Results for 'Sudden Enlightment'

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  1.  15
    Tibetan Controversy between Sudden Enlightment and Gradual Enlightment concerning the discourse of Concentration practice. 박태원 - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 84:209-233.
    수행과 깨달음에 관한 선종과 인도불교 유가행중관파의 상이한 시선이 맞닥뜨린 티베트 논쟁은, 돈문(頓門)과 점문(漸門)의 충돌이라기보다는, 선(禪)수행에 관한 전통적 시선과 새로운 시선이 조우하여 끝내 소통하지 못한 선 수행 담론으로 보는 것이 더 적절하다. 이 논쟁에서 주목해야 할 것은 돈(頓)이냐 점(漸)이냐의 문제보다는 양 진영의 상이한 선관(禪觀)이다. 돈·점의 문제는 선 수행을 이해하는 선종의 새로운 시선에 수반하여 발생한 문제인 것이다. 티베트 논쟁은 선관(禪觀)의 문제가 주(主)/본(本)이고, 돈점의 문제는 그에 수반된 종(從)/말(末)이라 보아야 적절할 것이다. 티베트 논쟁의 초점과 의미를 이렇게 파악하는 것은 선종 선사상의 정체성이 무엇인가를 묻는 것과 (...)
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    Captive Enlightment.Patrizia Pedraza - 2024 - Fragmentos de Filosofía 21 (Monográfico Teoría y Crítica):51-59.
    In this paper, I propose a reflection on the motif of mana in the framework of the proto-history of Th. W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944). The Melanesian concept will allow us readers to seek the philosophical potential of pain, and the memory of a living Nature, as elements proper to the captive part of enlightenment: The necessary counterpart of a dialectic that would ultimately lead us to treasure the will of the enlightened project and, therefore, the (...)
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    The Enlightement of Matter-the Definition of Chemistry from Agricola to Lavoisier-Beretta, M.M. P. Crosland - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (1):94-95.
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  4. Enlightement or Empire: Colonial Discourse in German Culture. [REVIEW]Robert Young - 1999 - Radical Philosophy 95.
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  5. Lead kindly light: some enlighted moments with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.Yoga Krānti - 1972 - Bombay: Jeevan Jagruti Kendra.
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  6. Deep Ecology, the Radical Enlightment, and Ecological Civilization.Arran Gare - 2014 - The Trumpeter 30 (2):184-205.
    With the early success of the deep ecology movement in attracting adherents and with the increasing threat of a global ecological catastrophe, one would have expected this movement to have triumphed. We should be in the process of radically transforming society to create a harmonious relationship between humans and the rest of nature. Instead, deep ecology has been marginalized. What has triumphed instead is an alliance of managerialism, transnational corporations and neo-liberalism committed to replacing communities with markets and transforming every (...)
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  7. Toward a new enlightment: A response to the postmodernist critiques of humanism.Paul Kurtz - 1992 - Free Inquiry 13 (1):35-37.
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    The Aberdeen Enlightment: The Arts Curriculum in the Eighteenth Century (review).Adam Potkay - 1994 - Hume Studies 20 (1):151-153.
  9. The World of Parmenides. Essays on the Presocratic Enlightment.K. R. Popper & A. Petersen - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (4):517-518.
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    The German Enlightment up to the French Revolution, 1680–1789. [REVIEW]Helmuth Kiesel - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (2):177-179.
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    Ronald Hamowy, "The Scottish Enlightment and the Theory of Spontaneous Order". [REVIEW]William Zachs - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (2):304.
  12. The Circulation of knowledge. Toland, Dodwell, Swift and the circulation of irreligious ideas in France: what does the study of international networks tell us about the 'radical Enlightment'? / Anne Thomson ; 'Un redoutable talent pour la dispute': Montesquieu and the Irish / Darach Sanfey ; Irish booksellers and the movement of ideas in the eighteenth century.Máire Kennedy, People Cross-Channel Commerce: The Circulation of Plants, Botanical Culture Between France & cC Britain - 2013 - In Lise Andriès, Frédéric Ogée, John Dunkley & Darach Sanfey (eds.), Intellectual journeys: the translation of ideas in Enlightenment England, France and Ireland. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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    Philosophical academic programs of the German Enlightement: a literary genre recontextualized.Seung-Kee Lee, Riccardo Pozzo, Marco Sgarbi, Dagmar von Wille & Maria Cristina Dalfino (eds.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
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    Si xiang de qi di yu sheng hua: Makesi zhu yi yan jiu fang fa lun = Enlightment and promotion of thingking: the research methodology of Marxism.Bin Wang - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Tong ji da xue chu ban she.
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    Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightment.Charles L. Griswoord & William Desmond - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (1):53-72.
    William Desmond: It is a pleasure to welcome Professor Charles Griswold today. I thank him for his willingness to present us with an overview of his new book Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment , and to participate in a discussion. Professor Griswold is professor of philosophy at Boston University, where he is also the chair of the philosophy department. His new work on Adam Smith might seem like something of a departure from the concerns of many of his (...)
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    Wonhyo’s Yogācāra Buddhist Practice - Relation between Enlightment and Epistemology -.Chi-Hyoung Lee - 2018 - The Journal of Moral Education 30 (2):67-90.
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    The Sudden Devotion Emotion: Kama Muta and the Cultural Practices Whose Function Is to Evoke It.Alan Page Fiske, Beate Seibt & Thomas Schubert - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (1):74-86.
    When communal sharing relationships suddenly intensify, people experience an emotion that English speakers may label, depending on context, “moved,” “touched,” “heart-warming,” “nostalgia,” “patriotism,” or “rapture”. We call the emotion kama muta. Kama muta evokes adaptive motives to devote and commit to the CSRs that are fundamental to social life. It occurs in diverse contexts and appears to be pervasive across cultures and throughout history, while people experience it with reference to its cultural and contextual meanings. Cultures have evolved diverse practices, (...)
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    Karl. R. Popper : The World of Parmenides. Essays on the Presocratic Enlightment[REVIEW]Alain Boyer - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:221-222.
    Karl Popper (1902-1994) est mort avant d’avoir terminé cette collection d’articles. Quelques uns (comme « Back to the Presocratics » (1958), publié dans Conjectures et Réfutations, ou la note de The Open Society (1945) – huit pages – consacrée aux corps premiers du Timée) sont relativement connus. Certains, tel celui consacré à « la lumière que la Lune peut jeter sur les deux voies de Parménide » (1992) le sont moins. D’autres enfin sont inédits, comme la « réhabilitation » de (...)
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    The sudden experience of the computer.Robert Rosenberger - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (2):173-180.
    The experience of computer use can be productively articulated with concepts developed in the phenomenological tradition of philosophy. Building on the insights of classical phenomenologists, Ihde has advanced a sophisticated view of the ways humans relate to technology. I review and expand on his notions of “technological mediation,” “embodiment,” and “multistability,” and apply them to the experience of computer interface. In particular, I explore the experience of using a computer that fails to work properly. A revealing example is the experience (...)
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  20. Sudden Enlightenment: Paradigm-Shifting Awakening.Sun Kyeong Yu - 2023 - Apa Studies on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies.
    Sudden enlightenment is awakening to be attained all at once. Hyun-Eung, a Korean Buddhist monastic, has proposed a new interpretation that sudden enlightenment is the revolutionary awakening of the dynamical and indivisible structure of cognitive subject and objects. I argue that Hyun-Eung’s ‘revolutionary enlightenment’ is achieved through a ‘paradigm shift’ in Thomas Kuhn’s sense as presented in his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Enlightenment is obtained when one’s essentialist and realist worldview is replaced, through a revolutionary change of (...)
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    Sudden change in the world.David W. Oxtoby - 1994 - Zygon 29 (4):547-555.
    The suddenness of phase change is examined as an example of a discontinuity in nature, in which an apparently random microscopic event can trigger a macroscopic change of state such as the crystallization of a liquid. Recent advances in nucleation theory that have helped to quantify but not eliminate this randomness are described, and analogies with the modes of God's action in the world are explored.
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  22.  32
    Sudden infant death syndrome and serotonin: animal models.Eugene Nattie - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (2):130-133.
    The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexpected death of an infant that is not explained by autopsy, death scene examination, and history. The etiology is unknown. Recent postmortem studies have discovered abnormalities in brainstem serotonergic neurons, but how these translate into dysfunction and cause SIDS is uncertain. Recently, lethal effects in transgenic mice with overexpression of the serotonin 1A autoreceptor have been described. Many die spontaneously between postnatal day 40 (P40) and P80, and some spontaneously (...)
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  23. Sudden Infant Death or Murder? A Royal Confusion About Probabilities.Neven Sesardic - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (2):299-329.
    In this article I criticize the recommendations of some prominent statisticians about how to estimate and compare probabilities of the repeated sudden infant death and repeated murder. The issue has drawn considerable public attention in connection with several recent court cases in the UK. I try to show that when the three components of the Bayesian inference are carefully analyzed in this context, the advice of the statisticians turns out to be problematic in each of the steps.
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  24. “Suddenly Deluded Thoughts Arise”: Karmic Appearance in Huayan Buddhism.Zhihua Yao - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (2):198-214.
    This study deals with the tensions between old and new Yogācāra, as seen in the Huayan sources, which, in turn, reflect discontinuity between Indian Yogācāra and its reception in China. Its particular focus is on the concept of karmic appearance , as developed in the Awakening of Faith and further elaborated on by many Huayanmasters. This concept illustrates the sudden arising of deluded thoughts and provides us with a paradigm for the approach to the problem of delusion, a problem (...)
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  25. A Sudden Collapse to Nihilism.Roberto Loss - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (271):370-375.
    According to Composition is Identity, a whole is literally identical to the plurality of its parts. According to Mereological Nihilism, nothing has proper parts. In this note, it is argued that Composition is Identity can be shown to entail Mereological Nihilism in a much more simple and direct way than the one recently proposed by Claudio Calosi.
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  26.  14
    Sudden Shakespeare: The Shaping of Shakespeare's Creative Thought.Philip Davis - 1996 - Burns & Oates.
    'His mind and hand went together' said Hemings and Condell of the speed of Shakespeare. But the conceptual language of literary criticism, be it moralistic or political, has long been too slow to the properly responsive to Shakespeare's meaning. With the help of both Renaissance philosophers and present-day actors, Sudden Shakepeare seeks to locate the underlying secrets of Shakespeare's dynamic power. It offers a technical language wihch, close to Shakespeare's own, is capable of responding suddenly to the speed, transforming (...)
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    Sudden Music: Improvisation, Sound, Nature.David Rothenberg (ed.) - 2016 - University of Georgia Press.
    Music, said Zen patriarch Hui Neng, "is a means of rapid transformation." It takes us home to a natural world that functions outside of logic, where harmony and dissonance, tension and release work in surprising ways. Weaving memoir, travelogue, and philosophical reflection, Sudden Music presents a musical way of knowing that can closely engage us with the world and open us to its spontaneity.Improvisation is everywhere, says David Rothenberg, and his book is a testament to its creative, surprising power. (...)
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    Sudden stops and current account reversals: the euro area experience.Vesna Georgieva Svrtinov, Olivera Gorgieva-Trajkovska & Riste Temjanovski - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (2):23-32.
    The paper analyzes the impact of massive capital flows and possible sudden stops on current account reversals. The aim of this paper is to consider the relationship between sudden stops and current account reversals in the eurozone and to explain the possibility of a balance-of-payment crisis within a monetary union. Peripheral eurozone countries experienced significant private-capital inflows from the core countries, followed by unambiguously massive outflows. Due to this, peripheral countries ran sustained current account deficits while core countries (...)
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    Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Different Ages: Prognosis of Patients With Initial Total Hearing Loss.Wenping Xiong, Qinglei Dai, Yingjun Wang, Zhiqiang Hou, Kunpeng Lu, Xiao Sun, Fujia Duan, Haibo Wang, Daogong Zhang & Mingming Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to analyze the hearing improvement and prognosis factors of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss in different ages with initial total hearing loss.MethodsWe reviewed the medical records of 5,711 hospitalized patients with ISSNHL from 2016 to 2021 in our center. All of the patients had been treated with uniform combination drug therapy. After excluding the patients with initial partial hearing loss and those diagnosed with clear etiology, 188 patients were enrolled in this study and divided into six (...)
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    When Suddenly Nothing Works Anymore Within a Team – Causes of Collective Sport Team Collapse.V. Vanessa Wergin, Zsuzsanna Zimanyi, Christopher Mesagno & Jürgen Beckmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  31. Evolution and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).James J. McKenna - 1990 - Human Nature 1 (2):145-177.
    This paper and its subsequent parts (Part II and Part III) build on an earlier publication (McKenna 1986). They suggest that important clinical data on the relationship between infantile constitutional deficits and microenvironmental factors relevant to SIDS can be acquired by examining the physiological regulatory effects (well documented among nonhuman primates) that parents assert on their infants when they sleep together.I attempt to show why access to parental sensory cues (movement, touch, smell, sound) that induce arousals in infants while they (...)
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    Suddenly Telework: Job Crafting as a Way to Promote Employee Well-Being?Christiane R. Stempel & Katja Siestrup - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19 confronted many people with an abrupt shift from their usual working environment to telework. This study explores which job characteristics are perceived as most crucial in this exceptional situation and how they differ from people’s previous working conditions. Additionally, we focus on job crafting as a response to this situation and how it is related to employees’ well-being. We conducted an online survey with N = 599 participants, of which 321 reported that they were telework newcomers. First, we asked (...)
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    Health data research on sudden cardiac arrest: perspectives of survivors and their next-of-kin.Dick L. Willems, Hanno L. Tan, Marieke T. Blom, Rens Veeken & Marieke A. R. Bak - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundConsent for data research in acute and critical care is complex as patients become at least temporarily incapacitated or die. Existing guidelines and regulations in the European Union are of limited help and there is a lack of literature about the use of data from this vulnerable group. To aid the creation of a patient-centred framework for responsible data research in the acute setting, we explored views of patients and next-of-kin about the collection, storage, sharing and use of genetic and (...)
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    The sudden death of sanskrit knowledge.Sudipta Kaviraj - 2005 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 33 (1):119-142.
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    ‘A Sudden Surprise of the Soul’: Wonder in Museums and Early Modern Philosophy.Beth Lord - 2016 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 79:95-116.
    Recent museum practice has seen a return to ‘wonder’ as a governing principle for display and visitor engagement. Wonder has long been a contentious topic in aesthetics, literary studies, and philosophy of religion, but its adoption in the museum world has been predominantly uncritical. Here I will suggest that museums draw on a concept of wonder that is largely unchanged from seventeenth-century philosophy, yet without taking account of early modern doubts about wonder's efficacy for knowledge. In this paper I look (...)
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  36.  79
    A sudden topicality: Marx, Nietzsche and the politics of crisis.Peter Osborne - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 160:19-26.
  37.  64
    The sudden rise of French existentialism: a case-study in the sociology of intellectual life. [REVIEW]Patrick Baert - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (6):619-644.
    This article offers a new explanation for the sudden rise in popularity of French existentialism, in particular of Sartre’s version, in the mid-1940s. It develops a multidimensional account that recognizes both structural and cultural factors. The explanation differs from, and more fully addresses the complexity of the situation than, the two most prominent existing explanations: namely Anna Boschetti’s Bourdieu-inspired account and Randall Collins’s network-based approach. It is argued that, because of specific socio-political circumstances, the intellectual establishment became tainted and (...)
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  38.  16
    Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought.Kenneth Kraft & Peter N. Gregory - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):383.
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    The Suddener World: Photography and Ineffable Rhetoric.Chris Ingraham - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (2):129-152.
    Before photography went digital and camera phones accompanied people most everywhere, Pierre Bourdieu observed in 1965 that photography had become a "middle-brow art". "How and why," he asked, "is the practice of photography predisposed to a diffusion so wide that there are few households, at least in towns, which do not possess a camera?". Novel at the time, the question has been superseded today. Estimates indicate that 1.27 trillion new photographs will be taken in 2017. That amounts to an ambient (...)
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  40. The Sudden, the Sudded, and the Sidesplitting.Karl Pfeifer - 1995 - In Kjell S. Johannessen & Tore Nordenstam (eds.), Culture and Value: Philosophy and the Cultural Sciences (Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Vol. 3, 1995). Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 224-232.
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    A sudden surprise of the soul: The passion of wonder in Hobbes and Descartes.Michael Funk Deckard - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (6):948-963.
    Philosophy begins in wonder, according to Plato and Aristotle. However, they did not expand a great deal on what precisely wonder is. Does this fact alone not raise curiosity in us as to why this passion is important? What is its role in our thinking except to end as soon as one begins conceptually delimiting its nature? The thinkers Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes both expanded upon earlier brief articulations of wonder in natural, supernatural and practical ways. By means of (...)
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    Damascius on the Sudden (to exaiphnēs) and the Now (to nun).Spyridon Rangos - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (2):341-365.
    Damascius’ discussion of the Platonic notions of the sudden (to exaiphnēs) and the now (to nun) occurs in the context of his Commentary on Plato’s Parmenides. His view is that the Platonic sudden should be identified not with the timeless essence of the individual human soul, as Proclus suggested, but with the cohesive element that holds the individual human soul together through the cycles of reincarnation. For Damascius, the human soul is so thoroughly intertwined with time, when it (...)
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  43.  8
    Sudden selector's guide to philosophy.George J. Aulisio - 2020 - Chicago: Collection Management Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of the American Library Association.
    To the uninitiated, academic philosophy can be intimidating. Its extensive history (over two millennia) and seemingly all-encompassing breadth and depth of study makes knowing everything about philosophy impossible. Philosophers are fortunate because they are expected to specialize in specific areas, but librarians are not as fortunate. Librarians often have collection development responsibilities for a variety of academic disciplines. Collection development in philosophy can seem like a world unto itself in part because philosophical inquiry reaches into other academic disciplines. Amongst academic (...)
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    Sudden selector's guide to philosophy resources.George J. Aulisio - 2020 - Chicago: Collection Management Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of the American Library Association.
    To the uninitiated, academic philosophy can be intimidating. Its extensive history (over two millennia) and seemingly all-encompassing breadth and depth of study makes knowing everything about philosophy impossible. Philosophers are fortunate because they are expected to specialize in specific areas, but librarians are not as fortunate. Librarians often have collection development responsibilities for a variety of academic disciplines. Collection development in philosophy can seem like a world unto itself in part because philosophical inquiry reaches into other academic disciplines. Amongst academic (...)
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    " A Sudden Lift of Wings": Poetry and Prose about Alzheimer's Disease.Fredric L. Coe - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (1):106-114.
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    Sudden Infant Deaths: models of health and illness.David Greaves - 1988 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (1):61-74.
    ABSTRACT The assumptions underlying the traditional biomedical model of health and illness and criticisms of it are described. An examination of the historical development of ideas concerning cot (crib) deaths shows how early explanations, which were congruent with this model, came to be discredited. Because subsequent explanations have also been considered unsatisfactory, cot deaths have come to be regarded as medically problematic. The relationship of models of health and illness to cot deaths has therefore been exposed to an unusual degree (...)
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  47. Suddenly Last Summer de Tennessee Williams: un tributo a Eurípides en el teatro del siglo XX.Alejandro M. Errecalde - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:125-136.
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    Suddenness and the Composition of Poetic Thought.Paul Magee - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Employing an extensive archive of interview materials with major Anglophone poets, this book uncovers how they think in the moments of composition, providing a lucid account of the links between poetic composition and live performative thinking.
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    Sudden origins.Ernst Mayr - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (11):978-979.
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    Laughter, Suddenness, and Pleasure.John Morreall - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (4):689-694.
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