Results for 'Tarik A. Rashid'

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  1. Establishment of Dynamic Evolving Neural-Fuzzy Inference System Model for Natural Air Temperature Prediction.Suraj Kumar Bhagat, Tiyasha Tiyasha, Zainab Al-Khafaji, Patrick Laux, Ahmed A. Ewees, Tarik A. Rashid, Sinan Salih, Roland Yonaba, Ufuk Beyaztas & Zaher Mundher Yaseen‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-17.
    Air temperature prediction can play a significant role in studies related to climate change, radiation and heat flux estimation, and weather forecasting. This study applied and compared the outcomes of three advanced fuzzy inference models, i.e., dynamic evolving neural-fuzzy inference system, hybrid neural-fuzzy inference system, and adaptive neurofuzzy inference system for AT prediction. Modelling was done for three stations in North Dakota, USA, i.e., Robinson, Ada, and Hillsboro. The results reveal that FIS type models are well suited when handling highly (...)
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    The other's war: recognition and the violence of ethics.Tarik Kochi - 2009 - New York: Birkbeck Law Press.
    The Other's War is an intervention into a set of contemporary moral, political and legal debates over the legitimacy of war and terrorism within the context of the so-called global War on Terror. Tarik Kochi considers how, despite the variety of its approaches âe" just war theory, classical realist, post-Kantian, poststructuralist âe" contemporary ethical, political and legal philosophy still struggles to produce a convincing account of war. Focusing on the philosophical problem of the rightness of war, The Other's War (...)
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  3.  67
    Authoritarian Populism, Democracy and the Long Counter-Revolution of the Radical Right.Tarik Kochi - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (4):439-459.
    Jan-Werner Müller’s analysis of ‘authoritarian populism’ represents a highly limited approach to the issue that is typical of many mainstream approaches within populism studies and liberal-democratic constitutional theory. Through a critique of Müller, the article develops an account of the historical emergence of authoritarian populism as a ‘long counter-revolution of the radical right’ against the values and institutions of the social-democratic welfare state. Focussing on the USA and UK, the article shows how, rather than being a novel phenomenon emerging from (...)
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  4.  39
    A estrutura da autoconsciência na filosofia da mente de John Searle.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (2):428-452.
    A tese defendida no presente artigo é que a autoconsciência, na visão de Searle é uma caraterística do campo unificado de consciência. Após uma discussão de três distinções a respeito da consciência propostas por Rosenthal, é discutido o conceito de consciência de Searle – como um fenômeno qualitativo, subjetivo e unificado – e o caráter holístico desse conceito. A discussão que Searle faz dos conceitos de autoconsciência e de introspecção mostra que ele acredita que uma autoconsciência implícita é uma característica (...)
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  5.  50
    É incoerente a concepÇÃo de searle sobre a consciÊncia?Tárik Prata - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (2):553-574.
    O artigo investiga a frequente alegação na literatura filosófica de que a concepção de Searle sobre a redução da consciência é incoerente. Após um exame das teses básicas de sua teoria da mente , é discutida sua posição a respeito da identidade entre a consciência e a atividade cerebral . Da adesão de Searle a uma tese da identidade de ocorrências deve-se concluir que não há contradição entre esta tese e a irredutibilidade ontológica que ele defende. Porém, é possível deduzir (...)
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    Aesthetic experience and performing arts in the Arab region: towards an audience-centred perspective.Tarik Sabry Media & London Digital Industries - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-13.
    In this article, I engage with aesthetic experience as a central hermeneutic endeavour for theorising performing arts audiences in the Arab region. I argue that a critical engagement with Arab performing arts audiences’ aesthetic experiences necessitates both an archaeological manoeuver and a re-articulation of two keywords: ‘experience’ and ‘everyday’. The article advances, using evidence from research, that allowing the audiences of performing arts in the Arab region to speak may be a step towards democratising the triangular meaning making process among (...)
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    O Problema da Forma Aspectual Na Concepção de Searle Sobre o Inconsciente.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2022 - Dissertatio 55:65-89.
    O artigo examina o papel do conceito de ‘forma aspectual’ – o fato de toda representação representar seu objeto sob certos aspectos, e não outros – na argumentação de Searle para sustentar uma teoria disposicional do inconsciente. Após uma discussão dos argumentos de Searle para a conexão entre a intencionalidade inconsciente e a consciência (seção 2), são discutidas as razões para aceitar que a forma aspectual tem existência objetiva (seção 3) e o modo como a causação mental inconsciente exige a (...)
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  8.  24
    Consciência, subjetividade e o problema do inconsciente na filosofia da mente de John Searle.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2020 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 1 (1):6-26.
    Resumo: John R. Searle articulou uma filosofia da mente de acordo com a qual a consciência é o mais importante dos fenômenos mentais, sendo essencialmente caracterizada por uma subjetividade de seu modo de existência. O problema é que a existência de fenômenos mentais inconscientes coloca essa concepção em dificuldades, pois fenômenos inconscientes existem sem serem vivenciados, ou seja, existem de forma objetiva. Para escapar desse problema, Searle propõe uma teoria disposicional do inconsciente, mas a tese do presente trabalho é que, (...)
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  9.  12
    Irredutibilidade Ontológica da Consciência e Dualismo de Propriedades No Naturalismo Biológico de John Searle.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2023 - Endoxa 51.
    O artigo defende a tese de que a irredutibilidade ontológica que Searle atribui à consciência envolve o naturalismo biológico (proposto por ele como uma solução para a parte conceitual do problema mente-corpo) em diversas incoerências, especialmente no que diz respeito ao tema da causação mental. Após uma apresentação das teses básicas da teoria (seção 2), são discutidos os problemas que a tese da irredutibilidade ontológica gera para a visão de Searle sobre a causação mental (seção 3), e as incoerências decorrentes (...)
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    (1 other version)Treći ideal.Tarik Haverić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):417-426.
    Od tri velika ideala modernog demokratskog doba, bratstvo je vrlo brzo zasjenjeno drugim dvjema vrijednostima, slobodom i jednakošću. Suvremena politička teorija je skoro jednoglasno zamijenila i sam pojam bratstva pojmom solidarnosti ili društvene pravednosti: u svojoj Teoriji pravednosti, John Rawls izričito izjednačuje bratstvo s »načelom razlike« koje legitimira mehanizme distributivne pravednosti. Ipak, pogrešno prevodeći francusko fraternité kao community, neke angloamerički autori uvode treći republikanski ideal u okoštalu debatu liberala i komunitarijanaca: tamo gdje fraternité shvaćena kao solidarnost omogućuje suopstojnost slobode i (...)
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  11.  40
    Conflicting Lineages of International Law: Cicero, Hugo Grotius and Adam Smith on Global Property Relations.Tarik Kochi - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (2):257-286.
    This essay presents an interpretation of the juridical thought of Cicero, Hugo Grotius and Adam Smith. Focussing upon questions of property, capital accumulation and violence, the essay traces a tension within their writings between a social ethic of human fellowship and compassion, and, a theory of the utility of ‘unsocial’ commercial self-interest. This tension forms a key problem for the tradition of liberal international law. For Grotius and Smith one response to this tension is to attempt to reign in capitalist (...)
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  12. É o naturalismo biológico uma concepção fisicalista?Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (2):255-276. O artigo investiga se o naturalismo biológico (a solução de John Searle para o problema mente-corpo) pode ser considerado uma concepção fisicalista acerca da mente. Apesar de defender um fisicalismo a respeito dos particulares (seção 2), Searle adere ao argumento básico dos dualistas para a irredutibilidade das propriedades mentais (seção 3), e não consegue fundamentar sua alegação de que tal irredutibilidade é compatível com o fisicalismo (seção 4). Desse modo, sua teoria da mente se revela como um dualismo de (...)
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  13.  66
    Subjetividade ontológica na filosofia da mente de John Searle.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2007 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 12 (2).
    This paper contains an analysis of a famous criticism from John Searle on materialist tradition. This tradition uses to ignore or even refuse the subjectivity of mental phenomena. This paper examines Searle’s strategy to defend this subjectivity, refusing the essential character of behavior to the mental aspect (section II), distinguishing subjective and objective in epistemic and ontological senses (section III) and showing his solution to the problem of other minds (section IV). However, his attempt to obtain an indirect access to (...)
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    Oscilações entre o reducionismo e o fisicalismo não-redutivo no naturalismo biológico de John Searle.Tárik de Athayde Prata & Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (2):195-218.
    O artigo examina a concepção de Searle sobre a redução da consciência (em especial a sua teoria acerca de seus poderes causais), que se mostra obscura e incoerente. Porém, essa incoerência não é inevitável, pois o naturalismo biológico possui elementos que permitiriam a articulação de uma teoria mais clara a respeito das capacidades causais. O exame da teoria de Pereboom e Kornblith possibilita entender por que a afirmação de identidade das capacidades causais leva a um reducionismo. Essa teoria aponta um (...)
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  15. Dificuldades da concepção de John Searle sobre a redução da consciência: o problema das capacidades causais.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):05-29.
    O artigo investiga a concepçáo de reduçáo de Searle no que se refere à compatibilidade entre redutibilidade causal e simultânea irredutibilidade ontológica da consciência à atividade cerebral. A reduçáo causal da consciência – a explanabilidade causal de suas características por processos cerebrais e a identidade de suas capacidades causais (seçáo 2) – é incompatível com a irredutibilidade ontológica (seçáo 3), porque a diferença ontológica entre características subjetivas e objetivas torna a identidade das capacidades causais incompreensível (seçáo 4). O principal problema (...)
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  16.  20
    Um argumento contra a tese da subjetividade ontológica da consciência no naturalismo biológico de John Searle.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (3):303-311.
    John Searle claims that consciousness is ontologically subjective, since conscious mental phenomena only exist as long as they are experienced. Therefore, mental phenomena are essentially conscious, insofar as their mental character depends on their connection with consciousness. However, to align the acceptance of unconscious mental phenomena with his Cartesian view of consciousness, Searle defends adispositional account of the unconscious. The problem is that some cases of unconscious mental causation require that certain decisive mental properties exist in an occurrent way, and (...)
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  17. A consciência como uma percepção do mental e o estatuto dos fenômenos mentais inconscientes na perspectiva de David Armstrong.Tárik de Athayde Prata - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):199-220.
    O artigo examina a teoria de David Armstrong sobre a consciência e sua concepção do inconsciente. Após uma discussão do caráter anti-cartesiano dessa teoria, são discutidas as noções de consciência mínima e consciência perceptiva, bem como o conceito de consciência introspectiva, que é o mais importante para Armstrong. A conclusão é que, apesar do valor explicativo dos seus conceitos de consciência, Armstrong defende uma perspectiva insatisfatória a respeito do inconsciente, pois essa perspectiva não dá conta da real influência do inconsciente (...)
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    A teoria disposicional de Searle sobre os fenômenos inconscientes e o problema da eficácia causal.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (19):11.
    Searle defende a perspectiva – historicamente associada a Descartes – segundo a qual a consciência é a essência da mente. Isso gera complicações para que ele possa explicar a existência de fenômenos mentais inconscientes – existência que o próprio Searle aceita. Sua estratégia para conciliar a essencialidade da consciência com a existência de fenômenos mentais inconscientes é recorrer a uma teoria disposicional: estados inconscientes existem na forma de disposições para a causação de estados conscientes. O presente artigo se concentra em (...)
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    Role of Social Commerce Constructs and Social Presence as Moderator on Consumers' Buying Intentions During COVID-19.Rao Muhammad Rashid, Abdul Hameed Pitafi, Muhammad Asif Qureshi & Anshuman Sharma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social interactions through social commerce platforms empower consumers to share their personal experiences with others, but its role becomes more significant for societal protection during COVID-19. Numerous scholars have studied e-commerce extensively, but there is a lack of studies to identify social commerce characteristics to attract potential consumers during COVID-19. This study aims to examine the role of social commerce constructs by integrating social presence as a moderator in the model to explain consumers online shopping intentions in a Pakistani context, (...)
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  20. The Effect of Culture and Religiosity on Business Ethics: A Cross-cultural Comparison.Md Zabid Rashid & Saidatul Ibrahim - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (4):907-917.
    This article examined the effect of culture and religiosity on perceptions of business ethics among students in a tertiary institution in Malaysia. A structured questionnaire was developed with scenarios on various aspects of business ethics, and self-administered to the students in the business studies program. The results from 767 respondents showed that there were significant differences among the Malays, Chinese, and Indian students on seven scenarios namely selling hazardous products, misleading instructions, selling defective products, padding expense account, taking sick to (...)
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  21.  42
    Revisiting Agency Theory: Evidence of Board Independence and Agency Cost from Bangladesh.Afzalur Rashid - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):181-198.
    This study examines the influence of board independence on firm agency cost among listed firms in Bangladesh, which feature concentrated ownership and high insider representation on corporate boards. This study uses three measures of agency cost: the ‘expense ratio’, the ‘Q-free cash flow interaction’ and the ‘asset utilization ratio’. The finding of the study is that board independence can reduce the firm agency cost only under ‘asset utilization ratio’ measure of agency cost. These findings are robust to several robustness tests. (...)
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  22.  31
    Protecting victim and witness statement: examining the effectiveness of a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence and a cognitive interview.Rashid Minhas, Camilla Elphick & Julia Shaw - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):265-281.
    Information of high evidentiary quality plays a crucial role in forensic investigations. Research shows that information provided by witnesses and victims often provide major leads to an inquiry. As such, statements should be obtained in the shortest possible time following an incident. However, this is not achieved in many incidents due to demands on resources. This intersectional study examined the effectiveness of a chatbot (the AICI), that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and a cognitive interview (CI) to help record statements following (...)
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  23.  17
    Training STEM Ph.D. Students to Deal with Moral Dilemmas.Rafi Rashid - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1861-1872.
    Research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields has become much more complex in the twenty-first century. As a result, the students of our Graduate School, who are all Ph.D. candidates, need to be trained in essential skills and processes that are crucial for success in academia and beyond. Some research problems are inherently complex in that they raise deep moral dilemmas, such as antimicrobial resistance, sustainability, dual-use research of concern, and human cloning. Dealing with moral dilemmas is one of (...)
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  24.  43
    Angles et grandeur: d'Euclide à Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī.Rushdī Rāshid - 2015 - ISSN.
    From Antiquity until recently, philosophers and mathematicians have continually discussed the concept of angle and its relation to archimedean and non-archimedean theories of measurement. For the first time, this book traces the history of these discussions in Greek and Arabic, from Euclid to Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī, after whom the discussion was not resumed until Newton and Euler. The volume presents first editions of over twenty texts, either in Arabic or Greek and translated into Arabic, of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers (...)
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  25.  29
    Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the ethics in medical research among Moroccan interns and resident physicians.Karima El Rhazi, Tarik Sqalli Houssaini, Mohammed Faouzi Belahsen, Moustapha Hida, Nabil Tachfouti, Soumaya Benmaamar & Ibtissam El Harch - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundIn Morocco, medical research ethics training was integrated into the medical curriculum during the 2015 reform. In the same year, a law on medical research ethics was enacted to protect individuals participating in medical research. These improvements, whether in the reform or in the enactment of the law, could positively impact the knowledge of these researchers and, consequently, their attitudes and practices regarding medical research ethics. The main objective of this work is to assess Moroccan physicians’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices (...)
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  26. The influence of psychosocial adjustment factors on team embeddedness at the workplace.Rashid Shar Baloch - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (3):312-328.
    The high prevalence of aggression, anxiety and stress symptoms among team members in the organisation, while acquisition of task is alarming causation of adjustment disorder influences on team embeddedness, is the subject of this study. The ontogenesis of psychosocial adjustment disorder in any employees is not palingenetic, this is exact reproduction of psychosocial factors (PSF) which develops at workplace The most important strategy for productivity improvement is based on the fact that human productivity, both positive and negative, is determined by (...)
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  27. Lifting the veil: a typological survey of the methodological features of Islamic ethical reasoning on biomedical issues.Khalil Abdur-Rashid, Steven Woodward Furber & Taha Abdul-Basser - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (2):81-93.
    We survey the meta-ethical tools and institutional processes that traditional Islamic ethicists apply when deliberating on bioethical issues. We present a typology of these methodological elements, giving particular attention to the meta-ethical techniques and devices that traditional Islamic ethicists employ in the absence of decisive or univocal authoritative texts or in the absence of established transmitted cases. In describing how traditional Islamic ethicists work, we demonstrate that these experts possess a variety of discursive tools. We find that the ethical responsa—i.e., (...)
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  28.  7
    Wisconsin's Rustic Roads: A Road Less Travelled.Bob Rashid, Ben Logan, George Vukelich, Jean Feraca, Norbert Blei & Bill Stokes - 1995 - Home Brew Press.
    Part guide and part spiritual journey, this visually stunning book celebrates America's statewide system of historic back country roads. It takes armchair travelers on a richly illustrated journey thorough the most beautiful landscapes of one of the nation's most geographically diverse states, and serves as a guide for those who decide to embark on an actual trip over these charming lanes. The project began when photographer Bob Rashid undertook a two year odyssey to preserve the remarkable sights along the (...)
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  29. Adam Smith and neo-plagiarism: a reply.Salim Rashid - 1992 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 10 (2):81-87.
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    How bacteria initiate DNA replication comes into focus.Fahad Rashid & James M. Berger - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2400151.
    The ability to initiate DNA replication is a critical step in the proliferation of all organisms. In bacteria, this process is mediated by an ATP‐dependent replication initiator protein, DnaA, which recognizes and melts replication origin (oriC) elements. Despite decades of biochemical and structural work, a mechanistic understanding of how DnaA recognizes and unwinds oriC has remained enigmatic. A recent study by Pelliciari et al. provides important new structural insights into how DnaA from Bacillus subtilis recognizes and processes its cognate oriC, (...)
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    Uma objeção à concepção disposicional dos fenômenos mentais inconscientes.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (3):507-526.
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    Características E dificuldades do naturalismo biológico de John Searle.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2009 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 14 (1):141-173.
    The paper aims at giving a general exposition of John Searle’s solution of the mind-body problem – biological naturalism – and examines its fundamental theses, and some of its consequences. The exam of such theses – which delineates the characteristics of Searle's theory – shows that the theory has three main difficulties, since it holds some assertions which at first sight seem to be incompatible.
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  33.  20
    Consciência e fenômenos mentais inconscientes: as visões de David Armstrong e John Searle.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2020 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 25 (1).
    O artigo examina as concepções de consciência, bem como as concepções de fenômenos mentais inconscientes, de David Armstrong e John Searle. Enquanto Armstrong entende a consciência como decorrente de uma percepção de segunda ordem, de modo que um fenômeno inconsciente é apenas um fenômeno mental que não é percebido, Searle entende a consciência como um estado global, o que torna sua visão do inconsciente mais complicada. Estados mentais inconscientes não passam de padrões de atividade neuronal, padrões que são capazes de (...)
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  34.  18
    O que há de reducionismo no naturalismo biológico de Searle?Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (42):875.
    O artigo tem como objetivo geral determinar se o naturalismo biológico é uma forma de fisicalismo ou de dualismo. Após uma exposição das semelhanças da teoria com o fisicalismo reducionista, é examinada a visão de Searle sobre a redução causal, e discutida uma maneira como sua concepção acerca das capacidades causais da consciência e do cérebro pode ser reformulada para não comprometê-lo com o reducionismo.
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    Teoria disposicional de Searle e o problema da causação mental inconsciente.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (61):75-96.
    Exatamente como Descartes, Searle concebe a consciência como essencial aos fenômenos mentais. Para compatibilizar essa concepção cartesiana da consciência com a aceitação da existência do inconsciente, ele defende uma teoria disposicional: estados inconscientes existem como disposições para a produção de estados conscientes. Entretanto, seu argumento para a conexão entre o mental e a consciência se baseia na tese de que a forma aspectual não existe em fenômenos objetivos, o que é incompatível com a causação mental inconsciente. Para ser causalmente eficaz, (...)
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    Director independence and performance of listed companies: evidence from Malaysia.Rashid Ameer, Anuar Nawawi & Fairuz Ramli - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (4):280-300.
    This paper investigates the relationship between director independence and firm performance, as well as ownership of firms and firm performance in Malaysia. We find that independent outside directors and foreign directors have a significant positive effect on firm performance after controlling for the influence of other corporate governance variables such as firm ownership and board sizes. The study demonstrates that when a critical mass of outside directors' independence is achieved, this has a significant economic impact on the firm performance. The (...)
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    Artificial Immune System–Negative Selection Classification Algorithm (NSCA) for Four Class Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals.Nasir Rashid, Javaid Iqbal, Fahad Mahmood, Anam Abid, Umar S. Khan & Mohsin I. Tiwana - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:424534.
    Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) are intelligent algorithms derived on the principles inspired by human immune system. In this research work, electroencephalography (EEG) signals for four distinct motor movement of human limbs are detected and classified using Negative Selection Classification Algorithm (NSCA). For this study, a widely studied open source EEG signal database (BCI IV - Graz dataset 2a, comprising 9 subjects) has been used. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) are extracted as selected feature from recorded EEG signals. Dimensionality reduction of (...)
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    “If I get deported back to iraq…I will be dead”.Amir Rashid - unknown
    for income tax evasion, but it cannot be defended for pursuing otherwise innocent people. The man responsible for bringing these four cases, Roanoke U.S. Attorney John Brownlee, has defended his actions (Rocktown Weekly, April 27-May 3, 2006, p. 11): “We have to properly track money going overseas so it’s not going to the wrong places.” But, this could be done without this law. Even though 12 agencies investigated these money transfers, led by the FBI, none charged that any went to (...)
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  39.  23
    Karl Marx’s Philosophy and Its Relevance Today.Haroon Rashid - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:15-42.
    How do we see the world? What is the way of looking at the world? In other words, how do we explain the problems of our life and the world we live in? This is what philosophy does, i.e., philosophy is a way of explaining life and the world. More precisely, philosophy is an outlook of the fundamental problems of life and the world. A philosopher starts his thinking with the exercise of rationality. He makes a rational investigation of the (...)
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    Managerial Ownership and Agency Cost: Evidence from Bangladesh.Afzalur Rashid - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):609-621.
    This study examines the influence of managerial ownership on firm agency costs among listed firms in Bangladesh. This is an institutional setting that features a mixture of agency costs. This institutional setting has a concentration of ownership by managers, but the firms are not solely owned by managers. The extant literature suggests that the sacrifice of wealth by the principal and potential costs associated with monitoring the agents is known as the agency cost. This study uses three measures of agency (...)
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    Making Sense of Marxian Concept of Justice.Haroon Rashid - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (4):445-469.
    The purpose of this paper is to make sense of Marx's own view about justice in the light of the controversy between classical Marxism and normative Marxism. Normative Marxism claims that Marx's condemnation of capitalist exploitation and his conception of communism entertain a principle of justice, while classical Marxism does not allow any such principle in Marx's thought. However, I argue that although Marx uses normative terms, he does not provide any specific theory of justice. Marx's condemnation of capitalism is (...)
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    Nonlinear dynamics of the media addiction model using the fractal-fractional derivative technique.Saima Rashid, Rehana Ashraf & Ebenezer Bonyah - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    Excessive use of social media is a developing concern in the twenty-first century. This issue needs to be addressed before it has any more significant consequences than what we are currently experiencing. As a preventive technique, advertisements and awareness-raising campaigns about the detrimental impact of digital technologies are used. The application of novel mathematical techniques and terminologies in this field of study will have significant potential to enhance healthy living by preventing certain ailments. This is the most compelling justification for (...)
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    Novel Numerical Estimates of the Pneumonia and Meningitis Epidemic Model via the Nonsingular Kernel with Optimal Analysis.Saima Rashid, Bushra Kanwal, Abdulaziz Garba Ahmad, Ebenezer Bonyah & S. K. Elagan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-25.
    In this article, we investigated a deterministic model of pneumonia-meningitis coinfection. Employing the Atangana–Baleanu fractional derivative operator in the Caputo framework, we analyze a seven-component approach based on ordinary differential equations. Furthermore, the invariant domain, disease-free as well as endemic equilibria, and the validity of the model’s potential results are all investigated. According to controller design evaluation and modelling, the modulation technique devised is effective in diminishing the proportion of incidences in various compartments. A fundamental reproducing value is generated by (...)
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    Topic continuation strategies employed by teachers in managing supportive conversations on Facebook Timeline.Radzuwan Ab Rashid - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (2):188-203.
    This article is part of a larger study on teachers’ co-construction of social support on a social networking site. The aim of this article is to elucidate how a topic introduced in the Facebook Status updates are negotiated with/by Friends through the Comment function. Adopting discourse topic management as its theoretical framework, the article presents the findings related to topical action of continuing topic observed in the Comments on Timelines, which reflects the strong presence of support on the site in (...)
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    The Effect of the Needham and Cosgrove – Osborne Model on Acquiring the Concepts of the Fundamentals of Education among Students of the College of Education.Muhannad Majeed Rashid & Maysa Abdul Hamza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:225-236.
    The research seeks to ascertain the influence of the Needham and Cosgrove-Osborne models on the comprehension of educational foundations among students at the Faculty of Education. Employing a partially controlled experimental design, the researcher randomly selected a control group from Division C, with Division A representing the first experimental group and Division B the second. The study involved 92 participants, with 30 students in each experimental group and 32 in the control group. To ensure statistical equivalence among the three groups, (...)
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  46.  24
    When the future meets the past: Can safety and cyber security coexist in modern critical infrastructures?Awais Rashid, Sveta Milyaeva & Ola Michalec - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Big data technologies are entering the world of ageing computer systems running critical infrastructures. These innovations promise to afford rapid Internet connectivity, remote operations or predictive maintenance. As legacy critical infrastructures were traditionally disconnected from the Internet, the prospect of their modernisation necessitates an inquiry into cyber security and how it intersects with traditional engineering requirements like safety, reliability or resilience. Looking at how the adoption of big data technologies in critical infrastructures shapes understandings of risk management, we focus on (...)
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  47.  44
    John von Neumann and Scientific Method.Salim Rashid - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (3):501-527.
    This paper interprets John von Neumann's views on the proper role of mathematics in science, with attention to its implications for economics. The evolution of von Neumann's thought over his lifespan, an examination of which is greatly aided by some self-conscious appraisals of von Neumann himself, suggests that von Neumann ended by taking a very pragmatic approach to the use of mathematics. One can almost characterize it as an engineering approach to the philosophy of mathematics since von Neumann takes mathematics (...)
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    Underdetermination, Multiplicity, and Mathematical Logic.Salim Rashid - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (2).
    Whether a collection of scientific data can be explained only by a unique theory or whether such data can be equally explained by multiple theories is one of the more contested issues in the history and philosophy of science. This paper argues that the case for multiple explanations is strengthened by the widespread failure of models in mathematical logic to be unique, i.e., categorical. Science is taken to require replicable and explicit public knowledge; this necessitates an unambiguous language for its (...)
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    2024: A “nucleoid space” odyssey featuring H‐NS.Fatema-Zahra M. Rashid & Remus T. Dame - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400098.
    The three‐dimensional architecture of the bacterial chromosome is intertwined with genome processes such as transcription and replication. Conspicuously so, that the structure of the chromosome permits accurate prediction of active genome processes. Although appreciation of this interplay has developed rapidly in the past two decades, our understanding of this subject is still in its infancy, with research primarily focusing on how the process of transcription regulates and is regulated by chromosome structure. Here, we summarize the latest developments in the field (...)
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    Investigating Tree Family Machine Learning Techniques for a Predictive System to Unveil Software Defects.Rashid Naseem, Bilal Khan, Arshad Ahmad, Ahmad Almogren, Saima Jabeen, Bashir Hayat & Muhammad Arif Shah - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-21.
    Software defects prediction at the initial period of the software development life cycle remains a critical and important assignment. Defect prediction and correctness leads to the assurance of the quality of software systems and has remained integral to study in the previous years. The quick forecast of imperfect or defective modules in software development can serve the development squad to use the existing assets competently and effectively to provide remarkable software products in a given short timeline. Hitherto, several researchers have (...)
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