Results for 'Technological innovations Law and legislation.'

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  1.  7
    Konghak Pŏpche.Yŏng-nam Ko - 2008 - Chinwŏnsa. Edited by Ho-yŏl Song.
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    Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal.Janine Fleith de Medeiros, Gabriel Vidor & José Luís Duarte Ribeiro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):327-341.
    This study aims to map out the relationships that make up green innovation initiatives in Brazilian industry. The sample comprised 100 managers at manufacturing companies, most of them operating in the business of farm machinery and equipment and steel structures. To develop this study, Medeiros et al. study, mapping critical factors that drive the success of green product innovation and the paradigm of complexity, was used as a reference study. Based on the results, it was possible to identify that the (...)
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    Beyond disruption: technology's challenge to governance.George Pratt Shultz, Jim Hoagland & James Timbie (eds.) - 2018 - Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
    In Beyond Disruption: Technology's Challenge to Governance, experts from academia, media, government, and the military wrestle with understanding the nature of these technologies' threats to our societies and their great potential for our economies. In a series of vivid analyses and colorful commentary from a conference as Stanford University's Hoover Institution, the authors expand upon their first-hand interpretations of what's at stake for the global operating system in the midst of turbulent change. In the dynamic game of world order, it's (...)
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    Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal.José Ribeiro, Gabriel Vidor & Janine Medeiros - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):327-341.
    This study aims to map out the relationships that make up green innovation initiatives in Brazilian industry. The sample comprised 100 managers at manufacturing companies, most of them operating in the business of farm machinery and equipment and steel structures. To develop this study, Medeiros et al. study, mapping critical factors that drive the success of green product innovation and the paradigm of complexity, was used as a reference study. Based on the results, it was possible to identify that the (...)
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    Biodiritto 4.0: intelligenza artificiale e nuove tecnologie.Salvatore Amato - 2020 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
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  6. Sheng ming fa xue tan xi.Zhengmao Ni - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    The Legal Technology Guidebook.Kimberly Williams - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Vincent M. Catanzaro, John M. Facciola & Peter McCann.
    This book explores the transformational impact of new technological developments on legal practice. More specifically, it addresses knowledge management, communication, and e-discovery related technologies, and helps readers develop the project management and data analysis skills needed to effectively navigate the current, and future, landscapes. It studies the impact of current trends on business practices, as well as the ethical, procedural, and evidentiary concerns involved. Introducing novel interactive technologies as well as traditional content, the book reflects expertise from across the (...)
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    The Right to Break the Law? Perfect Enforcement of the Law Using Technology Impedes the Development of Legal Systems.Bart Custers - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (4):1-11.
    Technological developments increasingly enable monitoring and steering the behavior of individuals. Enforcement of the law by means of technology can be much more effective and pervasive than enforcement by humans, such as law enforcement officers. However, it can also bypass legislators and courts and minimize any room for civil disobedience. This significantly reduces the options to challenge legal rules. This, in turn, can impede the development of legal systems. In this paper, an analogy is made with evolutionary biology to (...)
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    Konghak pŏpche wa yulli.Tʻae-sik Yi - 2007 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa. Edited by sŏNg-Nyun Wi.
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    Ji yin ji shu fa yan jiu.Changqiu Liu - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she. Edited by Yingshuang Liu.
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  11. Investigative Poetics: In (night)-Light of Akilah Oliver.Feliz Molina - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):70-75.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 70-75. cartography of ghosts . . . And as a way to talk . . . of temporality the topography of imagination, this body whose dirty entry into the articulation of history as rapturous becoming & unbecoming, greeted with violence, i take permission to extend this grace —Akilah Oliver from “An Arriving Guard of Angels Thusly Coming To Greet” Our disappearance is already here. —Jacques Derrida, 117 I wrestled with death as a threshold, an aporia, a bandit, (...)
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  12. Fintech: Creative Innovation for Entrepreneurs.Youssef M. Abu Amuna, Samy S. Abu-Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Yasser A. Abu Mostafa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (3):8-15.
    The article studies the impact of Fintech on entrepreneurship in Arabic region by using Crowdfunding platforms as the field of study. The article focuses on Arabic Crowdfunding platforms. The population of (12) platforms consist of: individuals, entrepreneurs, investors, employees at Crowdfunding platforms. Descriptive and quantitative approach used in this article, and a questionnaire used as a tool to collect primary data. The results indicate an impact for Fintech on entrepreneurship in general and obvious obstacles to use it widely in Arabic (...)
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    International assisted reproductive technology.Stephen Page - 2024 - Chicago: American Bar Association, Family Law Section.
    A practical guide for fellow lawyers to navigate international ART law.
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    Moral Legislation behind a Veil of Ignorance: Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino (1607–67) on the Procedure of Natural Law.Rudolf Schuessler - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):193-213.
    Abstractabstract:Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino, SJ (1607–67), conceived a procedure for determining natural moral laws by voting under a veil of ignorance. Behind this veil, imagined possible people who are ignorant of their social position, personal characteristics, nation, and the historical period in which they live vote as equals. These possible people are asked to establish a moral law in pursuit of their own and collective happiness, which they are obligated by God to follow. This article discusses Pallavicino's innovative approach to natural (...)
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    Technologies of the law/ law as a technology.Mario Biagioli & Marius Buning - 2019 - History of Science 57 (1):3-17.
    Historians of science and technology and STS practitioners have always taken intellectual property very seriously but, with some notable exceptions, they have typically refrained from looking “into” it. There is mounting evidence, however, that they can open up the black box of IP as effectively as they have done for the technosciences, enriching their discipline while making significant contributions to legal studies. One approach is to look at the technologies through which patent law construes its object – the invention – (...)
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  16. Le transhumanisme à l'ère de la médecine améliorative.Amandine Cayol, Bénédicte Bévière-Boyer, Wei Wang & Émilie Gaillard (eds.) - 2024 - Le Kremlin-Bicêtre: Mare & Martin.
    S'appuyant sur des témoignages de professionnels de santé, cet ouvrage permet de mettre en exergue le glissement de la médecine du thérapeutique vers l'amélioration de l'Homme. Il a pour objectif d'engager des réflexions pluridisciplinaires et internationales sur les évolutions biologiques et technoscientifiques susceptibles de bouleverser la condition humaine. Il s'agit notamment de déterminer si la médecine améliorative doit être autorisée, limitée ou prohibée, l'enjeu étant de parvenir à préserver l'humanité de l'Homme."--Page 4 of cover.
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  17. The Impact of Digital Technology Innovation on Firm Performance: Based on the Corporate Digital Responsibility Perspective.Siwei Zhu, Kangjuan Lv & Yu Cheng - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    In the era of the digital economy, the important issue for enterprises is how to achieve optimal performance by balancing the development of digital technology and undertaking digital responsibility. Based on optimal distinctiveness theory, we explore how enterprises balance the tension between political strategy and competitive strategy from the perspective of corporate digital responsibility to achieve optimal firm performance. Observing data such as annual reports, patent application information, and operating conditions of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2009 to 2021 reveals (...)
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    Traités de Législation Civile Et Pénale (Classic Reprint).Jeremy Bentham & Etienne Dumont - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Traites de Legislation Civile Et PenaleMais ce n'est pas un panegyrique que je fais. Il faut bien avouer que le soin d'arranger et de polir a peu d' attraits pour le genie de l'auteur. Tant qu'il est pousse par une force creatrice, il ne sent que le plaisir de la composition. S'agit-il de donner des formes, de rediger, de finir, il n'en sent plus que la fatigue. Que l'ouvrage soit interrompu, le mal est irreparable: le charme disparait, le (...)
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    Future law: emerging technology, regulation and ethics.Lilian Edwards, Burkhard Schäfer & Edina Harbinja (eds.) - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    How can law ethically regulate a future of fast-changing technologies? From recent inventions to science fiction, Future Law explores how law, ethics and regulation must respond to new technologies that challenge the boundaries of our ethics.
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    Procréation et droits de l'enfant: actes des rencontres internationales organisées les 16, 17 et 18 septembre 2003 à Marseille par l'Observatoire international du droit de la bioéthique et de la médecine [sic].Gérard Teboul (ed.) - 2004 - Bruxelles: Nemesis.
    " Procréation et droits de l'enfant " : ce thème, caractérisé par un large éventail de problématiques, se situe au cœur d'un questionnement auquel les spécialistes de la natalité sont confrontés. Alors que, notamment, des techniques nouvelles viennent perturber nos approches traditionnelles de la procréation, il importe, sans renoncer aveuglément aux innovations de la science, de rester prudent devant des évolutions scientifiques qui pourraient mettre en périt notre Humanité. On trouvera, dans le présent ouvrage, des réflexions qui - émanant (...)
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    Responsible Innovation 1: Innovative Solutions for Global Issues.Neelke Doorn, Bert-Jaap Koops, Henny Romijn, Tsjalling Swierstra & Jeroen van den Hoven (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book addresses the methodological issues involved in responsible innovation and provides an overview of recent applications of multidisciplinary research. Responsible innovation involves research into the ethical and societal aspects of new technologies (e.g. ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology and brain sciences) and of changes in technological systems (e.g. energy, transport, agriculture and water). This research is highly multidisciplinary. It involves close collaboration between researchers in such diverse fields as ethics, social science, law, economics, applied science, engineering - as well as (...)
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    Quali regole per la bioetica?: scelte legislative e diritti fondamentali.Roberta Dameno - 2003 - Milano: Guerini studio.
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    Should Law Keep Pace With Technology? Law as Katechon.Vasilis Kostakis & Wolfgang Drechsler - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):128-132.
    It is a commonly held belief that the law is unable to keep up with the fierce technological development and innovation that denote our times. The current essay attempts to show that this characteristic of the law should not necessarily be considered a disadvantage. Using the Biblical concept of the katechon, we argue that the law fulfills a katechontic function vis-a-vis technological progress. That is to say, its retarding effect might create positive spillovers that open spaces for debate, (...)
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    Social implications of scientific-technological research in Senior Citizens' Neurosurgery.Liset María Frías Hernández, Anai Guerra Labrada & IIÁngela María Guillén Verano - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):137-153.
    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de valorar las implicaciones sociales de la investigación científico-tecnológica en Neurosicología del Adulto Mayor, mediante la caracterización del estado actual del proceso, los condicionantes que favorecen o impiden su desarrollo y los impactos sociales que genera. La investigación científico-tecnológica en esta área está condicionada por necesidades sociales propias del contexto actual. Se han identificado políticas, legislaciones e infraestructuras que la favorecen, aunque, existen algunas limitaciones. La producción tecnológica dirigida a la rehabilitación y (...)
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    Rethinking parenthood within assisted reproductive technology: The need for regulation in Nigeria.Olohikhuae O. Egbokhare & Simisola O. Akintola - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):578-584.
    In Nigeria, reproduction is highly valued, with many people desiring to produce a child ‘in their own image and likeness’. Previously, aspiring parents often resorted to adoption. Today, the availability of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has provided options other than adoption for those desiring to procreate. Through ARTs, aspirations for a family may be attained through an exchange of reproductive goods and services, and not necessarily through traditional heterosexual relationships. ARTs have altered the perception of parenthood as it exists in (...)
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    Technological innovation for the production of biologicals in the Medical University of Camagüey: example of university-society-enterprise relationship.Yadira Falcón Almeida & Casado Hernández - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):372-392.
    Este trabajo está dirigido a fundamentar cómo a través de un proceso de innovación tecnológica se establecieron relaciones entre la universidad, la sociedad y el sector empresarial. La introducción de los productos biológicos en los laboratorios de diagnóstico médico y su impacto en los servicios fue el elemento fundamental que identificó la relación universidad-sociedad, mientras que la transferencia tecnológica de la obtención de biológicos a la unidad productora y comercializadora articuló a la academia con el mundo empresarial. Los modelos seguidos (...)
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  27. Technological Innovation and Natural Law.Philip Woodward - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (2):138-156.
    I discuss three tiers of technological innovation: mild innovation, or the acceleration by technology of a human activity aimed at a good; moderate innovation, or the obviation by technology of an activity aimed at a good; and radical innovation, or the altering by technology of the human condition so as to change what counts as a good. I argue that it is impossible to morally assess proposed innovations within any of these three tiers unless we rehabilitate a natural-law (...)
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    How Technological Innovation Influences Environmental Pollution: Evidence from China.Duan Xin, Zhang Zhi Sheng & Sun Jiahui - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    Technological innovation has an important impact on environmental pollution. In this paper, first, we analyze the influence mechanism of technological innovation on environmental pollution and then design the index system of technological innovation. Then, we use the entropy method to calculate the technological innovation level of different regions in China based on provincial panel data from 2004 to 2016. Finally, the panel vector autoregression model is adopted, and taking the discharge of sewage, solid waste, and exhaust (...)
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  29. Types of Technological Innovation in the Face of Uncertainty.Daniele Chiffi, Stefano Moroni & Luca Zanetti - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (4):1-17.
    Technological innovation is almost always investigated from an economic perspective; with few exceptions, the specific technological and social nature of innovation is often ignored. We argue that a novel way to characterise and make sense of different types of technological innovation is to start considering uncertainty. This seems plausible since technological development and innovation almost always occur under conditions of uncertainty. We rely on the distinction between, on the one hand, uncertainty that can be quantified (e.g. (...)
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    Technological Innovation in a Rural Intentional Community, 1971-1987.Albert Bates - 1988 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 8 (2):183-199.
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    Les sections des Chambres législatives.Claude Courtoy - 1976 - Res Publica 18 (2):131-154.
    In 1974, the belgian House of representatives as well as the Senate have decided to bring about some deep changes in their respective rules of procedure. These changes, worked-out within the rank and file of theresearch centres of the three principal political forces, are based on the specialization which is naturally met within an assembly. The Senate and the House of representatives, while respecting the proportional representation of the groups, got divided respectively into four and six sections destined to discuss (...)
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    Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process Darwinnovation!Tim Lewens - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1):195-203.
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    Переосмислення морально-етичних та інформаційних аспектів життя соціуму у філософському дослідженні інституту інтелектуальної власності.Stovpets Oleksandr - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):120-127.
    The article analyzes four areas of social life - the so-called "information power", public morality, public information and mass-media information. It's argued that they have become closely related in the information-dependent society. Understanding of their cross correlations and mutual determinations, as well as interconnections of those categories, is an important matter on the way of Intellectual Property philosophic research, believing the IP is one of the fundamental social institutions of our time. Regarding the abovementioned, the purpose of this research paper (...)
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    A golden opportunity for South Africa to legislate on human heritable genome editing.D. W. Thaldar - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (3):91-94.
    Background. South Africa (SA) currently has a golden opportunity to legislate on human heritable genome editing (HHGE), as the country is revising its assisted reproductive technology regulations. A set of sub-regulations that deals with HHGE, which could seamlessly slot into the current regulations, has already been developed. The principles underlying the proposed set of sub-regulations are as follows: HHGE should be regulated to improve the lives of the people and should not be banned; the well-established standard of safety and efficacy (...)
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    (1 other version)Education Technology: Innovations.Frank B. Withrow - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (2):319-320.
    “We raised the power of reason, the power of manipulating words, above all other faculties. The written word became our god. We forgot that before words there were actions … that there have always been things beyond words. We forgot that spoken words preceded the written one. We forgot that written form of our letters came from ideographic pictures … that standing behind every letter is an image like an ancient ghost. The image stands for natural movements of the body (...)
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    Developments in IVF legislation in a Catholic Country.Pierre Mallia - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):385-390.
    Some time ago an article was published in this journal relating the difficulties of legislating for InVitro Fertilization in a Catholic country and the issues and side issues which had to be faced. Since then one has approached closer to having a law which regulates this technology. However several issues continue to challenge the country. The main concern, other than IVF not being a natural method of having children is the status of the embryo. The normative values of the country (...)
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    New Technologies in International Arbitration: A Game-Changer in Dispute Resolution?Magdalena Łągiewska - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (3):851-864.
    International dispute resolution in general and international arbitration, in particular, is highly affected by the emergence and fast development of innovation-driven technologies. On the one hand, such technologies are cost and time-effective. To name a few, they allow online filing of a case, collecting of e-evidence and remote hearings, among others. On the other hand, they also may lead to some challenges that need to be addressed. The primary concerns comprise e-arbitration agreements and e-awards, as well as cybersecurity and data (...)
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    Technological Innovation in The Exploration of 5.0 Education Based Self Esteem-Exceed Model on Gifted Intelligent Students. [REVIEW]Rini Sugiarti, Erwin Erlangga & Agusta Praba Ristadi Pinem - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1214-1226.
    To be able to achieve success in their life, gifted intelligent students do not only need to optimize their cognitive function, but also to manage their self esteem. There have been many cases where students with high intellectual capacity failed in their life and work. This study aims to integrate technological innovation with the exploration of 5.0 educational based self esteem model or Exploration of Self Esteem Model (Exseed) in order to strengthen the character of gifted intelligent students. 5.0 (...)
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    A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research.Jens Lemanski, Alina Gregori & Consortium Vicom - 2023 - In Vincent G. Duffy, HCII 2023: Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Springer. pp. 402–438.
    Multimodal communication research focuses on how different means of signalling coordinate to communicate effectively. This line of research is traditionally influenced by fields such as cognitive and neuroscience, human-computer interaction, and linguistics. With new technologies becoming available in fields such as natural language processing and computer vision, the field can increasingly avail itself of new ways of analyzing and understanding multimodal communication. As a result, there is a general hope that multimodal research may be at the “precipice of greatness” due (...)
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    E-health beyond technology: analyzing the paradigm shift that lies beneath.Tania Moerenhout, Ignaas Devisch & Gustaaf C. Cornelis - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):31-41.
    Information and computer technology has come to play an increasingly important role in medicine, to the extent that e-health has been described as a disruptive innovation or revolution in healthcare. The attention is very much focused on the technology itself, and advances that have been made in genetics and biology. This leads to the question: What is changing in medicine today concerning e-health? To what degree could these changes be characterized as a ‘revolution’? We will apply the work of Thomas (...)
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    Reconsidering Genetic Antidiscrimination Legislation.Jon Beckwith & Joseph S. Alper - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (3):205-210.
    Until approximately twenty years ago, advances in the study of human genetics had little influence on the practice of medicine. In the 1980s, this changed dramatically with the mapping of the altered genes that cause cystic fibrosis and Huntington disease. In just a few years, these discoveries led to DNA-based tests that enabled clinicians to determine whether prospective parents were carriers of CF or whether an individual carried the Huntington gene and, as a result, would almost certainly develop the disease.Observers (...)
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    Putting Public Awareness of Technology Issues On the Legislative Agenda.Robert Jacobson - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):344-346.
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    Blunting EU Regulation 1107/2009: following a regulation into a system of agricultural innovation.Sophie Payne-Gifford, C. S. Srinivasan & Peter Dorward - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):221-241.
    This paper explores the role of regulation and legislation on influencing the development and diffusion of technologies and methods of crop production. To do this, the change in pesticide registration under European Regulation 1107/2009 ‘Placing Plant Protection Products on the Market’ was followed through the UK’s agricultural system of innovation. Fieldwork included: a series of interviews conducted with scientists, agronomists and industry organisations; a programme of visiting agricultural events; as well as sending an electronic survey to British potato growers. The (...)
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    Emerging technologies: ethics, law, and governance.Gary Elvin Marchant & Wendell Wallach (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business.
    Emerging technologies present a challenging but fascinating set of ethical, legal and regulatory issues. The articles selected for this volume provide a broad overview of the most influential historical and current thinking in this area and show that existing frameworks are often inadequate to address new technologies - such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, synthetic biology and robotics - and innovative new models are needed. This collection brings together invaluable, innovative and often complementary approaches for overcoming the unique challenges of emerging technology (...)
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    Incremental Decision Making in Technological Innovation: What Role for Science?David Collingridge - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (2):141-162.
    An incrementalist view of the R&Dprocess is developed, according to which R&D consists of informed trial and error. One way of avoiding expensive mistakes is to avoid choices within the R&D program that are highly sensitive to a particular scientific claim, because a great deal of time and money may have been spent to no avail should the claim turn out to befalse. The incremental view of R&D therefore entails that no choice within any R&D program is sensitive to any (...)
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    Assisted Reproductive Technology in Spain: Considering Women's Interests.Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):228.
    It might come as a surprise to many that Spain, a country with a strong Catholic tradition that officially banned contraceptive technologies until 1978, has some of the most liberal regulations in assisted reproduction in the world. Law No. 35/1988 was one of the first and most detailed acts of legislation undertaken on the subject of assisted-conception procedures. Indeed, not only did the law permit research on nonviable embryos, it made assisted reproductive technologies available to any woman, whether married or (...)
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    Psychological Distance Impacts Subgroup Reciprocity in Technological Innovation Networks: The Mediating Role of Divisive Faultlines.Dongping Yu, Kaixin Deng, Xiangmao Gao & Yongsong Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As information flows at ever-increasing speeds across technological innovation networks, it is crucial to optimize reciprocity among partnering enterprises. However, the impact of psychological distance on subgroup reciprocity in such networks has not yet been investigated. To address this gap, the current study drew on theories of faultlines and cohesive subgroups to model the relationship between psychological distance and subgroup reciprocity within technological innovation networks. Our hypotheses were tested using data from 174 respondents working in Yunnan Province, China. (...)
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    Bunūk al-nuṭaf wa-al-ajinnah wa-tahdīd jins al-janīn: dirāsah muqāranah bayna al-fiqh al-Islāmī wa-al-qānūn al-waḍʻī.Faraj Muḥammad Muḥammad Sālim - 2017 - ʻAmmān, al-Urdun: al-Warrāq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Human reproductive technology; law and legislation; religious aspects; Islam.
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    Which Framework to Use? A Systematic Review of Ethical Frameworks for the Screening or Evaluation of Health Technology Innovations.Tijs Vandemeulebroucke, Yvonne Denier, Evelyne Mertens & Chris Gastmans - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (3):1-35.
    Innovations permeate healthcare settings on an ever-increasing scale. Health technology innovations impact our perceptions and experiences of health, care, disease, etc. Because of the fast pace these HTIs are being introduced in different healthcare settings, there is a growing societal consensus that these HTIs need to be governed by ethical reflection. This paper reports a systematic review of argument-based literature which focused on articles reporting on ethical frameworks to screen or evaluate HTIs. To do this a four step (...)
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  50. Strategies for Healthcare Disaster Management in the Context of Technology Innovation: the Case of Bulgaria.Radostin Vazov, R. Kanazireva, T. Grynko & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2024 - Medicni Perspektivi 29 (2):215-228.
    In Bulgaria, integrating technology and innovation is crucial for advancing sustainable healthcare disaster management, enhancing disaster response and recovery, and minimizing long-term environmental and social impacts. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of modern technological innovations on the effectiveness of disaster management in health care in Bulgaria with a focus on Health Information Systems (HIS), Telemedicine, Telehealth, e-Health, Electronic Health Records, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Public Communication Platforms, and Data Security and Privacy. These innovations, (...)
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