Results for 'Steven Bloch'

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  1.  18
    How professionals deal with clients’ explicit objections to their advice.Charles Antaki & Steven Bloch - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (4):385-403.
    Previous literature on advice-resistance in medicine and welfare has tended to focus on patients’ or callers’ inexplicit resistance. But clients also raise explicit objections, which put up a firmer barrier against the advisor’s efforts. In a novel look at resistance, we show that one important distinction among objections is their epistemic domain: whether the client’s objection is in their own world, or in the world of the practitioner. We show that the practitioner may try to manoeuvre the objection onto grounds (...)
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    Molecules and minds: essays on biology and the social order.Steven Peter Russell Rose - 1987 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
  3. Does the husserl/heidegger feud rest on a mistake? An essay on psychological and transcendental phenomenology.Steven Galt Crowell - 2002 - Husserl Studies 18 (2):123-140.
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    The causal cognition of wrong doing: incest, intentionality, and morality.Rita Astuti & Maurice Bloch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  5. The end of sociological theory: The postmodern hope.Steven Seidman - 1991 - Sociological Theory 9 (2):131-146.
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    The cartesianism of phenomenology.Steven Crowell - 2002 - Continental Philosophy Review 35 (4):433-454.
  7. Neutrality and Responsibility.Steven Wall - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (8):389-410.
  8.  14
    The Joseph saga: Turnabouts, trade-offs, and transience.Steven M. Cahn - 2022 - Think 21 (62):51-53.
    Using the biblical saga of Joseph as an example, I maintain that turnabouts, trade-offs, and transience are endemic to the human condition.
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  9. Performance and practice : situating the aesthetic qualities of theories.Steven French - 2020 - In Milena Ivanova & Steven French (eds.), The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding. New York: Routledge.
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    Morality and Nuclear Deterrence.Steven Lee - 1988 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 8 (2):153-158.
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    What Counts as an Individual for Spinoza?Steven Barbone - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.), Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa.
    This essay explores Spinoza’s concept of an individual. It focuses on the ontological status of the political state, and rejects Matheron’s view that political states are individuals. For Spinoza, the individual is first and foremost, and it follows that political institutions take second place in importance to the individuals who live in them. The state exists for the benefit of each individual, and it cannot be the case that an individual exists for the benefit of the state.
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  12. Thinking on the edge: Heidegger, Derrida, and the daoist gateway ( men 門).Steven Burik - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (4):499-516.
    Beware of the abysses and the gorges, but also of the bridges and the barriers.It is fair to say that many philosophical interpretations of the Daoist classics have proceeded, or continue to proceed, to read into these works the quest for a transcendental, foundational principle, a permanent moment of rest beyond the turmoil of ever-changing things. According to this interpretation the Daoist sages are those who have for all time found this metaphysical ground of all things—"The Way" (dao 道)—and who (...)
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  13. The Postmodern Turn.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (4):515-518.
  14.  31
    On the appearance of contingency: A rejoinder to Blum.Steven R. Bayne - 1989 - Philosophia 19 (4):457-460.
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    The classification of small weakly minimal sets. III: Modules.Steven Buechler - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (3):975-979.
    Theorem A. Let M be a left R-module such that Th(M) is small and weakly minimal, but does not have Morley rank 1. Let $A = \mathrm{acl}(\varnothing) \cap M$ and $I = \{r \in R: rM \subset A\}$ . Notice that I is an ideal. (i) F = R/I is a finite field. (ii) Suppose that a, b 0 ,...,b n ∈ M and a b̄. Then there are s, r i ∈ R, i ≤ n, such that sa + (...)
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  16. The strange case of John shmarb: An aesthetic puzzle.Steven M. Cahn & L. Michael Griffel - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (1):21-22.
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  17. Private Prayer and Public Audiences.Steven K. Green - 2000 - Nexus 5:27.
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  18.  47
    Reply to LaFleur.Steven Heine - 1986 - Philosophy East and West 36 (3):287.
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  19.  22
    The Machinery of Consciousness: A Cautionary Tale.Steven Mentor - 2007 - Anthropology of Consciousness 18 (1):20-50.
    The emerging transdisciplinary field of consciousness studies merges transpersonal psychology with recent brain studies. In this paper, I argue that this new discipline must come to terms with the rhetorics of control in the history of brain research. I establish parallels between the discourses of lobotomy and psychosurgery, Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB), and cybernetics, using the work of Jose Delgado, Norbert Wiener, and Bernard Wolfe. The rhetoric of social control remains a shadow side of brain research, of the (...)
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    Relativism and truth: A reply to davson-Galle.Steven Rappaport - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (3-4):519-524.
    In a previous article in _Philosophia, I claim that one can be a metaphysical relativist without being a truth relativist. One premise my argument for this claim relies on is (R2) truth relativism is inconsistent with the deflationary theory of truth. Peter Davson-Galle criticizes my argument for (R2), and also argues directly for the falsity of (R2). I try to show that Davson-Galle's effort to undermine (R2) founders due to his blurring the distinction between a taxonomy or classification system on (...)
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  21. What counts as an Individual for Spinoza?Steven Barbone - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.), Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 89-112.
    Very close analysis of Baruch Spinoza's wording in describing individuals rather than things. Individuals, but not collections such as a political state or club, each have their own specific conatus, or essence. Collectivities, like nations or institutions, fail to meet this necessary condition of individuation.
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    Partisanship and the Boundaries of the Political Liberal Project.Steven Wall - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  23.  43
    Questions about God: today's philosophers ponder the Divine.Steven M. Cahn & David Shatz (eds.) - 1973 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    From young children, with their guileless, searching questions, to the recently bereaved, trying to make sense of tragic loss, humans wrestle with our relationship to God--and with God's essence, motivations, and power--throughout our lives: Why does God permit catastrophe and senseless tragedy, again and again? Is God's power limited in any way? Can He change the past? Does He know the future? Why does God require prayer? Why does He not provide stronger evidence of His presence? Whom does God consign (...)
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  24.  15
    Philosophical approaches to understanding pain.Steven J. Palazzo Mn, Rn & Ccrn* - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):220–220.
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    Chapter 4. The Painter.Steven Nadler - 2013 - In Steven M. Nadler (ed.), The philosopher, the priest, and the painter: a portrait of Descartes. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 55-86.
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    Quine W. V.. Unification of universes in set theory.Steven Orey - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):294-295.
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    On the Supposed Indispensability of Deception in Social Psychology.Steven C. Patten - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (4):733-743.
    In 1977 the Consultative Group on Ethics with Respect to Research Involving the Use of Human Subjects submitted its report to the Canada Council. Shortly thereafter the report was published under the title Ethics: Report of the Consultative Group on Ethics. Upon publication it was distributed to academic institutions in Canada with an invitation for reaction and response.
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    The Making of a Great Power? Universal Monarchy, Political Economy, and the Transformation of English Political Culture.Steven Pincus - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (4):531-545.
    (2000). The Making of a Great Power? Universal Monarchy, Political Economy, and the Transformation of English Political Culture. The European Legacy: Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 531-545.
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    The pleasures of sex: An empirical investigation.Steven Pinkerton, Heather Cecil, Laura Bogart & Paul Abramson - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (2):341-353.
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    Distinguishing between the computational and dynamical hypotheses: What difference makes the difference?Steven R. Quartz - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):649-650.
    Van Gelder seeks to distinguish between the computational and the dynamical hypotheses primarily on the basis of ontic criteria – the kind of systems cognitive agents really are. I suggest that this meets with mixed success. By shifting to epistemic criteria – what kind of explanations we require to understand cognitive agents – I suggest there is an easier and more intuitive way to distinguish between these two competing views of cognitive agents.
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  31. Categories of Competition.Steven Skultety - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (4):433 - 446.
    In the first part of this paper, I argue that philosophers of sport have mistakenly privileged a specific psychology and purpose in their definitions of competition. The result of this mistake has been that philosophers of sport make generalisations about competition as such which in fact only hold for some competitions. In the second and third parts of the paper, I articulate an alternative approach: rather than search for a single psychology and purpose that underlies all competition, I argue that (...)
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    Arnauld’s God.Steven Nadler - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 517-538.
    In this paper, I argue that Arnauld’s conception of God is more radical than scholars have been willing to allow. It is not the case that, for Arnauld, God acts for reasons, with His will guided by wisdom (much as the God of Malebranche and Leibniz acts), albeit by a wisdom impenetrable to us. Arnauld’s objections to Malebranche are directed not only at the claim that God’s wisdom is transparent to human reason, but at the whole distinction between will and (...)
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    Autonomy and History: How a Desire Becomes One's Own.Steven Weimer - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (3):265-293.
    A common view among autonomy theorists is that a desire is autonomous only if it has the right sort of history. Usually, an autonomy-compatible history is taken to consist in the desire’s having had proper origins. In a recent article in this journal, Mikhail Valdman has proposed an alternative historical theory on which a desire’s origins are irrelevant. On Valdman’s “agent-engagement” theory, a desire is autonomous if and only if the agent has made it her own by deliberatively deciding it (...)
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    The Eternity of the World in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas and his Contemporaries ed. by J. B. M. Wissink.Steven Baldner - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):146-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:146 BOOK REVIEWS the years passed since Father Garrigou-Lagrange last published his De Revelatione would have allowed Thomistic scholars to retrieve and de· velop Aquinas's theological insights in their fullness. The danger of apologetics is that it can lead one to develop a teaching only along the lines set by those challenging the traditional teaching of the Church. In this particular instance, the Catholic apologists of the antimodernist period (...)
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  35. Averroes and Sforno on God's Knowledge of Particulars.Steven Harvey - 2023 - In Giuseppe Veltri, Giada Coppola & Florian Dunklau (eds.), The Literary and Philosophical Canon of Obadiah Sforno. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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    Philosophy of Physics.Steven French - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (177):538-540.
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    Tachyons without paradoxes.Steven C. Barrowes - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):617-627.
    Tachyon paradoxes, including causality paradoxes, have persisted within tachyon theories and left little hope for the existence of observable tachyons. This paper presents a way to solve the causality paradoxes, along with two other paradoxes, by the introduction of an absolute frame of reference in which a tachyon effect may never precede its cause. Relativity for ordinary matter is unaffected by this, even if the tachyons couple to ordinary particles. Violations of the principle of relativity due to the absolute frame (...)
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  38.  38
    Modeling in Biology: looking backward and looking forward.Steven Hecht Orzack & Brian McLoone - 2019 - Studia Metodologiczne 39.
    Understanding modeling in biology requires understanding how biology is organized as a discipline and how this organization influences the research practices of biologists. Biology includes a wide range of sub-disciplines, such as cell biology, population biology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, and systems biology among others. Biologists in sub-disciplines such as cell, molecular, and systems biology believe that the use of a few experimental models allows them to discover biological universals, whereas biologists in sub-disciplines such as ecology and evolutionary biology believe (...)
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    Unfolding Mozi's Standard of Sound Doctrine.Steven A. Stegeman - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (3):227 - 239.
    This essay revolves around a careful assessment of Hui-chieh Loy's essay ?Justification and Debate: Thoughts on Moist Moral Epistemology?. There is much to appreciate in Loy's analysis of the standard of sound doctrine in the ?Against Fatalism? chapters of the Mozi, but a close reading of Loy's essay reveals problematic aspects in his approach along both hermeneutic and logical lines. For one, he groups Mozi's tests of the standard of sound doctrine in a way that does not square well with (...)
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  40.  16
    Equipoise and Randomization.Steven Joffe Robert D. Truog - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  41.  2
    Collaboration as a Window on What Science Has Come.Steven Turner - 2024 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56 (1).
    Agnieszka Olechnicka et al. have nicely documented developments in the internationalization of science and collaboration which raise important broader question. The traditional view, elaborated by Michael Polanyi, was that the transmission of science at the level of discaverers required personal contact, which normally inovolve time spent in laboratories of famous scientists, and hands-on experience with experiments and close interaction with collegues, which in turn implied a few international centres. Has this changed through digitalization and the internet? One change is the (...)
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    Charles Taylor On Expression And Subject-Related Properties.Steven Davis - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (September):433-447.
    Charles Taylor claims that ‘… human life is constituted by self-understanding,’ a self-understanding which is achieved in part by our capacity to use language. Because of this, the philosophy of language is important in Taylor’s philosophical views and central to these are his views on expression. I shall argue that one way to understand Taylor’s theory of expression is to place it within a theory of speech acts. And I shall try to show that this gives us a way to (...)
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  43.  19
    Nationalism and the idea of a liberal civil society.Steven M. DeLue - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4-6):483-490.
  44.  24
    The Uses of Reason in Times of Technical Mediation.Steven Dorrestijn - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):333-337.
    The art of living idiom suits well a practice-oriented approach in ethics of technology. But what remains or becomes of the functioning and use of reason in ethics? In reaction to the comments by Huijer this reply elaborates in more detail how Foucault’s art of living can be adapted for a critical contemporary ethics of technology. And the aesthetic-political rationality in Foucault’s ethics is compared with Wellner’s suggestions of holding on to the notion of code but with a new meaning. (...)
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    Elderly peoples media use: At the crossroads of personal and societal developments.Steven Eggermont & Heidi Vandebosch - 2002 - Communications 27 (4):437-455.
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  46. Kierkegaard On Doctrine: A Post–Modern Interpretation.Steven M. Emmanuel - 1989 - Religious Studies 25 (3):363 - 378.
    Though Kierkegaard never explicitly formulated a theory of religious doctrine, he did have a clear position on the role that Christian doctrine ought to play in the lives of believers. Briefly stated, he maintained that Christianity, as a human activity, involves more than merely believing certain propositions about matters of fact. The doctrines of Christianity take on a true religious significance only when they are given the power to transform the lives of those who accept them; only when they are (...)
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    Australia and the 1947 United Nations Consular Commission to Indonesia.Steven Farram - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (5):535-553.
    The Netherlands’ colonial empire was a source of wealth, pride and prestige, being seen by some as an essential element of Dutch identity and the key to the Netherlands’ status as a European power....
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  48.  12
    Agreeing to Differ: African Democracy--- Its Obstacles and ProspectsDenied?Steven Friedman - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (3).
  49.  29
    Socrates Revisited: The Jurors Speak.Steven Goldberg - 1997 - Philosophy Now 19:5-9.
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    The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology: Progress in Brain Research.Steven Laureys (ed.) - 1963 - Elsevier.
    Consciousness is one of the most significant scientific problems today. Renewed interest in the nature of consciousness - a phenomenon long considered not to be scientifically explorable, as well as increasingly widespread availability of multimodal functional brain imaging techniques (EEG, ERP, MEG, fMRI and PET), now offer the possibility of detailed, integrated exploration of the neural, behavioral, and computational correlates of consciousness. The present volume aims to confront the latest theoretical insights in the scientific study of human consciousness with the (...)
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