watch as the surrounding landscape was converted into farmland after Euro-American settlers arrived in the 1830s. The cemetery is the last resting place of these pioneers and their descendants, down to the present. Graves and wildflowers are scattered across the hills (...)
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    心不退转 施功日新.Stephen R. Bokenkamp - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
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    The "Benedict Option".Stephen M. Krason - 2017 - Catholic Social Science Review 22:385-388.
    This was one of SCSS President, Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appear monthly at his blog site and in and The Wanderer. This column tells families and others proposing the “Benedict Option”—i.e., trying to separate as much from the secular culture as possible and trying to build up small Catholic subcultures where their children can be effectively reared in the Faith and family integrity preserved—to be attentive of the threat posed by the (...)
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    The New Literalism and Fundamentalism.Stephen M. Krason - 2017 - Catholic Social Science Review 22:389-393.
    This was one of SCSS President, Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appear monthly at his blog site and in and The Wanderer. This column speaks about what might be called a new expression of literalism and fundamentalism, especially among liberal Catholics and some in Church leadership, to take certain Scriptural passages and Church teachings and apply them to current situations and public questions without regard to the context of the situations or full (...)
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  33.  12
    Science on Demand.Stephen Turner - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (4):52-61.
    Characterizing science as a public good, as Steve Fuller notes, is a part of an ideological construal of science, linked to a particular portrayal of science in the postwar era that was designed to provide a rationale for the funding of pure or basic science. The image of science depended on the idea of scientists as autonomous truth-seekers. But the funding system, and other hierarchies, effectively eliminated this autonomy, and bound scientists tightly to a competitive system in which the opportunity (...)
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    Artificial life.Stephen W. Smoliar - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 73 (1-2):371-377.
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    Conceptual structures: Information processing in mind and machine.Stephen W. Smoliar - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):259-266.
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    The Robot's dilemma: The frame problem in artificial intelligence.Stephen W. Smoliar - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 36 (1):131-137.
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    (1 other version)96." Edward Shils 1910-1995.".Stephen Turner - 1995 - Tradition and Discovery 22 (2):5-9.
    Michael Polanyi and Edward Shils shared a great many views, and in their long mutual relationship influenced one another. This memorial note examines the relationship and some of the respects in which Shils presented a Polanyian social theory organized around the notion of tradition.
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    Studies in Early Indian Thought. --.Dorothea Jane Stephen - 1918 - Cambridge,: Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1918, this volume was partly based on lectures delivered by Dorothea Jane Stephen at and near Bangalore and was intended to illustrate the considerable influence exercised by the early literature of India on later Indian philosophy and culture. Examining themes of divinity and religion together with morality and human nature, the essays in this book combine to offer a fitting introduction to the importance and far-reaching effects of early Indian thought.
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    From here to absurdity: the moral battlefields of Joseph Heller.Stephen W. Potts - 1982 - San Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo Press.
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    The Bible and Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon?Stephen Sizer - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (2):122-132.
    Underneath the beautiful Sea of Galilee lies a hidden fault-line that runs down from Mount Hermon through the Jordan Valley to the Red Sea, the Arabian peninsula and on to the heart of East Africa. Over thousands of years, earthquakes along this fault-line have devastated countless civilizations.Today there is a human fault-line running through the same land — a fault-line that is largely hidden from view until it erupts in violence. The cause of these volcanic eruptions has to do with (...)
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    British copyright in context.Stephen Stewart - 1990 - Logos 1 (2):44-54.
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  42. Holocaust Testimony: Listening, Humanizing, and Sacralizing.PhD Stephen D. Smith - 2023 - In Stanley M. Davids & Leah Hochman (eds.), Re-forming Judaism: moments of disruption in Jewish thought. New York: Central Conference of American Rabbis.
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  43. The Story of Israel.Stephen Szikszai - 1960
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    On the semantics of Wh-clauses.Stephen Berman - 1994 - New York: Garland.
    First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  45. Social Rights and Duties: Volume 2: Addresses to Ethical Societies.Leslie Stephen - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sir Leslie Stephen, the founding editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, and a writer on philosophy, ethics, and literature, was educated at Eton, King's College London and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he remained as a fellow and a tutor for a number of years. Though a sickly child, he later became a keen and successful mountaineer, taking part in first ascents of nine peaks in the Alps. In 1871 he became editor of the Cornhill Magazine. During his eleven-year (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest in the Roles of the University Professor.Stephen D. Sugarman - 2005 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 6 (1):255-275.
    American universities are increasingly proactive in dealing with conflict of interest problems of their faculty. Changing social norms, publicized scandals, and more have made both university administrators and faculty extra alert to the dangers of faculty infidelity to their roles as teachers and scholars. Personal interests — both financial and non-financial — appear increasingly to pressure faculty to behave inappropriately. Most faculty members resist those pressures. Yet, enough conduct that either is, or appears to be, improper has occurred to prompt (...)
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    The Evolution of Atheism: The Politics of a Modern Movement.Stephen LeDrew - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The concept of evolution is widely considered to be a foundational building block in atheist thought. Leaders of the New Atheist movement have taken Darwin's work and used it to diminish the authority of religious institutions and belief systems. But they have also embraced it as a metaphor for the gradual replacement of religious faith with secular reason. They have posed as harbingers of human progress, claiming the moral high ground, and rejecting with intolerance any message that challenges the hegemony (...)
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  48. Second chances: Shakespeare and Freud.Stephen Greenblatt - 2024 - London: Yale University Press. Edited by Adam Phillips.
    A powerful exploration of the human capacity for renewal, as seen through Shakespeare and Freud In this fresh investigation, Stephen Greenblatt and Adam Phillips explore how the second chance has been an essential feature of the literary imagination and a promise so central to our existence that we try to reproduce it again and again. Innumerable stories, from the Homeric epics to the New Testament, and from Oedipus Rex to Hamlet, explore the realization or failure of second chances--outcomes that (...)
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  49. There Is No Moral Right to Immigrate to the United States.Stephen Kershnar - 2000 - Public Affairs Quarterly 14 (2):141-158.
    U.S. citizens have a right to exclude potential immigrants. This right rests in part on the threat immigration poses to change the character of the institutions to which the current citizens have consented and in part on the threat immigrants pose to the citizens' rights to collective property. This right is probably not opposed by a human right to immigrate since such a right cannot be supported by arguments from equality, fairness, legitimate state authority, or libertarianism.
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  50. Realizability and Shanin's algorithm for the constructive deciphering of mathematical sentences.Stephen C. Kleene - 1960 - Logique Et Analyse 3 (11):154.
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